
Mary Lou

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14 Posts | 766 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Organizing Sewing Notions
I do something similar for my ribbons and trims as the cardboard idea except I use scraps of plastic canvas with notches cut in each short end of the square or rectangle to hold the ends of the trim.


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Many Uses For Terry Cloth Dish Towels
Since I am a sloppy hand dishwasher and cook, I sewed terry dishtowels to the front of my bib aprons at the waist. Now I dont get a wet tummy from leaning into the sink when washing dishes and I have a handy towel to wipe hands on when cooking or baking. When...


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Peanut Butter Tandy Cakes
Since the peanut butter is in the topping, to sub chocolate for it, u may have to add some butter or oil to it, since the peanut butter would make the topping spreadable. If you do add coconut to the batter, dont make it sweetened as you would have to reduce...


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Chocolate Walnut Biscotti
Love biscotti and have so many recipes to try, but not this one!


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Starting a Leaf Collection?
Just pressing the leaf in a heavy book will not help the leafs color or structure last very long. Waxing by pressing between sheets of waxed paper works better. But I would consider coating the leaves, both sides and stem with a couple of coats of plain glycerin...


Cat teapot cozy.

Cat Tea Cozy
This is so cute I was inspired. Im thinking kitten egg cozies. Make a small version of this and cover your hard boiled egg in its cup or a medium version could be used to cover your coffee cup and keep it warm. You might want to use insulated fabric for these...


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Family Reunion Invitations?
How about a tree or better yet a leaf shape and it could say something along the lines of Join us for a climb up our family tree.


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Freezing Uncooked Minute Rice?
Never had any trouble with it myself and often use minute rice. My only advice would be not to keep it frozen too long as I find it gets mushier after a couple of months.


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Crafts for Ages 5 to 8?
Ever heard of a craft magazine for kids called Pack-O-Fun? It is great and if you have access to a used book or magazine store perhaps you can get some used issues. Magazine stores carry it and although you might consider it expensive, it is worth the money...


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Where Can I Get a Coon Cat?
I am sure the breed of cat you are looking for is The Maine Coon Cat. Any good breeder can get you a purebred one or if preferred look up the characteristics of the breed online and look for a shelter cat that has most or all of them.


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Uses for Used Tea Bags?
Are you artistic? There is a website that has art made with coffee grounds. perhaps the same could be done with tea leaves in the bags.


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Restoring Yellowed Laminate Furniture?
There is a spray paint on the market, believe its called Painters Choice that is made specifically for plastics like laminate. Try this, repainting the original color or nows your chance to change the color. Yellowing is usually a result of age and probably...



Uses for Old Watches?
Ive made terrific jewelery from watch pieces, charm like bracelets and necklaces and earrings using the innter workings. Also the glass can be reversed painted and hung in groups as a suncatcher.


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Game Ideas for a Seafood Fry?
How about a race where they have to walk like a crab? Or cut out tissue paper fish and have a race where they have to blow their fish across a table to a finish line on the other end.


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Recipes Using Wheat Germ?
Wheat germ is exactly what it sounds like, the germ or center from a wheat kernal. It is a good source of Vitamin E. Add it to your baking, meatloaf, stews even salads, but toast it first for the last use to make it a little crunchy. Be aware that it can go...


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Storing Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap?
Depending what you put in the homemade laundry soap, might be best to store it in a heavyweight plastic bottle with a lid that commercial laudry soap comes in. Perhaps even vinegar bottles, plastic ones would do as well. Have your family or friends save empties...


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Alternative Punch Bowl Ideas?
You could use assorted glass pitchers instead of bowls. Arrange them in a circle with spouts pointing in and have a small posy style bouquet in a glass vase in the center. As for ideas, try decorating with old photos which can be blown up relatively inexpensively...


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Mother's Day Game Ideas?
How about a bingo style game with M-O-T-H-E-R as the letters instead of the word BINGO. OR gather pictures of famous mothers and have everybody wear one. It will be an ice breaker when you go around and see how many you can name. There is a relay race where...


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UK Equivalent to Club Soda?
you are looking for liquid soda water, plain, carbonated.


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"Time Warp" Centerpieces?
If you could find some old catalogues from the eras you are working with, perhaps you could color copy fashions, appliances with prices and glue to bristol board and cut out. Using styrofoam disks, cut slits to fit each cutout then add a line of glue to each...


