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4 Posts | 737 Comments | Active Since 2006
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Polish Remover To Remove Tape
It will certainly get the tape adhesive off; you just have to be cautious about what kind of surface you use it on. Nail polish remover will damage many paints and wood finishes, in particular. It should be safe on most dishes, glass, and so on. If you are...


Snakes in a white bucket.

What Kind of Snakes are These?
They also look like they could be baby corn snakes; it is sometimes hard to discern the two kinds without experience. You can also tell more from the head; which is hard to see in the photos. Ask an expert in your area--you want to know what kind of snakes...


long curtains

Making Curtains Longer
Other options, lower the curtain rod so that the panels are the length you want them, then add something else to the top. This could be a matching or contrastng curtain valance, a box valance, or something ornamental.


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Shopping for Inexpensive Faux Fur?
I would suggest polar fleece-type fabrics. Theyre readily available and many are on sale now; come in wonderful colors, feel good, and (best of all for kids) are washable. Inexpensive faux fur is not washable - not so good when a child has been ill and the...


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Small White Jumping Bug?
How big was it? Where do you live? What is the climate where you are? There are insect identification websites; but someone on here may well be able to answer if you give the right information!


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Relief for Shingles Pain?
I have not had shingles; but I have had cold sores, which are the same thing, on a much smaller scale, on your lip. (You have my sympathy, a cold sore is bad enough!) But, what I would like to share, is that my cold sores dont hurt much until they open and...


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Maximizing Book Storage?
The answer will depend on the height of the shelves, the size of the books, and whether or not you want the titles on the spines to show. Your best bet is just to try a shelf and see!


Plastic plant markers.

Homemade Plant Markers?
I just cut up a used bleach bottle, or other fairly strong plastic bottle. I mark it with a Sharpie, or other permanent marker.


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Substituting All Purpose Flour for Bread Flour?
You can use all purpose flour, though your bread may not rise as high or be as light as with bread flour. Bread flour has a higher gluten content than all-purpose flour; and gluten creates a fibrous structure that traps the gasses produced by the yeast fermenting...


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Can a Ceramic Knife Cause a Plate to Crack?
If the knife etched the plate, it may have caused it to crack. (To cut glass, you etch a line, then crack it along the line.) But why I am compelled to answer, is because you will ruin your expensive knives cutting on a hard surface! Use a plastic or wood cutting...


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Shopping for Karo Syrup in Northern Ireland?
I believe you could use Golden Syrup as a substitute for Corn Syrup.


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Gifts in a Jar Soup Recipes?
Budget101 dot com has a lot of different mix recipes! There are a lot of good things you could include! I love the beer bread (flour, baking powder, sugar, salt - its that simple)and have used that as a gift for years. But there are seasoning mixes, soup mixes...



Training a Dog Not to Bark?
I think a big clue might be they wont stay out with them on. Dogs want to be with their pack, not closed outside while the people are inside. If you cannot get them to stop barking, they should not be outside. Responsible owners will walk the dogs, then bring...


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Preventing Sooty Residue from Candles?
You should not have problems if you follow some simple steps: a. Choose quality candles. They have been formulated (amount of wax, hardeners, scent/color) to burn as cleanly as possible. b. Keep the wick trimmed. It shouldnt be so long as to cause the flame...


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Preventing Sooty Residue from Candles?
I also should have mentioned: do not burn candles in a room that you are not in. Be careful where you place them, you dont want a breeze to blow the flame into something else, nor blow something else into the flame. Keep them far from anything flammable. Do...


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Eliminating Cockroaches Without Toxins?
Dean, if you are not squeamish, look into getting a gecko. I had a friend who released one in her apartment, when she and her husband could not have it sprayed due to an allergy to the insecticide. She said they rarely saw it, it kept the place free of bugs...


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House Training a Puppy?
Danielle, I am sure you do love her; and you are going to have to be patient with her! A 2 month old puppy is still a baby. You should not expect her to be able to stay in her crate without letting her out for a potty break more than an hour for each month...


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Removing a Burned Smell from a Microwave?
Put an open dish of dry (fresh) coffee grounds inside. It will help immensely! (Just dont forget to remove them once it is fixed!


