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16 Posts | 239 Comments | Active Since 2010
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Ask Your Doctor for Prescription Samples
It is also within your rights to request your MD perscribe medicine that is the cheapest, like the $4 medicine at Walmart, Krogers ans KMart. You can get a list from whatever place you get your medicines from and take it to the MD visit. Your MD will prescribe...


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Wooden Spoon Reindeer?
I finally made this and I love it...I made different looking for a thriftstore deer with antlers I can repurpose. It is so cute being made outta spoons.


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Put Ads at the Bottom of the Garbage Can
My Grandmother Lottie always done this very thing. They owned a beer tavern and she did the cleaning. They received the newspaper daily so she used it. The paper also absorbs odors.


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Litter Box In The Tub
My son in law does this too, in a bathroom they dont use but he lines the tub with newspaper so the liter doesnt go down the drain and stop it up.


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Preventing Bacon Grease Splatters
That sounds like a good ideal. I do my bacon a lb at a time, sometimes 2 lbs, in the oven and it keeps in the fridge with a quick warm up in the microwave. My Mom always frys hers, so I will pass this on to her.


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Keeping Your Favorite Recipes Handy
I bought 5 x 7 magnetic flat picture magnets and I write my frequently used recipes on an index card and slip it in the frame. It hangs flat on the inconspicuous side of the fridge. Stays handy and clean. I bought these frames at Walmart and Dollar tree. The...


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Santa Heads Made From Detergent Bottles?
can you please send instructions for claus and mrs claus to


The posts mentioned almost every ethnic group, including blacks, Muslims, Jews and American Indians, and talked about an effort on campus to debate changing the university's mascot, a Viking. The threats came days after some student leaders suggested that

I Longed For A Simpler Lifestyle
Nice story. You have definitely demonstrated your knowledge of need and want. Most people never learn the difference. Hopefully your story will encourage others!


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Paper Plate Holders
I have seen them at dollar tree and Walmart lots of them and at dollar general also a fat kroger


Clean Sink

Clean Kitchen Tips
I have used the plastic bag trick for many years and my granddaughter thought it was a cool ideal. I dont take my food out of my pans unless we have company. We eat together but the food stays on the stove, I have a dishwasher but I dont use it often. I have...


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Dog Food For Almost Nothing
Can you tell me the insert and date? I should have some/ what brand was the coupon?


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Clipping Keys To Your Purse
I have used this system for years and I never have to search for my keys and they are handy when shopping. I have the keys right where I can use them.



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Keeping Trash Cans Fresh
I double several layers of newspaper and place it in the bottoms of my trash cans. My cans stay dry and clean. I change the paper about once a month. My grandmother always did this to keep her cans clean, I wondered why she did it at the time, now I know.


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Stock Up On Whole Hams After Easter
I ave never found hams for 99 cents after any holiday, but I will keep my yes open for one. What stores do you find them in your ara?


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Use Panty Liners for Bandages
I have been a nurse for many years and a mother of 4. I have always used the nice thick soft pads for wounds and I have also seen them used in wound care in hospitals and nursing homes.



Uses For Old Calendars
I use a monthly business calendar for paying my bills. I pay all my Jan bills and write down each bill and the amount on the Jan page. I divided the page into half and use the calendar for 2 years worth of bill paying records. I write down the passwords and...


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Frugal "Nameless" Dinner
I will try the spaghetti with our vegetable soup this winter.Veg soup is one of our favs and the spaghetti will make it stretch farther.


Keep Foods Cold Using a Wading Pool

Use Wading Pools to Keep Food Cold
I have done this for a couple years but I use the one ring vinyl pools. they fold up smaller and are easier to store and pack. Works like a charm.


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Simple Iced Tea
I have made tea this way for years. Not only is it not bitter, it has the most refreshing taste.


Sausage Cream Cheese Crescents on a plate

Sausage Cream Cheese Crescents
My daughter made these, delicious and easy and quick. Imagine many fillings could be used.


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Deviled Eggs
Using a tip from this site, I placed my yolks and all ingredients in a Ziploc bag and mashed and mixed it all together, cut off a bottom tip of the bag and filled the eggs. It worked great. I have also filled my eggs with an icing bag and tip and they turn...


