
Lelia Jo Cordell

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49 Posts | 1,934 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Vacuuming Tips
I got reminded of something just today. To prevent accidentally sucking things into your vacuum that could bind it, check the area for loose items first. This includes trailing blankets and loose carpet strings. I was careless today and burned out yet another...


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Always Live Beneath Your Means
Ive been stuck in the spend more than you have trap for far too long due to DHs spendthrift ways... not to mention, first husband destroyed my financial prospects at an early age, along with giving me four beautiful children that were the best part of a bad...


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Shop Other Thrift Stores Before Goodwill
Ive discovered the St Vincent de Paul thrift store in our town to have excellent merchandise at great prices. In spite of the good I know Goodwill does (Im a former client after a car wreck going on 7 years ago,) Ive found their prices consistently too high...


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What Is Parvo?
According to -- Parvo (noun.) 1. Veterinary Pathology. a highly contagious, often fatal viral disease of dogs, characterized by vomiting, severe diarrhea, and depression and accompanied by high fever and loss of appetite. 2. any of several...


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Removing Makeup From Face?
I know it sounds old-fashioned, and I dont even wear makeup anymore, but cold cream always worked for me. Even when I was hanging out in my kids high school drama department (years ago ,) cold cream was the guaranteed makeup remover. It isnt very expensive...


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Fumes From Oven Cleaner?
Sorry to tell you this, but yes. The oven cleaner residue is probably whats making your throat burn. But take heart - the residue will totally burn away after a few uses of your oven, and no more burning throat. Meantime, you might want to run the exhaust fan...


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Is Planning Your Own Birthday Party Tacky?
Hey, why didnt I think of that? Youve got a great idea and a great attitude about this milestone birthday. Why not make it a pitch-in party, and let your friends be even more involved by bringing party foods and helping with the cleanup afterwards?


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Decorating a Corn Crib?
I like the Veterans Day idea a lot - my hubby is a Korean War vet, and my family has a long military history. If youre not comfortable using the flag itself, even an all-weather flag, perhaps red, white and blue plastic decorations? Most folks would say take...


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High Fiber Recipes?
Hubby and I enjoy salmon or mackerel patties. Once when we ran out of saltine crackers just before payday, we used some bran cereal we had on hand instead of the crackers to make them. They were delicious! Im guessing you could substitute any bran cereal (such...


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Faith Based Reading Name Ideas?
How about Lovin Readin or some play on words using that concept? Maybe you could use a book of the Bible in the name, too. I always liked the sound of Deuteronomy, though most people cant say it well, let alone spell it.


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Subjects To Teach At Free Computer Classes?
I consider myself pretty good on a computer, (even using adaptive technology for the visually impaired,) yet I havent the first clue how to sell on Ebay. Perhaps Im not the only one.


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"Spirit of Christmas" Themed Parade?
When I read the phrase spirit of Christmas, I immediately thought of two things: first, the three Spirits of Christmas in Dickenss A Christmas Carol (although you might prefer not to go as Christmas yet to be unless you can lighten the tone somehow.) Then I...



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"Happy Birthday Jesus" Parade Float Ideas?
Can you obtain a big barrel of any sort? That could be covered with crepe paper of any color. Perhaps a large candle made of wood or cardboard for the top? btw, I also like the idea of person-sized gift boxes and posterboards with Time, Love, Talent, Service...


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"Holly Jolly Christmas" Parade Float Ideas?
When I think of Holly Jolly Christmas, I remember the snowman at the beginning of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, (the animated special that comes on every year.) Sooo, perhaps snowmen, Christmas trees, elves and Rudolph? And of course I completely agree with...


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Using Evaporated Milk?
Friends who dont use theirs often give me several cans of evaporated milk at a time. Since I dont bake much, I use it as creamer for my coffee. Its a little richer straight out of the can than whole milk, and saves the whole milk for my oinker hubby - he could...


Paint Suggestions for Entrance Hallway?
Im no color expert, but Id say something neutral, but a little contrasting. A slightly darker beige then you already have? Or you could go with a pale pink? Depends on your preference. If it were my entrance, though, Id go for the darker beige.


Saving Money on Pet Prescriptions

Saving Money on Pet Prescriptions
Wow! What would I do without my Thriftyfun family? If our vet will agree to write a prescription for our mastiffs antibiotic, the Thriftyfun community will have saved us more than $20 a month on that one item alone! The Rite-aid where I get my own prescriptions...


