
vicki hood

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4 Posts | 557 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Listerine Itch Spray for Dogs
Please get to the cause of the itch. Flea allergy? Fungus? mites? Food? Immune system?. All can be fixed rather easily. Read my past posts as this can be rather lengthy. Immune system needs built up not destroyed by vaccines,wrong food and allergens. No vaccines...


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Outrageous Meat Prices?
Save --- Dont eat meat. Avoid disease, the cruelty involved, the chemicals, the antibiotic overload. Get healthy. avoid the doctors and hospitals.


A dog licking it's lips.

Saving Broth for Dog Food
Google euthanized pets in dog food. No grocery store pet food aisle foods. The poison used to euthanize does not cook out. China has been trying to feed us their chicken. While not allowed for human consumption, it is coming in and killing our pets. Latest...


A dog licking it's lips.

Saving Broth for Dog Food
Same or better price decent kibble is at your farm supply, your groomers, pet supply or specialty store. Diamond lamb and rice. First ingredient, meat. No corn wheat or soy. Better but more expensive is EVO or California naturals. I dont do chicken for me or...


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Making Anti Dust Mite Pillowcases Mattress Covers?
I wonder if dry 20 mule team borax spread under pad and sheets along with into carpet in bedroom would kill these boogers? It doesnt hurt anything. In fact it is a cleaner that is mined not chemical.


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Feeding Big Dogs
You are so right to not feed fillers as they cause the allergies and bad health as well as bad skin. Corn, wheat and soy are bad news. A good feed store dog food is made by Diamond. The lamb and rice is better than the chicken. Chicken nowadays is loaded with...


A white pet rat being held in a hand.

5 Reasons to Get a Pet Rat
Big pharma, cosmetic companies test on rats, dogs, cats, rabbits. goats and anything this false science can make a dollar on. The only thing a human shares with these gentle creatures is love that is felt for others. Rats, being so gentle, are used for painful...


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Preventing Pantry Pests
Guest post, Those wormey things you spoke of are India meal moths larvae. They make webs in grains, pasta, packaged food. Hatch into small moths that look similar to clothes moths.


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Skinny German Shepherd?
No vaccines. His immune system may have been compromised. A homeopath would be a good start. No doubt he was vaccinated numerous times while at the shelter or the jail he was in. Good homeo for that is THUJA. Worms? easy to rid of intestinal worms by adding...


Cat Appears to be Spraying?
Vet NOW. Sounds like urinary blockage. Could kill.


dog chewing on back leg

Why Does My Dog Chew Himself?
Food needs changed. NO Grocery aisle food. Nothing with corn wheat or soy. I suggest a decent, but not perfect, Diamond lamb and rice from the co op, farm supply type store. Some raw is very good. Even most fruits and veggies. Please google. cook lentils, brown...


dog chewing on back leg

Why Does My Dog Chew Himself?
NO grapes or raisins - poison to them. As little as 7 can kill. When you feed fresh fruits and veggies raw diet for better health, this is very dangerous.



dog chewing on back leg

Why Does My Dog Chew Himself?
Please NO steroids. Itch comes back worse and regular steroids (google it - its all over) in the end can cause cataracts. Sounds like your lil one has athletes foot. Easy to fix. Treat other parts too. Several ways. Feet only? athletes foot spray. I would do...


dog with a carrot in its mouth

Healthy Treats For Your Dog
Every one of my dogs love raw organic peas from the freezer at Costco. I started the defrosting for my chubby blind lhassa. They are delicious. Sweet and fresh tasting. The other 5 pound frozen organic they love is Costcos green beans. Just plain defrosted...


dog with a carrot in its mouth

Healthy Treats For Your Dog
Every one of my dogs love raw organic peas from the freezer at Costco. I started the defrosting for my chubby blind lhassa. They are delicious. Sweet and fresh tasting. The other 5 pound frozen organic they love is Costcos green beans. Just plain defrosted...


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Dog Food For Almost Nothing
Careful of cheap dog foods. Feed wrong and vet bills and misery follow. Never any corn wheat or soy. That causes allergies, digestive problems and immune system weakening. Corn is one of the biggest problems. Hard to digest, causes infected ears, fungus, dry...


American Staffordshire Terrier.

Dog Collar Advice?
Allergy? Buy nothing from China. History of products from China is not good. Please do not tie out your dog. If your dog is a family member, he/she belongs with you in the house when possible.


