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45 Posts | 366 Comments | Active Since 2009
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long curtains

Making Curtains Longer
You didnt say if you sewed or not and if you dont you might just want to hang them up at the top with the 10 inches left at the bottom. If you do then just buy a single panel that will contrast with the ones you have and sew it to the bottom. If you sew it...


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Cleaning a Leather Purse?
My ex husband made leather work and purses and I rode horses. Yes, you guessed it, I use saddle soap. It cleans softens and conditions all in one and you wont have to buy it more than once a year or two using it on purses. Even if it isnt pure leather but split...


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Removing Furniture Wax Build Up on Antique Table?
Get some Ivory liquid dish soap and a wash cloth. Do small areas at a time and dry each spot before going to the next. You will find it will be a lot lighter in color because the wax has darkened over the years with the build up. You can also buy Fornbys furniture...


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Cleaning Build Up on Cabinets?
I use Murphys oil soap on my cabinets but if that is too much work at this stage you might try paint thinner. Try it in a small out of the way spot then proceed from there. Happy cleaning!


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Cleaning Stainless Cookware?
Stainless steel is easy....baking soda and salt, table salt. I have a stainless steel sink and was getting scratches with the brillo and it wasnt shiny anymore so I went to the sink people and asked. They said salt and baking soda and my now l8 year old sink...


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Cleaning a Flour Sifter?
I soaked mine then rinsed it good in hot water and sent it thru the dish washer and like new.


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Cleaning Urine Stains and Odor in Bathroom?
You didnt say whether he has wood floors or not but I remove it with vinigar (white) with baking soda. I scatter the baking soda on floor and pour the vinigar mixture onto it, swish it around with mop and clean up with dish soap & hot water. You can use bleach...


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Cleaning a Steam Iron?
Pure white vinegar and let it set or buy coffee pot cleaner from store. The vinegar must set in the iron to dissolve the deposits.


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Removing Motor Oil on a Travel Trailer?
You need a degreaser and dawn dish soap might just be the fix but if not go to the parts house and buy a degreaser. Tell the man there what the problem is and I am sure youll be happy you did.


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Removing a Stain on Polyester Cheerleading Outfit?
You didnt say what the stain was but I use lemon juice concentrate and salt lay it out flat in the sun to dry. Depending on how bad the stain is you may have to do it more than once. I have used this many times for tough stains everybody says wont come out...


Panoramic view of house and garden.

Getting Rid of Garden Bugs?
Dont think I would use vinegar but I would try just a little bleach in the water with the soap (make the soap dawn dish soap). The original blue one as it is the recommended one. I use this on crepe myrtles for white flies beautifully.


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Hibiscus Leaves Cupped?
I didnt get to read your article before you sheared your babies down, but both will return. The powdery mildew I keep at bay by making sure my hibiscus is in a lot of sun and in the rainy season, I use dawn dish soap and bleach (doesnt take a lot) in a quart...



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Hydrangeas Not Blooming?
I would leave them where they are and fertilize them this fall & put some epsom salt (sprinkle 3 or 4 tablespoons around each). The only other things are water and dont trim until after they bloom as some bloom on old growth and some on new growth each year...


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Starting a Peach Tree Indoors?
Sorry about the short one word answer but I answered 2 other posts and nothing happened so I was just checking. Peach trees can be started in the house but most of the seeds need the cold to germinate even the seedling ones. So if it is growing then carry it...


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Hydrangea Flowers and Leaves Falling Off?
Sounds like you have an infestation of white flies and the black is called sooty mold caused by the tiny white flies on the back. I use bleach and Murphys oil soap and spray them 2 times a week till gone. Even in South GA heat that seems to be the best for...


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Killing Lovegrass? copy and paste this web site and it will explain the love grass problem you have and how to rid yourself of it. From what I understand it isnt easy to do.


Maroon and gold lily.

New to the Garden (Alstroemeria and Lily)
Stunning is an understatement I love them now I will have to find them. Thanks for the pretty pictures.


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Cleaning Rusty Stains in Toilets?
I have some rust in my water and I use white vinegar on my shower, shower curtain and my toilet. Just spray on full strength and let sit and it will take a swish with a brush in the toilet but will come clean. the shower I dont do anything with it but shower...


