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8 Comments | Active Since 2018
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Store Wrapping Paper Inside the Roll
This is a fantastic idea! I have an abundance (x10!) of wrapping paper that I have collected over the years. Ive finally curbed my need to buy more - Im down to buying only a couple new rolls per Christmas season. I grew up in a family that values wrapping...


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Tie Plastic Refuse in Knots
Ive heard of places (maybe Senior Centers?) that crochet the plarn into mats for the homeless to sleep on and making recycled shopping bags. Never heard of using plarn for dog leashes and such.


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Tie Plastic Refuse in Knots
I cut those six-pack ring things too - so that NO Circles Exist - Ive seen too many snapshots of the wildlife that lives in the water (seals, penguins, etc) with the uncut six-pack rings around their throats and such. Makes me weep and feel ashamed to be part...


Bread ties marking cords on a power strip.

Bread Tie Cord Label
Great idea for an every-day item! - they take up very little storage and you also might be lucky enough to have several colors to further distinguish - by which room or types of objects. For example - white in kitchen, green for living room, blue for bedroom...


Several prescription bottles.

Crafts Using Prescription Bottles?
Ive used them in many of the same ways. My all-time fave use is for OTC pills (Ibuprofen mostly). A cap with raised font is awesome for touch recognition in the car, the dark, etc. Also superior for coins instead of buying paper wrappers, toting paper clips...


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Gifts for Residents at Assisted Living Home?
Quilted bags for wheelchairs or walkers are an EXCELLENT and very thoughtful idea - I came across one a few years ago at a craft fair and gave it to my 80-something years young mother. She is able to live at home because my sister became her live-in home health...


Assign Each Family Member a Wrapping Paper

Assign Each Family Member a Wrapping...
Im in my fifties, so this memory comes from (represents) another era. When I was a girl, mom did something really sweet. Instead of most presents labeled from Mom & Dad [BORING!!] - she selected wrapping papers that often times inspired a made-up from who theme...


Assign Each Family Member a Wrapping Paper

Assign Each Family Member a Wrapping...
One year my sister did something like this - she used 3 different papers per person. She gave us each snips of wrapping paper and told us how many gifts in total we were supposed to find. She hid in plain sight the gifts throughout the first floor. Like a treasure...


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