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2 Posts | 131 Comments | Active Since 2008
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US Census Bureau's American Community Survey?
This survey is invaluable to people doing research in, for example, housing issues. The information collected allows for careful planning of investments and services, and for the distribution of federal and state funds. The ACS affects decisions about education...


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Moisture Between Window Panes?
Cindy, It sounds like you have an insulated glass unit in your window. You can tell by looking to see if there is a metal spacer bar between the two panes. If you do have an insulated glass unit, it will need to be replaced...not the entire window. The reason...


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Testing Soil?


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Homemade Bisquick Recipe?
Heres the one I use, with no shortening. It works great! 9 c. all-purpose flour 3/4 c. canola oil 1 Tbsp. salt 1/4 c. baking powder 2 c. non-fat dry milk powder Combine all ingredients and store in a covered container.


Heirloom Shadowbox with an old wathc

Heirloom Shadowboxes
June, this is such a great idea. Thanks for sharing it!


Counter top and partial cabinet front.

Kitchen Wall Paint Color Advice?
Why not keep the yellow theme going and paint your walls a shade or two darker than the yellow on your cabinets?


Getting Rid of Mice Naturally?
Mashed potato powder or buds. Place instant mashed potato powder or buds in strategic places with a dish of water close by. After eating the powder or buds mice will need water. This causes fatal bloating. Source: Michigan State University Extension, Home Maintenance...


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15th Birthday Gift Ideas?
To add to what sm002 said, how about doing 15 acts of kindness, 1 for each year of your life? I read an article recently about a woman who did this, and her acts of kindness ranged from giving baked goods to local firefighters and police, to providing coloring...


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Training a Three Legged Cat to Use a Litterbox?
We have a kitty boy who isnt missing a leg, but his hind legs drag. I cant recall the long veterinarians name for it but its due to his being separated from his mother for a few days and missing out on nutrition. Anyway, dont worry about your little guy! Frugalsunnie...


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Advice for Dealing with an Abusive Husband?
No one can tell you what you should do, because no one knows your situation better than you. There is an organization in your area called Safe Connections that should be able to help you navigate all the obstacles you face right now. http://www.safeconnections...


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Determining Your Growing Zone?
Try this website:


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Rings Are Too Big?
Instead of cutting your rings down, a jeweler can add a small metal piece that will make them fit more snugly. It has a couple of tiny balls on either end to help hold the ring in place. My mom had this done with her wedding set.



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White Chili Recipe?
Ive tried this one and its very good. I would suggest mashing a couple cans of the beans.


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View Lost to New Home Construction?
How about planting a trellis and vining plants? It will take a bit but the plants will grow along the trellis to give you privacy and nature.


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Cooking Chicken in a Crockpot?
Hi Beverley, I have cooked chicken many ways in a slow cooker: Ive thrown it in frozen solid, partly thawed, name it. I rarely sear meat before slow cooking (unless its a beef roast). As for the liquid amount, you actually need less liquid because...


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Insulating Sliding Glass Doors Inexpensively?
Are you familiar with the kits for insulating windows that include the plastic you shrink with a hairdryer? They make kits for patio doors, too...probably around $10. You can also hang blankets or quilts.


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My Frugal Life: Every Which Way to Save
About those taxes: if you make less than $49,000/year you can get your taxes done for free by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) volunteers, who go through extensive IRS training. VITA volunteers can prepare basic tax returns. More info here: http://www...


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Financial Assistance for Roof Repair for Seniors?
Check with community action agencies in your moms area, and with the local Area Agency on Aging office. They should be aware of any home repair programs available for elderly homeowners. Habitat for Humanity varies from area to area but I am not aware of any...


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Removing Soiled Food Odor from Freezer?
Hi Alison, glad youre back home safe and sound! Here is what the USDA recommends for methods to remove odors from your freezer, plus some suggestions for what to do if you dont have success the first time.


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Putting Contact Paper Over Wall Tile in a Bathroom?
If you do want to paint your tiles, here are instructions. It takes preparation and time but the results would probably look more tile-ish than contact paper:


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Getting the Best Buy on Toilet Paper?
Hi Sharon, I use the small package for $1 or less formula. :) Usually the packages with oversize rolls will show how many regular size rolls they equal. I take the regular size number and divide it by 4, since 4 regular rolls would be in a small package. So...


