
Marie Brack

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132 Comments | Active Since 2012
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Cleaning Your Sink But Allergic to Cleaning Products
Yes, as a chemically sensitive person I find that I can clean pretty much everything with baking soda, vinegar or just plain water.


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Lemon Juice on Skin and Hair?
Lemon juice is acidic. If your skin is dry or fragile, it may be too harsh. I suggest starting with a mix of half lemon juice and half water and see how your skin reacts. What are you expecting the lemon juice to do for your skin?


Teaching Children to Save Money, Child Saving Money

Money Making Tips for Stay at Home Moms
The link to the list of secret shopper companies is in the fourth paragraph down on the main page. There is a discussion forum on the site, where you can get a shopper's eye view of how the various companies operate and how...


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Paint Technique To Lighten a Dark Room?
I second the idea of white accents. Another thought is to either paint three of the walls a lighter neutral color, leaving the bold blue as an accent wall, or to paint just one wall a neutral, to tone down the blueness in the room.


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Homemade Aftershave Lotion Recipe?
A mix of half apple cider vinegar and half water works well, and once it dries doesnt smell like anything. Witch hazel is a fine traditional aftershave, available at drug stores and discount stores. At my Wal-Mart a bottle costs only $1.44.


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Saving First
Could be you know a different set of poorest people than I do. Not everyone has a job. Disability income can be extremely low, as can retirement income, sometimes well below the poverty level, and not everybody has those either. My income last month was just...


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Conserving and Cutting Laundry Costs
I like that idea of filling the washer in the evening to get a head start on the morning. I would fill it and leave it to soak overnight instead of letting the cycle run through, to avoid the mustyness and to get the cleaning benefit of soaking.


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Food Savings While Visiting Disney World?
Souvenirs bought in advance on eBay or Craigslist are just as good for a fraction of the price.


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Sweat Seems To Bleach Everything I Use?
That was happening to me for a while and I deduced it was ph, too acid. If you google alkalinizing foods youll find a list of things to eat and drink to correct it.


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Clothing Causing Pimples?
I have found underwear with the elastic waist covered with cotton at WalMart. Its pretty common for skin to react to elastic, and possibly to the fact that it is relatively non porous and the skin under it cant breathe.


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Save Money Cooling Your Home?
What it does is make you feel more comfortable so you can set the thermostat warmer and still feel cool.


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Reducing Blood Pressure?
Sleep apnea can cause BP to be high in the mornings.



Homemade Skin Oil
I just use safflower oil or almond oil, plain without adding anything. It works just fine.


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Make Your Own White Out (Liquid Paper)?
I cant find a real recipe for white out online. I suppose you could use white paint on a tiny brush. Maybe somehow get white chalk dust goopy enough to stick to paper?


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Legitimate Home Based Jobs Websites? is another paid to click program. Ive been with them for years. I just recently redeemed points for a $50 Wal-Mart gift card. Amazons Mechanical Turk is legit. ( The pay is quite low but once you find which tasks youre good at, you...


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Scars From Acne?
Some scars go away and some dont, but the process involved is the shedding of the old cells and growing of new ones to replace the scar tissue. As Ive gotten older my skin turns over more slowly. So I help it along by using a facial scrub (baking soda) about...


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Saving Money on Magazines
I can usually find magazine content online too. Some magazines are online in full, like Readers Digest.


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Suggestions for Getting Along With Relatives?
It isnt possible to be compatible with people that you clearly ARENT compatible with. Just because people are in the same family doesnt mean they have anything in common. The best you can hope for is to be polite. Something that helps me is to realize that...


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Making Your Hair Grow Faster?
What applying oil to your hair will do is help keep any growth you get, by reducing breakage. Likewise healthy food can help make your hair stronger, so you dont lose what youve gained.


A cut apple that is held together with a rubberband to keep from browning.

Use Rubber Band To Keep Cut Apples Fresh
What happens about the seeds? If you pare out the seed part in the middle and then put it back together, will the center get brown? If you dont pare out the seeds, how does the eater remove them at lunch time?


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Homemade Dryer Sheets?
The OP said that putting the vinegar in the rinse cycle isnt an option. Thats why s/he was asking about vinegar dryer sheets. Anyone brave enough to try it and let us know? Perhaps by pouring 1/2 c vinegar on a wash cloth and putting it in the dryer.


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Refrigerator Odor?
The odor must have a source, could there be something hiding in the back that isnt fresh any more?


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Getting Rid of Musty Smell in Basement?
Vinegar will take care of mustiness and molds, but its a bit of a challenge to wash a whole basement with it. Maybe a spray bottle, and set pans of it out. Definitely the dehumidifier though, otherwise the vinegar wont be able to keep up.


