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8 Posts | 139 Comments | Active Since 2015
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I would not recommend Sevin for this purpose, because it is toxic, and you definitely shouldnt be breathing it (like you would when you were vacuuming it up). We treat our dog with Frontline every month. We dust the yard with sulphur using a spreader set on...


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Headache Cures?
When I get headaches they are usually from tension. I rub my shoulders and neck (up into the hairline) with BioFreeze, and drink a lot of water. They usually go away pretty quickly. Alternatively you can use an ice bag on the neck and back of the head for 10...


Crazy Hat Tea Party
This was a great idea and a great post! Thanks for the time you took and all the helpful details you gave!


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Pricked by a Bougainvillea?
Yes Michelle, I strongly encourage you to get to a physician or urgent care center. Its always better to be safe rather than sorry.


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Mallard Duck Laid Eggs?
People mistakenly think that keeping eggs warm is all that must be done for them - not true at all. The duck (or hen if youre talking about chickens) also regularly turns the eggs, and keeps them moist by pulling feathers from her breast so they have contact...


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Reusing Bed Skirts
Now see here, friends, you all have such terrific ideas! Im feeling all behind the mark because I thought I was being thrifty just dying thrift store bedskirts to the colors I needed for my bedrooms rather than buying them retail! I see now that I have a long...


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Use Bleach Once a Month to Keep Drains Clear
Clorox or any other cleaning product in large quantity will indeed wreck all of the breakdown processes in a septic tank---think very carefully before you pour that kind of stuff down your drains or toilets! A cheaper, faster, and safer way to deal with this...


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Halloween Baby Shower Ideas?
Surely this question is a jest. Surely someone (Lisa) is having fun at our expense (I hope!!)!


closeup of purse with silk flowers and necklace

Recycled Purse Decoration
Im sorry that happened to you Sandi. Maybe someone was having a very bad day? I dont do thumbs down unless something dangerous is suggested. Dont let it get you down - hope the rest of your week is better!


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Grocery Shopping Tips
I had read most of these tips a long time ago on another website, but its nice to have a refresher. I was shampooing my hair last night with the very last drops of the Suave shampoo in the bottle, and I got to thinking about the shampoo isle of our local Big...


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Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet?
I have very dear neighbors who run a dairy goat farm, and theyve saved many an animal with goats milk. Because of them weve been able to save quite a few ourselves, including a dog, dumped kittens, and runt bunnies. Its truly wonderful stuff!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Parvo Advice For Those Who Can't Go To The Vet?
***If you should decide to seek out goats milk and you are going to get it from a farm, PLEASE tell the farmer you are fighting Parvo. They will most certainly want to meet you somewhere, rather than risking importing it to their own place. Farmers work so...



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Document Everything Regarding Child Support
My mother did all of this, even to the extreme of writing down in a little notebook what was spent on each child individually for gifts at Christmas and birthdays and new clothing, etc... This information was very helpful during the several court battles they...


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14 Year Old Emo Party Suggestions
Suddenly I feel so old. I actually had to google emo to figure out what it meant. I thought it was some new derivative of vegetarianism. Im sorry for you, that you think you cant have fun with your folks around and want them to leave you alone. Hoping for brighter...


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Husband Sometimes Verbally Abusive?
As gently as I can - why do you not spend time with your husband? No he should NOT yell and call you names! There are two sides though,...and from what you wrote it seems like maybe you can see some responsibility on your part. There is a wonderful book that...


A pile of pot scrapers cut from recycled plastic.

Free Pot Scrapers
Great idea! Ive been quietly complaining to myself that my (ridiculously priced for what it is) pot scraper has gone missing. Now I know I have four of them, hiding cleverly in the form of an almost empty shampoo bottle in my bathroom! Have a good day!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Fudge Did Not Set Up?
If you cant fix it, use it as ice cream topping or pour over an unfrosted cake just before serving. It should keep just fine in a jar in the fridge for several weeks.


wax begonia in flower pot

Growing Wax/Fibrous Begonias In Winter
Gorgeous! Bravo! I saved money this spring by taking my front-porch planters into the greenhouse last fall. They looked awful all winter, but then this spring, I salvaged many things, pruned and re-potted in fresh soil, and added just a couple of newly purchased...


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Look For Credit Cards with No Fees
Great advice - paying off your credit-card bill (Dread-it card bill!) every month helps keep your credit rating good, and at our house it improves our sleep!


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De-Skunking Your Dog
Well he did it again last night! Same drill,...same results. This afternoon we can barely smell skunk on him. He should smell entirely like German Shepherd again in a couple of days!