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No Mess Orange Peeling
There is a citrus scoring tool that is amazing. You score the skin and peel comes off so much easier.


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Trade With Neighbors Instead of Boarding Your Dog
To put your loved one in a kennel is like jail. They dont know what they did wrong to be punished. Always a better decision to have them in familiar surroundings with trusted responsible people. Another answer is a friend who enjoys your dog, visits with them...


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Can Humans Catch Worms From Dogs?
On Facts 75% of humans have worms. No symptoms but with that % what the hey! Diatomacious earth and I passed what looked like a 5 or 6 inch rope with many long worms superglued side by side. Dont know what they were but I didnt need them so thought I would...


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Listerine For Pet Odors
Listerine (amber colored only) is wonderful for pets itchy feet, hot spots, fungus and general itch. Do not use the pink, blue or green as it doesnt work the same. I know not why but our wonderful A C officer gave us tips on curing many things in the barns...


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St. Bernard With Skin Problems?
His immune system is shot. Probably from a vaccine. You must build his immune system which will take a complete change in diet to lots of raw, eliminate ANY corn wheat or soy. Rid him and his surroundings of fleas. Indoors needs treatment with dry Borax(2 weeks...


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Getting Rid of Ants in Recycling?
Karo and 20 mule team to kill the nest. About 10% 20 mule team borax in Karo syrup warmed just enough to dissolve. Squeeze bottle application. Apply to small areas like cracks. Ants consume and carry it back to nest. Queen is killed. It takes a few days but...


Mixed terrier with patchy fur.

Feed Dogs Yogurt for Allergies
Allergy causes. corn, corn, corn, wheat and soy. Vaccines bring about the shutdown of auto immune systems and open everything for attack, including allergy, arthritis, cancers and the like. Read up on ingredients and dangers at or other anti vaccine...



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Eco-Friendly Flea Remedies?
Dry 20 mule team Borax - about 2 to 2 and a half cups in a colander to sift into carpeted rooms. Thats the average room. Leave for 2 weeks for life cycle to finish before you vacuum. No fleas for at least a year and a half. Late 80s Flea busters was charging...


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Soak Your Dog's Feet in the Bathtub
Use amber colored Listerine for itch. Diet change to no corn wheat or soy. Some raw must be given. No vaccines to destroy the immune system.


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Reduce Cat Allergies With Monthly Bathing
Severe allergy where eyes water, throat affected can be helped with Pantothenic acid, a part of the B vitamins. Name escapes me but popular author who wrote You are What You eat. O D a tad as it will pass off in the toilet if your body does not absorb all. Relief...


cat and dog together in pet bed

Pets for Less: Save on Your Best Friend
Please read all of my past posts if you love your pet. NO grocery store food. No poisons, they kill. Food grade diatomacious earth for intestinal worms. NO poison vaccines. Immunities present in almost any dog with just a few years of age. Did you know there...


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Cat Aggressive to Owner and Other Cat?
He either needs neutered or he just plain doesnt feel good. Did he just have a vaccine? If so, his immune system may be all messed up. Build his immune system up with good diet. No grains, fillers. Nzymes are good. Probiotics are good. Try a container of yogurt...


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Puppy is Having Frequent Accidents?
Of course she is sweet. Shes a pittie. Needs to go to vet right away. She is in pain and it can only get worse. Sounds like a UtI --urinary tract infection. Dont let her suffer, please. no vaccines, especially right now. She is probably on overload of vaccines...


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Pain When Putting Dentures In?
Mothful several times a day. Hold, even swallow willards water or colloidal silver or both. Very healing. hugs, vicki


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Excited Dog Peeing in the House?
Orally dash of willards water and/or colloidal silver. No none, forget it, corn wheat or soy (allergens). Clean up? citrasolv. hugs, Vicki


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Using Advantix on Dogs?
Better to sprinkle dry 20 mule team borax into your carpet. 2 or 21/2 cups average size carpeted room. leave for 2 weeks before vacuuming. Natural. no fleas in house for more than a year.


Older Dog Has Started Chewing on Things?
Cataracts, fix narurally. First drop or 2 of cold process flax oil, 5 to 30 mins later, drop or 2 of gentle eye drops with 15% MSM ( about 1 teaspoon for an ounce) start 3 times a day. Takes a while because catarats come off in layers. Length of treatment varies...


Older Dog Has Started Chewing on Things?
Muttmom again. Your little one need some Willadwater xxx to help with her teeth and general health. Another is colloidal silver water.


