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30 Posts | 433 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Gift for an Elderly Woman?
First of all, what do you mean by elderly? Im 79 and still going to gigs with a musician boy friend so I can do rock n roll dancing. I do all my correspondence on my computer and even pay all bills that way. The contemporary older woman is quite different from...


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Eyeglass Cleaner?
For years, I have cleaned my plastic lenses with water and then dried them with a piece of clean, all cotton, old T-shirt. No scratches, no problems. Ive heard that you have to be extra careful with plastic and DO NOT use any paper on them because it is too...


Garbage Disposal

Sewer Smell Coming from Garbage Disposal?
Every morning I boil a whole teakettle of water for my tea. After I pour the water in the mug for the tea I pour the rest of it down the garbage disposer. I only use my dishwasher once a week, but before I turn it on I turn on the disposer and run hot water...


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Put Frozen Juice Concentrate in Ice Cube Trays
I freeze juice from extra oranges in a pop-out ice cube tray. Then every morning I pop 3 of them into my cup of green tea. I do that with the extra lemons from my tree, too.


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Is LeeWards Craft Store Still in Business?
Now, in the year 2019, there are many places to obtain crafts. You can order online from Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Walmart and Fire Mountain Gems. Incidentally, Hobby Lobby is now in Reno, NV and Morgan Hill, CA among other Western locations. All of these businesses...


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Filling Holes in Old Screens
Clear fingernail polish works for smaller holes.


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Deterring Purse Snatchers
I have used a shoulder strap bag for about 50 years. The bag never leaves my shoulder even in the grocery store. Try for bags with steel in the straps and made from slash-proof materials if you are really worried about slash and grab purse...


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Reusing Candle Wax for Tart Burners
What is a tart burner? I never heard of that.


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Write Appointments on Dry Erase Board
I write appointments on post-it notes and put them on my bathroom mirror.


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Removing Stamps From An Envelope
Why bother trying to get a stamp off an envelope. If I want to use a stamp mistakenly put on the wrong envelope I just cut the paper around it then use whiteglue to stick paper and stamp on another envelope. The post office says it is ok to glue them on if...


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Organizing Magazines?
Please remember that when you use all capitol letters in an email everyone will assume that you are SHOUTING. It also makes it very difficult to read.


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Uses For Leftover Pound Cake?
Never heard of anyone in my family having leftover pound cake! But thanks for the hints just in case some does fall from the sky some day.



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Solutions for Soft Fingernails?
I started taking Biotin in hopes it would help my thinning hair. I havent been taking it long enough to see if it helps the hair, but it sure is doing a good job on my fingernails! Try Biotin, 1000 mcg a day for your fingernails.


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Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Home
I live in a mobile home. One of the places spiders come in is through the wiring spaces behind the outlets. I stopped this by taking off the plastic wall plates and spraying BESIDE the electrical boxes in the space where the wiring comes up from the underside...


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Get Exercise When You Are Crafting
If you drink a lot of water that will assure that you get a lot of exercise. Especially if your bathroom is at the other end of the house! Also, water is good for your body - no calories or nasty chemicals.


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Saving on Toilet Paper?
Okay, so what does 4 mean? It couldnt possibly be that you really want them to use only 4 squares??? That just wouldnt work!


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Men's Shirts and Socks are Cheaper
Please check your email ettiquette. When you use all Capitol letters it means you are shouting. This gives the impression of anger to anyone who tries to read your email.


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Simple Crafts for a Church Bazaar?
I collect funny mugs at garage sales and thrift stores all year long. For our church bazaar I bake a lot of cookies, stack them in cellophane bags, then put them in the mugs. We call them Cookie Mugs and sell a lot of them for $3 each. This is a deal for them...


A bar of Irish Spring soap to deter pests.

Eco-Friendly Critter Control
Human urine will act as a deterent also. A friend of mine just had her husband go outside around the peremeter of their yard. She says it kept all the other animals out! They live out in the country so there are no neighbors to freak out and send for the police...