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Growing Tomatoes Upside Down?
You can use a 5 gal bucket and hang it right side up. Drill the holes for the plant about l/2 way up the bucket and hang it low enough to be able to water it. Remember the plant knows which way is up and will automatically grow upward, it requires more watering...


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Couch Cushions for Dog Beds
Apparently you folks dont believe in insecticides, but I do and as for the oops I throw it away and replace it with another. No you dont get roaches that way. In fact you just take a look at the residence and youll know whether to stay away from them or not...


Flea Remedies?
If you have only one or 2 pets then by all means cut out something you can do without and buy the spot on treatment for them. There is no better way to save you and the animal from stress and bites.


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Worming My Puppy?
I agree purpleswiper and it could be hook worms and either is a life and death deal with a puppy that size.


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Feeding a 3 Month Puppy?
In a pinch what you eat or cornbread or biscuits or light bread from the store. It is your pet and as long as you care for it and it doesnt go hungry then you cant go too far wrong except for candy and choc. Those will kill him/her.



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Feeding a Rabbit?
Go to the nearest feed store in your town and ask for a bag (small) rabbit food and a small round rabbit mineral block. They eat grass, lettuce, bread and so much more but to be save the pellets for rabbits are complete and will last you forever so put it in...


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Fig Tree Not Producing Fruit?
First you didnt say where you live but I gather it is up north or what kind of fig it? I grow 3 different kinds of figs but I live in South Georgia. I grow some in containers also as I have to move some of them to the sunny areas as the year progresses. Sounds...


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Are King Snakes Beneficial in the Yard?
Bottom line is they are protected in the state of georgia and you wont have posionous snakes as they will kill them. A friend for sure.


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Remedy for Green Water in Pool?
I just took down my pool I had in a shade for 8 years and I used a 3month type of shock and Baking soda. Baking soda will probably do the job for now but something else is off. I found that the baking soda and 3 month shock along with running the filter every...


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Building a Half Wall?
How about some more information on what you have and what and where you want the l/2 wall would help greatly. A picture? Is it going to jut out into a room divide a space?


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Varathane Stain Left Cabinets Orangish?
You said new cabinets, if you have a piece of the wood use your stain over it and then lightly sand it after dry and in different portions of it try different stains till you get the color expected. Golden oak will produce a slightly orange color as you describe...


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Tea Tree Shampoo for Dogs with Yeasty Skin Buildup
Tea tree oil is good for human scalps as well. You can also buy it in the vitiman dept. in Walmart and now about 9.00 dollars. When the depression hit it was 3.98 and now because folks buy it it is about 9.00 dollars. It is full strength but if you buy it at...


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Natural Flea Deterrent for Cats?
SueBob I have a Persian who stays outside in the summer and gets the same thing you have stated and I use paramite dip; 1 tsp to gallon of warm water Dip him in it or squeeze bottle it on and let it dry. The scabs go away and it is a mite that attacks him not...


A grey and white cat sitting on a sofa.

Charlie (Cat)
Beautiful cat, OCD and all.


Black and tan puppy.

What Breed is My Dog?
To try to guess what a pup is at a very young age is a pig in a poke kinda thing. Wait till he/she is about 8 or nine months old and youll see the behavior and the look. Then when you go to the vet ask them they see the most mixes and have the ideal answer...


Tomatoes growing in a garden.

My Frugal Life: Saving Money is Fun
I did a doll house in the 80s and made everything. You can make the little rugs out of old sewing thread 2 strands and crochet whatever shape you like too.


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Potty Training a Very Badly Abused Dog?
I have a very abused white poodle, and my husband and I have had her for 2 years now. I kept her in an open wire crate when we were gone and she still goes to it even though the door is always open. It is her safety zone. If you reach down to touch her she...



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Removing a Musty Smell from an Antique Trunk?
I live in the south and everything wood gets that musty odor and if you will take some charcoal like you barbaque with and place 8 or l0 in the trunk to absorb the musty smell and sprinkle some nice smelling powder in it it should be fine. I have 2 trunks I...


Hen in nest box.

