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21 Posts | 855 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Keeping Cats Off Cars?
Pepper is not safe. On a cats paws it might get rubbed into its eyes. That would be hideously painful. Marg


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Ecological Tips
Buy a bar of soap, grate it, mix it with water , melt it down in the microwave (watch out for it bubbling over) and refill handwash bottles. Saves keep on buying the plastic bottles and its so much cheaper too. If it is too thick when cold just add more boiled...


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Quick Clutter Control
Like Debbie, I never seem to get round to the sorting .... Marg from England.


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Make a Newspaper Dispenser
Reminds me of post-ww11 days of outside lavs when people couldnt afford proper loo rolls. I think the ink came off then too, we must have looked a sight. :) Marg from England


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Untangling Leftover Yarn
Sounds good, especially for a childs project.


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Coloring Chipped Lamp with Marker
I let down the hem on a pair of jeans and used a blue ball point pen to cover the old hem line. Marg from England.


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Include Recipes With Your Genealogy Research
I think this is a super idea, would have loved Mums bread pudding recipe. Ive never made one quite the same. Marg from England.


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Check Out Terms and Expiration Date on Gift Cards
This is disgraceful! Ive always checked expiration dates but never thought of them deducting money. Marg from England.


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Preventing Birds From Hitting Your Windows
Good idea. Marg from England


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Make Your Own Dried Orange Rind (Zest)
Lemon peel is good too. Marg from England.


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Saving Money on Baking Parchment Paper
Baking parchment can also be washed and used again. Marg from England.



Tub with dog standing next to it.

Water Feature - Old Pump And Washtub as Frosty's...
Thats beautiful and a lovely dog too, Marg from England. P.S. Just noticed this is an old post. Hope things are going well for you. M


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Taking Time For Mom
My mum died of cancer 59 years ago when I was 16. Please see yours as often as you can. Marg from England.


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Oatmeal Patties
This sounds rather yummy especially for veggies like me. Marg from England


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Bird Pie
I was told salt is not good for birds.


Organizing With Cardboard Boxes

Organizing With Free Boxes
Just seen after my post -the ads have changed. They are no longer trying to sell you shipping containers!! Marg from England.


Organizing With Cardboard Boxes

Organizing With Free Boxes
Good idea! Marg from England. P.S. Love the adverts!


A cabinet with a spoon as hardware.

Silverware Cabinet Handles
First thought, Fab idea! Second thought, Silver, arent they hellish to clean? Marg from England.


Make Your Concrete Patio Look Like Brick

Make Your Concrete Patio Look Like Brick
That is superb! I cant believe it looks so real! Im eyeing up my flagstones.... Marg from England.


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Sale Items That Have Run Out
Diane from Paradise, Isnt that lovely? Marg - from England...


Keep Kids From Using Too Many Bandages

Keep Kids From Using Too Many Bandages
Thats hilarious! Marg from England.


stone garden marker

Stone Garden Markers
So sorry, Mike. Good luck with your project. x Marg from England.


Closeup of snapdragon flowers.

Growing Snapdragon
Pic looks like Jemima Puddleduck in her bonnet! Marg from England.



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Why Don't Appliances Last Longer?
I bought my first refridgerator in the 70s. It lasted 18 years. The second lasted 7 years. The third one 5 years. Oh, for a large old-fashioned larder! Marg from England


Decorative pond with lots of frog statuary.

My Froggy Crossing Pond
That is truly beautiful. Marg from England.


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Food for 2 Years for $5 a Week
Only if you have room for a huge refrigerator and freezer.


young tree

The Surprising Facts Behind 10 Gardening...
My thoughts exactly. Marg from England.


Slippery Sidewalks

Solutions for Slippery Sidewalks
I think a lot of these things might be dangerous to animals? Marg from England.


Windowsill Celery Hearts

Windowsill Celery Hearts
I regrow the celery on the windowsill, also tried planting it out afterwards to get a third use. It grew some sticks but they were thin and rather feeble. I guess you can ask too much of a plant! With potato peels, yes it works - and as gardeners know ,you...


My Frugal Life: Live Like Good Ol' Grandma
Whats a May basket, Frugal Lady? Marg from England.


My Mom's "Lid" Drawer
Dont remind me! I have several carrier bags hanging around which contain the contents of old lid drawers emptied when we moved house. Its not junk - I would chuck it if it was! (The larger version of a lid drawer is the garage.) :)


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Take Digital Photos To Spot Check Your Cleaning
Reminds me of that old song of the woman who spends her life cleaning up; she even dreams of sweeping the waves off a rock in the sea and in the end she dies and is covered in dirt! I had breast cancer last summer, touch wood, Im one of the lucky ones. Please...