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Tree Nut Allergy and Cosmetics?
I know the feeling Terry. Have you thought of making your own? Especially skin care products. That way you know what is in them. I recommend the following book: The Herbal Body Book:A Natural Approach to Healthier Hair, Skin and Nails by Stephanie Torules. You...


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Making Mint Tea From Fresh Mint?
If you do decide to dry the mint leaves in hanging bunches, I would enclose in a paper bag tied loosely around the stems with twine as leaves will drop when they dry out. The bag catches them. I usually mix the dried mint with green or regular tea leaves and...


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Handy Stitch Handheld Sewing Machine Reviews?
I have had two so far, I find the one produced by Singer the better of the two. Be aware that this machine does only what is called a lockstitch, this is not like a regular sewing machine stitch. They usually do not have reverse or backup, so you may have to...


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Sewing a Zipper in a Cushion?
is the cushion one that is ready-made that you just want to be able to remove the cover from or is it one you are making? In the first case, it is kind of difficult to add a zipper to an already put together cushion, depending on its shape. For square or rectangle...



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Mother's Day Favors?
I like the idea of taking foil paper circles and folding them in half and giving them a twist so they look like fortune cookies. Inside put a chocolate kiss and of course a fortune on a strip of paper that relates to mothers eg. Great mothers are made not born...


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Antarctican Finger Food?
I am pretty sure the Antartic has Iniut or more commonly Eskimo inhabitants, although perhaps not many. So stuff like smoked salmon, pemmican (dried meat ground up with berries and formed into cakes or what is sometimes called Inuit candy. They smoke salmon...


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Star Theme Dance?
The easiest way to make stars of all sizes is to cover different weights of cardboard ie cereal box card, posterboard or corragated cardboard that have been cut into stars with foil(heavy if you can get it) You might try making a Walk of Fame style path for...


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Recipes Using Canned Salmon?
This is one of my favourite meal: Salmon Loaf and Scalloped potatoes. They cook at the same temp so it is just a matter of timing each. All together the meal takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes: SAVOURY SALMON LOAF 1/2 c. dry bread crumbs or craker crumbs 2 eggs...


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Drapery Rod Finails Ideas?
Depending an where the draperies are to hang and the decor they need to fit into, there are a lot of ideas in dollar stores. Mini disco balls come to mind, nice and sparkly. You also might consider door knobs from a recycle store, especially glass ones. Even...


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Updating My Bathroom?
Have you seen the decals that you can apply to tiles? They have some nice designs like seashells etc. They scrape off if you want them to later. Paint is the cheapest way to brighten and update. You might want to add a mildew deterrant to the paint if it has...


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Dandelion Wine Recipe?
Heres the one I use, from THE CANADIAN HOMESTEAD COOKBOOK by Jeanne Scargall MAKES: 7 or 8 bottles 1 gallon dandelion flowers 1 gallon boiling water 3 oranges, chopped finely 3 lemons, chopped finely 3 lbs sugar 1 oz. yeast *Pick flowers in the morning when...


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Oil of Cloves?
oil of cloves is usually used for toothache remedy. Try the first aid section of your drug store or perhaps a health food store. Oil of cloves may stain full strength so I would dilute it with water. Is the carpet wool? Again, this could be a problem, shrinkage...


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Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Without Nuts?
Heres an idea for even quicker cookie whip-ups, although they do not have raisins in the mix, you could add them to taste when making up the cookies. OATMEAL COOKIE MIX 5 c. flour 5 c. rolled oats 3 c. sugar 4 tsp baking soda 2 tsp baking powder 2 tsp salt...


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Party for a Science Major?
My first thought was mad scientist. You know, have all sorts of weird concoctions in beakers,try and get some tubing and armatures etc.(or make the armatures with cardboard tubes wrapped in tinfoil) You could even have guests dress as their favourite scientist...


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Why isn't my grass growing?
Be sure that birds JUST LOVE grass seed. It may be that it all got eaten, if you have birds like pigeons etc. around your house. Also am not sure you should have rolled it, it may have crushed the seed.You dont mention if you put any soil over the seed. Usually...


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Using Coal Tar Shampoo?
As a fellow sufferer, I understand your search. I use Neutrogena T-Gel Extra strength. It has a less noticeable coal tar smell.



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Sweetened Whipping Cream Recipe?
Sweetened whipped cream is just what it sounds like. As you whip the cream, add sugar to taste.


