
Jennifer Nelson

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1 Post | 313 Comments | Active Since 2004
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Keeping Pet Cats Out of the House?
Please take the mother and babies to a shelter where they will be inoculated, fed nourishing food and given other medical treatment. Chances are they are infested with worms and fleas, and there is a probability they have feline AIDS or feline Leukemia. Also...


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Flea Remedies in England?
Your friend needs to take that poor dog to the Vet, pronto. He or she will give the dog a preventative like Frontline or Advantage. Fleas suck the life out of an animal, they become anemic and eventually they will die. I cannot imagine letting an animal suffer...


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Prepare Your Dog House for Winter
Bravo, brat! I will never understand why some people force their dogs to live outdoors. My Vet has always said, if you are cold, so is your dog. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Flea Prevention Saves Money
Leann, I agree completely. I keep my indoor dogs on Frontline all year, along with their heartworm preventative. No worries here, it is called peace of mind! Also, I know my two indoor cats are protected from fleas since the dogs are treated. Money in the bank...


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Lemon Air Freshener
Thank you! Ill do this on a regular basis, what a great idea! Jennifer


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Sweeten The Air With Herbs And Spices
Oooo, another great tip! Thank you! Jennifer


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Kitten Flea Bath
Have you throught about Advantage? I buy it online for my (indoor) dogs and keep them on it all year. They cannot then bring fleas into my indoor kitties. I think Advantage would be less traumatic than a bath with dishwashing soap. Jennifer


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Cat Peeing In Kids Room?
Are the litter boxes kept clean?


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Picking a Puppy
I adopt rescue Dobies, two of which were servely abused and they turned out to be sweet lap dogs. I dont know what the hand has to do with it. One was a female, abused for 8 years, she came to me and gave me 7 more years of her precious life. Shelters and the...


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Self Cleaning Oven Tip
Thank you Lynn! This is a great tip! It never crossed my mind to do this, but I know how expensive it is to clean my electric oven. Jennifer


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Keeping Mashed Potatoes Hot
Hi Betty, I did this last year at Thanksgiving and Christmas and it does work. I must say I have one of the older Rival Crockpots, I have heard the newer ones cook too hot. I boiled the potatoes, put them through the ricer, whipped with the electic mixer, added...


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Cloves and Oranges as Thanksgiving Decoration
Jennifer and Guest, thank you! I had forgotten about this. What a wonderful addition to my fall decorating! Jennifer



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Holiday Fire Starters
Use only black and white newspaper pages to burn, as magazines or any paper treated with color can create a buildup in the chimney which causes realtime fires in the chimney. Jennifer


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Target and the Salvation Army
Thank you for the information. Targart will not be on my list of stores for this reason. No matter how many different stores I visit in one day, I always put a couple of dollars in each Salvation Army Bell Ringer station. They do such good work, put everything...


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Keep Your Toothbrush Germ Free
Thank you Syd, Editor and Jessie! I think the peroxide would be easier for me. lol


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My New Puppy Has Bugs?
Take the puppy to the Doctor right away. Dont spray him with anything unless it is given by the Vet. He is uncomfortable and needs relief. Why dont you adopt from the Humane Society? The dogs and cats which are available are healthy, usually altered (if old...


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My New Puppy Has Bugs?
Linda, thank you for pointing this out. His age...that puppy mill should be shut down. Jennifer


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Keeping Clasps on Dog Chains From Freezing?
How about walking them? Jennifer


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Solutions For Shedding?
It sounds like you should take the dog to the Vet. Jennifer


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Mexican Cheese Squares
Thank you, Anna! They sound perfect for entertaining, a welcome addition to the other appetizers! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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De-icing Salts and Antifreeze Are Dangerous To Pets
You can purchase de-icing at Petsmart which is safe for pets. Special Teacher, that is not true about Swiffer. See: Hope this is helpful. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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How to Get Peace Lily to Bloom?
I let mine show the first signs of drooping then I water and it blooms all year. I feed every three months so so. Jennifer


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Encouraging A Blind Cat To Be More Active?
Will she go for a walk on a leash and harness around your yard? It might be too late as normally you must get a small kitten used to this. My kitties love to play with a ball in the bath tub. The ball rolls back to them and they swat it again. You also might...


