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601 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Posting Bathroom Rules When You Have a Septic System?
Problem with the cute saying is that they are not specific enough. Spell it out--flush toilet paper ONLY. How do you dispose of tampons, used baby wipes, condoms? We put them in small plastic sandwich bags and put those into the bathroom wastebasket (lined...


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Think: What Would Great Grandma Do?
Im with DJ_DJ--I dont know what you mean. Your explanation isnt clear. Did the scrap fabric have a hem sewn by a sewing machine that you removed the thread from? Thats about the only method I can imagine (Ive done this myself). Please clarify.


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Thin Crust Pizza Dough
Just tried this recipe. Its lacking in flavor and texture due to no rise. Next time I will let it rise an hour before shaping. The size of the recipe is perfect and its easy so I will try it again in the future.


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Bar Soap with Less Residue?
My husband also insists on a bar of soap in the shower. The clear glycerin bars leave the least residue IMO. I stockpile the B&BW bars when they are on sale for $1. Dial also makes a glycerin bar--I think its the White Tea one. Keep on the lookout for glycerin...


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Dye Bled On Khaki Pants?
See if the khaki pants are colorfast--if they are, you can wash or soak them in bleach--diluted, of course. Turn the pants inside out and find an inconspicuous spot to test--a pocket or waistband. Put a teaspoon of bleach in 2 cups of water, then dab on some...


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Preventing Polo Shirt Collars from Creasing?
I think that overdrying polo shirts in the dryer causes the collars to curl. Tumble for about 10 minutes then allow to dry on a hanger. You need to do a bit of smoothing and tugging; have the button area and the backing pulled straight. Sometimes they will...


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Is there a way to make homemade fabric softener?
I like the convenience of using the dryer sheets and they eliminate static cling in synthetics. I cut each sheet into 4 pieces and I buy store brand dryer sheets. I buy them when a box of 40 sheets sells for around $1. I get 160 uses out of one box. If you...


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Ivory Vs. Zest Bar Soap?
How interesting so many like Zest soap! I didnt even know it was still around. My Mom always liked Zest and made us use it in the bath/shower. She claimed it kept the tub clean. I will look for it in the supermarket next time I go and try Zest again. Thanks...


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Getting More POP Out of Your Popcorn
I also recommend the brown paper bag and microwaving. I seal the bag with masking tape. I put a little oil in the bottom of the bag--it is greasy so set the bag on a plate. Tastes great and costs pennies without the horrid smell of the packaged microwave popcorn...


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Making Eggs in a Cup?
I make a microwave version of this. Use a coffee cup or other small bowl. The time will vary with different microwaves, but for 2 eggs in a bowl with a bit of butter, salt and pepper, one minute is about right. Cover the vessel with plastic wrap first; it holds...


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Is My Son a Vegetarian?
What reason does your son give for not eating meat? Certainly he can explain himself. As he started so young, it sounds like hes a picky eater and got used to his limited diet. Vegetarians try to achieve a balanced, nutritious diet by eating fruits, vegetables...


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Making Mapquest Directions Fit on Index Cards?
Try copying the directions into Word Pad and play around with editing. You should be able to change the font size and move the words around to suit your needs. This is time consuming and it might be easier to re-type the directions into the format you desire...



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Using Baby Wipes on a Couch?
Try using the baby wipe on an area that wont be visible--the back or underside--as an experiment.


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Microwaving Plastic Honey Container?
I am guilty of doing this myself. Never thought about safety issues of microwaving the plastic. My problem was that the plastic bottle got too warm and went out of shape--it listed to one side and the bottom was no longer flat--it wouldnt stand upright. Problem...


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Snacks for Kids While Shopping?
Something dry and not too messy--a baggie with dry cereal like Cheerios, pretzels, goldfish crackers. Also good is string cheese, grapes, baby carrots.


