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4 Posts | 2,083 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Pine Tree Removal in Ohio?
Also-Very Important: ***Do not give the address or location of your trees to anyone before you have an attorney assisted deal. If you do, you may find someone has removed some or all of your trees without your knowledge. ***Tree removal is an expensive and...


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Sharing Expenses with a Live-in Boyfriend?
This situation will not end well. It appears your boyfriend is not interested in an equal relationship and will, as time progresses, only take more advantage of you and in many ways. You can attempt to discuss your financial concerns NOW and come to an equitable...


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Boyfriend Not Contributing to House Bills?
Agree with all comments 100%!!! He and his mother are working a huge guilt trip on you re his money etc., problems. None of this is your responsibility!!! The only way you can get out from under them both is to separate yourself from him and all his baggage...


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Getting Pine Trees Removed from Your Property?
There are legal and possibly historic and archaeological complications in removing trees from your land: *Injuries to employees of the tree cutting company that may also involve you; *Legal, historic and archaeological complications of your land that can obligate...


Identifying a Small Bug in the Shower - insect on side of tub

Identifying a Small Bug in the Shower?
Sorry, this is definitely not a cockroach! Looks like a small beetle, but not enough info to tell more. From my entomologist husband.


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Getting Rid of Nearly Invisible Biting Bugs?
I strongly suggest that you see your doctor immediately and bring a copy of your letter here for her/him to read!!! You will find help from your doctor!!!


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Do Fruit Flies Bite?
No, fruit flies are only interested in fruit!


Do Wisterias Weep?

Do Wisterias Weep?
Transpiration-All plants transfer carbon dioxide into their systems and transfer water out into the air.


Identifying Black Bugs - blackish gray bug

Identifying Black Bugs?
Family Cureulionidae-Weevil Beetle Larva bore into and eat plant roots.


Value of a Mersman Library Table - table in garage

Value of a Mersman Library Table?
Note that this table may be worth more if the original finish is not changed in any way.


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Getting Rid of Mite Sized Biting Bugs Inside?
Strongly suggest that you see your doctor immediately and show her/him pictures of the bugs and your bites. They may be causing a medical problem that you are not be aware of.


Identifying an Antique Porcelain Doll -  sitting baby doll

Identifying an Antique Porcelain Doll?



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Getting Rid of Ticks?
A very simple online search for how to get rid of ticks provides many helpful answers. You can try a search yourself and this great site:


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Collecting Back Child Support?
The back child support that your father is now paying your mom is what your father should have paid your mom to help raise you. It is not yours in any case.


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Removing Cigarette Odor from Home and Laundry?
Cigarette smell is essentially impossible to remove; there is no way to successfully remove the smell from breath, body, clothes etc. The real problem is much bigger-not just smoke but also second and third hand smoking residuals. The three (that we know of...


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Child Care Center Name Ideas?
Evergreen-ever as in always and green as in new growth.


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Caring for Ants, Roly Polies, and a Slug?
Your friends will not survive on dirt, grass and sticks. The ants are females that can not mate; learn more about them here:


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Care and Socialization of Roly Polies?
Rolypoly bugs are great pets! You will find more information online in a search for rolypoly care and with this site:


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White Floss Design Not Showing on Aida Material?
There are many types of white cross stitch thread. Bring your work to a shop and search for a better match to the white.


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Determining a Move Out Cleaning Fee?
You dont give any information about your location so a price is difficult to recommend. However, I caution you not to set any fee until you have considered the basics. BEFORE any job or service, even if your client is a relative, friend, etc., you should protect...


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Fee for a Move Out Cleaning?
You dont give any information about your location so a price is difficult to recommend. However, I caution you not to set any fee until you have considered the basics. BEFORE any job or service, even if your client is a relative, friend, etc., you should protect...


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Removing a Spoiled Meat Smell in the Freezer?
The spoiled meat smell could be a big problem! We lived in a rental and the fridge smell was terrible; we did not want to even open the door. We tried many cleaning methods but the smell remained as good as ever. We finally learned that spoiled meat can leave...


