
Sheilah Link

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6 Posts | 328 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Bad Jam, Need Help!
Cook the juice until it sheets off the spoon. Also you may need to add pectin again. I have had this happen a few times and I question the pectin quality. I always use Ball pectin as it has no preservatives.


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Feeding the Ants
I used sugar and borax in some water. Takes about three days and no more ants. I plan to also try borax and grease. If I can think of what to mix with the borax, I will go after the wood ants next.


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Darkening Hair Color with Coffee?
Before I was very grey, I used strong tea rinse on my brown hair. It darkened the grey and gave a wonderful shine and smelled good, too. I would boil ordinary tea until the water was very dark, strain out the tea leaves, and use this as a rinse when I washed...


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Generic Zyrtec is Not as Good
I tried Walgreens generic Zyrtec. Wont do that again. Just didnt help that much so back to Krogers generic Claritin.


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Study Tip: Rewrite Lecture Notes
In rewriting notes, you may also reorganize them, add information, make references to text books and other materials, use different colors of ink or symbols to make them more meaningful to you. I, too, like rethatterb, went to school in the 60s at a time when...


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Cleaning a Suede Jacket?
I have had good luck with washing them. Use a gentle soap for delicates. I do NOT scrub, but allow the coat to soak in luke warm water and then gently swish about in the water. Next rinse, then rinse again and again until the water is soap free. Hang and/or...


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Does Rainy Weather Affect Making Jam and Jelly?
I have never had a problem but you may need to cook the juice longer. Also I dont follow the directions on the pectin which says boil for one minute. I do mine the old fashion way; I cook it until it sheets off a cool metal spoon. This makes a stiff jelly, but...


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Grammar Tip: "Than" vs "Then"
In the Ohio school district where I taught, we were NOT to spend much time on grammar! At least that is what we were told. English became language arts with an emphasis on writing. The organization of the writing, not the spelling or grammar, was important...


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Interior Trim Paint Color Advice?
Hot yellow would certainly brighten the enviroment, but about any light color should. If this is just one room, you could try about anything. Pick a color related to other colors in the room(s), High gloss will also add brightness, or a clear gloss paint over...


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Paint Color Scheme for Finished Basement?
I would suggest not more than than three colors with one color predominant and the other two as accents, but more of one accent than the other. A print or plaid material that contains these colors would be the safest way to add more colors, but as it is a basement...


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Removing a Scratch on LCD Monitor?
I used the same cleaner that I use on my glass cook top, but rubbed very lightly. When I did this, I applied the cleaner by putting in first on a wet clothe. It is important to get the cleaner all off. Again I used a wet clothe, rinsing the cloth well after...


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Cabinets and Trim for Mint and Chocolate Kitchen?
I would suggest a tint or tone of colors already used. Ceilings do not have to be white. I have a sky blue ceiling (Carolina Blue) and it works in the location. Also there are sparkles that can be added to spray paint for light. In a pale mint ceiling it would...



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Selling Pine Cones?
I have found they sell well at yard sales and farmers market. Put them in CHEAP, clear plastic storage bags. Sell them by the bag with a discount for quantity. Also local florists might be interested. If the cones are clean, people will buy them rather than...


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Dealing with a Verbally Abusive Spouse?
Please consider the example you are setting for your daughters by meekly staying. Pick and choose from the above advice. Pick a plan you can live with for the rest of your life, and do it!


What is This?
Looks like an antenna mast to me. That is the tower that the actual antenna sat on and they are still used in rural areas where there is not cable. A good mast and a decent antenna allows pick up of channels over one hundred miles away, or at least it does...


Wall Colors For Room With Burgundy Colored Carpet?
Pick a tint of the burgundy, pale brownish rose, something that is the same color family, but much lighter. From the picture the room looks long and narrow, so something that will make the room look larger and especially wider might be best. It might help to...


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Home Remedies for Treating Gum Disease?
SEE A DENTIST. NOW. Gum disease can cause heart disease. Be honest with the dentist if you have had less than good experiences in the past. Dentistry has changed since the drill or pull days. It is about as pain free as opening your mouth. My dentist uses a...


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Dealing With Fine Hair
I am nearly 70 and have given up hair color and permanents for about 15 years and my fine, fine hair is now manageable. The best conditioner I have found is Tates. It is an organic all purpose lotion. I wear my hair clipped back, in a bun, in a braid, whatever...