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Removing Candle Wax on Walls and Hardwood Floors?
Hi Gina, You can remove wax from your wood floors a couple different ways: 1. Apply ice to the wax to harden it, then gently scrape with a putty knife with a clean edge. (If it were me I would try this method on the walls too.) 2. Lay paper towels over the...


Keeping Indoor Cats from Fighting?
Indoor kitties need a variety of things to do. Ours have several spots set up for napping, a couple of areas where they can sit and look outside, a good scratching post in a prominent place, lots of toys (no catnip, one of the boys becomes too aggressive when...


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Remedy for Shin Bone Leg and Toe Cramps at Night?
Karen, are you by any chance wearing backless shoes? I had this problem once and my doctor told me they were the cause. He said that when I wore backless shoes, my toes were over-compensating in order to hold the shoe on my foot. I had pain in my toes, the...



View of kitchen sink and surrounding cupboards

Kitchen Dilema: Paint Color Advice for Cupboards and...
I think Id paint the cabinets white, install some new cabinet hardware, and paint the walls a neutral beige (a color pulled from your flooring). Depending on which direction your window faces I might even skip window treatments. The idea for a breakfast bar...


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Eco-Friendly Homemade Housecleaning Products?
Herbs cant be substituted for everything but I think youll find this list helpful:


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Fixing a Slow Running Drain?
It might be hair in your bath drain. You can get something called a Zip-it at your hardware store. Its a long thin strip of plastic with nubs on the sides that you use to pull hair from your drain. It works great!


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Recipe for Blue Punch?
I havent personally tried this but it looks like it might fit the bill. (Some of the reviews below the recipe have tips for substituting ingredients if necessary.)


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Paint Color Ideas for Blue and Black Kitchen?
If it were me I would choose either the blue or grey from the counters as a reference but have the lightest shade made of either one. With all the dark finishes going on this would help lighten things up but still coordinate very nicely. Good luck!


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Can I Keep SSI and SSA Benefits When Enrolling in College?
Greg, here are some FAQs from Social Security regarding SSA benefits and students: If your family is very poor, you might qualify for federal Pell grants (these do not have to be repaid) or student loans...


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Keeping the House Cooler With Solar Window Film?
I would speak to my landlord before installing the film. Depending on how old the windows are, applying a film could cause issues with the warranty. Another alternative is a vinyl, cut-to-width, roller shade. Be sure it says light blocking on the package. Theyre...


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Suggestions for a Light Sleeper?
A trick that really worked for me was to take my alarm clock out of my room. Now if I wake up in the middle of the night, I go right back to sleep instead of looking at the clock and thinking, I only have X hours left to sleep. I use my cell phone as my alarm...


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Recipes for Making Household Products?
Hi Jaci, Minnesota Extension offers a great (and huge!) list of homemade cleaners, laundry products, pest control, etc.


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Preparing Parents' Home for Aging in Place?
You might consider contacting your local Area Agency on Aging for resources: (609-989-6661/6662) Mercer County Office on Aging 640 S. Broad Street PO Box 8068 Trenton, NJ 08650


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Best Workout DVDs?
Walk Away the Pounds with Leslie Sansone are some good walking/aerobics DVDs. Im about the least coordinated person on the planet and I can do the exercises easily. They are a combination of walking plus basic moves like moving side to side, lifting knees up...


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Ideas for Chicago Themed Birthday Party?
How about a book of photos of famous Chicago monuments, or of guests favorite places in the city to visit? Or a Windy City photo of each guest (simple background + powerful fan to create the wind)? Maybe make your food a Taste of Chicago buffet?



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Painting Moldy Basement Walls?
The EPA has an excellent publication called A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home. Note that the source of the mold needs to be removed before tackling the mold itself:


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Sleepover Ideas for Young Boys?
Indoor camping or fort, scavenger hunt, making something gross like slime or goo or whatever theyre calling it these days, building their own pizzas/sundaes/whatevers, a relatively short time where they just play together.


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Refilling Bottles With Water
Have you considered a filter pitcher like Brita or Pur, or a filter that attaches to your kitchen faucet? Our water tastes too much like chlorine and the filter pitcher makes a big difference.


