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2 Posts | 158 Comments | Active Since 2006
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Cutting Meat
Just a note on this subject, 5 mins is not really enough time in the meat juice department especially if you are cooking and carving a large roast of meat (turkey, pork, beef, lamb, chicken) A good sized roast should rest for at least 15 to 20 mins before carving...


Pictures On Large Wall

Use Molding To Frame Pictures On Large Walls
Looks Fab! Great ideas and very chic!


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Hat Theme Party?
Bonnet cake design came to mind> Use two sizes of round cake pans One large One medium The medium cake would sit on top of the large cake Not centered, but right off to the edge. The med cake would become the face > the large cake would then look like the brim...


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Flowers and Herbs for My Patio?
Herbs > sage, parsley, rosemary, thyme, basil Flowers > impatients, petunias, asparagas fern, alysyum, marigolds If youre a newby gardener, these are fool proof. Do yourself a favor, use Miracle Grow potting soil, the results are amazing, and worth the few...


What I Want for Christmas
No worries, your two front teeth will be well in for Christmas, just remember, brush twice a day, especially before bed, and floss, floss, floss. Ignore your teeth and they will go away.....usually one at a time. :0)


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Gray Marks on a Porcelain Sink?
I use Electrosol liquid dishwasher detergent. It completely removes all stains and deodorizes the sink. My sink is white composite material, and comes up like new every time.


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Grass Stains on Denim?
There is a soap called ASTONISH that we can get in Canada that is fantastic on grass stains. In the UK it is called VANISH. Also, Oxyclean is great, as well as SUNLIGHT dishwasher detergent. With the Sunlight you have to apply it to the stained area, let it...


What do I do after tulips have flowered?
When the flowers have done.....cut off their heads about 2 inches below where the head started. Allow the foilage to brown off> this is what nurishes the bulb for next season. Thats about it really. This is a pretty general rule of thumb for bulbs. They all...


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Making a Door Stop?
You will need: An empty 1lb coffee can with removable lid A gift bag tall enough to house a 1lb coffee can Tissue paper to match the gift bag Duct tape Take the coffee can Fill with sand, unused kitty litter, or stones Replace the lid Seal lid with duct tape...


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Making a Door Stop?
Woops....I didnt read the previous posts....seems the giftbag doorstop is popular......have fun with whatever you do....


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The Leaves of My Plant Turning are Yellow?
Too much watering...let the soil dry, remove any yellow leaves....and also, if the plant pot is sitting in a dish or a plant pot cover, remove it. Make sure the drain holes in the plants pot are actually draining properly, let the plant sit and dry out naturally...


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Anytime Fruit Cake
Just wanted to check.....there are no eggs or flour in this cake...? Im going to give it a try, I just wanted to check this was correct before I do. My husband loves fruitcake.......



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When is the best time to transplant Lilac Bushes?
Lilacs are very hardy. Best to wait until after it has flowered and finished. When digging it up, try to leave a good ball of soil around the roots of the lilac, and make sure the new hole is roomy enough to place it in. When you have backfilled the hole, healed...


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Flat Ground Cover?
Periwinkle (Vinca) it is very vigorous, looks atractive, and you cannot kill it! Works in full sun equally as well in full shade....good luck.


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Slow Growing Flower?
The Wave all summer, no deadheading required, will spread out, but not grow tall and leggy like a normal petunia...excellent in your zone....I think youll be happy with this plant for infront of the Headstone....bye


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Carnation Evaporated Milk Cake Recipe?
Smith Island Cake. Google the recipe. I think it may be the one you are looking for. Good Luck


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Recipes Using Jennie-O Frozen Turkey Patties?
Ground up, you could use them in tacos, to replace the burger meat. Good Luck


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Alternative Adult Incontinence Pads?
When my sister was a baby, my mother used terry cloth diapers and a diaper liner that was made from pure wool. It was a rectangle shaped liner, and not only did it draw the moisture away from the skin, the lanolin in the wool kept my sisters little bottom blemish...


