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567 Posts | 489 Comments | Active Since 2007
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The canned beets and a bowl full of the pickled beets.

E-Z Refrigerator Beets
Excellent! I also add whole hard boiled eggs into my juice after for pickled eggs too. One could probably pickle lots of other veggies ( carrots, cauliflower, etc.) in this juice as well! Good reminder! Thanks for your comment!


A bottle of peppermint oil next to a lip gloss.

Peppermint Oil to the Rescue
Great comment and you are so correct! Dont use any essential oils directly on skin full strength. Use it in a carrier oil if applied to skin. I also found inexpensive necklaces that actually hold a teeny cotton balls which you can saturate with your essential...


Two baby books with pictures.

Personalized Baby Books During Covid
Thanks! I just want them to be able to recognize us if we wear masks too and arent afraid of these strangers! Facial recognition is important!


Two baby books with pictures.

Personalized Baby Books During Covid
That is a loving thing to do! Good for you!


A bowl of handmade flower shaped chocolates.

Healthy Chocolates
Hahaha...MINE as well and now I can eat them knowing they are healthy! Enjoy!


Several used tea bags next to a package of sunflower seeds.

Used Tea Bag to Sprout Seeds
Oh, Ive been there as well! Good Luck though! :D


baked Banana Nut Bread loaves on rack

Banana Nut Bread
Oh dear! Right you are!! I used 2 cups all purpose flour! Sorry about that! Ill get it added to the recipe and thanks you for asking!!


baked Banana Nut Bread loaves on rack

Banana Nut Bread
None in this recipe. Just the baking soda.


baked Banana Nut Bread loaves on rack

Banana Nut Bread
Thanks Jess!


baked Banana Nut Bread loaves on rack

Banana Nut Bread
I hope you do! Let me know if you like it as much as we do!


baked Banana Nut Bread loaves on rack

Banana Nut Bread
Good! I hope you do.


Deer in the Snow - dark room with deer outside the window

Deer in the Snow
Thank you...around my house im teased for my photographing ability (or lack of...haha) but at least I am quick to catch special moments! Enjoy!



A smoky fire in a burn barrel.

The Face of the Essence of Fire
You have a unique vision of things. Great! Keep looking!


Button Christmas Cards - light strand card completed

Button Christmas Cards
Adorable! I have made my Christmas cards in the past but didnt this year. I will definitely make these NEXT Christmas!


Vintage Looking Thread Spool Tree or Gift Ornaments - ornaments on display

Vintage Looking Thread Spool Tree or Gift Ornaments
Thanks! I meant to mention that i found a box of old sewing supplies ( including the empty spools) at a church $2 a bag sale...a favorite place of mine to shop for tons of bargains including these!'


Mommy's Little Helper - Fuzzy in with the spices

Mommy's Little Helper
Sounds very familiar!! Arent they they sweetest?


Mommy's Little Helper - Fuzzy in with the spices

Mommy's Little Helper
Thank you! Yes. Thats one of my favorite pics too! I keep it displayed in my computer room i liked it so much! Happy Thanksgiving!


Mommy's Little Helper - Fuzzy in with the spices

Mommy's Little Helper
Thank you! I just entered a photo of her mommy sleeping amid our christmas stockings i intended to hang...So funny that its what IM DOING that they are always the most interested in!!


sauce on spaghetti

Fast and Easy Garden Tomato Sauce
Thanks for your comments! All true! We do have an organic garden and TONS of tomatoes this I speak there are 4 huge bowls on my table and more still in the garden. So we have more then plenty and even get to donate produce to a homeless teen shelter...


Little Peanut Baby Shower Favors - tray with bags of cookies

Little Peanut Baby Shower Favors
Thank you once kindly! I love when party decorations look simple but cute too!


Little Peanut Baby Shower Favors - tray with bags of cookies

Little Peanut Baby Shower Favors
Hahaha....ME TOO! This cats a PIP!


Spooky Halloween Worm Brownies - 4 worm brownies on a red plate

Spooky Halloween Worm Brownies
Creatively dreadful!'' Youve got my vote!!


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Prescription Bottle for Secret Key
Very simple and clever! Voted for you!



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Solution for Ants in Pet Food Bowls
Really simple and smart! Im definitely voting for it! Thanks for the tip!


Long nails beautifully manicured with an opalescent blue polish.

How To Make Your Manicure Last
Good tips all! Two points- Dont SHAKE your bottle of nail polish. ROLL it in your will prevent bubbles and air getting into the polish. On a whim i tried a STICK-ON nails last year and was amazed how long it stayed on! I actually ended up peeling...


Nappy Baby Shower Invitations

Nappy Baby Shower Invitations
Thanks! So much fun too!


An exercise mat and a pair of dumbbells for exercising.

