
brenda newton

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6 Posts | 340 Comments | Active Since 2004
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Don't Wrap Santa's Gifts

Don't Wrap Santa's Gifts
I go to the fabric store AFTER Christmas and buy Christmas fabric. I cut and sew with the serger a simple bag. Serge the top. No drawstrings, we just use curly ribbon to close the bags. I save the bags from year to year. Easy to make, easy to fill or wrap, easy...


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Odd Foods That Can Be Frozen?
Peanut butter will not go old and does not change texture when stored in the freezer. I store all nuts in the freezer (walnuts, almonds, cashues, peanuts). Cream cheese freezes well. Extra milk or eggnog I freeze for use later in pancakes or waffles. Feta cheese...


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Milk Crates for Freezer
Put a piece of cardboard down the sides of the milk crate because the plastic bag with food (for example hamburger meat) in it will mold to the crate as it freezes and expands, thereby expanding into the holes in the sides of the crate. This makes for a crate...


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Gifts for the College-bound
My son just entered university Sept 04. Gift ideas are easy...his own towel set(s) along with a package of soap and soap travelling kit plastic container (they have to carry the soap in something on the way to the showers) and some shampoo ...a microwave with...


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Bacon Tip
I like this idea too. Its wonderful to grab a little bit to throw into the caesar salad for supper.


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Non Food Use for Egg Yolks?
Do you have a dog? Dogs love the yolks, actually they love eggs, raw or cooked.


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Store Canned Goods in an Old Refrigerator
Do you realize that lots of people store homemade canned goods at room temperature? Once they are sealed, they will last for a long long time....without refridgeration. Some of my friends have all their canned goods in their kitchen in the cupboards. An old...


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How to Use Discarded Suitcases?
Someone bought one of my old hard walled suitcases and its matching carry-on case with a mirror inside the lid for their daughter to use for her barbie dolls and all the clothes. Wonderful idea! (only my daughter is already 19 and out of barbie dolls!)


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Using Tomatoes
As my tomatoes ripen in the fall I clean them up, by first of all, taking off the skins. Drop ripe tomatoes into boiling water. 30 - 45 seconds later remove form boiling water and drop into cold water. The skin should easily come off. I squish them into tupperware...


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Making a Stool out of Juice Cans?
My grandma made many of these stools. Most of the grandkids were able to get at least one before she passed away. She would also stuff on the outside of the cans so you ended up with a round outside and so could not tell that there were juice cans inside the...


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Mark Names on Underwear
My mother-in-law had 4 boys. She would use a different color of thread for each persons socks and underwear.


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Wax Your Dust Pan
Isnt Pam a oil? If so, it would attract and keep the dust. Wouldnt you want to use something like Pledge?



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Shave Years off your Mortgage
I live in Canada. Here it is a normal option for the bank to offer us the ability to do a bi-weekly mortage payment. It has shaved years off our mortgage. BUT we cannot deduct the interest we get charged on our mortgage against our taxes like you can if you...


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Baked Beans Hawaiian
We had it for lunch today. Really good! The pineapple just adds a hint of sweetness to the baked beans. I used 3 cans of beans and only 1/2 the amount of pineapple (leftover from carrot cake) and added 1/2 cup of chopped onion to it also. I put it into the...


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Travel Sized Cosmetics
The trial size are great for sending with the kids when they go to camp. If your child forgets the shampoo bottle at the end of the week at camp, so be it. At least it wasnt a large bottle of shampoo that he/she forgot. We went to Cuba last winter and to save...


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Baby Food Tip
I did the same thing as you did with the vegetables but I also did up a stock pot of fruit. When my babies were just starting to get baby food, every few days I would have them try a new fruit. When all the fruits had been tried and were okay then I started...


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Buying Strawberry Baskets in Bulk?
Find the baskets that have a snap down lid. My mom and sister have a stand at the local farmers market and were able to buy some from the grocery wholesalers (a box of 500 for $100 Canadian)(20 cents each.) Well worth the cost. Ask the local grocery store where...


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Longer Lasting Razors
Would this work for the disposable razors, the kind that last for 4 or 5 shaves?


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Watching the Scanner
I have made it a regular thing to review my grocery receipt before I leave any store. It is much easier to go to the customer service desk with the item in hand now than once you get home. I have been in stores here in Canada where they just gave me the difference...