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Crockpot Chicken Cordon Bleu
Hi Cynthia, Does the cheese run out when they are stood on end? Thanks, Jennifer



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Make Frozen Sandwiches for Lunches
Thank you Robin, this is an excellent idea! Thanks for posting and for the ideas as what to fix :-) Jennifer


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Follow Garlic With Some Parsley
Another great idea from Joesgirl! Thanks! Jennifer


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Helping A Frozen Rosemary Bush?
Jenny, it sounds like your rosemary plant will be okay. I would cut it back. Mine does beautifully in the kitchen until I can set it back out in the spring. Enjoy your plant! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Will My Cats Catch The Mice?
Julie, call an exterminator, there is a place where they are coming into your home and they will seal it and you will have no further problems. I had the same problem a couple of years ago and the company found where they were digging near the foundation and...


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Does Putting Batteries In The Freezer Extend Their Life?
Hi Mary, I read recently that putting them in the freezer or refrigerator does not extend their life, however, I still do that. lol Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Company Potatoes
Thanks, Robin! The perfect dish to make with a pork roast which I will cook this weekend. I have garlic chives wintering in my kitchen - perfect! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Wrinkles Out of a Leather Purse?
I would take the purse to a shoe repair, one who works with fine leather.


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What is this Minuscule Fuzzy Pest?
You need to phone an exterminator pronto.


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Agressive Lab?
I would consult the vet before doing any behavior training. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Teff - A One-Horse-Powered Lawnmower
How adorable!!!!!!! I love the picture and the story, please tell us more :-) Jennifer Northern Virginia


Winter Storm
That is quite a story, thank you for sharing! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Beauty Washcloths
I use those, thank you for the tip, I will try it. Jennifer Northern Virginia



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Soap for Fleas
Thank you Fran! I prevent any any fleas whatsoever by keeping my dogs on Frontline all year long, but your post is very interesting. Thank you for posting! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Help with Stray Cats?
Call you local rescue groups and ask them to pick the poor cats up. They are in need of medical care then they will be put up for adoption. It is inhumane to force a cat to go outdoors, these kitties will be better off in a loving family. Jennifer Northern...


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Ice Scraper Ideas
I am afraid to scratch the window. I let the car defrost the window and then use the ice scraper from CVS. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Using Cloth Placemats and Napkins
Hi Jayne, That is exactly what I do! I also change my placemats, etc., with the seasons. Right now I have my fall things out. I also decorate the table with pumpkins and fall flowers. Another thing I do is use my sterling flatware for every day use. Why save...


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Tips for Cleaning Your Car's Interior?
Thank you, Melanie! Jennifer


turkeys in the snow

Wild Turkeys - Backyard Wildlife
Awesome! Thank you for sharing!!!!! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Zena (German Shepherd)
She is beautiful, and a very lucky girl. Bless your heart. Jennifer


girl with chicken

I Love You Chickie!
What a sweet story, MissyD. Thank you so much for sharing. Jennifer Alexandria, Va.


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Rottweiler With Health Problems?
There is no choice but to take her to the Vet or the local animal shelter. We, if we choose to be pet owners, have a responsibility to humanely care for them. Not seeking medical care is animal cruelty and in some cases can result in a fine or jail time. You...


Masan (German Shepherd?) The Protector
What a sweet baby, thank you so much for posting! Jennifer Northern Virginia


ChiChi (Jack Russell Terrier/Dachsund)

ChiChi (Jack Russell Terrier/Dachsund)
Joyce, thank you so much for sharing with us. She is adorable. You are blessed to have found each other! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Marigolds for Aphids
Thank you for the advice! Would this work with tomato plants also? Jennifer Alexandria, Virginia


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Black Olive Mayonnaise
Thank you, Vicki! This sounds awesome and I for sure will make a container! Jennifer Alexandria, VA


Mya and Max, two housecats.

Kitty Litter Tip
Melissa, They are absolutely precious. Thank you for sharing their picture! Jennifer Alexandria, VA


Sasha (Mini Dachshund)

Sasha (Mini Dachshund)
Hi Darci, Sasha is precious! I can see how she was won your heart .... she has mine also! Thank you so much for posting her picture! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Doe and fawn in garden.

Our New Neighbors (Doe and Fawn)
Sherry, Thank you so much for posting the pictures, Mom and baby are adorable. Lucky you to be so near them. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Dogs Barking While In Kennel?
Betty, I have large kennels in my home. When the dogs were new, they would get cheese, etc., if they went in the kennel. Also, in the kennel was a thick comfy bed and several baby quilts, with toys, etc. It was never a problem ... and if they had barked the...