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Taste Of Home Kids Coloring Cookbook
Thank you for the info. Just copied for my Granddaughter to color and keep. She loves to pretend she is on the TV show Chopped, and she loves to color.


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Grate Your Own Cheese
I also do the same. Also I buy the 5 lb sleeve of cheese/pre-sliced. I love the cheese made by Fields. It is soft and creamy tasting. Much better than the Krafts brand. I love it and it lasts me for about a month. If I bought the pre-wrapped cheese I would...


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Choosing Between Gel and Acrylic Nails?
I have worn artificial nails for the last 18 years and did my own acrylics for two years. I bite my nails completely off if I dont have the artificial ones on. The last 3 years I have worn gel nails. They are so light and you can see through them. they are...



Tape end marked by paperclip

Use Paper Clip to Mark Tape End
I am a nurse and have always just folded the tape end under just a little to find the start of the roll quickly an easily. No paperclip necessary


Denim and plaid flannel quilt.

Recycled Denim And Flannel Window Quilt
That is one of the prettiest quilts I have ever seen. My grandmother was a great quilter.


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Can a Litter of Pups Have More Than One Sire?
This is true. It can even happen in humans with twins. Very rare but Ive seen it on two different TV shows.


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Kenmore HE4T Washer Has "Control Locked" Light On?
I would unplug it overnight and see if it will reset its self.


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Removing Shampoo Buildup on the Bottom of Bath Tub?
I use comet and it does great. also a product called shock it clean will clean almost everything.


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Identifying and Eliminating Odor in Mobile Home?
Sometimes mobile homes can have leaking between the inner and outer walls.There could also be wet areas under the home, it may need to be dried out?Cleaning the drains may help too. Good Luck.


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Auburn Hair Color Turned Out Brown?
At Wallyworld, I saw a haircolor removal kit. Also when it happened to me I called the help numbers on the instruction sheet and they were very helpful and even sent me coupons for my next purchase for free. Good Luck.


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Trouble Potty Training a 4 Year Old?
My daughter uses a chart hanging in the bathroom and when her child goes she gets a sticker to place on the chart. after a certain number of successes she gets to have a small prize. So far so good.


nice bedroom

Budget Minded Bed and Breakfast Inns Near Lexington or Louisville Kentucky?
There is a nice place 20 miles south of ft. Knox called mountain laurel lake resort 270-756-2737. www.Lakedream.Com lots of people go there and it is out in the middle of nowhere. My uncle says he fishes off his deck when there.


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Cleaning an Iron Skillet?
I have not done this personally, but I have read if you place it in a dishwasher it will come out like a new one and you just need to re-season it. I have cleaned several using a bonfire and it works great! Good luck. I swipe mine with shortening and always...


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Acne Remedy?
My Uncle developed the same thing and tried everything to get cured. He is very clean but he does wear a do-rag often. He had to go to a Dr. It was a staph infection, or a yeast infection, I cant remember which one. But with an antibiotic , it cleared right...


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Help For Ostomy Supplies?
You are homeless so you may be eligible for medicaid insurance. They pay for your supplies.



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Raising Baby Finches?
If you dont put a nest in the cage they will not have babies or lay eggs.


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Tip for Smooth Gravy
I get my gravy smooth everytime by using a wire whisk during the whole cooking time, no spoon, just the whisk.


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Paint Color Suggestions for Grey, White, and Stainless Kitchen?
I vote red or a dreamy creamy steel blue! Sounds nice!


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Working With Creditors?
Bankruptcy is very expensive since the new laws took effect five or so years ago! Listen to Dave Ramsey, he is great! Dont talk to your credit collectors, they can only talk to you once a day. The problem is, if they harass you, they want a reaction. Dont give...


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I also add 1 cup quick oats and 1/2 cup diced bell pepper. I dont use mustard in my topping, just ketchup and worcestershire sauce, but I will try this.


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Use Clamps Instead of Plastic Chip Clips
I use clothes pins and my husband cuts off the clip ends from the plastic clothes hangers we get when buying clothes, they both work great!


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Keeping Leather Car Seats Clean?
My son-in-law has worked in the car industry for many years and he uses spray furniture polish. He sprays it on his cloth and it works like a charm.