Saving an Injured Grasshopper - one legged grasshopper among leaves

Saving an Injured Grasshopper?
The hopper will not survive with one leg. This site will help you to care for Hopper:


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Repairing a Treasured Comforter?
Try displaying the comforter in the bedroom, etc., as it seems much too fragile to continue use on the bed. Hang it on a wall, folded over a chair, etc.



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Roof Repair Assistance for Low Income Homeowners?
Try this very helpful federal government site: ... for-low-income-families-individuals/


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Selling Trees for Lumber?
Many people want to have trees removed from their property. Often someone tells them that tree removal services will pay them to remove trees from their property. Unfortunately, they face many problems: *Tree removal companies are not interested in paying the...


Value of the New Modern
Encyclopedia - very old volume

Value of the New Modern Encyclopedia?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


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Legal Responsibility to Pay for Funeral?
I strongly suggest that you discuss this problem with an attorney-legal aid is good, if you can arrange an appointment quickly! Otherwise, you may need to hire an attorney to represent your interests. Dont wait until the last minute, you need answers before...


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Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?
A verbal abuser usually becomes a physical abuser, as well! You can try couples counseling, however, I doubt he will agree to go as he is always right so does not need counseling. I doubt he will support your single counseling; his verbal abuse controls you...


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Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Survivors benefits will end at 18, or 19 if you are still in high school. The benefits are not paid for college or any further studies.


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Value of Colliers Encyclopedias?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Value of World Book Encyclopedia Set - volumes on a bookshelf

Value of World Book Encyclopedia Set?
Your books may have value as they were published in 1923. Check for possible EBay, Craigs List, etc. prices, auction houses in your area and also this site:


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ASPCA Pet Vaccination Truck Schedule for Queens?
Check the ASPCA site as their schedule may have changed.


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Getting Old Used Tires for Free?
Check local tire companies for used tires; they are very difficult to recycle so are usually thrown away to landfills.


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Donating Fabric Scraps?
Take them to a local senior center as the centers usually have quilting classes and need materials.


Treating Bumps on My Dog - hair pulled aside to expose a bump

Treating Bumps on My Dog?
If your dog reacts in pain, probable infection that a vet should treat. Delaying will only make the infection worse and more costly to treat.



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Rights of Person Holding a Medical Power of Attorney?
You need an attorney experienced in POAs to advise you and probably intercede in whatever the ex plans. ASAP!


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Value of Encyclopedia Britannica?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Agencies That Help Senior Citizens Demolish Home After a Fire?
The National Counseling On Aging has a free resource site for seniors: This site is a confidential and free and easy resource service to help people 55 years and older locate and apply for benefits. There are numerous financial assistance...


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Giving Away Bamboo?
Unfortunately, you will probably have a difficult time finding a company willing to dig out the bamboo. This work is very hard and there is little incentive to a company for a small amount of bamboo. Some more information: Many people want to have trees removed...


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Cooking a Turkey and Ham at the Same Time?
Roast whole turkey @ 325 degrees for 16 pound bird: Unstuffed 3-3.5 hrs Stuffed 3.75-4.5 hs Ham: need more information re cut, uncooked/cooked, temperature 325/350 etc.-see this guide: You...


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Value of Ashley Belle Nelly Doll?
Note: Ashley Belle Dollls are available from EBay $10--1000.


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Value of Pecan Trees?
Several pecan trees will not interest a tree company, restaurant, etc., as the cost to cut and process is so high. The info below can help explain further: Many people want to have trees removed from their property. Often someone tells them that tree removal...


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Value of Ashley Belle Nelly Doll?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include the rather misleading term 'limited edition' in their names and may also have an essentially...


Value of Collectible Memories -
Reesa Porcelain Doll  - doll wearing a fancy white satin dress

Value of Collectible Memories Reesa Porcelain Doll?
An easy online search for porcelain doll values will produce many answers. Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include the rather...


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Preventing Condensation Between Trailer Roof and Ceiling? is a great free site for everything RV. Go to the site and check the forum to ask questions about your problem. Experienced RV people will respond with good repair ideas for your problem and many others!


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Treating a Kitten's Eye Discharge?
Cat eye infections can be very expensive if not treated immediately!!! We just paid out over $1500 over four months for treatment of a very stubborn eye infection. Initially the vet told us it might be expensive and take months of medication to heal; she was...