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Hand Soap Container for Soap Pieces?
I never have leftoverpiecesofsoap because I just stick the little piece to the big piece and let it sit 24 hours until my next shower. This has always worked very well since I learned to squeeze the little piece on top of the big piece using both hands.


lime green flying geese baby quilt

Labeling Your Quilts
I have my daughter use her embroidery machine to put information on one of the squares. For instance: Made with love for Casey Nicholas Smith by Aunt Carol Hanna 12-25-89. Top Acrylic, Back Polyester. Machine wash warm, dry low or warm.


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Inexpensive Gifts for Friends
A picture would have been nice. Kind of hard to figure out just what you were making.


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Two Sewing Tips
I put a bulletin board on the wall behind my sewing machine. It has hooks for all my scissors so they are always available. That leaves room for pinning other notes and things where I can find them. I used a part of a ceiling panel for the bulletin board and...


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Uses for Plastic Vitamin Bottles?
I use the empty vitamin bottles for my used diabetic test strips and needles. When one is full I take it to the local Kaiser clinic for disposal.



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Why Is My $20 Bill Only Worth $5 Bucks?
The trick is to pay off the whole amount EVERY MONTH. That way you wont get charged any interest. Bank of America puts out a very good 1-2-3 card. 3% on gas, 2% on grocery stores (including Super Walmart everything there, and places like the 99cent store which...



Growing Lily-of-the-Valley
Please be aware that all parts of the plant are highly poisonous, including the red berries which may be attractive to children. If ingested'even in small amounts'the plant can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, reduced heart rate, blurred vision, drowsiness, and...


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Learn a Sense of Your Size
It helps a lot if you know your own waist, bust, and pant length measurements. You should carry a small measuring tape at all times. Then you wont have to try on anything, just measure it! I would never buy used shoes unless it was possible to throw them in...


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Storage Solution for a Mobile Home
If you are renting your lot space in a mobile home park it would be a good idea to check with the manager to see if it is allowed. In the park where I live it is against the rules to store anything under our units. We are also limited to 100 square feet for...


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Avoiding Losing Stitches Crochet Tip
For more years than I care to count I have used those stainless steel pincurl clips that you bend to open then bend the other way to close. Dont know what they are called. Currently they have become a fashion thing to wear in your hair and are available in...


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No Lost Stitches When Crocheting
I have always used a small metal hair clip, the kind you bend to open, to keep my place when crocheting. You can get these in sizes from half inch to 2 inches. Poor but Proud is correct. Crochet with a hook, knit with needles.


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Freezing Lemon Juice and Zest
I have a tree that produces a bazillion lemons every year. I squeeze out the juice into the small plastic bottles that honey comes in that will fit in the door to my freezer. Some of the juice is used in a pop-out ice tray and the rest is frozen. When those...


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Keeping Track of Credit Card Purchases
I use my 1-2-3 credit card for everything, even small amounts. Never use an ATM card as that is too dangerous. A check is used only when nothing else will be accepted. All receipts for that credit card are entered each evening in a check register used for that...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Dealing With Arthritis?
I use Hemp Oil on the skin over my joints. It also helps take care of the neuropathy in my toes. Dont drink it! This is legal and you can get an 8oz bottle at Hobby Lobby in their soap making department for only $8. I have heard that CVS and Rite Aid will be...


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Paperclip Bookmark
I was given a stack of legal size file folders. I cut off one end (3) to make standard size folders. I use the cut-off strips for bookmarks that I can write on when I see something in a book that I want to remember. When they are full of notes I store them...


Growing: Hollyhock

Growing Hollyhock
The only problem with hollyhocks is that after they finish blooming and dry out you have to take them down. This will scatter the seeds everywhere, even if you think you have previously collected them all. If the rough, dried out pieces get in your clothes...


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Lime Deposits in a Teakettle
We have very hard water in our area, too. About every 2 weeks I fill my teakettle with white vinegar, heat it up, then let it sit all afternoon. I then pour the vinegar back into its bottle and use one of those sponges with the green stuff on the back to scrub...



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Poll: How many shopping reward cards for stores do you carry with you?
I dont need to actually carry any of those cards. All the stores in my area will take my phone number instead of the card.


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Buying Bargain Books
Another place to buy books is the Friends of the Library book sales at various local libraries. The money they make from these books benefits the library. The Friends will take most donated books, both paperback and hardcover, for these sales. Ive gotten some...