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Dress Advice for Renewing Vows?
Any chance you can still fit into your wedding gown? If so, I would wear it, if not, I would at least wear my headress and viel and try to recreate my bouquet. If the gown doesnt fit, perhaps it could be restyled in a more modern way, I would favour making...


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Recipes Using Blueberries?
NO-COOK BLUEBERRY JAM 3 c. crushed blueberries 5 c. sugar 1/4 c. lemon juice 1(1-3/4 oz) pkg of powdered pectin I c. water Measure berries into a bowl. Stir in sugar and lemon juice. Let stand 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Boil pectin and water together...


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Using Liquid Potpourri in Laundry Detergent?
I would be very reluctant to do this! Liquid potpourri is much different from essential oils. Some of its ingredients may be flammable or a skin irritant when used in laundry. If you are reluctant to spend the prices that are usually charged for essential oils...


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Uses for Bath Puff Balls?
Unravel one and add some cotton rope loop handles to each end and voila, a back scrubber.


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Musty Smelling Yarn?
I had that same problem with some acrylic yarn in skeins. I removed the paper bands, saving one for amounts and content as well as washing instructions for finished knitting. Put a rubber band around each skein and put skeins, a few at a time, in a couple of...


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Making a Peg Leg for a Pirate Costume?
Jeffery, I think your best bet would be an old table leg, the kind with the square metal bracket on top. I would glue or screw a plastic tub or bucket, bottom side to the bracket on top for putting your knee in if you want realism, you will have to strap your...


Growing Herbs in Vermiculite?
If the seeds are 3 to 4 years old they could certainly be too old to grow. I have never heard of vermiculite alone being used to grow plants. Usually it is mixed with potting soil or a soiless mix. I dont think vermiculite has enough nutrients to be the sole...


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Good Furnace Filters?
We bought a washable furnace filter for our furnace after breaking the bank with disposable ones for much the same problems as you have. Take the brand name and model of your furnace to a home improvement store like Home Depot or even call the manufacturer...


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Fixing Craft Disaster - Garish Paint?
Sounds like you got an old batch of craft paints. They may be acryclics rather than waterbased general craft paints. I would take some dark brown water based craft paint and add water until it makes a wash-like consistency. Paint it on, leave it for a few seconds...


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Attach Interfacing For Long Lasting Sewing Patterns
I do this too and it is so worth whatever expense is involved, as patterns are often expensive.


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Recipes Using Black Raspberries?
Although is isnt a dessert,have you considered Black Raspberry Vinegar. Here is a heritage recipe that was used as a drink in the 1800s Put any amount of black raspberries in a large bowl or non-aluminum pot. Add white vinegar to just cover the berries, let...


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Antique Theme Curtains?
Look for miniature kitchen themed utensils etc. for dollhouses or shadowboxes at your local department,craft or dollar store. If possible, put a hole in the item with a small drill. Stitch to curtain, at base of tabs or hem of curtains. You could also do kitchen...


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Removing Cloudy Stain From Purell On Wood?
it certainly sounds like something, probably the alcohol in the purell removed the stain from the wood. You can purchase pens of wood stain at paint stores that are meant to be used to correct such problems,if it is solid wood not plastic veneer over fiberboard...


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Ratio Of Flour To Sugar In Cakes?
I am a diabetic, so I have done quite a bit of experimenting with altering the sugar content in quick breads (ie banana bread) especially. For things that have extra sweet ingredients like dried cranberries, bananas, pineapple, I have cut out as much as 3/4...


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Decorations For Firefighter Wedding Rehearsal Dinner?
For those centerpieces: Why not get some dollar store metal buckets and paint them fire engine red or do flames around the bottom going half way up, write in white FIRE in the center and the first names of the happy couple on each one. Fill 3/4 full with sand...


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Ways To Eat Bagels?
I love to slice them thin into at least 4 slices, brush with melted butter or oive oil, sprinkle with different spices from onion powder to cinnamon, put under the broiler until browned, turn over repeat with butter/oil and spices and broil again for bagel...


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How To Make A Bleach Bottle Birdhouse?
Try the Pack-0-Fun website at or Google it. I would think that the best way to add stones and mortar would be airdry gray clay and regular stones. Prepare the outside of the house by sanding in all directions so there will be a tooth for the...


