
vicki hood

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4 Posts | 557 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Repairing a Shower Door Latch?
Glass door? Kinda krinkly? Go to store that sells shower doors. I bought my latch at one of these stores as it was failing to keep door closed at showertime. Mine has 2 screws with a white nylon or plastic catch that clicks. Take a close up picture and show...


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Diaper for Older Dog Peeing in Owner's Bed?
Pet smart. Get at least 2. You can use panty liners in the diaper holder if dog is small. I have a medium size dog that I fold 2 paper towels to fit in the diaper holder. No matter what you use the elastic seems to get damp and has to be washed. Bless you for...


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Removing a Small Light Bulb in Stove Hood?
Electric off. Cut a potato, mash the cut part over the part and turn counter-clockwise. When you install the new bulb, rub the thread in your scalp. It gives just enough oil to keep bulb from corroding in socket.


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Cleaning Smelly Outside Dogs?
If this is the stink that comes back day after bath? The kind your hand smells putrid by a few pats of their had and back? Very specific instructions and cannot use on any collie type or sheepdog let me know and I will send you my phone or you can send me yours...


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Removing a Colony of Bats from Garage?
Rural? If it wont disturb your neighbors, play a loud radio in the most affected area 24 hours a day for as long as it takes but not when they have young. Few days to better than a week.


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Can Medications Affect Pregnant Cat's Kittens?
Too bad he didnt call you so he could abort and spay at the same time. It would be easier on the kitty. Deformed kittens are heartbreaking. Could very well happen not only from meds but from injury.


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Remedy for Dog's Flea Allergy?
Please read my former posts. You need numerous things. Borax the house for flea control, build immune system, diet change and itch control. One flea can set off a flea allergy that is really miserable. Poisons are not the answer. Poisons enter the liver and...


Dog with blanket on his head.

Foley is enough to melt anyones heart. What a special baby.


Pug looking backward at camera.

Remedy of Dog with Skin Blotches and Hair Loss?
Could be lots of things. Allergy? fungus, food and i suspect this happened immediately after a vaccine. His immune system is possibly failing. Lets try some things that will not harm and see if we can clear this. Please check my past posts for details. We start...


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
No poisons. That goes into liver and kidneys. No flea soap either. Thats poison. Dawn dish soap, bar soap (I like Dial) with 2 washings will kill the fleas if you leave the first washing on for 5 minutes. Hartz spot between the shoulders kills. Ask your vet...


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Safety Concerns With Jogging Alone?
Time for another cell phone. The one that broke it the first time should help pay for it by doing chores.


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Tips for Itchy Skin and Overall Health of Dogs
Diatomacious earth is an excellent product for many things. Intestinal worms for one. You MUST use food grade DE ONLY. The other DE has poison in it. Inexpensive, very helpful. Check it on google. Dosage not critical. Good for human and animals of all kinds...



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Using Diatomaceous Earth to Control Fleas in Carpets?
It is not boric ACID it is 20 Mule Team borax - not dangerous - not an acid. Borax comes in a 4 pound 10 ounce box in the laundry product aisle of some stores. It is a mined product.


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One Time Cleaning Fee?
You charge by the hour. Reason? Doesnt sound like you have seen it. It could be a disgusting mess where walls have to be washed, Toilets very brown, windows filthy, Stove a disaster, You never know. Could take you 3 hours, could take you 3 days and never enough...


Feeding a Chihuahua Puppy?
Vet immediately. Pup will die in hours if there is wrong formula or no feed. Probable need is milk replacer from pet food store. Please, immediate action.


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Cat Chews Electrical Cords?
Bitter apple spray from the horse feed store.


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Getting Rid of Fleas on My Cat?
Dry 20 mule team Borax in your carpets for 2 weeks before vacuuming. About 2 to 2 and a half cups for average size room. 2 weeks to get the cycle of eggs, larvae and adult. Keeps house flea free for at least a year and a half. Inexpensive, safe, and clean.


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Getting Rid of Ants in Dishwasher?
Squeeze bottle with 90% karo syrup and 10% 20 mule team Borax warmed for few seconds to dissolve. Out of the way of pets put dollops of this syrup near the dishwasher if not the entry point. Ants will eat and carry back to colony for days. This kills the queen...


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Repairing a Nylon Zipper That Separated?
I had to take my purse to the shoe repairman. Call and ask how much for a new zipper as to patch a zipper with any strain on it usually doesnt work or very long.