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Bananas and Mosquito Bites
Eating a lot of foods with a lot of garlic in them works well too. It is a scientific proven fact that garlic eaters dont get mosquito bites. The mosquitos hate the smell.


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If You Are Overcharged at WalMart
At the Walmart here in California I am usually surprised by finding a lower price charged on sale items - Shorts marked on sale for $7 and rang up for $3. I always use the ring it up yourself kiosks in all stores, including Safeway, etc. so that I can see right...


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Onion Smell in My Apartment?
Why in the world would you want to get rid of that lovely fragrance? The only better one is the fragrance of Garlic! I am not being sarcastic, I really enjoy both of those odors! It just shows that there are a great variety of opinions in this wonderful United...


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Keeping Things Together While Gluing
You can also use crumpled foil to position pieces for gluing.


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The Joys of Recycling
I have heard that running a strong magnet over the scan bar on the back of a credit card will ruin any information stored there. My daughter used to work in a casino office and she said that people who carried their cards in EELSKIN wallets would have trouble...


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Turn a Used Box Inside Out
I turn cardboard shoe boxes inside out - just figure out where the flaps are hooked together on the inside. This makes a box to use for craft supplies that will fit on most any shelf. I use a felt tip pen to write on the box about the contents. Or you can just...


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Stretching Expensive Lip Gloss
I save all the used lip gloss containers. When I have 5 or 6, I sit down with a pointed steel nail file and dig out what is left in the little cup and stuff it into an empty lip gloss tube. It is possible to save a lot of money this way. After all, you pay...


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Uses for Lipstick?
Why would anyone want a tube filled with a bunch of straw bristles? What on earth would you use this for? I cant picture it.


Seashell Wind Chimes

Making Wind Chimes
At the risk of sounding like an old curmudgeon, let me remind all the wind chime people out there that some of your neighbors do not enjoy all that chaotic and constant noise. The sound of silence is what we enjoy most.


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Transfer Soap to a Smaller Bottle
If you will put your soap in a pump bottle it will be even easier to use. I use Soft Soap 7.5oz pump containers. I get them at our local 99cent store and refill with cheaper soap when they are empty.


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Remembering To Take Items With You
I put things in my purse to be sure that I take them with me. If they wont fit they go right in front of the door that I use to get to my car. Sometimes I just put things in the car as soon as I remember that they have to go with me, even if it is late at night...


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Uses for Old Sheet Music
Just because it is out of date doesnt mean no one wants to listen to it anymore. My S O plays in a piano bar and he still gets requests for songs that are a lot older than I am - 77! I agree with all those who suggested that you try to find someone who would...


Comprehensive article on crochet.

Crochet Tips for Beginners
I have always used a small metal hair clip, the kind you bend to open, then bend back to close, to keep my place when crocheting. You can get these in sizes from half inch to 2 inches. They work better than a paper clip as the end does not get caught in the...


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"The Vial Of Life" For Emergency Information
If you belong to Kaiser you can get a thumb drive with all of your medical history on it to keep in your purse. The first one costs $5 and they will update it for free. All anyone has to do is plug it in to the nearest computer.


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Mosquito Problems, Decorate with Geraniums?
Garlic helps too. Use a lot of it in your cooking or just suck on a clove. There have been scientifice studies about this that proove it really works. I eat a lot of garlic and am not bothered by mosquitos. It may help that I live in Gilroy!


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Mayonnaise To Clean Plant Leaves
Mayonaise (or anything similar such as salad oil or banana peel) is NOT a good thing to use to clean house plant leaves. It leaves a gummy residue that collects even more dust. Water is the best thing to use. Mother Nature uses this for all her plants, surely...


A pickpocket stealing a wallet out of a purse.

Keep Your Purse Safe When Dining Out
My purse never leaves my shoulder anywhere I shop. Wallet and phone are attached to purse strap with clips on lanyards so I can pull them out for use, but no one can walk away with them without pulling on my purse. That also keeps me from leaving them somewhere...


Photo of round rag rugs.

