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2 Posts | 167 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Washing Windows for Less
My army trained son washed windows with soapy water, rinsed with vinegar water and wiped with newspapers. Its the ink that polishes them so nicely. They were so clean I thot theyd been removed (they are sliders which can be removed)


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Decorating my Room?
Peach goes great with hunter green.


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Cleaning or Washing Off Mold?
vinegar kills mold, altho best to start with about a quart to the washer load. Allow to soak for several hours then add detergent and wash. This is good for the washer as well.


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Mom's Best Housekeeping Tip
My mother of 5 kids would do housework only in the morning and took the afternoon off, at least until the first child arrived home from school about 4. Shed read, snooze, watch tv, etc. basically resting and enjoying her time to herself. Once all the kids were...


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Using Hydrogen Peroxide for Cleaning Dentures?
Really stuffed up with a cold? Dip a Q tip in 50/50 Hydrogen peroxide and swab as high up in the nostril as possible. Block the other nostril and sniff to draw the peroxide higher. If you taste it in your throat just spit it out. Do the other nostril. You will...


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Recipes Using Pork and Beans?
To each 14 oz can try adding two cups of shredded cabbage (coleslaw mix will work) small slice celery, one small shredded carrot and one small very thin sliced onion. Allow to steep in the fridge overnight, stirring once or twice. For a little kick you might...


Uses for Bacon Grease

Uses for Bacon Grease
Black flies chew up the base of my horses ears and high up under their bellies. Bacon grease gets rubbed in, giving immediately relief, helps with healing and the bugs dont like anything greasy.


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Blocking The Sun From Coming In My Windows?
I put sheets of plywood hanging on hinges installed along the top of the window frame. This year I plan on painting them in simple quilt patterns (google barn quilts, to match the house. Altho I have air conditioning its rarely used as I also have a large fan...


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Disguising White Marks On Jeans
A friends sister got a spot of bleach on an expensive sweater. Resourceful friend embroidered a pretty little daisy with a winding stem and leaves over the bleach spot. It actually enhanced the sweater.


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Removing an Indentation on Leather?
What Ive done is use the bowl of a table spoon and rub on the backside.


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Spring Cleaning Redecoration
I have a couple of toss pillows on the couch which I slipcover with warm reds for winter and lighter colors in Spring. It gives the room a different look for just a few dollars and the covers take up little room when stored.


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Half The Meat in Hamburger Helper for Kids and Friends
By making ones own a lot of chemicals are eliminated, especially all the salt and sugar.



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Homemade Piddle Pads?
I approached a gal working in the hospital laundry. She was glad to recycle the draw sheets that would have been thrown out. They have washable waterproof backing and are quilted on top - perfect. I cut each into 4 making them about 14 square pads. A few needed...


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Wood Banister Cleaning?
I get good results with foam kitchen cleaner. Spray and let the foam do its job. It will lift the gunk without soaking the wood.


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Make Christmas Wish Books For Your Kids
About the 1st of Nov. my father would tape up 4 sheets of foolscap inside 4 cupboard doors, one for each child. We were to itemize our requests. As typical of children we changed our minds frequently and would scribble out one wed lost interest in and add new...


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Gift Bags for Family
I recycle colorful flyers and use them for giftwrap for children. They are so interested in the gift they dont look at the wrap anyway and one can relax when they tear it up.


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Plastic Lids Work as Small Dry Eraser Boards
Where I live a 4 red disk is all thats needed to post ones land indicating no hunting. For greater visibility I use ice cream lids. give them a quick scratching with course sand paper and spray red paint. I screw these into the trees and change them every few...


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Removing Tile from Plaster Walls?
How lucky your are. Why remove them? Id add touches of black and white. Those are probably quality tiles and were installed by someone who really knew what he was doing. Tile is coming into vogue again.


My Frugal Life: Frugality From The Farm
My father was a minister and they arent well paid so with 5 kids, being frugal was top priority. My mother was a stay at home mom and she cooked, cleaned, sewed, knit, crocheted, etc. many of our garments. When I was 16 they announced I would be put on a clothing...