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Dealing with Yeast on Pets
Listerine (amber colored only). Make sure you get the feet. We use this on pets and livestock.


Dryer sheets stuffed in opening around plumbing.

Keep Rodents Out During Winter
To kill them outright is one thing but to make the suffocate, dehydrate, bleed, break bones and starve while trying to die is the cruelest. NO glue traps, please. I live in the country where I learned about the tin cat. It is sold at the co op, horse feed store...


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Dog is Scared of Everything?
You will have the most loyal, loving friend. This can be so very rewarding. Calm, loving, noise free, warmth, not shut outside, talked to, held, played with, his/her own toy, buddies, no abandonment. no hurt, good food (no corn wheat or soy) treats, no vaccines...


Brown and tan puppy.

What Breed is My Puppy?
Breed? Gorgeous. Looks GSD. Please do healthy for him. No corn wheat or soy, no vaccines, supplements to keep him healthy. Learn about Diatomaceous earth for worms and other health, Borax in carpets for fleas, Colloidal silver for many things, hip health, Nzymes...


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Dog Keeps Escaping Fenced Yard?
Glad that you care because this can be resolved in time. For now, sounds like he really needs to be with you at all times. He has been uprooted from everything he knows. He is afraid and trying for familiar things. It will take time for him to adjust. Do not...



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Remedy for Maltese with Severe Skin Allergies?
Listerine. Amber colored only. No pink blue green or whatever. Dip and do not rinse. Spray till wet, cotton wads, whatever but all spots affected, making sure feet are dipped. Often as it is not harmful. We use it on many skin problems of livestock and pets...


Home Remedy for Worms in Dogs?
Food grade diatomacious earth. Food grade ONLY. D E is sold for garden and other but it has poisons in it. D E is actually good for ailments. Inexpensive, natural, non-toxic and can be spread into carpet if you choose. Google for lots of info. I give it to...


Treating a Dog's Scaly Smelly Skin?
Your dog is quite smart. Probable treatment from vet will be steroids. Steroids only let problem come back worse next time as it destroys the immune system. Vaccines destroy the immune system. Big no, no. You cleaned up his diet with no corn,wheat or soy? Not...


Two Chihuahuas on chair.

Dog Brings Poop to Bed?
Try cayenne pepper sprinkled on the poop. Hot sauce and most getting them trained to potty outside.


Closeup of older dog.

Older Dog With Severe Anxiety Issues?
He may be in pain. Please have the vet check him. For instance, if he has glaucoma he has terrible pressure in his head like a migraine. There is medicine to relieve the pressure. If he has pain from arthritus it is the same as what we get. Could be he is fearful...


Closeup of older dog.

Older Dog With Severe Anxiety Issues?
Another thing. Did he change just after a vaccine? Vaccines are known to change dogs even to aggressiveness. Do not vaccinate. the mercury, formaldehyde and poisons destroy neurological systems. Best help with that is a naturopath. Please help this old baby...


Closeup of older dog.

Older Dog With Severe Anxiety Issues?
Another thing. Did he change just after a vaccine? Vaccines are known to change dogs even to aggressiveness. Do not vaccinate. the mercury,formaldehyde and poisons destroy neurological systems. Best help with that is a naturopath. Please help this old baby...


Pit Bull on the couch.

Boyfriend's Dog Has Bitten Me?
Try a homeopath. Oftentimes when a dog is vaccinated it can turn aggressive. Google it. and you will see. He may not be feeling well. Has the dog had any Rimadyl or its generics? Very bad medicine. Can cause aggression. Rimadyl is 36% of the reports to FDA...


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Good Remedy for Fleas?
For the house? Sift 2 cups for average carpeted room of 20 mule team Borax. Leave 2 weeks before you vacuum. No fleas in the house for a long time.


Dog sitting.

What Breed is My Dog?
Unique. He is gorgeous. Black tongue says chow chow for part of him. Other I dont recognize. Tip - Diatomaceous earth (Food grade ONLY. The other is poison) for worming on a regular basis. It is even good for bones. No grocery store food. No Purina. Nothing...


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Dog Ill After Eating Beneful Pet Food?
This is an emergency. Vet---NOW. If he dehydrates he could die. Could be the food, could be parvo.



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Duration of Shingles Symptoms?
Best you check as I only made mental note. Google chaparral spray for pain and infection of shingles. I understood pain alleviated in 20 minutes with chaparral spray. Also lysine orally. Check Eskimo/colloidal silver site for some very good natural remedy.


