
Eileen M.

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56 Posts | 240 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Bag Balm for Chapped Skin Relief

Bag Balm for Chapped Skin Relief
I used this on scraped knees and elbows for both of my kids when they were little. Kept the scabs from drying out and itching, so much less likely to scar from being picked at.


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Drop Scones
For the flour, is that 12 ounces dry weight or 12 ounces volume?


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Used Too Much Weed Killer on Lawn?
Water it really well, mow it short, and wait it out! With any luck, the grass will outgrow the weed killer. And, next time, read the directions first?


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First Communion Centerpiece?
If your kids have/get candles for First Communion, put those in with the other decorations. We decorated our own candles (godparents and mom) for each of my kids, and I still have them. We used them again for Confirmation!


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Shrinking a Leather Shooting Glove for a Bow?
You can try (no guarantees, but worth a shot anyway), wet the glove in warm water, get it really wet, and have your daughter wear it until it dries. She should move her hand around a lot while it dries, and just keep it on her hand. Then it will (hopefully...


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Confederate Jasmine Turned Brown After Ice Storm?
Leave it in place, water as normal, and wait until Easter or so. If there is no sign of green by Easter, clip off part of one branch and look at the cut ends. If there is green inside, you might still save it; if its all brown and dry and hard, it may very...


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Reporting Child Support Income to IRS?
No, you do not pay taxes on child support. This is one of the few times the IRS does NOT double-dip!


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Collecting Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
Check with your local social security office. Be sure you bring birth certificates, etc to show how the kids are related. Good luck!


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Drying Silicone Baking Mats
You can also use clothespins to hang them from a plastic or wooden hanger.


Very tall amaryllis on dining table.

Growing an Amaryllis?
That looks about right. Some are taller than others. Good idea to stake it! Also, be sure to rotate it every day or two so it doesnt grow lopsided toward the window.


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Making a Heat Pack?
You can also use dried corn kernels. Smells like popcorn when you put it in the microwave.


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Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
I would check with Social Security office, but Im afraid that once you are an adult you stop getting any benefits unless you are somehow disabled... Good luck!



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Child Support Owed by Deceased Parent?
Check with your state or local child support agency. If he left any sort of estate, you may be able to get some of what is owed. Good luck!


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Making a Microwave Heating Pad?
That should not be a problem since youre only heating it for a minute or so in the microwave.


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Child Support and Disability?
Check with your county office of child support or family services. Then check with the county where your divorce is from since they should have the support orders there. You may need an attorney, but maybe not. Good luck and stay on top of this - do NOT give...


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Transplanting and Pruning a Butterfly Bush?
Butterfly bushes do best when pruned before transplanting. You want to chop it back as much as possible, dig up as much of the root ball as possible, and replant very soon. It may take a year or so to grow back to full size, but that isnt usually a problem...


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Homemade Aphid Spray with Vinegar?
Vinegar is a great HERBICIDE (weed killer). For aphids, I suggest a squirt of liquid dish soap in a pint or so of water, spray the leaves, contacting as many aphids as possible. After 20 minutes or so, you may want to rinse off the soapy water so you dont burn...


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Killing Weeds and Not the Moss?
You are just going to have to bite the bullet here. Most broadleaf weed killers will also damage and perhaps kill the moss. You might take a sample of the moss to your local nursery or Cooperative Extension agent to an accurate identification, and then look...


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Keeping Cats Out of Flower Pots?
You can put rocks around the plant in the pot - as many rocks as you need to completely cover the soil. OR, you can get a roll of garden fence in various colors and cut a piece to fit the top of your pot. Cut a slit in the fencing, so that you can place it...


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Paying a Lump Sum Child Support Settlement?
If you can do the lump sum, do it. Most states require (no exceptions) that interest be collected on past-due child support, so you would get out from under the obligation faster by doing the lump sum. Be sure to get the paperwork signed off and keep copies...