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Substitute for Gouda Cheese in a Recipe?
The flavor will be somewhat different; but Gouda is a fairly mild cheese; make it with one you like and you should be fine. Then if you dont enjoy the recipe, toss it! I would readily try another cheese! But if you ever have the opportunity, try the Gouda. I...


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Substitute for Gouda Cheese in a Recipe?
Gouda is a nice, mild cheese. You should be able to substitute any mild cheese you like. If you ever get the opportunity, though, to sample Gouda and smoked Gouda (one of my favorites). Do so, theyre worth a try! But your recipe should work with cheddar or...


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Dividing Time Among Friends?
Your friend was being selfish. One cannot expect the hostess to spend a lot of time with any one guest; and if she has out of town guests, she should spend more time with them, because she doesnt get to see them often. You should handle it by doing the best...


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Herbal Relief for Back Pain?
First of all, for your present condition: how is your weight (probably the most important factor)? Do you do any stretching? Are you able to get any exercise? Do you eat nutritionally, and get enough sleep? All of these things are important. As for medications...


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Redness and Itching of Hands and Feet?
I think a trip to the doctor is warranted to be sure; but it sounds like you might be experiencing symptoms of Reynauds? Here is an article:


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Fleas in the House?
If you do just open up your house in the cold, be sure to find out what you need to do to protect your pipes! You might get rid of the fleas, but ruin your plumbing! We used a product that was basically a scented borax powder. You vacuumed, (got rid of the...



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Making Dutch Baby Pancakes?
If youre referring to what I think you are; you cannot cook them ahead. They begin to fall as soon as theyre out of the oven. You may want to go with regular pancakes, or waffles. Its the perfect time of year to make pumpkin pancakes or waffles, maybe offering...


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Using Frozen Tomatoes?
Use them as you would canned tomatoes. Let them thaw, and the skins squeeze right off! (Sooooo much less work than skinning before freezing!)


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Canning Bean and Ham Soup?
To can non-acid foods, you will need a pressure canner. If you can find a friend from whom to borrow it, they should be able to help you!


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Plantar Wart Coming Back?
We had really good luck at our house with the freeze-away home freezing kits. My daughter had an extensive cluster under her big toe, going back toward the ball of her foot. I was sure she would have to have them cut out; but gave her the kit and told her it...


One volume of a Harver World encyclopedia.

Selling a Volume of Old Harver World Encyclopedia?
Unfortunately, most encyclopedia sets have very little monetary value. (Our librarys annual book sale wont even take them, because they dont sell.) If you have a full set, you might do better to donate them to a school or youth program, and take the tax deduction...


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My Frugal Life: Thinking About Thriftiness
Here is an interesting link for sewers who have leftover pieces of polarfleece: This one has links to many free patterns, and includes a great charity sewing section:


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Using Candy Melts Without a Mold?
As long as you dont over-heat it, it should hold its shape nicely. Draw the bones you want onto paper (for a pattern), then put that under your waxed paper and then place your melted candy in a heavy duty plastic bag. Cut a small corner off the bag and you...


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Removing a Tarnish Stain from Silver?
Sadly, it could be that it is not residual tarnish, but just the silver plating wearing off. Unless you know for sure that you have pure silver, you may want to take one of the pieces into a jewelers and ask their advice, so you dont ruin the pieces. (Even...


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Small Pattern for Learning to Sew?
I agree that youre better off not wasting your time sewing miniatures. To learn to sew on lines, and to change directions, you can trace lines on paper, and sew along them with no thread in the machine. Once you are comfortable with stops and starts, turning...


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Reclaiming Junk Mail Paper for Use as Printer Paper?
I dont think you will be able to remove the ink without chemicals; and even if you were willing to use chemicals, it seems the cost and trouble would erase any savings in using your junk mail this way. I dont know about your junk mail; but I know most of mine...


Praying Mantis on Glass

I believe what you have is a katydid, not a praying mantis. Katydids will call to one another from the treetops at night; a lovely, summery cacophony....katy did katy didnt... on and on!


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Tomato Plants Falling Over?
You can also leave them to vine on the ground; however theyre more vulnerable to bugs and slugs, and so on there. But commercial growers do this for the tomatoes they grow for canning, etc. When you buy (or grow) plants, there are determinate and indeterminate...