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Removing Skin Oil from a Dashboard?
I usually spray with Fantastic or Windex (store brands are good) and wipe off. If the vinyl is textured, it helps to spray the cleaner on, then brush with an old toothbrush. This gets into the crevices. Repeat if necessary.


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Use Vaseline to Remove Eye Make Up
Vaseline may remove eye makeup, but then how do you remove the vaseline? I dont like that oily non-soluble substance on my eye area. It seems to remain there forever. Baby oil was too runny and got in my eyes. I never noticed it came in a gel; might have to...


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Fleece Rag Rug is Puckering?
Puckering may be because the stitches are too tight. Is there any room to stretch the stitches out with your fingers? How about steaming it? Work on a stable flat surface (bathroom tile floor would be good). Place puckered area over a towel; cover rug with...


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Storing Canned Goods on Unheated Porch?
Put a thermometer out on your porch on a cold day to see if the temp goes below freezing or not. No thermometer? Put out a bucket of water and check it every few hours at night and early in the morning to see if its frozen. Do not store canned goods/soda pop...


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Where Do You Let Your Dough Rise?
65 degrees at night is not cold at all. I bet the hearth was too hot. Try putting it in your oven (cold) and see how that works. Another warmish place is on top of the fridge. Long slow rises are better for taste and texture than fast warm rises. Sourdoughs...


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Dog Not Coming Inside After Walks?
Congratulations on your new dog. My son has an American BullDog; a very loving and loyal dog but not the smartest dog Ive ever known--this is not a bad thing, however. If you want the dog in, bring him in. If it doesnt matter then let the dog stay out. You...


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Recipes Printed on 8-1/2 x 11 Paper?
I think the folding is not such a good idea. Your paper is the perfect size to organize in a 3 ring binder. Just punch holes in your paper. You can find a 3 hole punch in office supply stores, or WalMart, Target sort of stores.


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Use String to Mark Packing Tape End
I usually dont have any string or ribbon around when I need it. I just fold the end of the tape under a little bit so I can find the end easily next time.


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Use Empty Toilet Paper Rolls as Hair Rollers
A good idea, but I have short hair and these tubes are too big for my hair. I like to use velcro rollers. You just roll them into your hair and they stay put with no clips. They come in various sizes; Ive found them in dollar-type stores for around 4 in a package...



Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Fresh Buttermilk Apple Cake
It sounds like a good recipe and the ingredients are often on hand. Id like to try it but I wonder if you use an electric mixer or do you just mix it up with a wooden spoon?


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Removing Fabric Softener from Washing Machine?
Have you checked your owners manual? If you dont have it you can go online and look for it, or email the manufacturer or find an 800 number for customer service. You will need the model number. Have you tried pouring in some hot water?


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Use Photos to Make Greeting Cards
Its a nice thing to make your own cards out of your own photos, but it is not frugal. You have to buy ink, paper, and a printer that does this and these items are costly. Not everyone has this equipment at their disposal. I see nothing wrong with purchasing...


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Make and Freeze Batches of Waffles
That is a good idea as homemade tastes so much better than the frozen storebought waffles. I used to make huge batches of pancakes on the weekend and freeze the extras to use during the week. They can be microwaved or put in the toaster.


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Stopping Scam Phone Calls?
I also get these recorded calls and they are a pain. I do not have caller ID either. I just answer the phone and hang up on the recorded calls. If you have an answering machine you can screen your calls that way.


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Making Ham and Cabbage?
Yes, remove that fat first. You dont want to be eating it. You will still get plenty of good flavor from the meat and bone.


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Removing Stains from Plastic Food Containers?
No need to buy special cleaning products. Soak stained plastic containers in warm soapy water with a little bleach added.


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Recipes Using Canned Green Beans?
I dont really like the taste of hot canned green beans. I prefer them cold or room temp. To make a quick salad, I drain a can of GBs and toss with a small amount of bottled salad dressing (Italian or Balsamic is good). A little bit of thinly sliced onion is...


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Book Light Alternatives?
How about rigging up a night light plugged into an extension cord? You probably have these items in your home already.