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Use for a Cracked Wading Pool
A kids pool would also make a great bog garden for all those plants, eg. some of the irises, that love water. You can check on the moisture level of the soil really quickly and easily. Plus if there are no holes or very few holes you wont have to add water...


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Easily Cook Rice in the Microwave
Or...1 cup rice, 2 cups water, a little bacon grease and bake in a greased casserole dish at 350 in oven for 1 hour along with your meatloaf or chicken or fish or whatever for supper. Sometimes Ill even throw a dish of vegetables, frozen ones, (like homemade...


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Make Your Own Coffee Filter
When our old coffee maker quit, the new one I bought was a filterless one. No more coffee filters. It does let a few of the very very fine grinds out though but those settle to the bottom of the pot of coffee.


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Frugal Housewarming Gift
Talking about plants, I have brought my plant fillers in for winter and have taken cuttings off them. Some are also going as new plants today for a housewarming present for a 20 year old nephew and his roommates in their new apartment. All the other cuttings...


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Extending the Life of Your Iron
My iron came with the instructions to only use distilled water in it. Will I have any buildup of minerals in mine then? That is all I have ever used in it.



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Does My Dishwasher Need Replacing?
Our dishwasher is also the same age as yours. This past weekend we found that no water was spraying inside the dishwasher. We took it apart piece by piece and found a way down in the bottom of the layers of plastic parts a screen that we did not know about...


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Preserving Carrots Through the Winter?
I am heading out to dig out my carrots just after I post this to you. I will dig out the carrots, cut off the top 1/4 to 1/2, snap those long stray ends off the root, clean the root of any dirt by just brushing the dirt off, place them into plastic bags, close...


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I Don't Shop In January
Do you realize that the regular prices of the nuts, cranberry jelly, or whatever you need for the big meal at Thanksgiving or Christmas always goes up about a month before the big event? I try to stock up just before that and then in December I dont have to...


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Costume Treasure Chest at Clearance Prices
If you have a daycare in your home all those items that you get so cheap are a wonderful addition to your Mr. Dress-up tickle truck. The kids will love you for it. If you get some stuff at a garage sale in the summer and are a daycare provider in your own home...


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Just keep track of who gave it to you so you wont give the gift back to the person that gave it to you in the first place. Especially with things like unused wedding gifts. We gave some things (that were doubles or triples of the same item) to friends that...


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Marked Down Onions and Peppers
Our local Superstore also has reduced vegetables. I also buy, at half price, (besides peppers) broccoli, cauliflower and mushrooms. I havent frozen zucchini slices and I use fresh onions from the garden that are hanging from the ceiling over the freezer in...


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Read Your Supermarket Flyers Carefully Every Week
Some stores also have an instore coupon on a certain item, but then if you have a coupon for the same item from the manufacturer you are allowed to use both coupons on the one item. This can be just as good as getting an item on double coupon days in another...


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Ammonia Slug Control
So, you are saying that I can mix this solution up and give all my plants a really good drink, one time per summer, and I should be slug free for the year?? Does it, for sure, not harm my plants? I have some expensive ones that I dont want to lose. What does...


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Christmas Decoration - Recycle a Sled
A friend of mine took a ladder from a bunkbed and did something similar. She used minilights and an evergreen garland (6 long) and intertwined them up the ladder. Looked very nice. I bet you could do that with the old sled just outside the door of your house...


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Ground Beef and Rice
Instead of buying Rice a Roni why dont you use plain raw rice, wouldnt it be a lot cheaper? I have in the past bought Rice a Roni on double coupon day, but it was still so expensive, plus I needed at least 2 boxes for each meal (5 in our home). Add plain rice...


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Reusing Spaghetti Sauce Jars
When you are finished with the jar and are going to fill it with the grease from frying ground beef WHY are you cleaning it out thoroughly? Why waste the water to do so when you are throwing it away after anyway? I save my spaghetti sauce jars because I make...



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Peanut Butter Cookie Tip
I like that tip too!


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Cupboard Organizing Tip
In our first apartment, just after we got married, there were little black bugs in the kitchen cupboards. I ended up using the clear plastic bag idea and tupperware to put all the dry goods into. IF the bug got into the dry good before I had transferred it...