Tinkerbell Birthday Party?
Get sparkly with the basket. Coat it with glue than add sparkle powder. Get a feather boa and glue it around the top edge of the outside. Fill with shredded tissue paper. Fill with small sandwich bags full of cheerios and fruitloop style cereal. I would put...


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Uses for Pencil Stubs?
Sharon has the right idea. I have done picture frames, pencil cups, even magnetic photo frames using short pencils. You can alternated top to bottom for a different effect if you want. Use a good wood glue and sand both the side of the pencil that will be glued...


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Can you make syrup with Splenda?
I wouldnt think so, as simple syrup is just sugar and water cooked until it becomes a syrup and Splenda does not thicken with heating as sugar does. Depending on what you are making the simple syrup for, you could try making syrup with unsweetened apple or...


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Jammed Drive Wheel on a Kenmore Ultra-Stitch 12?
Do you have an owners manual? Check it out! There is usually a diagram with all the parts labelled. Many machines especially older ones, are belt driven. The belt could be stretched or worn. Have u tried contacting Kenmore(Sears) service department by email...


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Window Treatment Ideas For French Doors?
I was fascinated to see something called Wallpaper For Windows at my local paint store. It seems to be like the static cling plastic mentioned by Beth MA. It is frosted in area and has white lines to make a pattern while some is clear depending on the design...


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Granola Recipe?
CRUNCHY GRANOLA In a large pot, heat just until boiling: 1/2 c. honey 2 tsp pure vanilla extract 1/2 c. water 1/2 c. veggie oil 1 tsp ground cinnamon For smoothness, it helps to add: 1 tsp liquid lethicin(available at health food stores) Into this liquid, quickly...


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Diabetic Recipes For Sweets?
Go to your local diabetic society website too, in my case it is the Canadian Diabetic Association, but I believe there is a American Diatebetic Association. in Canada, it is Also agree with perfumed fan about your local public library. If it is small...


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Decorating Dance With Vintage Theme?
I favour the black and white theme overall. But since its vintage, dont forget to add sepia(a kind of brown tint or stain like you see on really old photographs) to some of the posters or pictures that would truly make them seem old. One way would be to stain...


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Replacing Leather Covered Cabinets?
Is it genuine leather or a vinyl look alike? Regardless, I can see why youd want to be rid of it! dpool from memphis has the same ideas I would suggest.


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Proportions For Sugar Free Cinnamon Sugar?
As a diabetic who loves, loves, loves cinnamon, I make a large plastic shaker full. I do 1/4 c. cinnamon to about 1-1/2 c. sweetener, course I love mine spicy. Actually, I have gotten used to not mixing the two, just using the cinnamon itself alone as it is...


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Removing Bed From Sofa?
You might be able to remove the mattress from the sofa bed, but the rest of the mechanism is best left in as it supports the frame and surface cushions I believe.


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Making Inexpensive Wall Hooks?
1/Drill the inexpensive kids wooden blocks from dollar store and stack them a long screw to make the length you want. 2/Cut off plastic or metal ladles and drill the handles for screws. 3/Get gloves of all sort, stuff with fiberfil, tucking the screw head in...


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Advice For a Wallpapering Camper?
Im always threatening to do this with all the pizza flyers I get and my kitchen walls! First off, I would remove any leftover adhesive from the contact paper by scrubbing with really hot water and lots of cloths or perhaps a solvent of some sort like Goo Gone...


Someone working a crossstitch pattern.

Cross Stitch Sayings
If Life is a roller coaster ride, then marriage must be the rest of the amusement park.



Saving Money on Buttons
I never throw out an extremely worn garment (or make it into rags or patches for crafts) without removing all buttons. I have even reused zippers!


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Painting Mint Tins?
If you want to use something other than paints for metal or plastic, like regular acrylic craft paint, be sure and sand all surfaces well in several directions and dust off the residue so there will be a tooth for the paint. I would think it would be best to...


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Frugal Florida Fall Fashion Show Centerpieces?
I think it would be lovely if you tried this:A small to medium straw hat turned upside down with a half styrofoam ball(green, if you can get it, or paint it with craft paint, glued into it, then insert stems of silk fall leaves and artificial fall flowers(like...


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Juicing Grapes?
Yes, I agree, for jelly especially the grapes must be strained and strained well as only the juice is usually used for jelly. Also you might try heating the pulp up (do not boil) as it will cause more juice to be released.