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Getting Rid of a Mouse Without Poison?
On an empty toilet paper roll, at one end, place a good dab of peanut butter on a small cracker or piece of bread. PB oil then does not soak into cardboard. Place filled end half off a countertop. Balance so it is easy to tip when mouse goes into tp roll. Put...


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Getting Rid of Ants Safely?
Squirt bottle. About 90% karo syrup. Add about 10% 20 Mule team borax. Warm for a very short time to dissolve. Squirt in cracks and areas where ants are near. Worker ants will eat it all and carry back to nest sometimes taking a week. Queens die. Queens can...


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Treating a Dog With Mange?
How sad. Demadex mange in mother means all pups are born with it. Sarcoptic mange is very contagious. Vet needs to treat all. If you cannot afford, contact animal groups in your area for suggestions on help. Was this mother dog given to you? Dumped? Where did...


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Cleaning Plastic Mouth Retainers?
Stain Away by Regent labs. 10 times better than any denture tablet. First time i would soak overnight. Usual time is 5 to 10 minutes soak. when done, pour solution into toilet and let soak for a sparkling place to potty.


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Smoke Alarm Beeping?
Fixed the same problem thanks to my volunteer fireman neighbor. Vacuum the works. It probably does not even look like it needs it. New battery and you should be rid of the problem.


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Treating Mama Cat and Kittens for Fleas?
Dry 20 mule team Borax will solve most of the problem. Its a natural product but because of newborns, use caution. Most grocery stores carry this in the laundry soap aisle. Carpets carry the flea population. Sift 2 cups for an average sized carpeted room into...


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Repairing Pet Urine Damage to Floors?
Lots can be done with Krud Kutter (biodegradable) from the hardware store. For mold/mildew and stain. Many uses indoor and out. Multi surface product from plastic to tile to wood to boats to laundry to shower to wood decks (super plus on that one). Doesnt appear...


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Repairing Pet Urine Damage to Floors?
Couple more products i really like after caring for animals in trouble for many years, is citra-solv ( i buy the gallon on internet) and also Natures Miracle. Both good for odor control. Never use anything you could not use next to a bird. No poisons.


Tiny tabby cat.

Treating a Kitten for Fleas?
Absolutely no poisons. Flea collars and flea poisons go straight to the liver and kidneys. Dry 20 mule team borax for the house. 2 cups for average room sifted into carpet, the stuffed chairs and cat beds. leave for two weeks before vacuuming. eggs, larvae...


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Natural Flea Remedy?
Biggest flea breeder is your carpet. Sift 2 cups of 20 mule team borax for average room into carpet, their bed and furniture. Leave for 2 weeks before vacuuming. Natural, effective - good thing. No flea shampoo. That is poison. No flea collars. That enters...


Closeup of dog on lawn.

Sargent Leo (Shar Pei)
Handsome fella. I see kisses dripping from his face.


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Preventing Worms in Apples?
Pretty sure its vinegar. It worked great. I would google to find out.


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Preventing Worms in Apples?
Found it. Mother batch can be split to several jugs. Combine 1 cup apple cider vinegar, 1 cup sugar, 1 cut up banana peel, half gallon of water in a milk jug with large hole towards topside. Leave handle so you can tie it to apple tree branch. Codling moths...


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Teaching a Pitbull Not to Bite?
Get him out of jail. No doubt he will be overly excited and may be mouthy but with correction and understanding he will calm down. He is being expressive as i understand. There is no nasty. If he were aggressive, the shelter would have put him down immediately...


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Getting Rid of Ants?
90% karo syrup, about 10% 20 mule team borax warmed just enough to dissolve - in a squirt bottle. Squirt into cracks and areas pets cannot lick. ants may take a week for the ant workers to lap it up and carry back to home and queen. Queens live up to 20 years...


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Remedies for Bug Stings
Country - yellow jackets, bees and wasps. I hear many who drive their tractors carry bleach with them. When they are stung (yellow jackets hate the noise) bleach on a wad of something is applied. Just 20 to 30 seconds. Dont tape it on like I did. When applied...


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Black Biting Bugs?
Spread dry 20 mule team Borax. 2 cups average carpeted room for 2 weeks before you vacuum.


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Buying a Possum Trap?
Heartland catalog. Great live traps that when snapped shut, stay closed. 10 times better than have a heart. Less expensive too.


