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16 Posts | 577 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Dealing With a Coworker that Speaks Too Loudly?
I believe he needs to have hearing checked. A family member had hearing issues years ago and spoke too loud. They got hearing aids and after about 2 weeks were able to adjust fine to appropriate volume. That was 25 years ago.


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Donating Furniture?
Put and ad on local craiglist under free, garage sales, and furniture.


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Finding Free Furniture?
First place to look and keep checking is the trash area for your apartment complex. From the poorest to the very nicest apartments, people are always moving and leaving okay stuff. Walk around your neighborhood area on trash collection day , as well as day...


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Finding Agencies to Help After a House Fire?
Red Cross, Salvation Army, local Health and Human Services: ask each place you call for other references.


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Recycling Cell Phones and a Tablet?
Cant you just erase of delete everything? Maybe call Best Buy and ask?


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Recycling Heads Up!
I love the idea of doilies in a candy box. Fills that nostalgia niche in our collecting little souls.


Information on Old Imperial
 Wallpaper -  muted tone design with fish and aquatic plants

Information on Old Imperial Wallpaper?
In Portland, there is/was an Imperial Paint factory. I think it still exists. They used to have books of wallpaper prints so I think they carried, or would order it. The factory was primarily for contractors but anyone could buy there. I dont know if it is...


A smiling woman sitting in a restaurant booth.

Why a Budget is Like a Shower
All of those are great ideas, but I would add a comment re public transportation. I live in Portland which has a great transportation system, but its $5 a day for adults, $100 a month for a pass, so pass is better deal. But possibly you could be a ride for...


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Finding Financial Assistance for Roof Repairs?
In Portland, Oregon there is free help available for seniors with house maintenance problems on owned houses. Possibly something similar in other areas out there. Contact senior service type organizations. They will know.


Gluten Free Buckwheat Pancakes and Waffles

Gluten Free Buckwheat Pancakes and Waffles
I love buckwheats myself; thanks for the recipe. However, Id like to make a comment re gluten intolerance. I wonder how many people know that almost all baked goods now contain a plastic called azodicarbonamide, a foaming agent used in shoe soles and yoga mats...


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Finding a Free Bed?
It would help if we knew if you were in a large city or small town. I would get on the phone and call churches and ask whoever you talk to if there is a bulletin board for their parish.Ill be some family has an extra bed and even someone would have a truck...


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Pussy Willow and Home Foundation Concerns?
Look at how far the branches of the tree come out. Thats about the same radius as the roots. Just picture the tree upside down.



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POA and Changing the Will?
You will need to consult a lawyer, but it seems straight forward that the house was left to you. She has no right to it at all. If, however the state wanted to, it might place a lien against it prior to you receiving it. Is it for you to have now, or to have...


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Kitchen Cabinet Color Advice?
I dont know what the real estate market is in your area, or what you see as the most likely buyer: another person planning to rent out the house, or first time buyer. Frankly, Id make sure the kitchen is very clean and let the buyer figure out what to do. It...


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Changing a Shirt from Blue to White?
Why not just look for another one in white? Then you will have two. You can use RIT dye remover with uncertain results, and maybe a smell you cant completely remove. Or you can bleach, which may not work if material is synthetic, and may weaken fiber if its...


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Toning Down Dyed Hair?
Something like that happened to me in 1994. That was when I decided to never do anything chemical to my hair again. I have shiny hair with a bit of natural wave (didnt know that before), and like my brown/silver color. However, the orange... find a product...


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Growing a Wisteria Vine from Cuttings?
You just said you can take cuttings from a vine that is eating a house. Are you sure you want to? When it starts to send out new shoots in spring, break off a few and stick in a glass of water and put in window. Keep water level up, and it will grow roots. Plant...


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Buying Terra Cotta Flower Pots?
The rim is there for a construction/durability purpose. What is your need, plan? The thinner edge is more likely to chip without a rim, so manufacturers probably have no desire to make them.