A woman selecting a large package of ground beef.l

What to Do with 10 Pounds of Ground Beef?
The last time I visited my sister she made meatballs by dropping them, after rolling them into balls, into a pot of boiling water. She cooked them only until done (she said they fall apart ortherwise if overcooked...then you make hamburger soup). They came...


A tray of pumpkin seedlings.

Pumpkin Plants for Halloween Treats
Here in Manitoba, Canada, Halloween is usually on a very cold night. If I gave plants to the kids they would have to keep it from freezing on the way home. Then the parent would have to keep the plant alive in the house until spring, which would (with a pumpkin...


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Searching for an Easy Tote Pattern?
I make a very similar tote. Assorted scrap pieces of material can be used. Small pieces made into little totes for a birthday present, larger ones for other things. I have 20 of so bags around the house. One is even in the garage hanging on the wall with a...


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What to Do with Queen Sized Comforters?
I like having at least an extra comforter around for company to use. When we have a family over or when the kids have friends over for night we have even used extra comforters on the floor instead of a mattress. I also like to have a comforter on the bed that...


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Buy Gift Bags at a Dollar Store
I have 2 gift bags full of assorted gift bags, one bag for birthday gift bags and one for baby and multi use gift bags. As I go to garage sales in the summer I pick them up for 25 cents each and, boy, can you find all kinds at garage sales. I look for the like...


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Getting Rotten Meat Smell out of the Car?
Just realized I forgot to sign in...I was the one that suggested to use baking soda and vinegar. Note...the rotten smell will not go away on its own. You cant just cover it up with an air freshener. You have to wash it out. Sprinkling the baking soda on top...


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Freezing Meatballs
I do the same thing with hamburgers. I use my tupperware hamburger press to make the same sized patties, place on any flat surface (tupperware lids work great) and put in the freezer for a few hours or overnight. The next day, pop them off the lid and into...


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Make Your Pets Bath Water Do Double Duty
IF it has not rained for a while AND the lawn is dry AND the lawn is hard, we drive our car onto the lawn and wash it there, thereby watering the lawn at the same time. Note, our car is small and leaves no tire marks later. We do wet the dogs with the garden...


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Write Information On The Back Of Pictures
DO NOT write on the back of the picture. Over time the pen will come through the picture amd ruin your picture, so I have been told, UNLESS you use an acid free ink. Rather, write the information on a piece of paper and keep it with the picture.


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Sympathy Gift for a Friend
roses dont like me...they die This is why I did not choose a rose from Walmart or Superstore but rather I went to the local plant nursery and bought a rose bush that was called Winnipeg Parks (developed in Morden, Manitoba). A very very hardy rose that is about...


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Locate the Bargain Bins
And depending on the stores policy, you may even be able to use a coupon on the reduced item to make it even cheaper for you. And the store actually is a little further ahead, because they get a handling fee for each coupon they send in plus, of course, the...


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Frequent Thrift Stores For Clothing
Before we went to Cuba last February I was looking for small lightweight items to take with me to give away to the people in Cuba that we would be in contact with. A lot of people bring things like small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, bandages, medicine, toys...


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Uses for Stale Bread?
Sometimes I just give the bread (even if there are one or two tiny spots of mold on it) to one of our two dogs. They love bread. Same with moldy cheese, they love cheese too.


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Can't Find Matching Bedspread and Sheets?
Why dont you get a white bedspread and sheets, etc.? You can use them in any color of room (in 5 years you may want to change to a different color for your walls). White goes with anything. THEN, buy some throw pillows in the same colors as your walls in the...


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Keeping and Organizing Plant Tags
Photo albums are great! I have a large variety of perennials and as the perennials get larger, I divide them and have an annual perennial plant sale/yard sale. Each perennial I sell is given a photo page. In the inside of the pages I put either the original...


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Save Shoe Boxes
I use shoe boxes to store my pictures in. I use the adult shoe boxes from my son (size 12) and I find that the developed pictures in their envelopes will stand nicely in the boxes. I abelled the outside of the boxes and now they are ready until I need to look...


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Savings Over Time Add Up
But now, you have to pursuade the teenagers and the DH in your home to do the same! That is the ultimate challenge!


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Poison Ivy Treatment
Poison ivy does not spread. That is a myth. It may just take longer for some areas to break out than others. A WONDERFUL product that can be bought in the United States for poison ivy and poison oak is called CalaGel made by Tec Laboratories, Inc. (1-800-ITCHING...


