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3 Posts | 548 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Adding Pin It Button to Your Blog?
It is in the dropdown menu under About or try here & scroll down the page a bit:


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Plastic Lid Storage Dilemma?
You can find tiered hanging fruit basket for cheap at most places and it can be hung out of the way, maybe in a corner. You could line the tiers with fabric scraps or ribbons or artificial flowers etc if you dont like the look of the just the lids in the basket...


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Nylon Strip Covered Clothes Hanger?
Not sure if this is what you were looking for but check out these links:


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The Post Office Lost My Package?
I am so sorry to hear that. Looks like you are not alone. You might check out this article below. I have seen several stories on the news about various cash for gold sites and how they rip you off.. even if you do end up getting your money you are grossly underpaid...


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Organizing Thread?
I like my threads dust free so I keep them in 2 plastic storage tubs with lids, lights in one and darks in another. I use Handi-Bobs which is a little plastic thing that goes on top of the thread that also keeps the corresponding machine bobbin attached and...


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Pattern for YoYo Wine Bottle Cover?
Here is one, its a pdf file: or you can see Googles quick view of it here:


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Hydrogen Peroxide
I love using Hydrogen Peroxide around the house and it is inexpensive too. It would be better to find a spray nozzle that fits the original brown bottle it comes in however as is so highly reactive that direct exposure to light will cause it to start to decompose...


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Shelf Life of Frozen Meat?
You could keep it indefinately in the freezer and it would still be just wont be tasty. ...Food stored constantly at 0 °F will always be safe. Only the quality suffers with lengthy freezer storage. Freezing keeps food safe by slowing the movement...


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Problems Using Roboform Password Manager Software?
You didnt mention what operating system or browser you were using. Here is the list of password managers that are FREE, not just free trial like Roboform that are for Windows and sorted by popularity.You can also check by editor preference or by another op...


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Scones or Biscuit Recipes That Only Uses Flour and Buttermilk ?
Here is a 2 ingredient recipe for biscuits that uses buttermilk + self-rising flour, with optional dab of sugar. butter: This one is SR flour + heavy cream: http://allrecipes...


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Marigolds Not Blooming?
No gardening experience whatsoever here :-) ....but you might check out the answers here:


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Warning: Swag Bucks Scam
Apologies in advance for the long length. This is just my humble opinion: I belong to Swagbucks. I still like it for the most part. They used to be be better before they started branching out. They used to give more swagbucks for searching than they do now...



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Warning: Swag Bucks Scam
I forgot to respond to this part of your message: Oh, that 450 swagbucks you need to receive a $5 Amazon gift card it is more like 500 to 520 swagbucks to redeem the gift card. If you have 450 the system will not allow you to cash in to receive the gift card...


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Baking Muffins in a Muffin Top Pan?
I have one but havent used it in a while and cant remember exactly. I would start checking for done-ness right after the halfway point. Here are a couple links with tips, suggesting to turn down the oven a bit possibly. I just was thinking about trying my pan...


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Cleaning Dust Off Angel Doll's Feather Wings?
It is really hard to say without seeing in person how delicate/fragile we are talking about but I have a few things I dust that I use what I think is a facial brush. Small and has very very soft bristles. Or possibly a clean make-up brush or if you could find...


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Home Remedy for Constipation?
I have never tried these by have seen them mentioned often in their daily newspaper columns: Colon cocktail for constipation: Equal portions of apple sauce, bran and prune juice. Take 1 to 2 tablespoons each morning. May take up to 10 days to be fully effective...


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Peanut Butter Cup Cocoa
Interesting. I have never heard of peanut powder before.


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Bisquick Chicken Dumpling Recipe?
Heres the dumpling page at the Bisquick recipe site. There are several there.


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Freezer Jam Too Runny?
Sorry I dont know the answer to your question but this link below has a lot of info re: jams & jellies and the science behind them. There is also a recipe near the bottom on re-making freezer jam from a failed batch. I didnt know you could do that. http://www...