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Financial Power of Attorney Responsibilities?
Whether you have to legally or not depends on the law. Its always a good idea to keep receipts...I have finally learned that in my old age. Certainly I would now that you have Power of Attorney. I think any trustee position would at the least ethically require...


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Living Room Curtain Color Advice?
Sounds nice. How about something with all 3 colors in a pattern that doesnt clash with other patterns in room?


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Cleaning Floor Tiles With Ammonia?
What kind of material are we talking about? ceramic, vinyl, or ? Is there grout? If vinyl, just soap and water. If ceramic, also just a little laundry soap and water. Use old towel to wipe up dampness. Let dry and see how it looks. If grout is greying, scrub...


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14th Birthday Party Ideas?
Whats the budget and likely weather where you are? Think of all the physical activities you can that everyone can do. We had a softball game at the park and a picnic once. Go carting another time, a good track run or hike with picnic and cake might be fun for...


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Sharing Living Expenses?
Bummer. I see several factors here. The basic male-female thing, and the role thing, and the myth that current American relationships are now equal...Really? You can have the kind of relationship you have here or anywhere, regardless of origin. The world is...


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Bedroom Drape Color Advice?
Use the colors you have and dont add anymore.



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Services at Mobile Vaccination Trucks?
No, but call your local humane society and they will probably be able to refer you to some organization which will give you a voucher or certificate for your dogs needs.


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Replacing the Springs on an Old Couch?
Get a book from library on DIY upholstering.


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Finding Plumbing Repair Help for Low Income Homeowner?
First, what is leaking? If you live in a large city their probably is an organization that your local social service would know of that does repairs for seniors or people of limited means. Or call a local church known for community work. They probably can think...


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Kitchen Curtain Color Advice?
Beige or white. The patio door is a source of light. Keep it that way.


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Chalkboard Painted Fridge?
I agree with the former poster. You are setting your fridge up for rust problems, because it is metal. Look for a black board the size you want, glue magnets on it, and stick it on the fridge.


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Hair Falling Out After Perm?
Stop using so much stuff on your hair. Conditioner alone will make your hair fall out. I used to do all the stuff you are doing and my hair had one problem after another. I went through a period of unemployment and left my hair alone, and gradually it returned...


baby food containers

Removing Odors From a Plastic Container?
Just let them air out a while, couple of days or weeks.


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Refreezing Deer Meat Hot Dogs?
No. Only refreeze meat which still has ice crystals in it.


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Complementary Colors for Bath?
Think of copper as it ages, that lovely soft green should go nicely with it. And a warm, creamy white perhaps for accent pieces.


Dyeing Hair Back to Natural Color?
Use the same color combination you have already used, but instead of putting it on your head/hair, get a fine comb and a cheap paintbrush or toothbrush and put small amounts on the comb, but not in big globes. Just comb it on the comb, and then through the...


black with white puppy

What Kind of Puppy?
I have owned several border collies and it sure looks like one to me.



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Removing Stains from Baby Knitting Wool?
What is the stain? First try white vinegar and blotting. Rinse in cool water and let dry. Next, if it covers larger area, soak in Dawn and cool water overnight, rinse in cool water in morning. If all else fails you can bleach wool with regular peroxide. Put...


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Pressure Cooker Macaroni and Cheese?
I dont think you want to do that, unless the cooker comes with the recipe, which would lead one to assume its been tested. I think a pressure cooker would turn the macaroni to mush. It doesnt take long to make mac and cheese, even if its prepared for oven bake...


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Growing Corn?
The tassles are a necessary part of fertilization process. You should also plant corn in a block, ie say 4 rows by 4-6 in a row, to help fertilize.


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Treating a Dog's Yeast Infection?
If its a yeast infection of the same fungus women get, maybe a cream for such from dollar tree, rubbed softly inside ears? Its one dollar there vs many more at any other store.


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Killing Weeds in Flowerbeds?
Pesticides and herbicides are being linked to so many health issues. This is my favorite. Step on and squash/break weeds, cover with mulch. Thats it.