Supplies for making baked taco salad shells.

Unexpected Weight Loss from Taco Salads
Thanks for posting this entry! What great happy accident discovery. I do think presentation and portion control have a lot of effect on a persons weight loss or gain. I live low-carb, (no sugar, very few starchy veggies, no white flour, etc.), but I could easily...


A chicken coop made from recycled materials.

Don't Waste Anything
Thank you so very much to everyone who voted!


A chicken coop made from recycled materials.

Don't Waste Anything
I thought some of you might like to see a photo of my happy little girls in their chick-run. Its working wonderfully - lets them out into the sun without my having to worry about foxes, hawks, or stray dogs. My daughter usually lets them out to roam the yard...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Tracing a Relative in Spain?
Have you contacted the police in the nearest location to where he was last seen? If he is a British citizen, have you contacted the British embassy there? What have you done so far? Knowing this might give someone on T.F. ideas about what to suggest next.



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When Should a Girl Start Shaving?
If your mother truly is a nun, then she must have a very compassionate heart,...and so she should understand when you calmly explain to her that it embarrasses you a great deal to spend time with your friends in public walking around with hairy legs. No compassionate...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

When Should a Girl Start Shaving?
After some more thought about your post, it occurs to me that you may be from a different culture than what Im used to here in North America? If so I think I understand your dilemma a little better, and perhaps it would be better if you asked one of your friends...


backyard garden

Neighbor's Chickens Eat My Vegetables?
Since it appears that you and your neighbor cant see eye to beak on this, here is my suggestion. There is a product out there called electrified poultry netting. You can plug it into household current, and its very portable. You can move it around and configure...


snake on red background

What Kind of Snake Is This?
Is it an Orangebellied Brown snake? ;-)) Sorry! Seriously, I think youd have to get a better photo of it to expect anyone to be able to identify it.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Mother Rabbit Harming Babies?
Rabbits are very skittery animals, regardless of how calm and composed they may look. An adult doe needs her own cage permanently, especially a first-time mother, and needs solitude and quiet to happily raise a litter. They should not be handled for at least...


two bunnies

Caring for a Pet Rabbit and Her Babies?
Our does typically start weaning their bunnies around 4 weeks and complete the process around six or seven weeks (the bunnies of course would like more!). If you feel supplemental feeding is needed you can do so with the following formula, which is of my own...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Mother Rabbit Harming Babies?
I mean this very respectfully, so I hope I dont give any offense. I have been raising rabbits for 10 years now, and have never read or heard anywhere that one should feed a rabbit any meat. Im not a vet, but Id be leery of feeding any of my animals raw pork...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Mother Rabbit Harming Babies?
Yes they do need more protein for sure. Thats why we supplement with Calf Manna pellets (about a tablespoon per day each), although if you cant find it in the smaller bags Id think cat kibbles would work too if they will eat them. Thanks. Ive learned something...


fuzzy white puppy with black on face and ears

What Breed Is My Puppy?
I dont have a clue, but that is one incredibly cute puppy!


montage photo

Puppy Pooping Inside at Night?
The answer for us has always been Crate Training. Get a large doggy crate, and put a comfy cushion in it. Start teaching pup to kennel-up at bed-time, rewarding with a small treat when they go into the crate. All of the dogs I know who have been trained this...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Name Ideas for an Interior Designing Firm?
What is your designing specialty or area of expertise? Do you have a set philosophy about designing? Are you looking to do homes, professional offices, etc? A little more information might get you a few suggestions.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Slogan Ideas for Dog Grooming Business?
Hi! Kudos to you for starting your own business! Im sorry, I dont have a slogan suggestion, but I did want to ask you, kindly and respectfully, if you are sure you want to name your business Doggy Groomers Choice? To me that kind-of sounds like you are going...



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Removing Fabric Dye That Transferred in the Wash?
Have you tried sending them through another wash with some bleach? I just got a load of socks and undies white again (had also been pink from a sweatshirt someone threw in without my knowing - grrr!) by using bleach. Dilute it well in the wash water before...


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Getting Rid of Smell in Mobile Home?
Im no expert, but it sounds to me like maybe mice have gotten into the wood and/or insulation, made nests, and possibly some of them have died in there. I have found that heat really amplifies smells--for example, I drive a carpool route with three other parents...


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Cat Peeing On Roommate's Belongings?
Move. The cat is not going to stop, and your roomie probably wont get rid of her. When we got married and my husband moved in with me, my female cat acted like she was over the moon with my husband, until we left for work. Then she used his stuff for a littler...