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"Please Ask For ID" On Back of Credit Cards
With your social security card having been stolen, did you file a fraud alert with the credit bureaus too? A thief with your SS number can do horrific damage. To file a fraud alert, contact one of the three credit reporting bureaus. Once one of them has been...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Cinnamon Flour Tortilla Chips and Berry Salsa
This is such a great recipe! I make something similar using kiwi, apples, and raspberries. Its great for breakfast. Or a snack. Or a quick nibble when opening the fridge. :-)


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Holiday Crockpot Recipes?
Here you go: I made the cornbread stuffing at Thanksgiving and it was great. My only recommendation would be to saute the celery and onion before adding them to the crock.


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Best Strategy for Paying Off Debt and Repairing Credit?
Debt consolidation companies are almost always a scam. They often charge high fees for their services, and do not always deliver on their promises to help ease your debt problems. In my state (MO), debt consolidation/credit repair scams are one of the top consumer...


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Christmas Gift Ideas for Elderly Dad?
Is he still able to read? A good book in large print (if necessary) might be nice.


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Christmas Gag Gift Ideas?
One year I gave away a bunch of old coffee mugs, complete with a humorous history of their time in my household.


Maxx and Charlie (Cats)
Aaawww! We have two kitty boys, Cecil and Cooper, who are snuggled up together right now. They were litter mates and are so close. Its been fun watching them grow up together.


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Cleaning a Popcorn Ceiling?
If you want to get rid of the popcorn ceiling altogether, find a person who knows how to skim coat and theyll make it disappear. We did that in my daughters bathroom and I couldnt be more pleased with the results. For now, though, Ill have to continue vacuuming...


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Creative Closet Space Ideas?
You can buy bed risers that would lift your bed high enough to slide plastic bins underneath. The risers can be found at hardware stores and cost around $10/set.


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Ohio Christmas Charities?
Jo, you might try contacting Community Action Partnership in Dayton. Their website is They may have programs to help with Christmas gifts and home repairs. I dont know what benefits you might currently be receiving on your granddaughters...


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Selling Homemade Bread?
Check with your local health department because rules will vary by county or city.


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Cream Cheese Cake Ball Recipe?
Heres some recipes for cake balls. The Red Velvet cake balls include cream cheese frosting. They suggest using mixes/canned frostings but Id bake from scratch. Please let us know how they turn out!


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Making an Eggless Cake?
We called this Wacky Cake when I was a kid. Heres a recipe:


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Cleaning a Dull Fiberglass Sink?
If it needs a good cleaning only Id try Bar Keepers friend. It works on fiberglass and a host of other surfaces. I have used it on my glass top stove and on a stainless steel sink, the results are great! You can usually find Bar Keepers friend near the other...


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Curtains to Coordinate With Navy Furniture?
Look at a color wheel. There are 3 rules you can follow for different results: Choose two colors that are adjacent to navy on either side and add one or both of them. Make a triangle inside the color wheel, with all sides being equally spaced, navy included...


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Creative Ideas for Giving Money?
Make them each a custom Christmas ornament and tuck money inside. Send them on a treasure hunt with clues along the way and money as the prize (hey, Im grown up and I think that would be fun!). Fill a pinata with candy and money and let them take a whack to...


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Picnic Games For Teens?
How about a game of horsehoes, or a washer pitch? If youre really feeling creative, set up a mini golf course. There is also croquet, kickball, hacky sack, or Frisbee. If you want to go retro have the kids play games from their childhood like Red Rover, hide...


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Helping Care for Grandchildren?
Unless and until your son/daughter asks for you to go and take over, leave it alone. Why are you so worried? Sounds like your son/daughter have everything under control and are handling the situation the best way possible. Your grandchildren appear to be thriving...


Leroy (Golden Retriever/Chow)

Leroy (Golden Retriever/Chow)
Aaawww, look at that face! What a sweetie.


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Multicultural Winter Holiday Celebration Ideas?
Have you spoken to your family members to ask for ideas? They might be excited about celebrating other holidays beside Christmas and even be willing to pitch in to help make the gathering at your home extra special. What a lucky family to have so many holidays...


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Glass Top Range Cleaner?
I use Barkeepers Friend on my glass top range, and on stainless steel and bathroom fixtures. Its a great non-abrasive powder.


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Freezing Zucchini Bread?
Absolutely! My mom used to make lots of zucchini bread and froze it often.