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SSI for Dependent Student?
Call your local Social Security office ASAP! The sooner the better! Whether or not he is eligible, if he is eligible for any assistance, it is based on the application date, not the date of the qualifying event (fathers death). Good luck, and my condolences...


Old painted built in drawers.

Opening a Stuck Drawer?
Get an old fashioned molly bolt from the hardware store - small enough diameter to feed through the hole, and long enough so you can unfold the wings inside the drawer. Then grab the head with pliers or vise grips and wiggle and pull... Good luck! Maybe there...


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Setting Fabric Dye?
You might try the cold water and salt routine - in a large bucket or whatever, fill with cold water and a pound or so of table salt (one of those round boxes). Dissolve the salt, then soak the table cloth in the salt water for an hour or so. Then wash in cold...


large cuttings

Repotting a Jade Plant
Jade plants are wonderfully hardy. You can simply stick a leaf or branch in a pot and it will root without any help at all! To re-pot a jade, get a pot a little bigger than the one it is currently in, put a little bit of fresh soil on the bottom, tap out the...



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Buying Craft Items for Children Online?
Liquid starch is in the laundry aisle in WalMart. They should have that in Canada. Yes, Elmers or other school-type glues dry clear.


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Identifying and Getting Rid of Invasive Plant?
Cut some of this weed and take it in to your University Extension Office, County Agricultural Commissioners Office, or even a big nursery/garden center. They usually have reference books to play match this weed and staff will be able to help you figure out...


Removing Rust and Reconditioning Sewing Machine Needles?
I would not want to even attempt this - just not worth the hassle, and I really dont think it will work for any length of time. Best to just toss them and buy new ones...


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Getting Full Custody of Children After a Divorce?
Get to your state or county family support or child support office ASAP! You need to get in writing the apparent abandonment, and get full custody of your kids ASAP! Best of luck to you.


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Keeping Rodents Out of Your Yard?
Ditto the earlier posts. Rodents like to eat, so clean up your yard - no fruit or vegies left on trees/vines for them to eat. Raccoons are utterly omnivorous -they will eat anything, they have NO fear, and they are SMART! Keep any and all food-ish things put...


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Cleaning Plastic Mouth Retainers?
Denture cleaning tablets are a very good idea. White vinegar and baking soda is another one. You could also call any orthodontists office and ask one of the staff.


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Useful Bandanas When Camping
Growing up in Girl Scouts (a million years ago :)) we called bandanas 104s because there were supposed to be 104 uses for a bandana. Just off the top of my head: pony tail holder, hair scarf, potholder, placemat, tie the corners together for a collecting bag...


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Using Recycled Paper Vases to Start Plants?
If the paper vase was made with tape or Elmers glue, yes you can bury it. Easier paper pots can be made with a sheet of newsprint dampened and folded/crumpled around either a pot or jar or whatever shape you want it. Then fill it with potting soil and start...


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Dyeing Clothes on the Stovetop?
Ditto! Read the directions! When in doubt, read them again! If you want a darker color, you may want to double the amount of dye and/or leave the shorts in much longer time. Wear rubber gloves unless you want your hands that color, and use a throw-away spoon...


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Killing Weeds With Vinegar?
It is the white vinegar. Be careful though - it is not selective at all. Any plant you get vinegar on, is going to be cooked by the vinegar!


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New England Clan Chowder Too Thin?
I agree - try instant potato flakes, plus whatever clam juice you have, or something similar.


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Locating Your Car in a Parking Lot?
I use one of the flags you can attach to the window. That was great when we were in DC and trying to caravan with another vehicle!



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Protect Bank Cards With Foil
DO NOT carry your Social Security Card with you! That number is one of the key ways to get your ID stolen. Plus, its on a cardboard/paper card, so it cant be scanned from outside your wallet anyway, but best to simply not carry it at all.


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Pinecone Crafts for Kids?
For Thanksgiving, lay the pinecones on their sides, glue on googly eyes on the pointed end, stick feathers or leaves in the fat end, and twigs to help your turkey stay in one spot. For Christmas mini-trees, stick the fat end of the cone into a pot or jar or...