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Alternative Adult Incontinence Pads?
Hi again, I just located a website called They have a product called STAY DRY LINERS I think this will be a great help to your friend in their your current situation They are a completely washable that would keep a persons sensetive skin...


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Cleaning a Gas Oven?
I have had a gas oven for about 17 years, I have always used a spray foam oven cleaner, and I have had no difficulties. Hey, I work in Georgetown, Ontario!! Small world! Good Luck!


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Cooking Pancakes?
Mine brown everytime, I use the butter non-stick spray, plus make sure you have the pan hot enough before you put in the batter. Good luck!


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Saving Money on Wedding Photography?
Try your local college or school of art, see if they have a photography student who might like to try their hand at wedding photography. You know starving students, money is money and they probably will charge a very reasonable fee if you throw in a meal for...


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Spot Cleaner for Carpet?
I use a face cloth, and a bowl with luke warm water. Wet the face cloth, then wring it out, and gentley rub the spot. Once the spot is removed, gentley dry the spot with a clean, dry face cloth. (I say face cloth, but anything that is terry-toweling I think...


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Recipes Using Chicken Quarters?
I have the easiest crockpot/slowcooker recipe Crockpot Pulled Chicken/Pork It works as easily for chicken as it does for pork: Ingredients: Chicken quarters/thighs/drumettes Mesquite BBQ sauce (1 reg size bottle) 2 Large onions (whatever kind you like) 1/4...



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Buying Starch in Mississauga, Ontario?
You might try asking your local dry cleaners.....they must have an idea of where to find non-aerosol starch...Good Luck


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What type of roller do I use for melamine paint?
A small (3 long) dense foam roller. They ususally come in a pack of 3 or more. They are sold in places like Wallymart, K-mart, Building Box, Home Depot, general hardware stores & specialty paint stores. They give a remarkable finish.


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Wedding Appetizers?
I would suggest an assortment of crackers, cheeses, cream cheese spreads, vegetable dips, fresh, raw vegetables, mild & medium salsa, red pepper jellies, and an assortment of fresh fruits & berries. Divide your presentation platters into 5 types Fruits & Cheeses...


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Finding Soft Bandanas?
I got some lovely bandanas from our local dollar store. My Girls used them as head scarves. However, if yours are too stiff, you might try a very old fashioned laundry method - boiling them. Yes, boiling them. In a pot on the stove, heat up a pot of water to...


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Sunflowers For My Wedding?
I have to agree with CJ & Busy, I wouldnt rely on chance for something so important to your wedding day..... check out your florists and farmers market vendors. Have a wonderful day and all the best for your future.


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Removing Chewing Gum from Concrete?
Try Goo Gone > great product, it will work.


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14 Month Old Crying for No Reason?
Sounds like tummy trouble......definitely a trip to the doctors. She may be swallowing too much air when she is drinking & eating. Try cutting her food into much smaller pieces and see if she will drink thru a straw. And if she is a mouth breather (watch her...


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Sunken Eyes from Wearing Glasses?
I would sincerely have your eyes checked before you and go see your MD afterwards. I do not believe sunk eyes come from wearing eyeglasses for any length of time, or there would be billions of people with sunken eyes, all over the world because of it. Perhaps...


Mini Rose Bush
They are beautiful....thanks for sharing!


William at the Church Nursery
Hes a real handsome little sailor!! No mistaking hes a boy thats for sure!! Thanks for sharing :0)


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Mrs. Dash Sauce Substitute?
Hi there Down Under! Ok, Mrs. Dash has a website, the sauces advertized are marinades > 6 varieties. Check them out.....they seem to be a combination of a number of herbs & spices, vinegars, veggie/meat stock, and some have tomatoe sauce in them. If you want...


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Easiest Ice Cream Cake You Will Ever Make
I am for sure going to try this cake.....sounds absolutely delicious!! My mouth keeps watering when I read the recipe!! thanks for sharing!



