
Paula Jo C.

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29 Posts | 296 Comments | Active Since 2006
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Burnt Out on Urban Living, Looking for Advice?
Hi! We live in (what I consider to be a very frugal place to live in) the lower western mountains of NC. We are located 200 miles away from the NC beachs for our summer time fun IF that is where we want to go for a few days. In our life time we have owned 2...


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Burnt Out on Urban Living, Looking for Advice?
Hi! We live in [what I consider to be a very frugal place to live in]... in our life time we have owned 2 homes and 1 town house in our 60+ years and have found that what we are in now is the cheapest and most economical way to live [wishing we would have done...


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Long Term Budgeting for Bills
I do the same thing that Bev S. just told you to do AND I am on a fixed income... It makes bill paying so much easier [I pay bills once a month] I never have to worry about do I have enough money for this or that AS I have put aside the amount that I need each...


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Almond Joy Bars
These sound fantastic! I cant wait to try this recipe out now, thanks! I have always enjoyed Almond Joy candy bars and this sounds like the closets thing to creating them. Would make a great and inexpensive Xmas or birthday gift for anyone on your family list...


Owner and dog.

Posing with Your Dog
I think you & your furry baby look fantastic!


Saving for the Wedding
OMG this photo brought goose bumps & tears to me just looking at how beautiful the dress and your daughter are... the father looks right proud too. I pray that all goes well for the newly weds...I know you and hubby are so proud!


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Storing Bread?
I freeze my entire loaf of bread, taking out only the number of pieces that I need to use. Put the frozen slices in my microwave and DEFROST FOR A FEW SECONDS ONLY. Put the slightly damp bread slice on a paper towel to absorb the moiture BUT ONLY IF NEEDED...


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Foamy Hand Soap From Bubble Bath
Thanks for sharing this idea with us - I have always wanted to get foaming hand soap BUT they are so expensive here and that would stop me from buying them. NOW THOUGH because of your son doing this & you stumbing onto it I can finally have my foaming hand...


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Reheating Leftovers In The Crockpot
What an outstanding idea! Thanks for letting us all know about this...with it being only my husband and myself now our 6 qt. crock pot gets very little use, BUT now because of this tried and true IDEA of yours it will come back out this Sunday and so will my...


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Cart for Hauling Laundry to the Laundromat When Disabled?
I too walk with a cane and learned long ago to put my dirty clothes in a king size pillow case, after washing them I would fold them up placing them back into the same pillow case until I got home. I would suggest the same thing to you BUT make everyone have...


My Frugal Life With The Four H's
You my dear should be an author to a book. You are a wonderful writer! I loved your whole essay and really do admire you and DH for your frugalness and your love of Gods animals! I have heard that animals pick their owners, (the owners do not pick them) and...


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80 Year Old Gift Ideas?
Ask her beauty operator how much would she charge you IF you were to pay for a years worth of shampoo/sets, hair cuts or possibly a perm every 6 months.



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Cinnamon Air Freshener
I am trying this one out for sure! Thanks!


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Odor After Cleaning Up Dog Vomit?
I strongly suggest you call the local fire department, they can help you to fumigate your car. Years ago I was told that they have something they can use to help clean up the smells left in cars after a person dies by commiting suicide taking alot of pills...


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Odor After Cleaning Up Dog Vomit?
Rent a water extracter and run it over where you cleaned up to lift up the moisture that has gotten down into the padding. When the carpet man has shampooed he also extracts the water from the carpet (STANLEY STEAMER is what I consider our carpet man). You...


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Riddle: Object Has Keys That Open No Locks?
I would say one of my favorite instruments to listen to... The answer to the riddle I would think is an upright (wall hugging) piano...


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Jazzing Up A Tobacco Basket?
I had the same idea for the same object an old tobacco basket/the one I am talking about is flat. Depending on the size of your dining room table - I thought of shellacing one (to help perserve it) and useing it as our dining room tables Lazy Susan. All of...


Relearning a Frugal Upbringing
Welcome to the Thrifty Fun family - you will find very many interesting articles within this magazine to help you and yours survive in this 22nd century. I know I have been a member for many, many years have learned somethings and have contributed some things...


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Food Scraps for Wildlife
I too did this very thing for years, years ago when the children were small. We lived in a very old rented farm house with 10 rooms...the children fed our scraps of food to the animals and then it happened; the house filled up with mice in the walls AND also...


