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1 Post | 146 Comments | Active Since 2006
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Make Your Own Organic Baby Food
Im trying this now, since my little one wants to try everything that we are eating!!!


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Cleaning the Microwave
I did the cleaning of the microwave using this technique----it worked great! Now the inside is nice and sparkly clean! Thanks for posting this. I will certainly use it again!


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Getting Rid of Unwanted Items When You Live In An Apartment?
If the items are in good shape I would do Ebay!! Just be sure to tell a story of the item----sells better when you really have a good describtion and Pictures!!!!!!!


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Kayaking Tips?
We have kayaks too----love them!! I have only used ours in lakes and ponds. (Mainly state parks in our area) But, for tips---I would search on Google, just type in kayaking tips---there are several helpful sites to check out!! Or try the library or bookstore...


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Kayaking Tips?
Thought of an idea----is there a local place that gives tours or lessons?? That is how I got into kayaking and found out we enjoyed it. We just took ours out on Sunday to our state park---it was so nice to get them out!! And so relaxing!! I missed doing it...


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Poll: Have you made your own baby food?
I have just started this!! Very easy and handy!! I cook/steam up the veggies then put into a food processor---add some water if needed and there it is!! Been freezing them into ice cube trays. But, my little one would rather have that than the jar foods!! Unless...


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Uses for Empty Babywipe Containers?
I have used these to put travel toys in!! Works great when traveling and its small!! Holds plenty of crayons/markers or just small toys such as hotwheel cars!! And its easy for little ones to get to while traveling And since we go camping----Ive used them for...


Paper Plate Suncatchers

Paper Plate Suncatchers
this would be a great project for mothers day!! my mom would just love this from her grandson!!


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Crescent Bake
Oh so sorry----Yes!! Do unroll the crescent rolls!! A big lump wouldnt be very good!! Thanks for catching the mistake!! This recipe is so quick and easy, we just love it!!! :)


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Easter Egg Hunt Ideas?
Depends how much you want to spend!! Im sure just candy wont go over!! Gift cards to favorite places are always sweet.


toilet paper tube binoculars

Safari Binoculars
These are cute!! We camp with little ones and they dont understand how to use our binoculars, so we just might have to try this out for our next outing!! Thanks for the idea!!!


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Vacuum Salesman Joke
I have seen this before----but, it still makes me smile---thanks!! :)



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Dog Bowls as Serving Dishes
What a fun party idea!!!


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Cleaning Home and Car Windows
My 85+ year old Grandmother does this trick---she swears by it and her windows always look great!!! And its cheaper than Windex and such!!! Thanks for bringing it up!!! :)


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Things To Do With Avon Skin So Soft?
My mom sells Avon and the site that Luvyabye listed is true!!! It really does the job!!! I like it for removing bandaids from my little ones!!! It such a great product that has so many different uses!!!


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Trip to Hawaii at Home
That sounds like a great idea! And so much cheaper!! You should have a Luau----those are so much fun! Here is a website that might give you some fun ideas!!! Aloha!


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Local Travel This Summer
We have done the same in the past!! We also take a big cooler for our food----sometimes stop at local grocery store (and dont forget your coupons!!!). We take lots of picnic lunches or share meals from restaunts and eat at the hotels. Its always fun to get...


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Keeping Memory Placemats and Coasters
Thats a great idea---my parents (mainly my mom) saved some when they were dating----that would make a neat Anniversary gift for them!! Thanks!!


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When Can I Draw From My IRA?
For my IRA account---I have to be 59 1/2 before taking it out----otherwise there is a 10% penalty I would need to pay if taken out sooner!! Just ask the person who handles the account----they are there to help!!!


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Where Can I Find Borax in the UK?
Check out this site: click on borax vistors center, and then on worldwide locations----or you can just contact them----maybe they use a different name in the UK. Good luck!!!