Dealing with a Broody Hen?
You really dont want baby chicks in the winter so break up the nest she is sitting in and see if she will just quit. Or make her not like sitting there like a couple of rocks big enough to not be adjustable. If other hens are laying in the nest I would take...


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Thumb Drive for Regular Backups
Apparently none of you have live Mail because if you didnt save your saved folders you lost them in your old system. I found that I had to save those emails or they were gone with the system. You have to copy and paste them to notepad on the older versions...


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Growing Hair Faster?
Have your hair thinned but not shortened and it will be longer as it will lay flatter. If it is curly straighten it. Other than this I would think you wont make it.


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Using Glue When Reupholstering a Rocking Chair?
Hot glue wont bond with the wood and will peel and the glue in the material will gum it up and make it stiff where you put it. Work with no seams if you dont sew and staple the material to the chair with a staple gun or decorative tacks. You didnt show a picture...


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Refilling HP Cartridges?
If you can get the refills or the bulk ink then you can refill it because hp does they just have the plugs but my friend does and puts a small screw in the hole so it wont leak. It used to come in bottles in Staples but Dell wouldnt let them sell their ink...


Plant in kitchen window.

What Is This Plant?
Robyn you can save it thru the winter in the house in a sunny or bright window and out of the draft and put it out each spring after frost. I have some that are huge and one kind that is 4 feet high. Happy growing, just dont keep it too wet is all.


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Recipes for Hot Sausages?
I think the herb you are looking for is sage for the spicy favor not hot.


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Treating a Dog with a Thorn?
I dont know about Watkins but I believe it is about the same as the ichthammol ointment which I have used to draw thorns out of horses legs when imbedded. I would wrap it because which ever one u use. the dog will lick it right off if you dont and you probably...


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Keeping Squirrels Out of a Tree?
Lets just say you and I invaded their home and they have a right to eat to stay alive. I sprayed my peach tree with hot pepper and Murphys oil soap and they left it alone but after a rain had to retreat but I got a bountiful crop of peaches for it. I feed my...


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Freezing Sweet Potatoes
May I suggest another way of freezing and cooking them: I wash and clean cut out the bad spots, leave peel on and steam or bake. I like to steam them as it takes less time than boiling or baking and then I let cool put whole potatoe in plastic gal bags and...


Green and yellow speckled plant.

What is This Plant?
Tammy the most critical things i can think of it dont over water it and it requires a lot of bright light and some sun. My house wont let me go them. He doesnt like wide changes in temperature either. Good luck. If it dies try a fern.


Green and yellow speckled plant.

What is This Plant?
Maybe I should have done a better proof read of that post sorry folks I do know how to spell but the brain and fingers werent in sync.


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Saving Seeds for Next Planting Season?
Those seeds will keep in a paper napkin in a jar. Or refrigerator in a plastic bag with a paper towel inside the bag. I keep my seeds in the lowest part of refrigerator like this and have some that have gone as much as 2 years. Happy planting.


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Nail Polish Remover Damaged Color on Laminate Flooring?
You have most likely just taken off the finish. Call the nearest company that sells it and ask what kind of sealer is used on them. The place they were bought would be best but any that sell it will work.


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Repairing a Mobile Home Cheaply?
Hi k. Been there done that. It is doable as a woman too. I did it. The first thing is correct the roof problem. It is a black tar comes in gal cans and 5 gal. I buckets start with the gal. Can ..It is cheap and can be applied even in the rain. Unless you have...


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Removing Hair Dye from Wood?
If the wood wasnt sealed then I would suggest you stain it the color of the dye.


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Copy And Paste Text To Print Information
I dont always want to print the recipe but to save it into my documents and all you do for that is to follow editors directions and when you get to print cancel the printer page then select all or highlight then copy and open your letter page, paste it and...


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Getting Rid of Dog Ticks?
To rid yourself of both, the cheapest way is to get a product called Talstar it is fairly cheap and you will like it. I used it this year and only treated my dogs. The time I used the Talstar and fleas and ticks are gone. Yes, you must get rid of them in the...


A rottweiler and his family.

Buy Store Brand Dog Food
Alison, your story brought tears to my eyes because you are right. The dog food and the expensive ones too are made in china and they proved a few years ago they were poisoning our animals. Yes the stuff you buy at the vet too. I have lost 4 in 15 years to...