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Frugal Beverages
We have our own raspberry bushes in our yard. This recipe is easy and refreshing and wonderful to serve for company. Raspberry Iced Tea 1 1/2 cups sugar 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/2 gallon water 1 1/2 to 2 cups raspberries, fresh or frozen Boil together then add...


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Uses for Fish Tank Water?
Our goldfish bowl was on the kitchen counter and our cat drank from it for the first 3 years of her life (until the goldfish died.) Because I was always adding fresh water I did not have to change the fish tank water as often as I did before we got Sneaker...


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Reusable Gift Tags
great idea! I already have the fabric Christmas bags that I made. Right now we were reusing the paper name tags but... I could....use my scroll saw and cut out name tags out of a thin piece of wood in the shapes of Christmas things (snowmen, gingerbread, trees...


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Jars Needed for Gifts-In-A-Jar?
Sometimes the recycling depots will give jars away if you need them. You can also put an ad in the local newspaper for jars. In summer, garage sales are a great place for jars, too. Find grandmothers (those who used to put up a lot of fruit and vegetables in...


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Homemade Scrunchies
I made a similar scrunchie using leftover satin from the bridal and graduation dresses my mom would make. Mom would give me all the scrap pieces and I would make Barbie gowns and scrunchies from them. My daughter had a drawer full but of course she had her...


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Hot Chocolate Mix
What is Cremora?


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Make Washcloths Out of Old Towels
I found some thick name brand towels at a garage sale, except they had a row about 3-4 from each edge that had shrunken from the dryer. The rest of the towel was like new, and in a dark blue color. I cut the towels up, threw away the shrunken part and from...


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Keeping Hands from Sticking to Rice Krispie Treats
I have also just wet my hands with water and then pressed the cake to flatten it.


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Christmas Ornament Tradition
I mark the ornament whether I made it or whether I bought it with a very fine permanent marker with the year and the initials of the child. Sometimes when I have bought an ornament in the store the clerk has offered to put the information on the ornament for...


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Hot Glue Without a Glue Gun
I have an old potpourri mini pot that you would put water in, some potpourri and let simmer all day. I wonder whether that would get hot enough to melt the glue? Sometimes I see glue sticks at garage sales that are a different size than the glue gun I have...


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Glass Ornament Balls
Most craft stores sell the clear glass ornaments in the fall. I have bought them at Michaels and Lewiscraft here in Canada. Beware...the glass ornaments break very easily. They are made of a very thin glass. When making them with the paint, I like to put either...


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Looking for Drain Board Solution?
Do you have a double sink like I do? I now have a plastic-covered wire dishrack that just fits perfectly onto the second sink and therefore I have no drainboard to clean like I used to do. I used to have to wash the dishes, put the dishes away and immediately...


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Homemade Bean Bags for Kids
Please be very careful with beanbags. My sons retina (part of the eye) detached and his contact broke when he was hit in the face with a bean bag one Christmas. The kids had been throwing them at each other in the basement, just for fun. Please only take them...


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Gifts for Elderly Friends
So many of the elderly get cookies or chocolates and candy for gifts. I think that the stationary and pen and stamps is a wonderful idea. A friend of mine loves to send thankyou cards and still corresponds by letters with many people. The internet and computers...


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Gifts for Elderly Friends
I also clean for an elderly man and the last time I was there I had asked him what his favorite meal was. Lamb chops with mint jelly, potatoes and peas, was his answer. So yesterday I bought some lamb chops and the next time I go there to clean I will make...


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Christmas Decorations as Gifts for Young Adults
A wonderful idea! My mom is doing this for the nieces and my daughter who are all about 20 years old and in their first apartments.


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Looking for a Good, Inexpensive Vacuum Cleaner?
We used to have a bag-type electrolux vacuum cleaner. When it kicked the bucket I bought a bagless canister-type Dirt Devil. We figured that we could buy a new store bought vacuum cleaner once every 2 years for the next twenty or more years compared to buying...


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Disposing of Burnt Out Light Bulbs
If crushed wouldnt the broken glass break the baggie too? Maybe put it into an empty box of some sort, for example, a macaroni & cheese or milk carton instead? I dont worry about it, I just put the light bulb in the middle of the bag of garbage and have never...