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Nothing Is Working To Get Rid Of The Fleas?
About 2 cups of dry 20 mule team Borax for average size carpeted room. Sift over carpet. Leave for 2 weeks to get larvae eggs and adults. only then can you vacuum. You will not have fleas in your house for over a year. Your yard has to be done, as well as your...



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Rubbing Alcohol for Cleaning Windows
Very quick and easy. Miracle cloth barely dampened with a little water(or alcohol). Couple swipes and you are done. That cloth just grabs everything. i like the yellow miracle cloth car wipes at Costco. At least a dishtowell size. they wash beautifully. Great...


A black and brown dog lying on the ground.

Parvo Survival Rate?
Enema with colloidal silver (where the concentration of parvo is). Half hour you should see improvement. Time to do another enema. Parvo often comes from the vaccine. Very contagious. On you, your shoes, all over. Heed warnings of spreading this horrible disease...


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Does Parvo Affect the Entire Litter?
Common for dogs/pups to get Parvo from the vaccine.


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Veal in Sour Cream
Veal is the most unhealthy food a body could consume. Google the way these babies are raised. They cannot move, have no drinking water only the moisture in their gruel. Sick, weak, deprived.


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Dog Food Recommendations for Small Dogs?
No corn wheat or soy. For instance science diet is loaded with corn. All can cause allergies and poor health. Innova is a good product. A little yogurt once in a while. The kind with lots of natural opheluses. Thats your probiotics. No grapes or raisins. They...


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Healthy Dog Food Recipes? for granules to sub for not being able to do raw. very small spoonful according to size and your dog will have better tummy, skin, joints, poop, - all around. Good for people too. I also do Willards water and colloidal silver to keep them well. Some...


Belle Button (Pit Bull)

Belle Button (Pit Bull)
Those eyes are incredible. What a sweetie. Pits get a bad rap. It is never the dog--always the people. Its a phase like breeds that were banned in the past. Breed bans never work because it is never the dog. Amazing how once you are a pit owner you really get...


Leroy (Golden Retriever/Chow)

Leroy (Golden Retriever/Chow)
Absolute charm. Irresistible.


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ParvoBusters Remedies for Parvo?
Muttmom answering your request. Pull out all stops. Do whatever you can. Mainly keep dog hydrated. Colloidal silver that you bought, Do more often and double the amount. Like every half hour or even more. Enema with colloidal silver--1/2 hour later another...


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I Saw a White Deer?
Here in Roseburg Oregon I saw a mostly white fawn on my pasture. Had a brown spot on its side and brown on part of its head. Beautiful. I am told they are sacred to Indian tribal culture. See my post about fawns and others being born and hatched without eyeballs...


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Getting Rid of Bats in the Attic?
I have heard from a neighbor that if you play loud music in the attic about the time they enter for the night, they wll leave. Please do not kill them as they are very beneficial for eliminating mosquitoes. You might check with your local wildlife rescue for...


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Considering an Eskimo/Shepherd Mix?
Please do a rescue. It is so rewarding to know you have saved a life. Many shelters have an 85% kill rate. Not fair to buy from a breeder when there are so many that desperately need homes. Only get a dog that will be part of your family. No chained dog outside...


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Considering an Eskimo/Shepherd Mix?
Muttmom again. Everyone out there; consider becoming a foster parent for shelter dogs. Check with your shelter. You will have to be approved and then the rewards abound. You watch and help a starved or abused or needy animal blossom into a wonderful, loving...


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Gnats or Bedbugs?
Fleas - which are now throughout your house. Poor Kitty. Please use a safe product to rid her of her fleas and for your house? Some fleas are breeding in your carpet right now. Read my profile feedback. It has explained about safe natural product that will...


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Tips on Introducing Two Cats?
Pet store. Buy the plug in pheramone thingey. Unbelievable but it works in most cases. I thought Yeah, right when it was recommended to me. Surprise, it worked.


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Windows XP Keeps Crashing?
Mine too. Dont know what is wrong but it sure is aggravating.


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Dog Biting Tail and Scratching His Back?
See my former posts. Dry borax in carpets. Bathe with oatmeal shampoo 2 times. For skin and itch willards water xxx 2 oz. per gal water spray on affected areas. Clean up diet. His immune system has been somewhat destroyed.Go Natural diet. Raw if possible but...


Husky looking dog in papasan chair.