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Shelf Life of Yogurt?
This is from the Mountain High Yoghurt website: >>>What is the shelf life/expiration date of Mountain High Yoghurt? On our 6-oz., 32-oz., and 64-oz. cups you will find a BEST BY date printed on each lid, which refers to the expiration date. If refrigerated...


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Making Sugar Free Powdered Sugar?
I have never tried this so I cant comment on how well it turns out: Basically Splenda and cornstarch, some have powdered milk, some have different proportions. http://diabeticenjoyingfood.squarespace...



Uses for Spearmint
I just read yesterday that mice do not like the smell of spearmint so it makes a good natural mice repellant.


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Can I Freeze Fresh Cucumbers?
They turn soft and mushy when frozen. I think it is due to the high water content. But if you brine them like in a recipe for freezer pickles you can.


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Getting Personal Information from an Email Address?
Ditto what T&T Grandma said your location can be obtained from the IP address in your email whether if be from hotmail or gmail or yahoo or otherwise.



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Uses for Bagged Shredded Cabbage
I finally learned to like cabbage recently and now love it in the suggestions you mentioned as well. I also like it on tacos and burritos better than lettuce as it doesnt turn to slime like lettuce once it hits the hot meat mixture and gives some crunchy freshness...


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Shopping for Wolf Brand Chili?
I dont live in that area but the ConAgra site has a product locator page you can check. Just select Wolf and then the type of chili and your zip & radius etc.


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Chinese Chicken and Rice Casserole Recipe?
Here are several variations with those ingredients:,1639,157181-239196,00.html,1739,158183-243204,00.html,1739,152189-232194,00.html


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Converting From Cubic Centimeters to Milliliters?
Accorging to google: 1 cubic centimeter = 1 ml that makes it easy! 16 cubic centimeters = 16 ml


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Donating Quilting Scraps?
There are some suggestions in the comments on these TF threads:


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Preventing Mold Growth in Stored Cooler?
I have not had a problem with mold in our cooler before. I would clean it thoroughly before putting it away and make sure it is totally dry inside. Store it without the lid or the lid slightly ajar if you can. I have also heard on other things to wipe it down...


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How Can I Make My Yogurt Thicker?
First off I have absolutely zippo experience making yogurt. But if you are comparing yours to commercial yogurts they often add things to thicken them up and or to keep the whey from separating out. Here are a few articles that mention adding powdered milk...


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Can I Use Citronella Candles in Food Warmers?
It does not sound like a good idea to me. I am not usually a big fan of using something for which it is not intended. I think with food only UNscented candles of any kind should be used. I would think any candle with a scent, citronella included, would transfer...


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Finding Someone to Make Jewelry from Old Dishes?
I was going to suggest finding someone on Etsy and one came up in my google search: I didnt look to see if they do custom work but here are some others on Etsy using broken china...


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What is Spirit of Salts?
It is hydrochloric acid If this is the person you were referring to you can click her name and try and send her a message that way:


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What is Spirit of Salts?
I dont know what ligustrums are or if you are wanting to get rid of their plants or their stumps but you might check this: If you lived in New Zealand...


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Robbyn's Friendly Freezer?
It was listed in the Wayback Machine in the TF archives below but here is the link again: (short url redirect to Wayback link)



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Fabrics to Use for Making Rice Heat Therapy Bags?
Ditto what kffrmw88 said. It isnt safe, they prob would melt or start a fire. Plus they wouldnt retain the heat for your pack as well. I think all of the commercial ones for sale I have seen are 100% cotton. This doesnt address the fabric issue but has a few...


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Alternative Uses for Vinegar?
This should keep you busy :-) 1001 uses for white vinegar: Prob a lot of duplicates but here are some more:


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Making a Swan from a Folded Napkin?
Here is one using a small paper napkin with a video how to: This one adds a piece of foil for more body:


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Quilted Potholder Patterns?
Not sure what you had in mind but here are some to check out: http://sewmamasew...


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Looking for a Cabbage and Hamburger Recipe?
Here is one that uses rice instead of macaroni. Perhaps you could adapt it:


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Why is My Cat Stealing My Socks?
You are not alone: Your post reminded me of this thread I read at Ask MetaFilter


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Making Freezer Jelly?
>>> EDIT: a couple of links I gave are too long to make a clickable link here. I used a url shortening service to make the short links. If you arent comfortable clicking those types of links (it is good to be leary of any link you do not know to where you are...


