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124 Posts | 196 Comments | Active Since 2005
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Cat Litter Room Freshener - small bowl filled with scented litter and topped with strawberry shaped clips

Cat Litter Room Freshener
You must live in the states as we dont have plugs in our bathrooms, and Im not keen on the chemical smells of a plug-in. I clean out the box every few days but it does get a little stinky. I think the problem is the size of my teeny apartment. It really is...


A mash made with pinto beans.

Tasty Protein Mash
This is not a tip for you while you are watching your carbs Judy. These type of beans (that can be mashed like this) are high in carbs. Great for some but not for you! Mashed cauliflower would suit you better!


A homemade cake with frosting on a plate.

Dessert in a Jif
Im confused. Is this a dessert from a cake mix one buys? And you add mayo instead of eggs or something? And what is the topping on top of the cake made from? Sorry, I just dont understand. Monique


Help With Identifying This Plant?
Ive searched and searched using Google Images and cant yet identify the plant. I know that there are many apps that could help you if you had an android device. One just takes a picture and the app identifies the plant. There are a few to choose from. Heres...


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Clean Clothes Smell Bad When Wet?
I once had problems with my washing machine leaving my clothes smelling fausty. I cleaned the filter and then followed a tip I had read in a magazine by putting a wash on -with no clothes inside- using just Coca -Cola (full sugar one, not diet). It recommended...


black and tan puppy with toy laying on red background

What Breed Is My Dog?
I would say a Rottweiler maybe crossed with a Doberman. So sad that he lost his mummy in such a tragic way but hes very lucky to have a forever home with you. Sorry I cant be more specific but maybe as he ages youll see more clearly his breed. Best wishes, Monique...


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Gas Burner Ignition Only Has Yellow Flame?
This is most definitely a problem you cannot sort out yourself. You need to contact the people that supply your gas. They will send an engineer. Its very dangerous to mess about with either gas or electric if not qualified. ( My brother used to fix boilers...


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Discontinued Graham and Brown Wallpaper?
I came up with a few options but I think this may be the one you are looking for....I hope! Its for sale on If its not the one Ill go back to the drawing board! Best of luck, Monique :)


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Stretching Vinyl Sneakers?
Ive heard of scrunched up wet newspapers but I can imagine that might be messy. I would recommend filling a Ziploc bag with water and putting it in each shoe. Then put them in the freezer overnight. Perhaps it would be better to put the bags inside the sneakers...


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Value of Princess Diana Doll?
The first thing I would do is upload a picture of your doll into Google Images. Click then on the pictures of the doll you have and you might get a hit to where someone is selling a similar. Thats the way I would usually start. Depending on what shes wearing...


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17th Birthday Ideas?
Merge both ideas! Set up Skittle lanes in the hall and then set up a fun photo booth or leave accessories for guests to take pictures with on tables. Like moustaches, glasses, speech bubbles etc. It is St Patricks day too so leave out some Irish props too. Or...


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Power Out in Bedroom?
I really have no clues when it comes to electric but ask around your friends and family to see if any electrical engineer could have a look for you. Thats one thing NOT to mess with if you are not qualified. You cant risk not getting professional help here...



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Which Cat Litter Is Best?
i have tried every sort of cat litter for Mr. Smith, my tabby cat. I think I have it right now as the cat smell is greatly diminished. The clumping litter would just sit there in a great stinky lump and it was messy to clean up. On Amazon I found Sanicat Gold...


Swedish Meatballs

Swedish Meatballs
Do you eat the meatballs WITH the stock/ flour mix once cooked?


Swedish Meatballs

Swedish Meatballs
Ill try this with my homemade meatballs. I look forward to trying it. Thank you Judy!


Shoes hanging on a chain.

Hanging Shoes on a Chain
I managed to add more pairs of shoes as well as hanging the long boots. I cant say how pleased I am to come upon an ideal solution for my shoe storage problem! Monique :)


Shoes hanging on a chain.

Hanging Shoes on a Chain
I am just as thrilled to know this tip helps someone else! Ive been thinking that it could very well be used for alternate storage for handbags or even clothes on hangers. Id welcome any other suggestions people may have. Thanks again, Robyn! Monique :)


Tictac Box for Storing Test Strips

Tic Tac Box for Storing Test Strips
For blood test strips for diabetics to test their bloods when out.