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Need Ideas for Blank Fabric Canvases for Baby's Room?
I would be tempted to take those coloring book pictures, enlarge to the size u want. Select fabrics of different textures like velvet, corduroy, leatherette etc.and colors as u would only needs scraps probably, at the most a 12 square. Trace each design onto...


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Scrapbook for Student Assignment?
Dont skip over the fact that it is to be about him. I would try to copy(photocopy would be fine Im sure) pictures of himself that show the words that he has to use. For example, S for sporty would be a picture of him, any age, doing a sport. If he has sport...


pink and white kitchen

Advice For Updating Kitchen Decor For...
Were u planning to change the floor as well? If not, I would change the peach hardware on the cupboards to something like pewter or brushed nickel, remove the wallpaper border, paint the walls white with a pinkish undertone(it is white, but has just a little...


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Funny 30th Birthday Ideas?
Might be interesting to look into what pop culture items are thirty years old by googling the year ie 1977 and using replicas(toy versions), pictures of items or the real thing if its small enough and mounting them in a shadow box frame with any pictures you...


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How To Keep Hair From Tangling?
If you towel dry, do not rub briskly, that will cause tangling. Wrap the towel around your head, not too tightly and SQUEEZE water gently from your hair. I find infusium leave-in conditioner the best myself.


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Gardening Allergy Advice?
Sounds like it is mostly your eyes that are affected, I would try an anti-allergy eye drop instead of pills for the whole body, especially if your nose is not affected. Visine Allergy Eyes is one brand name. Put them in before going out to garden. Avoid gardening...


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Basketball Themed Birthday Cake?
Question: Do you want the basketball net to use for games or do you want the net as part of the cake? If as part of the cake, I would weave a net from shoestring licorice, then cut out the center from a appropriately colored paper plate. Lay the woven net on...


Uses For Soldering Cylinder?
If the hole goes all the way through, glue several together to make candlesticks. Be sure to glue a metal candle cup(any larger craft store will carry them) in the top of each to keep the candle away from the plastic and anchor it. Might make good toy wheels...


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Clear Or Frosted Glass Block Lights?
I would decide what kind of lighting I want from the light and purchase glass blocks accordingly. I would think the frosted blocks would be a little more subtle and ambient for light where as the clear would give out a brighter light. Of course, you could try...


Bandana Bonnet

Bandana Bonnets
You are a lifesaver(five flavours,lol). I have been looking for an easy sunbonnet pattern for sometime. I love the shade they give to the face and they are so different from the usual sunhat styles. Thanx


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Making Trivets From Liquid Plastic?
Do u mean Envirotech liquid acrylic? The package should tell you how best to do it. Mary Lou from Canada


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Suggestions For 4-H Craft Project?
They must have some guidelines for the project, what does her leader say? As a former 4-H homemaking leader and participant, they are always guidelines of some kind. I agree she needs to do something that inspires her. A recycle craft would be good as it shows...


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80 Year Old Gift Ideas?
It is important for those who do not see well to have tactile stimulation, scent, texture in fabrics. Have you considered a very soft light shawl or sweater cardigan. I realize we are talking about South Africa, but I also know that older adults feel the cold...


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How To Prevent Lettuce Rotting In The Fridge?
I hope u dont wash your lettuce before putting in the fridge? That is a no-no as it will foster rot. I have had success with keeping my head of lettuce wrapped tightly in tin foil between uses. Wash only as needed.


Duct Tape Backpack

Duct Tape Backpack
I love it and there would be little danger of someone not seeing u even in the dark, its a keeper for me.


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Recipe For Sugar-Free Candy? . Click the recipes tab then put the word candy in the recipes search box. I saw candied apples and peanut brittle at first glance. They also have good advice for substituting in your favorite recipes.


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Use for Crystal Light Canisters?
I made some great gift holders with mine. I used felt to make a nutcracker, gluing a pom to the lid for the busby style hat. Then I put in my smaller gift, mens socks. I can see this as a baby bottle filled with small items for a baby shower too. Glue a real...


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Party Game With Shoe Theme?
You could play a game similar to pictionary only all the subjects will be things like: kinds of shoes(like stiletto), words with shoe in it (like shoehorn). I also like the idea of putting names on backs, but I think it should be names of shoes(see above) or...


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Removing Food Stains From White CorningWare?
Corningware sells a cleaner for their casseroles, but it is a tad expensive. I have used baking soda paste and let it sit, then scrub with a plastic scrubber and rinse.


