
pamela tucker

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1 Post | 8 Comments | Active Since 2005
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Auto Depositing Your Tax Return
I used Taxact to do my nephews taxes. He does not have an account, so opted to have the taxes deposited to his moms account. Taxact asks whether the refund is being delivered in someone elses name. His funds were deposited with no problems. I have been doing...


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Auto Depositing Your Tax Return
I used Taxact to do my nephews taxes. He does not have an account, so opted to have the taxes deposited to his moms account. Taxact asks whether the refund is being delivered in someone elses name. His funds were deposited with no problems. I have been doing...


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Less Laundry with Babies
My daughter has kept a bib on her 6 month old since she was born! I think the only time she takes one off is when she is sleeping. They get soaking wet from the drool, but that is better than changing her clothes several times a day!


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How Much Should It Cost To Feed 7 People?
Perhaps his mother or sisters can convice him that it is going to cost more.


Peanut and Star
I got my tieouts from the pet store. They were made for dogs, but work just as well for cats.


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Our Energy Bill Keeps Going Up?
have you checked to see if there are any wires running from your house to your neighborsl. sorry to say, but this sometimes happens that someone is stealing your electricity


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Family Reunion Centerpieces?
You are going to need eleven tables. One for your father and ten for the siblings


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Bright White Walls with Red Accents?
i have my kitchen done in white, red and black. applicances, walls, dishes, pots and pans, dishcloths, etc...


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