Clipping a Duck's Wings

Clipping a Duck's Wings
Why do I think this is a cruel thing to do?


Upcycled Letter Rack for Eyeglasses

Upcycled Letter Rack for Eyeglasses
Thank you PixieDust, I appreciate the nice message! Happy New Year! Monique :)


Christmas Uses for Space Blankets

Christmas Uses for Space Blankets
Im pleased to have been some help! Keep warm and toasty. Merry Christmas, Monique :)


Make Rice with Half the Calories

Make Rice with Half the Calories
I didnt think it was safe to reheat rice? I must do some research. If its safe this is a good tip for me as rice is usually off the menu for me as I am diabetic. :)


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Name Ideas for a Small Cleaning Business?
Kadi to a T! Fresh and Clean Sparkles Bubbles and Broomsticks



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Motto Ideas for Daycare Business?
Little Explorers... *Discovering Fun *Scouting for Fun *Dig in! *Prospecting is Gold *For Inquiring Minds *With Big Ideas Just a few from the top of my head! :D


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POA Responsibilities Toward Alcoholic Parent?
That sounds a little harsh to just commit him. Could you not try to get him to an AA meeting or talk about rehabilitation first? If you love your father I am sure you wouldnt want him going into an institution where it might be too traumatic for him to cope...


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Removing Perfume Smell from Clothes?
Hello, I have heard that full sugar Cola works to remove smoke smells from clothes and even stinky socks! It may well work on perfumed fabric. You could try a generous cup of white vinegar in the wash, I know that is supposed to work. Spritz with vodka afterwards...


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Daycare Names?
Penni for your Tots. Though I liked Henni Penni Daycare (from Pixiedust) the best :) (Or Henni Penni Playgroup). Best of luck!


Dressing Up A Blah House

Dressing Up A Blah House
It looks lovely, nice and thrifty idea - effective too :)


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Slice of Bread To Clean Up Broken Glass
No animal would be harmed as this would not go into recycled food waste. I wrap glass fragments in newspaper and put in the bin. That way I cant harm my rubbish collector. The bread would eventually mold and disappear leaving just the glass. I hope this clears...


Keep Houseflies Away with Cucumber Peelings

Keep Houseflies Away with Cucumber Peelings
I tried the bag of water with a penny inside and it didnt work. I know the cucumber peelings work though :D


Keep Houseflies Away with Cucumber Peelings

Keep Houseflies Away with Cucumber Peelings
I have tried the peppermint and cloves solution plus the water bag but they still came in! The peelings seem to work for me. :)


Thanksgiving kids project with Pilgrim and native American faces for napkin rings.

Daycare Business Slogan?
Taking Care of Your Wee Ones. In the U.K, Wee means small or little. (Especially in Scotland) Ones is also a play on the word Won -ders and Wee is also used to describe cuteness. Good luck with your venture.


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Name for Cleaning Business?
White, Bright and Clean or Bright, White and Clean Good luck in your new venture. :)


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
Lemon! :D Best wishes.



Paint Color Advice for a Small Bathroom?
I think a pale lemon would make a difference. Sunny and bright. :)


Unicorn made from snow.

A Snow Unicorn
Click on each picture to see more detail.


View of clean and burnt sides of pan.Cleaning a Very Burnt Saucepan

Cleaning a Very Burnt Saucepan
But Oxy-Clean is not thrifty!


Use Magnets For Floating Balloons

Use Magnets For Floating Balloons
I would assume that any balloon that burst would be tidied up-including picking up the magnet. Always best to be careful when small children are about. Careful parents would ensure safety at all times :)


Manual can opener for clamshell packages.

Use a Can Opener to Open Clamshell Packaging
I purchased a cheap can-opener for 44p, and now opening the packs are easier. Cuts all around the packaging then you have easy and safe access to the item. I am going to keep that one for just that job. :D


Nail polish made from eyeshadow

New Nail Polish from Eyeshadow
Heres the pictures that I took of my thrifty tip!


foil ball

Tin Foil Ball Instead of Dryer Sheets
Heres the photograph I took for this tip. Just a large sheet of foil rolled up into a ball.


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Water Down Expensive Perfume
Zel was not advocating mixing with water but to mix some of your perfume into some lotion. What a fabulous idea!