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Recipes Using Condensed Milk?
try the Eagle Brand website...they have lots of recipes Good luck


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Pen Stains on Mobile Phone?
Hairspray > spray onto a tissue and wipe the inky areas > should come off easily. Might take a couple of trys...Good Luck


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Science Projects For Preschoolers?
Grow a Carrot Forest Cut the tops off some carrots (unpeeled) Place a tissue folded, onto a saucer or plate Wet the tissue (note** tissue should be watered daily & kept moist at all times) Place the carrot tops on to the tissue Put the saucer in a sunny window...


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Searching For Surname "Tolley"?
I know some people last name Tolley > they live in Georgetown, Ontario, Canada. I believe they are from the UK. Check the website for their phone number. Good luck


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10 Year Old With A "Fresh" Mouth?
If your 10 year old is using inappropriate language the first thing I would ask is where are they hearing these words, especially if they are not used in your home. You might try the following: Demerit System Everytime he/she uses an inappropriate word they...


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Lemon Meringue Chicken?
The recipe is for Lemon Chicken and you can find it on It is just what you find in the Chinese restaurants. Good Luck.


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Removing Yellow Stains from Antique Crocheted Tablecloth?
A teaspoon of YELLOW OUT in a bucket of cold water.....the stains will be gone.


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Dog Became Aggressive After Having Puppies?
This happened to my Pom after she gave birth and at about the 6 week mark. I was told by my vet that it was the dogs way of weaning the pups and that I should be introducing them to puppy food...I would check with your vet for sure, your dog may be hormonally...


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Dog Became Aggressive After Having Puppies?
P.S....I am not telling you what to do with your animals, but you might just think to have them spayed or neutered before they are old enough to breed.....puppies are cute....for a while....however, dogs in the pound are sad without hope for the most


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What Do You Need For A Wedding?
All the Very Best to You Both: Here are some simple tips A note book to start your Lists: HAVE A BUDGET that you Both agree on and try to stick to it. Whatever you do, speak to, call - record the date, time, and who you spoke to & above all GET EVERYTHING IN...


Yellow and white dog.

What Breed Is My Dog? (Boxer Mix)
Yep, I have to say Lab Frontend Boxer Backend. You have a real winner, and years of loving and being loved. Both breeds are very devoted, protective and very much part of the Family. Enjoy!


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Rag Rug Won't Lay Flat?
You might try steam ironing it. Mist lightly with water, then place a towel underneath and iron it directly on the floor.


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Minced Garlic vs. Fresh?
Hi, I have been using the jarred minced garlic for a few years. It works just as well as the fresh to be perfectly honest. There is not mess, fuss or cleanup! I think it is great, and you get way more from a jar than you do for the same moneys worth of fresh...


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Minced Garlic vs. Fresh?
Oh, sorry, I missed this bit. I keep mine in the fridge after opening. I dont think it would go off as it is preserved in olive oil. :0)


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Well Water Making Laundry Smell Bad?
Wash towels in the hottest water possible. Add Baking soda in the wash water - 1 cup. Vinegar in the rinse water - 1 cup. Good Luck


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Windows Stained by a Vaporizer?
Vinegar & Newspaper - mix 1 part vinegar with 1 part water into a spray bottle. Spray the effected area, leave for a minute then wipe dry with a sheet of newspaper. You may have to repeat this several times, if the residue has been there for some time, but...


What Breed Is My Dog? (German Shepherd Mix)
Looks like an Alsation (German Shepherd type dog - just smaller - I think!) it could possibly have some lab in it. Regardless, hes a beauty....and obviously well loved!


Garden: Anita's Flowers
The combination of colours is spectacular! You have every right to be proud as punch! Job well done!


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Removing Algae From Patio Bricks?
Mix 1 cup of household bleach with half gallon of water. Using a very stiff sweeping brush, start scrubbing the area with the water/bleach mixture. It will take a little elbow grease, but it will do the job


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Losing A Feline Friend?
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. All I can tell you is that Clara was obviously well loved, and had a good life with owners who really cared for her. When my Daughters cat, Patches, died, she was devastated. My daughter was 22, Patches was 15, she cried...