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Removing Soiled Food Odor from Freezer?
We have always had good luck with using fresh (un-used) coffee grounds, as mentioned in the article referenced by la34a. An open box of baking soda is also a good bet. Good luck!


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Removing Sweaty Smell in Laundry?
Are you able to buy borax? Borax is a wonderful disinfectant and deodorizer. I think I would first try adding it to the wash load; and if that was not enough; then would try a pre-soak. I even used it with cloth diapers, with good results.


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Homemade Hummingbird Nectar?
It can be; and it is not necessary. Save your food color, all you need is sugar and water! Four parts water to one part sugar. It is best if you can wash your feeder every night, let it dry, refill and put it out again; helps to keep the molds and fungi at...


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Landscaping a Treeless Yard?
Call or stop in your local agricultural extension office and ask them to suggest plants that grow well in your area, and are legal and safe for your environment. There are some very fast growing things others, who live all over the world, might suggest but...


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Killing Weeds With Salt?
In a word...yes. You are much better off to use a hoe, or hand weed around the plants. It will take a little time, but is better for your plants and your garden (salt may prevent other things from growing for one or more seasons, depending on how much you use...


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Copycat Herb and Spice Mixes from Packaged Products?
Ask and ye shall receive! This website has a LOT of great recipes for the budget minded:


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Reusing Ziploc Freezer Bags?
What I do to economize on freezer bags is to package the raw meat in the quantities we will use in inexpensive sandwich (zipper) bags. I make sure to squeeze all air out. Then, I pack the smaller bags into a gallon size freezer bag. The second (outer) bag adds...


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Freezing Tomatoes?
Tomatoes are easy to freeze. You can simply wash them well, cut out any bad spots and the stem/core, and pop them in a freezer bag. When you are ready to use them, once thawed they will squeeze right out of the skins! You can then use them as you would use...


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Biting Invisible Bugs?
Do you have bite-marks or welts? If so, I would check for bedbugs. If not, do you open your windows? You might have the tiny gnats that a lot of people call no-see-ums. You might need a smaller-mesh screen, or keep the windows closed. You could try using a...


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Cleaning a Concrete Birdbath?
Elbow grease will be your best tool. Soak the red stuff a bit in plain water if the bath has dried, then use a good strong scrub brush to scrub it loose. (It is a form of algae.) Rinse well, and scrub again, if necessary. If you can empty and refill the bath...


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Choosing the Best Shoes For Zumba?
Are you allowed to go barefoot? I have experienced the happiest, healthiest feet in years since I have increased barefoot time. I found shoes that feel like barefoot to wear to work. If not, your best bet is probably shoes that are intended for court sports...


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Decorating Store Bought Cookies?
You start with vanilla wafers. I warm some corn syrup slightly in the microwave (so it is very thin), then brush half of the wafers with it, and sprinkle them immediately with sesame seeds. On the un-seeded cookies, I layer as such, using canned frosting for...


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POA Rights and Responsibilities When Selling Property?
I dont know about the legalities of it; but am struck by the dilemma your family is facing. Before you say anything to the brother with POA or your other siblings, bear in mind that families can fracture over such situations. You will need to decide if a few...


Long legged spider on deck wood.

Getting Rid of Spiders in the Garden?
I agree with Hillsmom, they would not be the ones injuring your plants. Most likely theyre after whatever IS sucking your plants dry, and causing the damage. They cannot bite you, or otherwise cause you problems, so I would suggest leaving them, if you can...


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Crate Training a Puppy?
With the exception of overnight, a puppy should not be crated so long without good breaks. The rule of thumb is no more hours at a time than the puppy is months old. So for a 14 week old puppy, no more than 3 hours at a time. See if you can arrange for someone...


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Getting Rid of All Vegetation?
You can also put down a thick layer of newspapers. A sheet of black plastic will do the job as well.


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Saving Money on Household Expenses?
With laundry, I wonder if you have a clothesline? You can save a lot of money using the dryer less. If you dont like the way some things feel after you hang them dry, you can fluff them in the dryer for a few minutes, and still save energy. If youre not using...