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Tips for Freezing Leftovers?
The freezer in a refrigerator is not cold enough for storage longer than a week. A deep freezer is much better. I use sandwich bags, folding the top back over the contents to eliminate air then zip shut. I then store all the small bags in one or two large freezer...


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Keeping Snow Peas Off the Ground?
We used posts and chicken wire approx 6 high and when they reached that height Id prune the tips and got more lateral branching.


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Natural Remedies for Dyspepsia?
I find GasX, even a half tablet works for me, better than prescription ranitidine.


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Molasses Butter and Bread
Molasses is high in potassium. Ill take a heaping tsp full and put it in the fridge freexer for about 20 min. then savor it off the spoon.



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Dog Will Only Eat Liver?
So your letting this dog dictate to you! He will quickly become deficient in important vitamins and minerals if fed a liver only diet. Id set down his proper dog ration and dont worry if he doesnt eat it. He figures youll cave in and give him what he wants...


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Cleaning and Organizing My House?
Quit being an enabler. If he wont do it, why do you? I went on strike a few times and held my ground. Dishes piled up, carpets needed vacuuming, laundry needed washing. I was tired of them working against me. On several occasions it took 3 days for them to...


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Yellow Streaks on Curtains After Washing?
If the oxyclean doesnt work try Rit Dye Remover.


Bumps on a Coach Purse?
Those bumps look bumps from warble larvae. But thats usually on a living animal unless these were there originally. North American tanners wouldnt touch hides with warble marks.


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Product Review: Kitchen Gourmet Air Popper
I found that by buying a better brand I got nicer popcorn and far fewer kernals. I can place a tea towel over the chute on mine and drape it over the bowl. No airborn popcorn. Ive also found that by using an ice cream pail for 1/4c of kernals works.


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Organizing Childrens Clothing?
Everyone really wears about 4 favorite tops or shirts. Same with pants so with 4 days worth plus a couple of Sunday best type clothes they have plenty. Its also frustrating to wash and fold everything neatly only to stuff it into an overfull drawer. Everything...


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Fabric Softener Dispenser Won't Drain?
With the machine unplugged can you feel around for a drain hole in the dispenser? Sometimes hard water deposits will build up. Just a guess.


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Making a Fruit Fly "Trap"
Im not so sentimental so I float the heel of an orange or lemon in a small wide-mouthed jar in water with a drop of dish detergent. I push the heel into the water to cover although it will rise to the surface. The flies go after the fruit and drown. There is...


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Rehydrating Beans in Hard Water?
I too have hard water and often add a little vinegar to soften it, whether cooking or laundry. It cleans up the white hard water marks on the spouts too.


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Sewer Smell in Laundry Room?
You may need to run a snake down. Im wondering if the air vent is partially plugged. Those odors are supposed to be expelled through the vent pipe that goes up through a wall and out the roof.


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Determining the Best Price on Toilet Paper?
Would you believe that all paper products actually go by weight although not marked. Same with eggs. Check the size of the donut, as some bargain rolls have a larger donut and less paper. The better the quality the less paper used so its just something you...


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Homemade Suet
I ask for meat cutting scraps from our local butcher. Whats good to cook up for the dogs I keep and the remaining scraps are scattered along the side of a snow packed road.



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Removing Stains from Tea Cups?
Rub half a lemon on stains


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Substitute Double Boiler
I do this but put a canning ring in the bottom pot as my upper pot sits on an angle.


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Caring for a Young Puppy?
My chi puppy was eating on its own and quite robust at 4 weeks. She did remain with her mother until 6 weeks but would have been fine at 4 1/2 weeks.


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Uses for Little Pieces of Soap?
Put them in a piece of old panty hose leg, Tie a knot and use. Like soap on a rope without the rope.


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Removing Grease from Painted Surfaces
Im a great fan of spray foam Kitchen Cleaner or Bathroom Cleaner for those stubborn jobs. It lifts the grease and dirt that collects in it. I just spray, leave it alone to do its work, then wipe up the runs.


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Keeping a Dog from Being Lonely?
My St. B got plenty of exercise before I left and after I got home. Being big heavy dogs they are then content to sleep. One advantage of owning a St. B is it doesnt take long to exercise them, unlike a Lab or similar.