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Moose/Reindeer Nuggets
I love this idea! Except...we are going to buy a carton of chocolate milk...empty it by cutting out the trap door. Rinsing it well. We are buying chocolate covered peanuts for the poop to fill the carton with. I dont have brown pompoms at home so we are going...


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Create Attractive Storage Containers With Popcorn Tins
I use one for all the leftover Christmas cards (I purchase them at garage sales sometimes). The other one has all the Christmas bags that I made over the years for the gifts to go in. These tins sit out as a Christmas decorations on the floor in my home and...


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Need Pinecones For Decorations? Go To The Park
One year we went to British Columbia, Canada and in the local golf course were these HUGE pinecones on the ground. I gathered up some and now each year they decorate my bookshelves, baskets and mantle over the fireplace. I have even put a few on the floor in...


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Removing Stuck Fudge?
Do you have a second dish that you could prepare? Some of the fudges that I make, if put in the microwave, would soften. Could you try that, though dontget it too hot, and remold in a new pan? What about scooping little spoonfuls out and making fudge balls...


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Invest In Oil Sprayers
I find that I cant use the bought aerosal oil spray cans because the stuff makes me cough and cough. My DHs best friend in high school used it to get high and the Pam coated his lungs and he died. Please be careful if you use the aerosol cans. The refillable...


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Recipes and Freezing Instructions For Red Onions?
When you freeze them do you double bag them? If you single bag the onions does the odor permeate the rest of the freezer goods?


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How to Tell if Grapes are Fresh
I find that if I squeeze the grapes and they are firm then they are fresh, if soft at all, then forget it. The way I find that keeps the grapes the freshest and the longest....I put mine in the fridge...but I rinse the grapes first and then leave them OPEN...


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Growing Strawberries in a Wheelbarrow
Skunks love strawberries. Last summer, the skunk ate the strawberries..cleanly eating the berry..leaving only the part of the berry that was red. Birds will peck at the berry all over and leave pokes in the berry and maybe mush on the ground beside it. Deer...


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Eating Moldy Cheese
If you have a dog, give the moldy cheese to the dog. All dogs love cheese. Note, when our cocker spaniel was expecting, the vet said that cheese was high in calcium and so besides her human (one that we could take) calcium tablet each day, we also gave her...


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Starting Where I Left Off on Thrifty Tips?
When I went through all of the tips, I would get to a certain page (eg. 2980-2990) and then save that one to my favorites list, each time replacing the thrifty fun with a new thrifty fun page. Be sure to save the entire page of 10 tips , not a page that talks...


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Stained Glass Christmas Angels
Could you give us your recipe for the dough? And what kind of candies did you buy for the stained glass star? Did you really use an 11 inch angle cookie cutter, like you mentioned that the TV host did? Sounds like an easy Christmas craft for kids at school...


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Regifting Tip
This is a great idea for the newlyweds who just recently got married and dont have two cents to rub together, but do have doubles and triples of items that they will never need two or three of. Yes, be sure to keep track of who gave it to you so you wont give...


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Cooking Pasta Without Water Boiling Over
Why take the time to rub grease all around the pot, save some time, just drop a half of a teaspoon or so into the pot. Works just as good. The butter will melt and create a layer across the top of the pan and will keep whatever from boiling over, eg. potatoes...


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The Best Tired Muscle Relief?
We have found that our hot tub works well for tired aching muscles. It soothes my DHs pre arthritic pain in his hips and knees too. When we have been outside in the cold, shoveling snow or whatever, the hot tub is wonderful!!!! My daughter used to love the...


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Making Pie Crusts For The Freezer?
Dear Guest post: Cream cheese....The next time your mom goes shopping get her to buy a few extra packages of cream cheese. Put a couple into the freezer (where only you know where they are). When you want to make something with cream cheese (like the pie crust...


Painted rock in memory of deceased son.

Painted Memorial Rock For Garden
I have some concerns about your rock and the method you were given. When you are painting on wood, plexiglass or rocks that will be left outside year round, please spend a little bit more money and buy the acrylic paint called patio paints. These paints will...


Painted rock in memory of deceased son.

