
Melanie Jackson

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1 Post | 372 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Black and tan puppy.

What Breed is My Dog?
It looks kind of like a Doberman before its had its ears trimmed. Heres a pic of a Doberman puppy. The markings are similar to those of your puppy.


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Removing Lubricating Oil Smell from Refrigerator?
Also, slice up oranges and put them in the fridge to help absorb the bad odor. Ive found theyre much more effective than baking soda.


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Removing Cigarette Smoke Smell from House?
Yes, youll need to wash the walls and blinds. Soap and water should suffice. Depending on how much you smoked, you might also need to get the heating/cooling ducts cleaned. We had to do that on a house we bought from a heavy smoker.


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Home Remedy for Heart Burn?
Anything acidic (vinegar, etc.) will not help heartburn, because heartburn is caused by too much acid in the stomach. Chewing gum is also not a good idea, for it makes you swallow air, another contributor to heartburn. Baking soda, as mentioned earlier, can...


Small spiney animal.

What is This Animal?
It looks like a hedgehog to me. Very cute, often kept as pets, but they have a bit of an odor, and are actually illegal to keep as pets in some states. Check your local laws to be on the safe side.


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Getting Free Coupons Through the Mail?
Sign up for e-mail newsletters from freebie sites. A Google search will help you find lots of them!


Place New Tank Lid

Replacing Old Toilet with New Low-Flow Toilet
Even though Ive replaced a toilet before, this is an excellent post and Im bookmarking it!


Toilet brush mounted on cordless drill.

DIY Shower Scrub Brush
I definitely have to try this. I have trouble scrubbing things, but this should really help.


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Removing Hard Water Stain on Motor Home?
If no one here can help, you might ask this question at the Mobile Home Repair forum. Just Google mobile home repair forum and create a free account. Those folks have helped me with a lot of issues in maintaining our double-wide, and Im sure they can help you...


Step by step photos of separating an egg.

An Easy Way To Separate Eggs
If you break the egg into a funnel, the yolk will stay in the funnel, while the white slides out of it.


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Removing Safety Switch on Riding Mower?
Have you tried calling John Deere, or visiting their website? Manufacturers often have repair manuals that will help with issues like this. Alternatively, do a Google search for lawn mower repair forum. There are several forums where you can register and ask...



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Removing Safety Switch on Riding Mower?
On reading your post a second time, never bypass any safety switch. Just find out how to repair whatever problem youre having, but leave the safety switch alone. Yesterday at the hardware store, I just spoke to a guy who knew someone who bypassed the safety...


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Making Yogurt from Breast Milk With Easiyo Yogurt Maker?
There should be a toll-free number in the paperwork somewhere, so you can call and ask their help line. If not, then go to their website and look for the contact info. Id suggest using a phone number rather than an e-mail form, as youll get the info faster...


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Young Teens and Makeup?
As long as shes not slathering on the makeup, a touch of lip gloss and eye shadow are appropriate for a girl in her early teens. I went to a private school clear back in the 1970s, and I wore a little bit of eye shadow when I was 12. Nobody even noticed, and...


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Saving Money on School Clothing?
Dead peoples clothes...what? Do you seriously think children drop dead left and right, and their garments are taken to second-hand stores? No sarcasm intended, Im just honestly concerned that your mind would come up with something so bizarre. Its one thing...


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Overwhelmed by Parenting a Large Family?
Though some of the kids have genuine problems, it sounds to me as if others are just acting out. Gather them all and have a conversation. Tell them that its hard for you being a single parent, and you need them to step up and help. Most importantly, they need...


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Shopping for Boxes for Storing Canning Jars?
In addition to the cost savings, most manufacturers now are trying to be more environmentally-conscious...which means reducing the packaging that normally ends up in landfills. That said, I second MCWs idea. :)


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Killing Weeds With Vinegar?
Thats what I used, and it worked fairly well. Depends on the weeds youre spraying. It kills some better than others.


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Uses for Small Bits of Hand Soap?
When my soap starts getting too small to use, I get a new bar, then place the smaller piece(s) on it while both are still wet. The pieces may fall apart once or twice, but after a day or so, theyll stay together and form a larger bar of soap. Ive been doing...


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Bone Health Supplements?
Dr. Oz is a nice enough guy, but hes too quick to declare something as fact based on just one scientific study. Hes also too quick to talk as if only one magic supplement will do the trick, when there are many equally effective supplements out there. For bone...


