
Jackolyn Smith

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17 Posts | 133 Comments | Active Since 2004
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Getting Rid of Rats and Mice?
Go to a tractor/feed store and get some Ramik bars. These will kill mice and rats and you wont smell them if they die in the house because whatever is in these bars, dehydrates the animal leaving them as flat as a pancake if you find a dead one. We lived near...


Separating egg yolks from the whites with your hands.

The Best Way To Separate Eggs
If you dont want to use your hand, try this fast and easy method. Take a clean, empty water or soda bottle. Put egg in a bowl. Turn the bottle upside down and squeeze it over the yolk. The yolk will suck up into the bottle leaving all the white in the bowl...


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Removing Ring Stuck on Finger?
If you take your child to the emergency room, they will most probably cut the ring off. There is a wonderful tutorial on you tube on how to get a stuck ring off with dental floss! Check it out. The ring they used was really stuck and the finger very swollen...


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Getting Rid of Fleas in the House?
Works every time! Take a 9 x 13 in. pan and fill 2/3 with water and a couple of squirts of Dawn dish soap mixed in. Place on the floor with a desk lamp or a work light hanging over it. The fleas will jump in the pan and the dawn water will kill them. Do this...


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Homemade Spray for Flying Insects?
I use a cheap can of hair spray. Spray the flying insects and it stiffens their wings so they cant fly! I use this especially on bees or wasps that get in the house. Works every time!


Puzzle scene

Framing Jigsaw Puzzle?
I did this with a puzzle that I made for my granddaughter. Go to a hobby store and get some mod-podge. Its a type of glue. Brush it all over the top of your puzzle and it not only glues the pieces together, it gives the puzzle a nice, protective shine. If you...


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Crock Pot Recipes?
Its just my hubby and me at home now and this is one of our favorite recipes that I came up with myself. Pour 1/2 can of Cream of Chicken soup in bottom of pot. Put 2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts on top of the soup. I season mine with garlic pepper. Pour...


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Crock Pot Recipes?
A good recipe for pork chops or cubed steak: Put 1/2 can mushroom soup in pot. Place the meat on top of the soup. Season the meat if you wish (I use garlic pepper) Pour rest of the soup over the meat. Cook on low for 6 - 7 hours, or high 3 - 4 hours. Very Good...


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Dial 211 for Local Resources
Here in GA, you Dial 811 for local resources.


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Denture Causes Tongue and Palate to Burn?
Are you a smoker? I thought my dentures were to blame when the same thing happened to me. I just happened to change cigarette brands a few days later and the burning went away! If youre not a smoker, it could also be denture adhesive if you use it. The only...


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Pain from Dentures?
I put a little Fixodent on mine. It stops the pain because it gives it some cushion.


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Painting Brass Exposed to Water?
I dont know about painting it, but if you do, you could put a clear coat on afterwards to protect the paint!



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Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe?
Easy and good Peanut Butter Fudge! 2 Cups sugar 1/2 Cup milk 1 1/3 Cups Peanut Butter (I use crunchy) 1 - 7 oz. jar Marshmallow Fluff Into a large saucepan, pour milk and sugar and bring to a boil for 3 minutes stirring constantly so it doesnt burn. Take off...


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Keeping Mice and Rats Out of Storage Unit?
We get mice in our garage in the winter. Our garage is really like a pole barn that sits at the back of our property. We buy Ramik bars from a tractor & feed store. Agway sells them too. We put them in the garage and in our basement. You break up the bars and...


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Getting Rid of Small Black Biting Bugs in Kitchen?
Try spraying the nest with hair spray. They wont be able to move and it should kill them. Repeat every day until they are all dead.


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Finding Free Furniture and Kitchen Items?
Almost every area has a freecyle. If youre from, say the Atlanta area, then type into your browser. You can also just type in your city after the slash. It should take you to that page or to a city page close to your city. There you will...


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Recipe for Butterscotch No-bake Oatmeal Cookies?
I would just take a bag of butterscotch chips and melt them. Then mix enough oatmeal in to make it stiff. Then roll out into little balls.


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Making Sauce for Asparagus?
We use Cheddar cheese soup. Its really good on the asparagus!


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Easy Peasy Cole Slaw
I use a large can of crushed pineapple because my family really likes the pineapple taste. You could try a small one of youre not that into pineapple.


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Glitter Coming Off Shoes?
Try spraying them with hair spray.