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Getting Rid of Mothball Smell in House?
Are the mothballs still up there? If so of course they have to be gotten out. For the interior, anything that can safely be set out in the sun should be, including upholstered furniture. Vinegar is a good deodorizer, you could set shallow bowls of it around...



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Getting Rid of Ground Hogs?
I havent actually tried this, but Ive heard that some wild critters will move away if you play loud obnoxious music near them. Of course it may also be hard on you and your neighbors, and unless there is a way to block up entrances, they may return.


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Homemade Remedy for Ants Inside?
Ants also wont cross a line of salt. For anthills outside, a relatively safe method is to pour large amounts of boiling water on the hill.


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Name Ideas for Interior Design Business?
If you dont get anything here, there are creative people at who think up stuff like that for $5.


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Ringworm Treatment?
Ringworm is a fungus, and thus should respond to vinegar treatment. One person I read about found she had to scrub the top layer off of it before the vinegar could get in to work on it. Soak in straight vinegar twice a day and see what happens. It is contagious...


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Small Holes in Shirts?
If they are distributed randomly around the shirts, it could be some kind of insect nibbling on them. That would call for deep cleaning the dresser drawers and maybe adding some cedar chips. If all the shirts have holes in the same area, such as near the waist...


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Name Ideas for Cleaning Business?
Years ago when I cleaned for money I was The House Elf - you can use that if you want. A play on the elves doing the shoemakers work in the fairy tale.


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Cleaning Floor Grout?
I feel your pain. My late husband was such a spiller of coffee that I considered mopping the whole floor with coffee to make it at least consistent.


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Getting Rid of Fruit Flies?
Fruit flies are so small they can come in any crack, but they only do so when theres produce. Somewhere, (hidden, since you dont know where it is yet) theres a fruit or vegetable in your house. Down behind something, under the trash bag, kids put it somewhere...


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Tickling in Ear?
Someone I knew got a tiny bug in her ear. If it is a bug, it might be coaxed out by shining a flashlight into your ear in an otherwise dark room. Otherwise the oil mentioned above might drown it. If its dry skin or irritation instead of a bug, the oil should...


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Mildew Smell in Carpet?
Pour straight white vinegar all over the affected area. Let sit overnight and then thoroughly dry the area by blotting with towels and blowing a fan over it until its completely dry.


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Financial Advice for Low Income Senior?
I dont believe that that level of cost for housing is sustainable. Unless she can get roommates to cover at least half to 3/4 of the cost her situation will continue to deteriorate. Or perhaps she could become a roommate at someone elses house and then they...


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Replacing a Missing Volume from an Old Encyclopedia Set?
Theres Thriftyfun thread about this that came up when I Googled it: Is 1880 the year your set was published?



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Dental Work Without Insurance?
Call the county health department. Where I live the Health Dept referred me to another county department that gives vouchers to have a tooth extracted.


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Tips for Downsizing to an Apartment?
I was fortunate to be able to downsize gradually through a series of moves and I learned a lot along the way. For items that are sentimental but not of practical use, its good to take a picture of it. You still have the reminder, but not the object taking up...


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Hair Damaged by Straightening?
Damaged hair needs oils to protect it while new, healthier hair grows in. The simplest is mayonnaise - rub a handful of mayo into your hair and let it sit for a half hour or so and then wash it out. This makes the bathtub slippery, so be careful. You can also...


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Folding Fitted Sheets?
An alternative would be to fold the fitted sheet good enough and then slide it and the flat sheet and pillow cases into one of the pillow cases. They wont get separated and will stack neatly.


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Non Stop Elevator
That kind of ignores the people waiting for the elevator on the floors youre passing up. They might be in a hurry also.


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Homemade Coffee Filters?
I got a permanent filter at


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Banana Box Groceries?
Youll find information like that by searching on google. The ones I found sell in very large quantities, more than you could fit in an ordinary truck.


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Housekeeping/Companion Service Rates?
I dont really understand the question. What are the differences you see between housekeeping and house cleaning? Different amount of responsibility? Hours?


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Working as a Longshoreman in Virginia?
Specific questions like this are more likely to find an answer on a search engine. I typed: employment application for a longshoreman position in Hampton Roads Virginia? into a search engine and got relevant results immediately.


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Using Dawn Detergent to Melt Ice?
If these recipes work its because of the rubbing alcohol. Sadly, the water you just added to your sidewalk or steps will re-freeze and youre worse off than before. Dawn cuts grease, not ice. Salt melts ice.