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Locating House Of Paul Used Furniture?
I dont think it exists anymore, either. I searched Google for a Pasadena location, and all that shows up is the now-defunct Van Nuys location. Sorry I couldnt be of more help.


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Selling a Stamp Collection?
Find some stamp collecting forums online, and ask there. They should know more about how to get your collection appraised, and how to sell it. :)


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Lost Package?
Do you mean that you did have a tracking number, but lost it? The receipt will have that number on it. Look it up yourself on to see how far it got, before it was lost. Then take the receipt to the post office so they can take it from there. If you...



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Discount or Salvage Grocery Stores in Nebraska?
I dont think there are any. Plenty of sites on the web list those stores by state, and Nebraska is never listed, unfortunately. You live quite close to Lincoln, so you might be just as well off shopping for food at the dollar stores. Just make sure theyre brands...


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Getting Rid of Ants Inside?
Hands down, the best way to get rid of ants is by using Terro. You can get it in the pest-control aisle of places like Wal-Mart. It comes in a bottle, and the box includes perforated squares of cardboard that you use for putting the Terro out as bait for the...


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Harry Potter Movie Cast?
Always check Wikipedia, to find answers to questions like this. :)


Completed stars, one iridescent silver and one red.

Folded Paper Christmas Stars
Thats very pretty! I want to try this!


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Converting Mac Files to PC Windows 7 Documents?
Google online file converter. There are sites that will convert anything from text to video files, with NO software download necessary. You just upload your files, select the output type you want, and thats it. Best of all, many of these sites are free!


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When to Worm Kittens?
Here you go:


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Troubleshooting Power Outages to Appliances and Receptacles?
DO NOT attempt to troubleshoot this yourself. Get an electrician. The money you spend is worth not having to worry about a house fire. :)


Pretty Persian Cat in Sunlight

In Memory of Baby (Persian Cat)
Baby was a gorgeous kitty, inside and out. Thank you for sharing her story with us.


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Craft Ideas for Wheelchair Accessories?
Oh, my Lord, the poor little thing! :( When I was in a wheelchair, one thing I found handy was a bag that was wide enough to stretch across the wheelchair handles, yet wouldnt get in the way of the person pushing me. You could also perhaps make some sort of...


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Upholstery Fabric Samples Craft Ideas?
How about purses or coin purses? Or use the scraps to make covers for journals? You could probably Google to find info on how to do these things.


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Three Year Old Backsliding On Potty Training?
I would get another doctors opinion, and fast. Either theres a psychological problem that needs to be addressed, or if, as you mention, shes actually unable to control her urination, both could be signs of a larger problem.


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Getting Rid of a Boil?
I had one recently, right near my eye, so I was pretty worried about it! Online, I saw a lot of suggestions to put a warm compress on it (NOT hot, as that can burn your skin and make things worse). I tried it, and the next day it had gotten considerably smaller...



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Fried Candy Bars?
Um...disgusting? :D I guess the best way to find out is to experiment. Who knows, you might have a potential hit for your next county or state fair!


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Shucking Corn on the Cob?
ilmarlai, what a brilliant idea! Ive saved your YouTube video to my favorites!


Chair parts lying on work towels.

Replacement Parts for La-Z-Boy Swivel Glider Rocker?
Have you tried searching the internet for chairs that look like yours, and from there, possibly locating the numbers you need to provide to La-Z-Boy? Its a long shot, but it might be worth a try.


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My Frugal Life: Use It Up, Fix It Up, Eat It Up!
Great advice! I didnt know you could shop Goodwill online, until I read you post. Thanks for the information. :)


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Pekingese Won't Eat Dog Food?
If youre feeding canned food, try warming it in the microwave a little (be sure to stir it afterward, to make sure there are no hot spots that could burn the dogs tongue). The scent will make the food more appealing to your dog, because it will smell more like...


close up of a pink gumpaste flower with a rhinestone center on a teal cake siting on a cake stand

Gumpaste Flowers
Very pretty! ::thumbsup::


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Cat Licks and Pulls Out Hair in the Summer?
Time for a new vet. He obviously doesnt know whats wrong with your kitty, so theres nothing more he can do for you. Try different vets, until you find one who can help your cat--help is out there. :)


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Making Money Using Twitter?
If youre on disability, youre most likely at the federal poverty level. So even if you sell stuff online, you wont have to pay taxes because, when you file your income tax, youll fall below the taxable level of income. However, the greater issue is that, if...