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Don't Risk Damage To Your Carpets With Homemade Cleaners
Not to dispute you but if you have ever had a reputable carpet cleaning service clean your carpet in the South most of them leave too much moisture in the carpet when they leave and the mold forms under the carpet on the pad and you are sick before you realize...


Black poodle with Christmas striped scarf.

Dog Pulling Hair Out?
You didnt say whether it is the same spot or more than one that he is pulling out. If it is one spot then there is the problem, is the skin red? Sometimes it is a mental problem and may be solved with more attention (his personal attention) sounds odd but that...


Calico kitten snuggled down in towels or other linens.

7 Month Old Kitten Coughing?
Please take the collar off as a cat doesnt have to have one on when it is spayed or neutered. The collar could be a large part of your problem. And please change your vet. He should have given you an antibotic to take home with baby and for 8.00s well worth...


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Steel Food Barrels?
You didnt say what the project at home you wanted to do with them was? If it is for livestock feed, store things and such then go for it but to reuse for food storage unless it is wrapped in something I wouldnt. Storing canned goods etc. would be ok. I just...


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Dog Chews Up Bedding When Left Home Alone?
You have a bigger issue if that dog in the picture is a bulldog? With the temperament you describe the dog in the picture can surely harm your kids. I have brindle bulls and a dobie and even though they show no agressiveness to children I dont allow children...


Old trombone in case.

Cleaning a Trombone?
Thanks you all. I think Ill check with a music shop as you suggest. No, I dont want to play it, but might sell it when I get all its history sorted out. I have found out that it is a 1958 F.E. Olds & Sons and made in California.


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Can Heavy Load Cause a Circuit Breaker to Wear Out?
I can safely answer this much the plastic the breaker is made with will weaken and crack under pressure and they wear and become bad and if real old are out of date along with the wiring. Dont put new breakers in a very old box as your wiring may be faulty...


Winterizing Agapanthus?
You have done all you need to do. When the container is really dry, I would water it a little,just enough to moisten. Put it back out in the spring and water and fertilize as usual.


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Troubleshooting Bathroom Outlets?
Older places with old wiring is very dangerous. Sounds like old set up. You didnt say how old the place was you lived but a lot of even l950s houses now have bad wiring. An electrician or a friend who knows about wiring is a good thing here because the advice...


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Getting Rid of Rat Odor in Kitchen Cabinets and Drawers?
Take the drawer out of the cabinet and sit it outside in the sun. I had to do this with some wood working boards and it works. Murphys oil soap may take care of the other smell.


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Circuit Breaker Broke While Being Turned On?
You can replace the circuit breaker. The main breakers are very hard to push and you apparently have an old one and the plastic was brittle. You need to know what kind of breaker box it is and take it with you and if it isnt too old the hardware co may have...


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Remove Adhesive Tape Residue with Baby Oil
I guess most folks have baby oil but why pay for the perfume in it. It is pure mineral oil with a little perfume so whatever baby oil works on try mineral oil and save because you get 5 times as much for less and you can keep hair balls down in your cats with...


Cast iron griddle sitting on foil in baking pan.

Problems Seasoning a Cast Iron Griddle?
Please do not use oven cleaner. It will pit the cast iron and you will have defeated your purpose. The reenactment friend was right and you only need to leave it in the coals long enough to get all the gunk off it. Then try cooking over a real flame till it...


View of plants and a garden shovel in Turkish garden area.

Growing Clematis in a Hot Climate?
The only thing you have to remember is that their feet need to be shaded and water often and you will do fine. the top likes the sun and the roots like being shaded whether by another plant or with mulch. I mulch heavily and water often in hot weather and have...


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Winterizing a Corkscrew Plant?
Hardiness: USDA Zone 4a: to -34.4 °C (-30 °F) USDA Zone 4b: to -31.6 °C (-25 °F) USDA Zone 5a: to -28.8 °C (-20 °F) USDA Zone 5b: to -26.1 °C (-15 °F) USDA Zone 6a: to -23.3 °C (-10 °F) USDA Zone 6b: to -20.5 °C (-5 °F) USDA Zone 7a: to -17.7 °C (0 °F) USDA...