What Breed of Husky is My Dog?
Beware of vaccine, especially if she is part wolf. Talk to knowledgeable vet. Wolf and wolf x have bad reactions. Go homeopathic nosodes. Check ingredients of vaccines on Itll knock your socks off. Documented. Makes sense.


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Fox Urine Rodent Repellent
This promotes cruel foxfarms. Besides you have never smelled anything like this putrid unwashable stink. Best to half burn(in frypan) fresh rosemary, spread in areas where mice or rats visit. Another is peppermint oil on cotton balls. Another is fresh dryer...


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Removing Dog Pee and Poo from Cream Carpet?
Blot Blot Blot, then, Natures miricle or citra solv. Cant find citrasolv? Janitor supply Limonene. Some fabrics stain or fade with any moisture. Check before using.


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Puppy with Hydrocephalus?
Parvo? enema with colloidal silver 10 to 15ppm. Half hour later, another enema. This knocks out most of the parvo germs accumulation in the colon, plus provides added hydration. Hydrate by mouth often, dropperfulls, larger dogs, use even your baster. good idea...


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Brown Rash on Dog's Belly?
Cant tell without seeing it. Sounds like allergy. Very healing and natural is willards water xxx in spray. No poison flea shampoo. That collects in liver and kidneys.check internet for dosage of WW xxx in drinking water. i order the real stuff from qualified...


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Dog Shaking Head?
Could be foxtail. Do not home treat. Foxtails can work their way clear into your dogs brain. Vet needed.


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Milkshake Stains on Clothing?
Boil in dish washer detergent on top of stove. The granular kind like Cascade. Takes stains out of baby clothes even. Clothing must be of sturdy material. Couple spoonfuls in pot of appropriate size. Check stain every few minutes. Rinse well then wash in your...


What Breed is My Dog?
The breed is called adorable. I vote with Koolmom. The white is what is puzzling. Possible a tad white german shep? No matter what she is, she is the best kind because she is family.


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Care Credit For Expensive Vet Bills?
Build strong immune system. No poisoned needles. see homeopath for nosodes. (inexpensive too) Feed natural foods no grocery store ca ca. Check vaccine ingredients on and you will never use them on anything or anyone.


Mia (German Shepherd)
What a beautiful child. She looks so young and precious. You did know that for stroke, she could use a baby aspirin daily.


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Deck is Slippery When Wet?
Temporary fix is sprinkle sand. A little goes a long way on wood decks. If you have wood stairs, they need it most.


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Safe Flea Bath for Cats?
Dry borax in your carpets, then your kitty wont pick up the little boogers. Good time of year for occasional freeze for killing fleas in your yard. See my previous posts for 20 mule team Borax application.


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Frugal Pet Shampoo?
Dry borax your carpets and home to rid the infestation.


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Dog Won't Eat?
Keep hydrated-keep hydrated-keep hydrated. Give enema with colloidal silver (health food store) 1/2 hour later another enema. If she has sickness in her intestines this will help. Right now, it sounds like she will die if nothing is done. Get another vet. He...


black dog

What Breed is My Dog?
He is mixed with good, special and daddysboy. The best kind cause he is loved. Muttmom


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Advice for Quitting Smoking?
Make yourself smoke outside only. Allow only 2 drags or puffs and snuff it so you can pick it up later for another 2 puffs. Outside, you are alone, its cold, not comfortable. Stick to the 2 puff method until you can forget it altogether. You will breathe easier...


What Breed is My Dog?
The breed is called beautiful. What a treasure. Best insurance policy u could have. Special love given. Always a friend. Lucky you.


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Preventing Winter Dry Skin?
Nothing finer than extra virgin coconut oil. Plastic squeeze bottle warmed in your shower. Apply as you step out of the shower. Soaks right in, keeps moisture in, softens, good for wrinkles, not greasy soon as you wait few minutes. No allergens, purity, no...


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Treating a Dog With Dander?
See a difference in a week. Cleared in 2 weeks. Nzymes granules. 877 816 6500. Improve diet. No corn, wheat or soy.


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Are Calamine and Scalpicin Safe to Use on Cats?
No to pred. Nzyme granules 877 816 6500. Clean diet. No corn wheat or soy.


Tan and black small puppy.

What Breed is My Dog?
His breed? Unique. He looks precious.


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Refrigerator Exterior is Rusty?
KrudKutter for rust--from your hardware store. Safe too.