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Remedy for Bumps on Skin?
Bumps can have many different causes. I used to have bumps on the backs of my upper arms that cleared up when I started taking a vitamin A supplement. They could also indicate a need to exfoliate, whether with a loofah or a facial scrub like baking soda. If...


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Mold or Mildew on Fabric Couch?
There are some things you can try. Setting them out in the sunshine for as long as you reasonably can is one. Thoroughly spraying them down with tea tree oil or citricidal concentrate mixed with water is another. Bleach would be best for killing mode but would...


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Keeping Bananas From Turning Black?
I keep bananas in the refrigerator because even though that makes the skins go black faster it also makes the actual fruit stay good even longer.


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Financial Assistance Options After a Fire?
The Red Cross helps people after a fire.


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Budget Friendly Cleansers for Oily Skin?
Ive read of people with your type of skin having success with washing their face with the suds from the shampoo when they wash their hair. Other people use 50% diluted white vinegar.


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Remedy for Dry Itchy Ankles?
My lower legs are so dry they have their own diagnosis. I tried rubbing the inside of a banana skin all over them and they were smooth and soft for three days afterwards. Some compound in the banana soothes skin. I put some banana on the eczema on my hand and...


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Donating Used Sports Trophies?
May I suggest that first you take a picture or pictures of them for future memories. As to donating them. Ehow says that local sports teams and thrift stores may want them.


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Dyeing Hair Dark Naturally?
As I understand it the coffee has to be used daily for quite a while before the full effect kicks in. Something else to consider is the less damaging temporary dyes.


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Dyeing Hair Dark Naturally?
As to the deadness - if you mean its dry, Ive had great results with a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise thoroughly massaged in and left on for 20+ minutes. Washing it out does make the shower floor very slippery though, so be careful!


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Making Lavender Water? ehow has how-tos about just about anything. But I ask myself, one of the ingredients is lavender essential oil - could I make that myself? So I googled and ended up at ehow again


Reusing High Quality Carpet and Padding?
I actually hang rugs on the walls on purpose as both a sort of wall art, insulation and sound muffling. You could make a large frame for some of it. Or have it bound off into wall size pieces. Or hang some and pin things to it like pretty dried branches or...


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Removing a Second Layer of Paper Under Wallpaper?
Rubbing alcohol dissolves adhesive really, really well. As others have said, if you score the paper its easier for the liquid to get in and work.


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Unique Name Instead of Gramma?
GramMonica? French granmothers are called Maman (mah-mahn). In Louisiana its Memaw


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Cleaning Business Name Ideas?
A lot depends on your target market. As an older person who doesnt text much, the 4 U suggests you are a kid, maybe not very experienced.


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Holes in T-shirts?
Possible causes include pressure from a belt buckle or pants snap and leaning up against a counter or other surface.


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Working Online at Home?
A place to start is at Amazons Mechanical Turk. They have a wide variety of tasks. None pay well but you can work it at your convenience. There are also paid to click sites like and None of these are get...


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Reusable Toilet Paper?
I cut three t-shirts up into cloth wipes that I use as toilet paper. I put the used ones in a step-lid trash can and wash them with the laundry.


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Measuring Mouthwash?
We need to know for what purpose. Height? weight? contents?


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Carpenter Bee Neighborhood Issue?
You probably will have to re-treat periodically since they are in the neighborhood. I suggest a metal mailbox.


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Improving the Appearance of Chair?
Maybe you could cover it. A bedspread or quilt in a suitable color or design would disguise it. And I agree with the other poster who suggested something to distract from it such as a plant.


Healthy Snacks for Losing Weight

Healthy Snacks for Losing Weight
A lot of those sound great. One thing about the Tums - its an antacid. We NEED stomach acid to properly digest our food and taking antacid when you dont need it can lead to digestive problems and general health problems. Multivitamins contain fat soluble vitamins...


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Getting a Job as a Longshoreman?


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Real Estate Company Name?
Residential or commercial? High end, low end or all over the place? What part of the country? Any specialty such as short sales or rental management?


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Using Deemark Diaba Amrit for Diabetes?
Interesting. I did a search on that question and found it in a couple of discussion sites in the exact same words and one of the sites had removed it as spam. There are ads for it at several sites, mostly in India, and all using the same phraseology. It seems...


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Using Deemark Diaba Amrit for Diabetes?
Okay, now I found the ingredients they seem to include herbs for every possible bodily malfunction, and an awful lot of them. Without know the English name for them and what studies have been done on their safety, their...


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Selling a Vintage Dining Set?
I suggest you search the for the city nearest you in the furniture section and see what other people are asking for similar things. Since it needs refinishing your potential market will be smaller since not everyone wants to do the refinishing...