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Plastic Turned Yellow by Nicotine?
Sunlight will yellow white plastics as well.


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Restore and Reuse Dryer Sheets
I just cut the dryer sheets into 4 strips and add one strip to the dryer and maybe even a second time. It works as well as a whole sheet.


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Disposing of Bacon and Cooking Grease
Dispose of bacon grease. Its good for you! I pour mine into a glass jar with about a inch of water in the bottom and as the grease floats on top, the bits sink to the bottom. After its been solidified in the fridge its used for biscuits, corn bread, etc., even...


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Retaining Independence and Self Confidence in a Relationship?
Youll only become dependent and helpless if you let it happen. You need to take a hard look if this is a kill with kindness means to becoming controlling in everything you do. Maybe not now but is it heading in that direction?


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Improving the Flavor of Canned Bean and Ham Soup?
Pinch of cayenne to a bowl of soup and a tsp of butter swirled through the soup.


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Save With Electric Meat Slicer
Years ago I invested in a couple of reall good knives and find I can shave meats without all the cleanup of a slicer.


Product Review: Purex Complete 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets
Id be more concerned about the chemicals we are dumping in to our rivers. We dont know what stabilizers are being used. I use half the recommeded amount of laundry liquid and cut my dryer sheets in four and they still work and maybe even a second time.


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Briggs and Stratton Push Edger Will Not Start?
The gas line needs to be flushed to remove varnish that builds up from sitting.


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Advice For Dog That Runs Away?
Since dogs are food motivated Id make a cluck sound when she sits and give her a treat. Youll have to practice this before someone comes to the door. Use the leash during practice sessions so she will know a treat will soon be coming.


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A Pastry Blender For Chopping Eggs
A flat bladed pasty blender works well for chopping up cooked potatoes for potato salad.


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Finding Someone to Help With Home Repair?
Whether you hire a trades person or a handy person, always, always get references and call the references. There are some very talented handy people and some real slackers amongst the trade people.


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Removing Ink from a Comforter?
Try hairspray on a Q Tip.


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Homemade Cleaner for Pet Urine Odors?
When its still wet Ill blot with paper towels then sprinkle baking soda on to neutralize and soak up more urine. Then a few drops of dish detergent in a cup of water whipped foamy in the mixer and applied to the spot. I will then blot as dry as possible. If...


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Reuse Glass Water Bottles, Not Plastic
My boys enjoyed dilute juice in glass bottles and I still do. I guess ours was the first vitamin flavored water. (laughing)


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Don't Clean Up Dough With Hot Water
I let it dry while I tidy everything else up. When dry its very easy to clean up with a metal spatula. Then I wash everything as Im not dealing with any dough.


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Recycled Boot Tray For Muddy Shoes
Whod have thought? Great idea.


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Let Dough Rise in the Oven
The oven light provides just enough heat and easy to keep an eye on the dough.


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Is It Safe to Add Yeast to a Septic System?
The bacteria in a septic system work in an airless environment and do quite well at breaking down solid matter from humans. The worst thing one can do is pour grease down the drain as it will form a barrier that eventually coats the lines. Dishwashers create...


Golden dog

What Breed is My Dog?
Definitely part yellow lab.


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Sewing Machine Needle Jammed?
If the bobbin is jammed with thread the needle wont move as the mechanisms work off each other. Be sure to use the same thread both top and bottom and use good quality thread.


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Dryer Sheets For Pet Hair Maintenance?
Dryer sheets contain silicone which pets ingest as they lick themselves. A good daily grooming will help control the hair.


Tan dog with black muzzle and fluffy tail.

What Breed is My Dog?
Part Golden Retriever?


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Making A Quilt Out Of Clothing?
My sister makes the cutest vests from acquired fabrics. Lightweight fabrics can be cut in to thin strips for crocheting a cloche or toque a trendy item the kids are wearing these days.


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Ideas for Keeping a House With Toddlers Clean?
I got tired of the mess and had the boys each pick out a few of their favorite toys. The rest went into storage. This made a huge difference and it was easy for them to tidy up. Each month the box came out and they traded toys. My children loved age specific...