Little Baby Squirrel Laying on Towel

Baby (Squirrel)
Good for you. I would like to clarify one thing though mama will take baby back if it is ok and falls from the nest. A hawk knocked 3 out of their nest that had just opened their eyes and we picked them up and placed a barrel next to the tree and put them on...


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Cat Incontinence?
Mine passed last spring with a similar problem and she was old and our carport we had heated and cool for my 2 older dogs with the same problem and they were quite happy. The only one left now is the doberman and she has cancer and like you said if the only...


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Hydroponics for Beginners?
Simply Google Hydroponics for beginners and you will be well on your way and any form of gardening you wish to use it on too.


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Did My Pup Get Parvo at the Vet?
I highly disagree with the person who says that they doubt that your pet got it at the vet. Yes, is your answer and if the dog was in the same room and yours was not vaccinated then yep. Even if you cant claim it buy the parvo vaccine at the feed store from...


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Meyer Lemon Tree Dropped Leaves, Blooms, and Fruit?
I live in south georgia and I own a meyer dwarf lemon and the lady is correct on the too wet. Be sure you have good drainage and I planted mine in decomposed pinebark mulch and potting soil. I placed it in the sun and it got water each day or so but the bark...


Home Remedies for Oily Skin?
Lemon juice is good for oily skin as a facial. My friend is from India and she makes a mask of lemon cucumber and other stuff, but the lemon juice of a real lemon is for the oily skin.


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Removing Cup Ring from Wood Furniture?
If you can find someone in your area or on the internet that does wood then ask what they use. I use liquid ivory soap one tsp to qt water. Dip the cloth in it squeeze out most of the liquid and wipe then wipe with damp soft rag. the be sure to dry it. Before...


Freezing Sweet Potatoes?
I steam my sweet potatoes because they cook in half the time with the peel on them and dont quite get soft still firm. let cool on counter or rack, put in gallon plastic bags and throw them in the freezer. When I need to cook them I take them out leave frozen...


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Removing Yellow Stains from Vintage Crochet Tablecloth?
I use lemon juice and salt and put in the sun to draw the stains out, just soak in a cup of reconstructed (cheap kind) lemon juice add l/4 cup salt to it. The salt draws out the stain into the salt. if this fails treat each stain by laying flat over a plastic...


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Growing a Gardenia?
Diane: you failed to say where you live but here in south GA. I plant mine in the ground and mulch it against dry weather water a lot and feed regularly at least once a month during the growing and flowering season. I use 10.10.10 or liquid fertilizer and watch...


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Removing Nandina Shrubs?
I agree with the sorry you have a problem with them but the epsom salt is feeding them as they like acid soil. Try regular house salt and be prepared for a lot more around them to die but 2.4.D will kill them or brush killer will do the job, too.


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Suspected Garden Fungus or Mildew Problem?
Call your agriculture agent for your area. They can and will tell you how to cure your problem. It sounds weather related. Some fungus problems caused by weather have to work out of the soil. We had it about 8 years ago. It will kill full grown pear trees 3...


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Drying Oranges
I have a 14 tray dehydrator and the correction should read to change the trays (turn front to back about half way thru for even drying or the ones closer to the back where the blower is will dry faster. I wouldnt trade my dehydrator for the oven ever in drying...


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Use Sand Paper for Toilet Bowl Mineral Stains
(format_html)White Vinegar for Toilet Bowl Stains Having lived with rust and mineral water for years and tried most of the things stated in this article and more too. I can say the safest one is white vinegar. Pour it into the water (about a cup) but put it...


White flower with long projecting separate long projecting petals.

What is This Flower? (Cat's Whiskers)
Without a doubt it is cats whiskers and if you would be interested in sharing I would greatly like to trade for a cutting. I had one in South Georgia 6 years or 7 ago and the hard freeze killed it and I havent been able to find it again. Save some inside in...


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House Training an Older Puppy?
Sorry folks about the blank places. I have a few bugs left in my computer.