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Semi-Permanent Room Divider?
You might try the ReUseIt Store. (Habitat for Humanity program) for a few doors and some hinges - hinge the doors together like a screen - secure to the wall with anchored eyelet screws at the top and bottom of the wall and the hooks at the top and bottom of...


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Painting Dark Wood White?
Kilz and a really good paint brush. Those sponge ones are ok for very limited projects, but not for the type of coverage you are seeking on the chairs. The quality of the job you do depends entirely on the quality of the tools you use.


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Removing Stains On Silverware?
Toothpaste, NOT THE GEL KIND, regular old white toothpaste. Works like a charm. Rub silverware gently with a small amount of toothpaste on a damp cloth. Rinse with warm water. Buff with a clean soft cloth. It is that simple. And it is very inexpensive. If you...


Saving Money on Milk

Saving Money on Milk
Buying directly from a farmer would only be ok if the milk has been pasturized.......and I dont think they do that on the farm.....check into health problems associated with unpasturized milk, especially for young children.


Saving Money on Milk

Saving Money on Milk
Listeria, E.Coli 0157:H7, salmonella, to name 3 of the disease causing bacteria associated with unpasturized milk or also known as raw milk..... Those at risk: Young Children, The Elderly, Pregnant women, Ill persons, and those with compromised immune systems...


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Piano Smells Like Cigarette Smoke?
I would suggest, if it is at all possible, to keep the room the piano is in well ventilated. Secondly there is a product called RIGHT AWAY ODOR ELIMINATOR. It is sold on line thru places like the Shopping Channel, and it works. Professor Amos Right Away about...


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Weddings Are Too Expensive for Just One Day
Your rings are real. As far as I would be concerned, they are real, real cubic zirconia. So enjoy your life together, dont sweat the small stuff, remember the important stuff, and be kind to each other.


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What Is Catalina Dressing?
The website with the clone recipe for Catalina Dressing is: Just type in Catalina Dressing at the search site, and you will be able to make your own down under. All ingredients are simple and you probably have them in stock already. Good...


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Child Will Not Eat Hamburger Meat?
I would suggest it may be the texture of the hamburger meat that he does not like. I found that if I pureed the meat in a food processor, the texture was far more palateable. I do this for meatloaf, burgers, meatballs, and spagetti /pasta sauce dishes. It may...


Wooden Cabinet Stained My Carpet?
You might try paint thinner/turpintine. Test a small area closest to the wall, perhaps. Wet a white/light coloured cleaning cloth with paint thinner. Gently press the wet cloth on the test spot of carpet. Do not rub , keep wetting and pressing until the stain...


cleaning floor

Black Scuff Eraser
Super Idea.....cant wait to try it!!! Simply Brilliant!!


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Cabinet Color for Terra Cotta Tiled Floors?
Creamy white cabinets would work well. As for the counter top, it would depend on what kind you are getting > laminate , granite, > I would suggest a speckled design, incorporating the terra cotta, creamy white and black. I think it would look quite stunning...


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H2O Mop is Leaking?
The H2O mop has a standard 1 year warranty. It has to be returned to the maker directly. The instructions for this are in the booklet that accompanied the mop. Go to their website, it too has return info on it. Good luck


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Banana Chocolate Muffins
I just read all your about comfort food....I will be trying them all....thanks for sharing


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Not Receiving a Magazine Subscription?
I wonder if you might be able to check with your local post office to see if they would put a hold on all magazines that come in for you, for say 6 weeks. If Country Woman does not appear, you will have proof positive that it is not making it to your post office...


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Keeping Yorkie's Hair Out of It's Face?
I would suggest you clip (very carefully) the mattes. Get her a Furminator comb. They are incredible, and a natural bristle brush. Also, see if there are any animal entangling products for after her bath, that might help keep her hair smooth and easier to groom...


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Keeping Yorkie's Hair Out of It's Face?
Covered elastics can be used to make a bunch between her ears. Also, small hair clips/barrettes. Any $$ store carried a multitude of styles. Both will keep your dogs hair out of her eyes. Good Luck


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Halloween Window Slime Stains on Oak Table?
Mr. Cleans Eraser > GENTLY rub a small area of the stain with the dampened eraser. If it works, dry off the area, see if the results are ok and repeat. I had a permanent marker stain on the top of an ash wood dining table. The eraser worked perfectly, the only...