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Selling Wedding China?
Email and ask them about it. I personally sold them my wedding set that I had had since the early 70s. They bought the whole 12 pc place setting set from me with no questions asked - I was very, very pleased.


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Recipes with Tender Meat?
My husband has no teeth and a hard time gumming his meat. It was suggested to me by our butcher to have what ever kind of meat my husband wants CUBED (liked cubed steak is). I also boil his meats (which is what I do most of the time anyway) AS I can save the...


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Adding Frosting to Glass?
I have used Krylon Frosted Glass Finish on the windows to stop people from seeing inside while still getting the sun light in the room. Go to to see where to buy it in your area. I got mine at the True Value Store up town. It is very easy to spray...


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Rejuvenating a Featherbed?
I had one years ago that I just simply shook out to refluff and sent to the cleaners once every few years.


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Drain Pipe on Side of House is Leaking?
Is it attached to your a/c unit perhaps it is removing moisture from the air the unit is cooling. I would be very interested in it too - does anyone else in the area have the same thing? Ask around on what it may be by taking a photo of it & then taking it...



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Creative Potty Training Ideas?
My grandson had the same problem. His doctor prescribed a medicine that he took daily and boy did that ever clean him out my daughter said. It was impossible for him to hold himself anymore, he had to go and that was that. Ask your doctor for the medicine to...


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Advice for a First Time Home Buyer?
Being a single widowed parent for years I would suggest for you to do as you have already been told already by someone else. Rent a 3 or 4 bedroom home or apartment. When you own a home you have all of its headaches also because if something breaks (and it...


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Making Your Own Coffee Packets?
I have been doing this very thing for years. Just take some throw away paper coffee filters - put the amount of coffee that is required to make a full pot - staple them closed (I fold it where it only requires one to three staples) and throw away the home made...


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Maintaining Your Air Conditioner?
Take the filter and wash it in the kichen sink and let it dry out in the sun before re-installing IF it is made of material. OR brush off the lint excess lightly outside that is on the filter before reinstalling it, We have 5 indoor cats in a rather large home...


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Gooey Stickers off Glass?
WD40 works well for me. Good luck and keep us posted on what you do.


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Tips for Traveling With an Infant?
Make sure the baby has a bottle of water/ juice/ formula to suck on while the plane goes up and when it comes down so their ears will not plug up. I traveled with my young daughter years ago & after learning the hard way I learned this technique from an older...


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Insulating a Mobile Home?
Go to the community action agency found in the county office of your area court house; they have helped my friend with her mobile home issues. Ask a clerk in the court house where these folks are and they can point you in the right direction. Good luck and...


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Fruit Roll-ups
I can not wait to fix these and give to my grandsons when they visit us! Thanks for sharing the recipe.


American Staffordshire Terrier

Tyson (American Staffordshire Terrier)
What a handsome animal. Thanks for sharing this photo with all of us (your on line family).


Rocky (Boxer)

Rocky (Boxer)
He is absolutely beautiful (if boy dogs can be beautiful). What soulful looking eyes...the kind that says, Yes mama, I understand you, yes I do. :) All Animals are wonderful, that is why God gave them to us to take care of and with a face like this how could...


Getting Rid of a Cowlick?
I have one like this too and I use it to my full advantage (I let it have its way) and style around it. It is what makes us unique, instead of fighting it, go with it with a new style or a new stylist who can work with it and you. Good Luck and thanks for showing...


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Scuff Marks on Tennis Shoes?
I agree with what Jilson said. Try a pencil eraser or a Magic Eraser that is sold for cleaning.



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Getting the Best Price on a Paper Shredder?
Go to your local Good Will store that is where I find most of the things that we want AND then some, ha!


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Getting Rid of Odor in Bathroom?
Uncap a very small bottle of white vinegar, set it where it will not get turned over AND it will erase all bad smells. Even cigarette smells! My husband smoked while on the toilet so, I know for a fact that this works every time.


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Keeping Wash Cloths Smelling Fresh?
I use Vinegar in the rinse too - try it and let us know how it turns out for you.


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Removing Cat Spray Odor from Sneakers?
We have had cats for years so I know what you are referring to here. I would suggest going to your nearest Pet Store (or perhaps even your cats Vet office) and purchase what is made for this very thing. Just tell the store clerk or the vets office what you...


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Alcohol for Ear Mites?
No it will not work and will harm the animals ears. Order some Happy Jack ear mite medicine and use it. It is not costly if it was then I wouldnt have been able to buy it myself. You can also purchase it at a Farm Supply if you have one (we dont). Keep us informed...