Seasoned Cast Iron Pan

Cleaning Cast Iron
My easiest way to clean off rusted cast iron is to put it in the oven and do the self clean routine. It literally burns off the rust and crud, and gives you a clean starter to re-season. BTW, you may want to activate your hood fan, open windows, or otherwise...


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Liquid Soap on the Outside of Camping Pots
This is an old Girl Scout trick from way back! We use it all the time and love the easy clean-up!


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How Close to the House Can I Place My BBQ?
Ask your local fire department what they recommend. My nephew lost everything he owned when his BBQ caught their deck on fire and burned down their apartment. Be careful in any case, and NEVER leave it burning unattended!


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Rag Stuck Between Wall and Washing Machine?
If you have bbq tongs, or fireplace tongs, they might be able to reach the cloth. Next time, be sure to attach the cloth tightly to the stick with a rubber band or duct tape so it doesnt fall off.


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Social Security Disability Benefits?
Google Social Security and call to the nearest office to get an appointment. Wait on the phone for however long it takes, but get an appointment so you dont have to wait all day in the office waiting room. Be sure to bring original birth certificate(s) and...


A green box of Bag Balm medicated ointment.

Use Bag Balm For Dry Scaly Skin
This is also awesome for use on kids scraped knees, elbows, etc. It keeps the scabs from getting all hard and crusty and itchy. Also great for cat scratches, rose thorn pricks, berry bush prickles, etc. I use it regularly!


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Cooking Omelets in a Bag?
If youre going to do omelets or burritos for a group, just prep your add-ins ahead of time, put into individual bowls with spoons/forks, and scramble all your eggs at once. let everyone put however much of whatever onto their plates or a tortilla, and youre...


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Spider Plants in Cold Weather?
If you can bring it is, that will be best, but if it is really protected, you may not need to. Just cover it with an old sheet (cotton or poly-cotton blend) or towel, or other non-plastic cloth, and be sure it is well watered. If you can remove the cover during...


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No Sew Fleece Scarves?
Fleece yardage is 56 - 60 inches wide. Cut whatever length you need (I like 12-18 inches wide) across the entire width of the fabric. Mark each end about 3 or 4 inches in and cut strips every 1/2 to 3/4 inch up to the line you have marked. You can tie a know...


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White Elephant Christmas Gift Ideas?
Dollar store teddy bears? Or the dollar aisle at Target or WalMart. Look at yard sales for anything bear-ish - cookie jar, coffee mug, stuffed animals, etc.


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Collecting Child Support if the Parent is Deceased?
Good luck with this one. Contact an attorney ASAP and be persistent.


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Teaching a 20 Month Old Child Manners?
I would suggest beginning with please and thank you. Whenever he wants something, you have to show him the pattern: milk, please? or I need to go potty please when he doesnt use please on his own. Same with thank you. You hang onto whatever it is until he says...


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Rights of a Parent with Sole Custody?
Ditto foxrun! Talk to your attorney, and ask the boys what they would like to do. How about Cub Scouts - good program, good activities that teach real life skills, positive male role models (Im a single mom, been there, done that). By the by, you may have to...


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Preventing Halloween Candy Overdose
My office building collects leftover candy for donation to the local homeless shelter to hand out as dessert with the hot lunches they provide. Great way to remove the temptation.


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Do Fruit Flies Bite?
Nope. They are just annoying - buzzing around. Sometimes they will get into your eyes, but they do not bite.


Cast iron griddle sitting on foil in baking pan.

Problems Seasoning a Cast Iron Griddle?
If you have a self-cleaning oven, put the pan in the oven and turn it on to clean mode. Leave it until it cools. Then rub in the Crisco shortening, put a layer of aluminum foil on the rack below the rack your pan will sit on, set the pan in the oven upside...