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Treating Poison Sumac?
When my husband gets into poison oak, sumac, or ivy he uses rubbing alcohol to dry it up. Just keep dabbing it on the blisters and it will dry up in 2 - 3 days. If he gets blisters that wont dry, he pricks them with a pin and then dabs on the alcohol. Thats...


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Remedy for Persistent Heel Pain?
You can take an empty soda pop bottle and fill with water and freeze. Then you roll it back and forth under you foot. I did this every night before bed for a couple of weeks and I havent had any problems with my heel since then.


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Banana-Coconut Upside Down Cake
I tried this a second time by baking in a 9 x 13 inch pan instead of two round ones. MISTAKE! I didnt have a platter big enough to invert it, so the sauce didnt permeate the cake, making it a sloppy mess on the bottom. So, if you make this, be sure to use the...


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Eating with Dentures?
My top plate has been loose for close to a year now. I just put Fix-o-dent on it every morning. Ive never had a problem biting anything since I started using the Fix-o-dent!



Desicant capsule.

Prevent Onion Powder From Caking
I really like this idea, but it this really safe?


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Postage Paid Printer Cartridge Bags?
If you buy your inks at Office Depot, take the empty cartridges with you. They will give you $3 off your purchases when you turn in an empty cartridge.


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Use Empty Coffee Bags for Grease Disposal
I put all my grease in an empty plastic ice cream container and keep it in the freezer. When its full, I just put it in the trash on trash day.


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Buying Craft Items for Children Online?
You can use Elmers Glue. It is clear when it dries!


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Layered Pineapple Cake
This is also called a dump cake. I just made one yesterday!


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Unauthorized Deduction by DirecTV?
Never say there is nothing you can do. If you have a problem with a company and they wont help you, just write a letter of complaint on This happened to me with Dish. They owed me money that they kept making excuses about. I finally got fed...


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Headlight Dingy and Yellowed?
I didnt want to pay the $20 or more dollars for the restoration kit and just put up with it for months on end. Then one day my friend and I were discussing the issue and she said that she read a tip on another site that said to use Soft Scrub bathroom cleaner...


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Prevent Shoulder Damage Now when you are Young
I had the same problem. My arm and shoulder hurt like that for almost a year. I finally broke down and went to a chiropractor. She adjusted me and put electric stimulation on my back three days a week for three weeks. That was 7 years ago and I havent had any...


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Name for Birthdays When Your Age Equals Birth Year?
I was born in 1951 and I dont think Ill ever reach that age!


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Buying a Counterfeit Detection Pen?
Counterfeit pens dont always work! We used one at my workplace and one time it didnt show that the bill was counterfeit. Heres a surefire way to tell if a bill is counterfeit or not without the person even knowing that you are checking it. Just run your fingernail...


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Homemade Hummingbird Nectar?
I would say that yes you are correct. It would probably give them a sugar rush! When you make your own Hummingbird food, you are supposed to mix it 4 - 1. Mix one cup of sugar to four cups of water. It seems to me that 1 -1 is way to sweet for them and would...


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Shopping for Awesome Cleaner in Canada?
Do you have Dollar Tree stores in Canada? Thats where you can find Awesome cleaner in the states.



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Removing Super Glue from Plastic Eye Glass Lens?
You can try nail polish remover. The acetate in it melts the super glue, but it might also ruin the lenses. Hospitals use acetate to melt the glue if you glue your fingers together.


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Eye Lashes For Mattel Doll?
How about just getting a very fine brush and painting them on.


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Review of Dryer Balls?
Instead of wasting money on dryer balls, I use regular tennis balls! They are great for fluffing up towels, quilts, comforters, etc. Ive even used ones from the dollar store. They last forever!


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Removing Marker from Painted Door?
Nail polish removers will take off permanent marker. When my son was around 5 yrs. old, he decided to redo the outside of 10 kitchen cabinets with black marker! I tried scrubbing them with everything I could think of. I finally tried the nail polish remover...


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Choosing Between Cable or Dish TV?
We went from cable to Dish satellite. It was the worst idea ever for this household! We had it for 6 weeks and it was down more than it was up! I finally called them after putting up with the crap and told them to come get their stuff. We went back to cable...


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Best Batter Recipe for Deep Frying
For an even better tasting batter, substitute the water for a cup of beer.


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Simple Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes
I did this last year at Thanksgiving time. I found that the top of the mashed potatoes got hard and crusty. However, they were still good!


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Banks Can Help You Save
I have been doing this with Bank of America for 12 years! This savings really adds up after a while and I often use it to buy gifts with.