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Shopping for Vintage Fragrances?
Try Vermont Country Store. You can find them on the web. They even have Arpege.


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Pattern for Pioneer or Settlers Bonnet?
If you are talking about a poke bonnet, perhaps I can help as I remember my grandmother making one, I am 70 now. The brim is a rectangle of folded material with ends stitched; then turned. Next stitch from fold to open side, about 1 inches or so apart. These...


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Recipe for Killing Ants?
Equal parts sugar and 20 Mule Team Borax in a bottle cap with enough water to mix to a running paste has them lining up. Put it in the ant run--they like edges and shadows. This also seems to work on other creepy-crawlies. I tried it and all problems just disappeared...


Terminal Leader Was Snapped Off of Maple Tree?
I would leave it alone for a couple of years and let it recover and then prune some of the side branches. The new leader will become stronger. I would prune the broken part even so the tree can heal itself. Maples are tough.


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Brightening Up a Dark Room?
I was faced with the same problem--knotty pine paneling--even on the ceiling and hardwood floor. I used white drapes with neutral sheers, a light colored bedspread and a few large, light colored throw rugs. White would be too harsh, but the same light neutral...


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Painting Walls to Coordinate With Bedspread?
Pale orange on three walls and green on the bed wall.



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Painting Walls to Coordinate With Bedspread?
Pale orange on three walls and green on the bed wall. Darker verision of the green on ceiling.


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Getting Rid of Ants in House Naturally?
Borax, sugar, and water in a small lid. Equal amounts of borax and sugar and just enough water to disolve. Set along edges where they like to travel. They take it back to the next. After about three days, you not see any more for a while.


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Tile and Wall Color for Kitchen With Dark Cabinets and Black Worktop?
Have you consider glass tiles? I have only seen them used on This New Old House on US TV, but they would add lightness and sparkle without color. For the walls I would suggest a light aqua, light blue green, or something in that color family. Perhaps you could...


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Paint Color Advice to Coordinate With Dark Salmon Accent Wall Color?
Match the salmon to a sample and go with the lightest version of that or even half of that. If you can find a color half way between the salmon and yellow, that might work on the trim, but I am not sure you want the salmon in every room. Perhaps one room with...


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Paint Color Advice for a Bathroom With Beige Fixtures?
White and dusty blue? Dark green? readhatterb is right, anything. Should be fun because you can try anything you want.


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Dealing With Frizzy Hair?
I have extremely fine straight hair and in the Midwest humidity I look like a fuzz ball. The best thing I have found is Tates Conditioner. It is all natural. Word of warning, dont use too much. It keeps hair hydrated but controllable. Look it up on the net...


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Cleaning Dirty Work Clothing?
Hot, hot water for dirty dirt. Paint: cant help you there. Grease: spot treat with Dawn or a like dish cleaner, and then wash. Do not add soap as the Dawn will be there. The trick with grease is to get it into a solution and then wash the solution out.


room drawing

Furniture Placement and Color Schemes for Combo Rooms?
Think in terms of areas, i.e.: a conversation area in front of the fireplace, a sofa table or low buffet behind the sofa set parallel to the fireplace. Dont put the furniture along the wall, except a chair or two with one glass topped table between and use...


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How Do I Freeze Corn From My Garden?
Trim both ends, bottom end to the base of the cob and top down to the corn and pull off only the outer husks. Throw into a sink of cold water as you finish processing the rest. Drain, but do not dry. Place as many ears as possible into a large micro dish with...


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Do Skunks Dig Up Potted Plants?
Yes, they will dig, dig, dig for anything that smells like food as some plant fertilizers. A few moth balls on top of the soil will discourage them. Skunks do not have good vision, and they hunt food by scent. Some fertilizers contain blood meal and this may...


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Getting the Yellow Out of Grey Hair?
Silver Fox shampoo works well also. Pantene had one for extremely bleached hair that left beautiful silver highlights.


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Carpenter Ants?
I mix equal parts sugar and borax with enough water to dissolve in a fairly flat lid and set it on the floor near an wall. It takes about three days but then there are no ants (or other creepy crawlies). You may have to keep a continual supply out for some...



