
jan nash

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10 Posts | 105 Comments | Active Since 2005
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Brightening Cooked Green Veggies
I agree. Adding baking soda to greens takes away all the vitamins etc.


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Stopping the Burn from Spicy Food
Plain yoghurt also has very good cooling effect when eating too spicy food.


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Use Cold Water For Peeling Hard Boiled Eggs
Putting the eggs immediately into cold water also stops the black ring appearing just inside the shell.


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Yarn And Thread Scraps For Birds
When I clean my hairbrush I always throw the hair away in my garden. Ive actually seen a robin take some to their nest. Jan UK


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English Version of Graham Crackers?
digestives .you can also buy half covered milk or plain chocolate ones


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Storing Potatoes In The Fridge?
Hello Elaine, I always store potatoes in a cool dark place. They stay fresh and don,t go green or start sprouting. Hope this helps


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Cleaning Gunk Around Faucets?
When my taps (faucets) get gunky I use either kitchen or bathroom cleaner and an old toothbrush. Always works for me.


Cleaning a Kenwood Hand Blender?
Hi Donna. You dont need to dismantle your blender to clean it. Just swish it around in warm soapy water. Thats all I do and it works every time. Jan UK


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Discolored Hibiscus Leaves?
Sounds like your hibiscus needs feeding. Also be careful you can overwater Sounds as if your hibiscus needs feeding. They also need slightly alkaline soil, Be careful as you can overwater plants just as easily as underwater. Good luck. Jan Grantham UK


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Not Many Tomatoes?
I think maybe your tomatoes need feeding. Here in the UK I feed mine once a week with commercial tomato food,which I,m sure you can also buy in the States. Also just be patient.If youdo all the right things your tomatoes will fruit Good luck Jan Grantham UK...


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Recipes Using Condensed Milk?
Jesse re Pam (guest post ) If you,re boiling a can of condensed milk to make caramel dont pierce the can first and keep the pan topped up with water. regards Jan UK


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Sweaty Armpits With No Odor?
I have excessive sweating, It,s called hyperhidrossis. I take a prescription drug called Propantheline Bromide 15mg. It works for me. If available in the States give it a try, Good luck. Jan UK



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Heart-Shaped Scones
hello laura,i thought you might like to try my recipe for english scones. i bake these all the time and i,ve won a competition with them, regards jan uk 6 ounces plain flour(all purpose) 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 2 ounces butter 11/2 tablespoons sugar small...


Jasmine the Cat
thank you to cyinda tedsmom and jean for your comments about my cat .jasmine. they were most appreciated.i hope you and your cats have a long and happy life together.thanks again. jan grantham uk


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Protecting Carpet While Painting Trim?
I use wide masking tape. It can go right against the edge of what youre painting and will pull of easily when finished. Regards, Jan UK


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Avoiding Brush Strokes in Poly Coat?
Ive found using a foam painting brush eliminates streaking. Give it try. Jan, UK


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Shortening A Knit Shirt?
The best way to shorten your skirt would be from the waist. No need to touch the hem at all. Hope this helps.


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Planning a Baby Shower?
Thanks to everyone for replying to my request for baby shower ideas. Youve given me lots to think about. Regards Jan, Grantham UK


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Where to Find Boric Acid in the UK?
Hi Paul,try Boots or any chemists or maybe a garden center, Hope this helps. regards Jan UK


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Easy Grow Potatoes In Boxes
What a brilliant idea. Im going to try this, this year. Jan UK


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Suggestions For Good British Authors?
Here are few British authors you may like to try. Martina Cole, John Francome and Mandasue Heller(who I think is British) Enjoy Regards Jan UK


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Heath Toffee Candy
Hi love the sound of this recipe but as I live in the UK I,ve no idea what club crackers are.Is there a substitute.Any info greatly appreciated. Regards Jan UK.


Coral bell plant.

What Is This Plant?
Looks like a Heuchera, Palace Purple to me. I have two growing in my garden in the UK.


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Using Leftover Fried Rice?
Mary. I would be very careful when re -using fried rice. It supposed harbour a lot of bacteria that can cause stomach upsets. Best to make sure it has been thoroughly reheated.



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Cleaning Inexpensive Jewelry?
I always use toothepaste to clean my inexpensive jewelry.Just squeeze avery small amount into your palm,add some water to dilute and then rub the item between gently between your palms and rinse and dry.An old soft toothebrush is ideal for rings,but do brush...