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Does Mold in Refrigerator Contaminate Food?
Only what the mold is on is contaminated. Do not eat any of it & throw it away, so you will not get sick.


Sadie Mae (Mixed Breed)
Believe it or not you are Sadie Maes surrogate parent. We are surrogate parents to 5 cats that were also abandoned. Your right she does look like an old soul with those big & beautiful brown eyes. I am sure that she loves you as much if not more then you love...


husky mix

Roxy (Husky Mix)
What a beautiful animal! I truely belieive that our pets are gifts from the angels & God to watch over us. Animals do have more sense about them then some human beings that we know...thanks for sharing your baby with us! Your online family!


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Keeping Mosquitoes Off My Cat?
Wipe yourself & your cats coat down with a Downy fabric softener sheet. My husband even walks around with a downy sheet tucked in his back pocket to repel mosquitoes. Try it, it does work here in Western North Carolina.


My Frugal Bathroom

My Frugal Bathroom
Just love all of the tips you have so lovingly spelled out for us (your on line family). Thanks!


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Average Denture Cost?
Find a Dental School/College and tell them you will be their patient to have all of your dental work done. We have a friend who has had lots of work done to his mouth, had bridges made for him and permanent teeth put in for little (the cost of supplies for...


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Filling In Acrylic Nails Inexpensively?
Up keep for me is about $15 a week. To me I am worth it, arent you, too?


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Shopping for Reasonably Priced Junior Clothing?
Go to your local Goodwill store. I found a mink fur cape there for $5 and I wore to a winter wedding & received many compliments. I still shop with them all through the year and for the past 30 years!


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Dirt in Toilet Bowl?
Are you on a well for your water? It sounds like your well pump is too low in the well and is pumping in/up dirt. You need to have that checked pronto! Good luck!


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Save Money Cooling Your Home?
We live in western NC where it is very humid and we do have a dehumidifier to take the moisture out of the air AND it does work! We live in an over 1200 sq ft house and our power bill is less then $30 a week and this is running our central air at 72 degrees...


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Cat Friendly Furniture?
Invest is a squirt gun or bottle as I did. We have 5 indoor-outdoor cats they learned rather quickly as I would squirt them with water IF they were doing something they were not supposed too. Shoot now all I have to do is look like I am heading for the water...


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Disguising Smoke Detectors?
How about painting it the same color as your ceiling so then it will not be so obvious to your eye OR anyone elses.


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Agencies That Assist With Stray Animals?
Good for you! My husband & I do the very same thing here in NC that you are doing. We take in all strays & abandoned animals, have them spayed or neutered and their yearly shots done also. We buy dry cat foods that are on sale for the week in 5 pound bags and...


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Disposing Of Old Tires?
Give them to persons wanting a container garden above ground. My girl friend does this with hers. Her husband is a mechanic on their property and gets a lot of old tires for her. She fills the tire up with top soil then puts a 5lb bag of good soil that she...


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Getting Rid of Wet Carpet Smell?
Hire a professional to extract the water out of not only the carpet but the sub flooring. They guarantee their work so the expense should be nil to none. Also check with your home owners insurance they should pay the extractors for you. It wont hurt you to...


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Tips For Traveling Cross Country By Train
I moved south from the midwest in the late 70s AND am still then 2 yr. old daughter is now raised (Her father died in an interstate accident when she was 10 months old so I left Iowa my home state). She is now raising her own family here (3 children...


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Repairing Rust Spots on Car?
Go to your local auto parts store and ask for some Naval Jelly. You follow the directions on the bottle, but I think you put/paint the stuff on with the brush that is included in the bottle; it not only stops to rust but also removes it. Good Luck! I learned...


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Use Plastic Wrap to Remove Sticky Labels
I remove my sticky items with WD40 BUT I like your idea also.


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Steam Cleaning Floors?
We bought one when our baby began to have her babies at age 30. We rescue cats & kittens from being put to sleep and find good-loving homes for them. We do use our steam mop religously and faithfully to keep up with at least 5 cats at one time and our three...


Black and tan puppy.

What Breed is My Puppy?
I would say that you have a Shepard mix and so what if she is mixed she is adorable. I bet that she will top the scales at 75 plus pounds at full grown age. It is good you are getting her this young AS she will be very protective of you and your home. Please...