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Getting Mud Off Stainless Steel Walk-In Cooler?
As in household fridges etc. I would try plain white vinegar, full strength. It is food safe can be heated which may help with the removal of frozen or hardened mud. Rinse afterward and repeat if necessary.


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Advice On Painting Ceiling Dark Red?
Does your kitchen have high ceilings? The only reason I could think of that I would consider a dark color on my ceiling is if I wanted to bring the ceiling down and make the room seem larger and as others have said it will darken the room.


Baby blanket decorative dolls.

Baby Blanket Dolls
what a great way to give a bunch of small baby gifts. You could stuff the doll body with other receiving blankets, washcloths, bibs etc. and pin on other baby items to the outside.


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"I'm rocking my baby" Poem Pattern?
Leisure Arts put out a leaflet with a cross stitch sampler with this poem on it. It has mother in a rocking chair rocking a baby in the lower left corner. Check their website or email me, I will try and dig it up from my stash for u.


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Ideas For Outdoor Harvest Party?
Try a pumpkin roll. four teams, two on each end of a long fairly smooth stretch of ground. First person rolls the pumpkin(you can make it harder by making them use their head or their feet) to their counterpart in the team at the other end of the field. Once...


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Recycled Object To Use As a Soap Holder?
I put my soap on a sponge. It keeps it from getting too gooey and every once in a while I use it to clean my sink and counter.


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Homemade Halloween Decorations?
Dont forget spiders and webs A few black garbage bags, one large and eight smaller, stuffed with leaves or newspaper.Fill the large bag so it is round and the smaller bags so they are thin and long. Tie off the tops with twist ties or string. Stick on huge...


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Craft Ideas Using Half Pint Milk Cartons?
Make a village or better yet a castle. You can even make it sand castle. Leave one carton with the peaked top as is. For the others, fold down the peak as flat as possible and tape securely. Stack the cartons to the tower height u want, taping them together...


Christmas Craft Ideas for Toddlers?
I just love, love, cinnamon dough. Its applesauce and cinnamon(lots of cinnamon) made into a dough. I think u bake it, but it is not considered edible unfortunately. There is always pasta crafts, which as long as they arent painted could be tasted if the child...


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Preventing Cheese From Leaking Out of Calzones?
You might try adding a vent hole or two in the top of each one, in case it is steam buidup that causes the dough to open enough to make the cheese leak out.


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Craft Ideas For Fur Fabric?
Hey, nobody mentioned scatter rugs. Just be sure and add non-slip to the back with permanent fabric glue or by stitching. Also if u are really ambitious and have a simple chair, why not cover it with fun fur. Lets hope your new stash includes some funky colors...


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Spirit Team Ideas For Singing Group?
How about a Sing for Your Supper potluck or pizza supper. Give a Little Bit for a charity fundraiser. In the first idea, you could have each member sing (solo or in small groups) before they get dinner. In the second, you could do a bingo style game with the...


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Recipe for Gentle Skin Toner?
Try this one, it will balance the ph of any skin and I used it for a spa party when my niece turned thirteen. Ive included the metric as I see you are from Ontario, like me. PH RESTORER 2 c. (475 mL) distilled water 1/4 c. (59 mL) apple cider vinegar 10 drops...


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Sunday School Craft?
I could see each child doing a scrapbook like page with the picture and things they wrote in the questionaire copied onto a colored page of their choice, scatter the writing around and let them add some of their own art related to the picture and the church...


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Making a Tied Flannel Blanket?
If you hand sew or embroider, you can stitch around just above the strips that you cut to tie together, BEFORE you tie them, using ribbon, embroidery floss(all strands) and a long straight stitch for decorative purposes, although it is not necessary, in my...


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Sweet Bread Machine Recipes?
I would be better able to reply to the request for recipes for the picky 10 year old if I either 1/ knew what he or she DID like or 2/ what he or she DOES NOT LIKE (whichever list is shorter. I have lots of recipes, but I will need help from you to narrow it...


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Looking For Low Fat Low Sugar Recipes?
Since you are fron Ontario, try the website for the Canadian Diabetic Association. It is fairly easy to adapt recipes as well. Since Splenda is the best for cooking and is equal measure for measure with sugar. As for fat, changing the kind of fat will work...