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Child Support and SSD Lump Sum Back Payment?
If you had you child support payment reduced to $200 a month from $600, I think you should pay your ex the $400 for each month since then. You should be able to get dependant payments for each of your children.It will be a big amount and you wont have to pay...


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Restoring Faded Autographs on Baseballs?
If I were you...I would put nothing on that ball.If you do it will be devalued deeply. Check with a collector of baseball paraphernalia and confer with them, (maybe search The Roadshow on PBS) You may try calling the Louisville Slugger Museum in Louisville...


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Homemade Laundry Detergent
I have made my own laundry detergent for 2 years. I tweek the recipe and use the microwave to melt my grated soap, I dont cook the mixture. I do boil water and mix it all up in the bucket. I use irish spring soap and add 2 cups downy or snuggle to it and stir...


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Clean Glass Coffee Carafe With Used Filter
I use crushed ice and salt, put some of each in carafe and swish for several seconds, empty and rinse with cold water, will shine like new.


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Melt Butter for Toast
Keep your butter in an airtight jar or crock, it will stay soft. They also make butter bells for that very purpose. Look it up.


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Keeping Track of Passwords?
I use a small index box and file them under alphabetical tabs on 3x5 index cards. It works out great. I also put all pages I use in my favorites and add username and pw after the entry...Attmarybrown22ann1177It has saved me much anquish and they are handy to...


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My Finch Has Laid Some Eggs?
I just placed a nesting box in the cage and the birds did the rest. The Mom and Dad take turns of feeding and sitting with the babies and eggs. They are fun to watch. I looked for lots of info about the birds. They only have one lover at a time, usually for...


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Eating After Getting New Dentures?
You can puree any food in the blender and it will taste good and wont be painful. People who have had weight loss surgeries do this. My favorite was cottage cheese.Mac n cheese would work fine, any vegetable, even grilled cheese sandwiches. Good Luck.


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Substitutes for Aluminum Foil?
When baking potatoes I use no foil. I place the clean potatoes in a 5 quart club aluminum (or like) pan add an inch of water, cover and bake at 350 degrees for an hour. The potatoes are delicious and I save my foil and time. I also do the same thing in the...


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Substitutes for Aluminum Foil?
I use no foil when baking potatoes. I place clean potatoes in a 5 quart club aluminum cooker(or like pan) add an inch of water, cover and bake in oven at 350 degrees for an hour. I also do the same in a crockpot, cooking on high for about 4-6 hours. The potatoes...


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What is a Chili Brick for Use in a Dip Recipe?
I call it a chili block as opposed to chili brick, it comes in a small round tub,size of small butter tub and is made bt BLoemers, they call it chili base. You put it in microwave for 2 minutes to liquify it and add it to your chili. It adds lots of flavor...


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Adding Fragrances to Homemade Laundry Detergent?
Last time I made my detergent, I had seen on another site to use 1 cup scented fabric softener. I used gain and it turned out great, a good smell. I use a whisk to whisk my detergent several times during the first 24 hours and it comes out much smoother.


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Hair Dye Disaster!
Call the help center number in the directions. I have had to call before and they will tell you what to do to fix your hair color.


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Buy Matching Socks
I figured this out several nyears ago .With 4 small ones we were always a sock or two short come wash time.This proved to be an easy solution and have passed it on to many young people I have known.


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Where Can I Find Discontinued Target Serving Bowls?
Look online in sales book for LTD company, they may have what you need.


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Makeup Stains on White Face Cloths?
I have read to soak in dishwasher detergent but have never had to try it. There is a product called iron out. It is a powder and is easy to find. Will work wonders on white clothes. I am a Nurse and have used it for years!


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Getting Rid of Ants in Potted Plants?
I have had good luck with cinnamon. Just sprinkle it on top of the soil and they should leave.


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Keep Chocolate From Melting
When I take along something I want to stay cold, I used the little prefilled fruit shaped ice cubes from the Dollar Store. I bought them for $1.00 They freeze good but wont get things wet and you can use over and over. Came in REAL handy during summer and taking...


photo of candles and flashlights

Solar Lights for a Power Outage
These are nice to use when camping also. In the tent and on the way to the bath house. Just carry it with you.