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Ants in Refrigerator?
Slightly warm karo syrup and about 10% 20 mule team borax. drizzle in area or use containers. They eat and dye is about a week. Whole nest goes.


dog with headress

Holly Molly (Labrador)
Holly Molly would be much more beautiful if you hadnt covered her ears. Feel the velvet on her ears. She is a sweetie. Tolerant too.


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Stains on an Old Linen Napkin?
Lots of professionals use Orvus. Its a non soap that does wonders for dedicates. Google measurements. Has saved several treasured articles for me.


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Buying Designer Breed Puppies?
Sad that you would do this Paris Hilton purchase. So many adorable puppies are put to sleep because of breeding like this. instead, go to the local shelter--find the best love and devotion a body could have by adopting a homeless, perhaps one of a kind, pup...


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Puppy Only Poops Inside?
Exercise is the only answer. Crate is great--potty with exercise.


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Making Safe Well Balanced Dog Food?
Good for you. Raw is best. Even if it can only be couple times a week. Builds immune system. Something to consider for eyes, Most dogs deficient in lutein and other important vitamin mineral substances. Buy fresh Kale. Chop and half fry with a little coconut...


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Unclogging a Shower Drain?
Drain Clear by Enforcer. An enzyme. Safe. Very effective. Clears drains of years of collection.


Tan and dark brindle coated dog.

What Breed is My Puppy?
I think i see some Dane. Pit-maybe Lab, lots of devotion. I can see it in her eyes. What a beauty. You are so blessed.


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Pitbull Puppy That Bites?
Pup is not biting mean. It is a baby that is chewing. Too young--needs his Mommy still. That is a bad rap you are perpetuating. Biting Pit Bull. My patoot. Any puppy will chew. It is part of nature. Pits are usually very sweet.


skin raw where dog is licking

Dog is Licking Itself Raw?
Was your dog just vaccinated? Could be vaccine poisoning which is very common due to the rotton ingredients in them. R u feeding grocery store (like Purina) food? Big nono. Raw is best but at least get Innova, California Natural--something better than the caca...


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Ants in the Bathroom?
About 10% 20 mule team borax in squeeze bottle with Karo syrup. Mike few seconds just warm enough to dissolve. Squeeze into cracks or areas no one or no animal can reach. Ant workers carry it back to nest. Can take up to a week depending on the number of colonies...


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Best Dog Food for Weight Loss?
Raw diet is best. Absolutely no corn wheat or soy. No grocery store, WalMart commercial garbage. Check how your big dog food companies get their ingredients, including scrapings from chicken excrement, euthanized shelter animals and the like. When you feed...


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Cat Scratching, Licking, and Pulling Out Fur?
Get some raw in his diet. for granules. Often flea treatments fail like yorkiepoo is saying.


Yellow speckled green foliage plant.

What Is This Plant? (Spotted Laurel)
Told it is a gold dust plant. I live in Oregon. Mine are 8 foot tall. Hearty in freezes.


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Winter Feeding for Hummingbirds
Love those birds. They need to live. To help with the feeder, I place a 100watt lamp, preferably with a spot type holder about a foot and a half from the feeder to keep it from freezing.


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Caring for a Senior Dog?
No vaccines. It will kill him or her. Good diet--as much raw as possible. Make half wilted (fried in a little coconut oil) fresh cut up kale one of the meals of the day. First or second time if u think the dog may not eat it, sprinkle tad of parmeson. That...


White dog with markings on back and large stand up ears.

What Breed is My Dog?
What a beauty.


Getting Dogs to Quitting Eating Their Poop?
Hot sauce, chili powder, sprinkled on the piles.


Closeup of Lucky.

Lucky (Mixed Breed)
Good find. What a treasure. Those eyes drip with love and speak volumes.


What Breed is My Dog?
You are blessed if he is. Wonderful breed. All breeds are wonderful, It is only man that screws them over.


M & M cookies.

Why Are My Cookies Flat?
Sometimes it is your shortening. Use solid shortening like butter. If you use oiley margarine you get flat cookies.


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Smell From Garbage Disposal?
Treat with Drain care, a natural enzyme that will not hurt your plumbing. Cleans all in there to slick and shiney.


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Cat Peeing on Countertops?
Needs vet. Probable UTI.


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Shop Thrift Stores for Top Sheets
Bedbugs can even be on brand new clothing. Best to put everything in the dryer before you even set your packages down. The heat from the dryer is a sure cure for whatever might be.