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Frozen Jello Fruit Pops
This is the photograph I sent with the tip. Just makes your mouth water looking at it! Monique :)


Use Eyeglass Case To Store Small Items

Use Eyeglass Case To Store Small Items
I posted a similar idea in 2007, click the link to see what items I keep in my glasses case. Its a super idea. Monique :)


Add Shelves And Hooks To Front Closet

Add Shelves and Hooks to Front Closet
Thats great if you have a husband with tools to put up these shelves! I have neither! :)


Calf Feeding from It's Mother

Newborn Calf
Wonderful pictures, thank you for sharing. I brightened the first picture for everyone to see a bit better. Such a sweet little face! :D


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How Can I Make My Eyelashes Fuller and Longer?
I agree with dorinmoz - Castor oil is the best remedy! Monique :)


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Rotten Meat Smell in Freezer?
Use charcoal briquettes, the ones for barbeques. Leave them inside the compartment. Line it first with foil. Replace the charcoal every 24 hours until the smell has gone completely. When its no longer offensive, clean the area with some white vinegar. Good...


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Fixing a Ballpoint Pen?
Spary some hairspray on a piece of paper then doodle in the spray and then roll the ball around the paper, it should come unstuck. Monique :)


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Ideas for Decorating Office Doors for Christmas?
Make little wreaths from old CDs. Personalise each one and add peoples names to hang on each door. Monique :)


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Remedy for Stubborn Underarm Odor?
I read somewhere of a lady who cured her problem with a variety of remedies. She said she washed her underarms in the morning then made a paste from Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking soda) and water and applied to each armpit. This was then rinsed off and patted...


ladybug on purple lilac flower petal

Ladybird On Flower
It was taken with a Samsung Digimax L85. It has an incredible macro feature on it. Thank you for the compliment! Monique :)


Seal Plastic Bag to Make Air Tight
Im ever so sorry but I dont understand this tip. What is it for? If you cut off the top then push through a bag how can you reattach it back onto the bottle if its cut off? I am really sorry, I must be a bit dippy today! Can you explain a little more please...


Clouds over rooftops.

An Angel in the Clouds (England)
I didnt see the dove until you pointed it out! Thank you MzScarlett for posting a message, isnt Mother Nature beautiful! Monique :)


Swans (Somerset)

Swans (Somerset)
A little convoy of swans, out for a nice day out! :D


Swans (Somerset)

Swans (Somerset)
What a great idea, CaroleeRose, I never thought of that, thank you. Monique :)


Small white dog in blue toy car

Molly (Dog)
ThriftyFun: Youve cropped the picture so you cannot see the black and white cat looking at Molly through the window behind her. Can you fix it? Monique :/ (b)Editors Note:(/b) So sorry about that, we have fixed it.


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Use Your Bicycle For Everything
Thats fabulous! My dad is also 70 and hes been working out for 30 years or more. Not in a going to the gym way, just healthy exercising at home. One of his exercise aids is a broomstick with weights on the end! Its very important to keep fit and healthy and...


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Use Your Bicycle For Everything
Thats fabulous! My dad is also 70 and hes been working out for 30 years or more. Not in a going to the gym way, just healthy exercising at home. One of his exercise aids is a broomstick with weights on the end! Its very important to keep fit and healthy and...


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Homemade Air Freshener
Ema, add a capful of vodka to this recipe as it acts as a preservative or else you will be spraying scented stale water. Monique :)


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Cigarette Burn on Wood Furniture?
Try lightly sanding the burns with some wire wool. I tried this on a scratch on a wooden table and it worked, luckily for you the wood is blond which should make it easier to hide. I actually used a Brillo pad, so use fine wire wool. If in doubt, turn the stool...


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How Can I Take to Treat Vertigo?
When I had a few attacks a couple of years ago I was prescribed SERC tablets from my doctor, within half an hour it got rid of it. I feel for her its very unsettling. I hope it goes away soon, mine did eventually. Monique :)


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Permanent Marker On Car Headliner?
Try hand sanitizer gel. Try in an inconspicuous place first to make sure it doesnt stain but it works on most everything I have tried. Removes marker pen from kitchen worktops, white curtains, CDs and skin! If you have no staining then dab some on some cotton...