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6 Week Old Puppy Won't Eat or Drink?
She was taken from mother too soon. Id get canned baby formula and read directions as to dilution or not. Serve at room temp or slightly warmed by sitting container in hot bowl of water.I saved a baby bunny that way, using a dropper.


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Name Ideas for a Cleaning Service?
Shreveport Cleaners? Boring, but I dont think anyone would have trouble remembering it, especially if you also got a phone number easy to remember. Like area code: xxx-SO-CLEAN.


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Finding a Free Laptop?
Depending on size of city where you live, if larger, call city hall and ask if they know of such community services finding such for people of limited income. Also put ad/notice on school bulletin board. There has got to be a few students wanting to rid themselves...


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Kittens With Cold in Its Eye?
If you dont have a tube of neosporin get one for $2+ at Walmart, or generic at DollarTree for $1. Put a bit in eye after wiping eye first with damp cotton swab/ball. Then apply a dab on a Q-tip or similar. Be careful of your own health and make sure you wash...


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Using Downy for Removing Dog Urine Smell?
I dont know about using Downy, probably cant do any harm, but first apply white vinegar, full strength and let dry. Urine forms ammonia, vinegar neutralizes it so it is neither alkaline nor acid. The vinegar smell will go away. If your dog is not trained and...


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Weight Watcher's Plan from the 80s?
I was on it, and dont have paperwork, but it was 2 glasses skim or 1% milk if you couldnt stand skim, pretty much unlimited green, or non starchy veggies, 2 Tablespoons fat : includes oil. Low fat yoghurt to compensate for one milk. Two-3 fruits I think. Servings...


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Making Homemade Butter?
Its fun to make butter, using heavy cream as other commenter says, but its certainly not economical. I used to get raw milk and saved my cream and tried it. I think I got about 2 tablespoons.


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Shopping for Spirit of Ammonia?
Call your local hospital pharmacy.. I have only fainted once in my life, when I was having a biopsy of my uterine lining to check for various hormone levels; the doctor woke me with spirits of ammonia vial. I assume its still used for the same reason, fainting...


peanut butter pumpkin pie

Avery's Peanut Butter Pumpkin Pie
Sounds like it might be good. Also good vitamin A and protein content. Could substitute 8 oz canned evaporated milk as well for cream; calcium content increased.


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Skin Lightening Tips?
First, there is no way you can do that without risking ruin. Older methods could ruin your kidneys and of course never worked that well. But you can, brighten your natural complexion so your skin is soft and has a good glow. Once or twice a week take a lemon...


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Outlet Making Crackling Popping Noise?
Not at all safe. You could try turning off the electricity at the breaker box during the day and have a look. Maybe wires are loose or scorched. If loose probably one will be okay and by looking at how it is, fix the other one to look the same using a screw...


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Replacement Full Size Sofa Bed Frame?
Might be a solution to look for a good used one, or call upholsterers and see what they say about your needs. Might have one, might know if made or not.


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Finding a Place to Buy Pinecones?
I just googled pinecones for sale and found sources.


Red ink on gray hoodie.

Removing Ink from a Hoodie?
Read all of this first. For starters. take old towel and put it under the spot. Pour rubbing alcohol on it and blot with another old towel. Do not rub, whatever you do at his stage. Let dry and look at it Did it help? Continue if it did, moving to clean part...


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Breaker Keeps Tripping?
Too much load? Wire loose? Call an electrician or two and get an estimate for diagnosis. Could be faulty breaker (simple to fix, or inadequate breaker, dont know difficulty). Because of fire hazard implication, get it checked. Some things have too high a price...


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Front Load Washer Not Spinning?
How old is washer? If it is 10 years, tranny might be going; buy a new one. There should be a tech number for your company, technicians can give you a lot of clues to follow up on. Theyve been very helpful to me, when there was still life. But yours might be...