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Uses for Old Coffee Cups?
Fill them with mixed nuts, jelly beans, or licorice bites...wrap that it Xmas sell-a-phane (do not know the proper spelling of the word) and gift them to folks on your list to get gifts for this year. Your only out a coffee cup & 8 ounces of nuts or candy. Perhaps...


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Will Fleas Harm a Newborn Baby?
Yes! How I agree with Sherrys post to you. Go to an area vet, explain your situation to them & purchase some Frontline hopefully are a reduced rate/cost. This is something that you will have to repeat monthly too. The cat will rest better and I know you & your...


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Cat Pee Odor on a Bed?
Go to your local per store and tell them what your problem is. They will have the liquid that is sold there to remove the smell of any animals urine. Good luck and keep us posted.


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Removing Odor From Dresser Drawers?
Put an open small bag of charcoal that you grill with in the drawers and forget about it for about a week or longer. Amazingly the charcoal will absorb the orders then throw them away. I too am disabled and know that putting them around in a smelly room will...


Add Safety Glow Tape to Your Lampshade
This is such a great idea for us & the elderly that I went & bought some of this tape on-line, we should have 6 foot of the 3/8th inch tape before the month is out and I will be putting it on everything. Do you suppose it will stick to the porcelin throne SO...


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Making a Courthouse Wedding Special?
36 years ago we got married in one and then drove back over to my folks house, had some family and friends come over for cup cakes and grocery store punch in a rented electric punch bowl that streamed out in 4 or 5 different areas. I had a nice bouquet from...


Earlie (Bichon Frise)

Earlie (Bichon Frise)
Just beautiful she is there in your arms, thanks for sharing her with us!


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What is This Poem? (The Secret Heart)
Barbara I too am so glad that you found the poem - reading the poem brought tears to these old eyes thank you!


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Selling Used VCRs?
Donate them to the womens shelter or the nursing homes. I am sure they would appreciate it very much. Or run an ad in the paper FREE VCRs you come pick up... With DVDs out now I can not imagine anyone paying you any money for the VCRs but free anything can...


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Hairspray on Linoleum?
The same way you take the accumulation of hair spray on a person hair when you wash it you use any brand baking soda 2 to 3 heaping tablespoons of it and stirring to dissolve it with a quart of warm water will do the trick. Put your dish rag in it and wipe...


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Caring for a Pit Bull?
We always fed ours 1 can at breakfast and another at supper time. They had dry dog food and fresh water available to them 24/7. Our pit was named Sugar Baby and he lived nearly 10 years on this regiment of feedings. Please change the type & flavors of food...


toddler in cow costume

Halloween: "A Cow Says Moo" Costume
This is the cutest costume that I have seen in my many, many years. We live in Mebane, NC and there werent alot of trick or treaters at our house this year. I beleive that parents are taking their children to the area churchs for Trunk & Treating which is much...


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Dog Ate Bologna Wrapper?
I agree with Poor But Proud. It takes much too long for any of our typed information to get back to you. If you love your furry baby as much as I think you do call & ask the vet next time.


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Slow Cooker Beef with Balsamic Vinegar?
I would think the vinegar was used to take the wild and gamey taste out.


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Could This Be a Piano Stool?
Perhaps it was a chair that a midget person used. They wouldnt use normal size furniture because they wouldnt fit into it. Perhaps a piano playing midget person used it in a traveling carnival? Something to think about eh?


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Finding Inexpensive Flooring?
Go to to see if some is offered in there for free. I too would probably paint it if there ends up being nothing free for the floor.


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Asking a Guy to a Formal Dance?
Ask him & away from everyone IF he has ever thought about asking you to the such and such dance. IF he says no then you can say well would you like to go with me to the dance? Some boys are just scared that they will be turned down so they clam up & shut up...


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Dog Shaking Head?
I too say it is ear mites. I order from for our 5 furry babies. It costs around $15 a bottle BUT that will treat the area that is making him shake his head or itch at their ears constantly; they will not like you when you put the drops in...


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Lid For Corningware Teapot?
Look up you will find your missing pot lid there I bet. They are located up the road from our house AND are huge. One can take tours witin their building AND it is incredible how many different dishes there are that they are re-selling...


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Surviving Family Thanksgiving?
I say have all parties meet at a restaurant and each person/s then pay for their own dinner/s. Do not give into the MIL who admits to being a bully... stand your ground b/c IF you give in this time you will hate yourself and end up resenting your husband for...