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Ears Ringing After Removing Wax?
You need to go to your doctor. Punctured ear drum is not anything to play with!


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Measuring Out Morning Cereal
I also use the 1-cup plastic containers from cream cheese or margarine. Great to grab and go for those mornings when Im just not quite quick enough out of bed to get breakfast at home.


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Celebrating a Child's Birthday When You Have No Money?
Ditto! Dont set yourself up for some big expensive deal that is not sustainable. Happy Birthday, maybe favorite foods for meals that day, and a cake (or even just a cupcake) to blow out the candles (at 2 years old, maybe not lit), and enjoy. Its more spending...


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Finding Out How Much Child Support Owed?
You should be able to call your state or county child support (or family support) department and they will need some information from you: your name, mothers name, kids name, birth date of child(ren), if you ever were served with court papers, from which court...


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Making Toys from Empty Cereal Boxes?
Depending on the kids age(s), you can just give them the boxes to play with as is. Taping the end closed is great for making big blocks that are light enough for younger kids, and wont hurt anyone when they fall over on them.


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Removing Lawn Grass
Sometimes watering first and then covering with the plastic works even better. Here we call it solarization and it really does work! Yes, you will probably need to do this a couple of times, but sure is easier than pulling/digging up the grass.


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Reuse Your Lysol or Clorox Wipes
Please be careful not to mix clorox (bleach) with anything containing ammonia - nasty TOXIC fumes!


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Use Bleach For Removing Mold
Please be very careful to NEVER mix any product containing bleach with any product containing ammonia. The combination can be deadly! Even the cleaning wipes may contain ammonia compounds. Best to use only one product at a time, and be sure to have lots of...


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Farewell Party for Daughter Joining the Army?
Invite folks to bring stuff for care packages to be sent to her over the next several months: socks, body powder, insect repellent, deodorant, razors, individually wrapped hard candies, instant Starbucks (or whatever) coffee, phone cards, etc.


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Harvesting Squash?
Smaller is better for summer squash - zucchini, yellow squash, rolly-poly, patty-pan, etc.) You will want to check at least daily. They can escape and become footballs or baseball bat size so easily! The itty-bitty ones dont even need to be cooked - just wash...


White morning glory like flowers growing on the ground.

Growing Morning Glories in Hanging Planters?
I dont think you really want to do this. Field Bindweed is the more common name for the little white morning glory plants and they will take over the world if you let them. Im sure theyd be more than happy to hang out in your baskets, but youll have quite a...


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Reuse Dishwashing Liquid Bottles For Bleach
Not a good idea here! Never, ever, ever put a pesticide (Yes, bleach is a pesticide) into any other container that does not have the label on it! All too easy to grab what you thought was dish soap and get the bleach instead, and then get bleach in/on whatever...


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Collecting Child Support from Social Security After Parent Dies?
Check with your local SS office, ASAP! They will not backdate the award to the date of death, only to the date you apply for the benefits. Get in there with your documentation and go for it! Good luck!


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Growing Victoria Plums?
You are likely out of luck this year. Next year be sure to thin the fruits so the branches dont break. You can try to just put a few fruits on a table or counter top so they are not touching each other, and wait to see if they ripen or not. Much will depend...


Shopping for Inexpensive Foam Hand Soap?
Wal Mart carries the generic kind - my kids like it just as well as the brand name stuff...


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Fixing Dents in Lampshades?
Youre lucky you didnt have a fire! I dont know about un-denting the lampshade, but you can dry a hat by stuffing it with plastic grocery bags (clean of course) and setting it on the washer or dryer until it is dry. No fire danger there...


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Getting Rid of Spiders Without Pesticide?
Use your vacuum cleaner with a long wand. You dont have to touch them at all.


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Getting ChapStick Out of Clothing?
My son forgets to take his out of his pants pockets... nasty, oily, greasy stains! I use the OxiClean gel that comes in a tube-like thing. When I find a load of laundry that got oiled I run the whole load again with oxi clean in the washer with detergent, and...