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Carpet Color to Coordinate With a Grey Couch?
Any color, grey is a neutral! :) You might think of it like this, though: its a lot easier to recover a couch than it is to replace carpet. If it were me I would choose a neutral carpet and bring in color through wall hangings, pillows, drapes, etc.


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Warning: Don't Use Bleach To Clean Up Mold
You are absolutely correct about not using bleach to clean up mold. Bleach in and of itself is a lung contaminant, so it isnt that it causes a reaction when combined with mold - it causes a reaction all on its own. First and foremost, the cause of the mold...


Pete The Cat
What a handsome boy, and hes lucky to have found your forever home!


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School Supplies for Low Income Children?
If your daughter is also in WA, click here for a list of community action agencies across the state. Contact the one nearest you; Im sure they will have multiple resources for getting school supplies. I wish your daughter...


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Frugal Tomato Sauce
Could you tell me how much you add to a can of tomatoes that large? And how do you store the sauce long term? Thanks! :)


Large Lab looking white dog.

What Breed is My Dog?
I think your dog is a Golden Labrador. They have bigger-barreled chests compared to other Labs. Your dog looks exactly like my dearly departed Golden Lab, Bandit. Heres a picture of one for reference:


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Light Yellow Walls in Kitchen with New Black Granite Counters?
Do you by any chance own and iPod Touch or an iPhone? There is a free app from Sherwin Williams that lets you upload a picture a color from it, then the app suggests colors to go with it. Another idea is this: google a picture of a color wheel. Find the colors...


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New Ideas for Meatloaf?
Heres our current favorite: 1 lb. lean ground beef 1 egg, beaten 1 small onion, chopped 1/2 C. seasoned bread crumbs 1/2 Tbsp. steak sauce 1/4 C. ketchup 1-1/2 Tbsp. prepared mustard Mix well and bake at 350F for 40 minutes or until juices run clear.


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Recipe for a Dessert Exchange?
The one dessert that has never failed me is the chocolate cake recipe on the side of the Hersheys cocoa box. I usually make a cream cheese frosting with it because the frosting recipe also on the box is a bit too much for me. Try searching at


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Installing A Digital Converter Box?
I have one TV on a converter box and dont get all the stations that it scans in. Supposedly I have 11 channels but only 4 will actually show a picture. The antenna is very sensitive and moving it just an inch or two here or there makes a difference. If I had...


Holly (Domestic Shorthair)
What a wonderful story. Arent rescues the best?


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Lightening Body Hair at Home?
I dont know about lightening arm hair, but trimming with scissors works wonders, as do Nair wax strips.


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Chinese Buffet Coconut Shrimp?
This might be close:


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House Smells Stale?
The first thing I would consider is whether or not there is proper ventilation in your home. Homes are built tighter than ever now, meaning that ventilation is even more important. At first glance it seems to me that your home might have inadequate return air...


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House Smells Stale?
More info on air cleaners:


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Help For Seniors Who Need Eyeglasses?
You could contact your local Area Agency on Aging. Scroll down a bit for listings in California.


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Chinese Sheetrock Warning
If your reference to ozone fogging means ozone air cleaners, the EPA warns AGAINST using this type of product. The amount of ozone necessary to clean the air is thought to be far beyond that which is safe for humans. Ozone in and of itself is a lung irritant...


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Running a Refrigerator Outside?
This is from Mississippi State University, so depending on where you are in FL there might be some adjustment factors: Dont keep an old inefficient refrigerator running day and night in the garage for those few occasions when you need extra space. A 15-year...


Crafts Using Film Reels?
If it were me Id spray paint them and just hang them on the wall as is. They are very cool and interesting shapes!


Aggie (Shepherd Mix)
Its so wonderful that you chose to give a forever home to Aggie, even if forever is for a short time. Thanks for sharing her!


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Use Frozen Bottle to Help Keep Cool
Hi Pikka, This is a great idea but it wouldnt work for me. I have a condition called cold urticaria (essentially meaning cold hives). In extremely cold conditions, I break out in huge welts and become very itchy and swollen wherever my skin is unprotected. This...


Himalayan with cellphone

Bumper (Himalayan)
What a beautiful girl! How wonderful that you saw the potential for her to have a happy life, and for offering her that opportunity.