Frugal Fitness
Hi All, Donna again! I wanted to add the disclaimer that the program i found is certainly not the only one out there and to google to find one that best suits you! There are varieties for young or older, fit or a beginner and even disabled! Good Luck!


Thrifty Cat Snack (Chicken Liver) - livers in an ice cube tray

Thrifty Cat Snack (Chicken Liver)
True. My cat didnt seem to like hearts as much though, but each one is certainly different!


Making Simple  Suet Cakes - place can in the suet feeder

Making Simple Suet Cakes
I decided to leave the can in..since I wasnt sure if the oils would melt and it could help catch both the oil and seeds if it did. We didnt get hot enough days for it to melt though and my birds ate it right up!


Lettuce leaves in a mesh produce bag.

Wash and Spin Your Greens
Thanks! Its so true about the space saving aspect as well. I hated the old spinner I had because it took up some prized cabinet space!


Crispy Baked Chicken Thighs on plate

Crispy Baked Chicken Thighs
405 degrees? Was that a typo?


The Girls are Ganging Up - Fuzzy

The Girls are Ganging Up
Did you see our chicken? It doesnt automatically show when I clicked on this link and is viewed by clicking on the little arrow to the right of the second photo. I actually thought that was the funniest aspect of this set of photos! Like my cats taught our...


The Girls are Ganging Up - Fuzzy

The Girls are Ganging Up
Yes, our pets give us great pleasure, dont they?'


The Girls are Ganging Up - Fuzzy

The Girls are Ganging Up
So very glad you like my girls theatrics here!' They are characters! I actually keep a bulletin board where I print out random things that just tickle me and make me laugh. I revisit it on those days when I need it and this day definitely qualified as one to...



Ready Bacon Anytime - cooked bacon on a piece of parchment paper

Ready Bacon Anytime
Thanks! It really helps me get out of the house on early days without needing to stop somewhere for fast food too!


Ready Bacon Anytime - cooked bacon on a piece of parchment paper

Ready Bacon Anytime
Hope it keeps you hopping in the morning! Great, quick addition to a lunch ( BLT, grilled cheese or other sandwich) too!


Watcha doin? (Fuzzy)

Watcha doin? (Fuzzy)
Yes, they can be extremely loyal ( and nosey too!')


Easy Salmon Fettuccini on plate

Easy Salmon Fettuccine
Thanks! It fancies up an common lunchtime!'


baked Cinnamon Sugar Cookies

Cinnamon Sugar Cookies
Hey, now thats clever! Gotta try it! Thanks


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Avoid Nails in Car Tires
Ive also gotten them from lumberyards, driving behind grocery stores plazas, by drop off boxes and I even got a bolt at a TIRE STORE parking lot, so car repair shops parking lots can even be tricky spots too! Ive heard that sides of the roads are high puncture...


A drawing of an owl.

Free Education for Seniors
Yes. It was a painting i did on a canvas bag which I gave to one of the instructors at the end of the semester as a thank you.'


A drawing of an owl.

Free Education for Seniors
Thanks everyone for your kind words! It was such pure pleasure! I encourage everyone to be lifetime learners! It will keep you looking forward in life!


DIY Japanese Kintsugi Pottery Repair - bowl glued back together with web of gold paint showing along the repair lines

DIY Japanese Kintsugi Pottery Repair
I guess one CAN mend a broken heart! Good job!


Repurpose Spent Water Filter Cartridges - charcoal from a water filter in an aluminum baking pan

Repurpose Spent Water Filter Cartridges
Donna here again...Just wanted to mention that i actually left the charcoal in the pictured foil pan and placed it in my oven (after cooking dinner) to totally dry the granules out before putting into the litter box, btw!


Caramelized Onion Chicken on plate

Caramelized Onion Chicken
Wow! In the knick of time! I was looking for a new chicken recipe for tonights dinner and caramelized onions are the best!! Going to start it right now! You have my vote!


Caramelized Onion Chicken on plate

Caramelized Onion Chicken
quick question....there is NO liquid at all in the pot? Im a little worried it will burn before carmelizing. i just made onion soup the other day and that called for an entire stick of butter!


Making Bath Bombs  - three balls in a plastic bag, they can be decorated to look like a snowman

Making Bath Bombs
Thanks! The room smelled wonderful too! Fun project!


Honey Glazed Butternut Squash on serving tray

Honey Glazed Butternut Squash
Thanks! It does taste great and since we usually have plenty of them from our garden, I love new recipes for them!


Honey Glazed Butternut Squash on serving tray

Honey Glazed Butternut Squash
Chopsticks to cut the veggie or as the guard so you dont cut all the way through? You may need to cook it a lot more to be soft enough to cut thinly with chopsticks ( you MUST be better at chopsticks than me!) If you mean youll use them as side guards, be careful...