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APR Rates After Closing a Credit Card?
Definitely talk to your credit card company. A friend of mine was able to persuade her own credit card company to giv her a 6-month moratorium on interest, essentially a promotional rate. Since my case with my own credit card company wasnt nearly as strong...


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Frizzy Hair from Scalp Psoriasis?
I dont know if Ill be any help, but hey - Ill try. My doctor has me on Nizoral shampoo... dont know if I really have psoriasis or just plain dandruff. To keep my hair from getting too frizzy, I wash first with a conditioning dandruff shampoo a friend gave me...


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Removing Band-Aids from Stuffed Animals?
I would recommend laying a warm, damp cloth over the band-aid. Let it set awhile (15-20 minutes should be long enough,) then try gently lifting the band-aid. The moisture should loosen the glue, making it easy to remove, without damaging your stuffed toy.


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Solutions for Slippery Ceramic Tile Floor?
I dont know if my solution worked for ceramic tile, but it worked like a dream on my linoleum tile. I use a refillable spray bottle (found in our local Wal-marts Health & Beauty Dept for 99 cents) for my canola oil instead of Pam spray. Last time I refilled...


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Keeping Yorkie's Hair Out of It's Face?
I agree with the idea of doggie creme rinse to help prevent matts and make grooming easier. Use a conditioner made for children if you like. If you cant afford or dont want to pay a groomer, try a slicker brush. However, Yorkies and other dogs whose hair hangs...


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Helping Elderly Parents?
Ive read through every post and noticed no one mentioned what my 74-year-old hubby and I (a visually impaired wife) need. Sometimes the old home place seems to crumble away because no one is able to do those little maintenance things or small repairs. For example...


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Ivory Vs. Zest Bar Soap?
I cant really comment on the soap scum issue. I grew up using Zest because my mom wouldnt buy anything else. She tried Ivory and we didnt like it at all. Hubby, however, uses nothing but Dial White, and swears by it. My youngest son is the same way about Lever...



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"12 Days of Christmas" Parade Ideas for Brownie Troop?
I agree. Or if you have fewer gals than 12, try nine ladies dancing, (that might be loads of fun,) eight maids a-milking, or any of the rest. If, for example, you chose the pipers, you can decide whether to create bagpipes (perhaps from canvas bags and wooden...


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"Toyland in Our Town" Christmas Parade Float Ideas?
Im not very crafty, but the word Toyland brings to mind the image of the Nutcracker for some reason. Also, wooden toys like rocking horses, and dolls. Maybe the ladies could dress as dolls complete with the round, bright red cheek paint and lipstick, and exaggeratedly...


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Removable Glue?
What youre looking for may be rubber cement, but that stuff reeks! I vaguely remember back in the Dark Ages of my childhood, they gave us stuff called mucillage (hope I spelled that right.) If rubber cement isnt quite what you need, try this stuff. It should...


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Preventing Frequent Dust Build-Up?
When we were more mobile and able to do this, it helped a lot: Buy cheesecloth (its pretty reasonable at stores like Wal-mart and any dollar or hardware store.) Stretch strips across the undersides of your floor registers, and change as often as needed. We...


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Gas Smell in Bathrooms?
Until the problem can be permanently solved, may I suggest an inexpensive, temporary fix? Sprinkle one-fourth to one-half cup of baking soda down your bathroom sink. Flush it down with hot water. Repeat once a week or more often if necessary. And I agree that...


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Diagnosing Problems with Used Chevy Van?
Yes, by all means ask at your local Auto Zone for their free diagnostic tests. The folks at our local Auto Zone (here in Ohio) are always happy to help, and can narrow down the possible problems or, better yet, pinpoint the issue. btw, the guest poster who...


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Slicing Glycerin Soap?
The only thing I can think of is perhaps thin nylon or piano wire? I recall my mom slicing dough that way. I also recall at least one art teacher I knew slicing clay the same way. To use this method, youll need a piece long enough to wrap around both hands...


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Home Remedy for Bloating and Burping?
We try to keep Alka-seltzer on hand... $3 or $4 at Wal-mart gets us 24 doses, I believe. However, hubbys favorite is a bottle of root beer - The carbonation really breaks up the gas, and it tastes better, too.