Congainers of lettuce placed on small garden table.

Banish Slugs from Your Garden
If you put crushed egg shells around your plants the slugs will stay out of the garden. We had this problem for years until someone told us this. Now I always save my egg shells in a container to use in the garden.


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Treating Poison Oak?
My husband and I both have been inundated with poison oak. I had it so bad two years ago that my eyes were swollen shut! Anyway, I used plain rubbing alcohol on it to dry it out. Every time I started itching, I just took a cotton ball soak in the alcohol and...


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Replacement Hooks for a Dual Shower Curtain Rod?
We got some nice looking stainless steel double hooks at Home Depot. They were only about $7 and theyll last forever because they dont rust, stain, or break!


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Getting Rid of Rats?
Go to a farm supply store and get some Ramik bars. The rats will eat them and they will dehydrate and die. When you find them dead, they are flat as pancakes and dont blow up like they do with DCon.


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Shopping for a Men's Short Sleeve Blue Dress Shirt With White Collar?
If you have a Marshalls store in your area, try there. I work at Marshalls here in GA and we carry them.


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Cleaning Formica?
The best thing that I have found for removing grease on anything, including clothes is a product called Greased Lightning. You can find it at Home Depot and Im pretty sure that Walmart sells it to. I cleaned the range hood filter at my sons house with it. The...


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Mad Dogs
These are really good! They call them Whistle Pigs up north.


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Use for Used Fabric Softener Sheets?
I save all my used fabric softener sheets and use them to dust. They are especially great for dusting your TV and computer screens. They hold onto the dust and you dont have to worry about static electricity!


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Removing Permanent Marker from Chrome Car Bumper?
The best thing Ive found to remove permanent marker from just about anything that isnt porous, is nail polish remover!


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Tip for Smooth Gravy
You will get less lumps and more meat flavor if you use corn starch instead of flour to make you gravy. Just mix some with cold water and stir into gravy juices.


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Check For Free Services at Banks
My bank does all of this except they do charge for money orders. (Bank of America)


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Warning: Don't Reuse Coffee Grounds Day After Day
We dont pour the left over coffee over the used grounds-we reheat in the microwave. But we do put new grounds on top of the old ones. We do this for one or two days and have been doing it for years now and never got sick, nor anyone else from outside of the...


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Can I Tint My Eyeglasses at Home?
If the lens are plastic, you can tint them with clothing dye (Rit). Just follow the directions on the box or bottle. I did this with a pair of prescription safety glasses that I needed for work. The flourescent lights hurt my eyes, so I dyed my lens light brown...


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Recipes Using Quinoa?
Thanks for the feedback. Ill check out the Target store near my job. Costco is too far and Im not a member. I want to try the recipe on the site that Mrs. Story wrote above. Ill let you know how I like it. But Id also like some other recipes...


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Cleaning Ceramic Floor Tiles?
My Niece has these tiles throughout her entire house and she uses Windex on them! They look beautiful when shes done.


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Buy a Counterfeit Detection Pen for Garage Sales
Those counterfeit detection pens dont always work! I used to work customer service and quite a few times we used those pens and the bill was counterfeit! The easiest way to check without the other person even knowing that you are checking the bill is: Run your...


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My Husband Has Bad Breath?
Get your husband to a doctor and have him checked out! My father had this problem and his breath was worse than diarhea! He let it go for months until my mother couldnt take it any longer. She made him go to the doctor and come to find out, he had an ulcer...


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Use Both Dryer Ball and Dryer Sheet
I used to use the dryer balls too, and had problems with static cling. Then one day my dog got hold of the balls and chewed them up. So, I grabbed 3 tennis balls from my sons room and threw them in the dryer. They work like a charm! Cheaper than dryer balls...


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Fleece Stockings Pattern?
Just take an old pair of socks and use them for a pattern. If they dont have a seam in them, cut them down the sides and use that as a pattern.


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Planting Marigolds for a Science Fair Project?
Marigolds are very easy flowers to take care of. They dont need much work except to dead head the dried flowers. Just pick off the dead flower heads when they dry out and your plants will spread like crazy. The dead flower heads are the seeds. They will grow...


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Shaving Sensitive Skin?
I have sensitive skin too and the best thing Ive found for shaving my legs is hair conditioner! Its cheap, goes on smooth, and leaves your legs smooth with no bumps or itching afterwards. Try it...I think youll like it. Just use the cheapest conditioner you...


Tin man made from recycled cans.