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Fixing a Disastrous Dye Job?
You and your daughter should return to the salon and complain about the results. The salon manager should agree to try to fix the problems, no charge.


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Sharing Living Expenses with Girlfriend?
There are so many difficult issues here!!! I seriously doubt you can work this out alone as it appears you are the only one hurting in this relationship. I strongly suggest counseling for you to work out what you want in a relationship and then couple counseling...


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Value of Lasting Impressions Porcelain Dolls?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include a fake 'certification', the rather misleading term 'limited edition' etc., in their...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Canvas Ripped Away from Popup Camper Roof? is an amazing site-you can ask questions on any type of trailer, RV, pop-up, etc. and receive answers from very experienced RV owners and RV repair specialists. Just ask your question in the tent-trailer or pop-up section for answers. The site...


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Help Getting a Car for Low Income Senior Citizen?
The National Counseling On Aging has a free resource site: This site is a confidential and free and easy resource service to help people 55 years and older locate and apply for benefits. There are numerous financial assistance programs...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of Forever Friends Doll?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include a fake 'certification', the rather misleading term 'limited edition' etc., in their...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Repairing a Popup Camper? is an amazing site-you can ask questions on any type of trailer, RV, pop-up, etc. and receive answers from very experienced RV owners and RV repair specialists. Just ask your question in the tent-trailer or pop-up section for answers. The site is...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of World Scope Encyclopedias?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of 1959 Americana Encyclopedias?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of Dynasty Porcelain Doll?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include a fake 'certification', the rather misleading term 'limited edition' etc., in their...


Value of a Collectible Memories Porcelain Doll - red haired doll wearing a red coat with fur trim and a plaid dress

Value of a Collectible Memories Porcelain Doll?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include a fake 'certification', the rather misleading term 'limited edition' etc., in their...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Home Repair Assistance for Low Income Homeowners?
Regarding your parents for possible assistance: SENIORS-National Council On Aging (NCOA) US Administration on Aging 800.677.1116 The National Counseling On Aging has a free resource site: This site is a confidential and free and easy...


Value of 1953 World Book Encyclopedia - red clothbound volume on carpet

Value of 1953 World Book Encyclopedia?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Identifying a Porcelain Doll - dark haired doll with apricot long dress

Identifying a Porcelain Doll?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include a fake 'certification', the rather misleading term 'limited edition' etc., in their...


Value of 1943 Dictionary - front cover

Value of 1943 Dictionary?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


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Eligibility for Survivor Benefits?
Is the father alive? Is he paying child support? Need to clarify what responsibility the father may have and provide this information to SSA.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Selling Porcelain Dolls?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include a fake 'certification', the rather misleading term 'limited edition' etc., in their...


Value of Ashton Drake Galleries Princess Diana Dolls - doll wearing a formal red dress, in box

Value of Ashton Drake Galleries Princess Diana Dolls?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include a fake 'certification', the rather misleading term 'limited edition' etc., in their...


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Home Repair Assistance for Low Income Home Owners?
You can try this agency for possible help-scroll down to your state for the correct agency.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Home Repair Assistance for Low Income Home Owners?
US Administration on Aging 800.677.1116, employment, legal & caregiving help The National Counseling On Aging has a free resource site: This site is a confidential and free and easy resource service to help...


Value of Porcelain Jenny Doll - doll wearing blue dress and vest

Value of Porcelain Jenny Doll?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include a fake 'certification', the rather misleading term 'limited edition' etc., in their...


Value of Vintage Set of Grolier Encyclopedias - cover

Value of Vintage Set of Grolier Encyclopedias?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Value of a Samantha Porcelain Doll -
red haired doll in velvet and lace dress

Value of a Samantha Porcelain Doll?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include a fake 'certification', the rather misleading term 'limited edition' etc., in their...


Value of Porcelain Dolls

Value of Porcelain Dolls?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include a fake 'certification', the rather misleading term 'limited edition' etc., in their...