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Paint Color Advice for Accent Walls?
Chocolate brown might work. Whatever the color, it needs to be picked up elsewhere, rug, throw pillows on a light brown bed spread with some hot pint accents. Ivory might work too, but you need to repeat colors. That hot pink can be overpowering so choose carefully...


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Ideas for Multi-year Class Reunions?
Color code name tags by year. Use different color markers for names too. Again by year. Put numbers or letters on them and have people group to spell words, names of teachers, subjects, something school related and small gifts for the group that forms first...


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Ideas for Decorating My Entryway?
Paint the door a bright color and pick up that color in flowers, curtains or something. Neat and tidy is the key to make a welcoming appearance. If the door has panels, use an accent around the panels, but do keep the panels the same as the door. If there are...


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Securing Your Home from Burglars Without an Alarm System?
Timers on which you can adjust the time to switch appliance as lights, radios, TVs on and off might help when you are not home. An answering machine you can access from elsewhere might be of some use. You can call your own number, listen to your calls and return...


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Paint Color Advice for a Kitchen With Dark Cabinets and White Appliances?
My kitchen also has dark oak cabinets with stone colored flooring. The walls are brick, not real, but the thin, paste on the wall type. The counter tops are white and appliance are a variety, cooktop is white, oven is black glass, and dishwasher and refrigerator...


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Painting a Kitchen with Blue Countertops?
Bright yellow would certainly add color. A brighter than the counter tops blue might work or blue and white stripes. With white cabinets, you really have many choices. What color do you like? Try that. I can see almost any color working here, but do a small...


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Paint Color Advice to Coordinate with a Gold Shower Curtain?
Chinese red, black and/or khaki--pick one as a dominate color and use the others as accents, but the gold should be repeated also. Perhaps picture frame, wastebasket, etc. A small room like this should be fun. Yard sale for items you like and paint to your...


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Marshmallow Cream?
A pints a pound the world around.


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Remedies for Poison Ivy and Poison Oak?
Dissolve 6 plain (Beyer) aspirins in 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol. DO NOT STORE IN PLASTIC. Apply to affected area 3 or 4 times a day. Obviously, you should not use this if you are sensitive to aspirin. Everything--clothes, bedding, etc. that has touched the...


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Painting Kitchen With Cherry Cabinets?
I like the idea of the aqua. Certain greens would work. It all depends on the proportions. With the tile and cabinet colors, the aqua or related blues or a green could work. You need a small amount of a strong color, deep cheery, dark brown, or an intense version...


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Using Baby Yarn to Make Adult Sweaters?
Since this yarn is fine, twist several yarns together to create a heavier yarn more suited to the adult sizes, and create a beautiful blended color.


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Making Paper Lampshades?
I remember a lamp shade for a floor lamp my grandmother had made of rolled pages from magazines that were stitched to a lamp shade frame. They lived through the Depression and didnt have much, but the colors made an attractive shade that was quite dense. All...


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Reducing Inside Temperature Without Air Conditioning?
Simple changes in decor can help, take up all the rugs for a bare floor, white covers on furniture, even old sheets will create an appearance coolness. They can also be easily washed to keep them smelling fresh and clean. Before we had AC, I would spend time...


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Peanut Festival Parade Float Ideas: Theme "Going for the Gold"?
A peanut standing on an Olympic award style platform with bread on one side and jelly on the other, each wearing a medal.


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Colander to Remove Excess Salt from Nuts
Thank you, thank you, thank you.


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Removing Mothball Smell From Wool?
Just hang the item somewhere with air circulation, nearly empty closet, doorway, etc. and the odor will disappear in a few days. It might help to turn the jacket inside out.


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Painting a Bathroom Pink and Brown?
I saw a ceiling and wall with large flower shapes. The shapes were closest together where the ceiling and wall met, and were further and further apart as they progressed across the ceiling and down the wall. These shapes did not cover the entire area, but were...


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Paint Color Advice for Brown and Stainless Kitchen and Adjoining Dining Room?
There is a color called Carolina Blue which I used with knotty pine and it worked quite well. I liked the suggestion of blues and/or greens. Aqua or turquoise if light enough might work.


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Cabinets and Flooring to Complement a Burgundy Range?
I agree with the cream cabinets. You might consider flooring of burgundy and off white, white counter tops, but you should have another color, perhaps a bright blue as an accent. The burgundy should appear somewhere else in limited quantity.