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Books on CD from the Library
We started to do this too!!! We have loaded ours onto our Ipod---so we can take it to the gym or during our travels!!! And since I dont care to read while riding in the car, this has been a great idea!!


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Storing Jig Saw Puzzles
Ive done this before----mainly since the boxes broke!! But, it makes it easier to store and we have taken them with us on our travels!!! Gives us something to do when camping or in our hotel room---much better family time than watching tv!!!


Dragon the Cat

Dragon (Cat)
I love this picture!! Too adorable!! Im not much of a cat person, but this one made me smile!!! Thanks!!! :)


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Exercises for Confined Quarters?
I asked my dad about this....he drove truck for 30+ years!! He walked around alot----did laps around the truckstops and whenever he could!! Its amazing what walking can do. But, it doesnt happen overnight!! I would also recommed doing some stretches before...



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Exercises for Confined Quarters?
Something I thought about......I know you may not stay in hotel/motels, but you can still sometimes use their pools and gyms---it may be for a small fee, but you can get different workouts that way. Just ask the hotel manager if you can use the pool/gym even...


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Using Placemats to Protect the Nightstand
I use hand towels---easy to clean and change them for any occasion or style!!


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Tang and Vanilla Pudding Fruit Dip?
I dont have a recipe for that one, but Im looking for one myself----just any fruit dip. I went to of my favorite sites for all types of recipes!! They do have a lot of fruit dip ones, so go visit that site!!


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July 4th Activities for a Senior Program?
Pin the Hat on Uncle Sam??? For party ideas, I go to get their catalog and do get ideas for whatever the event may be!! Never know, you may come up with something fun too!!!!


Cat tree with chair seats attached to wall.

Is Your Cat Tree Too Small?
Fabulous idea!!! That is using your noodle to recycle!!! And it looks like the cats are enjoying the view!! ;)


Frankie (Husky)
What a beautiful dog!!! Thanks for sharing!! He looks like a lot of fun!!!


Mary (Mixed Breed)
that is great that Frankie has such a great playmate!! even pets need friends!! thanks again for sharing such great dogs!!! :)


Baby food jars filled with candy as a favor.

"Gerber" Baby Favors for 1st Birthday Party
Very cute!! I have a 1st birthday party on Sunday and lots of baby food jars.....just the idea I needed!!! Thanks!!


Patriotic Pups - Barkley and Scruffy
This is such a neat pose!!! Looks like a postcard I would buy on vacation!!!! They look like alot of fun!!! Thanks for sharing!!


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Keeping Insoles from Squeaking?
Ive done the powder method myself, but it works just fine with me. I bet if you find some double stick tape---maybe found at a hardware store or craft store, try that!! But, Ill stick with the baby powder---makes my feet feel fresh and absorbs any odors. Good...


W.h.i.s.p.e.r. (Persian Cat)

W.h.i.s.p.e.r. (Persian Cat)
Very pretty!!! And I love her smile!!!! :)


BB (Parakeet)
Very sweet!!! They look like fun to have around!! I always love to see how colorful they are!!! And its great to see them full of personality!!! :)



clipping coupons

Comic: Clipping Coupons
Our motto is: If we dont have a coupon, we dont get it! That just goes for special items like chips/cookies--things we really dont have to have! But, I do use coupons! And watch what stores have the deals that go with my coupons. I do wish they would come out...


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Closet Curtains?
My parents did this to hide their washer/dryer they didnt have any room to put a door!! So, this idea worked for them!! Hope it gives you some good ideas!!! Good luck!!! They did use a tension shower curtain rod to keep the curtain in place---these work great...


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Add Eggshells To Houseplants
Ill have to try this!! Never knew what to do with those eggshells!!! And I dont have a green thumb, so I need all the help I can get!!! Thanks!!!


Shadow the Cat
What a neat photo!! Should be on a calendar!!!