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18th Birthday Party Ideas?
Volunteer! Find some worthy local cause at your new location, whether it be an animal shelter, homeless shelter, soup kitchen, or even just go to the local nursing home and visit someone who also has no close family. The rewards are great - you make someone...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Leaving an Abusive Spouse?
Im very sorry for you. You and your children suffer needlessly because of an immature, lazy, controlling bully. He must go, A.S.A.P. Ignore his mother, she probably was an abuse victim herself (these things cycle through the generations). If, by some bizarre...


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?
Lozza, I hope your parents are not considering this idea seriously,...but if they are Im hoping you will reconsider it! Your folks surely would want you to have a good time with your friends,...but it is their responsibility to make sure this party stays wholesome...


A recipe book with a wooden spoon.

Teaching the Next Generation to be Thrifty
Your post is inspiring! I wish people would put as much time, effort, and thought into training their children as they put into their careers. Not just training them to behave nicely in public, or training them how to keep their rooms clean,...etc... But training...


Preventing Leg Ulcers with Shin Guards

Preventing Leg Ulcers with Shin Guards
Thank you so much for taking the time to share this - so many people could try this! Im going to suggest it to my neighbors. Definitely thumbs-up!


chorizo and eggs

Homemade Chorizo
Thanks Patty! Im so glad you liked it!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

16th Birthday Party Ideas?
While I cant fathom the idea of spending that much money on a party, I can see wanting to have all of your friends. I suggest a backyard B.B.Q. You can jazz things up nicely with home-made or store bought Tiki torches or those decorative light strings, light...


Sheets as Shade Cloth

Sheets as Shade Cloth
I wasnt really meaning to enter this tip in a contest I just wanted to share it. Do I need to tell someone? (b)Editors Note:(/b) We will make that change for you.


Sheets as Shade Cloth

Sheets as Shade Cloth
Thanks for the comments, and also for fixing my error.


Sheets as Shade Cloth

Sheets as Shade Cloth
Thanks A Trevino, I appreciate that!


Kitchen Paint Colour Advice

Kitchen Paint Colour Advice?
Its lovely - nice job!


potato plants growing in old white ice chest

Growing Yellow Potatoes In Ice Chest
Hi---love this idea! I am curious how it will go for you, as you seem to have them planted very close together. We usually plant (in our large-ish garden) roughly 14 inches apart. Could you please post an update later to let us know the results? I can see this...


potato plants growing in old white ice chest

Growing Yellow Potatoes In Ice Chest
Oh I do wish you luck! How I wish I had some soil like what you are describing! We have clay-based soil, heavy, with a lot of rocks. We have worked a lot with our soil, many amendments including composted turkey litter, rotted hay, rotted wood chips, goat manure...


potato plants growing in old white ice chest

Growing Yellow Potatoes In Ice Chest
Thats great Doug! If they look good on top most likely you are watering just right. Just a thought - do your coolers have drain spouts on the side at the bottom?


potato plants growing in old white ice chest

Growing Yellow Potatoes In Ice Chest
Going only by the results weve had with yellow potatoes (which I too think are fabulous!), Id say your experiment was truly a success! We dont even try to grow them any more in our garden, because the yield was so poor. Our best results have come growing several...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Reassuring a Frightened Puppy?
Talk to the puppy a lot, in a low and reassuring voice. Stroke slowly and gently, and brush the puppy very carefully, especially around the face. Never strike the puppy - they dont need to be taught with spankings. Make sure the puppy knows you are in charge...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Oak Tree Is Dripping Sap?
Something has attacked your tree and is drilling or eating (possibly very tiny) holes in it. If you care a lot about this tree you might want to think about consulting an arborist as soon as possible. It may need to be sprayed with something.


sketch of finished water bucket

Pet Drinking Buckets
I think this is a really good idea, and not just for dogs. Im not sure how well it would work for our home, because our dogs head is just too large to fit into the size hole you are indicating (scale of the drawing).


dandelion flowers on roadside

Nature's Beauty (Dandelions)
Mowers dont come often enough? Here in Missouri its once a summer... whether we need it or not. :-)


dandelion flowers on roadside

Nature's Beauty (Dandelions)
We dont get a lot of litter along the main roads here, and we have adoption programs to keep them cleaned up. The agreement is that you must clean your adopted section up at least twice a year. When you ask the highway crews (very small town - about 900 people...