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Use A Pillowcase In Baby's Crib
Bette I obviously didn,t mean a full sized babies cot, but for a swinging cradle or moses basket(I don,t know if they have the same names in the USA.) Most standard pillowcases measure approx. 18inch (46cm)X 28inch (71cm) in the UK.Hope this helps. Regards...


gazebo made from found wood

Recycled Gazebo
well done absolutely beautiful, i want one NOW regards jan uk


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Peach Jam Is Liquidy?
all you need to do is add more pectin. lemon juice is very high in pectin.(that,s why a lot of jam (jelly) recipes have it added)empty it back into a saucepan and get it to what,s called a rolling boil until setting point is reached.To test if it,s set put...


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Warning About Morning Glories
i have no problem with morning glories. i just plant them in large pots against the trellis. they still grow as big and at the end of the season empty pots out or keep for the following year.


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Bread Dough Sticking to Towel?
Just use a damp tea towel. Works every time


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Salsa Is Too Sweet?
Just add lime or lemon juice a little at a time until its to your taste.


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Work Night Pressure Cooker Pot Roast
Hi, Christine, It,s great to hear about someone else who uses a pressure cooker. I use mine all the time. I make stews, soups and have even made rice pudding. This year I also made pickles and chutneys in half the time it takes using the conventional method...


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Removing Makeup From Face?
Here in the UK I use facial cleansing wipes (similar to baby wipes) They remove every trace of make-up, including waterproof mascara. Some even exfoliate. Various companies make them, including Dove. I would have thought these would be available in the States...


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Dusting Intricately Detailed Furniture?
I use a blusher brush (make up brush) or a soft new paint brush


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Save Money and Time With a Pressure Cooker
Tim, I,ve been using a pressure cooker for forty years or more,my present one I,ve had for about eight years. I use it constantly.Not only do i use it for stews, casseroles etc but i make jams, chutneys and even made christmas puddings.I don,t usually burn...


Fancy (Himalayan)



lipstick compact

Using All Of Your Lipstick


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Cleaning Underwear?
Here in the UK we have a very good product called Napisan which is used to soak fabric nappies (diapers) befor laundering. If thats available in the USA you could try that.


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Using Leftover Leek Leaves?
Add them to your stockpot. you strain it at the end anyway, so it dosn,t matter if the leaves are tough, It all adds to the flavour. Jan UK


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Store Dried Peas and Beans in Glass Jars
Erin. I always keep my empty glass jars to reuse when I.m making jam, pickles and chutney etc. I also keep my grandsons baby food jars, too. They come in useful when you get asked mum have you got a bit of... Especially if its herbs and spices. Jan UK.


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Building a Raised Vegetable Garden?
If you can get hold of old tires these stacked two or three on top of each other make great raised beds.


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Decorating With the Color Red?
Personally. Id have a neutral coloured sofa and red walls.Much easier to change wall color if you get fed up with red. Jan UK


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Use Citronella Oil Spray to Stop Dog Digging
I know cats dont like the smell of oranges, so I was wondering if this would work on the garden to stop them using it for their toilet. Has anyone tried it? Jan UK


Disinfecting a Doll?
Put the doll into a sealed plastic bag and place in the freezer overnight.this will get rid of any lingering germs


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Uses for Self-Rising Flour?
Tha simple answer is yes.It wont have any effect on the taste whatsoever.


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Caramel Rice Pudding Recipe?
Make a rice pudding the normal way, add raisins. These are what turn the pudding a caramel colour. You don,t need to add anything extra. If you make it in a slow cooker this also makes it extra caramelly and creamy. I hope this helps. Good luck. Jan UK


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Powder Coat Finish on Patio Furniture Looks Dull?
Here in the UK we have a paint called Hammerite. Its made specially to use on metal. It comes in smooth or hammered finishes If you can get in the States it would be ideal for your patio furniture. Hope this helps.


What is This Plant?
I believe they are Red Hot Pokers or Torch Lilies, The scentific name Kniphofia.


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Keeping Rhubarb from Getting Mushy When Cooked?
Have you tried spreading it out on a baking tray and roasting it in the oven.I saw this in one of the Barefoot Contessa shows. I dont know the amount of sugar or cooking times etc, but Im sure you could find it on her website. When cooked it wasnt mushy at...


Anchor Tea Bags With a Clothespin
Why not just use a teapot? Or am I missing something here?


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Why Is My Dog Eating Grass?
I don,t know how true it is but I remember reading an article somewhere that both dogs and cats eat grass just because they like it.


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Make Moist Turkey With Brine
Tracy on no account should you defrost a turkey in hot water as bacteria breeds in warm conditions.


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What is Corn Flour?
Terri, In a word, Yes. Here in the UK it has various uses,including making sweet and savoury sauces, and to thicken,soups, casseroles and gravy. Hope this helps.