Kitty Girl
Very sweet!! She looks very cozy!!! :)


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Getting Rid of Mosquitoes
Hey---anything is worth a try!!! We love to sit out, but hate to bother with any sprays since we wont be out very long!! So, Ill give this a try!!! Thanks!!!


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Carrying Kleenex in My Purse?
Ive had the same problem in the past!! I do think sandwich bag is a great idea!!! Depending on the size of your purse....I have used things to carry my tissues around when on vacation are: travel soap containers, zip coin purses, smaller makeup bags work great...


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Recipes Using Orange Marmalade?
Orange Marmalade isnt one of my favorites, but we get it to use in other recipes and I like it then!!! Funny tho, my almost 3 year old loves it on bread!! Here is a fruit dip recipe that was a big hit at one of our gatherings. Dreamy Orange Cheesecake Dip: 1package...


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Reusing Baking Soda From the Fridge
I use mine for the garbage disposal---keeps it smelling fresh!! Thanks for the other ideas as well!!!


Two goldfinches at a bird feeder.

Such a neat picture!! The color is so pretty!!! We dont have any trees in our yard--few shrubs---just wondering on how you attract them?? When we first moved to our place we spotted alot of bluebirds, but havent seen any for awhile. Kind of miss seeing the...


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Uses for Pudding Cups?
My son was taking art classes and the art teacher used them for holding paints for the kids to dip in and to keep the paints separate!! So, we would save them for her and take them to class. I bet using them in the sandbox would be fun!! Fill it up with sand...


A decopauged box from a calendar.

Decoupaged Box Lid Using Old Calendar...
This is such a neat idea!! Would make a very impressive gift box. I like to save my calendars too, like the pictures too much!! Would be a great project--thanks for sharing!!!


A wallet to keep rewards cards and coupons in.

Coupon and Rewards Card Wallet
Great idea!! For the little rewards cards, I put them on a keychain---not with my keys!! And make sure they go with me when shopping!! But, I do like this idea---since I often forget coupons and gift cards for places to shop and eat out---makes me made since...


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Baby Wipe Container Toy Building Blocks
They are also great for keeping toys in when traveling!! Can store hotwheels/crayons/whatever!! And it is easy for little ones to open and close. Makes a nice emergancy kit for the vehicle as well!! These are handy little containers with so many uses!!!


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Frozen Bottled Water With Your Lunch
We do this when going on trips, like to the zoo or the park!! We got the idea when we went to Florida and stayed in a condo----we put our water in the freezer overnight and put them into our cooler bags to take to Disney---what a savings there!!! And it was...


Birdie in the Birdbath
Cute picture!!


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Asking Family To Not Exchange Gifts?
Something we have done on my husbands side is we do homemade gifts---we arent crafty people, but just a simple gift is what we do. The first year we did it I made everyone goodies and put them in a nice rubbermaid container, something they could reuse for something...


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Organizer for Kids Socks
can you send a picture---would like to see this!!


Olivia (Coton de Tulear)
She looks so cozy!!! Too adorable!! How big does this breed get?? Thanks for showing her off!!! :)


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Homemade Gift Ideas for Boys?
Hey---its great to think ahead for the holidays!! Some ideas that I had: 1---Homemade treats in a neat container that he can reuse 2---make your own art kit (if he likes drawing/painting,ect) put markers/colored pencils/crayons/neat pens/notebook---anything...


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Uses for Hampers
We have one that my boys hold all their toy balls in...they love to pretend they are making baskets all the time....they are ages 3 and 1, so its just the right size for them!! Makes it fun when its time to pick their toys up!!! I have other pop up hampers...