Painted Memorial Rock For Garden
When you go to the paint store you ask for the varnish that will NOT yellow. Three years ago I painted a wooden bench with a picture of a baby raccoon desperately trying to hang onto a branch of a tree, then I bought a varnish that will NOT yellow and painted...


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Lady Bugs and Asian Lady Beetles?
In our horticultural club we were told that the Asian lady beetle has a black W on the head (its spots make a W). The ladybug does not have this marking. There are lots of wonderful color pictures in the internet if you go searching.


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Sterilizing Soil
Done it too! Boy, does the house smell after, like you have added boiling water to dirt!


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A Little Non-Stick Spray Keeps Dressing From Separating
Great idea! Im going to try that someday! BUT I will spray the Pam into my vinegar and oil dressing when I am standing OUTSIDE. NOTE: We have discussed the dangers of PAM and similar sprays before on this web site.


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Keeping Sandwiches Cold
Kids have gone to school for decades without worrying about bacteria spoiling the sandwich in their lunch. Now I wouldnt eat the sandwich made with some mayonnaise that was made at 7am if it is now 5pm, but noon never seemed to be a problem with anyone I grew...


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Using Up Eggnog - Egg Nog French Toast
I have added eggnog in waffles and pancakes, works just fine and doesnt give any great difference in taste. I also have used frozen eggnog. I just thawed only what I needed and then refroze the rest. I like the french toast idea, though. I have some eggnog...


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Venison Recipes and Tips?
Tenderloin...wrap in bacon and broil in the oven for 10 minutes until the bacon is done and the tenderloin is medium rare or as well done as you wish it to be. It is very tender. I have also sliced it and fried it. Ground venison (hamburger)...When we clean...


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Venison Recipes and Tips?
Ruth Justice, Wow!! Someone else who loves bear meat!!! My DH has bowhunted a few over the years and we love the meat! I also cooked bear the way I would cook pork. Bear roasts done in the slow tender and good.


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Uses For Leftover Candy Canes?
Use the broken candy canes for making Christmas chocolates... add crushed candy canes to melted white chocolate and pour into candy molds. Let set and pop out of the molds. Enjoy! Very pretty and tasty. If you have too many for next falls chocolates remember...


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Make a Fire Extinguisher Cover
Do you have a picture you could post for us to see? This sounds like an easy craft to do. Note: When I paint on plexiglass and dont have the glass paints I spray the plexiglass first with a matte finish and then I can use any paints I already have in the house...


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Really Good Carrot Cake Recipe?
Carrot Cake 1 cup cooking oil 2 cups sugar 3 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla Beat together and add the following: 2 1/4 cups flour 2 tsp. cinnamon 2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp salt Stir in: 2 cups shredded carrots 1 cup flaked cocunut (sweetened or unsweetened, whatever you...


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Getting The Most Bang For Your Buck Out Of Your Banking Services
I live in Canada and we have our own business. We dealt with the Bank of Montreal for years, personally and so when we started our own business, we automatically used that bank also. The bank charges were about $20 per month for the business account, we thought...


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Storing Nuts
Whenever I buy nuts I put them immediately into the freezer. Who knows how long they were on the shelf in the grocery store before I bought them. In my freezer, I put all the nuts in one area, so I know what I have and dont have. They are also in clear ziploc...


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Canadian Scanner Code
Does this apply to shopping at Superstore? That is where I do most of my shopping. They have never offered this to me when I have pointed out mistakes on my bill, I just get the $ back.


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Canadian Scanner Code
It happened at Superstore! The grapefruit were coming through at 98 cents each but on the shelf in the produce dept. they were 3 for $1.00. I said that because they were coming through at the wrong price that the grapefruit should then be free. This time, they...


Yard Art
I like your snowman! Hes cute!! Snow...we have snow about 15 - 20 deep in the middle of our lawn, but ...we live in Canada, just north of the International Peace Gardens. Everything is white here. What kind of paints do you use? When I paint for outside projects...


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Tip For Rethreading Drawstrings
If you use chopsticks, would knitting needles or large plastic crochet hooks also work? I dont have anything at this moment to restring. So...


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Using Bungee Cords To Help Fill The Freezer
Using bungee cords....My DH would tell me to take some food out of the freezer and use it and only put in back in what easily goes into the freezer. It looks neater and others opening the freezer can easily find something in there then too.