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Permanent Marker on Jeans?
I use travel size hand sanitizer gel to remove permanent marker from kitchen worktops, CDs that have been mis-labeled and it removes eyelash dye stain from cream Jacquard curtains so it will remove marker from jeans no problem. (Always test on an inconspicuous...


Freezer Organization Page

Cleaning and Managing Your Freezer
Oopsie-daisies! I forgot to write down to unplug the freezer. Well spotted, Cricketnc! Monique :)


Several sticks of incense in a jar.

Use Unlit Incense to Scent a Room
I did send a photo with my entry but lately they never seem to appear! Adding it myself. This is the glass pepper pot recycled! Monique :) (b)Editors Note:(/b) Sorry about that, we have added it to the original post.


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Herbal Remedies for Post-Hysterectomy Problems?
Ask for a second opinion from a different doctor unless you can change your doctor if youre not happy with him. In the UK you could ask your nearest FHSA to recommend one for you. Good luck. Monique :)


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Removing ChapStick from Fabric?
Hand sanitizer gel removes black eyelash dye stain on cream curtains! I am sure it would make short work of a chap stick stain! In the UK I buy my travel size for 47p in the supermarket. Good luck, Monique :)


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Removing Pet Poop Odors from Carpet?
Listerine and water in a pump spray bottle (use the clear one not tinted blue one) works for all nasty niffs and is anti-bacterial, too! Monique :)


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Use Hand Sanitizer as a Stain Remover
Debbie, Vodka or rubbing alcohol might not work on its own, so whatever ingredients are in the hand sanitizer as well as the alcohol certainly does its job. I mean, eyelash dye on cream fabric and it removed it. Amazing, dont you think?! Keep smiling. Monique...


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Removing Stickers From a Door?
Have you tried using a hair dryer on the stickers? They usually come off straight away and then just polish off the residue with a cloth. Good luck Monique, UK


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Ink Stain on Wood Furniture?
Try a dab of hand sanitizer gel. It removes permanent marker pen from kitchen worktops. Try it in an inconspicuous place first. Best of luck, Monique :)


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Removing Stickers From a Door?
Smear with mayonnaise, leave for 20 minutes then scrape off with an old plastic credit card. I have tried every other way and this is by far the most successful method. Monique :)


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Defrosting and Cleaning a Freezer?
Step 1. Take out all your items in the freezer and put them into a large black bag (heavy duty bag). Wrap a duvet around it to keep the cold in. Step 2. Fill large bowls of steaming hot water and place on the shelves inside the freezer. Place a thick towel...


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Using Olive Oil on Oily Skin?
This is not a joke but lettuce is the answer to oily skin! Buy an Iceberg lettuce and rub over your face, especially the parts nearest the stem. No need to rinse off either. Conditions your skin making it feel dry and soft. Wonderful! Better than any cream...


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Oven Cleaner Left Brown Spots on Floor?
Have you tried rubbing a little toothpaste over the mark? It works when I get marks on my linoleum. Good luck :)


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Oven Cleaner Left Brown Spots on Floor?
Or try hand sanitizer gel, that removes permanent marker from kitchen work tops - it might do the trick. Monique :)


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Listerine For Many Uses
That would be me youre talking about and my post! I didnt know about this one, thank you for the tip! Monique :)


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Add Bag to Dress Hanger for Matching Bloomers
Do you mean Knickers? Are bloomers under garments? Sorry to be so dim! Monique :)


Extensions wrapped around a curler.

Store Hair Extensions Around a Curler
Heres the photo I submitted: Monique


Candid Moments at a Wedding
What a beautiful treasure :) Monique -x-


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Pet Odors on Carpet
That might stain some carpets, I would spray the stain with Listerine in a pump spray bottle, works for me! Monique :)


Trixie (Pug)
E.T. Phone home! :D) How cute is she! Just adorable. Monique :)


Babe (Tabby)
Aw shes beautiful. I have a tabby called Mr. Smith who sends a hug to Babe! =^,,^= You are lucky to have each other x Monique :)


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Removing Broken Light Bulbs?
I was going to recommend the potato method too. Tried and tested here too. Glad someone beat me to it :) Monique


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Removing Lipstick Stain on Silk?
I have heard that WD-40 will remove lipstick stains but I am not sure if this will work on silk but you could try a tester patch. Put a spot of WD-40 on your blouse in an inconspicuous place (under the arm for example) and then wash as you would normally. If...