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How to Determine Spacing of Grommets on Curtains?
Commercially made curtains tend to have the first grommet close to the end, not more than a couple of inches in from the edge. Thats what Id recommend for yours.


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Check Online Banking Balance Frequently
This is a very timely reminder, and I hate to say it, but Ive been there and done that. Ours was a theft of old paper checks, but the concept is similar. While we did get our money back, I feel hubby and I were both irresponsible. I cringe to think what mightve...


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Storage Boxes for Shoes?
I know you said clear plastic works for you, but I just held on to the box the shoes originally came in and store my shoes there.


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Removing Rust Stains on Gunmetal?
I admit I know very little about guns, but my first thought was a wire brush and gun oil? Scrub with the wire brush and coat with the gun oil. Hope Ive helped.



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Check Online Banking Balance Frequently
Excellent reminder. Frequently checking my balance meant the person who stole and cashed a small number of old checks got caught and is now serving prison time. The bank had me close the compromised account and open a new one, new debit card and all. They didnt...


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Six Year Old Keeps Peeing on the Floor?
I know my brother and stepbrother were twice your stepsons age when they did the same thing, but the reason could be similar. Things were pretty tense in the family at the time, so there could have been a social thing there. Diapers mightve been the answer...


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Furniture Left Scuff Marks on Hardwood Floor?
My first thought was try an eraser, like what you used to use at school. If your local Target or Wal-mart doesnt have them, try a stationery, office supply store or artist or craft supply store. Most dollar stores have these erasers, too. If you have mobility...


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Donate Books and Magazines to the Local Library
Another way to donate books and magazines is to send them to the troops serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and other foreign fields. I recently took a small bundle of Readers Digest, Guideposts, as well as a couple editions of Our Daily Bread to my church. Our pastors...


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Proud Mom - My Frugal Son
Too bad my sons have yet to catch on to thrift shopping! And it isnt only good clothes at excellent prices: Hubby and I recently found two like-new, expensive-looking dining room chairs for $3 each at our local St Vincent de Paul thrift store. Were currently...


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Using Pencil in Address Books
I have done this for years, wish Id thought to suggest it here! Since I am now visually impaired and cant see to read and write anymore, I keep all my phone book info on my computer. With adaptive technology, I can access and read for myself, and editing names...


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Set Up a "Mailbox" for Christmas Cards
My church does this every year. Each member has his or her own little post office box in the lobby during Christmas card season. The last Sunday before Christmas is the annual Christmas fellowship, and each members cards are put into a paper bag to be read...


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Storing Oil After Frying Food?
Maybe hubby and I are just lazy, but as long as the skillet (or as in your case, dutch oven) isnt needed for other uses, we simply put a lid on and set it on the back burner for safekeeping. We probably also eat too many fried foods, and wed probably be healthier...


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Be Ready for a Nighttime Power Outage
Im going to sound like a total geek for adding these tips. Well, I am a total geek. :P Remember to protect your electronics - power outages can be especially hard on them. Here is a short list of things I thought might help: 1. Always keep backup copies of...


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Be Ready for a Nighttime Power Outage
Im going to sound like a total geek for adding these tips. Well, I am a total geek. :P Remember to protect your electronics - power outages can be especially hard on them. Here is a short list of things I thought might help: 1. Always keep backup copies of...


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Making an Address Book on the Computer?
Its been awhile since Ive played around with anything like what you need, but heres one way you might try, if youre using Microsoft Word: 1. Open a new document. 2. Go to the Tools menu. 3. Go to the Mail Merge sub-menu. *Note: You should also be able to do...


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Lace Christening Gown Has Yellowed?
Ive seen those Oxy-clean commercials where Billy Mays seems to magically white yellowed lace curtains. However, common household hydrogen peroxide will do the same thing at a fraction of the cost. A capful or two per gallon of cold water should work. If not...


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Small Gift Ideas for Veterans?
Some time ago, my husband (who is a vet of the Korean Conflict) was approached by a stranger while in our local Wal-mart. The gentleman shook my husbands hand and thanked him for his service to our great country. The man then handed my husband a tiny American...


How to Tell if a Dog is Sick?
Hi, I might be getting this post in late, but here goes, anyway. We have had dogs the entire 11 years Ive been with hubby, and right now have three: one mastiff and two mid-sized dogs, one of whom is a rescue animal. Rather than depend on the nose, we observe...