Rag Rug Instructions
First of all, if you are crocheting you will be using a HOOK, not a needle. Needles are used for knitting or sewing. Probably a very large hook like a Q or bigger will work the best.


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Use Foam Shapes and Alphabet Blocks to Make Stamps
What do you mean by tag artist? In this area (California) someone who is a tag artist is a vandal who draws (tags) graffitti and/or gang symbols on other peoples property - fences, buildings, railroad cars, etc.


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Trace Patterns Off Computer Screen
Just make sure you are using some kind of pencil that wont bleed through the paper or make an indentation on your screen. I wouldnt want to try it on my LCD screen - a new printer (as low as $50) would be a lot less expensive than a new (at least $130) monitor...


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Garbage Disposal Cleaner
I hardly ever use my disposal. Almost all of the stuff you normally would put down it is compostable. So, in my house, all of that just goes in my green yard waste can and the garbage trucks pick it up once a week to go in their compost piles. About once a...


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Is .925 Silver Worth Anything? This website will tell you the current value of 925 Sterling and/or Fine silver, also gold values.


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Bake Brownies in Cupcake Liners
If you use foil cupcake cups and only put in half the recommended amount you can fold over the edges after they are baked and put them in plastic bags and stash them in the freezer. I do this for my brownies that have an unusual ingredient in them.


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Bake Brownies in Cupcake Liners
Use foil cupcake cups and only put about a third of batter in them. After they are baked and cooled you can fold the excess foil over the top and preserve them in your freezer in a plastic bag. This works really well if you have put some spice in your brownies...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Shop Other Thrift Stores Before Goodwill
The Gilroy, CA Good Will store discounts a certain color tag by 20% for a week. For instance, this week it is yellow tags. I have noticed that on the last 2 or 3 days of that color there will be employees going around and removing anything with that color tag...


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Reuse Silica Desiccant Packets in Packages
If you have a gas oven with pilot light that keeps it warm you can put them on a cookie sheet in there overnight to dry out again. I put them in my boxes of old photos and in the plastic boxes where I store all the letters my parents wrote to each other during...


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Keep Car Keys on Bedside Table
Can you think of some kind of alternative to this for those of us who dont have that kind of key? You have to actually put the key in the lock and twist it to get into my 2000 Hyundai. Not everyone can afford those fancy new keys.


Origami Garbage Bin

Origami Garbage Bin
Where are the instructions for making this item? Unfair to show us all these neat things to do with it without also offering instructions about how to make it!


Origami Garbage Bin

Origami Garbage Bin
Where are the instructions????????????


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Plants That Produce Unusual, Distinctive Seed Pods?
Love-in-a-mist or Nigella. It produced really weird pods. Caution, it is very invasive. The seeds wind up every where.


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Silver Jewelry Leaving Black Marks on T-shirts?
The one time I went down into one of the dormant craters on the island of Hawaii I was wearing a set of sterling hairpins to keep my hair up. When I took them out later at home they were tarnished! Probably the sulpher fumes in the crater. I guess the lesson...


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Save Rose Petals For Future Wedding
I have an oven that uses a pilot light so it is warm in the oven all the time. To dry my rose petals I spread them on cookie sheets and leave them in the oven for about 24 hours. The petals will come out darker than the original rose. For instance, Mister Lincoln...


Decorative Gift Magnets

Decorative Gift Magnets
I bought a roll of magnetic wallpaper that is intended to be put on the inside of your school locker. It was about 8-9 wide and about 2 long. Then I put stickers on it that I got at the craft store and cut them out. It made a LOT of magnets that I then sold...


Man in Housewife costume

Frugal Halloween Costumes for Children and Adults
I agree. There are lots of original and creative possibilities for costumes that are not offensive to anyone.


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Hang Family Calendar in the Bathroom
I put sticky notes on my large bathroom mirror arranged by date. That way I cant miss them!


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Have Kids Write Notes in the Busy Morning
I put sticky notes on the big mirror in my bathroom to remind myself about appointments etc. This works a lot better for me than sticking them on the fridge which already has too much stuff on it. I arrange them so that the most current reminder is right in...