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Shopping for Ezekiel 4:21 Sprouted Green Bread?
here is the store locator from their website: I dont see the number you mentioned though, just Ezekiel 4:9 I think...


Sandy Koufax (Gray Tabby)
Ha ha ha...what a great pic! Love the name too. :-)


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Where Can You Recycle Styrofoam?
You might look here at


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Buying Silverware Cloth to Make Protective Bags?
I got mine at a fabric store (a chain that has since been bought out). It was sold by the yard and I believe it was Pacific Silver Cloth brand (brown). They kept it behind the counter with the interfacings and specialty yardage so you should ask at your fabric...


Feeding Woodpeckers?
It is hard to tell on this photo but my first thoughts were either peanuts in the shell or a suet cake. It looks more like a partially eaten suet cake to me. Those cages are usually sold to hold suet cakes. From a quick google search woodpeckers like both peanuts...


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Cookie Recipe Using Powdered Lemonade?
Dont know if any of these are what you had or not:


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What is Shortening?
This article mentions something in South Africa called Holsom as a substitute: a bit about Holsom here:


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Removing Dust from Suede Shoes?
They used to sell suede brushes at the shoe stores in with the polish etc. They had metal (brass?) bristles.


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Can I Buy Rectangular Tortillas?
I have never seen one but I suppose they prob exist somewhere. A quick Google did not turn up much. The FlatOut Wraps are sort of rectangular but they are much more costly than tortillas.


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Was Oatmeal Originally Soaked Prior to Cooking?
I always thought it was because oats were probably more of the larger variety like oat groats or even steel cut or scottish oats than the rolled flakes (old fashioned oats or quick oats) we have today. The larger pieces esp of oat groats take a lot longer to...


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Love the recipe name :-)


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Uses for Floppy Discs?
There are some ideas here:


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Freezer Jam Information
I looove freezer jam. Especially Raspberry. The taste is so much fresher and the color is so vibrant compared to cooked jam or store bought jam. Very quick and easy to make. And it doesnt heat up the house making it on a hot summer day. I use the recipe that...


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How Often Should Sheets and Mattress Pads Be Washed?
I have always wondered what others do on this too. I think weekly on sheets is close to the norm. Mattress pads can go longer in between washings. I suppose it depends on a lot of variables like climate, how much a person sweats or if you have hot flashes, or...


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How Can I Clean Brass Using Household Products?
There are some ideas on the links below. Proceed with caution if it is a valuable or sentimental piece. Possibly test in a small inconspicuous spot first.


Funny: Mama Meets The Hamburgler
Aww, thats a cute pic of your mum. :-)


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Making Brownies Without Eggs? featured on this blog...she suggests adding extra chocolate: or this recipes uses yogurt: http://www.ehow...


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Best Method for Disposing of Receipts?
Some grocery stores that have the club cards print your full name on the receipt (Safeway). I always chop or shred those. I know it is just a name but if you have a bag of trash and are not vigilant I suppose they could glean enough info from you in total. (Yep...


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DIY Garlic Keeper?
Here is one: I dont know if you would have to drill a hole in as suggested if you got a clay pot that was unglazed. I thought clay was kind of breathable as it was? Or you...


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My Mother's Gingerbread
Oh I havent had Gingerbread in quite some time. I will have to try this. I dont see where it says how much boiling water to use though...or am I blind? Many thanks~ :-)


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Donating Free Fabric Samples?
You could check the comments on this thread:


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Desserts With Graham Cracker Crust?
We are a family of Peanut Butter lovers so we make this pie often: No-Bake PB Silk Pie: There are a ton of variations on it. Some people use a chocolate cookie crust but I prefer a graham craker...


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Making Your Own "Topsy Turvy" Tomato Planters?
I just saw this post featured yesterday on or more here:


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Remedy for Skin Tags
I only every get one every now and then. I had one on my neck once. I was watching a baseball game and was getting nervous and was fidgeting with it without knowing it. I was pinching it and also slightly twisting it. The next day it was sore and almost black...


