
Patricia Taylor

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50 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Getting Rid of All Vegetation?
If you are serious about killing ALL vegetation, Ortho and many other brands of total vegetation killer is sold at the home improvement stores. I prefer the Bayer brand of yard care products when I have to use chemicals. They are kinder to the environment. But...


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Weed Killer and Lawn Fertilizer Recipe?
See the post in this ThriftyFun newsletter just above yours, asking about killing all plants, grass, weeds. Someone posted the recipe there for him. Pat T in Florida


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Having an Air Mattress Repaired?
We have had Ozark Trail air matresses before and they used to come with a patch kit. If ours started leaking, my husband would take it outside and put it section by section into a large plastic storage tote of water with a little dish soap in it (it needs to...


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Paint Color Advice for Kitchen With White Units, Black Worktops, and Red Accessories?
I think that gray is the new beige. I watch many of the remodeling shows on HGTV and they are using a lot of silvery gray on kitchen walls, living room walls, and even bedroom walls and it looks great! Even two-toned grays look so good. Pat T of Ocala


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Trouble Sewing Vinyl?
Definitely have the RIGHT needle. These days, they make a different needle for every type fabric, and if your sewing machine is fairly new (10yrs old or less) then your machine will need the proper type of needle to sew the vinyl as well as light, medium, or...


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Re-texturing Heavily Textured Walls?
My walls are also textured, but not quite as deep. Im applying Venetian Plaster to them, after applying a primer recommended for the purpose of the application. Behr makes both products and it is a Tuscan look. Of course, it will take a bit more of the product...


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Lilac Flower Buds Turn Black?
Most of the country has had an extremely long and harsh winter season this year. I had lilacs in Nevada before I came to Florida, and each spring we had another freeze just about the time the lilac buds were forming. Of course, the buds froze too, and turned...


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Ants Eating My Roses?
Are you sure the ants are eating the roses? Or are the ants eating the sweet sap that aphids secrete. Aphids do eventually kill roses because they literally suck the life from plants, and secrete so-called honeydew which ants lap up and take back to their nest...


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Removing Dryer Vanes to Clean?
I originally thought that blue waxy feeling stuff was from a crayon or colored pencil, but there were none of these items in the house since my kids were grown and no grandchildren nearby either. Then I thought it was from blue jeans but we had no NEW blue...


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Finding Smaller Furniture for an Apartment?
Check the outdoor furniture departments at the stores. There are some really nice wooden sets now. I saw a set just yesterday at our local grocery store, believe it or not. It was a gorgeous dark coffee brown color. I remember thinking thats way too pretty...


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Recycling Coffee Containers?
Krylon paints now makes spray paint for plastics, and I think its GREAT. Ive painted everything plastic with it, including flower pots, plastic lawn furniture, even the parts of my birdbath/fountain. It covers well and holds up to wear and tear as well as the...


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Removing Hot Sauce Stain?
Have you tried Oxyclean? I had some ink marks on white kid leather recliners and tried everything to get the ink off. Nothing worked! Finally, I tried making a paste of powdered Oxyclean and water, dabbed some on the chair, and let it stay on till it dried...



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Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome?
Im in Nevada, and in our local newspaper, there is a column by a Dr. Gott, and he as well as many of his readers highly recommend the soap method. Pat T in Nevada


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Is Dog Breeding Cruel?
Breeding a dog is only done by reputable breeders for the betterment of the breed. Dog shows are regularly held in most countries, sponsored and sanctioned by the National Kennel Clubs. Here in the US The American Kennel Club has shows in all 50 states and...


What Are These Glasses?
Many, many years ago, you used to get glasses like those in soap powder, now known as laundry detergent. If so, they are quite collectible, not only because of their age, but the mere fact that they have survived all these years. There used to be a lot of products...


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Keeping Dogs from Peeing in My Yard?
Two words...cayenne pepper. Dogs always sniff first and then hike their leg, usually to mark the territory as theirs, or because another dog has urinated there and they want to re-mark it as their territory. Cayenne pepper stops that, even keeps cats from digging...