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Memberships for Birthday Presents
You are so right Lisa!!! This is a great gift!! And it creates many happy memories that you and your son can share and such a great way to get away from the tv!!! Bravo for the wonderful idea!! a fun way to spend time with our children!! :)


rake cup hanger

Old Rake Cup Holder
Very neat!! What a great idea----and Im sure you can hang other things........hats/keys/baskets, I could go on and on!! Thanks for the idea!!!! :)


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Mini Chopper Reviews?
Here is one that I use all the time!!! We got it as a wedding gift 6 years ago and it keeps on chopping!!! I really do use it alot!! Love this size and use it more than my bigger one!!! Black and Decker Handy Chopper Plus Soon, it will be time to buy a new...


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Cooking For My Truck Driver Husband
I think this is a great idea!!! Home cooked meals sounds alot better than eating at all the truckstops all the time, so Im sure he really appreciates your thinking of him while he is out!! Im sure this would work in family settings as well!! Cook a little extra...


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Samosas Recipe?
I have an Indian cookbook---these look very good. It does say that they require alot of time and hard work---but it makes 30 of them and you can always freeze before or after frying!!! Vegetable Samosas: Ingredients: 1 packet spring roll pasty/thawed and wrapped...


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Samosas Recipe?
Hey---try this! just type in samosas in the search box----they have some recipes that look like fun trying! This is one of my favorite recipe sites and be sure to read the reviews, sometimes they give helpful hints! Enjoy!


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Dryer Balls Reviews
I have 2 dryer balls--really like them!! I also added 2 tennis balls in the mix, that seemed to dry the items faster!! I do still have to use softener and 1/2 dryer sheets--Im not sure if that is because of us having hard water, since my mom has them too and...


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Buying Blinds at Eddie Z's?
I have some Faux wood 2 inch blinds-----but I bought mine from another company and I have been very happy with them!!! Right now, they are on sale, so you might want to look into these!! And Im planning on purchasing more of these blinds...


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Buying Blinds at Eddie Z's?
Well, I just looked at the blinds in our bedroom....they look very real---they are smooth, but have bumpy lines for the wood look. So, I guess I would say they have a smooth 3D look! :) We went to Home Depot to price some before buying from Domestications....I...


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Conserving and Cutting Laundry Costs
I grew up with my mom using a clothesline---I loved it, everything smelled so fresh!! Sadly, my husband and I moved to a housing addition---and one of the rules was NO Clotheslines! I was bummed, but I lay out somethings on our patio furniture or pin them to...


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Have you made homemade laundry soap?
Can anyone share laundry soap recipes??? Im willing to try anything!!!


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Activities for a 2 Year Old's Birthday Party?
Slip and Slide or sprinkler---just be sure to tell everyone to bring their own bathing suits. Pinata---Ive been wanting to do this for my boys. Finger Painting outside. Chalk drawing on sidewalk. Bubbles!! all kids of all ages love blowing bubbles. Make your...


Squeek the Cat
What a beautiful cat!!! Certainly looks like a keeper!!!


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New England Travel Tips?
That will be such a fun trip! My husband and I went a few years ago about the 1st half of October and was amazed by the colours! Simply breathtaking! This is the route we took and I would recommend it, we liked it so well.....would like to do it again! Went...


Homemade butterfly feeder in a garden

Make Your Own Butterfly Feeder
Very pretty! Looks like a fun project to try with the whole family! And a great homemade gift idea for butterfly lovers! Thanks for sharing!


Nando the Kitten
Looks like he is in charge!! What a cute cat and I like the name!! Thanks for sharing!!


Family tree wall hanging.

Family Tree Wall Hanging
This is a very special hanging!!! Wish I had the time and patience to tackle a project like this!! Very lovely!!! Thanks for sharing!!!


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Refilling a Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner?
I did refill mine with another shower cleaner that was on sale and I had a coupon for!!! It has worked out great!!!! I will continue to do this, think I will replace the container every few months. And refill the new one when its done!!!


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Blues Theme Party?
Sounds very different!!! But fun!! For my party ideas I check out have lots of party ideas. Maybe some in there will help you!! Good luck on your search!!!


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Recipes Using Canned Crab Meat?
Try this site: I find alot of good recipes to try and be sure to read the reviews---some give helpful tips!!!


