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2 Posts | 15 Comments | Active Since 2005
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A quilt made with a flip flop pattern.

Flip Flop Quilt
Quality look. And its a fun one. Thanks so much for the idea. Good thinking on your part.


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Stuffing Balls
If you read this recipe through, you will see in the middle of the instructions it says to add one cup of water. Dont do it. This is from the website, actually I saw it on their latest calendar. If you are going to add the water, do it one quarter...


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Mold In My Garage?
My water heater got wild and sprayed water on the surrounding wall in my garage. The wall is not painted. Mold grew on the wall. I poured bleach into a spray bottle and sprayed the blackened area. What didnt turn white by the next day was sprayed again. The...


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Chimney Sweep Logs?
These logs burn very, very hot. Allow plenty of time for them to burn, start early in the day to be certain they are done by bedtime. Things will fall from within your chimney so beware of leaving the door to your stove open. I noticed a smell but I had just...


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Babysitters Rules vs. Grandma's Rights?
If you want to remain close with the family there isnt much you can do but go along with the rules. I side with your opinion but each woman has the right to run her home the way she believes best. Grit your teeth and stay and abide her rules, or bow out of...


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Milk Question about Fudge Recipe?
Thank you so much for your responses. I am going to try your recipes. So kind!


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Have To Hold Down The Handle To Flush?
Perhaps you need to adjust the chain? You might need to screw the bulb up a bit but it sounds like the chain is the problem.


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Lilacs Love Eggshells?
You can make short work of eggshells by putting dry ones in a plastic, but I prefe paper bag and hit them with a mallet or roll with a rolling pin. Then BURY them around the base of the plant, but not deeply. You do not want to disturb the roots. Your plants...


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Fudge the Fast Way!
aardvark asked my question but left out size of can. What size, how many ounces or what have you??? Thank you. Sounds easy.


CoCo Loves Her Bone
Thank you. CoCo got an extra snuggle and yes, both of the girls pose for pictures. They love the camera but I think its because the camera makes noises. CoCo weighs 40 pounds while her sister Moxie weighs 50 pounds. I thank you for your comments.


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Planning a Grocery List?
I always make sure I have fresh vegetables as well as a few frozen choices so I can serve 2 at each supper. I also make sure there is fresh fruit available each day. Applesauce is nice and not very expensive. I buy a whole chicken and cook it up and get many...


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Cleaning Rust Off Dog Crate?
My son just discovered how useful vinegar can be on rust. He had a bowl of vinegar and water he was using to wash down his shower. He decided to put a few rusty sockets in when he was done and they came out clean after soaking for 15 minutes. They just needed...



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My Dryer is Stealing Fresh Scent from Clothes!
I use vinegar frequently in the last (rinse) cycle of the washing machine and then put the clothes in the dryer and I never smell the vinegar again. Perhaps the product you use is made only to soften but not to smell after clothes are dry.


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Spring Cleaning Tip - Make Dinner First
Stacey, this has got to be the best tip I have seen all year at any site. Thank you for the reminder.


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