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Computer Deleted My Emails?
Your emails might not be deleted, they might only be in hiding. This happens to me a lot. I use MS Outlook 2003, which automatically imports my AT&T Yahoo mail. Since I dont use a mouse anymore, the following instructions will be for keyboard commands, hope...


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How Can I Tell If I Have a Pure Bred Puppy?
It might be a little soon to tell for sure, just by looking at your pup, but if the seller gave you any sort of pedigree papers, that might help. However, even pedigree and registration papers arent always entirely accurate. We bought what we were told was...


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Advice for Exercising and Dieting?
Having given birth to four kids (my youngest is 20 now,) and having worked most of my kids life, I feel for you! As for losing weight and finding ways to exercise, theres a free alternative to buying hand weights: canned food. Hold one in each hand as you do...


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Freezing Cooked Salmon?
I would say yes. Of course youre going to wrap it in an air-tight package. I would also use it within 3 months, and cover it with a damp paper towel when you pop it into the microwave.


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Deciding on a Child's Bedtime?
The time suggestions are great - between 8-9:30 PM. Id suggest one more thing, though: make sure theres a pre-bedtime trip to the bathroom. That way, there are no excuses to get up again.


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Activity Ideas for a Brain Injury Rehab Facility?
I spent a couple of months in a nursing home after a car wreck. The Activities people regularly read articles from the newspaper out loud to us, a time they called News Break. Except for the designated reader, this is hands-free and I remember it as being very...


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Recommendations for Vacuums?
I might get flamed for saying this and I know its extra work, but hey, Im going to say it. We own a Eureka upright (I forget the model, but it takes F & G style bags.) We paid about $275 for it brand-new, about 10 years ago. Weve always had at least two dogs...


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Games and Activities for "Rock Fantasy" Themed Party?
Do you have access to the Guitar Hero video game? Im sure the kids would enjoy it.


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Pay Off Your House
Funny, I never thought of Angelas Ashes in that light before. I always thought the McCorts problems had more to do with irresponsible financial stewardship in general. Paying off our mortgage is still a distant dream for us; its also a major bone of contention...


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Save Blog Entries Before Posting
Hi, Im a reformed mouse-a-holic: I was forced to re-learn all the keyboard commands when an untimely encounter with a drunk driver in February 2003 left me visually impaired. I now use a screen-reader program to access my computer. To make a long story short...


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Static Electricity Remedy
Excellent idea - and another great way to reuse those dryer sheets, too!


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Easy Lint Trap Clean Up
Id imagine packing tape - the kind without the straps - and duct tape would work as well, too.


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Saving The Bagged Salad
I have to add one more little thing: When the paper towel gets damp (it will,) take it out and replace it with a dry one (or two.) And btw, thanks for the hint about the mushrooms. Ill add a paper towel to the next package of mushrooms I buy!


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"Stink Stack" Keeps Freezing Over?
My hubby is a retired contractor; Im not. Hope I can express his suggestion clearly. He wondered if you had installed a flange between the stink pipe and roofing, or tarred around it on installation. Also, I believe theres a cap of some sort, like a chimney...


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Charging a Sweeper Vac?
It definitely matters what kind of batteries are in your sweeper. I understand the Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) type have fewer issues with developing memory. However, I agree with everyone else that you should not keep your sweeper plugged in all the time. I...


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Roll Sweatpants for a Tidy Drawer
Excellent idea not just for sweatpants! Sounds like the technique they teach in the military.


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Games to Use for Homeschooling?
Im a huge Jeopardy fan, and Alex Trebec frequently mentions the Jeopardy board game. I believe it can be adapted to different subjects and grade levels. The Jeopardy website is unfortunately inaccessible to my screen reader, but Im pretty sure...


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Discount Grocery Stores Near Philadelphia (19140)?
Personally, I prefer Save-a-Lot over Aldi, but thats just me. You might try (or is it ?) Enter your zip, and theyll list all the groceries in your area, as well as weekly specials. Its free to sign up, too.


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Tips for Frying Chicken?
Hubbys our official chicken fryer, since he didnt care for my oven-fried chicken. (Im visually impaired and try to avoid stovetop frying; the flour coating on mine never seemed to get done.) The one way hubby always checks for doneness is, he cuts into a thick...