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Looking for Super Concentrated Vinegar?
I have no idea if it would work or not, but could you simmer some vinegar to reduce the volume, thereby increasing its concentration?


a typical medium sized cache with our signature zilla figurine included

Geocaching: A Thrifty Adventurous New Hobby
Our family has participated in Geocaching since the first year it started. As you said, it has introduced us to places we never would have seen! More importantly (in my eyes), it has introduced us to people we never would have met otherwise, who have become...


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Concord Grapes Not Setting Much Fruit?
I am not sure where you live; but the heat and humidity have ruined most of mine, as well. You may try spraying them; but I dont like to do that; so, I will hope for a better crop next year!


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Organizing an Upright Freezer?
Gosh, I have never heard of a specific recommendation; and will watch to see if others do have one. That said, I like to keep meats together, fruits, vegetables, prepared foods, and the like. I prefer it that way because it makes it easier to keep track of...


Closeup of love bottlecap magnet

Bottle Cap Magnets
Great idea. I am thinking, however, you might do well not to paint the bottle cap where you will be gluing the magnet. With my luck, I would go to take the bottle cap off the fridge, and the paint would let go and I would be left holding the empty bottle cap...


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Finding Free Printable Spice Labels?
Alenkasprintables dot com has some free printable labels. I dont think there are any specifically for spices, but I think you can insert text on them before you print.


Nails growing out after biting.

Growing Out Healthy Nails After Years of Biting?
You have moved the nail beds back. I dont know how long it might take for them to move forward, or even if they will. BUT, you accomplished something wonderful--it must have been very hard to stop such a long standing habit! (Habits are hard enough to break...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Starting a Business Selling Homemade Food on eBay?
Do find out about the government (state) regulations, that will be very, very important. Once you get approved, you may want to start locally, at craft shows or fairs where you can allow people to sample your sauce. It will be important to factor in the price...


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Can an Injured Child Qualify for Disability Benefits?
You may also want to look for the local legal aid office for guidance in filing for social security; as many applications are initially rejected. I cannot imagine he will not qualify, but it may take a little time! But you should apply!


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Tomatoes Blooming But Not Producing Fruit?
If you are having a hot summer, just be patient. Most varieties of tomatoes wont set fruit if the nights do not cool off enough. Keep the plants healthy, and once things cool off a bit, you will get fruit.


EMS Mail Returned "Not Deliverable as Addressed"?
I agree with foxrun; go to your local post office and ask them if they can tell what is missing from the address. They should be able to help you.


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Buying a Sprinkler for a Narrow Lawn Strip?
Look for soaker hose, which is porous, round hose. If you only turn your faucet on partially, it weeps; if you turn more pressure on, it will spritz. If you experiment with the pressure, you should be able to get your grass strip nicely. The other alternative...


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Canning Squash and Cabbage? Should be able to help you get started. Good luck!


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Substituting Butter or Oil for Shortening?
I am sure you will get acceptable results with butter; but oil may make for flat biscuits. Dont melt the butter, just use it as you would the shortening.


Glass fishbowl with blue rocks and one adult goldfish.

Goldfish Keeps Having Babies?
She apparently came pregnant; and has since enjoyed some hanky panky with one of her offspring. She looks more like some sort of guppy to me, and theyre prolific breeders. She will continue to produce babies as long as she potentially has contact with male...


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Vegetable Plants are Stunted?
I suspect either the soil or the manure threw the pH of your soil out of whack. If possible, have a soil test, and then you can correct for the acidity/alkalinity, whichever is the problem. Good luck.


Glass fishbowl with blue rocks and one adult goldfish.

Goldfish Keeps Having Babies?
By the way, she looks more like a molly than a goldfish; she is pretty! Their life span is about 2 years.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Removing Old, Dusty Smell from Cabin?
One thing you need to do is open every window and door when you get there, and maybe even use a fan to blow it out. The more you can air it, the better it will be. If you need to, try using a dehumidifyer; as cabins in the woods tend to stay damp, so you get...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Getting Rid of Fruit Flies?
You will have to eliminate their food source in your home (such as overripe or rotting fruit, unrinsed fruit cans, or even fruit youve left out to ripen). Once you are sure they have nowhere else to feed, you can set small dishes of cider vinegar with just...