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Cooking "Salad Beans"
Thank you for leaving feedback. I am sad they didnt add the picture I sent in because they are beautiful little gems. I have a new recipe with lentils and turkey which I will add soon. I do like all this experimenting though I dont actually like to cook normally...


banana cocoa mush in plastic container

Banana and Cocoa Mush
Thats always the way Tejasridgerunner. I only like new bananas to eat and dislike them when they become I know what to do with them. Its so very simple and a delicious chocolately treat without the sugar and calories. I am so pleased to share my...


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Waterproof Mascara Recommendations?
Great Lash waterproof is very good as is Covergirl. If you can get Marathon waterproof all the better. I hope its a great day :)


Tera cotta birdbath.

Terra Cotta Garden Birdbath
What a lovely idea - how clever you are! Just one thing..... arent the birds frightened away by the toad in yours? Ribbit, Monique :p


A pet being fed too much, and eating right out of the bag.

Don't Overfeed Your Pet
I loved this picture! And excellent advise too. (I brightened it a little for you). Best wishes from across the pond, Monique :)


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Removing Tree Sap from a Vinyl Awning?
Tree sap only dissolves in alcohol so try soaking the stain with vodka (Im not sure whether rubbing alcohol would be too strong-but think of that if the vodka doesnt work). Luckily I saw a feature on the TV recently where tree sap was used in a homemade remedy...


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Storing Bananas
When you bring back your bananas from the shop break the bananas off the hand and store the bananas seperately. They last much longer that way. Monique :)


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Removing Egg from Concrete?
Have you tried Coca-Cola? Use the full on sugary original Cola not the diet. It removes blood from concrete so I imagine that the cola would work for egg too. Leave it on the stain for an hour or so then rinse off with clean water. Good luck, Monique :)


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Make Your Own Bra Strap Holders
I would love to see a picture of it- can you upload a photo for us to see? Pretty please? Monique :)


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Rice Remedy for an Upset Stomach
I have been using this remedy for years and can affirm that this does actually work! It helps dogs too who also get an upset tum! Monique :)


Moocher (Domestic Shorthair)

Moocher (Domestic Shorthair)
You are so lucky to have him and him-you! What a lovely cat and Im loving the pose hes striking! Thank you for sharing his picture. Maybe next time youll send in Cleo & Leo too =^..^= Monique :)


What Breed is My Dog?
What a handsome dog! I dont know the breed but thought to brighten the picture so we can see him better. Good luck Monique :)


What Breed is My Dog?
Whatever she is she is certainly in the Very Cutest Category! How adorable is she! Monique :)


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Healing a Cut?
I have heard that pepper works! (As in salt & pepper -not hot pepper!! Oh dear, the very thought!) When the cut has healed I dab on some Vitamin E oil onto the wound to prevent scarring. I prick with a pin a Vit E capsule and use the oil from there. Hope this...


Fuzzy (Domestic Shorthair)

Fuzzy (Domestic Shorthair)
I have a cat just like Fuzzy - although mine is not a lap cat either they are still very affectionate in other ways. At one time I couldnt go near his belly, now he openly invites a tummy rub like Fuzzy here. Great picture, thank you for sharing with us! Monique...


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Use Your Crockpot as an Oven
Sorry to be a bit dim but is a Crockpot a Slow-Cooker? I live in England and the term Crockpot is not known to us. Monique :) Editors Note: Yes, It is a slow cooker that is plugged into the wall. It has a ceramic removable liner thus the name crock pot.


Autumn (Shetland Sheepdog)

Autumn (Shetland Sheepdog)
Thats the most adorable little puppy I have ever seen! I wish you and your family every happiness and thank you for sharing your story with us. Monique


Autumn (Shetland Sheepdog)

Autumn (Shetland Sheepdog)
Sorry this posted twice by accident!


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Removing Stains on a Granite Headstone?
I know Coca-Cola removes many stains (full sugar- not diet) - I dont think it would hurt to try it. They use it on the highways to remove oil spills so it could very well work. Good luck Monique :)


Mr. Smith (Tabby)

Mr. Smith (Tabby)
Thank you Laura for leaving a message! Hes such a bootiful boy now, I cant believe how much hes changed. Hes not a lap cat but loves attention now and follows me wherever I go. Right now though hes asleep under my duvet where its nice and warm! I hope you might...