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Recommendations for Dog Grooming Clippers?
I suggest EBay or Craigslist, and look for a quality set of clippers at a reasonable price. Im sure youll find something on either site. Pat T in Nevada


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Removing a Hem Line From Jeans?
SHARPIES permanent pens now come in many colors, including blue, or whatever color your jeans are. By the time the Sharpie color fades, your denim will have faded, too. Pat T in Nevada


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Deodorant Reviews?
I use Degree (womens) Ultra Clear, Pure Rain scent, and it never fails me. I work outside a lot doing gardening, woodworking, etc., and Degree hasnt failed me yet. Pat Tin Nevada


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Removing Scratches from a Piano?
I definitely agree with Old English for dark woods, it works wonders. But there are also stain pens now in different colors just like wood stains sold in cans. They work just like a paint pen. They also work wonders and you can purchase them where ever stains...


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Change the Color of Metal Trim?
I dont know what theyre called, but there are people that do chroming. But the item must be sandblasted to remove the existing finish and then they would re-chrome it. Im sure it would cost a fortune, though. Might be more that youd be willing to pay. Pat T...


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Painting Lighter Colors Over Dark Colors?
If you want to repaint something, you first have to determine what kind of paint is already on the surface. Is it a dark stain? Is it a high gloss paint? Or is it a a latex paint? If it is a stain, which usually contains an oil. a new coat of primer probably...


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Sharpening A Rotary Cutter ?
You may be able to sharpen them with a Dremel sharpener attachment, but a rotary blade is much thinner than most of the blades the Dremmel attachment is made for. So, it probably wouldnt work very well. I did find a package of replacement blades a couple of...


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Paint Color Ideas for House with Dark Gray Carpet?
I also was going to suggest a pale gray, but in a frosted or Pearlized paint. I think that would be beautiful! If you cant find paint like that, I would suggest painting with the shade of gray you like, then goe over it with a pearlized glaze. Pat T in Nevada



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Tree Recommendations for Shade?
You might do some research on Arborvitae, as I dont know a lot about their root system. The forestry dept and BLM recommend they not be planted here because we are so fire prone in our area.They are in the juniper family and therefore evergreen. There are some...


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Cake for Son's 17th Birthday?
Mmm...17? He must have a favorite sports figure, or skate board hero or Nascar driver? Themes like that always worked well for my kids, and my grand kids. Pat T of Nevada


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Photos Saved from AOL Email?
Depends on what kind of operating system you have, and type of program installed on your computer. I have Windows Vista, but on most computers and systems, there should be a START somewhere on the lower edge of your screen. Click on that and select SEARCH. When...


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Painting Plastic Bags?
Krylon spray paint for plastics should work. Ive used it on PVC pipe, plastic flower pots, and I repaint my plastic bird bath and plastic parts of my fountain every spring. It should work on plastic bags. You just need to figure out how to keep the bags still...


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Neighbor Rinsing Dog Waste under the Fence?
Absolutely, call the officials, and call your SPCA or equivelant. As another poster here said, they are creating an unhealthful situation. I wholeheartedly believe in being good pet neighbors, such as picking up after your pets, not washing it into your neighbors...


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Removing a Window from My Computer's Desktop?
You can always click and drag to the recycle bin. But if you want a link to ThriftyFun, just sign up for their daily tips and emails. Theyll send a link every day right to your in box. You could also Add to Favorites. Pat T


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Suggestions for Perennial Flowers?
You could plant bulbs this fall. There are so many bulbs to choose from now, if you choose the right ones, you could have blooms through summer. For instance, crocus, hyacinths, and daffodils are usually the first bloomers in late winter/early spring, with...


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Flower Pot Wind Chime?
To start with, gather materials needed; monofilament line (fishing line-about 10lb test) or garden twine graduated sizes of buttons, or metal washers graduated sizes of terra cotta pots craft paint, beads etc., for decorating (optional) Measure the height of...


What Kind of Snake is This?
Not very much snake there to view, but it kind of looks like a young gopher snake, best I can tell.