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Use Plastic Hanger Clips for Food Clips
That seems like a lot of work to do just to get a few spring clips, plus I like to use those hangers for pants or skirts. I just use clothespins for cereal bags, chips, etc. (the ones that have a spring, not the slide-on wooden ones). You can find these clothespins...


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Save and Refill TV Dinner Plates
My mother used to do this back in the 60s when I was a kid. TV dinners were a treat and came in foil pans with sections. She would save these and fill them with leftovers like meatloaf or pot roast. They were a timesaver back in the old days--just pop them...


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Reporting Fraudulent Emails?
To report a phishing email, please forward the email to If it gives you options, select forward as an attachment.



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Reporting Fraudulent Emails?
Juliet, with Outlook Express you dont have to open the email in order to forward it. I think you have to with Yahoo or Hotmail. Just delete if you dont want to open it. If you are getting too much junk at that particular address, Id suggest opening a different...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Easy Emergency Meatloaf
Not sure what you mean by frozen meatloaf. I assume this is a meatloaf that you made and baked previously which contains ground beef, egg, seasoned breadcrumbs, onions and some seasoning. You didnt just bake a 2lb. slab of ground beef, did you? Ive never seen...


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Plunger Marks in Toilet?
I would like to know the solution because I have the same problem. Ive tried almost everything but these black rubber marks remain.


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Washing Machine Not Rinsing Soap Out of Clothes?
Hard to say as I know you have different types of washers in the UK. It sounds like you might be putting too many items into a load. Can you select an extra rinse cycle? On my washer I have this option.


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Not Getting Enough Hot Water?
There are many variables--is the temp turned high enough on you water heaters? Do you flush them out to get rid of sediment? Are they in a cold area, are pipes insulated, how far do the pipes run to shower, kitchen, laundry, how many people are in your household...


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Using Old Oil Can for Olive Oil?
For easy dispensing of olive oil, I use a beverage bottle with a sports cap--son is always buying these sports/energy drinks so I have an ample supply. You know, the kind with a push/pull cap. Makes it easy to drizzle a small amount of oil. Be sure to wipe...


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Use Your Cell Phone in the House to Call for Help
Weve done this for years and we are not injured. If husband is in the basement and I am on the 2nd floor, we will call each other (husband always has his cell phone in his pocket) to relay some immediate message.


Lupini Beans?
Google lupini beans and you will find some places where you can order online.


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Cheese Sauce for Broccoli?
Tell us how you make your sauce so we can figure out what went wrong.


package potato crisps

Recipe Ideas for Potato Crisps?
Costco takes everything back. Tell them you & the kids dont like it. You should have no trouble doing that.


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Greenish Spots on Black Pants?
Try permanent black magic marker.


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Fat Pancakes
Question about the amount of milk--is it really one PINT and a teaspoon which is just over 2 cups? I ask because thats a huge amount of milk for 1-1/4 cups of flour. Are you sure its not a cup of milk? Why the additional teaspoon? That would not even make a...


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Sugarless Hot Cocoa
I just make a cup of hot cocoa at a time with regular milk (I normally have 1% on hand) using the recipe on the can of cocoa. Instead of sugar I just add an envelope of Splenda or Equal.


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Make Your Own Pasta Sauce
I do buy ready made pasta sauce in the jar, but I get them on sale with coupons. I never pay more than $1 a jar. I think they taste good and I like the convenience. Not all contain corn syrup. Ive tried making my own sauce with canned crushed tomatoes or similar...


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Zaxby's Dipping Sauce?
Google Zaxbys Sauce Recipe


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Ugly Duckling Cake
The recipe sounds good, but it says to put 1 cup of coconut in with the cake mix. What happens to the remaining 1-1/3 cup of coconut?


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Use Lighter Fluid to Remove Labels
I dont have lighter fluid around. There are many other household items that will work--nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol are good. They leave a bit of haze behind when they evaporate, just wipe this off with a soapy rag. My Mom prefers not to use those...