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Using Salt to Kill Fleas in Carpet?
I used the salt and just used reg. salt.....cheapest you can get and poured it in my hands and broadcast it everywhere then put baking soda on the same way it took about a month to really know it was working and had to treat the 2 small dogs that go in and...


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Using Salt to Kill Fleas in Carpet?
I would suggest that you put the salt out at night and vacuum before babies get into the rugs much. Baking soda doesnt do that and you may want to just use the soda instead. you will have to figure out what you need to do but if I were you I would get Bengal...


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Using Borax for Fleas?
I just got rid of the fleas on my indoor only cats and did not use borax, this took a little longer but my cats were ok. I got 3 boxes of iodized salt or the cheapest salt available and poured it in my hand and broadcast it everywhere including under the bed...


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Perennial Plants That Withstand Saltwater Wash Over?
Have you tried the giant white crinum? It will take salt water and keep right on blooming for you through the growing season a very stately clump. It likes the moisture. It will grow to about 4 to 5 feet high if fertilized.


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Dog Won't Go In Dog House?
Consider this: take a bag of white lime (not garden lime) bought at feed and supply stores. Put the lime around the houses and in dog yard to eliminate the scent of the other dog. Bleach and clean out and outside of dog houses too. There is one other reason...


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Cleaning an Above Ground Pool?
You killed the algae but you have to vacuum it out of the bottom or put a particulate stuff that makes it rise to the top and filter it out. The particulate stuff I dont like but I use a vacuum that to the water hose and remove the dead algae. You may think...


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Wintering Dahlias?
The key is to let them dry before you store either on paper or a wire dust with fungicide for extra safety and place them in a dry box or paper sack with dry sphagnum moss you get at the garden center. Keep them dry and plant back out in the spring.


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Winterizing Potted Strawberry Plants?
I think all of us need to know where you live in what state at least. If you live in Georgia I would say leave it where it is and it will die back and come back but if you live in a northern state like Alaska then it will be a different story. Can you supply...


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Overwintering Begonias?
Please state the state you live in for the best results. But either way forget the bubble wrap it conducts cold. It is important to know how low the temperatures get where you live.


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Growing Vegetables in Plastic Containers?
Amen MCW, you eat what you grow in your plastic tubs and know a lot of us out here do, too.


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Getting Rid of Rats in the Garden?
Try spraying a solution of alum on your plants as rats dont like the taste and makes their mouth draw or pucker without harming them. I use it on wood to keep them from chewing my boards that I have drying


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Keeping Squirrels Out of Fruit Trees?
The only thing I have found that works to keep my fruit for myself from the squirrels is to grow hot peppers. Make hot pepper sauce with water from them and spray that on the trees. The pepper burns their mouth and they leave it alone but have to add it every...


Boy sowing seeds in garden

Plant Seeds Now for a Second Season Crop
Interesting, but where are the collards, spinach, mustard & turnips?


Boy sowing seeds in garden

Plant Seeds Now for a Second Season Crop
Sorry I missed them ... my bad. lol


Small area vegetable garden surrounded by gravel.

Plants that Improve the Soil?
Just buy a bag of black cow brand soil and add it to the soil. Youll have accomplished a years worth of work in one stroke.


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Calculating the Costs to Board Your Horse
Yes, caroleerose I did fine. We only stayed the coldest winter Illinois ever had and my horse did great. To brag a little bit the barn vet came by the barn and stopped at my horse and told the manager that she was the best horse in the barn. Made me a happy...


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Removing Sharpie Marker on Finished Wood Table?
Dont use nail polish remover it will take finish off.


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Removing Odors from a Dishwasher?
It isnt the odor you need to take care of under the bottom sprayer food collects and for the life of me I cannot remember how he said to remove it but he showed me and it was easy and he said to pour pure bleach in the bottom and then run the load of dishes...


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Freezing Corn on the Cob?
I have frozen corn for over 30 years and this I have found: 1. If you are going to leave it on the cob then you blanch it for 7 minutes Ice water it for 14 minutes and dry with a towel, wrap each ear in tin foil and bag. This keeps it fresh for a year at least...


Flowers in Fountain

Flowers in a Fountain
Now if I could paint that good it would be great, very pretty.