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Remedy for Skin Tags
On re-reading your post I didnt notice you mentioned it was on a private area. The link below mentions that area. Also it could possibly be something else depending on where exactly it is. Maybe it would be best to check with your doctor. http://www.medicinenet...


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Homemade Chalk Recipe?
Here is one from right here at Thrifty Fun: Plaster of Paris is available at craft stores, hardware stores, Kmart etc.


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Weight Watchers "Check Box" Forms?
I only vaguely remember seeing my Moms sheets years ago ...not sure if this is what you were looking for:


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Source for Inexpensive Large Print Playing Cards?
Are you near a Dollar Tree store at all? I have seen both the regular and the large print playing cards there. They have 2 decks in a pack for a dollar. I am not positive but I think it is the same ones as these someone has on ebay:


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Recipes for the Small Slow Cooker?
Here are some sites that have recipes for the Crock-ette crock pot which is a small 1 quart size:


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One Skein Crochet Baby Blanket?
I looked on their site but they only have it for sale as a magazine back issue for 5.99: There is a picture, maybe someone will have a similar pattern for you. Or there are a bunch of one skein...


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Save Change For The Grocery Store
Just be sure to check on your Coinstar machine what if any fee they take out. Unless it is subsidized by the retailer/bank there is a 9.8% fee taken out here in the U.S. You can opt out of the fee at some locations if you chose a gift certificate from the ones...


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Save Change For The Grocery Store
>>> ...Also, since it is spring and the kids are more likely to get grounded and fined from their allowance, I usually buy something good for them, like vegetables, Then when they are enjoying the food, I tell them they helped to buy it. ... Forgot to mention...


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Uncomfortable and Sleepy After Lunch?
I think it is the rice making you sleepy. Especially if it is white rice. Any simple carbs will probably have the same effect. Or too much carbs. White rice really spikes my blood sugar levels so I eat brown rice now. You could try adding more protein to your...


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Removing Adhesive Residue from Transdermal Patch?
Is is the same kind of residue that is left like from a band aid? Usually any kind of oil works on that. It dissolves it rather than scrubbing it off. Baby oil, mineral oil or even veg cooking oil from the kitchen will work. It works best if you can rub it...


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Getting The Last Out Of Pump Bottles
I put clear glass marbles in the bottom of the container... enough to cover the bottom. It raises the level of whatever is in it so the pump can get it out. I especially like to use it on liquid hand soap containers as it makes the container more bottom heavy...


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Bar One Cake Recipe?
I think it must be a SA thing...we dont have Bar One chocolate bars here in the U.S. Here are a few links to check. I dont know what a Bar One cake is exactly so I dont know how close these are:


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Motivating Myself to Clean and Organize?
I feel that way a lot in the winter. Do you have depression or seasonal depression or perhaps another health condition that is sapping your energy? Are you eating right & taking care of yourself? When spring kicks in more I usually feel a bit more energetic...


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Including Meat or Animal Products in Compost?
Seconding what readingiggits said. Vermin!


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Getting Suction Cup to Stick to Smooth Surface?
Both the suction cup and wall (or whatever) surface needs to be clean and then a bit of moisture like rebhatterb stated below should get it to stick.


What is This Fruit and How Do I Prepare It?
They look almost like a mango but I find mangoes to be sweet. If the produce sticker does not have a name it should still have a PLU number that you can look up to see what it is.


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Finding the Publishing Date for Old Childrens' Book?
The link below says 1943: This says 1934: (google cache) and this one says 1934:


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Is Utility Management Association a Scam?
First off I have never heard of them. If you go to and put in Utility Management Association the first thing that comes up is a complaint...even before the link for their official site. On their official site on the left is a link for them being...


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Recipe for Orange Jello Carrot Salad?
Looks like there are many many variations on this one. Here are a few basic ones: this one adds cream cheese & pinapple:


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Making a Vacuum Cleaner Cover?
I was thinking you could make a basic frame. It could be from wood if you are so inclined or pipe or pvc pipe. Just a box shape like the deer guard in the top row here: Make it the height ( & width) of your vac. Then make...