Arranging Furniture in a Small Room with Four Doorways?
Id set the couch back about 12 from and facing the patio doors, leaving good walk around room on each side and behind. Id use two armless chairs positioned on an angle facing the couch, one on either side, again leaving walk around room. Id add a rug that runs...


Frugal Organizational Ideas for a Small Apartment?
You might find it tippy. If you can just hang a closet rod from the ceiling. It doesnt give you shelving but its dirt cheap to make. Someone is usually giving pallets away with salvagable boards. Carefully taken apart you should get enough 4 boards to make...


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Kitchen Wall Decoration Ideas?
Try picking colors from a color wheel and staying within those two.


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Altering a Knit Top That is Too Large?
I start at about the elbow on the inside seam and graduate the sewing to about an inch in the armpit area then go down the side of the garment to the hem. This reduces the diameter of the garment by 4. Ill trim the excess quite close then zigzag or overstitch...


Chihuahua Puppy Poops In Crate?
Cut a cardboard box low to share some space in the crate. Put a pee pad in there. Try feeding her in there and leave her for about 10 min. If she uses the pad reward her with lots of loving.


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House Training a Blind Dog?
Shes marking new territory. Yes, females do it too. Shell learn the layout of the house much faster than people do, as long as you dont move anything. Youll have to take her out numerous times with lots of loving when she soils out there. Perhaps a food treat...


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Back2Life Machine Reviews?
A physiotherapist would give you the best answer.


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Tips for Organizing and Cleaning Basement?
Although if wont help you now it will help in the future. I would take a cardboard box and place it in an inconspicuous place in the basement (under the stairs where it was dark even with a few lights on. Id periodically toss hubbys broken but useful stuff...


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Tips for Organizing and Cleaning Basement?
With hoarders one doesnt want to add more shelving, boxes, containers, etc. as they will quickly fill them as well. One needs to cut back or there will more stuff of little or no value.


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Feeding a Family of Four on $400 a Month?
My mother had to feed 5 kids plus my dad on a ministers salary. We were well fed but she cooked everything from scratch. 5 kids have bottomless stomachs so there were always plenty of potatoes (skin on) to fill us up.


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Feeding a Family of Four on $400 a Month?
Years ago I started buying more dried beans, peas (both green and yellow) lentils (both red and green) lima beans and red kidney beans. These are very good in the diet as they are fairly high in protein and there are numerous imaginative yet inexpensive recipes...


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Can You Freeze Celery?
I bot a huge bunch of celery and wasnt using it fast enough. Since it was Fall and my baseboard heaters were coming on I cut the celery into 1/8 pieces and threaded them onto a long thread with a needle and hung them above the heater. I spaced them so none...


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What are the Most Cost Effective Leftover Food Storage Products?
Since the size works for me I use sandwich bags, filling only the amount I would eat. I remove as much air as possible. If there are 3 or 4 packets to freeze I will put them together in a larger bag (saved bread bag) and label.


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Crate Training a Puppy?
Think of it from the dogs point of view. He can see out. Therefore predators can get him with no chance of escape. Try training so that a half closed door means he has to stay in the crate but it allows him to escape if he feels the need.


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Crate Training a Puppy?
Id like to add that its natural for a dog to want to go into a den but theres always a way out. A cloth over the top and down two sides is more inviting.


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Adding Salt for Boiled Eggs
I was taught to add a pinch of salt to the water in case a shell cracked and egg streamed out. The salt would set it and seal the crack. Usually storage eggs that are quickly plunged into cold water immediately after boiling, will peel easily.


Boxer Biting Toy

Training a Puppy Not to Bite?
A trainer of huskies which like to nip told me to immediately get over the dog wrap your arms around his chest and yank him into an upright position high enough that his back feet are off the ground. This must be done each time. The dog I did it with needed...


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Melt Butter for Toast
Ill put what I think I need on a heatproof saucer and set it on top of the toaster. It softens while the toast is toasting. It does need watching.