dandelion flowers on roadside

Nature's Beauty (Dandelions)
Oh no Litter Gitter, you didnt give that impression at all! Also I hope I have not given the impression that Missouri is a trash-free utopia either! Its just that here in our area the local citizenry keeps the roadsides fairly nice (we get a lot of thru-traffic...


array of sponges

Tunisian Crocheted Sponges
Ive been crocheting (Tunisian, Bavarian, English, and Irish) since I was a child, and this is a VERY good tutorial on this subject! Clever use of the darning needle to show stitch placement too.


white fuzzy puppy with stripes dyed on its fur on tail and legs

What Breed Is this Puppy?
I have to think someone is having some fun here...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Living Room Curtain Color Advice?
Id probably do cream colored drapes with matching cream sheers behind them. On the drapes maybe a wide band of red, matching the red in the rest of the room, across the bottom. Then Id sew (or buy) some cream colored throw pillows to tie it all together.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

13th Birthday Party Ideas?
If it were me, after I realized she was serious and stopped laughing, Id say, NO. In my opinion, for my family, this would be a ridicules request, and not even considered. Children (shes still very much a child) need and want boundaries---its our job as parents...


hanging basket of bright pink petunias

Second Year Petunias
Beautiful! Good job!


Containers filled with homemade cleaning supplies

Clean Living Is Frugal Living
It might be helpful (?) to know which studies you are referring to. Just a thought...


Containers filled with homemade cleaning supplies

Clean Living Is Frugal Living
Extremely informative! Thanks very much for this terrific summary and all the information - you have my vote.


black and brown dog at door

Dog Pees and Poops In House When Left Alone?
I can understand your frustration in this situation. You love the dog and want to do right by him, and hes stressing you out to the Max. He can feel that. Hes been moved around a lot, and its going to take time, love, and much patience. I do suggest that you...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Treating a Dog's Ear Infection?
I need to tell you first that I am NOT a vet... however I have successfully treated ear infections in both my family members and our animals using the following home remedy; Put half a cup of olive oil in a small saucepan (top of a double boiler is even better...


black and brown dog at door

Dog Pees and Poops In House When Left Alone?
One more thing - when you get the crate, cover the back and sides with a blanket or dark sheet. It feels more like a den. Hell feel safer when hes in it. Make sure its a very large crate - hes a big dog.


black and brown dog at door

Dog Pees and Poops In House When Left Alone?
Oh sorry! Second one more thing! You can re-use the same bone by retrieving it when you put Max outside to potty and stick it in the freezer in a baggie. Next time you need to go out, stuff it with peanut butter again and follow same routine.


black and brown dog at door

Dog Pees and Poops In House When Left Alone?
I dont criticize what others have written. I will say this - I dont believe I indicated that the dog was damaged by this person. I was only saying that moving is an adjustment for dogs. I also have a German Shepherd - incredibly smart fellow. We got him when...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Getting Nail Polish Off Car Paint?
I asked my DH about this one and he said the first thing he would try would be WD40 on a soft rag. He said it takes off road tar, so maybe it would take off nail polish? If that doesnt do it you might try some buffing compound that is specifically made for...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Planning Food for a Wedding?
I agree with Dinah, its hard to give advice with so little information. However, it seems like these days literally anything goes at weddings and receptions, so I guess Id say, it largely depends on your budget, and if you are doing it yourself, the amount...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Keeping Neighbor's Dog Off Lawn?
Although the yellow grass patches your dog created have been repaired, the scent still lingered and probably other dogs have visited also, perhaps at night when you couldnt see them. If they have become used to leaving messages in your yard previously, why...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Smoke Detectors Chirping?
My husband said that when the battery-operated ones chirp like that and wont stop after replacing batteries it means they need to be replaced. He doesnt know about the hard-wired ones. Have you contacted the manufacturer about this problem? Thats where Id start...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Raising Rabbits?
We have successfully raised rabbits for over many years now, but I am not a vet. There may be several reasons for your problem. Firstly, they may have been sickly when you got them. Second, where is their cage located? Is it covered? Is it shaded? Rabbits can...


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Kitten Has Swollen Eye With Discharge?
I would take him to the vet. A kitten this young is very vulnerable and the infection could spread or at the very least he could lose the sight in that eye.