The Hungry Squirrel
Harlean, what a funny guy! I feed the squirrels along with the birds ... they are so entertaining! I love the picture! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Air Conditioner Tips
I have central air with the outside compressor. When I tried running the fan nonstop, it didnt seem the house was as cool as before? I dont know ... but that is why I switched back to the off and on cycles. Thanks! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Where Can I Forward Scam Emails?
In addition, you can forward them to spamcop who will send notification to their ISP. At work I must receive 10 emails a day from phoney ebay and paypal sites ... these are forwarded to and Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Air Conditioner Tips
Thank you for posting the information, Jim! Wow, that is good to know. My a/c contracter confirmed what you said and by the way, the house IS cooler with the off and on set. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Use For Leftover Meat Loaf
My favorite is a fried meatloaf sandwich. YUM! Jennifer


Loudy the Cat
What a touching story, Loudy is a beauty and the two of you were meant to be together. How thrilled she must be to have a wonderful home now. Thank you so much for sharing this. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Cat Chairs - Bunnie and TC
They are adorable! I should get chairs like that for my kitties :-) Thank you so much for sharing your pictures. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Freezer Disaster?
Oh my, Janice I can only imagine. Phone your insurance company, hopefully this disaster is covered and you may new new carpeting. They can recommend a professional cleaning company to take care of the rest. Good luck .... Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Caring for Nice Shoes
I drive with my dress shoes on but have always placed a thick towel on the car mat and the heels never get scuffed. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Adopting Older Cats
I have always adopted older cats and dogs, they make a wonderful addition to the family. Another bonus is they are already neutered or spayed. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Getting Rid of Chirping Birds?
I agree completely with areadingiggits. Well said. I feel blessed that they will nest in my trees. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Normandy the Sitting Cat
Lori, she is precious! I love the way she sits, one of mine did that and it always made me laugh. Thank you so much for posting her picture! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Gus In The Flowers
Ambi, he is a twin to my Coby! Pretty babies! I found Coby when he was around 2 months old ... now he looks just like Gus! Thank you for sharing, what a great picture you took! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Grilling Hamburgers (Burgers)?
I use either ground chuck or ground sirloin and cook on a charcoal grill. When making the patties, I put a chunk of butter in the center and they turn out so juicy! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Bird sitting on computer table.

Duncan (Australian Galah)
Ohmygosh Trish! He is precious and your story about him is hilarious! I hope this will be a regular posting, the latest about Duncan! Have you thought about writing a childrens book about your adventures? Thank you for sharing Duncans story! Jennifer Northern...


Isabelle (Long Haired Tabby)
Leah, What a pretty baby, I love her face. Happy kitty! Thank you for sharing. Jennifer Northern Virginia



Jim, Bless your heart for saving this little guy. He is absolutely precious and I know he will give you back three-fold in amusement and love. Thank you for sharing Squeakers picture (sooo pretty) and story. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Tips for Adopting a New Pet
All of my dogs and cats have been from rescue. The first thing I do on adoption day is to make an appointment for a complete physical with my Veterinarian. If they need any treatment, meds, I can start them right away. My dogs live indoors but I keep them on...


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July Best Buys
Terri, Thank you!!!!!!! Jennifer Northern Virginia


My New Friends - Brie and Tissy
Hi Nichole, Brie and Tissy are beautiful! I love their sweet faces too :-) All of us will pray for your strength, I am so sorry... Having companion pets in our lives certainly help us in the healing process. God Bless you. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Wrapping Your Hot Water Heater?
Hi Lori, I have heard the same but would be curious if someone who knows for sure will reply. I think they sell the blankets at Home Depot, Lowes, etc. Jennifer Northern Virginia (where it gets COLD) lol


Sissy Cat

Sissy (Cat)
Sissy is adorable, and what a perfect background for her picture! lol Dont they love to be comfy? She must be a delight and I know a wonderful addition to your home. Thank you so much for sharing! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Add Vinegar to Dishwater
Hi everyone, I also ran out of Jet Dry and remembered reading where white vinegar will work. From then on I have added the white vinegar to all loads and the dishes and glasses are spotless. I wish I had known about this years ago! Thanks, Jennifer Northern...


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Puppy With Stomach Problems?
I would take her to the Veterinarian ASAP. (b)4 weeks is too young to be away from her mother.(/b) My dogs (Dobies) drink milk twice a day, they are adult though. They are given only organic whole and they have never had a problem. I would never try to care...


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My Neighbors are Placing Dog Poop In My Yard?
Hi Debbie, I agree with your advice, but if I may be so bold, all of my dogs have come from Doberman Rescue. They are all too often stereotyped as being outdoor watch dogs and that is not fair to the breed. Mine have come to me after being tossed away and abused...