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How Do I Can Hot Peppers and Green Tomatoes?
I use a brine recipe. Is this what your grandma had? I use whole cheyenne peppers, green tomatoes (cut in half) cabbage cut in pieces (about the size of the tomato halves) and cucumbers (cut in half). Use and or all these veggies. Wash well and place in scalded...


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How Do I Can Hot Peppers and Green Tomatoes?
I can hot peppers in white vinegar.


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Home Remedy for Skin Tags?
I have removed several from myself and others. You can place an ice cube on it for about three minutes to kind of numb the area but it doesnt hurt very much if you dont numb it. I have used cuticle scissors and a fillet knife and regular scissors. I have not...


picture of a name brand tomato sauce can and a generic tomoato sauce can

Name Brand vs. Generic Brand?
There is no substitute for Heinz brand ketchup, Miracle Whip or lays potatoe chips or Fishers bologna. I absolutely love the canned tuna at Sav a Lots. As far as medicine, I always purchase generics. Over the counter is always cheaper and the ingredients are...


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Making Mexican White Cheese Dipping Sauce?
At our local Mexican Place, the people told me what they serve is melted goat cheese. I dont know anything about goat cheese but what they serve is white, creamy smooth, and delicious?


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Remedy for Stinky Feet?
My husbands feet were the same way. He bought ODOR EATERS placed them in his shoes and his shoes and feet have been odor free.


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Cooling a Stone Garden Wall During Summer?
I would try an outdoor fan at the base of the walls and maybe if air kept moving it would help the hot air rise faster.maybe a top or tarp could be place over the area to keep the sun rays out? Good Luck.


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Brightening Up a Dark Living Room?
The use of mirrors, as previously suggested, is excellent. I have also seen material used to cover a wall in a way it can be removed when no longer wanted. I would use some sort of trim to wrap at the top and bottom of the fabric then nail the trim to the wall...


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Organizing Coupons?
I found a CD storage case for my coupons. It is about 8 by 12 and has around 24 pockets. I labeled each pocket with an index card inserted into each pocket. I found the CD case at a yard sale for 10 cents. It works well. I also use an accordion style folder...


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Roach Problem?
I bought the Roach Motels at The Dollar General store ,it has to be the kind to prevent eggs . They are cheap and they do work. I put them in corners of every room, in cabinets and under appliances. Good Luck!


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Roach Problem?
I have used powdered Boric Acid that I bought at Walmart, but I have seen it at many stores. It will work. Sprinkle it around baseboards and doorways and behind and under appliances. Good Luck!


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Where Can I Buy Government Surplus Type Cheese?
I had the free cheese years ago, too! I have been buying Fields brand pre-sliced cheese in the 5 pound blocks. They also have it unsliced. I buy the sliced block and it lasts for a month at our house. It is the best and the closest to the govt. kind. They also...


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Where Can I Buy Top Job Cleaner?
I would try Big Lots and Dollar Tree.


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Removing Stains on Vintage Wedding Gown?
I would try soaking the whole dress in a half solution of Iron Out and water. Id let it soak 4 hours or overnight. Iron out can be purchased at Walmart and makes items very white!


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Essential Oil for Homemade Detergent?
I add 1 cup Gain fabric softener in mine after it is cool and whisk it into the container of detergent. It works good and smells nice, too.


Fork and knife on a napkins

Paper or Fabric? What Napkins Save the...
I say use one napkin per person per day. They can be used for a three meals. Keep them at the table where the person sits. If not, Id buy enough at yardsales and good to only have one small load a week. I love cloth napkins.


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Cleaning a Stainless Steel Stove?
The resturants I worked at used oil. Very little on a rag or towel will shine it up perfectly and cleans it at the same time.


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Removing Melted Plastic from Smooth Top Range?
I would try the razor blade window scraper.It should work.


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Getting White Clothing White Again?
I always used IRON OUT for my white nursing uniforms and my families white tees. It is a powder sold at Walmart near the hardware section or paint section.It will amaze you.


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Beautiful Thoughts on a Frugal Life
I enjoyed reading your article. You mentioned detergent for laundry but didnt say you mad your own. It is a real money saver and very easy.