Is My Puppy Purebred?
We learned the hard way, you cant always trust even registered paperwork. We bought our Princess when she was five months; her registration papers say shes an American Bulldog. As she matured, though, my hubby got to comparing her with the pictures in his Dictionary...


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Important Information to Give to Family?
Your family should know, in case (God forbid) youre in an accident or otherwise incapacitated: 1. Your family (or primary care) physicians name and phone number 2. The name and phone number of your preferred hospital, or the most likely place youd be taken...


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Selling Coca Cola Bottles?
I highly recommend the research, but if you dont like ebay and prefer a more hands-on approach, contact your local antiques dealers. Or, Id suppose any collectors grup could steer you in the right direction.


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Stains on Nokia Phone?
Another thing you could try on your own is bleach. Ive never tried it myself, I admit, but Im guessing you could soak a cotton swab or cotton ball and scrub. Be careful, of course, and rinse by wiping with a damp cloth several times afterwards. If that doesnt...


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Making Mapquest Directions Fit on Index Cards?
Guess Im a little bit of a MS Word snob... thats the editing program Id suggest. You can either work directly from Mapquest, or email the directions to yourself and go from there. If you work from the Mapquest site, you can click and drag until you have all...


Photo of a bottle of wine and a rose.

Start Planning for Valentine's Day Now
Hi, Bobbie. Sorry, but with a name like yours, Im not sure if youre a guy or a gal. If youre a gal, kudos! If youre a guy, Im doubly impressed - I mean, how many guys think about these romantic holidays (like Valentines and Sweetest Day) enough to actually...


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Thrifty Shower Curtain Repair
I have one word for you: Brilliant!


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Use a Plastic Spoon for Hot Soup
Good idea. Maybe I should do this for my elderly hubby, who eats tepid food rather than risk burning his mouth when he forgets to blow on hot food.


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Reducing Household Garbage?
I have to agree with Mulberry204. Im an allergy sufferer, too, and smoke from burning trash makes my allergies even worse. Also, while burning trash in the country might not affect those nearby, it still affects the ozone layer. May I suggest Freecycle? There...


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Inexpensive Father's Day Gift Ideas?
If these men are churchgoers, they might appreciate something like tie clips? Perhaps lapel pins? The dollar store might have these things priced inexpensively.


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Overcoming Anxiety in the Dentist's Chair
Well... as a four-time Lamaze vet (Ive had four children, all with Lamaze technique,) that always worked for me while the Novocaine was going in. I use the Lamaze breathing as my distractor for anything painful or uncomfortable, even pelvic exams at the doctors...


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Refrigerator Cookie Recipes?
If you go to or your favorite general search engine and type refrigerator cookie recipes, Im sure youll get a ton of ideas. I just went to and typed refrigerator cookies fruit into the quick search box. I specified to check...


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Use a Well Organized List When Grocery Shopping
I have another idea that might also work. I read about in Readers Digest, and used to visit fairly often. Its free to join and use, and would be easy for most people to navigate. When you first visit and/or join, just type in your Zip...


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Tax Forms Show Different Refund Amounts?
The advice the others gave is excellent. I just have something for you to think about for next year: The IRS website has a free program you can use. Ive used it before and its very user-friendly. Since Im now visually impaired and am oly lately getting back...


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Ask for the Discount
Your grandma sounds like one smart lady! Im working on my 74-year-old hubby, and I think hes finally realized he can use his Golden Buckeye discount card. (We live in Ohio, mostly on our Social Security and what little I can make working from home, so every...


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Use String to Mark Packing Tape End
Id vote for the paperclip. Theyre reusable.


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Keep Baby Busy While Changing a Diaper
Your moms a smart lady. I used to do this with my four children at diaper-changing time. But Id like to add something: Make sure the toy is secured to the babys (or your) wrist, so it doesnt end up on the floor before the new diaper is firmly in place. This...


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Swiffer Socks
I can see slipping a Swiffer sock on one foot - but Id hang on to the edge of the counter or something for all Im worth, and keep one of my non-skid slipper socks on the other! PS: Im visually impaired and have both balance and mobility issues. I also have...


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Keep an Eye on Automatic Debit Payments
Polly, you sound like one smart lady. If this can happen to you, it can happen to anyone. Thats why I have only one bill set up for automatic payment, and one other is more or less semi-automatic. The company has my debit card number, but they have to have...