Selling Antique Furniture Online?
Craigslist is available for local sales. You can list on eBay and specify that it is for local pickup only, unless you have the resources to ship it and the buyer wants to pay to ship it.


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Natural Remedy for Acid Reflux?
My stepdaughter had tremendous relief with Garden of Lifes product called Acid Defense. Some people have less reflux if they dont eat grains, especially wheat.


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Finding a Job as Longshoreman?
Heres an overview: What is up with all the longshoreman inquiries on this site, it seem like there is a new one every month. If youre getting wrong information it might be because youre asking on a thrift...


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Baking Guide for Welbilt Bread Machine ABM-100-3?
Heres a pdf download:


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Value of Lady Emma Doll?
Here are some auctions for Alberon dolls. Notice that the prices showing are what the seller is asking, not what a buyer has paid. Most of the listings seem to have no bids.


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18 with RLS?
A glass of tonic water before bed may help to calm restless legs. The quinine in the water smoothes out excess muscle contractions. A magnesium supplement can help, and so might moderate exercise.


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Manual for Hitachi Bread Machine-HB-B201?
Heres a pdf download: It may also be available at


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New Dentures?
I cant answer your main question, but for future reference I can tell you about My husband got a full set for $325.oo.


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Pages Too Big for Computer Screen?
If you cant get at things on your screen to make an adjustment, try this: Hold down the ctrl key and roll the scroll button on your mouse toward you.


A person using an ATM at a bank.

Finish Your ATM Transaction
The new ATM machines scan the card at the beginning and give it back to you right away. But, anytime you say yes to a new transaction you have to put your PIN in again. So its not as unprotected as it appears.


Two dolls.

Value of Porcelain Windup Dolls?
You can search for porcelain dolls on to get an idea of their value. You can do the same on My guess is less than $20.


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Aluminum Foil for Sharpening Scissors
The scissors will be clean. Cutting foil removes burrs and rust. It also removes a bit of the steel at the wrong angle. Real sharpening is done at an angle, with a stone or sandpaper. For scissors the angle would probably be 20 degrees. http://en.wikipedia...


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Chamber's Encyclopedias?
There are dozens of questions on this site about the value of old encyclopedia sets. It would be great if Thrifty Fun would just put a notice on the front page that old encyclopedias have no value. Then we wouldnt have to give the same answer a lot of different...


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Value of Dalglish Reel Mower?
I saw a Remington in eBay that had been bid up to $63. The seller was offering free shipping which is probably what attracted the bids. Mowers with higher prices had no bids. You can also check your local and see what people are asking for...


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Remedy for Brittle Hair?
Ive had good results with mayonnaise. Take a spoonful and work it well into your hair including the scalp. Let it sit for 15+ minutes. Shampoo as usual, but you need a gentle shampoo. This will make the shower floor slippery so be careful. Its also important...


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Removing a Fat Stain on an Unwaxed Oak Table?
Im not an expert, so maybe a better answer will come along. Id be inclined to oil the whole table. The odds are against getting oil out of it, and wood likes oil.


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Selling Encyclopedias?
Probably nobody wants them but your local recycling company might recycle them.


Removing Water Stains from Car Windows?
Vinegar is effective against water spots. Be sure to rinse the vinegar off thoroughly.


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Sheets Transferring Dye to Skin?
Soak the sheets for several hours in vinegar and cold water. Something else to consider is that your sweat may be unusually acidic. To correct that, eat more vegetables and drink lemon juice in water. You can search the internet for alkalinizing foods to get...


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Damaged Hair Remedies?
Hair grows at the rate of half an inch a month. Theres a limit to how much dyeing and perming hair can stand and it looks like youve reached it. To grow healthy hair you need a healthy diet including vegetables, protein and good oils like nuts, seeds, avocado...


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Finding the Value of an Antique Push Mower?
A thing like that is worth what someone will pay for it. Theres no fixed, absolute value. If you search on push mower on Craigslist or eBay youll get an idea what they go for.


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Ideas for Boy's 12th Birthday?
As a former child myself I say the number one thing is to invite people who will actually come. No-shows are devastating at that age. What do the kids he knows like to do? Make the party something they will want to come to.


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Using Boric Acid Syrup on Ants?
It kills them. Boric acid attacks the central nervous system.


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Value of 1968 World Book Encyclopedia?
Encyclopedia sets dont have much value. Usually nobody will buy them. Maybe your local recycling company would recycle them.