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My Neighbors are Placing Dog Poop In My Yard?
Kill an innocent animal? Good grief. Arent there leash laws?


standing head to head

African Gray Parrots
They are adorable! Thank you for sharing. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Angel (Rescued Cat)
Oh Teresa, he is beautiful and Im sure quite the handsome boy now! All of my kitties and dogs have either come from rescue leagues, or in the case of the kitties, Ive found them as you did Angel. In my opinion rescues make the best companion pets, they are...


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Adopting Pets
Bev, I could not agree more. All of my dogs have been either been seized by the humane society or tossed away like trash by their owners, Ive adopted an 8 year and a 10 1/2 year old ... they make the BEST pets imaginable. Keep up the good work! Jennifer Northern...


Oh my gosh, he is PRECIOUS! What a lucky twist of fate for these kitties. Bless your heart, what a happy ending to what could have been a sad fate for him. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Adopting a Blind Kitten?
Irish, what a lucky kitten. This little one will be fine, ask your Vet for advice, but on instinct I would imagine placing the baby in your bedroom with the litter and food ... and give it plenty of attention. Please let us know how the little one is doing...


Molly (Dusky Conure) and Sammy (Sun Conure)
ADORABLE .... they must be so much fun! Thank you for sharing their story and picture. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Tricolor wire haired dog lying on floor.

RJ (Beagle Mix)
It is amazing how our precious pets respond to love and good vet care. Bless his heart. RJ is adorable and he does look like a little ham! He and the kitties must be adorable together. Thank you for sharing!!! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Tiger laying in the grass next to a hosta plant.

Tiger (Orange Tabby)
Tiger is so cute! My husband was allergic to cats when we married and I had five who lived indoors. His allergist came up with the right medication and he had no problems after that. About a year later, he needed no allergy pills! Thank you for sharing Tigers...


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Keeping Pets Healthy
I have rescued, indoor dogs. They are on Frontline and Heartworm 12 months. My Vet sends reminders for shots, but for baths, I do not agree with once a week. This should be done with respect to the breed and their environment. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Cat with neck ruff.

Max (Maine Coon/Persian)
Ohhhh, Max is a love! What a sweet face! Both of you have been blessed to have found each other. Thank you so much for sharing his story ... and picture!!!!! Arent rescue pets the best!!??? Jennifer Northern Virginia


Gracie (Collie/Shepherd) Tigtig (cat)
Terry Lynn, thank you so much for posting this. It reminds me of how my little (rescued) kitten adored my 112 lb. dog, the kitty would sleep on top of him ... both on my bed. LOL .... what a heartwarming story. Jennifer Alexandria, Virginia


Tiger Helping with the Halloween Decorating
PRECIOUS!!!!! This has to be my favorite fall picture, thank you Donna! Jennifer Alexandria, VA


A black cat that enjoys being walked on a leash.

Walking Your Cat With a Leash
Hi Barbara, My Mom has always taken her cats on a walk ... with a harness and leash! Unfortunately my kitties (rescue) have come to me as adults and too late to leash train. They love looking out the windows though. If I ever find a kitten, he/she will be leash...


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Tape Worm Remedies for Dogs?
Take that puppy to a Vet. Worms will kill him and so might over the counter treatments. Phone your animal shelter ASAP. Jennifer Northern Virginia


cat in flower pot

A New Kind of Plant
What a precious picture, and oh pretty baby! Thank you for sharing! Jennifer Alexandria, VA


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Using a Chimney Balloon (Chimney Pillow)?
Thank you kcsak! Im ordering three! Jennifer Alexandria, VA


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Cigarette Smoke Stains on Cabinets?
Mr. Clean sponges will take off the stains (from painted surfaces) .. and I imagine something like Turtle wax would restore the shine. The sponges are for all surface dirt on woodwork, they are great! Jennifer Alexandria, VA


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Cat Won't Use Catit Drinking Fountain?
Removing his water is VERY dangerous. Just be patient .... Jennifer Alexandria, VA


So Much for Keeping Them Out of the Tree
This looks like my house! LOL Tina, you should use this for your Christmas cards! Such a cute, festive picture! Thank you for sharing. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Frankie the Glamour Kitty
What a ham! I love the picture ... !!!!!! It is true, kitties are wonderful and soooo entertaining :-) Thanks! Jennifer Alexandria, Va.