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Rice Is Too Sticky?
I was told by Hsin Hsin in San Rafael how to cook rice; that Americans use too much water. Wash rice, add just enough water to cover, bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat. Do not open the lid. Wait 20 minutes, remove from heat, and should be ready. Fluff...


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Fever Blister Remedies?
Dry the area with a blow drier as hot as you can stand. Do this three or four times a day. This what I have used whenever I feel one starting and they never develop. Listerine applied to area seems to help too.


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Paint Color Suggestions for Grey, White, and Stainless Kitchen?
I usually dont suggest white or gray, but a high gloss paint that picks up the white on gray might please you. Have you considered glass tiles? This would be so much fun. You can keep the look or go with color, any color. Have fun.


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Use Parchment Paper For Baking Cookies?
I use parchment paper for several reasons. First, dont have to wash the cookie sheet. Second, can have the next batch ready to bake. Third, I pull off the entire sheet with cookies still on it onto the cooling rack. It can also be used in cake pans esp. if...


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Fleas In An Apartment?
Set a light on the floor; it must have a regular bulb that produces heat. Fleas are attracted to the heat. In front of the light place a white or light colored shallow container--even an old dinner plate will work. In this container put a mixture of water and...


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Cooking Time and Temperature for Roasting Chickens?
I will try to give you some help, but I think you are talking metric measurements so you will have to translate the numbers I give you. For a moist, juicy chicken cover and cook slowly, about 375F about 45 minuters to an hour or so. Test by trying to wiggle...


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Cleaning a Satin Brocade Couch?
It would depend on the what the fabric is made of. I would try a very gentle liquid soap and water dabbed on with a cloth. Try this in a spot that wont be seen. Use as little soap and especially water as possible. There are also upholstery cleaners out there...


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A Color Scheme for My Living Room and Dining Room?
Continue the vanilla color across the ceiling in both rooms or use a vanilla/pale gold in both rooms; this would tie the two rooms together. You might consider using a sponge print of the red onto the ceiling edges above the red walls. If you dont think of...


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How Can I Grow New Longer, Stronger Hair?
You may be also blessed/cursed with fine textured hair. Avoid harsh shampoos; I used DHCs (a Japanese mail order brand, look up DHC on net), Use only a very soft brush, no dyes or hair dryers. After washing your hair, allow it to nearly dry before brushing...


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Developing Effective Study Skills?
I would like to add an additional technique, glossing. Use paper the same size as the notes or textbook. Fold the paper to form columns. Lay the folded paper besides the material. Number the paper, or mark it in some way so you can match it to the material...


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Developing Effective Study Skills?
Schedule your study time and schedule breaks. Study the same thing at approximately the same time every day. Always begin with a review. Twenty or thirty minutes of study--no more than that at a time. Then take a break and the break should include physical...


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Countertop Color Advice to Coordinate With Cherry Cabinets and Orangish Tile Floor?
Have you considered a warm gray, a gray with an orangish cast? The two other suggestions would work too. What can you live with? Counters can be a big investment. Greenish or bluish tinted light colors might be attractive if you want to tone down the red/orange...


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Setting Up a Household Budget?
Cable and cell phones are not necessary. Neither is candy, soft drinks, hard drinks, car washes, snack foods. I have never budgeted these, and we live comfortably. Internet is usually free at the public libraries. One trick I used from day one was a change...


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Preparing for a Move?
We moved 6 times in the first 5 years we were married. These are tricks I learned. First of all, take with you in a trash bag all you need to make the bed, everything, including pillows. Include a set of bath towels. When you arrive, make the bed first! Label...


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Reviews of GE Profile French Door Bottom Freezer Refrigerator?
Got one last summer and love it. Of course it was replacing a 1975 SubZero. The freezer is easy to access. The shelves can be however you want and are pull out. Based on my experience, I would recommend one. Do watch the temperature settings as it will freeze...


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Making Gray Hair More Vibrant?
Depending on your water, you may need to use a shampoo for gray or blond hair. I use one called Silver Fox and there are others out there. Gray hair must be kept clean to look nice. I wear mine in a bun or a braid, or twisted around somehow. I use Tates conditioner...