My Frugal Life: Recession? What Recession?
People dont always lose their homes because they overspent. It really isnt that black and white. Good for you for not feeling the recession, but always blaming the victim is a pretty broad brush with which to paint. I have to wonder if your husband lost his...


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Chicken Stir-Fry?
Hi Deb, I make stir fry often but dont follow any recipe. I just use whatever veggies I have in the house - typically broccoli, baby carrots, spinach, zucchini, yellow squash, onion, and snow peas. For a different take, boil spaghetti and serve it lo mein style...


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Freezing Butter?
How long does it keep in the freezer?


Shadow (Husky/German Shepherd)
Look at those happy dogs! Rescues are simply the best, arent they?


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Finding Non Toxic Cleaning Products?
Hi Rosa, Homemade cleaners might work better for you. You can use readily available items that are ultimately less expensive and healthier for you because you know exactly what is in them. Here is a link for a huge list of recipes for homemade cleaners from...


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Staying in an Apartment During a Vacation?
Where are you looking for apartment rentals? There are several websites for home or apartment rentals for vacations. Maybe the reason its expensive is that youre looking at a particular area, and perhaps you could consider expanding your search.


Daisy (Bombay?)
Thanks Amanda, we love her so much! Our guess is that her former owners turned her loose when she went into heat - she came to us with a collar but no tag. She was so scrawny then ... but certainly not now. :)


Daisy (Bombay?)
Oh yes, all our kitties have been spayed and/or neutered. We certainly dont need any more!


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Getting Coupons for Free?
My local library has a coupon exchange box located near the front entry. You might check with your library as well and if they dont have a coupon exchange in place, maybe theyll let you start one.


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Shading My Porch from the Sun?
Also check your local hardware store for an inexpensive all-weather roll-up shade. I recently bought one that is 6 wide for less than $20. My porch faces west and there is no shade; the roll-up shade makes a big difference!


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Questions About Home Refinancing?
The new federal program to help homeowners refinance or modify their loans is called Making Home Affordable. There is a tool that quickly tells you if your current mortgage is backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac and if it is you may be able to benefit from...


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TV Movie "Lucky Day"?
For you Kathleen Wilhoite fans, she is also a singer who has a terrific voice. Her songs were included in the soundtrack of the film Valerie Flake. Her first CD was Pitch Like a Girl and her second CD was Shiva.


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Removing Hair from Legs?
I have the same problem and have had very good results with the 5-blade cartridges. Theres just something about that extra blade or two that really makes a difference!


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Advice for a First Time Home Buyer?
You dont have to ask a guy to come help you look at homes. All it takes is to educate yourself first. Check with your local Extension office to see if they have first-time home buyer programs available. Classes will help you learn what to look for in a home...


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How Much Fat is in a Pork Loin?
Here you go:


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Graduation Thank You Note Ideas?
How about thank you cards containing quotes from famous authors or literary characters? Congratulations on your great achievement!


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Keeping a House Organized While Renovating?
We are almost finished remodeling my daughters bedroom and bathroom. We moved EVERYTHING out and into two rooms since we really didnt have enough space in one room for all her things, leaving enough room to move around the house pretty much as we did before...


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Paint to Coordinate with Navy Couch and Grey Carpet?
Youre lucky that you have two very neutral colors on your hands! You could go with a fun, saturated bright color like orange or hot pink. Go cooler with a nice green or just the right purple. Do a nice monochromatic look with lighter shades of blue. The possibilities...


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Vacation Ideas in the US for Under $4000 ?
Considering where you live, Id spend a couple days in Indianapolis then hop Amtrak to Chicago. I really enjoy the distinct neighborhoods in Indianapolis, especially the Fountain Square and Monument Circle areas. There are some beautiful hotels and nice restaurants...


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Credit Repair Company Reviews?
Heres what my states Attorney General has to say about credit repair scams:


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Color Suggestions for Coffee and End Tables?
A light maple or birch finish would contrast nicely with the black leather. If you wanted to add some color you might consider a cherry finish. Theres always the option of doing a painted wood in pretty much any color as well.


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Rose Bushes Turning Yellow?
Thanks Rose, any advice is helpful!


What Breed is My Dog?
Aaawww, his story breaks my heart but what a happy ending! Sorry I dont know what he is but he is adorable!