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Training Dogs to Stay in Their Kennel?
Jump on a bicycle and have the dogs pull you. They will want to go at first but will settle into a trot and can go for an hour or more. Be sure to take plenty of water for them.


Our Little Trailer On the Prairie
I cooked much like you with only two teenage sons. We went thro 20lbs of potatoes in a week and some nights it was brown rice and once a week it was either pork and beans (homemade of course) or chili. My boys had sparkling eyes and great teeth as junk food...


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Puppy Poops in Crate?
When animals, including us humans will feel the need to empty the bowels when stressed. Train the dog to remain in the crate with the door open. When you leave the animal feels trapped.With the door open it removes that fear.


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Improving the Appearance of Bathroom Sink Without Cabinet Underneath?
If the sink is installed in a cupboardless countertop hang a curtain rod across the expanse and sew some inexpensive broadcloth curtains. A 3 hem on each end does nicely. Make them extra wide like window curtains.


Getting My House and Life in Order?
My house seems to collect clutter and Im the only one living it it. Im not a hoarder in that I cant part with it, I dont always deal with it when I should. I too consulted and followed her daily schedule. What surprised me as the house became orderly...


Getting My House and Life in Order?
Rebecca, perhaps part of your depression is that you are not indulging in your hobbies. We encourage children to try different things and watch them out grow interests. It doesnt stop because we are adults. We do outgrow some interests/hobbies and perhaps one...


Getting My House and Life in Order?
Although flylady recommends 15 minutes perhaps 3, 5 minutes sessions would work better for some. Once I got in to this I find I get on a roll and exceed the 15 minutes.


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Dye from Jeans Transferred to Other Clothing in Wash?
Rit Dye Remover may remove the stains and the color from the shirts but you can always redye them.


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Previously House Trained Dog Has Started Peeing in House?
These are high energy dogs. If you dont have a bicycle, get one and get her out the door quick, before she pees and get her out for some good exercise. She needs this. Its good for both of you.


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Lactose Free Milk Substitute That Tastes Like Milk?
2% milk contains more lactose than whole milk as its more concentrated. If you miss the taste and texture of whole milk then try 2% Lactaid milk. Skim Latcaid tastes more like 2% in regular milk. I cook with it and make my own yogurt. Powdered milk is high...


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Washing Clothes in Well Water?
When employed at a laundromat one customer would come every few weeks to undo what her well water had done to her clothes. Shed dump in Liquid Plummer which got rid of the orange color. Shed apparently done this for years and swore by it.


Name Ideas for a Cake Decorating Business?
Patty Cakes, everyone remembers that rhyme and will remember the name of her business.


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Can I Make a Cleaner Using Spoiled or Over Ripe Oranges?
Pigs dont eat citrus for a reason, its bad for them. Dont even offer it to them. I think its something in the peel.


Flooring, Countertop, and Paint Colors to Down Play Pinkish Cabinets?
Thats a lot of wood. Id stay with the wood floors, of course, but would paint out the cabinets to blend with the sink. Walls should match also. That way a dark countertop would really pop. The now white cabinets would visually enlarge the kitchen.


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Fly Spots on Lamp Shades?
I use ammonia with a Q-tip. Dilute as recommended.


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Reviews of the Cozy Fire?
I too was interested in radiant heaters and spent hours checking many makes and models. What it boiled down to is they are no more economical than my 220 wired in baseboard heaters.


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GFI Isn't Resetting Outlets?
Like everything else they get old and tired and quit working.


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Cleaning Redwood Walls?
You need to ask the good folks at the lumberyard.


Photo of a homemade cat scratching post.

Make Your Cat's Scratching Post
Quite by accident I discovered my kitty loved to sharpen her claws on a piece of chipboard so I cut it to about 15 long by about 10 wide. Its on the floor and shed get on it and scratch away. This dimension was small enough that it wasnt in the way but big...


Keeping Cats Off Counters

Keeping Cats Off Counter Tops?
Mouse traps set on the counter. Cats dont like them. Buy a bunch, theyre cheap. Squirting cats is a temporary fix as they quickly learn where it comes from and just wait.


A row of marching penguins in Hokkaido, Japan.