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Separating Old Currency That is Stuck Together?
Take them to your bank as it has already been stated banks do this sort of thing daily so leave this problem in the hands of someone who knows what to do AND if they should mishandle the money they will replace it IF the serial numbers are still intact. Good...


A dog dressed as a horse for Halloween

Halloween: Horse Costume (Dog)
Thanks for making my night full of laughter in seeing Peteys photo. This is simply adorable!


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Organizational Advice for a Packrat?
Go to where I learned that anything can be done in 15 minutes a day. My husband couldnt believe it when we did only 15 minutes a day to his closet and then mine by going through & sorting into keep piles, throw away piles, rag bag piles and donating...


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Felt for Securing Clothes on Hangers
What a great idea! I can not wait to act on this one. Thanks for the idea.


In Memory of Fancy (Himalayan)
So very sorry for your loss. We had one like her, but male, named Apple Jack (like the childrens cereal name). Jack was helped in passing because he had cancer within his mouth. It looked like a huge abscess. He and other furry babies are now over The Rainbow...


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Kitten Sucking on Everything?
It may be annoying to you but it is very comforting to her Because she was taken from her mother so young. We have an adult male cat that sucks on things too and we love him just the same as it is just in his nature like your eye color is your very own. Accept...


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Exterior Paint Color to Coordinate with Maroon Iron Roof?
A warm but muted soft yellow would be very, very pretty. Some folks up the street have theirs painted that way and it looks outstanding from all of the other homes.


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Could Dog's Bad Odor Be Anal Glands?
My understanding is yes. Our friend grooms animals for a living and she told me about them and how to drain them. I am unsure if that is the right wording or not. I would suggest you call a vet or an animal groomer for the answer to your question AND it would...


Sam (Flame Point Himalayan)
What a handsome animal. Daddy saves cats too that have no home. Problem is that he does not want them to go to another home. He keeps them all up to date with their vet bills and feeds them twice a day (canned food) dry food is out all of the time with fresh...


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Iron Waxed Paper Together for Wider Sheets
I agree with caraing I totally had forgotten about making fall leave placemats as a child for a school project - thank you for the warm and wonderful memories of my childhood back in the 50 & 60s flowing back into my memory; perhaps now I can share those memories...


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Lightening Strawberry Blonde Hair?
Do what I did last summer. Standing in front of my makeup mirror I spray my dried hair OR wet hair with a half bottle of perioxide with the other half in water. Shake the bottle and spray away, or should I say mist away. This makes your hair look so natural...


Tessa (Yorkshire Terrier)

In Memory of Tessa (Yorkshire Terrier)
I am so sorry for your loss. I too know the/your pain. As long as she is in your memory she is still alive. Please do not forget that ever.


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Inexpensive Non-Clumping Mascara Recommendations?
Rimmel is the product you want to get at any drug store or Walmart.


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How Do I Get Rid of This Mildew?
Wash it down outside with straight clorox immediately. You do not want this getting into your house. Clorox will kill it. Mildew to me is just another road for mold and that can be very dangerous to you. Your house and your family making you all sick.


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Tree Ornaments Have Black Spots?
Hate to say this, but it sounds like mold to me too. Clean it with clorox and check the area where you keep them in - the mold came from somewhere, and mold can make you & your family deathly sick. Get rid of it or call someone to check your home out to get...


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Perfect Ponytail Tips?
I too have long, thick hair, when I put mine into a pony tail I bend over at the waist, brush my hair into a pony tail holding it into my other hand; then put in the band around it (with the other hand) that will be holding it in place. Good luck!


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Attach Child's Picture to Gift
I just love this idea and wonder why this hasnt been thought of before. Needless to say, I am so glad you brought it to our attention and we can all start doing it ourselves starting this year and there after! Thank you. I give you a thumbs up!


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Can I Add Fragrance to a Humidifier?
Personally, I have been adding Pine Sol to my humidifier for the fragrance of it [the smell of pine trees] for years, so, I would say YES you can add anything to the water, scent wise, that you enjoy smelling.


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Transporting Soup for Potlucks
What a great idea! I would have been afraid that the bag would melt but now that youve done it I know that it will be alright and I wont be so scared of doing this myself, thanks!


tabby cat on back

Hobo (Tabby - Siamese)
How wonderful this story is; to find a safe haven after being in that rig for so long 3 days! I can not even begin to imagine how scary that must have been for him. I wonder tooif his original owners are missing him, wouldnt be something if they read about...