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Add Whipped Topping to Stretch Frosting
Ive never tried the whipped topping with frosting. I do know that just whipping the canned frosting (with nothing added) adds volume and makes it easier to spread.


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Layer a Cropped Turtleneck Under Blouses
Great idea about cutting off the sleeves. This way layering is not so bulky. Ill have to try it with some old turtlenecks I have. Sometimes I want to fill in a V-neck top but I dont want a turtleneck. Ive tried my tank tops but they are too low, I want something...


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Make Your Own Shower Curtain
I have found shower curtains at the dollar stores. They are rather thin--are shower curtain liners actually-- but they serve the purpose. I like to get the clear ones and just use those. My upstairs bathroom has no window, just a ceiling vent fan, so its rather...


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Use an Indoor Clothes Line
When I got married in 1973 this was the way most people lived. It was quite common to have a washing machine, but no dryer. I got a dryer when my first child was born in 1980. I have a gas dryer now, but I still try to conserve. I tumble dry the clothes for...


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Flattening Curved Seat Cushions?
Where did you order these from? Are these foam and were they rolled up? Contact the store or manufacturer. Maybe they will have a suggestion. They are very new, are they under warranty? Id complain, maybe ask for new ones? Give it a try. Good luck.


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Ink Stains On Jeans?
How about wearing something that doesnt show the ink stains as much? Black or navy blue pants with stains wouldnt look as bad as jeans with stains. Or would he be willing to wear good clothes back and forth to work then change into work clothes (those that...


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Use Your Potato Ricer to Remove Moisture from Spinach
I dont have a potato ricer. I just squeeze out the thawed spinach in a clean kitchen towel, then throw the towel into the laundry.


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Dark Cabinets With White Countertops?
White countertops with dark cabinets sound just fine to me, but painting the cabinets a VERY dark color will make the whole kitchen look dark as well. What color did you have in mind? Id keep it neutral if possible--a gray or beige, for example. You could add...


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Tips for Freezing Leftovers?
When freezing food in 1 or 2 cup plastic containers, I place a piece of saran wrap on top of the food and press it down so there are no air bubbles on the surface of the food. This eliminates air contact and the food freezes better this way. The plastic wrap...


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Ideas for Bland Stir-Fry?
I also like some soy sauce in a stir-fry, but it can get very salty. I recently started using bottled marinades for this purpose. I especially like the Teriyaki flavor, but there are many on the market. They are nicely seasoned and not as salty as straight...


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Bury Plastic Bottles for Garden Irrigation?
That sounds like a good idea. It would use very little water but it will be labor intensive to fill the bottles daily. It might work for just a few bottles but Id hate to fill 50 of these a day. You could melt the holes like you said, or drill them with a power...


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Add Vanilla to Cola
I love vanilla coke (diet) and its hard to find around here. I will try the vanilla extract. Maybe your particular product is different but my vanilla extract does not contain any sugar. Thanks for the good idea.


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Frozen Tomatoes Have Changed Color?
If in doubt, throw it out.


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Easy Potato Peeling
The link doesnt go to the video, says its a malformed video ID, but I searched and found it anyhow. What a great tip, I will have to try it when I want to make potato salad. (b)Editors Note:(/b) Oops, I fixed the link. Thanks for letting us know.


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Rice Parmesan
I also never use Minute Rice. It might be easy but the taste does not compare to real rice. Id make this with 1 cup raw rice, 2 cups water--cook rice 18 minutes, let rest covered for 5 minutes, then fluff with fork. It sounds like a tasty recipe.


Check Receipt Before Leaving Store

Check Receipt Before Leaving Store
I try to watch the display as the items are scanned to catch any error before I pay. It is wise to check the receipt before you leave just in case you missed something. With fruits and veggies, its easy for the cashier to enter the wrong code and charge you...