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Removing an Old Blood Stain from Carpet?
Enzyme products such as for pet stains might work; but if theres an old protein stain like blood I always try ammonia [plain, not ammonia cleaner] in dish soap water, as it breaks down proteins well.


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Cleaning the Inside of a Toilet Tank?
If the crust is rusty, pour in quart of white vinegar and let sit all day or night. Scrub with old brush you want to toss. Then maybe add a little detergent after flushing that stuff and scrub some more. Its a mineral build-up. CLR or similar might help.


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Remedy for Persistent Cough?
Sounds like post-nasal drip, possibly from allergy. Does he smoke, or someone else? Once a day,for about 3 days make a bouillon with Knorr cubes.Use about a 1/3 cube, add chopped fresh garlic, red pepper flakes and any herbs you have like oregano, basil, rosemary...


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Getting Full Custody of Children After a Divorce?
All of the other is advice is good. I was married to a foreigner who left the country and I raised the kids; he eventually resurfaced and became American citizen but we are old, kids were grown, and statute of limitations had expired on child support. Eh! I...


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Dip Dye Bleaching a Denim Jacket?
If you just want it faded, make a normal 1 cup washing machine solution and throw it in. Otherwise you might need to paint on a bleach solution. Never use full strength bleach, or anything near it. It will rot the fabric. Try different techniques on an old...


Dishes from set. Cup and saucer, plate, and serving plate.

Value of a Child's Tea Set?
Im guessing $100-125, BUT to be more certain look on ebay, google antique childrens tea sets look for one of similar quality, compare. What country is it from? Look for doll websites and see if they have old tea sets. If you live in a larger city, say Seattle...


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Remedy for Itchy Skin On Dog?
I knew a woman who had an old tiny pomeranian dog who had itchy skin. Her hair was falling out, and she didnt look long for this world. I went back to visit my neighbor about 3 months later and she greeted me with what I thought was a young replacement dog...


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Dog Not Eating After Other Dogs Must Leave?
They cant keep 4 but can they keep 2? Can you take him?


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Getting Rid of Worms in Lawn?
If you are talking re earthworms, why would you want to? They will keep your grass healthy. They are a sign of good soil health. If they are earthworms they just come up when its too wet for them to breathe and they will go back down as soon as it dries a bit...


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Value of Antique Pink Maytag Wringer Washer?
Depending on appearance, condition of cords, any chipped enamel or rust, which can get on clothes, Id say $25-possibly $100, tops. Almost all would be in the lesser range. You might try selling it to an appliance store however.


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Dawn Dish Soap for Washing Dog?
Id use the plain blue, but put a few drops in a large plastic glass or container and dissolve it before putting in on dog. Its very concentrated and hard to rinse out and left over soap could make your dog itch.


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Cleaning a Flour Sifter?
I would give it a tap from the sides with my open hand. Then poke at it with kitchen scrub brush if I have one, or a stiff clean paint brush [not artist brush] if I have one. Or scrub lightly with a plastic dish scrubber [make sure all or any of above are completely...


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Leaving a Not Fully Inoculated Puppy in the Yard?
Parvo lingers in grass longer than you would expect. His system needs time to react to his vaccine. Parvo is a horrible disease. Can you create a barrier and make a small space for him in the house? Get a dog crate, but disinfect a used one with bleach before...


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Removing Cigarette Smoke Smell from House?
White vinegar is a great deodorant if allowed to dry completely, mix with water, not full strength. But I would use dawn [blue] and a tablespoon of bleach in a bucket of water. Cigarette smoke contains tar, which is sticky so thats for the Dawn, and bleach...


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Child Acting Older Than Her Age?
I agree with above advice completely. But Id like to add another point that many parents, myself included at one time, feel unsure of. You are the parent, you have the authority. You dont need to argue the point, or escalate with threats.. Just calmly state...


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Ex-husband Wants Custody of the Children?
Did you have a custody agreement? See if you can find out what hes been up to since you split: any legal problems, bankruptcies, etc. Do you know anything re the woman hes with? Google both their names. Do as much research as you can before you go to a lawyer...