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Covering Walls for a Wedding?
How about pretty king size flat bed sheets taped or tacked up to cover the wall. The sheets could be in your wedding colors and really are not that expensive. Good luck and congratulations how the marriage soon to be.


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Start Baking Christmas Cookies After Thanksgiving
What a fantastic idea! Thank you for sharing this with all of us out here.


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Using Reed Diffuser Air Fresheners?
I personally love them in our home, make sure it is a smell that you like.


Sammi (Lesser Crested Sulfur Cockatoo)

Sammi (Lesser Crested Sulfur Cockatoo)
What a beautiful animal and so clever!


Mac (Dog)
Too cute for words! Adorable!


Wildlife: Flock of Birds
Arent Gods animals a marvel to watch? Thanks for sharing!


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Spaghetti with Onions and Eggs - For A Dollar!
I cant wait to try this one. We are also having problems stretching money but then again who isnt? Thanks for your wonderful idea, have anymore you can share with us or me alone? Thank you. Paula Jo Carr


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Clean Bathtub with Powdered Dish Detergent
What a great idea and I do not even have a dish washer but I will check this one out, thanks for the great tip!


Creative Sink Storage Ideas

Creative Sink Storage Ideas
Oh, I just love this idea... the width in the back of my sink wasnt large enough for this idea but I still love the idea!


A cornfield in Iowa

Lessons Learned From My Grandmother
Written wonderfully Robin from Washington, IA... I too had two wonderful grandmothers that I learned many, many things from... I was blessed by having them in my life as you were yours also... Thank you for sharing this with us!


Spike (Little Corella Cockatoo)
I am like you and feed Gods animals our left overs from the day... it makes me feel extra special to read that someone else is doing it also! And by the way! What a beautiful bird! Congratulations on getting him, they are very, very intelligent birds - my Aunt...


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Cleaning Pyrex or Corning?
I suggest putting hot water in it and adding a couple of denture cleaners to the water and let it sit all night. I do this also in our bathroom toilets, works like a charm. Good luck.


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Dental Care on a Limited Budget?
Go to your local Social Services office for help of all kinds ~ keep us informed on what you do!


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Medicare Supplemental Insurance?
Look up AARP for a supplement to your Medicare insurance, that is what I have, good luck and keep us informed on what you end up doing!


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Alka Seltzer to Clean Thermos
Great idea! I would have never thought of this so thanks for sharing it!


Crab Spider

Wildlife: Crab Spider
This is the most amazing thing that I have seen and come across in years. Wow! How great God is to give us these fascinating creatures to look at eh? Thanks for sharing the photo and your great commentary that went with it!


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Getting Assistance for Food?
Look up Angel Food Ministries in your area. You pay $25 for a couple of weeks of groceries, I have done this and it is really a God send! Good Luck!


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Can Campho-Phenique Be Used Vaginally?
Absolutely not! Do not even think about putting that down there! Talk to your area pharmacist if you can not afford to go to the doctor. Please keep us all informed on what you do end up doing ok? Please be safe and not sorry. :(


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Funnel When Filling Small Jars
Thanks for letting me know that this does work, as I had thought about trying this very same thing myself but was unsure if it would work. And if it didnt, then I would be out money that I desperately need (dont we all).


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Barbecue Apricot Chicken
This sounds very tasty! Thanks for sharing it with us here on line. I cant wait to try it out now AS I love apricot and/or BBQ flavored anything.


Storing Leftovers in Ziplock Bags
Sounds like a great idea but I agree with what moravice said and would contact the manufacturer to see if you would get the ok from them. If it is ok, then it is an awesome idea. Thanks for sharing it with us.


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How Do I Prepare Pumpkin for Canning?
Years ago when the children were small (1980s) and after Holloween we would take their carved pumpkin, cut the rind off of it and cook down the meat of the pumkin. From there I would fill my quart jars and process them in a water bath canner for 50 minutes...


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Paying a Friend to Hang Curtain Rods?
Being widow since last Feburary 2010 I now pay a male friend of my husbands (that we worshiped with) $10 an hour to do handy man jobs for me. I do not mind this at all AS I know I can at least trust him being around me and my home!


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Use Microwave To Refresh Masking Tape
What a great idea thanks, for sharing it with us - I will be doing this from now on instead of throwing it away which I do hate to do.


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Gluing a Car Handle Back On?
1. Call the business that sells your car on their lot new and ask them. 2. Call a body shop that works on any cars and ask them.


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