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Smooth Skin Ideas?
I dont use Vaseline, but I do use a moisturizer every day. Also wash your face in gentle soap, but at least once a week, scrub your face lightly.


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Ideas for Making a Model of an Animal from Household Items?
Have you thought about using plastic bottles? You would have to help her attach legs and even a head by poking holes in the bottles and putting a loop of card through, but this would make the legs, head, tail movable. Use a automotive paint for plastic bumpers...


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Centerpiece for Church Ladies Day Themed "What Fills Your Cup?"
Our local Goodwill store always has many, many cups. Make a pryamid of cups (glued with superglue), or a row of cups from one end of the table to the other, or tie sets of cups together by their handles. The cups could be painted in any color/s of spray paint...


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Paint Color Advise for Bedroom With Navy Blue Window Treatments?
How about a dull yellow? It would make the room seem larger and brighter and more inviting. However, some people need something to change when they buy a house to make it theirs, so you could play with the color a bit.


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Living Room Set Color for a Burgundy and Off White Room?
I too would recommend a neutral color, but you can accent with pillows and such and change the accent as your tastes change, or even with seasons. Living room sets can be expensive, so neutrals are the best choice, but you can also add an accent chair later...


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Jeans Getting Wrinkled in the Dryer?
I am in agreement with most of the others. Leave them in the dryer long enough to get the wrinkles out, but take them out while still damp and hang on a pants hanger. Be sure the seams match and finger press to remove wrinkles. If they are too stiff after air...


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Ideas for a Unique Lamp Post for Front Yard?
Anything that is the correct height will work and it does not have to be straight. Newl (?) posts would work, plastic pipe or a set of them, chunks of wood in a stack (drill a hole through the middle for wiring and pipe), even an old car bumper, a tree trunk...


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
If the room is small, I would suggest using a matching green to the splash. You have a lot of color for a small room. A black and bright green border around the ceiling would coordinate and tie things together. A large amount of one color might make the room...


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Paint Color Advice for Kitchen With Hickory Cabinets and Brown Countertops?
Have you considered a green or aqua? Colors in blue family would set off the warm brown of the hickory. Since you have so much of the same color, warm brown, you have many choices for accent colors. Have you considered large poster size pictures on one of the...


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Getting Your Book Published?
Poetry magazine claims they will read and evaluate poetry. I have never submitted any of mine. Check the magazine, Writers Digest. It is an excellent source of markets and the articles are realistic about being published.


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Growing Bell Peppers?
One year I planted sweet corn in a square and planted the bell peppers inside the square and watered and watered. The peppers seemed to like the water and the shade. I would recommend a mulch to hold the moisture, but the peppers do like the water and the heat...


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Advice for Growing Various Kinds of Berries?
Black Raspberries grow wild here in Indiana. Growing them isnt the problem. However, once you have raspberries started, the canes grown long, bend back to the ground and start a new plant so you can control their spread by staking them where you want the new...


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Epson Print Head Nozzle Seems Clogged?
There is available cleaner for printer heads from certain web sites. My husband cleans and refills ink cartridges and swears by the cleaner. You may also need a hypodermic needle and the special dull point needles to do this. It is much cheaper than buying...


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Cleaning a Laptop Screen?
I have used regular window cleaner, but wipe up immediately. Do NOT allow the cleaner to run down the screen. Cover the keyboard before you spray. Something else I have used is the cleaner for glass top stoves if the screen is smeary with finger prints. Again...


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Pruning a Hydrangea?
I wait until spring and the plant begins to bud. Then I cut off what ever is above the highest green, and, of course, the old flower heads which I leave on for winter interest. If you cut the plant back to the ground, it will have to grow new stems before it...


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Homemade Space Bags?
One technique is to tie a knot in the bag itself. I have tried using those little ties and they dont work for long. You will not be able to fill the bag as full, and you will have to be very fast. Honestly, what I do is lie or sit on the bag until I can get...


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Shopping for L'eggs Thigh-hi Panty Hose?
Check out National. I think they have a web site; they sell them in many, many colors. They seem to wear well. Good luck.


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Freezing Fresh Peas in the Pod?
Blanch first to preserve the color and flavor. You can use a microwave for blanching. Moseley3 gave you the best advice. If these are a snap pea for pea pods, you wont need to shell, but you want them ready to cook. I never add anything to fresh vegetables...