Hanging Bats - bat hanging in the window from a curtain rod

Hanging Bats
I guess I accidently left off the second photo of the bats with curled wings. Just curl the wings over the face and its also supper cute! Ill try to add the photo.


Avocado Quick Bread slices on plate

Avocado Quick Bread
i assume its more of a sweet dessert type bread ultimately, right? I always like to add avocados to my very healthy! Will definitely try it!


A package of dental floss.

Saving Money on Dental Visits
Hahahaha....when my daughter was very little she misunderstood the saying and once said When you got it floss it...which I thought was funny AND appropriate! :)


Roasted Radish portion on plate

Roasted Radishes
Yes, i was really pleasantly surprised especially since some of them grew pretty large so they were hot if eaten raw...but cooked? Mild and crunchy! I honestly like them better this way now!


Potstickers on plate with dipping sauce

Japanese Style Potstickers (Gyoza)
Refresh my memory..(I know ill sound dumb for this) but just to be clear...that ground meat is precooked before mixing the other ingredients and stuffing in into the wrap, right? I love potstickers and have made them before ( and i think i even posted them...


Roasted Radish portion on plate

Roasted Radishes
So glad you and your son both liked them!'


Bird Seed Heart Wedding Favors - favors in bags

Bird Seed Heart Wedding Favors
Thanks so much! Exciting times!'


Taco Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with garnish

Taco Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
Brilliant! Ive had sweet potato cubed in tacos but this is even better for a carb watcher like me! Thanks!


French Onion Salisbury Steak on dinner plate

French Onion Salisbury Steak
Yes, a good way to slip in ground chicken too! I kept some of the gravy aside and froze it to add to future burgers as well!


Comb Your Rugs Clean - using a pet comb on a rug

Comb Your Rugs Clean
The rugs i used them on were straight, not looped yarn and i was very pleased! Good luck with yours!!


Veggie Tuna Melt on plate

Veggie Tuna Melt
Sounds hearty, healthy and interesting! Ive gotta try it soon! You have my vote!'


Energy Balls on bowl

Chocolate Avocado Energy Balls
Thanks! Yes. Really satisfying and a healthier boost!


Make Big Showy Flowers from Plastic Tablecloths - pink flower

Make Big Showy Flowers from Plastic Tablecloths
Thanks for ALL your sweet comments! Trying hard to cut some costs for an upcoming shower and wedding! More hints to come for sure!!


A newborn Bald Eagle chick next to an unhatched egg.

Newborn Baby Bald Eagle
Second egg just hatched today!


Fingerprint Guest Book Picture - tree covered with prints

Fingerprint Guest Book Picture
Thanks! My daughter will treasure it in her new home as a nice memory of her wedding! Makes me happy to think shell fondly remember her guests!


Baked Crispy Tofu on baking sheet

Baked Crispy Tofu
FYI- I just made this recipe but used nutritional yeast on some and ground flax seeds in place of the cornstarch. Both came out nice a crispy too! Great added to my egg drop soup recipe I entered on Thrifty Fun recently! Thanks!


Egg Drop Soup in bowl with spoon

Healthier Egg Drop Soup
Thank you for voting for me! ;-)


Know Your Beneficial Insects - lady bug larva

Know Your Beneficial Insects
Well said! Its so important we remember that insects arent enemies. They are an important part of our earth and our well-being ultimately!


Butternut Squash in bowl

Easy Butternut Squash
Happy to share it! Luckily our butternut squash grew prolifically this year causing me to think of it or to get hurt trying!


Portobello Mushroom Personal Pizzas

Portobello Mushroom Personal Pizzas
Sounds positively yummy, simple and quick for a healthier pizza alternative! Will try it! Thumbs UP from me~ Thanks!


Frozen Small Tomatoes on cookie sheet

Freeze Small Tomatoes Whole
Wow...the cottage cheese is what surprises me. I have frozen whole green peppers for years now but when I try cheeses it can be a whole new experience...;-) Thanks!


Sunflowers for the Endangered Bumblebee - large sunflower

Sunflowers for the Endangered Bumblebee
Scientific American Quote: The agency listed the insect after determining it to be in danger of extinction across all or portions of its range, attributing its decline to a mix of factors, including disease, pesticides, climate change and habitat loss.


Pit Cherries without a Pitter

Pit Cherries without a Pitter
Although I am sure the readers are clever enough to know this but I MEANT to add the disclaimer to make sure you sift out the pits when pouring your infused juice onto waffles or on yogurt! I simply placed my spoon at a angle at the mouth of the bottle to prevent...


Avocado pancakes with fruit on plate

Avocado Pancakes
Love the thought of this! You get my vote!


Eggplant Burger on plate

Eggplant Burger
I love eggplant and will definitely try this! Thanks! You have MY vote!