Bailey standing on one foot on dish

Bailey (Congo African Grey Parrot)
Best of all, You got him when he needed you. That is what makes him such a treasure. Good find.


What Breed is My Dog?
Called a blessed breed. Dont ya just love it?


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Treating a Dog's Strep Infection Without Antibiotics?
Grapefruit seed extract in and out.


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Dog Smells Bad?
The kind of dog that is shampooed and 2 days later your hand smells putrid when you pet him? I can only tell you what i was told and what worked for us. Immediately. Horsepaste (ivermectin) Some use ivermectin as a home remedy for worms in general. You must...


What Bread is My Dog?
Gorgeous - He belongs on a calender. He is German Shepard and the other part is called gifted.


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Aggressive Pit Bull Puppy?
Vet must be reported. What an ahole. If there is aggression, sometimes that comes from being vaccinated. This can happen at any age. Look it up on the internet.. It is the mercury in the vaccine which has gone to the brain. It will take time and patience and...


What Breed is My Dog?
He looks chi. If there is anything else in there, it is called gifted.


What Breed is My Dog?
Saluki maybe? The legs are slender, the nose. He is unique and gorgeous.


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Will Sugar Ants Harm Houseplants?
Karo syrup and about 10% 20 mule team Borax. Warm a few seconds to dissolve. Squirt bottle. Put in cracks and holes, somewhere that animals will not be able to eat the syrup. Probably not kill the animals but if they get enough it will give them a tummyache...


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Finding a Lost Cat?
Great advice by cyinda. Your kitty is very close to home. be sure to check any small buildings, under the house, any holes a cat could possibly get into. Any traps in the area? Keep in touch with neighbors.


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Buying Pedigree Complete Nutrition Dog Food in Bulk?
Really lousey food. Check internet about euthanized cats/dogs being part of the protein (including the poison used to euth them) check all purina and grocery store pet foods. 95% of them are loaded with corn which is a health menace. Go to specialty store like...


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Lasagna Casserole for a Crowd
6 - 8 pounds of meat? 4 -6 pkg cheese? Methinks there is a misunderstanding in foreign measure. I would have the same problem if i were to measure ingredients even in Australia.


macaw parrot

Carlos (Blue and Gold Macaw)
Plucking, Wish I could remember because I was angry I didnt have info before when I had a plucker. Check info on glop parrot recipe. Something about plucking and flax seed oil by mouth. There is a cure. plucking does deplete your bird enough to affect his health...


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Neosporin Use on Dogs?
Use Athletes foot spray, just not in the eyes.


What Breed is My Dog?
I see yellow lab and the other part is called cherished.


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Neosporin Use on Dogs?
Athletes foot spray. Old fashioned vet gave me this advice says dogs pick up fungus same as people do. In public shower, in the grass. Simple, you can even use this on ringworm which is a fungus but do not spray into the eyes.


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Yellow Stains on Bathroom Walls and Floor?
You have got to catch the idiot that is pissing all over the bathroom. He has really bad manners.


Lucy (Rat Terrier)

Lucy (Rat Terrier)
You bet you and Lucy can beat it. OK to help? First no auto immune upsets. Lucy probably got the cancer from a vaccine. No vaccines, No chemicals. No commercial foods. No corn wheat or soy. Raw diet. Go alkaline. Lots of baking soda. Check internet for cures...


Black dog with curly hair.

Gibraun (Golden Retriever/Border Collie)
Had one that looked just like him when i was a young girl. Probably the best dog i ever had. Gibraun is a gorgeous, wonderful, best friend, love.


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Controlling Odor in Compost Bucket
Danger ever substitute phoney sugar. It kills animals should they get into the compost. It is a horrible death. Besides compost is to be organic. Phoney sweeteners are the farthest from organic.


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Grammar Tip: "Stationary" vs "Stationery"
Loved it. Spelling, as you get older seems to fade, just because of not using it on a daily basis. On the internet lots has come back but tips like this are super for my tired brain.


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Advice for a Dog With Allergies?
Raw diet only. Athletes foot spray on feet. No grocery store dog food. No vaccines. That is what brought it on.


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Removing Skunk From Under Cabin?
Do not hurt the skunk. Check internet as to when babies arrive in your area. Use care not to move if there are young. Skunks are beneficial for many reasons. A loud radio under the house will move that critter elsewhere. I had the same thing and made friends...


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