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Paint Color Advice for Kitchen with Maple Cabinets and Sage Countertops?
I would suggest a very light maple color bordering on yellow or yellow in curtains or pursue something in the green family. A bright, light green might be appealing. What are your appliances? If they are white, then you may not need the brighter colors, but...


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How Can I Get Rid of Roaches?
I recommend a mixture of half sugar and half borax with enough water to make a liquid in an shallow container, like a jar lid. It will take several days and you will need to keep this in liquid form for best results.


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Can I Hand Wash a Linen and Viscose Jacket?
I have washed such using gentle cycle, Woolite, and only partly drying in the drier and then hanging to dry and finger ironing on the hanger. Just be gentle and rinse thoroughly. I usually run a second cycle without soap.


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How Do I Clean Grease Stains Out of Dried Fabric?
I have had success using Shout or Dawn Dish Liquid even on garments that have been washed and dried. Let the stuff soak in a bit; I have even let it soak in overnight or longer. With the Dawn, add a little water. Wash as normal. This may take a couple of tries...


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Getting Rid of Black Racer Snakes?
Lucky you. Black snakes eat mice and when the mice are gone, the snakes will leave. These snakes are harmless to humans. I wouldnt worry about them.


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Paint Colors for Room with Red Sofa?
I agree and would consider gold metallic for an accent with ivory or taupe. Silver would work with gray. With that much red, you need a small amount of high contrast accent color which can be changed easily as you wish or with the seasons.


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Cooling a Stone Garden Wall During Summer?
Green, leafy plants in pots and a small fountain might help. Could you paint the walls a light, reflective color? Consider the humidity of the air. If the air is dry, hosing down the walls will help. If not, find some way to shield the walls from the sun. Good...


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Painting Terra Cotta Tiles in the Bathroom?
A couple of ideas came to me. Paint the grout between the tiles, but mask carefully to not get paint on the tiles.Be very careful as it will be difficult to ever get the paint off the grout. Another thing you might consider is to paint ever other tile, or paint...


My Frugal Life: Disguising Generic Items
Lemon crystals and a tiny bit of sugar does wonders for vegetables. Should be able to taste a difference, but not the ingredients added.


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Transplanting Wild Roadside Ferns?
Water and shade and patience are all that is needed. Maryeruth gave good advice.


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Paint Color Advice for Kitchen with Maple Cabinets and Walnut Floors?
As walnut has a slight purple cast, I would suggest a color that reflects that or the yellow of the maple. This is going to be tricky and as much as a hate to say it, I would recommend an off white unless you really want to be adventuresome and that you might...


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Identifying Tiny Biting Insect?
They could be cat fleas. They will only bite once as you do not taste right, but they will try another place. Fleas hop--really hop. Most of the noseeums I have had experienced with are black. To get rid of them, vaccum like crazy everyday. Also in a flat, white...


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Paint Color Advice to Tone Down an Orange Cast on Cabinets?
Go with a color opposite on the color wheel. This is gray the appearance of the color somewhat. Or dont refinish the entire cabinet, try just the doors or the frame space between them, but I would put up some color chips first. If you are limited on time, here...


view of kitchen cabinets and adjoining wall

Paint Color Advice for Kitchen with Oak...
Try a color opposite on the color wheel of the honey-orange. This will be something in the blue family, but you also need a color that will not clash with the olive green. I would suggest get some paint chips, tape them up and look at them for a couple of days...


Getting Rid of Calluses on My Feet?
CVS and Wal-greens have a moisture cream, mostly Vaseline. Put in on your feet while they are still damp and before going to bed wearing socks. This will keep the skin soft and the sheets clean. Perhaps it is the shoes you are wearing. The other suggests will...


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Soft Foods After Tooth Extraction?
Hamburger soup--ground beef, potatoes diced small and some onion all cooked in tomato juice. I remember my mother fixing that for my father years and years ago. He could just about drink it.


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Egg-free 4th of July Recipes?
For baking there is a product called Egg Replacer which contain no egg. It is not as effective as eggs, but my husband cannot tolerate egg either. There is a web site for eggless cooking; just do a search on eggless cooking. There is an eggless mayo that even...