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Chicken Give Dog Diarrhea?
Ive searched the internet and I dont see anything that would explain that. Maybe your dog has a food allergy. Anyway, if it gives him diarrhea, it gives him diarrhea, it doesnt really matter why.


House on stilts.

Ants Climbing Up Posts Into the House?
Because anything applied outside will melt or wash away I suggest a line of ordinary table salt along the edges of the floor inside. Put it all around the outer edge of the rooms where they will have to cross it to come into the rooms.


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Venting a Gas Dyer Inside the Home?
Every search result says that venting a gas dryer indoors is deadly.


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Manual for WelBilt Bread Machine? This type of question comes up a lot.


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Getting Cash Back at Stores?
Most stores cash registers offer fixed amounts of cash back. I suggest you call a local Walgreens and ask them what their smallest amount is.


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Selling The New Book of Knowledge?
Old encyclopedias have no value.


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Selling Trees for Lumber?
Maybe you could contact the folks who sell firewood and ask them if they would clear the trees away once theyre cut down and pay you something for the wood. Sometimes tree services will charge less if they dont have to do the cleanup.


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Recycling Frozen Food Containers?
Look on the bottom and the sides for the three bent arrows symbol for recyclables. If theres no symbol, it cant be recycled.


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Value of Seymour Mann Doll?
I did an internet search and this is the result: Collectibles are worth what someone will pay for it. They dont have a set, immutable value. If you search for Seymour Mann dolls on...


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Remedies for Itchy Ears With Discharge?
On the off chance that the water is spinal fluid, go to the doctor without delay.


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Ask For Travel Reimbursement
Are you talking about the government Department of Health and Human Services? Or is this something at her place of work? (b)Editors Note:(/b) This would be a reimbursement from the employer. Most companies have a Human Resources department to help with benefits...


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Smoke Detector Beeping?
That just happened to me recently. It turned out the new battery was run down, too.


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12th Birthday Party Ideas?
Going for a meal and having friends stay over is plenty of party by my standards. If every year is a big deal, how will she remember - and afford - the special years like 16, 18 and 21.


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Sweet 16 Trip?
This is pretend, right? Ill go along. You can have a spa day anywhere. In NYC, go to a Broadway play, or to several. Get on and search on museums and galleries in NYC. Search on unique attractions in NYC. Get around by taxi and bus. See the Statue...


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Value of a Murphy Cedar Wardrobe?
A thing is worth what someone will pay for it in the current market. I did an internet search. Someone on Craigslist is asking $120. Asking doesnt mean hell get that much.


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Roach Prufe Around Perimiter To Eradicate Roaches
Boric acid is a wonderfully effective roach killer. You can buy it straight behind the counter at the pharmacy. It can harm people and pets though, if they eat it or have prolonged skin contact with it. Thats part of why people put it in the backs of cabinets...


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Chips Game Rules? Is this the game? If not, try an internet search with as much information as you have, including the manufacturers name.


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Keeping Bugs From Coming In Though Windows?
Mosquito netting arranged like a tent over your bed, surrounding you. Maybe hang it from hooks on the ceiling.


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Survivors Benefits for Children in College?
Yes. Call the local Social Security office or go there and sign them up. Call first to see what documentation they will need you to bring.


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Name for Interior Design Company?
I see this kind of question a lot on these forums. Its a creative industry, surely youre creative enough to name your company. You know your market and your strengths better than strangers on the internet could.


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Keeping Horse Flies Off?
Knock them off with your hand? Or did you mean how do you keep them from landing?


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Child Support and Social Security?
That might be SSI. Please, call or visit your local Social Security office and find out for sure. Call first and ask them what documentation you need, such as your childs birth certificate and the fathers social security number.


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Value of Old Reel Mower?
Things of this sort are worth what someone will pay for it at any given time. Search on Google and eBay and Craigslist for similar mowers to see what they are going for now. Thrifty Fun has a guide about it too:


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Getting Rid of Roaches?
That seems unlikely. A good way to get rid of roaches is to get boric acid (from behind the counter in the pharmacy) or a boric acid based product like Roach Pruf. Put it in out of the way places like under the sink and behind the refrigerator. Take off the...


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Clever Name for a Real Estate Company?
Have you Googled bird or animal that migrates from Brazil to north America?


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Applying for a Job as a Longshoreman?
Surely you should be asking at the port or at the union hall. I cant think why people on a site about thrift would be expected to have detailed knowledge about longshoreman jobs. You also didnt mention where you are and that probably makes a difference.


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HHO Generator Doesn't Improve Mileage? There are some cars it cant work in.


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Getting Rid of Bats?
Instead of killing beneficial creatures, consider covering up your chairs.


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