Tin Man Mania
These are cute. One of my customers at the bowling center where I work makes these but he goes a little bit further with them. He makes bird feeders out of them!


Coins Coming out of Glass Jar

Spare Change Adds Up
I paid for 3 years of college for my son with change. We started when he was in 9th grade and put each denomination into its own coffee can. When the cans got full, we had him and his friends help roll the change and then deposited into a separate account for...


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Recipe For Rich Chocolate Brownies?
I make my own Never-Fail Rich Chocolate Brownies by buying the cheapest Brownie mix I can find, usually from Aldis. I then follow the directions on the box for the cake like brownies and add 1/2 cup of chocolate chips, and 1/2 cup of Hersheys chocolate syrup...


Jiffy Spiffy Brownies

Jiffy Spiffy Brownies
Im as confused as the others! Do you mix each box according to directions and then mix together, or do you just mix the ingredients you listed and then bake? Need more complete directions please.


ThriftyFun Links Image

Link: Homemade Dryer Balls
I keep 3 tennis balls in my dryer at all times. They help keep the clothes fluffy and you dont need fabric softener sheets or even regular fabric softener. Ive used the same 3 tennis balls for over a year now, and they still look like new.


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Product Review: Bellawood Floor Cleaner
Where can you buy this product? I went to all 3 websites that you listed and none of them give a price or where it can be bought!


Marigolds to Repel Mosquitoes

Marigolds to Repel Mosquitoes
We lived on the Erie Canal when we lived in NY. We had tons of mosquitoes! One year, a friend told me about planting Marigolds to keep them away so we tried it the following year. Every spring after that, I planted Marigolds on each side of the sidewalk leading...


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Complaints About NY and CA Moving Companies?
My sympathies for your daughter. If you really want to get the word out about these companies...go to This is a site where you can register complaints or even praises about a company. You type in what you want to say and then they redo your...


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'Suzy's Zoo' Birthday Party Supplies?
Have you tried Party City?


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Fed Up with Cat Clawing Everything?
We had cats for years and always got them de-clawed! And they never stayed in the house permanently either! They went outside all the time and they can still climb trees with their claws missing. I wouldnt have a cat that scratches everything. We even had one...


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Dryer Magic Dryer Balls?
Stop wasting your money on dryer balls! I bought a sleeve of 3 tennis balls. I threw them in my dryer the day I bought them (about 2 years ago) and never took them out. I havent used any fabric softener since then and my clothes always come out of the dryer...


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Recipe for Outside Window Cleaner?
If you are going to wash your windows outside when theres a chance of the cleaner frosting over, just put about a 1/4 cup of rubbng alcohol in with the cleaner. This will stop it from freezing or frosting over.


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What Can Be Added to Water For Boiling Chicken Before BBQ?
I have a friend that makes the best bbq ribs (both beef and pork) and chicken than Ive ever had! She always par-boils any meat that shes going to bbq on the grill. She adds 1/2 bottle of barbecue sauce to the water and it permeates the meat and tenderizes it...


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Advice For Preventing Towels Getting Wrapped Up In Dryer?
Ive read all the tips above, and I find that the only one that really works the best is the tennis balls. I bought a sleeve of 3 tennis balls just for this purpose. They went into the dryer the day I bought them, and theyve been in there ever since (almost...


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Fading Jeans?
I had a girlfriend who used to buy the dark jeans when they were on sale. She would fill her tub up with water as hot as she could stand it and then pour a full bottle of lemon concentrate in. She would then get in the tub with the jeans on, and take a scrub...


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Making an Airline Reservation?
Airtran always runs internet specials on Tuesdays! Check for ticket prices. I find them very cheap all the time, as I fly from Atlanta to Buffalo, NY and back quite often and always found Airtran the cheapest.


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Kill Pests In The Garden
Does this kill fire ants, or just regular ants?


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Painting Panelling?
I did this with old paneling in my last house. We started with just one wall thinking that it would make the room look bigger. Instead of washing, we just used a sealer called KILZ. It can be found at Wal-Mart, Home Depot, etc. We put two coats of KILZ on first...


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Liquid Sand Paper?
What is liquid sand paper? Since youve had no responses is a couple of days, Im assuming that no one else knows what it is either! Maybe we could help if you explain. :) (b)Editors Note:(/b) I think this is it:


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Cleaning a Mesh Bath Sponge?
If you have a dishwasher, throw it in there. If not, you can use your washing machine, but like the other post suggest, dont put it in the dryer.