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Keeping Carpets Clean with a Toddler?
I bought the carpet runners on a roll, with the teeth things on the underside. Several rolls were wide enough and long enough to cover the carpet under our table and chairs when my kids were smaller. Catastrophic milk spills were a problem because the milk...


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Choosing Clothes to Wear to School?
I had the five-pocket hanging organizers for my son - he would load his school clothes on Sunday evening for the next week. Of course, we had it easier with uniforms, it was just a choice between navy or khaki pants and red or navy shirts.


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Getting Kids Up and Ready for School?
I ask each of my kids how much time they think they need in the morning, add 10 minutes, and have them set alarm clocks for that time. I also call the house when I get to the office (single mom) to be sure everyone is up and moving. Im going to pre-make breakfast...


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Removing Red Wine Stains With White Wine
You might also try white vinegar, same chemicals, just a little more age, and maybe less expensive.


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Making Pulled Turkey BBQ?
I use leftover turkey (or chicken), chopped onion, BBQ sauce, etc on a canned biscuit that is flattened out a bit (to about 5 inches diameter), then bake for 15-20 minutes for a personal size BBQ pizza.


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Painting Plastic Bottles to Reuse?
Duct tape and sharpie markers work really well, and should last through the weekend. Freezer tape also, but duct tape is so easily available now.


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Getting Rid of a Hornet's Nest Behind Siding?
I agree; look for the entrance/exit hole, and spray it after sundown. Be careful, the hornets will be angry until they drop dead. If that doesnt work, you may have to call a professional.


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Use Lonely Sock as Powder Puff
Awesome! Thanks for the tip!


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Eating Sun Scalded Tomatoes?
They are safe, just not very pretty. They may be rather mealy in texture also...


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Growing Mint from Seed?
If you really want mint, like for the next 100 years, get a cutting from someone who has one. Once established, mint is almost impossible to get rid of! Plant in a pot set on concrete, not dirt! It will send roots down and over to find new places to come up...


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Shopping for Discount Nasal Strips?
I have seen them at Rite Aid, WalMart and others. They are shaped a bit differently, and the adhesive is different, so if your nose reacts badly, you may need to use the real ones...


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Summertime Kid Craft Ideas?
Give them a challenge. Can they build a bridge from popsicle sticks (or toothpicks), Elmers glue, and duct tape, that will hold whatever weight? Easier to do with the popsicle sticks and tape, just because they are bigger. If you tell them that the bridge has...


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Ideas for a Construction Themed Party?
Plain granola might work, or grape nuts cereal. Did this for my sons third b-day. He wanted a construction cone cake... histerically funny and hard work to build, but he loved it!


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Birds Eating Sunflower Seeds Before They Sprout?
Row covers would work to let the plants get taller enough - wire coat hangars bent into a U shape, with old sheets, or muslin, or cheesecloth, to protect the plantlets from those big bad birdies... Chicken wire unrolled and bent into U shape could do the same...


View of plant from a slight distance, showing height of plant.

What is This Plant?
We call them angels wings, they have beautiful pink blossoms. Love diffused light, and will start from cuttings if you get a branch broken off. Ours is from my grandparents home, over 30 years ago. My mom keeps starting new ones when branches break off, so...


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Getting Rid of All Vegetation?
If you have tarps or sheet plastic, water the area well, then put down the plastic, and weight the edges so it doesnt blow. Solar cooking will take care of the weeds eventually.


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Fruit Growing on a Jasmine Plant?
Oh no, that looks like a privet tree. Nastiest, stinkiest, messiest tree on the face of this earth (in my opinion). It will produce abundant purple berries, smaller than usual grapes, that the birds will love to eat, then poop purple all over everything! My...


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Recycling Plastic Soda Bottle Caps?
You can also check with your local waste company, they may not take the tops with the bottles, but you might be able to put them into your general recycle bin.