What Breed is My Dog?
Looks like it could have some Keeshund, or Keeshound as they used to be called. They are a smallish husky looking breed, and closely resemble a small Norwegian Elk hound. Very Cute! Pat T from Nevada


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Seedlings Keep Dying?
Kind of sounds like the seedlings are using up all their energy trying to reach a light source. Do you have them im a window sill? Or have a grow light for them? Are you maintaining a constant temperature? If you have them in a room that gets very cold overnight...


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Scratches on a Plastic Sink?
The car polish for plastics idea is probably the best idea. I use it on my old cars headlights and dash instrument covers too. I live in an RV and the bath fixtures look and feel like plastic but they are fiberglass. To be able to tell the difference, if your...



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Removing WD40 From Dried Clothing?
My husband is a truck driver and he gets everything on his clothes from axle grease to diesel fuel to tar. I swear by Orange GOOP hand cleaner and Greased Lightening all purpose cleaner & degreaser. You can find both at WalMart or most home improvement stores...


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Bent and Dent Stores Near Marietta, GA?
Depends on what youre looking for. Sears usually has a scratch and dent store that carries refurbished tools, barbecues and lawn furniture, furniture, and appliances. They are usually located in larger cities that have very large Sears stores. I have saved...


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Using Leftover Leek Leaves?
Julienne (long thin strips) and deep fry them, either dipped in a tempura like batter, like onion rings, or plain, like french fries. If you get them crispy they snap just like potato chips. Then you can crumble them and use them as a topping on soups and salads...


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Puppy Pooping Inside at Night?
14 WEEKS! Still sooo young! Be patient and use a set schedule and stick to it. A brisk jog (to stimulate digestion) or a fast game of chase in the yard after mealtime will get him to the gotta go now mindset, too. I brought two puppies home to the U.S from...


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First Mammogram Tips?
I dont know about perfume, but most deodorants have aluminum oxide in them, which is a metal, and that messes up the film. Causes a fuzzy view or flashes of light that could even be misdiagnosed. I read something about it some years ago. So, perfume may have...


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Decorating a White and Pink Apartment?
Burgandy and hunter green with cream accents or hunter green and cream with burgandy accents. Burgandy always adds a touch of richness to greens or creams and adds flare to pinks.


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Golf Balls and Tees for Soldiers?
Golf Courses; country clubs and driving ranges. A lot of them use like a tractor with a scoop/rake to drive around the ranges and golf courses and scoop up the balls and, I suppose tees, too. Itd be worth a try to call the country clubs and driving ranges to...


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Releasing a Domesticated Dove?
I dont know if they are actually domesticated, rather I think they are just very docile birds. I nursed an injured dove back to health. During the doves healing period, his lady friend showed up, too, and would sit beside his cage all day and go elsewhere to...


Ridgeback Mix

What Breed is My Dog? (Ridgeback)
Looks to me like he has some foxhound or coonhound in him. How is he at treeing squirrels?


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Tool for Making Sequin Balls?
I think a tool used by woodworkers (myself included) to countersink finishing nails would work great for that project. They are made of metal, usually with a rubber grip on the handle end, and the other end has a concave point. They come in a few different...


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Burnt Fabric on Electric Iron?
Super fine steel wool....the kind used between coats of paint on furniture or cars. I think its 0000 courseness. You can find it at Walmart in their paint department, or at auto paint stores, but it will cost less at Walmart. It usually comes in packages of...


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Melted Plastic on a Frying Pan?
Place an old piece of cloth (that you can disgard) over the area of melted plastic and iron the area with a very hot iron. The cloth should absorb the plastic just as happens when you remove candle wax from an object or from carpeting. If that doesnt work, try...


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Gardening on a Budget
ALL sedums propagate very easily. So do mums, Asiatic lilies, Oriental lilies, irises, tulips. alliums, or any bulbs, corms, and tubers. Creeping plants such as Wooley Tyme, Creeping Jenny (Moneywort) and Periwinkle will root anywhere they touch soil. If you...


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Saving Money Vs. Paying Down Debt?
In these days of high interest credit and low interest savings yields, I would, in fact, I am paying off debt. But I do already have some savings in case of an emergency. But I dont have an incredible amount of debt. I owe a little bit to Sears, which I try...


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