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Removing Hair From My Face?
Get yourself a Conair, battery operated razor. Its the size of a large pen. Ive been using one for four years now and I love it. The more you use it, the lighter and thinner the hair grows back in. I use it on my whole face, including eyebrows, upper lip, cheeks...


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Green Oranges?
My sister-in-law had an orange tree in Florida and the oranges were always green! They never turned orange, but they were the sweetest, best tasting oranges Ive ever had!


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Magic Marker in a Clothes Dryer?
Nail polish remover will remove permanent ink from just about anything.


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Burgundy Paint Didn't Work Out?
In regards to the rag painting. Why dont you just use the pink colors from the other 3 walls and rag paint over the burgundy wall? Then youll still have the burgundy showing through without the roller marks!


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Cingular Wireless Complaints?
One of the best places to make complaints or compliments is! Go to this website, type up your complaint, and they will retype the letter and you can either use theirs or your own. I placed a complaint against Dish Network. They owed me for...


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Flying Vs. Driving?
Hi Stephanie, Im also traveling for Christmas this year. Im driving 970 miles by myself. Ive checked flights, and its cheaper for me to drive than to fly. You have to consider the amount of luggage youll be taking, plus gifts. My car will be packed, but it...


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Blush Brush For Cleaning Your Sewing Machine
Ive been doing this since I bought my first sewing machine back in 71! It works much better than anything else Ive tried.


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Teeth Whitening With Benzoyl Peroxide?
The fastest and cheapest way to whiten your teeth and keep your breath fresh is to brush with baking soda. I had nicotined stained teeth, and have been using just plain baking soda for two months now and my teeth are whiter than theyve ever been!


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Bank of America: Keep the Change Reviews?
I just started this about 4 months ago and already have a little over $300 in it. I have $25 put in each month from my direct depost. I also round up to the nearest $10 when entering checks in my check book ledger. I find that by the end of the month, I sometimes...


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Getting Grease Out of Clothing?
I work in fast food and get fryer grease on my shirts all the time. Ive asked for help here before, but the hints didnt help, including Dawn. I found a degreaser called Purple Power that took out stains that have been washed and dried many times. You can find...


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Poll: Are produce prices higher than normal in your area?
Im glad you asked this question for todays poll. I thought it was just me! Produce here in the Atlanta area is sky high right now. I just paid $1 for one cucumber...I know, Im nuts, but I really like them!


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Banks With No Minimum Deposit Checking Accounts?
I like Bank of America, not only for the service they provide you, but mainly because they have branches in a lot of states.


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Marigold Flower Tips?
Hi Autumn, Marigolds are my favorite and Ive been planting them for years. Ive only bought them once! When you plant them in the spring, dead-head the flowers. Take the flowers that look like theyre dead and put them into a brown paper lunch bag. I do this...


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Saving Favorites When You Get a New Computer?
Why dont you just copy and paste each URL onto a word document and print it out. Then when you get your new computer, all you have to do is type them into the search area, when the site comes up, just add them to your favorites again.


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Deleting Your Name From Telemarketers Lists?
When a telemarketer calls you, you sometimes hear a click before they start talking. As soon as you hear this click, start punching the # sign on your phone. This not only scrambles your number with them, it knocks it off their list so they dont call you again...


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Which crockpot brand name is the best?
Ive had a West Bend slow-cooker crock pot for over 15 years now, and I love it. Its a 6-quart size with tephlon interior. Ive never burnt food in it, even when Ive left the food in there for more than 10 hours some days while Im working!


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Where Can I Buy a Pumice Stone?
The Wal-Mart that I shop at has Pumice Stones in the pharmacy area where they sell Dr. Scholls and other foot problem products.


White dog.

Sam (Jack Russell/Poodle)
Oh my goodness! Hes absolutely adorable! :) Id love to have one that looks just like him. I had a Schnoodle (Schnauzer-Poodle mix) who passed away last year and I miss her terribly. :(


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Grilling Bagels in a Cast Iron Skillet?
I always grill my English Muffins in a cast iron pan. All I do is set a smaller cast iron pan on top of them!


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Keeping a Black Range Clean?
Ive found that the best way to keep mine clean is to spray it with Greased Lightning, wipe down, and then wipe with clear water and dry with paper towels. This takes off all the grease, dust, dirt, etc. and leaves a nice shine!


A cute puppy on a carpeted background.