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My Frugal Life: Coupon Class
Good ideas, except, theres really no excuse for turning the A/C below 79 degrees ever, unless you have a severely overactive thyroid. $180 is a ridiculously high A/C bill, unless you live in the desert states, or have a huge house. Ours is 1700 sq. ft, and...


Coupons by Mail?
I dont know of such a program, or Id join it myself...and I subscribe to a lot of frugal mailing lists. :) If you want legit internet coupons, you cant go wrong at the Smart Source and Red Plum web sites (theyre the companies that print coupons for Sunday newspapers...


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Breaker Tripping?
Theres an electrical problem of some sort that could be dangerous, thats why the breaker is tripping. Have the motor checked soon.


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Recipes for When It's Hard to Chew?
FYI, its dry socket, not dry pocket--its when the socket fails to fill with blood and clot properly. :) As someone whos had a lot of experience with dental work, Im left wondering what dentist was insane enough to do a root canal and wisdom tooth extraction...


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Keeping Cats Out of My Yard?
Pet shops, and possibly hardware stores, have different kinds of repellents to keep animals away from areas of your yard. I used to sprinkle hot, peppery types of spices around, but then someone on this forum told me it could hurt the animals noses. So I guess...


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Help With Basic Audio Visual Connections?
I returned my Magnavox machine because of this. The only way I managed to hook it up, in the meantime, was to plug my cable TV (coax cable) into an old VCR, then use RCA cables (video and audio in/out) to connect the VCR to the DVD recorder. If you have an...


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How Do I Make an After Bath Splash Using Essential Oils?
Be very careful about using essential oils on your skin. Many types of them can cause burns.


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Removing Musty Odor from Paper?
Air them out by hanging them on a string, as if youre making a miniature clothesline. If the weather allows you to put them outside, all the better.


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Removing Burnt Smell From Microwave?
My answer to everything: Oranges! Always keep some on hand for just such disasters as burning food in the kitchen. Cut an orange into fourths, and heat it in the microwave just until its hot enough to give the oven an orangey smell, do not burn it, or youll...


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Christmas Cactus is Dying?
When I had a cactus plant, I used cactus food for it, rather than Miracle-Gro. I dont know if its available everywhere, at the time, I lived in the desert Southwest, but it should be available online, if worse comes to worst. I would also guess that youre really...


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Troubleshooting a Heating System Blowing Cool Air?
I have a similar problem with our mobile home. I went into the crawlspace, and found that a main duct that carries air into one side of the house came apart. I tried to fix it, but I need a repairman to do the job. The tough part is finding a technician who...


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Homemade Cookies Taste Salty?
Thanks for all the suggestions. I did use the teaspoon (not tablespoon, as I know how easily that can happen, LOL). Also, I didnt use Kosher salt, just regular table salt. If the salt isnt necessary, I might just get rid of it entirely, as Mary of Lourdes suggests...


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Homemade Cookies Taste Salty?
@Jazzylazzy, Thanks. Im glad I read your post before I decided to make cookies with no salt, LOL! Ive got the flu right now, but Im going to play with this recipe when I feel better. Im just wondering why the person who originally posted this recipe online...


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Kenmore Icemaker Won't Shut Off?
Id call Sears and ask them what might be wrong, that sounds like something out of an I Love Lucy episode. :(


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Where is the Power Steering Fluid Reservoir in a 2009 Elantra?
I agree with the poster who suggested going to an auto parts store. I would also add that a Hyundai dealership would have people who know the location of the power steering reservoir.


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Are Dryer Balls Safe?
Wow, thats a scary thought. I havent heard of it, but I suppose it is possible, considering that theyre made from chemicals that could perhaps ignite. Another possible cause might be backed-up dryer lint. Id suggest that you Google terms like dryer ball + fire...


A young boy opening presents with his family on Christmas morning.

Youngest Child Opens Presents First
I think thats a lovely idea!


In Memory Of Boo Boo Kitty
Oh, Im so sorry to hear that you lost your little Boo Boo Kitty. He must have loved you a lot--and known that you loved him, to shower you with so many presents.


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Getting Rid of Refrigerator Odors?
After you find the source of the odor, get some oranges, slice them up, and put them in the fridge. Oranges will eliminate the odor of almost anything. I just used some today, in fact. Always have oranges on hand, because you never know when youll burn something...


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Creative Uses for Postcards?
You could lay them out in an artistic design on a tray, or a table that could use a better surface. With the tray, you could decoupage them onto it. With a table, just get a piece of glass the same size as the table, and use it to hold down and display the...