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Cooking a Roast in a Crockpot?
I make mine pretty much like altmansgirl except I salt, pepper, flour and brown the roast in olive oil with a clove or two of garlic, then place it in the crock and cover with 1/2 C. beef broth, 1 can cream of mushroom soup, and 2 oz. of onion soup mix. Cook...


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Do I Need Multiple Tomato Plants?
Plant some basil with it, to help prevent insects.


Looking At Everyday Household Energy Usage
Another thing to think about is how many items are plugged in that are soaking up energy even when not in use. You know all those electrical gadgets with clocks or on lights? The computers that arent in use overnight? Your cable or satellite box that runs when...


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Inexpensive Ways to Lose Weight?
Good luck with losing weight! What worked for me was to simply start walking. All it cost me was a good pair of shoes. I started out slowly, doing only 20 minutes or so of moderate walking and after just 6 short weeks I was doing 2 miles in 30 minutes! Dont...


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Keeping Mold from Growing on House Siding?
Hi Kath, I searched the EPA website and couldnt find anything that specifically talked about mold on siding, but they do have a page where you can ask questions. Might be worth a try:


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Kitten Bothering Adult Cat?
Theyll work it out. Unless they are hurting each other Id leave them alone and see what develops. The kitten is looking for a playmate and obviously the male kitty is less than willing! It might help if you play with her for the time being so she has a healthier...


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Black Marks on Walls?
No one can tell you for sure that this is mold unless they see it and/or test it. Candle soot - especially from lead wicks - can build up over time and leave a black substance as well. People also sometimes mistake mildew for black mold. The EPA recommends...


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Managing Time as a Working Woman?
There is no reason you should continue to clean up after your husband. You are setting up a pattern that will become more difficult to change the longer it goes on, and you will only end up resenting him. If you ask him to do something and he doesnt do it, leave...


Logo for ThriftyFun Recipes

Scrumptious Pot Roast
That sounds very tasty! I make one thats similar: 3 lb. pot roast flour 2 T. oil 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1/2 C. beef broth 1 envelope dry onion soup mix Coat roast in flour and brown (I also add a couple cloves of garlic to the oil when I brown the roast...


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Tape Residue on Scissors?
Id try using rubbing alcohol. Its pretty good at removing goo. :)


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Recipes Using Noodles?
You didnt say what sort of noodles you have, but this is one of my daughters favorites: I make 2 cans of tomato soup (with milk) and add a package of steamed mixed veggies and egg noodles. She gobbles it up every time!


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Grease Stain on Floor?
Do you have access to the manufacturers cleaning instructions? You didnt say what type of floor you have to it would be difficult to recommend a remedy. Without knowing what you have, consult the cleaning instructions or consider calling a customer service...


Golden Retriever

Lona'Kai and Jaxon Rolls-Royce (Golden Retriever)
Aaaawww, thats simply too much cute for a Monday morning. Im so happy to hear you took them both. We have two kitty boys who are brothers and I cant imagine them ever being apart. Thanks for sharing your puppies!


Finding Out the Value of a Print?
What a beautiful frame, and that particular painting is a favorite of mine! Have you tried contacting auction houses that specialize in art prints and antiques? I would think they could either appraise the piece or point you in the direction of a qualified...


What Kind of Snake is This?
Hi Emily, I would suggest contacting your local Extension office - e-mail the picture to them and ask what kind of snake it is.


My Frugal Life: Stay Out of Stores
About those unwanted catalogs. It takes only a few minutes to ring up the company and request to be taken off their mailing list. If they ask why, I tell them I already have internet service and am aware of their website. Just think of all the time to be saved...


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Tips For Dealing With Stress?
After my husband died several years ago, I had to learn to manage my stress and emotions so they didnt overtake my life. The thing that worked best for me was to actually schedule a time to let it all out, and that was once a day in the shower. I allowed myself...


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Defaulting on Student Loans?
(b)Do not(/b) go to a credit consolidation company for paying off student loans! There are so many of them that are absolute scams that you run a high risk of getting into even more trouble with your loans. If you want to seek credit counseling go to Consumer...


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Cleaning Pella Low-E Glass Windows?
Is this low-E on a glass panel that you can take out with clips? If so, you may have damaged the low-E coating if you are using products such as Windex to clean it. Cleaners that are ammonia- or alcohol based can cause permanent damage. Pella recommends a vinegar...


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