Lady (Jack Russell Terrier)
She is soooooooo cute!!! Id love to have her...I had to put down both of my dogs last year and its pretty lonely without them.


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Food Grease on Work Shirts?
Thanks for all of the feedback! Ive tried Dawn dish soap, but it didnt work. Ill try Lestoil, Gojo, and the motor degreaser next. Ill let you know how I make out. Thanks again for all the great tips.


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Cub Scout Banquet Decorations?
I was a den mother in Cub Scouts when my sons were young. All of our decorations for the Blue and Gold banquet every year were always done in the Blue and Gold colors. We usually had the boys make the decorations at our weekly meetings.


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Alternatives to Band Aids?
I, too, am allergic to regular Band-Aids. I use the stretch gauze with gauze pads. Works great! And, yes, the marks you have from the Band-Aid will go away eventually.


Dog Keeps Knocking Over His Food?
Put his food in an old angel food pan or bundt pan. Pound a stake down through the hole and bend it over so he cant tip it any more. We did this for one of our dogs, one for water and one for food.


lime green flying geese baby quilt

Labeling Your Quilts
This is a beautiful quilt! When I make labels for my quilts, I embroider the information on a small square of plain colored material that matches the quilt. I then sew this label onto one of the corners of the quilt.


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Makeup Stain on Sweater?
I work in fast food and get fryer grease on my shirt all day long. I bought a bottle of Awesome from the Dollar Tree store and sprayed the stains until saturated. Even after being washed and dried quite a few times, these stains came completely out! Awesome...


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Opening Nail Polish Bottles
If you have trouble opening old or even new bottles of nail polish, dont grab for the nutcrackers. They can break the top if you squeeze too hard. Just tip the bottle upside down and pour some nail polish remover around the opening. The bottle will open right...


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Recipe for Doubling Butter?
If you want a lower calorie butter with the same taste as real butter, mix a pound of butter with 1/2 cup of water. Blend well, and you have a lower calorie butter that you dont have to pay extra for! And it tastes just as good as plain butter without water...


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Storing Crazy Glue
The best place to store Crazy Glue or Super Glue is in your refrigerator! Ive got a tube of super glue that is a little over 5 yrs old that is still like new. I bought it just before I retired in 2000. I got this tip from one of my co-workers, and it refrigerating...


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Jimmy Buffett Themed Party?
Since Jimmy Buffet fans are known as Parrot Heads, why not use stuffed parrots and a jungle type theme, or even a hawaiian theme!


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Natural Homemade Tooth Powder?
I got tired of paying extra for whitening toothpastes. My dentist told me to use plain baking soda. Ive been using it now for two years and my teeth are whiter than theyve ever been. Im a heavy tea drinker and a smoker, and since using the baking soda, I have...


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Natural Indigestion Remedies?
Peppermint works great, but it too sometimes gives me heartburn. I find that drinking milk with a meal, or even before the meal, helps to coat your stomach. I cant eat Italian food without getting heartburn or acid reflux, and the milk always helps.


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Stores That Sell Nylon Shirts?
Try They sell the nylon Guyabara shirts


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Keep Pillow Cases with Sheets
This is a good tip, but Ive got a better one! When I wash my bedding, or even when I buy new ones, I always fold the entire set into one pillowcase. Then you always know where the sheets are that match the pillowcases!


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Coloring Your Own Hair?
I use Hydrience hair color on my hair. I, too am getting older and I have more gray in my hair than my mother did at my age. The Hydrience makes your hair soft and silky feeling. I color mine about every 8 weeks or so. Try it, I think youll like it, and its...


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Iced Tea - Tips and Recipes?
We go through two gallons of iced tea per day, so I make mine every night before I go to bed. I use an 8 quart pot. Start by putting as much sugar as you like (I use 1 1/2 cups) in pot. Add enough hot water to melt sugar, and stir. Put in 7 large tea bags and...


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Netflix for Books?
I think the site youre looking for is You can make a list of all the books you want, and either buy them immediately, or have one a month sent to you for $9.95 a month. I belong to this, and its better than any book club out there. No matter...


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Sewing Tough Fabrics?
Dental floss works great, too.


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Sharpie Marker On Door?
Ive found that the easiest way to take off Sharpie Marker writing is to use nail polish remover. It works like a charm!


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How to Fight Acne?
First of all, if your boyfriend broke up with you because of your zits, then hes not worth having for a boyfriend anyway! Do what the models do, take Pepsodent toothpaste and put on your zits when you go to bed. The Pepsodent dries them out almost overnight...


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