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Have Kids Write Notes in the Busy Morning
I use postit notes on my bathroom mirror to record dates for various appointments and gigs lined up by date. That way I see them every morning. When the event is over I throw away the note.


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Using a Cake Mix That's Expired?
I make many batches of cookies every Christmas from cake mixes that I purchase on sale all year and have never had any complaints. I dont worry too much about the dates, but do use the oldest boxes first. The recipe is... to one box of cake mix, add one large...


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Using Pencil in Address Books
I use an address book that will accept more pages. When I run out of room for name changes I add another page. This is a history book for me with all the old information. I was able to find out a lot about my mother from her address book. Erasing pencil marks...


flowers painted on a garage door.

Invasive Plants and How You Can...
Some are so pretty when you first see them, like wild violets. Then they just take over your yard. It has taken me 2 years to get rid of most of them with a combination of RoundUp and just pulling. Still not over, but at least there are very few now!


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Looking for Old Fairy Tales Book?
Try Dover Books. If you put Blue Fairy Book in their search box you will get a page with all the colors of this series. I remember reading them all in the early 50s. You will be amazed how many tales there are!


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Dental Floss for Sturdy Buttons
About 45 years ago, when my daughters and I were very involved with Belly Dancing we would sew the coins on the costumes with dental floss. Despite much movement when we danced, the coins and other decorations never broke the floss!


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Turn Old Sweaters Into Leg Warmers
I use old sweatshirts for knee warmers. Cut off sleeve at shoulder seam. Cut off the rest of the sleeve above the knitted cuff. Attach a clip-on elastic (like the ones used to keep sheets on the bed) to the highest part of the sleeve. Clip the other end to...


store paint upside down

Store Glue and Fabric Paint Upside Down
For my Scribbles acrylic paints I use the boxes that individual hard soaps come in. Cut them in half and store 2 bottles upside down in each half-box. Store all of these couples in a shoe box. This way they dont all fall over when you take out one or two to...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Use Your Bathroom Mirror as a Reminder Board
I use postit notes and line them up by date on my bathroom mirror. I keep a pad of them and a pen in the bathroom for this. When the dated appointment, chore, etc is finished the note goes in the trash. Anything for the next day goes right in the middle in...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Use Your Bathroom Mirror as a Reminder Board
I just use the super sticky PostIt notes arranged all along one side of the mirror in order of date. The most recent is at the bottom. When that one is done it is just thrown away and everything is moved down. Be sure to keep PostIts and a pen in the bathroom...


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Patch Kids Pants With Shirt Sleeves
In observing all the people wearing jeans on the street, I am under the impression that it is quite the style to wear them full of holes. It even costs more to buy a pair that already has holes! If you are a style dinosaur, like me, I would use iron-on patches...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Preventing a Dog from Peeing on Plants?
Try putting little dishes of straight ammonia around the area. It keeps the cats from dumping in our yard. Maybe it will work with dogs. The animals dont care much for that smell. I get my half gallons at the 99cent store.


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Self-Watering Using Milk Jugs?
If you use milk jugs with tight fitting tops they will not drain as quickly.


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Keep Lemon Wedges in the Freezer
I store my lemons on their tree. It produces lemons all year here in Central California near San Jose. When they ripen too much and fall off I just rake them up and put them in my compost bin. When I need the juice I just pick some and squeeze them into ice...


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Reuse Sheet, Blanket, and Comforter Bags
I store all my yarn in the big comforter bags. That way I can see all the colors. The bags stack very well in the bottom of my closet.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Hemming the Neck of a T-shirt ?
I run a line of stiching around the neck about half inch away from the frayed part of the neck. Then cut off the frayed part just past the nasty holes. Turn it over to the inside right at the line of stitching and make a line of stitching. Make the turn-over...


Reusing Onion and Orange Mesh Bags
I live in a mobile home with aluminum awnings. I crumple the bags and put them at the ends of the dips in the awnings to keep the leaves from going into the gutter that runs across the ends. That way the water goes through and the gutter keeps working.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Getting Started with Quiltmaking?
Make your quilt top with squares as Redhatter describes. I usually make my squares about 9. Dont even bother with batting. The 40 x 60 microfleece throws that you can get at the drugstore or WalMart are the perfect size for a child. Or sew 2 of them together...