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Chopsticks for Snacks
This will also slow down your eating! What a way to be mindful when snacking. I cant go on autopilot with chopsticks!


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Getting Rid of Spiders in Shrubs?
Try a nice shot of water from the hose first, then do the dish soap (one squirt) in a 1-quart squirt bottle and spray directly on the spiders. Spiders are (mostly) good bugs, so you really dont want to kill them, just relocate them.


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Cleaning Garden Tools?
Bucket of sand with any oily product will help a lot. Naval Jelly will be good if heavily rusted, to start with, then the oily sand routine.


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Cleaning Teapot and Cups
You can also put a denture cleaning tablet in the water and leave it overnight, or a good capful of bleach in the water and leave it overnight. Always rinse and rinse and rinse to get the last of the taste out.


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Helping a Child Accept a New Baby Sister?
Consider getting Lance a t-shirt that says, Im a big brother now! As a present from his baby sister. Mom and Grandma, you are in for a rough time, but you can put a positive spin on it. Can Lance join Cub Scouts to help get a more balanced life-view? Yes, Mom...


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Sealing a Hole in a Soft Plastic Container?
Duct tape, especially the clear package tape stuff! Cut off a strip long enough to completely cover the hole, press it really well, and see how that goes.


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Cleaning a Wood Salt Shaker?
Cleaning the outside? I would wipe with water and a tiny bit of dish soap, then rub with furniture oil. Cleaning the inside? Dry rice, fill it about half-way, shake and shake and shake, dump it out, refill with salt and there you go.


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Weed Killer That is Safe for Other Plants?
Sorry, this is one of those mutually exclusive concepts, weeds are plants, so weed killers will harm plants. Depending on what kind of good plants you want to keep safe, and what kind of weed plants you want to get rid of, you might be able to find some selective...


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Season a Cast Iron Skillet
Wonderful thought! I will do that more often...


A stack of hats that need to be organized.

Suggestions for Hanging Hats on the Wall?
Command Adhesive has many different hooks with adhesive that does not damage paint, etc. on walls. I have several hooks up high on the wall above my closet and I have hung straw hats by putting some string (fish line would work) through the brim and making...


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Tomatoes Turning Black on the Bottom?
This wont help for this season, but next spring, plant some egg shells in the same hole/trench with your tomatoes and the calcium will help with the blossom end rot. Good luck!


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Pet Safe Mulch for My Backyard?
Whatever you do, do not get the cocoa mulch! This can be very poisonous to dogs, and if you already have a mulch-eater, you dont want to go there, at all.


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Getting Rid of Moles?
You may need to put hardware cloth under the planter beds to keep the burrowing critters out. Easier to do when you have raised beds, of course, but you could do it by digging out the regular bed soil, putting down the hardware cloth in a U shape, and re-filling...


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Cleaning a Crock Pot
Crock pot liners are the best! Love your idea for those times when the liners arent available though.


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Planting a Dried Peach Pit?
Most peach trees are grafted, a nice tasting peach grafted onto a hardy stock that is tolerant to many of the diseases, etc in your area. You could certainly try growing a tree from a pit, but the tree may not be very hardy. Good luck!


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Saving Vegetable Plants Sprayed With Vinegar?
Wash them off with plenty of water and cross your finger and be more careful next time, vinegar is a non-selective herbicide.


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Ideas for Getting Heavy Grocery Items into the House?
You might look for a good old fashioned red wagon (or whatever color). My mom uses one to move cat and dog food, cat litter, potting soil, etc. from her car to the house or back yard.


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100th Birthday Gift Ideas?
100 adjectives that describe her? 100 pictures of things that bring her to mind?


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Readers Digest Magazine Christmas Trees?
The spray-painting uses a lot of paint, just an FYI. Fun to do though, Ive done the tree and the angels over the years!


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Using Borax to Get Rid of Fleas in Carpeting?
After you vacuum up the dead fleas, be sure to empty the vacuum cleaner bag into the garbage can outside. DO NOT use Sevin dust indoors unless the label says you can do this. Carbaryl is a cholinesterase inhibitor and some people have bad reactions to it.