Healthy Chicken Dinner Foil Packets

Healthy Chicken Dinner Foil Packets
If you make your packet with parchment paper its much healthier, and the cleanup is almost as easy. Sounds delicious!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Powdery Residue on Resin Lawn Chairs?
My Husband power-washed ours, and it did help, but they still are rough textured. They dont look wonderful, but at least theyre not messing up our clothes when we sit on them, and they are 15 years old.


cookies and milk

Disappearing Oatmeal Cookies
Thanks Melissa! The tablecloth is vinyl by-the-yard. Easy care, and what I really love is that its so cheerful! Have a great afternoon. :-)


cookies and milk

Disappearing Oatmeal Cookies
Thanks Doug--we think they are pretty good. My daughter is going to make a batch today as I am still recuperating.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Making Coffee in a Drip Machine?
This is very subjective, but at our house I use one level scoop per each three cups of water. However if I am making a full pot (which happens once in a blue moon) I use three and a half scoops, because it seems when I make a full pot using full scoops it gets...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Tomato Plant Stems Being Eaten?
If there are no leaves left, the plant has no way to gather energy from the sun and it will die. In that case its best to dig it up and replant.


gardener's hand holding tomato seeds

Heirloom vs Hybrid Seeds
Great post! Have you ever gone to the Big store and bought roasting ears? I made that mistake a few years ago. I got them home, boiled them up, and slathered butter on one. I took a big bite, having been waiting for the first sweet corn of the season, (couldnt...


gardener's hand holding tomato seeds

Heirloom vs Hybrid Seeds
I answer to the name of Kate. Im sorry about the briefness of my profile, but I am a more private person than some, and my husband even more so...hence no faces in the photos. I do enjoy (almost) all of the articles I read on Thrifty Fun, especially those with...



Dog Won't Eat or Drink?
Try a little chicken broth.


plate of food

Thrifty and Quick Ribs
Thanks for the comment Ginger. I too use a slow-cooker, but I have found that it heats the kitchen up all day, whereas my pressure cooker only adds heat for approximately 40 minutes. Also I like it that I can take meat that may still be partially frozen and...


plate of food

Thrifty and Quick Ribs
Thanks Robin - I hope your family enjoyed them!


plate of food

Thrifty and Quick Ribs
Thanks Melissa!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Organizing a Bedroom Shared by Two Teens?
If you have a little money to invest here is what I would suggest. First, get rid of the bunk bed. They need their own space, even if its in the same room. Two twin beds would be better. After you have each girl a twin bed, (could you use part of the bunk bed...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Saying No to a Friend?
You could just be very up front about it and tell her you value her friendship, but are starting to feel used by the situation and would rather not do her entire familys taxes any more, as you dont want it to affect your feelings for her. Her response will...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Not Completely Silver
Im so glad your husband is doing well!


backyard garden

Jeanie & Johanna's Vegetable Garden
This is a lovely little garden, and it seems very well maintained! I wish you had more pictures from different angles so we could see the rest of it. Definitely thumbs up!


A big pile of milfoil

Unemployment Blues are "Green"
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the encouraging and kind comments---they really make our day!


A big pile of milfoil

Unemployment Blues are "Green"
Jacquelyn, I appreciate what you shared about your time in the hot seat of unemployment...we have been doing all kinds of things too, I only took time to post this one rather different example. Some days I work from up to down, and I dont mean the sunrise/sunset...


A big pile of milfoil

Unemployment Blues are "Green"
I wanted to thank everyone again for their comments, encouragements and voting for me... unfortunately I probably wont be posting for a while. When it rains it pours - Ill be having surgery and some chemotherapy in the next several months. The good news is...


A big pile of milfoil

Unemployment Blues are "Green"
Home recovering from the surgery, no chemo but will gone having radiation for a while. Hope all my TF friends are well!


A big pile of milfoil

Unemployment Blues are "Green"
Thanks Abigail--Doctors say prognosis is excellent but I can definitely say that cancer is not thrifty, and it most certainly isnt fun.


A big pile of milfoil

Unemployment Blues are "Green"
Thank you Bonnie! Were slowly starting to recover, financially, as well as physically. I think for me keeping busy was the best thing I could do,...otherwise I start to feel worthless. Even while I was recovering from the surgeries, as soon as I could actually...