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Green Bean Salad
You didnt say how much oil to use. I do something similar with canned green beans for a quick salad/side dish. Drain a can of green beans and toss with a small amount of bottled Italian salad dressing and chill--thats it! Sometimes I add some thinly sliced...


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Fluff on New Towels?
New towels do generate a lot of lint but it goes away after a few washer/dryer cycles. Try purchasing a different brand of towel next time, maybe you will find something better.


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Painting Drawer Pulls?
Remove them and spray with paint in the can. Do something different from what they are now--black or silver metallic are modern choices and go with almost everything.


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Wrinkled Polyester Tablecloth?
I would try tossing the tablecloth in the dryer as synthetics often come out nice looking from the dryer. Use a dryer sheet to eliminate static.


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Tape Residue on Scissors?
Nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol will work. Saturate a cotton ball and rub it on the blade.


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Hair Removal Tips?
Where do you want to remove the hair from? Legs, underarms, face? It all depends.


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Vanilla Pudding as Coffee Creamer?
Its worth a try if you have lots of extra vanilla pudding to use up. I just wonder will the coffee thicken up since the pudding contains cornstarch?


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Getting The Most From Your Warehouse Store Membership
Their pharmacy would only be of interest to those who do not have prescription drug coverage with their health insurance. If your insurance covers prescriptions, your copay will be the same no matter where you go. Im not a fan of warehouse stores but my household...


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Uses for Old Acrylic Cups?
If you drill some holes in the bottom of the cups you would have adequate drainage. The acrylic cups do not hold up well. I had many and they crack, chip and get cloudy very quickly. What else can you do but throw them away?


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Number Socks to Match
It seems unnecessary to go through the trouble of numbering and matching up the numbers. In 35 plus years of doing laundry, I find that socks wear evenly as long as you dont wear the same pair over and over. I do this by placing the socks in the dresser drawer...


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Change the Color of Metal Trim?
There is no way to change the color of the metal finish on the shower door and plumbing fixtures. I have the same problem. I cant spend the money to change this just for cosmetic reasons. I dont like the brass but I overlook it and live with it. Its not the...


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Daughter Cries All the Time?
How old is the crying daughter?


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Internet Working Even Though I am Not Signed Up for Service?
You are finding a signal from one of your neighbors if you are using a wireless connection.


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Using Stale Banana Loaf?
It would be good in a bread pudding. Google for recipes. Slice it and put it in the toaster--it probably would taste good that way. Slice it, spread each side with butter and fry it in a skillet.


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Stains on Cloth Napkins?
The best thing is to soak the stained napkins. Just throwing them in the washing machine is not enough, and if they sit around a few days the stain is harder to remove. Soak in a bucket with some soapy water--use shampoo, laundry detergent, dish detergent, whatever...


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Uses for Unmatched Socks?
Is it possible to match some of them up with similar socks and try to make usable pairs out of them? This would work with mens black dress socks, for example, as they are so similar and not much of the sock is really visible anyway when they are worn. This...


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Contributing to Your Child's Wedding?
Maybe Im old fashioned, but they are as married now as they ever will be. A flashy wedding wont change a thing and you are not obliged to pay for it. They are legally married already. Your step sons wife sounds like a childish bridezilla. Contribute your good...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Easier Than Pie Cobbler
How would you drain fruit pie filling as its thick? I believe you mean to say to drain canned fruit if its used, am I right? I will try this today as I have apple pie filling to use. (b)Editors Note:(/b) I edited the recipe to avoid that confusion, thanks!


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Flavoring Sun Tea?
You have the right idea, just experiment with the lemon and ginger slices. Start out with a small amount and add more until you like the taste. Its hard to say exactly how much to use as I may prefer mine with less of a lemon taste while you may like a strong...


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Keeping Yogurt Cold in a Packed Lunch
You can freeze yogurt to pack for lunch. It thaws out by the time youre ready to eat it. It can get a little watery on top so a good stir gets it looking normal.