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Protect Your Remote Control
Good idea - and Id bet you could use different colors for remotes that belong to different TVs, too! I wonder if Glad Press-n-Seal would work as well?


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Have a Dedicated Recipe Computer
On the scanning thing... most good scanners have an OCR )optical character recognition) setting. The up-side is, a whole lot less typing! The down-side, of course, is that the OCR setting wouldnt perceive any handwritten notes, except as a graphic. I used to...


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Easy Tip To Save Money Now
If you belong to a group like Freecycle, oftentimes folks there give away their unwanted DVDs and VHS movies. Or, if you can, pawn shops usually have decent selections of movies for a couple of bucks. My spendthrift hubby, of course, goes to Wal-mart to buy...


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Valentine's Bathroom Mirror
You sound like one sweet, thoughtful and creatively resourceful gal. I sure hope that fella realizes what a prize hes got in you! He should treat you like royalty every day.


Chocolate Chip Cookies

Selling Home Baked Goods?
I vote for classic chocolate chip or chocolate chunk cookies. Theyre a perennial favorite, and sure to sell well. Just about anything chocolate usually sells like gangbusters. Eating chocolate just raises peoples spirits. You might want to make sure your local...


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Ground Chicken Recipe?
May I add something? Ground chicken can be substituted for ground beef in any recipe. Its healthier, too!


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Ideas for a Family Reunion?
Hi, Lou Ann. This post isnt about the reunion. I wanted to suggest you try to find a way for your grandson to see his great-granddad before he deploys. Not preaching doom and gloom, just know tomorrow isnt promised. If you can manage it, Im sure theyd both...


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Older Dog Has Started Running Away?
I agree you should phone your vet. He or she may have an answer for you without a visit, or may want to see your fur baby.


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Type It Out to Remember
Ive been doing this for years - I used to write, but now that Im visually impaired, I type whatever I need to remember. When I was learning the screen-reader program I now use, I would type the instructors teachings as we went along, and Ive added to the original...


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Recipes for One?
Im not huge on processed foods, but when hubby doesnt feel like cooking or there are only enough leftovers for one of us, Im very happy with the flavor and quality of Marie Callenders chicken pot pies. Yum! I dont eat them often, so its a sort of special treat...


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Unclogging a Drain with Baking Soda?
I tried and failed to find the link, but there was a Readers Digest article (October 2008) where a family went on a spending fast. The first big hurdle was sludge coming up in their tub. You might not agree with this guys solution, but as I recall, it involved...


Communicating with Pets?
Im also a pets communicate with us kook, lol! My hubby says (and I tend to agree) our three dogs of various breeds communicate very clearly. Tonight, for example, Caesar (our English Mastiff) smacked his lips for several minutes while hubby and I were enjoying...


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Getting By on a Low Income?
Hi, I hope Im not repeating someone elses advice. Im a little sleepy and havent read through all the comments first. On the timely bill-paying... Since Im on my computer a lot (I work from home,) I use my Microsoft Outlook Calendar to remind me of due dates...


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Helping Elders Run Errands
Wish more folks in the contiguous US subscribed to AKs spirit of community! I shudder to think what might happen if my elderly hubby and I both fell ill at the same time! Most of our children live such busy lives, theyd never notice, unfortunately.


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Unplug It And Save On Electric Bills
We already protect many of our electric and electronic items using surge suppressors. If outlets are difficult to reach, or if several energy vampires are using one surge suppressor, I simply turn off power to the surge suppressor. I unplug what I can reach...


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Shop at ALDI's for Grocery Savings
I was never really keen on Aldi, but fell in love with my local Save-a-Lot. The prices are great - my favorite Marie Callender chicken pot pies are only about $1.65 each. On our side of town where we shop, the milk is $2.47. (Its higher at the Save-a-Lot across...


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Mark Keyboard With Glue to Find Commonly Used Keys
Excellent that a sighted person would think of this! Ive been visually impaired for six years now (compliments of a drunk driver,) and a touch-typer since my teens. (I wont say how long ago, lol!) I happened to have a Hi-line marker (similar to puff-paint, but...


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Check Out Your Local Joblink
Im pretty sure all county Department of Jobs and Family Services offices have job search centers, too. Ours (in Clark County, Ohio) is the Work Plus Center.


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Check Out Your Local Joblink
Im pretty sure all county Department of Jobs and Family Services offices have job search centers, too. Ours (in Clark County, Ohio) is the Work Plus Center.