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Advice for Growing Asparagus?
How thickly did you plant it, and how deep? Also, how long ago? Ideally, it should not be harvested for the first 2 years after planting. (Wait until its 3rd growing season.) It should be planted at least a foot deep, deeper if possible. Roots should not be...


Remedy for Toddler With Diarrhea and Diaper Rash?
I would try taking her off any dairy for a few days. Both of my children developed temporary lactose intolerance after bouts with minor viruses when they were small. The diarrhea caused by their inability to handle milk caused terrible diaper rash! On the advice...


Packing One Bag for a Weekend Holiday?
Depending on where you are going, will you need the hair dryer? Many hotels have them, and if you are staying with someone you know, you can likely borrow it. If you have sample sizes of the products, they wont take much room, and if you dont have sample sizes...


Fork and knife on a napkins

Paper or Fabric? What Napkins Save the...
I generally use paper napkins at our house, as we dont use many, and I dont think theyre an environmental problem. (Note that we do not use paper plates, disposable cups, or the like. When I use paper towels, I re-use them for wiping up, until theyre used up...


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Being Denied Visits with Grandchildren?
Unfortunately, it is what it is. All you can do is keep your hand outstretched holding an olive branch; and doing what you can to maintain ties with the kids, letters, emails, little gifts. Whether you feel the poor relationship is your fault or not, if you...


orange and black lady bug looking incents on leaf, one adult and one juvenile

Orange and Black Bugs on Cherry Trees?
These are ladybug larvae in different stages of development. You dont want to get rid of them, they eat bugs you dont want around. Consider yourself lucky!


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Clearing Up a Long Neglected Yard?
I agree with Mrs. Story, I would start with a weed whacker. If you use one with a gas motor, it should create enough of a noise and a disturbance, to shoo away any critters as you advance. If something is growing that is too big to get cut off by the string...


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Homemade Instant Oatmeal?
I Googled instant oatmeal recipe and got tons of hits. This one looks great:


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Best Dry Cat Food to Help Reduce Litterbox Odor?
The specialty cat clinic in our area no longer recommends a diet of dry food, saying that they (dry foods) have surprisingly high sugar contents. Since they have done this, they have seen a 30% drop in the rates of diabetes in their clientele. Now, I dont have...


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Sealing Plaster Stepping Stones?
I would seal it with a good polyurethane (varnish) intended for outdoor use. But, I think I would keep the stepping stone indoors, maybe as a doorstop, or fireplace decoration, as the plaster will be more fragile than cement and wont bear weight. What a shame...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

What Type of Snake is This?
Where do you live? Assuming you are in the northern US, it sounds like a harmless black snake or water snake. He may not be able to get out on his own, you might want to use your long-handled skimmer to lift him out. (Northern) water snakes are ill-tempered...


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Chinch Bugs Killing Lawn?
If you dont mind your lawn being a bit unsightly for a while, the St. Augustine grass should fill those areas in well, if theyre not too huge.


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Chinch Bugs Killing Lawn?
When I lived in Houston, and got chinch bugs, I put down the granules to kill them, then simply waited. Within a month, the lawn filled itself back in. You have to love that about St. Augustine grass!


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Thumb Screw for George Foreman Rotisserie Model GR82B?
Take the pieces to your local big box home DIY store (Home Depot, Lowes, etc.) and show them, I bet they can fix you right up, for under a dollar!


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Removing Vomit Odor from Carpet?
There is a product at the pet store (and probably larger discount dept. stores that have pet departments) called Natures Miracle. You wet the smelly area with it and let it dry, and it is supposed to remove odors caused by the residue of animal (human or otherwise...


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Soft Foods After Tooth Extraction?
If you can afford about ten to twelve dollars, get yourself a food mill. (I bought one for a baby gift at the local department store whose logo is a red circle surrounded by another red circle.) Theyre intended for making your own baby food; but what it does...


Two garter snakes on the ground.

Garter Snakes
How fun! We used to sometimes get garter snakes; which always made me wary when mowing. I was so afraid of hurting them. Have not seen one in a couple of years in the yard; not to say theyre not still around, we just dont often get to see them!