Chicken Sausage, Apple and Sweet Potato on plate

Chicken Sausage, Apple and Sweet Potato Pot
I would add a little water and bake it in the over at 375 for the hour.


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Frittata Loaf
Yikes! I am having lots of issues with this recipe! First, two egg whites dont nearly cover the veggies (I may have used too many veggies and didnt mince them up very, very small. That seems the only way that they would be covered). Should there have been some...


Cleaning Prescription Glasses

Cleaning Prescription Glasses
I meant to add: REMOVE your eyeglasses and put far away from you before ever spraying your hair with hairspray too!! The spray damages the glass coatings! Lesson learned the HARD WAY...


Miss Daisy (Rat) - white rat with ping collar

Miss Daisy (Rat)
Oh! Thanks for the great insight! Daisy does seem darling and her students love her!


A orange and yellow flowered wallet with money sticking out the top.

When Frugal is Not!
Right you are!


A orange and yellow flowered wallet with money sticking out the top.

When Frugal is Not!
So true! The difference between NEEDS and WANTS... they say to wait a while and let the test of time prove if its necessary! Good point!! Thanks!


How To Use Watercolor Pencils - 4 examples on small floral shapes

How To Use Watercolor Pencils
Double check your pencils first! Many better watercolor pencils dont supposed to be wet directly. It ruins their use. I just dont want anyone to ruin good pencils!'


Rorschach Snowflakes - different design

Rorschach Snowflakes
I started volunteering at a daycare for mentally challenged individuals, doing art projects. This is simple yet charming! We will be trying it soon and hanging them from the ceiling! Thanks so much!


Fastening a Bracelet - using a paperclip to hold jump ring to fasten

Fastening a Bracelet
This is genius! My daughter gave me a very lovely Pandora bracelet but I have such a hard time putting it on alone that I dont wear it as often as Id like! Problem solved now!! You have MY vote! Thank you!


A decorated and lighted Christmas tree in a living room.

Affordable Family Christmas
That IS an actual working antique phone that my husband repaired so it does ring (loudly) and we can answer and even talk on it. We just cant call out since there is no battery nor capacity to dial. Cool huh? I also have an old black table model with a real...


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Herbs and Supplements to Heal a Wound?
Use an aloe plant! Split open a succulent leaf and spread the gel directly on the wound and cover it. It will work much faster than any supplements!


adding red food coloring to sugar in Ziploc bag

Make Your Own Colored Sugars
Probably Michaels Craft stores would have them or any craft stores that carry cake/candy making equipment. I just used grocery store food coloring. They even come in neon now!


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Painting Crafts With Acrylic Paints?
Adding water to acrylics helps remove the drag lines from a brush. You may also lightly mist for painted item with a fine mist waterer after you finish! For larger painting projects, You might consider an inexpensive manual airbrush aspirator. You make up looser...


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Name Ideas For A Handmade Jewelry and Decor Shop?
How about: Decor Delights Or Decor Diva!


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Clean Clothes Smell Bad When Wet?
I have learned that bacteria can hide in both clothing and footwear and it is killed by cold. So, if you dont live in an area where you can leave or hang clothing outside wet, during freezing weather, recommendations were to actually place articles of clothing...


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Keeping Craft Bows From Getting Flat?
Stack them into the leg of a pair of nylons. You may even hang the pair in the back of a closet!


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14th Birthday Parties Ideas?
Find your local YMCA or ask local hotels ( many offer day passes to swim at their pool for a fee) and enjoy summer fun of swimming in January! YMCAs even have saunas and spas for pampering and even various fun classes like spinning! My one daughters birthday...


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Discontinued Graham and Brown Wallpaper?
Remember designers will pull one color from a pattern and alternate it as part of the room design. It adds interest and may be a less expensive alternative to tracking down a hard to find or possibly obsolete pattern. Good Luck!


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Speech for Receiving an Award?
I echo all the previous entries PLUS I would invite every child there to take the next moment TO TURN AND THANK THEIR SPECIAL PERSON IS WHO IS WITH THEM THERE. That is a win-win for everyone!


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Fundraising Ideas for Dance Trip?
First, figure out how much she/you will need. That way you dont waste time on small fundraisers that may not get you where you need to be in time. Next, figure out what your fund raising idea will COST you (in terms of materials or investments for resale..) Try...


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Which Cat Litter Is Best?
Best is in the eyes of the beholder... If you arent home all day or arent fastidious about cleaning the box, clumping is preferred. If you clean up regularly and cheap (as in Thrifty is important, then clay is very good. I personally place a sheet of newsprint...


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Towel and Shower Curtain Color Advice?
As per the universal color wheel, a pale or even a sunny yellow would be a nice complimentary color to purple.


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Name for Closet Organizing Business?
How about Wardrobia? It sounds like a kingdom!


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Name for Closet Organizing Business?
How about : Wardrobe Concierge?


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