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Translating the Names of Essential Oils from Turkey?
You might try the Google is sup to be the best of the online ones: from Turkish to English Esansi Nane Havuc Gul Yagi (is that one phrase or sep words?) ...comes up as... Carrot Essence Peppermint Gul Yagi...


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Recycling a Toaster Oven?
From another states recycling site* I found this on toaster ovens: Recycle Metal parts can be recycled. Look in the Yellow Pages, under Scrap Metal for a recycler near you. Most transfer stations also accept scrap metal. It might be work a try to call and ask...


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More Room in Your Recycling Bin
Both our city recycling and also the city curbside recycling programs require you to REMOVE any caps/lids as they contaminate the batches and are not recyclable. They can still be smashed though.


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How Many Ounces in a Can of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup?
They used to come in 16 oz cans and also smaller ones but the 16 oz was the standard I believe. I havent see it in cans at the store for a while now. Just the squeeze. I took a peek online and many brownie recipes called for the 16 oz can. This one is from...


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How Many Ounces in a Can of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup?
To clarify: what I stated is from the Hershey site: * One 16-oz. can HERSHEYS Syrup contains 1-1/2 cups syrup. In this case I believe the 16 oz measurement is by WEIGHT, not by liquid volume. >>> Weight: The two most commonly used units of weight (or mass) measurement...


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Choosing a Safe Bank?
Seconding a Credit Union. I switched from a big bank 4 years ago and am very happy with my choice. Not just in being safe but by not being bombarded with fees right & left as well. http://www.bankrate...


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Freezing Egg-less Mayonnaise?
I am seconding what OliveOyl said below about the emulsion breaking down and separating. Other than experimenting on a little bit of your leftovers perhaps making in smaller batches. Homemade mayo (made with egg) is said to be good anywhere from 4 days to a...


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Baked Ziti Soup Recipe?
I have never heard of spaghetti soup before. I might have to try that. Here is a recipe for spaghetti soup to use as a guide. I see it uses beef broth and spaghetti sauce (plus some water) as the base. I would just wing it and start there to thin the ziti down...


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Operating a Chest Freezer in Unconditioned Outbuilding?
Weve had an upright freezer for many years in an unheated separate garage with no problems but our winters/summers arent too extreme here. Sound like there are many variables involved in the threads below:


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Donating Single Shoe Samples?
This one seems to be most often mentioned: or check here:


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Buying Lemon Tang?
Here is the product locator page but I do not see the Lemon variety even listed as an option:


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Making Pyramage Cards?
Interesting...I have never heard of Pyramage before. example of inverted pyramage:


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Buying Bar Keeper's Friend? It lists: Hannaford Price Chopper Shaws Target Walmart Williams-Sonoma


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Organizing Bookmarks in Firefox?
When organizing my FF bookmarks I find it easier to go to the top bar where it says: File- Edit - View - History...the next one is Bookmarks. Click that, then click Organize Bookmarks. (Easier way to do is hold down: Ctrl+Shift+B) A separate window pops up...


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No Yeast Pizza Crust?
I had this one bookmarked to try: My mom once made a crust similar to the one below for a mexican pizza with bisquick mix and cornmeal that was very good:,1649,147160...


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Substituting Bisquick for Jiffy Biscuit Mix?
A box of Jiffy Biscuit Mix (not Jiffy Baking mix) is 8 oz by weight or 2 cups by measure. Bisquick is basically flour, oil, leavening, sugar, salt. Jiffy Biscuit Mix is flour, shortening, leavening, sugar, salt and buttermilk. So the final product with the...


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Buying Christmas Lights Offseason?
Craft stores sell the small lights all year long. I am not sure if they sell the Christmas colors all year though. Also party stores or any store with a yard department (Lowes, Target, etc) sell them esp in the early summer for outdoor parties and the like...


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Buying One Gallon Glass Bottles for Water?
I dont know how many you want to purchase but I wanted a glass bottle for filtered water in the fridge so I bought milk at the grocery store that comes in glass bottles (half gallon and also smaller sizes) and used them after the milk was gone. You have to...