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Advice With Helping Neglected Kitten?
If the neighbours havent been out scouring the neighbourhood and putting up posters or contacting the SPCA regularly looking for it, chances are they wont care one way or the other. Keeping the little kitty in is safest for his health and well-being anyway...


tie dye shirt

Cheap Clothing Dye?
Yes I agree with MartyD, it would best if u set the dyes with something called a mordent. Salt, washing soda and also, believe it or not, rusty nails!


tie dye shirt

Cheap Clothing Dye?
Everyone is forgetting the fun stuff, like cooking onion skins (nice golden yellow), beets for a purplish blue and fleshy green leaves(a soft clouded green)You have to pound these last and put the fabric in without adding too much water.


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Making Homemade Necklace Hangers?
Depending on how much space u have, I found a piece of moulding I liked at the home decor store and had the length I wanted cut. Added screw-in cup hooks at equal intervals and used construction adhesive to glue to wall. Quite decorative actually. Did the same...


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Make Hand Cream As A Gift
Sounds wonderful, but it should be noted that combining this with a mixer, unless it is one that you DO NOT use for food prep, would not be the best or safest idea, as baby lotion and vitamin E cream especially are not meant to be taken internally and might...


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Potato Recipes?
Here us a colourful idea for both regular and sweet potatoes together Preheat oven to 350*F Ingredients: 3 new potatoes( small to medium); 3 red-skinned potatoes(small to medium); 1/2 large cooking onion, chopped(since I love onions, I use 2 small to medium...


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Recipes for Duck?
The most easy and flavourful technique I have ever used for cooking duck is as follows: If not already done, pluck and clean the duck. Wash out the cavity throughly. Stuff with whole unpeeled oranges and lace shut. Cook as u would for turkey, based on weight...


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Lavender Oil in Laundry?
If you want to retain the lavender smell it would be best not to put the fabric softener through the rinse cycle. A better idea might be to soak a a lint free cloth with the fabric softener and throw it in the dryer like a dryer sheet with your laundry. Also...


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Biting Insects in Carpet?
I agree dont discount fleas, but it may also be spider babies. If your weather has been damp lately or your home is prone to spiders, they will bite for lack of other prey. I am allergic to them myself and get itchy welts from them.


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Crafts Using Old High School Jacket?
How old is his son? Perhaps you could cut the jacket down to fit him and when he outgrows it it would be a smaller item to frame or make into a throw pillow.


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Family Night Gift Basket Ideas?
Add some cosy slipper socks to fit everybody, a movie rental card and maybe some hot cider or chocolate mix(dont forget the mini mallows) and of course there is always a story to be read aloud just before everyone goes to bed.


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Restoring Old Cross Stitch Patterns?
Try any wash that they advertise for delicates, especially quilts, and whatever you do, do it GENTLY, VERY CAREFULLY. Anything with any age to it can just fall apart.


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Looking For New Thankgiving Recipes?
I havent eaten actual cranberry sauce for years. I am diabetic and this is what I make instead. 1 large navel orange 2 bags fresh cranberries Sweeten to taste with sugar or Splenda Wash the oranges as u will be using skin and all Clean and wash the cranberries...


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Christmas Bar Cookie Recipe?
Try this one from my second oldest sister, Jan RECIPE TITLE: JANS MARS BAR SLICE [BARS&SQUARES] OVEN: STOVETOP/FRIDGE SOURCE: SISTER JAN MOXEYS RECIPE BOX MAKES: 8 INCH PAN NOTE: All ingredients starred will have to be purchased for recipe. ADDED NOTES: Tastes...


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Spiced Sugar Cutout Cookies?
The spices would not have to be added to the dough itself in my opinion, but as KellyCajun says it should not make any difference to the texture of the dough unless the spices are coarsely ground. Why not make some spiced sugar and using small stencils, sprinkle...


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Difference Between Minute Rice and Other Brands?
Most rice is starchy and if the boil in bag stuff seems so it may be BECAUSE it cooks in a bag. When cooking rice in water(non-instant) much of the starch goes into the water, not so with rice in bag. I, like MartyD, use my local supermarkets brand of 5 minute...


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Designs to Paint on Pottery?
Depending on how detailed you want to get, any line drawing would do, try googling coloring pages for fruits and vegetables. If you can get Dover Publications, they have some great books full of detailed line drawings of all kinds.Online ordering at www.doverbooks...


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Manicure Recipes?
Pardon? You want to do your nails with something that has pumpkin or cinnamon in it? Like a soak for your nails? Are u sure you mean manicure?


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