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13 Comments | Active Since 2011
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New Use For An Entertainment Center

New Use For An Entertainment Center
It can be used in a childs bedroom or toyroom , with cubbies to hold toys, books etc.


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Buying Second Hand Clothing
I love to shop thrifty shops. Our church ladies are going out on Sat. for the entire day. I find some great clothing also I found an American Itty Baby in perfect shape for $1. Fun, fun.


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Get Zippers Repaired at the Cleaners
WE dont have a fabric store in our area Wal Mart chased them out as well as our shoe stores, Office supply stores and our K-Mart


Stack of coupons.

Extreme Couponing
I like to see people give what they dont or cant use to food pantries Items that they get free, no cost to them but someone can always use it. To build an extra room for outdated stuff is greedy.


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What Color Refrigerator Will Coordinate With Bisque Appliances?
I have that color as well, I just bought a new Frig and matched it with the same color. That color is available in several makes. I have the new side by side with the bottom drawer. When you shop just ask the salesman. Sears has several models.


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Potty Training an Almost Three Year Old?
Get rid of the pull ups. They think they are diapers, confusing. I had 6 children, we never used pullups. When they were two, they received panties for a birthday gift. No problems.


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Potty Training an Almost Three Year Old?
Get rid of the pull ups they think they are diapers confusing I had 6 children we never used pullups when they were two they received panties for a birthday gift no problems.


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How Do You Hard Boil An Egg?
Put eggs in cold Water bring to boil. Take Off burner cover with lid, wait 13 minutes. Drain hot water, add cold. Perfect boiled eggs. No dark ring around the easy to peel eggs.


Toddler Cries Excessively?
Please have her checked out by a professional, This in Not normal Behavior, and there may be a bigger problem.


Baby doll with crochet hat, dress, and shoes.

Baby Doll Crochet Clothing Pattern?
I would like this one also, we bought lots of these babies at sales and would like to dress them for the needy at Christmas. Help. Please.


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Instructions for Making Recycled Woolen Mats?
You can Crochet, knit, hook, braid them . all are made from strips cut and sewn, to make longer strips .The cheapest way to make woolen ones is to collect old wool clothes and cut into strips.A friend of mine made a room size one by braiding, then sewing it...


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Removing Cigarette Smoke from a Caravan?
Cut an apple in half and leave it overnight. It will absorb the order.


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