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Cheesecake Filled Chocolate Chip Cookie Squares
Since I do not buy refridgerated cookie thick are you slicing the dough ...1/2? to put as the bottom of this square/dainty? Sounds like a wonderful recipe. I wonder, though,...if you added cocoa to the filling, it would look and taste great to...


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Using Bungee Cords To Help Fill The Freezer
Harlean, I do the same thing! At the grocery store the produce guys have empty tomato boxes sometimes. These boxes are sturdy and have handle openings on the ends. WONDERFUL for using in the freezer. I can stack 3 boxes high and about 5 boxes wide in my LARGE...


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Wax Craft Ideas?
I saw a neat craft the other day. It was a wax bowl. The lady had blown up a balloon and put the soft wax over the balloon and let it harden. Deflated the balloon, flipped it over and she had a bowl. When the wax was still soft she had set it on the table in...


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Cleaning Out The Refrigerator?
Any leftovers that are too old for us to eat, I give to our dogs. If you do not have a dog, keep an ice cream pail in the freezer and save the old leftovers for a friend or relatives dog. When we had rabbits, the bunny food that was older went to the rabbits...


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Tea Bag Poem or Saying for Mother-Daughter Tea?
At Christmas one year at one of the Christmas parties, we each received a tea bag attached to a cut out piece of construction paper in the shape of a tea pot. The saying on the tea pot could be adjusted to fit your theme..... On Christmas Day At half past three...


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Popcorn and Trail Mix
Melissa, how much popcorn in the bag to how many minutes (approximately) in the microwave?


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Wooden Rat Poison Box
We had an old rubbermaid container (with a lid) that had a hole in the bottom corner. It has been turned into the mouse poison center. Mice can get in and out, the lid comes off for easy filling of the poison in a low ceramic container, and the hole is small...


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Will My Cats Catch The Mice?
Do you have an old plastic container, a Rubbermaid storage container, that you could turn into a poison control center? Make a hole in the bottom corner of the container at ground level just big enough for the mice to get in but not big enough for the cats...


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Washing Bathing Suits Without Soap?
We also have a hot tub. I dont bother washing our bathing suits, I let the chlorine in the tub sterilize them. Besides, since we go in the tub just about every day, the bathing suit would be dirty the next day again. We used to rinse the bathing suit after...


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Defrosting Meat With A Hair Dryer
Microwaving the meat on defrost, putting it in warm water or taking the meat out earlier in the day to thaw I would think would be much better... and you would use a lot less energy and less noise than standing and holding a hair dryer to the meat to thaw it...


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Hash Brown Bake
My recipe calls for 1 can of cream of mushroom soup instead of the chicken soup, but I have used cream of chicken too. Mine does not have milk though. I just made this two days ago, we love it. I also sprinkle parmesan cheese overtop of the 9 x 12 pan just...


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New School?
I assume that you are talking about a high school. If so, will the new school offer you courses that would be beneficial towards getting into a university and will be a pre-requisite towards entering the faculty that you want? My son needed physics, chemistry...


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Getting Orchids to Rebloom?
Orchids need to be pot bound, but do not repot into a big container. Repot with no soil. They like a little bit of air movement around them also. Never let the orchid sit in the water you just watered it with. Water with warmer water...dont shock it with cold...


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Decorating Melamine Plates?
Go to your local paint/hobby store and ask them which paints would work, both for food safety and also for ability to be painted on the melamine. The really important thing to remember is that you need to prepare the melamine BEFORE painting so that the paint...


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Uses for Fruit Juice
Warm it in the microwave, thicken it with cornstarch and you have a great glaze for any kind of fruit. Cool before adding the fruit. If you save the juice from the no sugar added canned fruit and use that you could serve it to anyone who is a diabetic. Makes...


Orange iris.

War Sails Or Terra Rosa - Iris - Easter Flowers
What is the name of this iris? It is gorgeous!!!


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Mail College Kids a Roll of Quarters
Its an idea...but Id beg to differ with you as to a great idea because... The college that my son goes to...he puts money down on a card that looks like a credit card and each time he does the laundry, he swipes the card through the washing machine and/or dryer...


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Garlic for Sore Throats
My mom and sister grow lots of garlic. They use and swear by it. This is what they do... cut the garlic in pieces and swallow as if it is a pill. Do NOT chew or get it on the tip of your tongue. It really does work to ward off colds.


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