Mr. Smith (Tabby)

Mr. Smith (Tabby)
Thank you to everyone for leaving such nice comments about Smith, if he knew hed have a very big head right now! I love reading about your animals and hope you might post a picture of yours one day. A lot of people tell me they know of a cat that looks exactly...


Mr. Smith (Tabby)

Mr. Smith (Tabby)
Thank you all for leaving messages =^..^= Happy holidays to you and your furry families and your humans too! Monique & Mr. Smith xx


plant that looks like flame

What Is The Name Of This Flame Plant?
Thank you so much Ashley, a wealth of information! I will pass this on to my friend who will be delighted to finally know what it is. Thank you so much for posting for me. Best wishes Monique


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Wash Cloth for Phone Space Around Toddlers
I think that is so funny, that really tickled me. I dont have children myself so no use to me but I will pass on this tip to my friends who have. Genuis idea. Necessity is the mother of Invention indeed! Monique :)


Christmas Tote Bag

Christmas Tote Bag
What a wonderful bag. I just might turn my hand to making one of these. Fabulous and would make a great gift too. Thank you for sharing! Monique :)


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Lipstick Stain on Carpet?
Try rubbing a baby wipe over the stain - I am told this works. I hope so. Best of luck, Monique :)


Decorated jar with mending supplies.

Jade's Mending Jar
Thank you for the nice things you have said, I appreciate you taking the time to write to me. Monique :)


Terrier in garden.

In Memory of Munchkin (Chihuahua/Small Rat...
Aww what a lovely dog, she was blessed to have found you. I am glad you got to spend that time with her. You must miss her so much. I am so sorry for your loss. Monique Somerset, UK


What Breed Is My Dog?
Aww what a gorgeous dog! He looks to be a Pitbull cross - maybe with a Staffordshire bull terrier? Such a beauty! Monique :)


Spiders made from plastic bags for your yard.

Yard Spiders
What a fabulous idea! I wish us Brits were like the Americans when it comes to Halloween - we never do anything like decorating our gardens [yards]. When I get an apartment with a garden Ill remember this one! Thanks so much for sharing with us! Monique Somerset...


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Quick Meals To Take To Work?
Maybe if I was in your situation I might think about buying ready meals that are microwavable. In the morning heat up your dinner...for example a Shepherds Pie or something... then scoop into a thermal flask especially for food. Make it one of the very first...


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Minced Garlic vs. Fresh?
To benefit from the true goodness from garlic it must be eaten within 10 minutes of chopping so I always use fresh. I dont add garlic to any meal until 10 mintes to the end of cooking. I have some cheat garlic jars in the store cupboard for back up but one...


Nest Made by Perfect Little Engineers
Arent they clever! It is a work of art. I lightened the picture for you as I couldnt see it too well. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Monique


Nest Made by Perfect Little Engineers
Hello - you are welcome Ariela. OFF TOPIC A MINUTE: If your software doesnt lighten pictures you can try an online editor. No download; just adjust pictures on the site. Go to adjustments and choose Brightness. You can find it here:


Rocks painted to look like a snake.

Recycled Rock Crafts
Wow, you are really talented, I just love these! I paint pebbles with my nieces and nephews each summer holiday when they come to visit me (I live next to the beach). Ours are put to shame next to yours! You should sell them, paint the persons house number...


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Uses for Shower Caps
I have a basket on the back of my bike and I have strapped one of those little bags that you strap around your waist and the little bag rests inside the basket. Inside I keep a few things that I might need and one of those things is a shower cap to keep the...


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Cleaning Dirty Glass Bottles?
Hello. Pop a denture cleaning tablet inside and leave overnight. In the morning add some rice and give it a good rigorous shake - this should loosen any dirt particles. Rinse then in warm soapy water and leave to air dry. I think this should work, it does with...


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Sprucing Up a Business?
Keep it simple but welcoming. The walls and flooring should be neutral colours then choose a couple of accent colours which are bold. In the lobby area some comfortable seating- maybe a small sofa and some chairs in your accent colour. Say Red or blue, a nice...


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