March of the Penguins (Hokkaido, Japan)
There needs to be more like this, allowing zoo animals to live more naturally.


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How Can I Fix Cookie Dough That is Too Gooey?
If the dough is too stiff dust the counter with flour and set the dough on that and lightly knead as tho kneading biscuits. Lightly dust the top so your fingers dont stick.


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Dye Transfer on Jeans?
RIT dye remover.


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Dog With an Ear Infection?
You need to get a tube of Panalog (sp). Its for ear infections and is soothing whereas the vinegar stings and inflamed ear.


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What Color Should I Paint My Kitchen Cabinets?
Charcoal comes to mind. It will sure pop with the white walls and countertops.


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Cleaning Formica?
Ive had very good luck with the foam Kitchen Cleaner. Spray the foam on and let it sit for 5 or 10 min. A clue that its working is the foam will take on a yellow/brown hue.


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Organizing Shoes in a Small Closet?
I put in a coated wire closet organizer. Shoes go on the shelves, garments go on upper and lower rod. Nothing is on the floor except the large camera bag. Now, if it doesnt fit neatly in there, something has to go. I wish Id done this years ago.


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Using a Scythe for Mowing Hay?
I dont know about the european scythe but Ive used the american style. The handle was aluminum and the blade was, hmmm, 30. The key is a very sharp blade. If you develop an easy swinging movement, the blade will slice thro the grass like butter. Its not about...


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Toothpaste For Tarnish On Silver
Dont do it very often as the toothpaste contains abrasives. If the settings are tight just soaking them is a dish of water with a few drops of vinegar and dish soap does a great job.


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Toothpaste For Tarnish On Silver
I misread, you are doing silverware. Same with it. The silver coating is likely very thin. I used to have to clean my parents silverware and I used the aluminum foil method for removing tarnish then rinsing in vinegar water.


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My House Reeks of Skunk Odor?
A big bottle of Febreeze. You may need to spray the entire house two or three times but it works. The odor contain an oil. A skunk sprayed outside my house. All the windowsw were open. This is how I know Febreeze works.


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Growing Green Onions
Wonderful idea, especially for single people who find a bunch of onions is too many. Only today I was told to chop and freeze extra tops for soups.


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House Training a Shih Tzu?
My chi cant deal with cold and snow so during these times its puppy pads. Her use of them was sporadic. My pads are washable (old hosp. draw sheets cut to size). Now, as I pick up a used pad, I rub the center of the clean pad on a pee spot. The odor draws her...


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How Can I Remove Rust Stains on China?
A product in a shaker can called Zud.


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Hang Clothing Backward In Closet
If theres a fire or tornado, the last thing Ill be worried about is rescuing my clothes. No, Ill keep my closet organized by hanging what Im wearing one way and those that dont seem to get worn, the other.


Organizing a Tack Room?
My tack room has a sheet of pegboard mounted on a 2 frame to allow room for the back of the hooks. Its amazing how much you can hang on a 4x8 sheet. I also bot a trunk, actually a large stout plastic box for the back of a truck that is mouse proof and can also...


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How Can I Organize My Reusable Plastic Bags?
I think you need to reduce the numbers to perhaps 6 of each. With the shopping bags I put the handles together, run thumb and forefinger down encircling the bag then tie a simple knot. The ends are then tucked in and it takes up the space of a small ball.


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Getting Rid of Snakes Inside the Walls of a House?
Even though the fascia boards are gone there should be a board running along the top of the cement blocks for nailing the rafters to. The blocks are staggered so Im thinking it would be difficult for the snakes to go down very far. Im inclined to think theyd...


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Name Ideas for a Family Insurance Business?
Family Insurance Business - H & Js FIB? Lol. Couldnt resist that one.


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
Id go with white walls as it will make your kitchen bright and seem larger. This would be a nice contrast to your counter. Im fond of the clean look the white gives in a kitchen.


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
When picking up paint chips take at least 4 of each color. I wanted red on a wall and although the color was in my head, matching it was something else. I picked up 4 different shades of red. Id group 4 of one shade and tape them to the wall and leave them...


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