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Removing Ink Stains from Dryer Drum?
Try the gel-type hand sanitizer (mostly alcohol) on an old sock or other rag, glop on the sanitizer and rub like crazy. Be sure to rub all the sanitizer off when you are done so you dont start a fire.


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Are Citronella Plants Good for the Garden?
If you mean the citronella scented geranium (pelargonium actually), they smell nice and they do keep mosquitoes away from the immediate area. They do like full sun and regular watering. I have one plot 3 by 5 feet that is waist-high, and one big pot, right...


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Accidentally Used Herbicide Instead of Fertilizer on Lawn?
Always read the directions every time you use any pesticide product! If you have the original label, it may tell you how long to wait to replant. Otherwise, you get to have a spotty looking lawn until fall when you should be able to re-seed. Expensive lesson...


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Keep Change of Clothes at School
Not a bad idea for adults to keep a change at work, either. You never know when youll end up wearing your lunch, or slip in a puddle.


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How Do I Clean Spit Off of Walls?
Good luck with that! I would have him clean the walls, definitely! Non-latex gloves, safety glasses, lots of rags, and a bucket of lysol-spiked warm water... He grimed the walls, he washes the walls. Then, perhaps involve his in choosing a new color for the...


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Put Kids Table in Kiddie Pool
Oh what a great idea! I put an old shower curtain (plastic) under my kids table when they were little. I like the pool idea even better! Especially if you dont have a four-legged vacuum cleaner in the house (dog), containing the mess is worth the hassle!


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Planning a First Communion Party?
Much depends on time of day and your budget. If it is a morning Mass, you could have lunch or brunch, rolls with sliced meats and cheeses, salads, etc. If it is an afternoon Mass, thing cake and punch, If evening Mass, hors doevres or snackie things. Remember...


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How Do I Thank Guests at First Holy Communion?
Maybe you meant a note of thanks? At any rate, be sure your child writes thank you notes. Maybe you could include a picture of the child all dressed up?


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How Do I Sanitize a Stainless Steel Bowl?
Bleach in water, let it set overnight or for a few days, then set it out in the sunshine to let that beat on it for a day or so. Then Id put it through the dishwasher on sanitize cycle. Good luck getting past the mental images!


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Use Shredded Paper as Fire Starter
I like the basic idea - Id be more comfortable with making the shreds into less blowable fire starters, I think. I am going to try stuffing shreds into a toilet paper tube, AND Im going to try putting some shreds in a cardboard egg carton with some melted paraffin...


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Reusing Baby Medicine Drop Bottles?
Keep the droppers for art projects with kids! Use them to drip drops of paint, food color, fabric dye, onto a white t-shirt or sweatshirt for a neat colorful something to wear. You could also offer them to a pre-school or kindergarten teacher who will have...


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Changing Your Furnace Filter
Then I write the change date on the fridge calendar to remind myself again!


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Growing Tomatoes in Containers?
The foal ice chests are a wonderful idea. You can also mix in styrofoam peanuts to make the weight less...


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Raised Beds Using Cardboard Boxes
I have raised beds that I started by using the 8x8x16 inch cinder blocks, held in place by rebar stakes. The wooden stakes just rotted off within the first year. I add at least 1 cubic foot of composted steer manure every fall/winter after I pull out my summer...


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Decorating Luggage?
Fabric paint will do very nicely. Just be very sure it is well dried before your trip or it will stick to everything else. I use the soft fabric paint, not the dimensional stuff, which tends to lie flatter and soak in better to the fabric. I put my kids last...


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Cleaning Cast Iron Pans
Most of the time you can clean cast iron with hot water and a nylon scrubbie - no soap, unless you want to start all over. To re-season a totally grungy pan, or one that is rusted, put it in your oven on the self clean cycle. When the oven cools, the cast iron...


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