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Dog Has Rash and Bad Odor?
No vet. No vaccines as this will finish off his little immune system. He has allergy, Ill bet. He has fungus, Ill bet. He has vaccine poisoning, Ill bet. He needs food changed, skin care and a few other things. Too much to explain so call me. No, I dont charge...


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Something Is Causing Itching and Bumps?
Sift about 2 cups per average carpeted room of 20 Mule team Borax. A natural product. Leave for 2 weeks before you vacuum. Flea free and other carpet things too for more than a year and a half. Put a magnifying glass on a bump. Do you see one or two bite marks...


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Dog is a Picky Eater?
No vaccines. His immune system may have already been destroyed. Build his immune system with good diet including some raw foods. Nothing commercial from the grocery store. Shop co-op, farm supply, specialty store. I, personally feed Diamond lamb and rice and...


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Dog Bit Neighbor's Child?
If the front door opens to a stoop, a porch, a stairwell or something of a landing, A gate that is self closing would be a big help. Sneaky Pete would be in for a big surprise. Temporary would be the folding area pen or a portion thereof. A great training remedy...


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Green Tree Frog in Vent Fan Light Fixture?
Enjoy him/her. They are so special and hurt nothing. It is eating the bugs attracted to the light. He/she will leave when he/she needs water. Please protect the little one. They are in danger and dying off from pesticides like Monsantos roundup. They are a...


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How Long Does Parvo Last?
Needs IVs and vet care. Not possible? Going to try at home? Go to health food store. Get colloidal silver, at least 10 ppm. Enema with cs. Half hour later another enema. This cleans the parvo germs from the intestines and stops the multiplication of them. CS...


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
Dry 20 Mule team Borax into carpets and their bed. Leave for 2 weeks and then you can vacuum. Yard? Cedercide granules or i just heard rock salt and claim is made it does not destroy grass. Natural products only please. No flea collars or poisons. Flea poisons...


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Puppy Itches and Has Yellow Bumps on Belly?
Was he just vaccinated? could be vaccinosis. Diet include corn? Corn is a big allergen as is wheat and soy. Same price as grocery store pet food is Diamond lamb and rice. First ingredient lamb. Good grade inspected food. Sold at feed supply store. Never buy...


Killing Ticks in the Yard?
Rural neighborhood? Get some guinea hens. Your neighbors will love you. Easy to care for. Little housing. Easier than chickens. Favorite food? Ticks. They do travel a bit. Get neighbor OK, in fact all neighbors can chip in. Small yard? City lot? Cedercide granules...


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Home Remedies to Keep Bats Out of my House?
So sorry you are afraid of bats. You are blessed to have these bug catchers visiting you. You will suffer with mosquitoes soon as the bats are gone. Agreed they need to stay out of your house. That is where your landlord needs to jump in to plug up the holes...


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Choosing a Good Small Dog Food?
Diamond lamb and rice at the livestock store. Never any Purina as it has usual first ingredient - corn. Corn is allergen and very hard to digest. Grocery store pet food is the poorest diet of all. Google how euthanized pets are now used and the poison they...


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Getting Rid of Ticks Naturally?
Guinea hens will clean them up for several houses around.


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
Dry 20 Mule Team Borax (2 to 2 and 1/2 cups per average carpeted room), I put it in a sifter or veggie drainer and spread over carpet, dog bed, couch etc. Leave for 2 weeks and vacuum. 2 weeks to complete life cycle of egg - larvae - and adult. Good reports...


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Getting Rid of Worms in Puppy?
Diatomacious earth. Must be food grade. Caution as other Dia earth has poisons in it. Dosage not critical. Medium size and a little larger like a boxer pup would get about 1/4 teaspoon over food every day. This will take care of intestinal worms only. Heartworm...


German Shepard

Bear (German Shepherd)
WOW. Magazine material. He could model anyday. Say folks, remember when GSDs were villains? Rotties? Not allowed, deemed dangerous, considered vicious? Thats what our precious pits, bullies and anything that resembles is going through. A few years from now...


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Removing Cigarette Odor from a Leather Purse?
Coffee grounds in an open container inside the purse. Close purse or leave open and put it in a bucket with lid on. Check on it every day. Should take just a few days.


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Invisible Eyebrows?
A little eyebrow dye or small brush dipped in light brown (it gets darker with skin oils) shadow applied on the little hairs. Nothing wrong with high hairline. It can be beautiful.