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Removing Latex Paint from Clothing?
Try plain, clear ammonia. Not the cleaners containing ammonia. Pour on spot, wait a minute, scrub with old toothbrush. Best done outdoors of course.


Salt and Vinegar Weed Killer

All Natural Weed Killer
I dont think salt is ever good for the soil, but using a steamer or very hot water might work too.


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Getting Rid of Tiny Ants?
Wiping a narrow strip with bleach water along door bottoms, window sills works for a while. My daughter used to do that during ant season. That way they still live outside to do their cleaning the environment functions.


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Remnants of Ballard Designs Wallpaper?
I dont know how old the designs to which you refer are, but garage and estate sales are good source, as well as wallpaper dealers themselves. There are little piles of discontinued available for very little money.


beaded pendant necklace and matching earrings

Ideas for Selling Handmade Jewelry?,, recommend it enough. Have to have a visa card, could get a small secured one from Walgreens or Walmart. They charge very little per posting and many people do well on etsy. Any craft sales which have inexpensive table charges...


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Removing Cat Spray Odor Inside the House?
Use the white vinegar full strength. Repeat as necessary. Walmart has a relatively inexpensive enzyme/odor product in the pet section. But if you apply where you have already applied the white vinegar, be sure to go over that area with basic soap and water...


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Removing Fish Smell on Car Seats?
Lemon juice and white vinegar, full strength or enzyme product for pet urine, it sort of eats any biological stain/smell. Leave it to do its work for some days, and then use white vinegar again if needed. Id try the enyzme first and then the vinegar since its...


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Getting Rid of Clover in the Lawn?
If clover doesnt get too high, why get rid of it? Its good for the soil, cushy underfoot, and has pretty flowers. Better yet, get some of the short wildflowers and plant them also amongst the grass. I plant it deliberately. The only way to get rid of clover...


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Spots on my cloths?
I have read that many of the super modern washers have issues: smells, etc. Call the consumer line on the booklets which came with the washer.


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Determining the Fees for Insurance Photography Services?
Id rehearse in your mind ahead of time how you would like to proceed through a house and the kinds of things people might want to document. Make a little sheet outlining what the owner should do to have things ready ahead of time, and suggest an appointment...


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Paint Color Advice for a Kitchen Light Green Tile and Oak Cabinets?
Some towns have recyling centers where one can get free or almost free paint. That could be a cost help. I would paint walls a durable antique white. A glaring white would clash with the beige and tans, but a nice crisp white should make everything pop. By...


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Area Rug Placement in Room With a Diagonal Fireplace?
Basically, anything that you think looks nice. The rug placement will probably have some connection to how you have place your other furniture. Just try different arrangements and see what suits your taste, as well as the normal flow of foot traffic in your...


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Difference Between Bread Machine and Regular Yeast?
Ive no idea. I use rapid rise which I get by the pound at Costco or Sams or Winco. Its less than $3 per pound and I keep it in a Ziploc which I put in a plastic container in the fridge. Lasts well over a year. I notice that some breadmakers have a rapid cycle...


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Litter Box Training a Kitten?
Im having a hard time picturing all of her equipment. Does she have a litter box? Plain one that she can get into? Just feed her her breakfast and if she hasnt gone, put her in box and keep her there by picking her up and putting her in box until she goes. The...


My Frugal Life: Ways To Live On Less
I want to tell everyone about this tip for keeping cool during hot weather. Collect and save a few liter bottles from pop or Gatorade type bottles, keeping the caps also. Rinse out of course or you may have ants. Fill each one about 2/3 full, cap, and put in...


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How Do I Clean Spit Off of Walls?
A cleaner containing a little ammonia, like windex, or home made windex. We used to use it to clean bird droppings off the front door of the store where I worked. Ammonia is good for any body proteins, like dried egg on a plate, etc. Not full strength, just...


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How Do I Clean Spit Off of Walls?
Given that hes a foster son, does he have more than usual problems? You might want to give him the solution, and gloves, and throw away all when done. Who knows what it is.