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Christmas Gifts That Fit in an Envelope?
Depending on how big the envelope is: Tee Shirt Bracelet/necklace/earrings Socks Scarf/gloves/mitts Bookmarks Good Luck


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Recommendations for New Cookware?
I purchased Betty Crocker cookware about 3 years ago. It was a super buy - less than $50 for the set of 4 cooking pots and a fry pan. They have been superior in quality and they are an exceptional weight of stainless steel. If you can find them, they are a...


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Preventing Frequent Dust Build-Up?
I have to agree with Deeli..... get your duct work professionaly cleaned. It makes a world of difference. And here is a great tip for after you have your ducts cleaned..... Cover all the heating vents and cold air intakes with 2 layers of tulle (the fabric...


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Insulating Exterior House Foundation?
Good Morning Manitoba...... This is pioneer insulation. It works and it is inexpensive. Hay bales (rectangular ones). They have very good insulation value (straw bale houses are incredibly well insulated). Set the bales all around the foundation, butted up...


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Removing Wood Glue on Tiles?
Vinyl tiles? Ceramic tiles? Ceramic tiles, try a hand steamer or a H2O mop. The steam should soften the wood glue to the wipe off stage. Vinyl tiles, I am not sure what you could do. Perhaps a hairdryer and a wooden spatula...heat the glue and try to scrape...


In Memory of Baby Ninja (Pug)
Sorry for your loss....may your heart heal over time, and be able to give another animal a good home. Take Care


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"Dressing Up" Canned Cranberry Sauce?
I would suggest adding the following: Grate the zest of -1 lemon -1 orange -1 lime -Mint dried (2tsp) or fresh (4tsp) finely chopped (if you only have dried mint, soak in about 2 tablespoons of the juice of any of the zested fruit, for 30 min & follow the next...


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Cleaning a Borden's Milk Bottle?
Polident denture tablets for cleaning dentures is what an antique dealer I know uses to clean out old bottles. Put 2 tablets into the bottle, add water, leave overnight, empty and rinse. She swears by this cleaning method. Good Luck


What Breed is My Dog?
Looks like a bit of Irish Wolf Hound mixed with?


bumps on horse's forehead

Crusty Bumps on Horse's Face?
This might seem a bit odd of a question. Does she take her feed from a plastic pail/tub? Our cat, Skip was prone to spots on his face, when I took him to the vet, she said not to feed him from plastic bowls, as a type of bacteria formed on the plastic that...


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Scented Christmas Gift Bags
The scented bags & paper have NEVER irritated anyone that has received a gift in them. I would never knowingly give a person sensitive to fragrances a scented gift. The world seems to be full of folk wanting ]to jump on the allergy bandwagon .....this was a...


Rosa The Dog
I had a Pom, she had the same face. I am going to say Rosa has Pom in her for sure. And beauty is in the eye of the Beholder. I think she is lovely. Enjoy her!


Decorate Holiday Cupcakes
Very cute idea.....I could see this used for a cup cake Wedding would be lovely with a wedding themed stick-on....great idea. Thanks for sharing :0)


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Curtain Rods That Swing Open and Closed?
Home Depot here in Canada sells them. Also Fabricland in Canada. You might also try locating a curtain rod manufacturer on the internet. You might be able to order online. Good Luck :0)


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Winterizing Windows?
I have to say the window kits are marvelous. They work well, are inexpensive, and very easy to clean up when winters over. I also think that the Dap tip sounds really good also. Good Luck


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Theme Ideas for a Co-Ed Birthday Party?
Depending on how old you are; Taking a page out of Taylor Swifts Videos of late how about the Shakespeare themed party. Romeo & Juliet Night at The Grammys -music Stars -come as your favorite music star. To base your theme on a TV show, movie, event. It doesnt...