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Relieving Itching From Yellow Jacket Stings?
Are wasps the same as yellow jackets? They look it. Marg from England.


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More Dandelions Than Lawn?
Make wine! Marg from England.



Coffee Can Bird House

Coffee Can Bird House
Is the can metal? If so please keep it out of the sun, metal can get very hot. Love the tiger face! Marg from England.


What Not to Put In Compost Pile

What Not to Put In Compost Pile
Rabbit and guinea pig waste is fine.I see Diana said her father poisons rats and takes them to the woods to dispose of them. please no! Some other animal will eat the bodies and die too! Marg from England.


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Tips to Curb Cigarette Cravings?
U*u*U is right. You need something to suck and hold in your fingers. I took the refill out of a ballpoint pen and used the empty shell as a replacement for a cigarette. That was 25 years ago, after 35 years of smoking. It took about months to really stop wanting...


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Spoon Rest Ideas?
I just dump it on the counter and give it a quick wipe when Im done.Does that makes me a slummock? :) Marg from England.


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Condiment Bottles for Decorating with Icing
What a simple, super idea! Hope we have some pointed lids here.


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Condiment Bottles for Decorating with Icing
What a simple, super idea! Hope we have some pointed lids here.


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Condiment Bottles for Decorating with Icing
What a simple, super idea! Hope we have some pointed lids here.


bird seed bags hanging from an old rake stuck in ground

Old Rake as a Bird Feeder
Great idea! Marg from England.


How I Save Money By Keeping a Clean House
Yesterday, while I was in the middle of my good weekly clean, my daughter walked in and said Shall we get the bus to Bristol ,Mum? Down went the sweeper. Down went the polish. Ten minutes later off we went. What will she remember when Im dead - the laughs we...


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Use a Hot Water Bottle to Comfort Young Puppy
please make sure he cant burn himself. Marg from England.


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Beverages for the Christmas Cactus
Doesnt matter - so long as its not hot! :)


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Dog Is Aggressive Towards My New Dogs?
Agree with Oberhund. One thing puzzles me. When you know she is like this, why do you keep getting other dogs?? Marg from England.


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Keeping Berries From Settling At Top Of Jam?
Let it cool slightly and then stir before potting.


A lawn full of dandelion blossoms.

Dandelion Blossoms
The blossoms, obviously! Marg


A lawn full of dandelion blossoms.

Dandelion Blossoms
Dandies make a delicious light wine too. Marg from England.


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What Do Roly-Polys Eat?
Yes, we used to call them pigs and I dont know why either! Marg from England.


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Best Slug Repellent Ever
Sorry, I think thats awful. Marg from England.


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Turn Off Shower To Save Water
If I did that the water would be very hot. It takes my shower at least 5 minutes to get to the temperature I need. Marg from England.


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Set Up A Pet Care Savings Account
Im in complete agreement. About time someone said this. Marg from England.


A recycled market bag made from plastic grocery bags.

Making Market Bags from Plastic Bags
I guess you dont have to buy new bags?


Refrigerator Rack

Reusing Racks and Bins from Refrigerators
I use my old oven shelves to stand large planters on so they can drain properly. Marg from England.


water plan

Air Purifiers That Run on Sunshine and Water
Just what I was going to say, Susan. We should check the plants for safety before buying. Great idea though. Marg from England.


cords with velcro

Uses for Velcro
Cheers Sharon. I sometimes sigh over a top I couldnt wear (shows off too much that I havent got!) never thought of Velcro. Magic! Marg from England.


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Vinegar-Proof Covering For Canning Jars?
Alas, although the Min of Ags book is still on Amazon, Porosan synthetic skin is not. It was my bible too. Marg.


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Vinegar-Proof Covering For Canning Jars?
I have a few circles that I had actually cut out 20 years ago and they work fine! If I ever found any sealed packs for sale Id grab them! They do eventually go brittle but I but only after a lot of use in my experience. If they still look clear they should...


lace design on furniture

Use Lace For A Subtle Pattern
Absolutely lovely-and so easy! Just perfect for those of us who cant do patterns free-hand. Marg from England.


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Keeping the Space Over Cupboards Clean
When I have used Fablon I save the backing paper for lining shelves and cupboard tops. It works well and its FREE.


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Keeping the Space Over Cupboards Clean
When I have used Fablon I save the backing paper for lining shelves and cupboard tops. It works well and its FREE.


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Fix The Date When Changing Digital Camera Batteries
I had that happen too, took loads of photos before noticing, most annoying! Marg from England.



What Have You Done to Save a Penny?
Oh, I love it! I thought I was the only one whod had to do that sort of thing. ' Marg from England.