Robbie's Home in the Petunias
I agree, Id rather think he had gone off hunting adventure too! Sorry though, as I know you miss your friend... If Roberta feels safe enough, maybe she will stay around your yard permanently? Best wishes for you and your new pal, Kate


plate with yellow squash and cucumbers

Do Different Vegetables "Cross"?
I have no wish at all to be contrary, but we can and do cross honeydew and cantaloupe every summer, to obtain cantadew. My husband loves honeydew, and most cantaloupes are a little too sweet for my liking, but these cantadews are wonderful, with slightly crisp...


plate with yellow squash and cucumbers

Do Different Vegetables "Cross"?
Doug, I suggest if they are yellow you could try one and see whats in there. We just started digging potatoes last night, because with all the rain weve had were worried they will rot. Our vines are for the most part just starting to turn yellow, but a few...


plate with yellow squash and cucumbers

Do Different Vegetables "Cross"?
You could even just gently move your hand down into the dirt and feel for potatoes along the side of the cooler. I sometimes do that earlier in the season if Im just itching for some little new potatoes... Let me know how it goes! Kate (a.k.a. Trudy)


plate with yellow squash and cucumbers

Do Different Vegetables "Cross"?
Perhaps...but those cantadews certainly taste different - and quite delicious!


plate with yellow squash and cucumbers

Do Different Vegetables "Cross"?
Doug, We assumed that those seeds would be sterile, so we never tried saving them. It would be an interesting thing to do, so maybe I will try some this year. I understand that others have strong opinions about these things, but I garden to please myself and...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Decorating a 2 Man Paddle Boat?
Since its summer, Id probably go to the dollar store and clean out their Seasonal aisle, and buy a couple of rolls of double stick tape. Id name my paddle boat float In the Good Ol Summer Time. Id put one of those little cheapie grills on the back, (unlit naturally...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Building a House Frugally?
Hi Day Go, Mother Earth News magazine has, over the years, done several articles by people who have built their own homes from the ground up, some of which was done with found materials. On their website you should be able to look up the publication dates of...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Dog Licking Surgery Site Raw?
I dont mean to be antagonistic, but why on earth did your vet send your pooch home without one of those cone collars?


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
How about a shade of orange? If you are wanting bright, I think orange would go with what you are describing...although maybe not Halloween-pumpkin orange,...a lighter orange color?


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Recovering Old Box Springs?
We did this once. We pulled off all of the torn fabric and the padding, and aired the frame outside for a couple of days in the sun. Then we put new foam padding (recycled leftovers from another project) on the corners (stapled in place), covered that with...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Organization that Helps Vets With Home Repairs?
Paul, Knowing several people who are going through this with their parents right now my heart goes out to you and your folks. Maybe you could try asking at the local American Legion for suggestions, or your states office of Veterans Affairs?


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Non-Tracking Cat Litter?
If you have a long-haired cat chances are the litter is sticking to the fur around and between his toes (thats what the problem is with our male cat). We improved the tracking situation by placing an old bath mat under the front of the litter box (the kind...


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Name for Child Care Business?
Bee Sweet Daycare? Busy Little Bees? A slogan: Your Little Honeys Home Away From Home


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Name for Babysitting Service?
You are 14 years old and opening a daycare?


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Stepmother Gives Me Used Gifts Every Christmas?
Perhaps you or your husband could suggest that the four of you take whatever amount of money you would have spent on Christmas gifts for each other and donate it as a whole (in other words add the amounts together and write one check from all of you)? If, as...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Removing Nicotine Smell from Walls?
When we moved into our house, one bedroom had been used by a smoker. We had to rip out and replace the carpet, clean the walls and ceilings with Mean Green (straight), and apply two coats of Kilz. Then we painted and laid new carpet, and finally the room was...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Living Room Paint Color Advice?
Sherriefults, It would be helpful to know what color the couch will be---you only mentioned that it would be suede (colored). To my knowledge, suede is one type of fabric made of a cowhide...not a color. Suede can be dyed almost any color. Im guessing you mean...


watermelons with blossom end rot

Wood Ashes for Watermelons
You have my vote again! Brilliant solution---but why stop at wieners? See, if we were neighbors, Id help you load up that grill with some kebabs with a little chicken marinated in spiced yogurt, peppers, onions, and tomatoes from the garden, and some skewered...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Living Room Paint Color Advice?
Id probably pair the gray and brown with varying shades of teal. That would brighten up the room, and both colors go nicely with teal, in my opinion.


container garden

Frugality, Foraging and Farming
Hi Realestatemama, Im very sorry to read that your sons hard work and generosity have been victimized in this way. Its a hard thing to work on something like this and have someone else sneak off with it in such a cowardly fashion.


container garden

Frugality, Foraging and Farming
Dear Brenda, Im very sorry that I have offended you---I was not intending that in any way!! I dont have any problem with anyone who is legitimately foraging public land, as long as they dont take any forbidden or protected species. And I surely dont have any...


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