Dog lying in the grass

Getting Rid of Ticks in the Yard?
You and the neighborhood would benefit if there were several clutches of guinia hens. They wander but neighbors shouldnt mind when they find what beneficial birds they are. They will clear a mountainside of ticks given time. They are smart as well. Not as vulnerable...


American Bulldog

Bulldog With Skin Allergies Licks Paws?
Athletes foot spray. They pick up fungus same as we do. Another is the old fashioned listerine. Generic from the dollar store is fine. The amber not the blue or green. Used on all kinds of animals. Great on lots of dog itch.


Orange tabby cat

Cat Started Meowing All the Time?
Did he just get a vaccine? Could be damage. Need to check with homeopathic for repair. Soon as possible. Check adjuvents in vaccines and you will see why he probably has nerve damage. Vaccines include mercury (now called thimerisol) antifreeze, aluminum, aborted...


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Relief From Hot Flashes
Herb store. Purchase ginseng, black cohosh and dong qui (spelling may be a joke). Each woman may need a little more of one than the other. My RN nurse sis in law stopped for a visit while suffering for the first time. The hot flashes were relentless. On the...


Dutchess, a German Shepard mix, after a bath

Bathe a Dog with Tea Tree Oil and Dawn
Biggest allergen for dogs is corn. Also wheat and soy. What a beautiful baby she is. She would do much better on going lots further in her diet at no additional expense. Please stop any Purina, Pedigree or safeway canned or dry dog food. These companies are...


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Getting Rid of Ant Hills?
9 parts karo syrup, 1 part 20 mule team Borax in a squirt bottle (about). Warm just a little to dissolve. Put in areas your pets wont be able to eat it. Cracks, in the ant hole or around crevices. Be patient. They eat it for maybe up to a week and carry it...


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Dog Chewing on Her Paws?
Athletes foot spray. Safe


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Keeping Caterpillars Off the House?
Please identify the caterpillars first. You may have treasures of butterfly young. That would be a sight to see if they emerge as pure beauty. Dont kill butterfly larvae please. They are great pollinators. Possible someone in the neighborhood has an attractant...


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Fleas in the Carpet?
Dry 20 Mule Team Borax into carpet for 2 weeks before you vacuum. Cedercide granules in yard. Forget all poisons. Bathe mama and babies with bar soap or gentle shampoo.


Gray and white puppy.

What Breed is My Dog?
What size is he? I have a similar dog that is rat terrier mix with chi that looks a lot like your kid.


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Treating Dog Incontinence?
In the meantime, it is easy to diaper him. Boys especially. A towel folded longways three times with a little extra absorbent (even a kotex or overnite pad) wrapped over his belly and pinned. If this condition is permanent, buy the proper diaper wrap and use...


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Getting Soft and Shiny Hair
A bit of coconut oil just after shampoo and towell dry makes combing so much easier. Keeps hair in condition and stops split ends. Long hair thrives on it.


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Neighbor's Dogs Digging Into My Yard?
Not the dogs fault. Their owners are off somehow. Wondering, are the dogs well fed? Perhaps they are hungry. Doesnt sound like the pups are angry, just needing some attention. What if they are trying to choose you as their owner because things at their home...


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Remedy for Hair Dry and Damaged from Medications?
Coconut oil. Use on dry hair or my favorite is to distribute a little at a time just after a shampoo. Comb and brush goes through easily and if there is a spot of concentration it soon goes away as it is absorbed.


cream colored terrier

What Breed is My Dog?
Had a very similar dog. Wondered what she was. Best guess was part Norwich or Norfolk and maybe a little Cairn. Precious little girl. She was about 20 pounds. She was absolute devotion.


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Use Coconut Oil for Dry or Damaged Hair
The best of the best. Coconut oil is the best of all moisturizers for skin, hair, nails and if you put it on your feet before bed, it is amazing. Chap disappears. Hands become soft. I warm a small squirt bottle in the shower and apply all over my body for my...


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Getting Rid of Mice?
A deterrent is peppermint oil. Good on a cotton wad. Refresh from time to time when you get home from a trip.


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Getting Rid of Ant Beds?
Squeeze bottle with Karo syrup 90% add about 10% 20 Mule team Borax (not boraxo or hand wash). Warm and shake until dissolved. Place squirt where ants go but not where pets or wildlife might eat it. The workers carry it back to nest and the queen is killed...