My Frugal Life: Resolutions for 2011
I keep all such documents in an ordinary three-ring binder notebook. I go through it occasionally, to get rid of documents for gadgets we no longer own. :)


Woman with Cleaning Supplies

My Frugal Life: Cleaning for Less
Ive always wanted to try Borax for cleaning, but I thought it was poisonous. (Its an active ingredient in Terro ant killer.) So isnt it dangerous to use for washing dishes? I love the tips about vinegar, though. I love it, and am always looking for new ways...


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Remedies for Healing Sore Gums Due to Dentures?
You poor thing! Im a denture wearer, and Ive had to go through a lot of oral surgery over the years, so I have a lot of personal experience in the area of oral pain. :( Salt water is soothing and healing, so rinse with it. Also, if youre on a low-sodium diet...


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Shopping for Clip-on Stirrups to Keep Pants Inside Boots?
Could you try making a pair for yourself? Thats what I usually do, when I cant find something that I need. Sorry I cant be of more help!


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Problems With the Temperature Control Knob in Ford Ranger?
If you Google a phrase like car repair forum, you might have a better time of finding people who can help you. Thats where I got some good advice about a strange noise my car was making, and found out that it was the fuel pump failing.


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Child Support and SSD Lump Sum Back Payment?
You might Google to find forums that pertain to legal matters regarding child support and Social Security. They might be better able to help you. Im sorry the economy is affecting your ability to pay child support. Its hurting so many people.


Wrapping paper, bows and supplies

After Christmas Eco-Savings
Also, Christmas cards can be cut down to make post cards to use the following year. Or, if its just a winter scene, you can use them anytime during the winter months!


My Frugal Life: Little Tricks To Pinch Pennies
Im frugal, but we splurge on basic cable and internet. My mother loves watching her cable news at all hours, and I use the internet a lot to do research, sell things online, etc. Plus, the library wont let me download/upload anything, so theres no way I could...


Hot Water Bottle to Reduce Heating Bills
Id be a little concerned about leaks, esp. where hot water is concerned. Ive had bottles like that spring leaks, and it was a mess with cold water; with hot water, injury could result. In my honest opinion, it would be safer to use a hot water bottle, as its...


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Make Dispenser From Old Pill Bottles
Wow, this is a great idea! Thank you!


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Advice on Canceling Cable and Phone Service?
If by black box youre referring to the one that belongs to the cable company, you must surrender it to them when you cancel your cable. You will, on the other hand, need a digital converter box to pick up local TV stations over the air, unless you have a newer...


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Dental Care on a Limited Budget?
There might also be dental schools in your area, that need volunteer patients. The work is supervised by qualified dentists. I know what it is to feel horrific dental pain. Im praying for you. I hope you can get help, very soon.


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Sewing Machine is Wadding Up Thread Under Fabric?
Have you accidentally changed the tension, by any chance? If the tension isnt even above and below the fabric, wadding can occur. If thats not the case, then its a mechanical problem with either the bobbin compartment, or maybe the feed dogs: http://en.wikipedia...


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Why Do Marshmallows Stick Together?
Heat and humidity. I used to live in the desert, and never had a problem with this. We moved to the Heartland, and this past summer was hot and humid. The marshmallows became a huge blob in their bag!


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Snakes in House?
First, make sure its not poisonous. Poisonous snakes will usually have a triangular head, shaped that way by the venom glands. If its a rattlesnake, its definitely poisonous. Chances are that its just a garter snake, in which case youre safe. If the animal...


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Removing Rust from an Iron Skillet?
I just read this on another site today! It said to use a paste of salt and vegetable oil. If a skillet has been cured, which I assume yours has, the site also said never to use soap, because that will strip the oil seasoning from the surface of the skillet...


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Shaping Eyebrows?
Follow your natural brow line, and just tweeze the stragglers. What I do, to be safe, is just pluck a few hairs per day, until I see how it looks. You can always pluck more the next day, but you cant put them back on if youve plucked too many. ;) As a general...



Travel: Carhenge
Hey, come on...Nebraska isnt the middle of nowhere! :-) Carhenge is pretty cool, but the best thing to see is the migration of the cranes in early spring. If youre really lucky, youll spot an endangered species of bird on the Platte River. People come from...