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How Do I Control Squash Bugs Organically?
Most home made sprays use oil, garlic juice, dish liquid soap, red pepper, and water. Id throw it all in, about 1 tablespoon each. Id also go out with bucket of soapy water and knock any I found into the water. If you can have hens, Id let them loose in the...


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Why is Food Now Sticking to My Pampered Chef Baking Stone?
If you have a self-cleaning oven, just put the stone in when you clean your oven and it comes out like new.


My Frugal Life: Food On Hand
I have found myself and family in same situation many times, even though I am frugal and try to keep supplies put by. It is because I put by that I have the tidbits which I use in the same manner as yourself. I find we often overestimate how much we need to...


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Burnt Smell in a House?
You might try wiping down everything you think the smoke touched [walls, cupboards] with soap and water followed by a wipe with white vinegar, and leaving open dishes filled with a bit of baking soda throughout rooms that smell.


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Weight Watcher Friendly Bread Machine Recipes?
Bread is made from flour which is carbohydrate, but we need that for energy. The trick is to have carbs with fiber, which is why whole wheat is recommended. Body process it slower. However, I think I saw white whole wheat flour in Walmart the other day, and...


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Substituting Unflavored Gelatin for Pectin When Making Jam?
I wouldnt. Gelatin contains protein which can grow bacteria quite nicely and make you very sick. In canning proteins are canned with pressure and I think it would ruin the gelatin. But you could probably just boil the rhubarb with lots of sugar and make a preserve...


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Birthday Gift Ideas for 19 Year Old Boyfriend?
What does he find interesting? How long have you been going out together? Does he have any goals hes mentioned that you could forward with your gift? Hobbies? What qualities in him do you want to encourage? I have little money so I like what I spend to be effective...


Raising a Puppy?
Best time to take a pup from Mom is 8 weeks. Essentially hes kind of begging for Mom and siblings, fussing like a baby. It wouldnt hurt to hold him a lot, scratch his ears, have him sit next to you on couch on old folded blanket that can be rinsed out if he...


My Frugal Life: Making It Through a Little Longer
I hope you will not ignore the gift that food stamps are in hard times. Google food stamps Colorado online and there is a little program that you fill in and it will tell you what you would receive based on your circumstances. Then you can go to the actual...


My Frugal Life: Making It Through a Little Longer
Hi, its me again. You are apparently in Mesa County. There are 3 programs via this website, all of which would help you put a floor or foundation under your regular efforts to maintain a reasonably healthy food budget. As I see it, being the creative thinkers...


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Making Homemade Barbeque Sauce?
Start with one cup catsup. Put in bowl. Add 2 tablespoons brown sugar, or white sugar and a 1/2 teaspoon molasses if you dont have brown sugar. Add 1 tablespoon cider vinegar. Add very tiny dab of dijon if you dont have dry mustard. Like less than a teaspoon...


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Boosting My Energy Level?
Are you eating a big enough breakfast? A pretty good size breakfast can take you through until afternoon with hardly a thought. More than youd think: bread or toast/egg or cheese/cereal or yogurt/glass of milk, maybe a few seed/nuts on cereal/yogurt. Fruit...


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Making Infant Dresses?
Are you talking about very small infant? Like the little newborn stuff? If you want to have store bought types of stuff, the best bet is buy one baby pattern with lots of styles included. Or you can take an outfit you like and lay it flat, and make your own...


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Gift Ideas for Mother's Birthday?
Has she ever expressed interest in learning something like a hobby, etc? Since she is on a diet, she will need something to distract her in a happy way, from the habit of eating. Then, wearing her new shoes, and outfit, she could go and use a gift certificate...


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Rooms Added On to House Seem to Be Detaching?
Id try to get the engineer out first. A contractor has a vested interest in telling you the best story possible, and there are lots of horror stories about contractors doing unreliable work (ever watch Holmes Inspection?). Hey, theres an idea, write to their...