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Color Suggestions for Ceramic Tile?
As the floor will be the largest surface area, its colour will dictate the tone of the kitchen. If you have no plans to sell your home in the next 5 years, I would suggest you purchase something you like very much, something where you can draw an accent colour...


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Color Suggestions for Ceramic Tile?
Oh, just a tip; most flooring stores will loan you largish samples of their tiles/laminates/hardwood, so you can take them home and try them out. Good Luck



Is My Puppy Purebred?
She looks like some kind of pointer. Check out the build of German Pointers. She is very lovely I must say. Whatever she is love her well and enjoy her. Hedera


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Ground Chicken Recipe?
This is a recipe that I made up myself, and it is a total hit with my Family. 1 lb ground chicken Penne pasta -10 cups cooked amount 1 can spiced tomatoes (chopped/diced) 19 oz can 1 can spagetti sauce 19 oz (any kind> herb & garlic is really good) 3/4 cup...


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Removing Poop Odor from Garden?
Remove all poop that is visible. Double dig your garden soil > this should refresh your soil completely, and hence removing the odor. Dust your entire soil area with Cayene pepper powder, then sprinkle with moth ball flakes Do not plant anything for 2 weeks...


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Removing Poop Odor from Garden?
Im sorry, I did not read your posting very well. When I saw garden, I immediately thought > flower beds. Sorry. Salt will kill your grass. I have a friend that has a Poop Pit for her dogs. Its an old kiddie pool she filled with soil in the corner of her garden...


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Gardening With Children?
Easy to Grow Good to Use Herbs - just about any kind Miniature Ornamental Sunflowers Johnny Jump Ups ( mini viola) > lovely in pots Marigolds from seed Mint - many varieties & great in pots Ornamental Cabbage - grow well in pots, and look great through into...


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Orange Juice Stains on Clothing?
The product for yellow stains, and it works like a charm. Yellow out. It will work. Check it out on Google for where you can purchase it in your area. :0) Hedera


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Orange Juice Stains on Clothing?
The product for yellow stains, and it works like a charm. YELLOW OUT It will work. Check it out on Google for where you can purchase it in your area. :0) Hedera


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Orange Juice Stains on Clothing?
I think IRON OUT is made by the same company as YELLOW OUT. TresL, thanks for the laundry tip I am going to try it!


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Sugar is Too Moist?
These are all great tips.


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Puppy is Very Cold?
I believe your puppy has hypothermia. He should have been taken to the vets asap. I sincerely hope that he is on the mend. It would be better to keep him caged indoors next time you are out for the day, with food and water, and a pee pad. Let us all know what...


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Cleaning Laminate Countertops?
I had a friend who polished her counter top regularly with Turtle Wax. I think that any car wax/polish would do the same thing. Her counters were always shiny, streak free, and it gave several years of use to the counter, prior to her doing the big replacement...


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Dusting Ceramic Flowers?
Karyns tip is excellent, and it works well. Baking soda can also be used. Good Luck :0)


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Looking for a Recipe for Rock Candy?
You would need a candy thermometer. It will give you the exact boiling temp of the sugar water combo needed for the mixture to harden. There is a test you can do with water in a cup and you drop little drops of the mixture into it. Sorry I dont remember the...


What Breed is My Dog?
Graciloo, another name for Angel. I hope your new addition brings you much joy. He is lovely and I am so glad he is in a good home now. The world is full of such horror for so many animals. God Bless You


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How Much Fat is in a Pork Loin?
According to the Canadian Pork Producers Council Pork Loin contains a total of 5.17grams of fat in a 3 ounce serving. Of that 1.77grams are saturated fats. Just for the record chicken thigh (skinless) is 9.25 grams of fat in total Of that 2.58 grams are saturated...


Gracie (Domestic Shorthair)
Shes a beauty. Could be the sister of my furry Grandson, Speedle. May Gracie bring you years of companionship and memories. Hedera


handbag cake

Handbag Cake Recipe in Just 1-2-3!
This is one of the most inventive cakes I have seen in a long time. It would suit anyone from kids to grown women. For birthdays or showers, the instructions are uncomplicated, and I cant wait to try it for a bridal shower I am having in August. Thanks for...


