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34 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Digital Camera

What's So Great About a Digital Camera?
I also save more money because I no longer have to print a second set to mail to grandparents. They receive a copy as soon as I post them for free.


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Using Goof Off on a Dryer Drum?
Not exactly sure what you are trying to get out with Goof Off. If it is gum, I would use it, but clean really well afterward due to the residue. If it is crayon or pen you are trying to get off, magic eraser works really well.


List of Monthly Bills

Drastic Times Call for Drastic Cutbacks
I would also add contact the utilities before dropping anything. We were trying to tighten the belt a bit and decided to drop call waiting. Hubby called the phone company and told them we wanted to drop caller id to save money. In the end not only did we keep...


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Summer Library Programs
Check around with the local retail places as well (especially bookstores). I know that Half Price books is running a summer reading program that goes through the end of the month. 15 minutes of reading per day for a week = a $3.00 gift card each week that the...


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Back to School Lunches?
I was going to say we make our own lunchables sometimes, but I see mom-from-missouri beat me to it. :) We use small cookie cutters to cut fun shapes in the meat, but the cheese we just cut in squares. The kids then just add fun stuff that they want for the...


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Soap Making
I started making my own soap almost a year ago. Like you I was also afraid to use the lye. I do make my children stay out of the kitchen when I am making it now. (Usually I wait until their bedtime to start.) What recipe do you use for your own shampoo and...


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Soap Making
Thanks for sharing your recipes. I thought I would add a couple of websites I always open when I get ready to make soap. Both have some really good pictures that help me remember what each stage should look like. http://allcrafts...


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Soap Making
For the molds, I have found that Pringles cans are great. Im not sure what the metal end of the can is, so I always line that end with parchment paper. (I assume that end probably is at least part aluminum which lye can react with.) After the soap cools, it...


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Activities to Overcome Boredom?
We go geocaching. Gets the family out of the house. We find new and interesting places. We usually end up going some place that we can do some hiking (short are still young). And sometimes we find some really cool geocaches. Geocaching is basically...


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Treating Mange With Borax and Peroxide?
The following link says you wash the dog with the mix, but do not rinse. (I havent tried it so I cant tell you if it works.)


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Banned from Freecycle?
Try contacting the Group Outreach and Assistance team member for your state and explain your situation.


Dog with big ears.

Cleaning Your Dog's Ears?
Check just inside the dogs ears for any discharge that looks a lot like coffee grounds (yes, it will be black or really dark brown). If she has that is is highly likely that she has ear mites. The head shaking is what my cocker spaniel used to do every time...



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Finding Cheap Airline Tickets on the Web?
What airlines was running that special? The times I have seen what seemed like a good deal like that ended up being if I was flying in state, say from Jacksonville to Ft Lauderdale, not St Louis to Ft Lauderdale.


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Finding Free Sewing and Quilting Supplies?
Freecycle can sometimes be a good place to try. I have received lots of fabric this way for a project I do. Also if you have any locally owned fabric stores talk with them. Sometimes they get fabric that doesnt sell well and will donate at least small quantities...


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Homemade Dry Eraser Fluid?
Not sure if it work well or not.


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Where Can I Buy Brewers Yeast?
If there is a health food store or your grocery store has a health food (supplement) section, check there. I have seen it in that area of my local grocery store. Also, see if your town has a brewing supply store nearby. We have one here that gives away yeast...


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Tie-Dyeing With Kids?
I have tie-dyed with several different children over the years through the day cares and camp I worked at plus with my own children and their girl scout troop. I have found that string will work for tie-dying, but children become very frustrated with it. Opt...


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Problem With Child Wetting Herself?
You should speak to your pediatrician on this issue. There are lots of reasons children wet themselves and you need to rule out any medical issues to help you go in the right direction.


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Uses for 10 Year Old Champagne?
To add to what has already been posted, it will also depend on how the champagne was stored. If it was store at a cool room temp out of direct sunlight, it is more likely to still be drinkable.


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Selling Crafts Online?


What Breed is My Dog?
Look up Carolina Dog. Your dog looks a lot like mine which we suspect is a Carolina Dog mix.


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Craft Ideas for 3 Year Old?
Family fun definitely has great ideas. Following activity is for children that do not have to put everything they touch in there mouth! (Some 3 year olds are ready for this....some are not.) I used to make colored noodles and my girls would string them. My...


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10th Birthday Ideas?
Best idea. Just ask him what he thinks would be cool. I have a daughter who just turned 10. All the things I thought of were totally uncool and I probably would never have heard the end of it. 10 year olds seem to be that weird age where we as parents still...


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Should I Be Concerned About the Rat Snake Living Under My Porch?
Black rat snakes are the good guys. You do want them around as they will help keep down unwanted guests like mice. Be forewarned though that they are climbers as most snakes are. My mom is deathly scared of snakes. She came home one day and almost grabbed coiled...



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White Board Damaged by Cleaner?
I guess you are meaning it wont clean well with the eraser? I have found that the best eraser is a dry Mister Clean Magic Eraser. I usually just by the 2 for a dollar Dollar Store brand. It takes everything off even the red bleed that normally hangs around...


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Treating a Baby's Dry Skin?
The best thing we did is too quit bathing our children every night. During the winter and dryer months I think we bath the girls once a week unless they had been doing things to get dirty. In the warmer months we went to bathing on T days and one of the weekend...


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Trouble Potty Training a 4 Year Old?
At 4 1/2 (barring any developmental delays) your child should be able to tell you why the toilet is so scary. Until you understand why it is so scary, it may be impossible to make it better for your daughter. My oldest was scared that the toilet would overflow...


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Preventing Dog from Digging Under Fences?
Try laying chicken wire along the bottom of the fence. We folded it into a 90 degree angle so that we could attach it to the bottom and put the other part on the ground. You can either let the grass grow over or dig the soil up and over the bottom part. Dogs...


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Water Treated in Reverse Osmosis System Tastes Dirty?
If the water tastes dirty, it quite possibly is time to replace all the filters in it. I know with my system there are 3 different sets of filters. 1 set is supposed to be replaced more frequently than the other two. The last time I replaced all 3, I also took...


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Instructions for Making a Granny Square?
Go to youtube and type granny square. There are some videos there.


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What is the Best Time of Day for Traveling With Children?
As bkvander said, it really does depend on the child and how they have been trained. I think the first trip I did with my kids was started just around bedtime so they will sleep. Now that they are a few years old, but still preteen we get up really early. Kids...


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What Kind of Paper Can I Use in a Lite Brite?
I would try black construction paper. I know that I always receive thin construction paper in the school supplies kids bring in. I cant remember the brand though. I might be from the dollar store.


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Cherry Booze Recipe?
I havent tried that recipe, but I can honestly say I have never seen any fruit completely dissolve in home brew that we (hubby and I) have made. Granted ours wasnt using vodka or any other hard stuff, but I would think it would act similar. The stuff we have...


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Making Omelets in a Ziploc Bag?
It is not recommended to use regular ziploc or other zip top bags in boiling water. From the Ziploc faq: # Can I boil in Ziploc® Brand Bags? No. Ziploc® Brand Bags are not designed to withstand the extreme heat of boiling. Ziploc does however now make a microwaveable...


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