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Leather Suite Cleaning?
Have you tried leather wipes? Widely available in most supermarkets. I purchased mine from Asda. I tried baby wipes but found they dried the leather out and left a dull smear.Hope this is a help. Jan UK


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Butter Conversion for Europe?
Hi Helen, One stick of butter equals 4ozs (1/4lb) Hope this helps. Jan UK


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Cola for Limescale Buildup in Toilet
Ive heard about this idea before. Also suppose to get rid of oil from driveways etc. If youve had a leak from a car, but heres my observation. If its strong enough to get of these and other stains what does cola or Pepsi do to the lining of your stomach!


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Toning Down Spicy Foods?
Ive often made a curry thats too spicy. When I dish it up I always serve a dish of plain unsweetened yoghurt. You can add as much or little to your own taste to cool the spiceness down. This tip was given to me by an Asian friend. Hope this helps.


Bread Crumbs

Making Dry Bread Crumbs
Hi Dorothy. I do exactly the same with all my leftover bread, rolls etc. I then divide them into two. One half I add herbs and the other half I add spices. Put them into airtight containers in the fridge they keep indefinatly. Ready to use on chicken, fish...


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Baking With Self Rising Flour?
Yes certainly. You also need Strong Plain Flour which is specially for breadmaking. It contains a lot more gluten.


Pansies being pressed in a large book

Drying Flowers in a Book
I do exactly the same way only I put the flowers etc on tissue paper first so as not to stain the book pages. Also the drying is much quicker as the paper is absorbent.


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Hollyhocks Coming Up Everywhere?
No problem. As the seedlings are not deep rooted just pull them out as they appear.


Use Candle Trays For Perfumes

Use Candle Trays For Perfumes
A very good idea for anything, but perfume. Its a well known fact that perfumes, like herbs are better kept in a dark place as they go off very quickly.


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Is My Basil Getting Too Much Water?
There are many types of basil. I grow mine inside on the kitchen windowledge. The instructions on the seed packet states that as these are Mediterranean plants only water when the compost dries out as they can become waterlogged. Maybe that,s what has happened...


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Can I Use Dish Soap to Get Rid of Garden Pests?
Yes. Very good for getting rid of greenfly on roses. But not sure about beans though.


Fish (Mud-Puppy?)

Wildlife: Fish (Mud-Puppy?)
Looks awfully like a mud- skipper. Ive seen wildlife documentaries about the Everglades and places that have mangroves. They slide around and bury themselves in the mud as well as being in the swamps and water.


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Chicken Stock Soup
Hi Robin. Ive been making chicken soup for as long as I can remember as it,s always been a favorite with my family. Especially on a cold winters day.Your recipe is practically the same as mine except for one thing. I use my pressure cooker. From start to finish...


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Knitting Pattern for The Night Garden's Iggle Piggle?
Many thanks rmj318. Just what I was looking for.


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Is It Safe to Use Styrofoam in Planters for Growing Vegetables?
Yes, for two good reasons, helps with the drainage and makes the planters lighter and so much easier to move. Ive used this method for a long time and have had no problems.


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Uses for Grass Clippings?
Use some of them in your compost bin (if you have one) Layer then with your uncooked kitchen waste.


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Remedies for Excessive Head Sweating?
I had exactly the same symptoms as you Angie. I visited my doctor who prescribed Propantheline bromide tablets.They stopped the sweating almost immediately.The only side effect I had was a dry mouth. Which was a small price to pay. I live in the UK, I hope...


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Keeping Dark Clothes From Fading
Where its possible, I always wash everything inside out, including bedding. I find this also helps to stop fading.


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Hand Sanitizer to Clean Book Covers
I always use hand sanitizer to wipe over the table and infant chair (they are always clean, but I like to make sure) when my family and I have a coffee after shopping in my local supermarket.


View across lake at night.

Scenery: Lake Ella at Night (Tallahassee, FL)
Dan, What a beautiful photo. Id love this blown up and hung on my wall.


View across lake at night.

Scenery: Lake Ella at Night (Tallahassee, FL)
Hi Thrifty Fun.Can you help please. Is there any way I could send a private message to someone regarding a photo? Regards Jan Nash. (b)Editors Note:(/b) Click on the posters user name and there will be an option to send a message to that person.


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Recipes for Scones?
Here is my recipe for my competition winning scones. 8ozs self raising flour. 1/2 tsp baking powder. 2ozs butter. 1/2ozs sugar. 2ozs sultanas. (leave out for plain scones) buttermilk or milk (no particular measurements) pinch of salt Sieve flour, baking powder...


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Recipes for Scones?
This a ps. I live in the UK and this is an English recipe.


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Cleaning a Sport Coat Collar?
Betty, Please don,t write this idea off before you try it.Use baby wipes. I use them all the time to get stains out. I had foundation on a coat collar, gently rubbed with a couple of wipes. hey presto as good as new. Even cleaned mud off a cream carpet. Hope...


abandoned building 2

Abandoned Buildings (Tropic, UT)
The first photo reminds me of a Bob Ross painting!