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Cleaning Interior of a Car?
My son-in-law has worked at a dealership for years and he always uses pledge or generic pledge on all his cars and it does a great job.


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Using Peel and Stick Tiles on a Countertop?
I would look in the clearance area of Lowes or Home Depot or a tile store, these tiles are marked down cheap. Less than a dollar a square foot and I think the linoleom tiles are $1 a piece. Tiles are cheap.


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Removing Skunk Odor from House?
I have heard tomatoe juice or sauce will remove the smell by neutralizing it. Good Luck.


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Buying a Generic Brand to Save Money
I think Big K (Kroger) drinks are made by Coca Cola. I love the sav a lot drinks, but not Bubba Cola, I do love the Mt. Holler from sav a lot.


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Getting the Best Buy on Toilet Paper?
I despise scott 1000 sheet YP. Id rayher usr mu hand or nothing. I love sams TP, its better than ANY brand name. 12 pack for $4 or $5 . I use reusable cloths for myself for #1. Saves alot.


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Freeze Water Bottle
I am not the least worried about reusing the plastic bottles. Everything nowadays will kill ya! I do however lay my bottles on their side making sure the bottle opening is not obscured when freezing my water, this way the water stays colder since more ice and...


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My Frugal Life: Coupon Class
I notice you use frontline. I dont know what size dog you have if you have smaller dogs, you can order from ebay. They have special sales for buying the biggest size frontline. Then you get a guide and syringes to use so you get more uses cheaper...


pair of finches

Zebra Finch Care
I love my finches. The pair I have also produced 5 healthy babies,which I rehomed.. When I had all 7 of them together,I had them in a larger cage and they could fit out through the wires but they wouldnt even try unless i was trying to pick one of them up, then...


An old door on a file cabinet to use as a desk.

Old Door As Makeshift Desk
Thanks for the ideal of the mattress cover. We have used doors for years at our family picnics and cookouts. I saw the door used as a desk with the file cabinets on a designer show.Looked and worked great!


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Cut Down Straws For Children
I have done this for about the last 16 years, I am a nurse and always have a pair of clean bandage scissors in my purse. Started cutting the straws with my first granddaughter, Jefrie, (I know, a girl named Jefrie!) She stayed clean and could get the straw...


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Whitening Dingy White Clothing?
There is a product at Walmart and other places called Iron Out It takes about i/2 cup per white load and your whites will glisten. I am a nurse and I used it in my uniforms. You dont have to use it each time, just occasionally.


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Getting Rid of Ants?
I have had good success after trying a tip on here, boric acid powder and jelly. I mix it together and put it on old container tops and place under cabinets in the kitchen or where ever I have seen ants. After a day or two, all ants were gone. I did this at...


Bookshelf with different sized shoes on

Use Short Bookshelf for Family Shoes
I dig your deer hooks and antlers! Neat!


Boric Acid and Sugar for Ants

Boric Acid and Sugar for Ants
I use boric acid and jelly or jam. It works great but is important to keep away from animals and children.


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Cleaning Sheer White Nylon Curtains?
I would soak them overnight in cascade (for the dishwasher). It will whiten lots of things. I soak my cotton dish towels and it makes them white and clean.


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Growing Sweet William?
They will reseed themselves, the foilage dies awat.You can prob gather the seed pods from them when the foilge dries.


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Make-Ahead Chicken Hot Dish
Will definately try this on Sunday. Sounds scrumptious and easy too!


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Sort Out Board Games Pieces At Once
I have always used the clear wide tape for reinforcing the boxes, and the zippered bags. I also use the large sized rubbur bands to secure the top and bottom together so if a game is dropped it will remain together and nothing will come out of the box.


SSD and Child Support Arrears Garnishment?
How did you draw unemployment if you were disabled? But I dont think your ex drew any back payments from SSDI, the way I understand it is dependent payments start when you start receiving your monthly payment. Actually you should have been the one to sign up...


SSD and Child Support Arrears Garnishment?
I would like to add that when you go back to court try for full custody stating you are disabled and will be a full time caregiver for him, if it is possible for you to care for him. If you get a good lawyer, you will be able to get the garnishments stoppede...


Cast iron griddle sitting on foil in baking pan.