Paint Colors to Brighten a Bathroom?
It is a very small bathroom, stick with white or ivory for the walls. You can add color with the shower curtain, towels, bathmat and other accessories. Hang a colorful framed picture over the toilet.


What Breed is My Dog?
Sure looks like one. Or maybe part American Bulldog or Staffordshire Terrier?


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Store Roller in Tray With Water for Painting Tomorrow
I havent tried this, but Ive heard about putting the uncleaned paintbrush into a plastic bag and putting it in the freezer. Might work for a roller, too. I imagine they need to thaw an hour or so before using.


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Cleaning Tomato Sauce Stains from Plastic
I soak the tomato stained plastic items in warm soapy water to which a little bleach has been added. This works well and quickly.


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Carry an Insulated Shopping Bag in Your Car
In warm weather I keep an old styrofoam picnic cooler in the car. When I shop for frozen things I will bring along some frozen freezer gel packs--you know, those things that you freeze to keep your lunch cold. Great for keeping your items cold on the way home...


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Keeping Toothbrushes Clean
I soak the toothbrushes in hydrogen peroxide for a few minutes. Just find a small container, like the cap on hair mousse for example. I dont care for the strong taste of mouthwash.


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Cleaning Sticky Scissors?
Try nail polish remover on a cotton ball. Rubbing alcohol is good too. GooGone is a good product as well, and WD-40.


What Breed is My Dog?
Looks like an American Bulldog. You can see that pink skin showing through the white fur. My son has this dog and called her Pinky! A very sweet dog--very protective of her owners. Her whole rear half wags and wiggles when she is happy. Your dog has a sweet...


A calculator, shopping list and money for grocery shopping.

Calculate the Best Prices at Supermarkets
For me thats too much effort and I can remember prices pretty well without writing them down. I dont go to lots of stores as that wastes time and gas. Hellmanns mayo is now $3.99 (regular price). I will buy it when its on sale for $2.99. I rarely use coupons...


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Use Safety Straps to Secure Purse While Shopping
My handbag stays right on my shoulder. I dont leave it for a second. If I wanted to be a thief (but I dont) Id be successful because I see plenty of unattended bags and cell phones in stores. A thief can lift out a wallet from a bag that is strapped in.


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Detergent Too Sudsy?
Do you have soft water where you live? This produces more suds. I dont have this problem as I live in a hard water area. You might try using a powdered detergent. I think they create less suds.


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Freezing Jello?
Experiment and freeze a portion and see how it does when its thawed out. It might be better as a frozen dessert. Let us know how it works for you.


Can Drainer on Counter

Make Your Own Can Drainer
Good idea but why use a strainer at all? I just remove the lid from a can completely with a rotary can opener, then use the lid itself as a strainer. Great for tuna fish--place the loose lid back on the can, turn over and press with your fingers--all the oil...


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Laying Tile Over Carpet Adhesive?
I would think it depends on how much of an adhesive residue is on the floor. Tiles have to be laid on a flat surface or they will crack and the finished floor will be uneven. If the adhesive residue is minor, you could try sanding it down (messy work). You...


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Powdered Sugar in Australia?
Im sure you have it but its probably called by a different name. Its icing sugar in the UK--does that help? What would you use to make a frosting/icing for a cake? Its powdered sugar!


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Coffee Filters for Embroidery Machine Backing
I have also heard of using used fabric softener sheets (not the foam ones). Press them flat to remove wrinkles before using.


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Dog Keeps Stealing My Phone?
Not sure why your dog is acting this way, but dont leave your phones where the dog can reach them. Our dog is 85 lbs. and cannot reach the end tables, desks, kitchen counters, etc.


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Pizza Sauce Without Tomatoes?
Be careful with the bottled BBQ sauce, many have tomato sauce/paste in them so read the labels. There are white pizzas and also pesto--ground pine nuts and basil leaves. The red pepper sauce is a great idea. Maybe tartar sauce and fish sticks?