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Kenmore Washer Not Spinning Out All of the Water?
Our washer is doing the same thing, and its about the same age as yours. I have a friend who also has a similar washer--he and I have had problems with our washing machines for years. I think Kenmore just built a whole line of clunkers. Adding insult to injury...


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Killing the Roots of a Downed Tree?
We had a sumac tree doing that, and it nearly drove us crazy. We tried everything, up to and including bleach, but nothing killed it. A guy at Ace Hardware told us to use Ortho Brush B Gone, which is for poison ivy. Its the only thing that finally killed the...


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Fluorescent Light With New Bulbs Does Not Turn On?
If its an older fluorescent light, it might be the starter thats the problem. Its a cylindrical-shaped thing inside the light, and you can see what it is and what it does here: You can replace the starter, just...


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Black Containers for Hot Water
I love it! I wish Id known about this when I lived in Arizona. It would have saved me loads of time lugging hot water outside for cleaning, and the water would have gotten hot very quickly! But if it works in Alaska, it will work here, I guess! :)


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Make Your Own Almond Milk
Thanks for sharing this neat idea!


Oreo (American Shorthair Cat)

Oreo (American Shorthair Cat)
Aww, hes so cute, and sounds like a real charmer, too. I had a cat that looked like him. Oreo is a cute name for a tuxedo kitty!


An Autumn Leaf Garland

Autumn Leaf Garland
I love this!


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Selling Items on Etsy?
If you want an easy-to-use camera that isnt too expensive, go for the point-and-shoot variety. Make sure its at least got the capability to take 7 megapixel photos. While Mrs. Storys info is very helpful, it might be a tad advanced for a beginner like you, so...


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Where Can I Get Emoticons?
There are tons of them all over the web! Just Google smilies, and youll find more than you know what to do with. One site that lets you link to their smilies for free is: An especially cute version of the smiley is called a kao ani...


Spider decoration on a light fixture.

Spider Egg Sac Light Cover
Im going to try this. Ive been looking for something unique to put on our lamppost!


My Frugal Life: Ways To Reuse Recyclables
I love any and all recycling ideas like yours, but I would draw the line at reusing Ziploc bags that have been used for meat. You cant get such bags 100% clean, and take it from one whos been there, food poisoning is not only a horrible experience, but the...


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Planning a Masquerade Birthday Party?
Make invitations that look like masks, perhaps?


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Fluorescent Lights Not Working?
As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, the starter could be the problem. If replacing that doesnt fix it, then you need to replace the unit entirely.


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Cleaning Stainless Steel Pans?
Theres a powdered abrasive cleaner called Bar Keepers Friend. There was just an article about this on Lifehacker:


Merlin at the window.

Merlin (Maine Coon Mix)
He looks and sounds like such a sweetie. Thank heavens you rescued him, and that he has a loving home now. :-)


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Scratch Resistant Coating Peeling Off Lenses?
Did you get the glasses from Wal-Mart? (Im assuming they have stores in PR.) Their glasses are notorious for doing this. If you have the receipt from when you got them, and theyre still under the guarantee period, just take them back to the store. Theyll have...


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Name Ideas for a Full Service Cleaning and Yard Work Business?
How about AA House & Yard Services, with the slogan, We do windows, and everything else!


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Assistance for Low Income Senior With Denture Expenses?
I wish I knew, my mother is in the same situation, and Im not in a position to help. :(


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Orajel For Mosquito Bites
T&T Grandma, I wonder if the disinfectant would actually kill WNV, or if it would react badly with the numbing gel. You bring up a good point about WNV, Im going to ask a pharmacist if a disinfectant could kill the virus.


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Microwave "Grilled" Cheese Sandwich
Ive been doing something similar for years; I lightly microwave the cheese before putting it on the toast, to make sure it isnt too hot. Ive had a pizza burn once, and its no fun. Otherwise, I prefer this method, because an actual grilled cheese can get pretty...


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Caring for an Aging Parent?
All the advice given is good, but you must realize that you have a problem, as well. You wouldnt harm a child by spoiling him/her, but youre spoiling, and endangering, your mother by not putting your foot down. You need to adjust your own point of view to realize...


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Alternate Uses for Dental Floss
A word of caution about using dental floss for buttons on coats. I tried that, but once the floss got wet in the rain, it came apart rather quickly. Since then, I just stick with heavy-duty thread. :)


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Will Bathing a Dog With Dawn Help With Dry Skin?
I highly doubt it, because Dawn is best-known for its grease-cutting capabilities. It will only make skin drier. Ask your vet what he/she recommends to help your dogs dry skin. There are probably over-the-counter remedies available at a nearby pet store. Another...


phone keypad

Tools That Help The Blind Today
Jo, your posts are always fascinating. Im disabled in different ways, due to multiple health issues, so Im always inspired by people who have been able to find ways to get around the day-to-day problems that able-bodied people dont have. Like you, I have problems...