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What is artificial crabmeat made of?
I just pulled my package out of the fridge---going to make crab patties!!! Here is the list of ingredients: Alaska Pollock,water,potato starch,sugar,sorbitol, contains 2% or less of the following:King crab meat,natural and artifical flavor, extracts of crab...


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Dental Self Care
Im a Dental Assistant----and normally I have to tell my patients these little secrets!!! Toothpaste helps too----it can be used as an emergancy adhesive (mainly for temporary crowns). I think its the Assistant that should help give helpful hints!! Ive been...


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Pineapple Banana Bread
I make alot of banana bread----and this one sounds like it would be good too!!! I bet some shredded coconut would be good with it---give it some Hawaiian flare!!! Either on top (for a few mins!!) or in the mix!!! Just might have to try this!!!!!


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Gift Ideas for Grandparents?
Well, I always have the same problem!! But, I think they like it when I make them homemade goodies!! I get a nice container and fill it with homemade bread/cookies---whatever they like to snack on. My Grandma doesnt cook or bake anymore, so she really likes...


Cascade 2in1 ActionPacs Reviews
I like these too! Less mess! :)


Cascade 2in1 ActionPacs Reviews
We get ours at Sams Club or get them on sale using a coupon! Much easier for me since I have 2 small kids that want to help. I dont want them to get into the powder.


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Low Calorie Casserole Recipes?
Try I get lots of great ideas from there!!! And be sure to read the reviews----you get lots of great tips from others that have tried the recipes!!


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5th Grade Banquet Ideas?
What time of the year is the banquet? And school mascot? More information may help us help you!!!


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5th Grade Banquet Ideas?
a catalog that may give you some ideas---go to out their website and ask for a catalog----they have lots of neat ideas for any theme or time of year and the prices dont seem that bad


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5th Grade Banquet Ideas?
Luau/Hawaiian/Ocean/tropical theme something to do with Lynx or wildlife in Florida Facts of Florida or the month of May Western/cowboy theme Discovery of Florida Space theme--planets/spaceships Oranges----everything orange!! Jungle/zoo theme Favorite book...


Dakota with head thrown back ready to howl.

Dakota Star - Wolf/Husky
Very neat!!!! Love the name, fits perfectly!!


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Soaked Car Seat?
Well, for our first date: my now hubby took his mustang convertible through the automatic car wash----you dont put convertibles through automatic car washes!! So, my seat was soaked....but I didnt know it till years later!!! He dried it with towels and a hair...


Dew covered web.

Beauty of a Spiderweb
very cool and im not a spider person!


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Poll: Do you own an iPod?
Yes---Love it!!! Im able to take it to the gym! And we got the car kit---now I dont have to search for a great song on the radio!!! We have put most of our CDs on there and its great for long trips!!! I didnt like it at first.....but now Love it!!!


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Saints Float Ideas?
The Saints tame the cats!!! Bring in your cat or dress up like one and have one Saint----making the Wildcats turn into nice loveable cats! Meow!!!!


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TV Reviews?
We use: Whenever we want to make a big purchase, we check out what others have to say and go from there!!


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Displaying Children's Artwork
My 3 year old takes art classes, so we have lots of art that i dont want to toss!!! So, when writing a letter---I use the plain side as stationary, so the person recieving the letter gets a treasured art and a letter all in one!!! Plus my boys have a cork board...


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Easy Guacamole
I love to make homemade Guacamole!!! Thanks!!!


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What Does the Bible Mean Joke
Cute and so true!!!


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Sewing Machine Reviews?
A place that I visit for reviews of products is: People that have bought the products type reviews---give the Pros and Cons of the product. I think its very helpful!!!


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Fall Themed Baby Shower?
Visit this site: They have some neat ideas!!!


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How do I clean lime from my bathtub?
Have you tried the product Bar Keepers Friend??? They have a Lime and Rust remover cleaner. Or even Lime Away.