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Too Many Unfinished Craft Projects?
Keep in mind that you can finish a project by choosing to not to finish it. Then put all the materials and instructions in a big ziploc and take it to your local Senior Center. There are usually people there who like to have these projects. Just because you...


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Setting Dye in Silk Fabric?
Update on original question: These are handkerchief silk garments that are commercially dyed. I have no idea what they use for dye. Do you mean that I should use the vinegar/water recipe and heat the water with the garment in the water? I tried soaking one...


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Using Clay Pots Outside?
The Salvation Army store or any thrift store are good places to get saucers for your pots. Get a plate with edges that curve up a little to keep the water off the deck. You can get plates to fit just about any size pot.


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Keeping Track of Appointments
I write day, date, time and occasion on a bright post-it note and stick it on my bathroom mirror. This seems to be more effective for me since I see it every time I brush my teeth or wash my hands. There is already so much stuff on the fridge that reminders...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Keeping Track of Appointments
My bathroom mirror is very large. To remember appointments I just write the information on a sticky note and put it on my mirror. I keep the dates lined up in order and put the current postit right in the middle where I will have to see it in the morning. Since...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Keeping Track of Appointments
I stick post-it notes along the side of my bathroom mirror. Since I will be in front of that mirror at least twice a day to brush my teeth, I will never miss seeing all those notes. The bottom one is always the most current one so I move that one to the middle...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Keeping Track of Appointments
Use postit notes on your bathroom mirror. That way you see them every time you brush your teeth. The super sticky ones never fall off.


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Hiding Places for Cash at Home
Now all the millions of readers know where to look for cash. I hope none of them are thieves! Publishing those ideas here doesnt seem like a good idea to me. Now I will be sure not to use any of those places if I ever have any cash to hide.


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Hiding Places for Cash at Home
Just be sure you tell the person who will be cleaning out your stuff after you pass so they will look for the cash. My daughter is my executrixe so she knows everything.


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Small Wildlife Under a House?
When you do finally get rid of the critters you need to make sure the skirting on your mobile home is tight without any holes for them to get in again. We have lived in a mobile home park for 16 years. Critters can get into smaller holes than you can imagine...


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Uses for Prescription Bottles
If you are going to make a key hider to go in your garden, I would suggest that you glue a rock to the BOTTOM of the pill bottle. My experience is that the glued-on rock pops off the plastic top when I try to open the pill bottle.


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Weekly Errands Master List
I use sticky notes on my bathroom mirror for appointments etc. that I dont want to miss. This works better for me than on the fridge as I look at the mirror every morning when I brush my hair. The fridge door has so much stuff on it that anything posted there...


Making a Table Cloth from a Doily Pattern?
I have Coats & Clarks book of pineapple patterns from 1946. Contact me with your mailing address and I will copy and send a couple of patterns that will enable you to make a pineapple doily of as large a diameter as you wish. The directions are too long to...


maroon t-shirt hanging on hanger on door

Resizing a Large T-Shirt
To make the neckline smaller in a large size knit ladies blouse/t-shirt is easy. Use elastic cord and a big blunt pointed yarn needle. Push it through the binding on the neckline. When you get to the end gather the neckline as much as you need to then cut off...


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Ideas for Mother's 80th Birthday?
For my 80th birthday we had a very small celebration with just family at a restaurant. One daughter made me a tshirt that says HOLY CRAP...IM 8O! And the other one made a polar fleece vest on which she had sewed 80 buttons. I add another button every year!


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Making Vests With Pre-Quilted Fabric?
To make a really FLAT flat-felled seam with quilted fabric do this. Make standard 5/8 seams. Trim one side of the seam down to 1/4 or slightly less. Pull out all the batting you can from this layer. On the other side of the seam trim the inside fabric down...


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Remedy for Muscle Spasms?
I heard about the quinine thing many years ago, but it was to drink Tonic Water which has quinine in it. You can get it at the grocery store. This may or may not work for you. An 8oz glass in the evening seems to work. I have found that it also helps to keep...