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Home Remedy for Heartburn?
ACV. Apple cider vinegar. I take ACV capsules so i dont pucker. It is true our stomach burns because of not enough acid, hence the acv. Elevate the head of your bed by 4 inches. Dont eat for several hours before bedtime. I got off the acifex and others when...


Barli, a Lab-St. Bernard mix, is walking in a stream with a man.

Barli (Lab/St. Bernard)
I love the name Barli I also have a dog by that name. i got the name from the book Heidi. My dog is so different (but just as precious) than yours. Female pappi/pom and blind. I got her that way. I got her from transport. So many helped so that she would not...


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Hatching Duck Eggs?
Take a toilet paper core, the egg and a flashlight into a dark closet. Egg in one end flashlight at the bottom and you will see if there is a youngster developing in there. Call wildlife rescue in your area as there are all sorts of things that are needed for...


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Buy Dog Food at Feed Store
Great choice. Never buy any pet food at the grocery aisle as it all has corn, wheat and soy usually as the first ingredients. All are allergens and garbage food. Google info about Purina and others using euthanized animals from the pounds (so called shelters...


Small black poodle.

Home Remedy for Dog's Eczema?
Got it. Helped animals all of my life. Much of the same problem. That hurts to look at the picture of your dog. Lets fix it. #1 No more steroids. Problem comes back even worse. #2 diet. No corn, wheat or soy. Not even in a cookie. Cooking and part raw diet...


Small black poodle.

Home Remedy for Dog's Eczema?
A little more that will help. A little yogurt - plain, Greek is good. The raw bones do not splinter. Cooked ones do. Yard fleas can be eliminated with natural cedercide granules Borax for indoors. Supplement with fish oil, MSM, vitamin C. Worms to be eliminated...


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
Dry Borax in the carpet. Leave for 2 weeks before vacuuming to eliminate eggs, larvae and adults. Bathe with bar soap 2 x. Leave lathered for 5 minutes. Outdoors use care who comes into yard. Flea kill for yard is natural if you have good freezes and do not...


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
Forgot to say Amazon has the cedercide.


Three dogs and a boy, including Sugar (Pitbull)

Sugar (Pitbull)
Well said. You and sugar are quite blessed. She is beautiful and so are you.


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Advice for Dealing with an Abusive Husband?
A shelter for you and the kids. Get out before you are hurt. After you being hurt, then the kids and the animals. Seems everyone has a solution for you and the children but i hear your fear for the animals. Contact groups and ask if possible that you can put...


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Homemade Pet Dewormer?
FOOD grade diatomacious Earth for intestinal worms. For you and almost all animals. 1 800 228 5836 Inexpensive, human grade even, easy, effective. I get the 2.5 pound containers, I think less than 10$ and share with others as it is so easy...


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Eliminating Mice?
Peppermint oil on cotton balls.


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
2 to 2 and a half cups of dry 20 mule team borax for each average size carpeted room. Dust throw rugs, his bed and furniture as well. Leave for 2 weeks before vacuuming for egg, larvae and adult stages. You might try sevin dust for the yard. Dont expose him...


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Homemade Dog Food with Potatoes?
I always soak the potatoes in a little vinegar water, then scrub them or even better is to scrub and then soak. Seems all growth mediums are being polluted by Monsanto poisons. I want as little poisons in my food as possible. My animals deserve the same. There...


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Parakeet Losing Feathers?
Too much light. Too many hours. Like a commercial chicken. Egg laying chickens get at least 14 hours of light a day. A dark cover on cage but i dont know how is best to cut back the hours. All at once or slowly? Also she will need vitamins as she is depleted...


In Memory Of Pixie (Cat)- a cat with a bird on her head.

In Memory Of Pixie (Cat)
Sweetness personified. Beautiful sentiment. You will always have her in your heart.


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Treating a Dog for Parvo at Home?
Your parvo dog is OK to bring back to your home. Your home is infested with parvo germs so there can be NO new other dogs introduced to that home for a year. Yes you should bleach everything you can. Parvo dogs die easily. Germ is concentrated and spreading...


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Treats and Exercise for a Pit Bull Puppy?
Bet this started at the first vaccine. Her auto immune system is a mess. Vaccines contain mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, anti freeze and other immune busting poisons. Some thuja will help but this baby needs other homeopathics as well. A homeopath can help...