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Ideas for Woodworking Projects Using Wood Scraps?
Pencil holders, book ends, door stops, hot pads, remote boxes, look around and see what would make life easier and better, what is always getting misplaced and make a place for it. Have fun.


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Uninstalling Internet Explorer 9?
Linux is free, works well, and upgrades are free also. It is all online. Gates does not need my money as much as I do.


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Treating Poison Oak?
This works on poison ivy. I have never tried it on poison oak. In half cup of rubbing alcohol add 6 crushed Beyer aspirin. I not sure if it must be Beyer or if another brand will work. Apply this to the area first thing in the morning, twice during the day...


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Treatment for Brittle Hair?
If it is breaking off, it is damaged. Is it all breaking at the same length? Would it be reasonable to have it cut to that length? That is the only solution I can think of as the hair is damaged. Treat it gently. No dryer. Let it air dry, use a soft brush, and...


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Cupboard Paint Color Advice?
How about bright red? Or bright yellow? I think a kitchen should be a cheery place so that is the reason for my suggestions. Even a bright, bright blue or an aqua? These colors would go well with the cream colored floor.


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Shopping for Queen Size Pillow Cases?
I would go with Lizzyanny idea, just sew some trim on the ends and it can be anything that coordinates with the sheets, or you can go fancy with ruffles and lace, etc. Should be fun.


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Helping Hair Grow Faster and Healthier?
I have read that gently pulling on the hair will help it to grow. The directions were to run your fingers into your hair at the scalp and from there pull very, very gently. I have never tried for any length of time so I dont know if it will help your hair to...


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Making Milk into Curd Instantly?
I believe lemon juice will do the trick. A good cook book will give directions; it doesnt take much.


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Substituting Butter or Oil for Shortening?
I use butter, oil, or shortening interchangeably, or a combination as long as the total is the same and always get good results.


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Keeping Coffee Grounds Fresh?
Yes, you can freeze coffee to keep it fresh. We only drink coffee at breakfast so I keep a small container in the refrigerator to use so it always tastes fresh. It is important that the containers be air tight to preserve the flavor. Enjoy.


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Growing Pumpkins?
I dont think they are different plants; I think they are like all flowers with male and female parts. Look at the blooms. The fuzzy ended stalks around the center with the dust are stamens (male) and the single one in the center is the female part (pistil) which...


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Having Young Children Help With Chores?
Doing chores and having an allowance are both part of being a family. I had an allowance to spend as I chose or I could save it for something special. Being the kind of person I am, I always saved back some special purchase. As to chores, my parents took a...


Corner photo in new kitchen of counter with rooster decoration.

Paint Color Scheme for Kitchen and Breakfast Nook?
Have you considered a warm gray? A light warm gray (gray with a red tone) would tone down all that white and still look good with accent of red and black. I would follow redhatterb suggestion and get paint chips to try in the kitchen.


Teachers Have Class written on Red paper with apple 2

Back-to-School Eraser Mini Signs
Those kind of erasers are great for removing lint, etc. from clothes. When I taught, I kept a clean one in my desk for removing lint, chalk dust, etc. from clothes.


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Choosing a Color for Hardwood Flooring?
I would suggest a light golden oak. Dark finishes show dust and dirt. I think this might look best with your furniture and wall colors.


Looking up the driveway to older home. It has a one car attached garage and an aluminum awning over door and front windows.

Decorating an Older Home on a Very Tight Budget?
Decide on a color scheme for the inside. To tie rooms together, run a stripe throughout the house. It can zig and zag over the walls. Hang draperies or even a bedspread behind the bed to make a floor to ceiling statement and use the same on the windows. Paint...


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Planning an October Military Ball?
Do a little research on important Army related events for that time of year. October just screams Halloween, but personally, I think something else would be more appropriate for a military ball. Oct means eight if that is any help. What does this unit do? Could...


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Starting a Weeping Willow from a Cutting?
I would guess, and I am only guessing, stick the branches in the ground and give them plenty of water. I would do several as some wont survive, but willows are tough.


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What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
Those are the standard ingredients for cakes, cookies, coffee cakes, and muffins.


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Remedy for a Bad Hair Cut?
If you are a man, you could shave your head. If a woman, use scarf or something that looks like a scarf, even an old T-shirt. Cut off the top with the neck and sleeves and make sort of a turban of the rest. Pin on a flower or two or work them into the twist...


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