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Kitten Isn't Meowing?
It is normal. Kittens have a squeak, which in time turns into a meow. Also, theyre a bit like babies, they will cry when they need something. Good Luck


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Using Swimming Pool Water To Water Plants?
Yes, chlorine will kill them dead. Chlorine is bleach. I suggest you get new plants, and test the soil for any chlorine residue. I would also suggest that you talk to your neighbour about emptying his pool so that it doesnt ruin your garden next year.


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Removing Musty Odor from a Photo Album?
Liberaly sprinkle baby powder between each page. Place a dryer sheet in a brown paper bag Place the album/book inside the bag, close the bag and tape it shut. And store for 1 week in a dry place like on top of the fridge. After a week, remove the album, using...


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Out of This World Cake
Same question. Would like to do this for a Family Party next Saturday. What do you do with the coconut and whipped cream? Thanks, the cake sounds out of this world!


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Use Pewter to Defrost Meats
Thanks for this excellent tip. I have seen those defrosting platters on the infomercials. They cost a fortune, this one wont. I have a pewter platter in my cupboard...woo hoo! Thanks again and Good Luck


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Detergent Too Sudsy?
Add a 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle water. This should do the trick. I also read (cant remember what magazine) that you can double your liquid detergents usage by only using 1/2 the recommended amount per load. Apparently you get just as clean...


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Cleaning a Porcelain Baking Pan?
Elbow grease. Seriously, soak over night in the sink filled hot,hot water, and a dishwasher tab (Electrosol, Cascade). If you dont use a dishwasher tab product, then add 1 cup baking soda and a few squirts of dish detergent. In the morning, take a non-abrasive...


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Cooking Beef Liver?
I have to agree with Miss Angel. My Grandmother used to cook liver in the same way. My favorite liver is lambs liver, which is even more tender than calves liver. Enjoy the above recipe, I know I am going to give it a try with the stewed apples.


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Anniversary Invitation Wording?
You are cordially invited to Celebrate 40th Wedding Anniversary of _______&_______ Black Tie and Formal Dress/Attire RSVP Hope this helps. It is pretty basic, right to the point, and completely non-offensive. If anyone does find it offensive, they probably...


Is This a Toad?
Frogs lay eggs in ponds. When they hatch they are tadpoles, then they turn into pollywogs, then they change into frogs. Toads, which your little guy is, dont do the tadpole-pollywog thing, and their offspring look like the little fellow in your hand. Let him...


Painting an Avonite Countertop?
Yes you can. You must follow the preparation steps exactly and an adherent primer/paint is essential. Good Luck, Hedera


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Repurposing an Old Basketball Goal Post With No Backboard?
Find a container suitable for planting annuals in, that fits the basketball hoop. Plant the sides of the container it with annuals that will drape and trail over the sides (Wave Petunias, ivy, trailing lobelia, alysum). Once potted, place the container into...


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Cleaning Dry Erase Boards?
I use a damp cloth with a little spray (on the cloth) of Scrubbin Bubbles with bleach. It works like a charm. The board comes clean as a whistle. I would think that any cleaner with bleach would work. It certainly hasnt hurt my white board, and it comes up...


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Using "Pour On" Epoxy on Painted Countertop?
I was going to say the same thing. Minimum 48 hrs to allow the paint to cure. Also, you could contact the manufacturer and see what they suggest. Good Luck


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Ideas for a Law Enforcement Themed Birthday Party?
My sisters birthday last year was themed Las Vegas. Five of us went as the CSI Forensic team. The most costly items were the Black T shirts (3 for $10 @ Walmart) other than that we got everything else from the local $ store. Iron on letters for the T shirts...


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Bone Loss in Lower Jaw?
Bone Grafting is the only way to restore bone loss in the jaw. Bone loss occurs due to many things> poor dentition, many extractions, genetics, and most commonly gum disease. If you consider bone grafting, seek a reputable oral surgeon or periodontist. It is...


What is This Tool?
LOL. I thought it looked like a shoe stretcher for ladies shoes with pointy toes!


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