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Use Cooking Oil Spray for Baking Potatoes
I never oil my potatoes when I bake them. I just put them on the oven racks after theyve been scrubbed. They crisp up just the same. Dont forget to stab each potato with a knife or fork first.


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Discolored Stainless Steel Pans
There is a powdered cleanser made for Stainless Steel that works very well. Its called Cameo; comes in a white plastic container. Costs around $2, I got it in my supermarket. I use it in my SS sink and in my cookware. Removes discoloration easily.


Getting Rid of a Cowlick?
I dont think you can do much except try to part your hair differently. I have a similar sort of thing in my hair as well and I just live with it.


sewing kit 2

Emergency Sewing Kit
Some hotels give you emergency sewing kits as part of the amenities placed in the room. These are good to keep for future use. For cutting the thread I use fingernail clippers.


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Cleaning Shower Curtain Liner?
Same advice, wash in the washing machine with a few bath towels. Add some bleach to kill any mold/mildew. It may appear wrinkled but they will smooth out over time.


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Reusing Old Sheets
Sheets are good for quick curtains. We have a sliding glass patio door that I leave uncovered in cool weather, but in summer its too hot. I make quick curtains out of flat twin size sheets, just put the rod through the wide hem. Sheets make a good cover for...


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Keeping a Clothes Line from Sagging?
Tighten up your clothesline, it shouldnt be sagging that much. Or make a support pole (at least 5 ft. high)--make a notch in a piece of wood or pvc pipe and brace it to support the line. I remember from my childhood that there is a clip with 2 rotating pulleys...


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Removing Nail Glue From Natural Nails?
Try filing it off. I like those nail blocks - a foam rectangle with emery paper on all surfaces. They give a little to conform to the nail shape.


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Repairing a T-shirt?
I dont know if you would get a good result trying to put the design on another shirt--it could come out puckered or stiff. Id make a pillow cover out of your ripped shirt. Just put it over a small pillow (you can find pillow forms in craft stores, maybe even...


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Macaroni and Cheese Feast
Good idea for a one-pot meal. Ill have to try it. To make boxed mac & cheese richer, I will add a slice or two of American cheese; just tear it up and stir in. It might need a splash more of milk, too.


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Choosing Ceiling Light Fixtures?
Its hard to say without seeing your house, furniture, colors, and so on. Keep it traditional if that is your taste. Id stay with the same finish on all the fixtures so that it harmonizes somewhat. IMO a shiny chrome finish is more contemporary. The dark brown...


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Cooking Bacon for BLTs?
When cooking lots of bacon, its easier to bake it in the oven. Line a jelly roll pan with foil, then put down a sheet of parchment paper. Arrange the bacon in a single layer and bake at 375 till done. Takes maybe 10-15 minutes.


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Repairing a Reading Lamp?
On my headboard I use an ordinary clip on lamp. They are available in Target, Walmart, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc. They are often shown in the back to college section. Just buy a new lamp, they are not expensive ($10 at BB&B). Sometimes you can drive yourself crazy...


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Pick Up Dead Insects With a Clothes Pin
Ive always used a bit of facial tissue or paper towel.


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Making Tote Bag Handles?
You can buy nylon woven strapping from fabric stores by the yard. This is what is used for backpack straps.


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Removing Leather Dye from Socks?
I assume the socks are white? Have him wear dark socks (black) and the stains will not be visible.


Store Milk In Plastic Bag

Store Milk In Plastic Bag
I think its easier to rinse the jug of milk off under the tap, dry it with a handy kitchen towel and put it away nice and clean--no dirty bottom. I make sure the ribbed area where the cap goes is nice and clean because the milk collects there and sours quickly...


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Keep a Wet Washcloth for Emergency Cleaning
Its been a long time since Ive had little kids, but I keep clean cloths or rags in the car along with a refilled bottle of water. The cloth gets moistened with the water when I need it. Great for a quick clean-up when hands or mouth gets sticky if I stop for...


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