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European Equivalent of and Stick of Butter?
A stick of butter is 8 tablespoons. When an American recipe calls for flour, it means regular, all-purpose flour. If it needs bread flour, self-rising flour, or other such as whole-wheat (whole meal) flour, it will specify. Sugar means plain white, granulated...


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Ideas for Playing Crossword for the Visually Impaired?
Take the crossword to a copy center and have it enlarged; or (alternately), scan it into your computer and print it out larger--though you may have to piece it together. If you want to do it as a group, see if you can get a hold of an overhead projector, and...


Toddler Cries Excessively?
She may also have sensory processing disorder. Call your local school district and ask who handles intervention with children from 3 to 5 years old. (Birth to three is early intervention.) They should be able to tell you who in your area provides such assistance...


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What is Growing in My Mulch?
I am willing to bet it is a mushroom of some sort. It ought to wilt and die within a few days.


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What is Living Down the Hole in My Garden?
I have similar holes and my culprit (if you want to look at it that way) is a chipmunk! (Actually, by now, I believe I have a family!) I would be willing to bet you have a chippie, as well, as they love neighborhoods in cities. Never fear!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Holes in Yard?
They sound like skunk holes, they will dig little, round holes to find grubs in the lawn to eat. This is not a bad thing! What it means to you, is a.) if you have a dog, dont let it out unattended at night; b.) if you go out after dark, just use a flashlight...


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Removing Dried Out Masking Tape from Windows?
If it is on the glass, carefully use a razor scraper. Quick and easy.


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Worms in the Rice and Moths in the Cupboard?
Once you clean out anything that you can tell is infested, you can buy cardboard traps (the ones I have seen have the words Pantry Pest prominently on the label), which you can place inconspicuously in your pantry to draw in any stragglers. I get these periodically...


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Problems With First Garden?
How did you prepare the soil? It may be a soil ph problem. If you can get the ph tested (there are kits available at garden centers), you can adjust the acidity or alkalinity with safe ingredients. If you add organic matter (compost), make sure it is fully...


Finished Plarn hat

Plarn Summer Hat


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Choosing a Cellphone for Your Child?
I also vote for Tracfone. It is probably the only way you will truly have control over how he uses it. As little as you expect him to use it, you can get a phone for ten to twenty dollars, and add sixty minutes every 3 months for 19.99. And if you check the...


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Choosing a Cellphone for Your Child?
One more thing with Tracfone, if you go to www dot retailmenot dot com, you can usually get coupon codes to get bonus minues when you add minutes.


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Inexpensive Alternative to Satellite TV Service?
We have cable for our internet; but we only watch whatever TV comes through the air or that we can get on the computer. Yes, we miss some stuff, but we pay under 20 dollars per month for the internet; and other than that, the electricity to run the TVs and...


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Growing Zucchini?
It may depend on the kind you planted. Mostly they sell bush variety zucchini; but they do sometimes sell vining types. If you still have the seed packet, check it. If you dont have it, you probably will have a bush variety. But like tatr said, leave lots of...


Light Supper Menus Ideas for a Home for the Elderly?
Perhaps an evening snack of cheese and crackers; ring bologna and crackers; hard boiled eggs; or the cook staff could make some sandwiches to be served later, such as peanut butter, cheese, egg salad, tuna salad, lunchmeat. An evening snack of custard, yogurt...


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Easy to Manage Hair Styles for Young Girls?
I am not sure that your question isnt a spoof; but in case it is legitimate, I would really advise against cutting their hair very short. They have lost enough. The two older ones are old enough to take care of their own hair, and to help their little sister...


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Cleaning a Smooth Top Stove?
Bon ami will also clean up what the razor doesnt.


Lady and two babys

Kidney Cancer Support Groups?
No one should have to feel alone! Try: as that page also has a link for finding support in your area. Good luck and God bless!


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How to Get a Wisteria to Bloom?
I think theyre slow to mature. I believe it may be several more years before ti will bloom, depending on how old the vine was when you planted it. Worth the wait, though!


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Ground Hog Deterrent?
If you are home a lot, I wonder if harassing them like crazy would work? Dropping mothballs down their hole; and dropping a (lit) firecracker down the hole every chance you get, running the hose down their hole, and so on. You might call the PA Game Commission...