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Customizing Windows 7 OS?
If I may, Id like to make a joke here and say, just delete Windows entirely and install Linux instead (since Linux is free, more stable, etc., than Windows, and you dont have to worry about viruses/spyware). Seriously, you would NOT want to do that, but I got...


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Removing Pen Marks from Photos?
Im not sure you can. It might be worthwhile to scan the picture, then take the time to edit the mark out of the digitized photo, on your computer. If you cant do it, there are services at places like Walgreens photo department, where theyll do it for a price...


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Kenmore Freezer Not Working?
Perhaps it needs freon, or theres a mechanical problem. Either way, itd be a good idea to call a repair tech at Sears. Even if the freezer is older, you can get it repaired. To save $$, you can buy a 1-year repair policy which is effective immediately; if the...


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Homemade Dog Food Suggestions for Dog Refusing to Eat?
Have you tried warming the food a little bit in the microwave? It helps enhance the scent, which is often all thats needed to pique a dogs interest and hunger. There could also be a medical reason the dogs refusing to eat, so if the problem persists, please...


My Frugal Life: ThriftyFun Family
OMG, what a terrible life youve had! An innocent child being blamed for the mistake of her mother, there are just no words. It may sometimes be hard to believe, after hearing so much negativity pounded into your head, but youre a valuable person who deserves...


Scenery: San Francisco Peaks (Flagstaff, AZ)
Pretty! I visited Flagstaff once, and wanted to see all the beautiful sights. Unfortunately, my health issues are such that I was unable to adapt to the elevation, so I developed mountain sickness and had to be taken down to Phoenix ASAP. Its so gorgeous up...


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Clean Crock Pot With Denture Tablets
What a great idea! Ill have to tell my mom about that one. Thanks!


Green Savings and Losses

Green Savings and Losses
CFLs are not only potentially dangerous, their so-called savings is grossly exaggerated. After hearing about the dangers, I switched back to incandescents, and it made no difference in my electric bill. Even electricians I know say that CFLs dont save much...


CD Spinner Top - finished top with colorful paper top

CD Spinners
That is so cute! You could add dollar amounts to the wedges, to make a Wheel Of Fortune wheel!


Tweety Bird stepping stone

Decorative Cake Pan Stepping Stones
Thats so cute!! Id love to see that in person. :)


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Cut Electricity Bill and Keep the AC
The simplest way to save $$ is to turn up your thermostat. Anything below 80 degrees is a waste of money, and unnecessary. I used to live in Arizona, where, contrary to popular belief, its only a dry heat in June and part of July. I now live in a much more...


Tips for Keeping Cool in the Summer

Tips for Keeping Cool in the Summer
One important note: You actually do sweat while swimming, its just rinsed off by the water youre in. So its very important to keep hydrated, when in the swimming pool. :)


My Frugal Life: Happy Barginista
Where do you get a propane mower? Inquiring minds wanna know!


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Message to Accompany Gift of Pen to New Writer?
May you always find inspiration and joy in the written word.


Styrofoam Stars

Styrofoam Stars
Utterly adorable! Id love to make some, but its almost always windy here, often with storms and very high winds, so my decorations always get ruined. Maybe I can use them indoors!


Jensen (Cockeranian)
Get well soon, Jensen! Youre a very handsome fellow!


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Use Open Office For Free Office Software
I have an older version of Windows, so I use Linux a lot. Its especially nice to use the live CD versions, because theres no complicated installation necessary. :-)


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Buy Soda (Pop) By the Case
My mom used to drink soda pop by the case. Years later, she ended up with osteoporosis so bad, that she has lost 5 of her height and is in constant pain. Why? From drinking soda pop all those years. It strips your bones of calcium, accelerating bone loss. Please...


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Dishwasher Deodorizing
Something else that people recommend is putting lemonade flavor Kool-Aid in the dishwasher, and run it with no dishes. We do it, and its nice and fresh! Only lemonade flavor will work, however. Anything else, and youll end up with an unintended dye job in your...


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Make Washcloth Mitten to Keep Shampoo Out of Eyes
Thats a cute and practical idea!


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