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"Cheeseburger in Paradise" Banquet Decorations?
Check this site out........they have neat Hawaiian style decorations!!! This does sound like fun!!!!! Good luck!


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Air Cleaner for an Apartment?
I have the Ionic Breeze----very happy with it, have had it for 4 years and it is still going!!! Love that I can wipe off the filter and not having to replace them. Got mine at Linens N Things and was able to use a 20% coupon on it----so we thought we would...


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How do I get sour milk odor out of a down comforter?
I would take it to the professional dry cleaners.


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Dehydrator Recipes?
We have been using ours like crazy!!! We have been drying apples and pears----it takes about 8 hours for them on ours. We dont do anything special to them-----did try some cinnamon on the apples, wow!!! But, we are learning too!!!


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Dehydrator Recipes?
Type in at Google: drying fruits you get ideas from university cooperative extension services....from many universities. Tonight we are going to try mangos!!! Did try bananas, but I didnt care for them!! We did make a trail mix with our dried apples: used raisins...


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Decorating a Building for Halloween?
check out this site: That may give you some great ideas!!! How about the hooks that you use to hang up Christmas lights outside?? Ive seen them but never have tried them. Go to your local hardware store---ask them if they have any great...


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Poll: Have you used ThriftyFun's coupon site?
Our stores wont take printed coupons---sure wish they would!!! I do use the coupon trading/swapping site!!!


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Baby Einstein Party Ideas?
That would be so cute, my boys would love that.....but you are right, its hard to find!! I did find this site, so go check it out for great ideas!!! Good luck!!


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Baby Einstein Party Ideas?


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Baby Einstein Party Ideas?


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News From Danville Illinois?


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Recipes Using Limes?
Here is my favorite spot for recipes: Just type in Lime in the search box.....or even better yet the ingredient box!!


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Sony Wega Reviews?
I would check on this site!!!


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Where are the best freebies?
I like this site----it changes all the time!! Just visit the freebie forum and see what is out there---you can leave a post, which helps others know if its worth checking out or not.


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Christmas Gift Ideas for My Dad With Alzheimer's?
Make a family photo album with stories----make it into a book! Make a basket with things that comfort him----things he loves or used to love. Take him for car rides where he grew up or just out and about.


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Five Year Diary?
Just a thought----I think our local Dollar Tree has them. If you have a dollar store nearby, check that out. Or visit a bookstore. Ive been using a journal for such events. Its not dated, but I can record anytime and how much I want to write.


Egg Carton Pumpkin

Egg Carton Pumpkin
What a cute idea! Thanks!


Charlie Brown Costume

Charlie Brown Costume
Too cute!!! And a unique costume!!!! Thanks for sharing!!


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What Should I Bring For My New Baby?
check out is where all the advice is!!!! Diapers/Wipes/play yard is nice/burp rags/The Boppy pillow is wonderful for nursing!!!


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Float Ideas for Preschoolers?
I think a manger scene at this age would be cute. Or Christmas tree and the kids are the presents---Gifts from God!!!


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Organizing Jewelry in a Drawer?
Would an egg carton work??? Try that out!


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Grade School Pioneer Crafts? may give you some ideas---they have nice craft ideas for all ages.


Photo of a finished dog made out of yarn.

Recycled Wire Hanger Yarn Dog
Very cute!!! I had one as a kid and always wondered how it was made!!! Thanks for showing!!!


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Free Sample ICE
Thanks!!! Love my freebies!!!! Keep posting more!!!


Purse made from an underwire bra with decorative edging.

Purse from an Underwire Bra
This is really cute!!! Thanks for posting a picture, because I would of needed to see it!!!


Toyo-Mikado (Japanese Spitz)
Very cute!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!


Outdoor Nativity Scene
Very special!! Thanks for sharing!!! Blessings to you and your special talent!


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