Value of Vintage Encyclopedias - three volumes

Value of Vintage Encyclopedias?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Value of a Knightsbridge Collection Porcelain Doll - red haired doll

Value of a Knightsbridge Collection Porcelain Doll?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include the rather misleading term 'limited edition' in their names and may also have an essentially...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of Popular Science Encyclopaedia Set?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of Baby Book Treasures Doll?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include a fake 'certification', the rather misleading term 'limited edition' etc., in their...


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Finding Repair Assistance for a Low Income Home Owner? This site is a confidential and free and easy resource service to help people 55 years and older locate and apply for benefits. There are numerous financial assistance programs, both public and private, that can help struggling Seniors...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Getting Rid of Cigarette Smoke Odor on Skin and Clothing?
ADDENDUM: Important-The three cigarette smoking residuals cause severe diseases-cancers, lung diseases etc., to smokers and non smokers alike. I remember recently in the news, a man who smoked for years and then his wife, a non-smoker, died of lung cancer, from...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Getting Rid of Cigarette Smoke Odor on Skin and Clothing?
Cigarette smell is essentially impossible to remove; there is no way you can try to successfully remove the smell from your breath, body, clothes etc. The real problem is much bigger-not just smoke but also second and third hand smoking residuals. The three...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of a 1906 Webster dictionary?
Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the old pictures. Libraries, Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc., receive donations...


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Removing Ink from a Valuable Book?
You can try taking the book to an antique book dealer for possible solutions.


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Assistance for Building a Wheelchair Ramp for Low Income Homeowner?
SENIORS-National Council On Aging (NCOA) The National Counseling On Aging has a free resource site: This site is a confidential and free and easy resource service to help people 55 years and older locate and apply for benefits. There...


Value of New Standard Encyclopedia  - cover page

Value of New Standard Encyclopedia?
BOOKS Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of a Seymour Mann Doll?
Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include a fake 'certification', the rather misleading term 'limited edition' etc., in their...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Selling Trees on 3 Acres?
Many people want to have trees removed from their property. Often someone tells them that tree removal services will pay them to remove trees from their property. Unfortunately, they face many problems: *Tree removal companies are not interested in paying the...


Value of Encyclopedia Britannica - volumes on bookshelf

Value of Encyclopedia Britannica?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Determining the Value of an Antique Table - restored table

Determining the Value of an Antique Table?
Refinished furniture always has much less value.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Home Repair Assistance for Families of Deceased Veterans?
US Administration on Aging 800.677.1116, employment, legal & caregiving help The National Counseling On Aging has a free resource site: This site is a confidential and free and easy resource service to help...


Identifying a Porcelain Doll - doll wearing Native American style clothing

Identifying a Porcelain Doll?
An easy online search for porcelain doll values will produce many answers. Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include a fake 'certification...


Value of Doll Collection - two dolls in a glass case

Value of Doll Collection?
An easy online search for porcelain doll values will produce many answers. Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include the rather...


Identifying a Porcelain Doll - doll wearing a blue and white outfit

Identifying a Porcelain Doll?
An easy online search for porcelain doll values will produce many answers. Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include the rather...


Value of a Porcelain Doll - doll wearing a lavender dress in box

Value of a Porcelain Doll?
An easy online search for porcelain doll values will produce many answers. Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include the rather...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of a World Book Encyclopedia Collection?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Value of Wimbledon Collection Indian Dolls

Value of Wimbledon Collection Indian Dolls?
An easy online search for porcelain doll values will produce many answers. Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include the rather...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Roof Repair Assistance for Low Income Families?
The National Counseling On Aging has a free resource site: This site is a confidential and free and easy resource service to help people 55 years and older locate and apply for benefits. There are numerous financial assistance programs...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Remedies for Underarm Odor?
You may be sensitive or allergic to some ingredients in antiperspirants or deodorants. Your doctor should be able to help-testing may clarify the problem and provide recommendations for an effective product.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of an Ashton Drake Porcelain Doll?
An easy online search for porcelain doll values will produce many answers. Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include the rather...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Heater Repair Assistance for Low Income Home Owner?
SENIORS-National Council On Aging (NCOA) The National Counseling On Aging has a free resource site: This site is a confidential and free and easy resource service to help people 55 years and older locate and apply for benefits. There...