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Food Ideas for a Reception for 100 on a Budget?
I also agree that you do not need to have a meal at a reception; however, if it is what you want, then there are a lot of possibilities. Pasta can be a good budget stretcher. You could do a pasta bar, with several types (shapes) of cooked pasta, a small variety...


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Ideas for Daughter's 13th Birthday Party?
You could also call a local beauty school and find some cosmetology students you could pay to come give manicures or pedicures or facials and makeup. You might even be able to arrange to have the party at their lab and then take the girls for lunch somewhere...


Cute brown hound mix dog with her tongue out.

Bella (Hound-Lab Mix)
What a wonderful face! Lucky dog and lucky owners!


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Herbicide for Flower and Shrub Beds?
Generally, the only specific herbicides you can get are going to get them all; with the exception of the ones you can put on grass that will only kill broad-leaf weeds. Hand pulling is the best; but if you must use an herbicide, you can be a little more selective...


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Planning a Weekly Church Dinner For Families in Need?
Pasta-based meals are often thrifty. You can look beyond spaghetti and meatballs to white-sauce based meals, lasagne, baked macaroni and cheese, baked ziti, pasta primavera, tetrazinis. Rice is another food that can be used to stretch meats. Fried rice can...


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Leaves on Watermelons Turning White?
It sounds like sunburn. If you did not acclimate the plants to the sun, and planted them directly in the sun, the leaves can suffer. Luckily, the plants should recover. You can always rig up a little sun shade for them (like a tent) for a few days, if they...


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Converting Weight Watchers Exchange System to Points?
Unfortunately, it is not as simple as that. For the new point system, started in January 2011, you really need their materials. You can usually find them on the popular online auction site; (or you can join the program online and never need to go to a meeting...


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Can I Use a Dehumidifier With Air Conditioner to Help Cool My House?
Dehumidifyers use a lot of electricity, and throw off a bit of heat of their own, so I am not sure it would help you. A fan to circulate the air in the room you are in would be much more efficient. Some things that can help: Close the curtains and pull down...


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Recipes for When It's Hard to Chew?
If you can spare 12 or 14 dollars (maybe less), get a baby food mill. You put what youve cooked into it, then as you push down and turn the handle, it is ground and comes up. That way, you could get the flavor you crave without the potential hard chew. If you...


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What is the Cheapest Way to Store Solar Energy?
Some inexpensive ways are to have large containers of water (preferably black containers) that will heat up during the day, in the sun, then radiate some heat when the sun is down. A stone or brick wall in direct sunlight will also absorb heat and radiate it...


An antique iron claw footed bathtub

My Frugal Life: My Iron Claw Bathtub
You may be able to sell the tub to an architectural salvage place. They would pick it up, too. The one nice advantage of claw foot tubs is that theyre comfortable to lay back and relax in. I have only a modern tub in my home, and can only dream of relaxing...


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Decoupage Surface Coating?
I dont think youre thinking of Mod Podge, or Royal Coat (both of which are great products). It sounds like youre talking about something you make a decal/transfer with. Mod Podge is something you put on and use it to adhere a picture to a surface (decoupage...


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Decoupage Surface Coating?
Here are some descriptions of a variety of transfer products, I think youll find what youre looking for: (this product seems to be for transferring to fabric)


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Canning Milk or Sour Cream Based Soups?
I think a low-acid food, such as milk based soups, need a pressure canner. If not processed in a pressure canner, they should be refrigerated for short-term storage.


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Removing Odors from Microwave?
I like to put a dish of water with some cloves, cinnamon, and an orange or lemon slice (or two) inside and microwave it for 3 minutes. Then, while it is still warm and steamy inside, I wipe it out, the steam will loosen the gook. (Repeat the process, if necessary...


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Pasta Sauce Keeps Burning?
If you have a slow cooker (crock pot), you could try it in there; it will certainly take longer; but no chance of scorching! If you have an electric stove (as I do), it is harder to control the lower heat settings. I cannot use a heat diffuser on mine (flat...


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Yellow Finches Are Missing?
Mine are scarce in the summer, too. They find other food sources (which are abundant now), and are busy raising families. Theyll be back.


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