Baby Bottle Nipple
for Transferring Liquids

Use a Baby Bottle Nipple for Transferring Liquids
Wow! So simple! Marg from England.


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Recipes Using Rolled Oats?
150g porridge oats 175 g grated Cheddar cheese 1 free range egg(beaten) 50 g butter or marge(melted) 1/2 teaspoon crushed Rosemary or any herb you fancy Mix well press into cake tin or bun tins Bake 180c about 40 minutes. Not for those on a low fat diet but...


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Recipes Using Rolled Oats?
Sorry forgot to say previous recipe best eaten cold


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Use Masking Tape and Crayon to Label Items
I do this. It doesnt work in the freezer though - the tape wont stick.


Eliminating Food Waste

Eliminating Leftovers and Food Waste
Leftover stuffing made with sage and lots of onion . All on wholemeal toast, pop under the grill and add a dollop of chutney. Yummy! So much harder to throw away when its all home-made. Part of my day goes in that loaf! Marg from England.


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Freeze Excess Parsley
Being a parsley lover I eat the stems as I chop the leaves. Marg from England


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Keep a Sock Bag for Mismatched Socks
Glad Im not the only one who gets socks that never find their partner- born old maids perhaps.


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Lilac Bush Leaves Turning Yellow?
Check the bark. Mine had splits all down it and what looked like tiny eggs in them. Only some branches were affected at first but it spread so I sadly took it out. No idea what it was, possibly a fungus? Marg England


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Solar Lights to Help Older Dogs See
Animal friendly and earth friendly! Perfect! Marg from England


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Dog Digging up Plants?
Mothballs are poisonous, make sure the dog doesnt eat them. Might not do any veggies good either. Marg from England


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Tips for Traveling With an Infant?
Years ago I brought my 3 month old son back from Germany, snuggled in a sleeping bag. I was very grateful to the airport guy who held him while I struggled with the bags. It was only later that a friend pointed out he was probably checking that the sleeping...


A person in gloves working in a garden.

Tending Your Garden
Love it, Kay. Marg from England.


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Reusing Nestle Nesquick Containers?
Am I the only one who is sick to death of such containers. With the best will in the world there are only so many ways you can re-use them. I hate throwing things away. My cupboards are full of assorted containers full of assorted things. Why, oh why cant we...


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Leaving Cat Alone While on Vacation?
I agree totally with Cyinda and Thriftyboo. Please get some-one to check on her at least daily. Cats may choose to be independent but no cat would choose to be locked in for a month all on its own. You cant explain to an animal that you are coming back eventually...


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Compost Shredded Paper
Yes, mix it in well though. You have to make sure it doesnt clump together. Marg from England.


Old Towel

Recycle Towel Pieces into a Quilt Beach Towel
Great idea. Marg from England


Recycle Plastic
Lemons as a Vase

Recycle Plastic Lemons as a Vase
Thats lovely. Marg from England.


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Potato Masher for Hamburgers
You could lend it to the girls behind the bar in Allo Allo to use along with the egg whisk and the feather duster. :-D Marg from England. (Does anyone know what Im on about??)


VHS Cases For Seedlings

Clear VHS Cases For Seedlings
These cases are not the ones videos are sold in, they are the ones libraries use for making sure you book out when borrowing. Open them to their full extent( a right-angle) then remove the small metal bar from the end. You have six small holes in this end. Get...


VHS Cases For Seedlings

Clear VHS Cases For Seedlings
Sorry, no they cant really be lifted up in one piece,but probably could be glued with suitable stuff. Storing over winter is easier without glue they just fold up in pairs. No reinforcement needed inside. Good luck. Marg.


Garden: Bamboo Lattice
Great idea-off to try it . Marg. England


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Recycle Event Flowers
Great idea- I hate throwing flowers away. Marg England.


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Keeping a Clothes Line from Sagging?
You need a good old-fashioned prop! A long pole with a Y shape on the end. Clothes dried outside smell lovely dont they? Marg from England


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Make a Raised Garden in an Old Bathtub
I did this when changing the bathroom. I put a wooden fence round it, planted a winter savoury bush and lots of nasturtiums and marigolds. Lovely. Marg from England


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Tiny Black Bugs in the Yard?
Are they there always or just in hot heavy weather? If the latter it sounds like thunder blight. Marg.


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Saving Your Garden from Torrential Rain
Well done you! I know what you mean about your Dad. Years ago when I first made jam I felt my Mum was behind me checking Id remembered it right. Marg from England


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Don't Bring Junk Mail in Your House
English junk mail usually has a plastic window in the envelope which our recyclers dont take. I fume when I have to tear it out.