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Making a Cardboard Wishing Well?
I would use an empty oatmeal box. Theyre round and should be both big and deep enough. To be a little decorative, you can cover with shelf paper or something similar, even the lid.


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Saving Ideas From ThriftyFun
My method might seem more involved, but it works better for me. Instead of bookmarking a web page, I highlight, then copy and paste the text of the idea to a MS Word document. When I save it, I title it similarly to the original, and categorize it within my...


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Save and Refill TV Dinner Plates
Id also say buy reusable divided plates. They should be available at the dollar store. Also, you can use something like Glad Press-n-seal to cover. We get ours at Wal-mart, but the dollar store probably has it, too.


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Freezing Cream Cheese?
Ive noticed a texture change after Ive frozen and thawed cream cheese, but I still use it on my bagels. The flavor isnt affected by freezing. I suppose one could slightly improve the texture by running the cream cheese through a food processor, but Iv never...


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Sink Drain Gurgles?
Hi, Im not exactly a plumbing expert, but Im married to a retired plumber/general contractor. As far as Im aware, that gurgling noise is a good sign. It just means the water has all traveled through the line without any problem. I wouldnt worry about the gurgle...


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Reminders Sent with Free Greeting Cards
My way prob isnt as uplifting, but since Im visually impared, I usually set reminderson my Outlook calendar instead. A little window pops up to remind me of all kinds of things: things to do, calls to make, as well as birthdays and anniversaries. I also receive...


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Game Ideas for Church Senior Group?
I suppose the Hokey-Pokey would be a little corny... but then it might be more nostalgic. Its a thought, anyway.


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Drying Freezer Bags
I tend to open the washed baggie and carefully place it over something on the drainboard to dry. It ends up looking like a pup tent. I use more sandwich-size baggies, so hubbys gotten used to seeing baggies tented over my small coffee cups. The larger baggies...


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Long Hair Styles?
When I was younger and wanted to be a little fancy, I would sometimes sweep my hair to one side and fasten it with a series of big bobby pins, or a clip or barette. Or, to keep it off my neck in the summer heat, Id pull it all up and again fasten it with a...


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Tips for First-Time Homeowners?
Congrats on your new home! If youre truly interested in learning to cook, Id recommend Their search tool is easy to use, as is the category feature. As far as home and yard maintenance is concerned, I would say invest in quality tools. Often...


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Crafts Using Cat Food Cans?
Everyones got great ideas, but my first thought was, those Fancy Feast cans seem the perfect size to hold a votive candle.


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Disputing an Electric Bill?
Im thinking that even $110 sounds awfully high for just two people. in our 1300 sq ft home and just two of us, our regular bill these past couple of monts has been around $52. Since we have converted to all fluorescent penny pincher light bulbs, I would contest...


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Watch for Free Kids Events
You can also check at your local YMCA, especially if you have pre-teens or teens. Our local Y has a multi-purpose room with all sorts of activities, including foosball and pool, I think. You might check to make sure whether your kid(s) need(s) a membership...


Resume and appointment for an interview.

Resume and Interview Tips for Job Hunters
Ive found the business database Reference USA to be a valuable research tool. Check at your local library to find out whether they subscribe, and of course, youll need a valid library card number with online access. Youll need to enter your card number in the...


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Serving Liver To Kids
Now, why didnt I think of this? Ive loved liver (especially chicken and beef) all my life. Perhaps my body knew something, though, since I was also born with an extremely low iron count. It always disappointed me that my kids didnt love it like I did (and still...


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Name Ideas for Body Products Business?
I have a song idea... Dog and Butterfly by Heart. A golden oldie!


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Use Duvets to Pad Older Mattresses
Hi, Sarah. Yes, duvets are called duvets in some areas of the US. We also call them comforters. And I wish Id thought to post this idea!


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Wash and Store Lettuce Right After Buying
I love this idea - so much more eco-friendly than using paper towels for this purpose! Oh, yes - and dont forget to core your lettuce first by hitting the head of lettuce, core end down, of course, on the counter, then giving the core itself a sharp twist. Just...


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Use Blank Sides of Handouts for Printing
Because of my visual impairment I cant read items back to myself once I print them, so I usually just save interesting items to a file on my hard drive and skip printing altogether. So, the toner cartridge that came with my printer is still good after three...


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