A pink flower on a shrub

What is This Flower? (Camellia)
Hi Becky. Your plant is a Camellia.


Bell shaped flowers growing on a stalk.

What Is This Flower? (Bluebell)
Its a bluebell, but contrary to the name I also have pink,mauve and white ones in my garden in the UK. They are very invasive and take a lot of getting rid of.


Fully open rose.

Garden: Lavender Rose
Beautiful. It may be named Blue Moon.


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Diapers for Potted Plants
What a good idea. One I will try.


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Hydrogen Peroxide For Carpet Stains
What a good idea. But I have a question? As peroxide comes in different volumes,which one did you use?


View of plant from a slight distance, showing height of plant.

What is This Plant?
My thoughts also. A begonia.


Moth on Hand

Wildlife: Pretty Colored Moth
I dont believe it was a moth that landed on you but a very beautiful Peacock Butterfly.


Cleaning Rubber Stamps
If you store your container upside down the wipes wont dry out so quickly.


Panna cotta with caramel sauce and fresh strawberries.

Caramel Sauce Recipes
What ever you do, resist stirring the sauce while it is caramelizing. This is what makes it grainy. Hope this helps. Good luck.


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Neighbor's Cats Using Planter as Litterbox?
Pea gravel wont deter cats as they think its cat litter. Either use larger size gravel or just add large stones or decorative shale to the the original gravel in the planter. Ive tried this and it does work. Good luck.


Flower with large stamen.

What is This Plant?
I agree with mummbo. Looking at the leaves also makes me think this is an abutilon.


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Nail Polish For Repairing Stockings
Well that certainly brought back some memories Vivian. I used to do that way back in the swinging sixties. Lol


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Nail Polish For Repairing Stockings
Well that certainly brought back some memories Vivian. I used to do that way back in the Swinging Sixties. lol


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Substitute for Crisco or Shortening?
Have you tried Trex? It make lovely short pastry used on it,s own or you can use it half and half with margarine. Its available in most supermarkets.


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Stop Run with Clear Nail Polish
This is an old solution. I used to do this in the sixties ( Im 69 ) as stockings (before tights) were quite expensive. Jan UK


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For Dryer Lint
Instead of just throwing your drier lint away do what I do and throw it in the garden where the birds will collect to help make their nests.


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My Frugal Life: Frugal Forever
Like your tips etc. Ive always made my own soup. I roast the chicken first, use some for a chicken dinner. If theres any left over I use for sandwiches or wraps with raw veggies and salsa. I then use the carcass for stock. But never put cooked veg (or any other...


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Lotion For Removing Ink From Skin
Baby wipes work just as well and are much gentler on the skin.


Local Fresh Fruit Available in England in March?
Hello Mary, here are a some home grown veg available at the moment here in the UK; leeks, purple sprouting broccoli, spring onions and of course, potatoes. I always look at the this site. Eat the Seasons. Hope this helps.


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Coffee Filter Over Drainage Hole
What a brilliant simple idea Eileen.


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English Steak and Kidney Pie
Youre pie sounds delicious Robin, but I would like to point out that a traditional English Steak and Kidney pie does not contain potatoes. Regards Jan UK


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Grey Hair Doesn't Hold Color?
Hi Katy M. My hair is white and I have an all over permanant colour ( Nice and Easy ) which I do myself at home. It,s a well known fact that grey or white hair can become coarser with age and this makes it especially resisitant to colour. A semi permanant or...


Small spiney animal.

What is This Animal?
It looks like a baby hedgehog to me.Very common here in the UK. They are the gardeners friend as they love to eat slugs and snails.


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Quick Oven Hard Boiled Eggs
Sorry but why would you take 30mins to oven cook eggs (using all that fuel) when you can use the old method of boiling, taking 5-10 minutes depending on how you like your eggs?


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Using Yankee Candle Wax Tarts?
I really dont think there is any thing else you could use, only a burner. Dont forget there is a safety issue also. At the moment on the Yankee website here in the UK burners are pretty inexpensive, so maybe on the US site there are the same offers. Hope this...


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Making Cake Filling With Jam?
Joanie, I presume that you,re making a sponge type cake. You dont need a precise amount of jam. Just put enough on to give a nice even layer, but not right up to the edge as this will squash out when you sandwich the cake together. Hope this helps. Jan UK


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Peach Freezer Jam White and Frothy Looking?
It sounds as if you didnt skim the froth and scum off the top of your jam while it was boiling. Also if you add a knob of butter while the jam is boiling it will prevent any scum forming. It wont affect the taste or look of the jam. This is a very old tip. Jan...


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