Problems Seasoning a Cast Iron Griddle?
If you have a self cleaning oven put it inside while you run a cleaning cycle..t will come out completely raw, like when it was new. You can also place it in a bond fire, since this is the season, and it will burn all the pre seasoning off. My Dad cleaned lots...


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Keeping Spiders Out of the House?
My Aunt always used pomegranates (the fruit) lying around in her basement and she said they repelled the spiders?


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Clothes Smell Spoiled After Washing and Drying?
I would try some baking soda in with the wash cycle and vinegar in with the rinse cycle. There is also a new product you add to the rinse that stays active for a long time. It is new but I cant recall the name of it. I would let the clothes soak in baking soda...


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Vinegar for Icy Windshield?
Vinegar will freeze at 28 degrees.


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Earning Extra Money While on SSI?
With SSD you can earn up to a certain limit a month before it would be counted aqs gainful income. I think it is like >600 or 700 dollars a month. You can also work and continue to draw SSD for I think 5 years. The info is on the site. I would think...


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Replacement Controls for a Biddeford Sealy Electric Blanket?
I have always found my replacement controls at Goodwill or Unique stores. You will have to remember what your plug togethers look like so you can get the right ones. You may even fing the exact ones. Good Luck.


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Name Ideas for Concierge Service?
Mother May I or Mother May Eye


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Ocean Spray Cranberry Salad?
On the food network site, they had videos with Paula Dean and her favorite Thanksgiving recipes and she made a cranberry salad on there just like what you are looking for. Look there and Good Luck!


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Cake Batter Rice Krispie Treats
I have always been taught not to eat raw/uncooked flour or cake mixes?


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Mashed Potatoes Too Runny?
Instant potatoe flakes will work.


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Baking Turkey Breast in an Oven Bag?
With a breast alone it probably doesnt matter, but cooking a whole turkey breast side down and finishing the last 30 minutes breast side up makes for a very moist and delicious turkey. I do cook breast only down also.Try it, youll be glad you did. JK


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Cleaning Burned Revere Ware Pot?
I have had success in the past with hot water and a fabric softner sheet, letting it soak an hour or two or overnight. Good Luck!


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JCP Replacement Electric Blanket Controller?
I have always been able to find replacement controls at Salvation Army, Goodwill or Unique stores. Just make sure you get an exact match at the connection. Until you find one put the blanket on sideways and at least both people can have heat but it will be...


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Child Support and SSI?
Sorry your ex mate is a dead beat! After 4 children and unable to pay his child support, the government should have the power to order him a vasectomy, but thats for another post. Go to your county attorneys office. They will advise you as to what can be done...


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Tomato Cage Christmas Tree Christmas Card Display
Neat ideal. The picture explained it all, you can go minimum or really dress it up!


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Visitation Rights and Out of State Travel?
Be careful! Very careful! My ev son in law had visitation with my daughters children. He went to a judge in his town and got an emergency order to keep them because they had cavities. It took us 7,000 dollars and several 1200 mile trips for court and at the...


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Biddeford Electric Blanket Controller?
I have always found replacement controls at large Salvation Army and DAV stores. I take the controller with me or make a detailed drawing to match it up with. Good Luck!


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For Dryer Lint
I take my lint from the dryer and pack it lightly into an empty toilet paper rol. I stack them in an empty tissue box and when full, my husband takes them into his garage and uses them to light his wood in the wood stove. This can also be used inside if you...


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Real Estate Business Name Ideas?
Soil Realty or Dirty Boys Realty


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Donate Plastic Bottle Caps
I save my bottle caps in a large juice bottle. It will hold about 100 caps. I also saved an empty square tissue box and put caps in them. If I knock the bottle over, none spill out and they are easy to transport in the bottle.


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Donate Plastic Bottle Caps
Coca Cola bottle caps and cartons can be put into MY COKE REWARDS and select free items in return


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Donate Plastic Bottle Caps
I also save mine in large juice bottles and Kleenex boxes


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Cooking Omelets in a Bag?
I had read before and was planning on doing it when we go camping or have a sleepover. Place egg in ziplock bag with choice of ingredients, giving one to each person, boiling water and putting bags in water. Why would it not be safe? OR is it because you are...


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