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Sign and Date Your Crafts
My quilts usually consist of 9 blocks because Im a lazy, machine quilter. I always send one block to my daughter because she has an embroidery machine that will do any design or font. The last block she did for me said Made with love by Grandma (my name) for...


wall hanging

Making a Fabric Wall Hanging
For a temporary fabric wall try this solution used by Service wives who have to move a lot. Soak sheets in liquid starch and wring out then use a squeegee to paste them on the wall. It will stick and dry. When you want to move and take it with you just loosen...


What Kind of Tree is This?
Thanks for the suggestion. The place here that sells trees knows nothing. County Agent? Whats that? How do I find one? Several friends and I have all looked at all the pictures in all of our tree books (5 different books!), but cant find anything with that...


What Kind of Tree is This?
Thanks so much for your tree link! After poking around at the site a little bit, it turns out that what we have growing here in Gilroy, CA is Brachychiton Populneus. That is an exact match! It is a relief to find that the seeds are edible as it is planted at...


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Recycle Mattress Cover for Quilt Filling
I made quilts for wedding presents for my grandchildren out of the acrylic fabric you find in old muu muus. Since I am pretty lazy the quilt blocks are usually 10 squares. The backing is a polar fleece blanket. There is no middle as that would make it too heavy...


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Christmas Lights for Night Lights
Good idea!! I have used the red bulbs in my nightlights for years. They are getting harder to find, but I got some at Walmart last year. Sometimes you can find them at the Salvation Army or Goodwill in their Christmas shelves.


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Christmas Lights for Night Lights
Great minds think alike! I have been using the red ones in my night lights for years. Since everything is LED now days, the only place to get them is GoodWill. All though I did find some at Walmart last year.


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Keep an Emergency Envelope in Your Purse
I never leave my handbag in a cart under any circumstances! Since I was 11 years old I have carried a handbag that hangs off one shoulder and never leaves that shoulder when I am shopping. My wallet and my phone are connected to my purse with a cord so no one...


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Keep an Emergency Envelope in Your Purse
If you belong to the Kaiser health plan you can get a thumb drive with your medical record on it to keep in your purse. It is also possible to buy these through various catalogs.


gingerbread cookies

12 Days of Classic Christmas Cookies
You can add Cake Mix Cookies. Just add 1 stick of softened butter and 2 eggs to any cake mix to make a cookie batter. I usually add other things like nugmeg, vanilla, choc chips, coconut, peppermint chips, etc. Spoon it out and mash down with bottom of glass...


Fixing Plastic Scissors Handle?
If you still have the handle piece that broke off there is an easy way to fix it. Others just tell you to use super glue, but the trick is to use superglue GEL. This will fill up cracks and will stay where you put it. I have fixed several pairs of plastic handled...


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Stain Remover For Set-In Stains?
I have found that a pre-wash I get from Walmart called Great Value Stain Remover works really well even on old blood stains. The trick is to squirt it on and let it set for at least half an hour. Then wash in cool water.


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Disinfecting Wipes for Kitchen and Bath Clean Up
I refuse to have any of that antibacterial stuff in my house. The reason I am still so healthy at almost 80 years old is because my immune system was exposed to so much dirt all my life. You are not doing yourself any favors by killing all the household germs...


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Repurposing Containers
LABEL all re-purpose containers. Even if you can remember everything you stored and in which container, other people have no clue as to what is now in an old container. LABEL IT! To ID the contents put a strip of frosted tape on top and write the contents and...


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Saving Money on Calendars?
In the newspaper this morning Ask Marilyn said that for a set of generic yearly calendars that include every possible future year you would need 14 calendars. One with Jan. 1 on each of th seven days of the week for regular years, and one with the same for...


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Making Salt and Pepper Shakers from Plastic Bottles?
Why not just cover them with polymer clay? I have covered and baked a large variety of plastic containers with good results. Since the temperature for baking is only 250 degrees there hasnt been a problem with melting bottles yet! I use Sculpey, but other brands...


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Growing an Apple Mango Tree?
A caution about Mangos! It is possible to be very allergic to them and the juice from the skin is the worst part. It will manifest itself with blisters similar to a case of poison oak. This can come from contact with the mango or inhaling the steam from cooking...


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