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Brown Papering a Vinyl Floor Before Faux Painting?
Fascinating. How on earth do you clean these floors? Marg from England


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Freeze Bananas in Their Peel
Peeled and frozen they make lovely ice lollies. Marg from England.


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Selling a Home to a Family Member?
I can see what you mean but please all try and sort it out beforehand. If not, this could be the start of a real family grudge from one side or another. Have you told your Mum how you feel? Pikka has a good idea.


Making Weeding Easier

Tips For Making Weeding Easier
I wont do that , it will kill the worms. Marg from England.


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Link: Stop Phone Book Delivery
Brilliant idea! Trouble is, here in England you can cancel but they still deliver! Marg.


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Towels Bunch at Hemline?
I tried stretching and found the bunch tore. Marg from England.


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Vinegar To Remove Paint Odors?
Next time when painting, cut a couple of onions in half and leave them lying around the room. Discard after a few days.(Dont eat them!)


Cardboard Frame Stand
Simple to do and it works! Perfect. Marg from England.


A ginger tabby in a pile of leaves.

Leo (Ginger Tabby)
If only everyone thought this way, if only. Marg from England.


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Use Baby Oil for Gum in Hair
What a marvellous idea!. Marg from England


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Pack Clutter Into Trash Bags and Organize Later
Im with Bette. The times Ive emptied a messy drawer into a bag and put it away to do later... :) Marg from England.


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Pack Clutter Into Trash Bags and Organize Later
Thats what happens to me! Marg frpm England.


Couple putting money in piggy bank

Frugal Ways To Save
Lindas right. I wouldnt risk my animals in this way. Love the coffee table idea though. Marg from England.


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Removing a Ring That Is Stuck On Your Finger?
Dont keep tugging, your finger swells. Try soap, oil, or washing up liquid. Failing all else Ive seen one of the guys in the fire station cut a ring off a childs finger, and boy, did he like the attention! Marg from England.


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Recipes for WW2 Sweets?
Thanks to everyone for their help. Joankay was right; I did mean candy. I shall try some of the recipes though and see what reaction i get. Watch this space! Marg.


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Reusing a Desk Fan?
Try lining with an old plastic bag with a few holes poked in it, then a t-shirt and then soil. Or felt might do instead of bag and shirt. Hope it turns out well. Marg from England.


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Reusing a Desk Fan?
Line well, attach ropes or chains, and use as a hanging basket. You would have to use trailing plants so they hang over the top. I did this with old metal lampshades so could plant through the sides as well. They need a lot of watering though. Marg from England


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Store Dry Goods in Refrigerator or Freezer
My dry stuff has to sit in the larder- theres never any room in the fridge or freezer! Marg from England.


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Inexpensive Protective Storage for CDs?
Ask on Freecycle- some-one will have old cases they want to get rid of. Marg from England.


Bamboo Rod With Coffee Mugs

Bamboo Rod For Mug Storage
This is definitely one to try. Some of my curtains are hung up using the same principle. So cheap and eco friendly too. Marg from England.


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Line Soap Dishes with Rocks
Super idea! Easy to keep clean too. Marg from England.


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Making a Fruit Fly "Trap"
Let them loose? Girl after my own heart. Everything has a right to live. Marg from England


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Deer and Rabbit Deterrent
Sounds interesting, I take it you spray round the plant, not on it ( I grow veg!). Does it attract flies? Marg from England.


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Storing Smoked Banana Leaves
Ive never heard of this. What do you do with them? Marg from England


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Emergency Cards to Help Locate People and Pets
This is a really great idea. Marg from England.


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Cat Won't Use Litter Box?
You left him all weekends?? Thats awful. Apart from anything else he must have been in agony . if you cant care for an animal properly you shouldnt have them


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Surviving Family Thanksgiving?
I agree with mrs.story. All go to a restaurant and back to your place after. Announce it as a great idea. Be sweet and agreeable but stick to your guns. You and your husband have Thanksgiving together. Wonder if you could talk to your husbands aunt- perhaps...


Skye (Belgian Griffon)
Meant for each other. Marg from England.


China Girl (Domestic Shorthair)

China Girl (Domestic Shorthair)
Well done. Marg from England.


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Christmas Cactus Blooms Are Falling Off?
Have you moved it? Even turned it round? They dont like that much. Happy Christmas. Marg from England.


Scenery: Sunset (Alma Center, WI)
Awesome! Marg from England.


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Microwave Turns on But Doesn't Heat Food?
Guess thats it then. Off to the shop. Thanks Cyinda, also for the tip about shutting the door gently. All the best Marg.


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