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Knit or Crochet Cap Pattern for Breast Cancer Patient? Number 18 under crochet shows a scarf woven through. #12 also appears to have hole that may work to weave a scarf. You might also look at the bottom of the page in the LINKS section for others. The ideas on these...


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Making Small Pieces of Chalk Useful?
Good for you for recycling things! This article tells how to smash it, mix with water and reform to make bigger more usable pcs of chalk. You might also be able to put them in some kind of mold or recycle a yogurt cup or something to make more of a molded shape...


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Converting Two Pounds of Potatoes to Cups?
This site says one pound of potatoes is approx 2 cups cooked/mashed. So 2 pounds of spuds would be 4 cups. Use that as a starting point. I would think most potato recipes would be somewhat forgiving, not like baking cakes, etc. where exact measurements count...


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Storing and Using Garlic In Oil?
Is is UNsafe to do so as it is a breeding ground for botulism which can not be seen or tasted so you wouldnt know until it was too late. Best to stick with commercial preparations if you go that route and follow the storage instructions on their bottle. http...


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Converting Two Pounds of Potatoes to Cups?
This one differs a bit: > How many potatoes are in a pound? Three medium potatoes equal about 1 pound. ONE pound of potatoes will yield 3 cups peeled & sliced; 2 1/4 cups peeled and diced; 2 cups mashed; or 2 cups of french fries. SOURCE:


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Craft Ideas Using Dominoes?
I have seen a lot of variations on this: made into pendants or pins or ornaments. If you arent into stamping you could probably either paint them with scenes or decoupage pics on them. or a bracelet: http://tinyurl...


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Boiled Roly Poly Pudding Recipe?
I had no idea what a Roly Poly was until I looked it up. This recipe looked the most informative but I am not including the source link as my antivirus detected a threat on the page. Here is the text from google cache: ---Roly-poly Puddings --- The same basic...


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Candy With Gum Drop or Turkish Delight Like Centers?
I am not sure this is what you are thinking of but it is the first thing that came to mind. (I am not familiar with what a Turkish Delight is.) Around here the chocolate stores call them Orange Pectin Bars but across the web it looks like they are often called...


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Recipes Using Coffee Mate Creamers?
There are quite a few on the CoffeeMate site:


Walter Kovacs (Cat)
Ha ha ha...loved your description of him. :-)


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Installing a Tip Out Sink Tray?
The instructions might come with the tip out trays you buy for it but here is a site with some instructions.


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Splenda Doesn't Dissolve in Cold Water?
I dont use artificial sweeteners and dont know what you are making with the splenda (beverage?) but I would try dissolving the splenda in a small amount of warm to hot water first and then adding that to the rest of the cool water, or adding the splenda to...


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Uses for Old Diskettes?


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Preserving Pinecones?
This article suggests spraying with clear acrylic spray, polyurethane or spray varnish.


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Using Canned Lima Beans?
I am not a big fan of lima beans but I do like them in Calico Beans: Sometimes we make it with pepperoni instead of the bacon and we usually make it with half the amount of ground beef (sometimes...


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Using Canned Lima Beans?
I was looking up another recipe and found this one. Never heard of Bean Dip being made with Limas before.


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Determining the Date a Site Was Established Using Java Code?
I just know of the last updated one. You could look on sites like but it would really only tell you how long they have had their domain. Or try looking at the Wayback Machine to see how far back their archives go...


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Ideas For Heart Shaped Foods?
With a heart shaped cookie cutter you could do just about anything. If you dont have one make a heart template out of the back of a cereal box and use it to trace around. You can cut bread, cake slices, brownies, heart shaped rice krispie treats, soft cookies...


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On-line Shopping Security?
You might check out the info at this article:


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Knitted Slippers for Children?
Ive gotten several from this site: Here are some others:


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Finding Jiffy Cake Mixes?
Their website has a product locator, just put in your zip code. They list the cake mixes they have: white - golden yellow - devils food. Or try contacting them on their toll...


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