Value of Encyclopedia Britannica and Year Books?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Selling Trees for Lumber?
Many people want to have trees removed from their property. Often someone tells them that tree removal services will pay them to remove trees from their property. Unfortunately, they face many problems: *Tree removal companies are not interested in paying the...


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ASPCA Vaccination Truck Schedule?
Call the ASPCA directly as their schedule and/or services may have changed.


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Finding a Vet That Will Take Payments?
Note that Care Credit requires the financial information and good credit standing that all credit cards require.


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Finding Roof Repair Help for Senior Citizens?
SENIORS-National Council On Aging (NCOA) US Administration on Aging 800.677.1116, employment, legal & caregiving help The National Counseling On Aging has a free resource site: This site is a confidential...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Selling Trees for Lumber?
Many people want to have trees removed from their property. Often someone tells them that tree removal services will pay them to remove trees from their property. Unfortunately, they face many problems: *Tree removal companies are not interested in paying the...


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Canning Soup?
Consider freezing your soup, if you have the space.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Finding the Value of Ashton Drake Dolls?
An easy online search for porcelain doll values will produce many answers. Keep in mind that just because a doll may be fancy, old, inherited, etc., it most probably has little value as most are mass produced in the thousands and very often include the rather...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Cleaning Fee for a House That Has Been Closed Up for Years?
Cleaning Contract It is crucially important that you have a signed deal with your client BEFORE ANY WORK IS DONE. A simple contract will guarantee that your work is formally agreed by your client and you and your workers receive the agreed fee. The contract...


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Inheritance Rights of Teen Children?
Sorry about your mother! Is there a relative or close friend of your mother who can help you to know what to do legally? Call your local Social Security office and make an appointment. Bring all copies that you can of your siblings birth certificates, school...


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Cleaning Business Headline or Slogan Ideas?
Please be certain to sign a specific house cleaning agreement with your client; everything detailed in the agreement will keep future questions at a minimum. You can find free and simple one page agreements online (search: house cleaning agreement forms).


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Can Dogs Become Addicted to Acorns?
You can try a search yourself or read this vets answer:


Value of Mersman 7008 Table

Value of Mersman 7008 Table?
If you change anything-such as sanding and painting etc., the value will be significantly reduced.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Name Ideas for a Cleaning Business?
Please be certain to sign a specific house cleaning agreement with your client; everything detailed in the agreement will keep future questions at a minimum. You can find free and simple one page agreements online (search: house cleaning agreement forms) and...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of Encyclopedia Britannica?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Value of a New Standard Encyclopedia 1983

Value of a New Standard Encyclopedia 1983?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Selling the Trees for the Lumber

Selling the Trees for the Lumber?
Many people want to have trees removed from their property. Often someone tells them that tree removal services will pay them to remove trees from their property. Unfortunately, they face many problems: *Tree removal companies are not interested in paying the...


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Air Conditioner Making Travel Trailer Roof Bow?
Try your question at, Forums and scroll down to your type of RV. Just ask the question and someone (or several) will respond. Excellent for any repair question.


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Repairing a Jayco Pop Up Trailer?
Also excellent site for all types of RV questions-repairs, mods, opinions, etc. : then Forums then scroll down for your type of camper.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of a 1912 New Websterian Dictionary?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of Webster's Dictionary?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Value of 1948 Encyclopedia Americana?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


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Finding Someone to Cut Trees for the Lumber?
Many people want to have trees removed from their property. Often someone tells them that tree removal services will pay them to remove trees from their property. Unfortunately, they face many problems: *Tree removal companies are not interested in paying the...


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Help Buying Appliances on a Fixed Income?
The National Counseling On Aging has a free resource site: This site is a confidential and free and easy resource service to help people 55 years and older locate and apply for benefits. There are numerous financial assistance programs...


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Value of Waverley Encyclopedias?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


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Value of World Book Encyclopedia?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


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Getting Rid of Pantry Moths?
These little guys are a pain! The best plan: Dump all (ALL) current supplies of grains etc. This will remove developing eggs from your pantry. Clean area well. Start buying new supplies MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS-When you bring the bags and boxes into the house...


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Value of 1957 Edition Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


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Value of Chambers's Encyclopaedia New Edition 1959?
Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the...


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