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Pomeranian with Itchy Skin?
My indoor Dobies had the same problem until I switched them to Science Diet Sensitive Skin Formula. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Wiggles Lory (Lory Parrot)
How sweet! Thank you so much for sharing He is precious! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Thumper (California King Rabbit)

Thumper (California King Rabbit)
Nancy, Thumper is precious. I know Micaela loves him as much as he loves her. Thank you for sharing your story! Jennifer Alexndria, Va


Angela, the mutual love will be with you forever. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Feeding Pets Vegetable Scraps
I agree, fruits, veggies and meat are a good supplement in addition to a quality dog food. But scraps? I give my dogs the same food I cook for myself. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Saving Money on Pet Food
I agree completely. I only feed my two rescue Dobies quality food (Science Diet) and. It is not only better for their health, but cuts down on the clean up. Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Feeding Pets Vegetable Scraps
Grapes cause seizures in dogs and liver or kidney failure. It is very dangerous to feed them. I urge everyone to go to the ASPCA website, poison control center and make sure you are not poisoning your dogs and cats. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Dukane with Yorkie.

Dukane (Doberman)
Dukane is adorable! Thank you so much for posting the pictures. Peggy, all of my DoberKids have been from rescue, you might want to consider that route when you get your next lap dog :-) Jennifer Northern Virginia


Baby (Tuxedo Cat)

Baby (Tuxedo Cat)
Eric, she is adorable, and looks like she just finished a round of chasing the wind up toy! Rescue pets are wonderful. You will have many years of happiness with her. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Peanut and Star
Oh, how cute they are snuggling together. They are adorable, dont they look warm and cozy!!! Jennifer Northern Virginia


He is precious! Thank you :-) Jennifer Northern Virginia


Changing Dog Food

Changing Your Dog's Food
Bless her heart, what a sweet pup. Diamond premium dog food killed a lot of dogs, was she on that? I am so happy your vet was able to save her. All of my rescue dogs are fed Science Diet, they thrive on it. Thank you for posting her picture and sharing your...


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Flowers for a Pick-Me-Up
That is an excellent idea! Thank you! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Renting Cars for Long Trips

Renting Cars for Long Trips
I drive DC to Atlanta twice a year. I always drive my own car, much less expensive than a rental. Plus, I like driving my own cars. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Ms. Jewel (Calico)
Linda Sue, these pictures are absolutely precious. What a love-bug you have, and she is a real charmer. Rescue babies are the best, she is so happy to be with you. Thanks for sharing her! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Paying Attention to Hints from Your Rescued Pet
I agree Diana, sometimes it takes patience and a lot of love to bring these precious pets around. All of my dogs and kitties are from rescue, and I have no idea of their backgrounds when I sign the papers. They are well worth any little quirks they might have...


Hairy the Cat
Karen, he is adorable. What a pretty boy he is! Pure snugglebunny! Jennifer Northern Virginia


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Pre Chopping and Preparing Onions
ronsan that is an excellent idea. I too dislike chopping onions and have a dozen or so different onion chopping gizmos. I dont grow onions but should set a day after a trip to the Farmers Market and freeze them as you do. On occasion I will buy the already...


Black and tan Doberman.

Kohl - Doberman Pincher
Kohl is a beautiful baby! I know how he has captured your heart. I have been adopting rescue Dobies since the 1980s and they all have been big ole over grown kittens. Arent they comical? I know he is a love bug also. Thank you so much for sharing his picture...


Peep aka "My Lion"
I echo the heartfelt message from Joan. Do NOT abandon this precious baby. If it is not within your heart to relocate him, call the local shelter or your nearest PetSmart. Please keep us updated. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Sabrina - Cat
Lee, Sabrina is precious and arent they comforting? Thank you for sharing your story. God Bless. Jennife Northern Virginia


Cat with paw on cabinet knob.

Aayla is a beautiful girl, and so smart! Thank you so much for sharing her story with us. I have adopted only rescue kitties and dogs, they are so thankful to have good homes and the love they give us in return is never ending. Jennifer Northern Virginia


A raccoon looking straight ahead at night.

Zorro (Raccoon)
Barbara, what a hartwarming story. I am so envious, she is precious and so lucky to have you and your family to watch over her. Does she like grapes? I can only imagine how cute those babies are! Thank you SO much for sharing her story and picture. Jennifer...


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More Life from Batteries
I do the same with mine - twist them around! Jennifer Northern Virginia


Destiny as a Comfort

Destiny Being There to Comfort Me
You can never post too many pictures of Destiny. She is so pretty, and yes they do know when we are in need of comfort. How wonderful it is that you have each other. Thank you for sharing. Jennifer Northern Virginia


puppies awaiting adoption at shelter

Adopting a Shelter Pet
I will always open my home and heart to a shelter dog or cat. They have been wonderful companion pets and so appreciative of a home and family. Jennifer Northern Virginia


Elsa and Cleo (Rottweiler and Cat)

Elsa and Cleo (Rottweiler and Cat)
How sweet, what a cute story. They are precious together, thank you so much for sending the picture! Jennifer Northern Virgiinia


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