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Oil Of Oregano For Nail Fungus
Someone on here one time said try Vicks Vapor Rub the dollar store brand and apply it to the nail and under and rub in, almost instant results and I had thick callouses on the heels and big toe and it softened them and they peeled and are normal in less than...


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Remedy for Dog's Itchy Feet?
Muck itch also bothers horses in summer and the fix for dogs and horses is the original Lysol. l tablespoon to a gallon of water 2 times a week then one a week dont wash off. It happens with a lot of animals.


A feral cross hog who is now a pet.

Babe (Feral Cross Hog)
Hope you enjoy your statement as you obviously dont know what you are talking about. I was raised with pet hogs all my life and even had one that did tricks for everyone. Ignorance is why they are so misrepresented today as many other animals and have a bad...


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Looking for Super Concentrated Vinegar?
The dark colored vinegar is stronger than the white which is stabilized at 5% but if you put vinegar full strength to kill weeds you will also kill the trees roots that go under it. be careful with vinegar.


A feral cross hog who is now a pet.

Babe (Feral Cross Hog)
Cookie17, youre right about wild animals always have to be treated as wild animals and very seldom are they totally tamed so you live with their wild side too. That is why we do so well with them. I surely dont recommend them to a novice. Not to keep for sure...


Boxes of tomatoes and green onions.

Cost Effectiveness of Freezing Local Produce...
Why not just buy a small chest type freezer you wont have such a cost and your light bill wont be noticeable in difference. You can come out doing this but keep in mind do you want to spend the time it takes to put it up. I do but some folks dont feel they...


Boxes of tomatoes and green onions.

Cost Effectiveness of Freezing Local Produce...
Why not just buy a small chest type freezer you wont have such a cost and your light bill wont be noticable in difference. You can come out doing this but keep in mind do you want to spend the time it takes to put it up. I do but some folks dont feel they want...


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Scientific Definition of Parental and Organic Materials?
Now I see it, but didnt believe it. Poor But Proud had to look (lol) never knew dirt was called Parental material.


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Using Carbon Paper Instead of Typewriter Ribbon?
Here is what I did because I couldnt afford both when I had the reg. typewriter. I bought the ink ribbon and when you make a mistake then you still have correction tape (or liquid you put a dot on the mistake) then type over the white out and you will still...


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Having Young Children Help With Chores?
We didnt have a lot of money and I was a single mom and had a stroke at 38 so learning the difference was fairly easy. We picked up cans or made things to sell for spending money for Mcdonalds and such or something they wanted real bad then we all pitched in...


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Having Young Children Help With Chores?
Chores for real small children should be according to their age and start with one or 2 simple things. Make their bed and put up toys wont be perfect to begin with but gentle urging that is a sloppy job and help a couple of time then no that is your job usually...


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Skin Care Tips for Women Over 40?
Do a facial with lemon and cucumber refreshing and smells good feels cool and draws the skin tight along with looking brighter.


Shadow of person taking photo of pepper plants with brown leaves on ground.

Leaves Turning Brown on Green Peppers?
Michael, I just have my doubts that you grow anything there very well do you? You appear to have a clay type soil and it is very dry without even a weed. You cant grow peppers or anything without food and water. Tell us about the soil and your growing conditions...


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Freezing Celery?
I just stick the whole stalk (thing) into a glass big enough to hold it upright and put water in it and stick it on the shelf and have kept it up to 2 months because I dont use a lot at one time. If it takes longer than a month or so I just dry it but you can...


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Storage Ideas for a Small Kitchen?
One place, long ago that I moved into, had a stove, refrigerator, tiny table and no cabinets. I paid 2.00 for an open bookcase and hung it on the wall closest to the table. For the pans I had one of those cheap metal filing cabinets and all my pots in one and...


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Back to School Clothes?
Advice is cheap when its not your child or family and I lived it. Hope you are grounded in Gods word because there is your help, first go to the churches or call and ask if they have a program to help with school clothes. I suspect your daughter has her hands...


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GFCI Circuit Breaker Won't Reset?
We built a new brick home in 1995 and have (had) the same problem. It isnt the bathroom or you it is the electrician who put the lines in put too many things on the breakers. We had an electrician come and shift things around and added more breakers to our...


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