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Identifying Small White Biting Bugs?
Unknown bugs can often be eliminated on household carpets, upholstery and the like with dry 20 mule team Borax. Leave down for 2 weeks before vacuuming. 2 to 2 1/2 cups per average size room. Since they are on everything including hard surfaces I would also...


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How Can I Stop My Dog Shivering?
Small dog? Cut sleeve of sweatshirt long enough to cover his butt. 2 holes for front legs, angle cut so plumbing parts can be used. Medium dog? Use leg of sweats long as it has a cuff. I like these better than jackets bought as they cover the behind parts.


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Diagnosing Cataracts in Dogs?
If they are indeed cataracts we can fix them at home with some work. Drops of raw flax oil (in fridge at health food store) then drops of gentle eye solution with 15% (one teaspoon pure MSM crystals for each ounce ) MSM in eye solution, Start 3 to 4 times a...


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Getting Rid of Mice?
Peppermint oil on cotton or absorbent material in areas where they go or come in will send them away. A live trap called tin cat is great in that when caught you put them in the woods for nature. Owl food and the like. It becomes fun to catch and release. Use...


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Chirping Smoke Detector?
Our volunteer fire department has suggested in the past that this is of ten because it needs vacuumed throughout the unit. Doesnt even need to look dusty or dirty. I tried it and it worked for mine. Been using the remedy ever since.


Black and tan puppy.

What Breed is My Dog?
Cute baby! Could very well have Yorkie, but i see minpin as well. Good that you have her to love and cherish. Feed her human grade food please. The grocery store food is unbelievably sickening with euthanized pound animals. Build her immune system to be strong...


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Neighbor's Dog Getting Under My Mobile Home?
Not the dogs fault. He is looking for a place to curl up for warmth. Good news is you have protection from strangers. If his presence is really unwanted, you need to talk to his owner. I would make friends with him. He is the best insurance policy you will...


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Cost of Dog Shots?
I dont vaccinate and my dogs live for 20 years. Much studied about dangers of vaccines as my step grandson died with one, i have MS from a vaccine and many people i know have been adversely affected with disease and illness directly related to vaccine. Please...


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Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas and More
Tasana was perfect. Better than my idea. I had grey squirrels and we used to give them a bath (no poison) times 2. Keep them warm before during and after. Dry flea removal would be Dia earth (FOOD GRADE or it will kill) or garden sevin dust. Carpets must be...


Up close photo Gidget.

Gidget (Pit Bull)
What a treasure. The best loves are from those that need you.


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Keeping Fleas Off a Dog?
Dust all carpets (2 to 2 and a half cups for average room) with dry 20 Mule team Borax. Leave for 2 weeks before vacuuming to get all stages of fleas from egg on. Yard? spread inexpensive cedercide (Google to buy). Long time control that will not poison household...


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Natural Remedy for Dog's Itchy Skin?
Vaccines may have ruined her immune system. No more. Diet, No corn wheat or soy. Not even in her cookies. No grocery store dog food It contains so many poisons these days including euthanized pets from shelters. The euthanasia poison does not cook off. Some...


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Keeping Stray Dogs Out of Your Yard?
This dog is choosing you. Does he/she sense safety with you? You may have a best friend there. can you take it in? Is it hungry? Is it abused? Better to help him/her than take it to a jail to possibly be killed as unwanted. If you cant possibly take it in, check...


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
Read former posts. 2 cups dry Borax for average size carpeted room. Leave for 2 weeks before you vacuum. Eggs, larvae and adults life cycle of fleas is about 2 weeks. Yard need cedercide granules. No poisons please.


Two birds in a sleeping cage nest.

Pet Bird Keeps Laying Eggs?
A thought. Chickens stop laying when daylight hours get short. Your poor bird is probably going to deplete her whole system. I would cut the hours of light gradually and see if the egg laying quits. She might need some extra nutrients as well. Poor baby.


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Potty Training a Very Badly Abused Dog?
2/23/11 Mallinoislover on related info just above. Training a dog that was abused Information doesnt get any better than that. I would also suggest lots of holding, comforting, lap sitting and hugs. Do hope your household is calm with no arguments or shouting...


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Getting Babies Vaccinated?
Never. My step grandson (3 months old) died 3 days after vaccine. Doctor and coroner blew it off get outta my face thing Coroner had classes for SIDS parents, 10 of them. Stepson attended and asked all parents in the class if their SIDS baby had just been vaccinated...


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