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How Long Does It Take a Detergent Bottle to Decompose?
It will decompose, but possibly not in your lifetime.


SewWare Cartridges

New SewWare Cartridges for Singer Sewing Machine #6268? has sewing machine groups, by brand, you can join. Lots of info.


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Best Cleaner for Dog Urine Odor?
Straight, undiluted white vinegar. Soap and water first, wash two times, rinse two times. Put on full strength vinegar and let dry. Smell of vinegar will go away.


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Cheese and Crackers for 100 People?
Not more than 4 ounces per person,at most. Slice very thinly.


pile of firewood rounds

My Frugal Life: Bath in a Bucket
Yes I can do it too. Learned it in Africa. Heat water to desired warmth. Get a wash cloth and soap it and dip and repeat as you wash your body from face down. At end dip hair into bucket, lather, and repeat if necessary. At end, pour water over yourself to...


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How Do I Clean a Serape?
If its acrylic, it wont run. If its wool, it still might not run. If you can find a loose strand and clip it, hold the strand in a pair of pliers and light it with a match. If it melts, its acrylic. If it smells like burning hair and just goes out, its at least...


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Pudding Didn't Set Up?
If you used instant pudding, assume it doesnt work. If you used cook pudding and it still didnt work, use the 1 tablespoon of cornstarch recommended above. Mix until smooth with the soy milk, cook as directed, stirring constantly.


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Birthday Gift Ideas for Mom?
Does she have a computer? You can get a nice one for $400 if you shop around. Thats in a large town.


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How Do I Remove a Curry Stain on Jeans?
Well, sorry to hear that. A main ingredient in curry is turmeric, which is a lovely yellow natural dye. Regular peroxide in water thats near simmer bleaches a lot of stuff, but it might also bleach the other part of the jean thats in the water. Perhaps you...


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Looking for Selvage Edge Fabric Scraps?
Google fabric mill ends and you get a list of possibilities. One of them has what you are looking for, I think, but I cant remember which one.


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Removing Mildew from a Romertopf Clay Baking Pot?
Well, Id put it outside while it was still summer, and brush it on all surfaces with straight bleach, out of the way of children and pets, and let it bleach in the sun. You might do one side and leave it in sun, and then turn it over and do the same again. The...


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Haze on Hardwood Floors?
See if you can find Bruce Hardwood headquarters and call their 800 number. They will also be able to tell you what caused it and what to use.


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Getting Rid of House Flies?
There has to be a source of food for them, which is where theyve settled down to reproduce. See if you can find the source and bury it. The flies will die eventually, but not if they keep laying eggs in something.


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Recipes Using Fresh Tarragon?
Lucky you. Meal 1: Sprinkle on a roasting chicken, and lay sliced lemon on the breast of the chicken. Meal 2: With leftovers, make a cream sauce, add sauteed mushrooms and chicken pieces and a fresh pinch of chopped tarragon. Serve with steamed rice or...? Make...


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My Dog is Breathing Heavy and Hangs Her Tongue Out?
Is she still breathing heavy. I think thats the most troublesome symptom. Has she been checked for heart or lung issues? Is she old?


My Frugal Life: Of Grandpas and Gardens
What a good man, and a lucky child. Bless him, and bless you. I wish my grandparents were here too.


My Frugal Life: Of Grandpas and Gardens
What a good man, and a lucky child. Bless him, and bless you. I wish my grandparents were here too.


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Mosquito Repellent for Dogs?
Id read mosquitoes didnt like the smell of lime, so I grated the peel of lime from a 1/2 dozen limes and put it in alcohol in a lidded jar for a bit. Strained it and mixed with a little oil. Now you wouldnt want to put alcohol near anyones eyes, but if you...


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Can I Substitute Tomato Juice for Tomato Sauce in Recipes?
You might have to simmer the juices alone first so they are the consistency you want, and then add them. Otherwise if you add them to the whole recipe, you might overcook everything as you wait for it to cook down. I love both juices, and sorry to say, have...


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