
Ye Olde School

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6 Posts | 33 Comments | Active Since 2015
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Darken Your Bedroom and Keep Out Drafts
Yes, I agree that air purifiers are great! Especially in the bedroom where we spend 1/3 of our lives! Sweet Dreams!


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Darken Your Bedroom and Keep Out Drafts
Wow, Darlene, thanks! Ill swing by our nearest two $1 stores but they always look like a bomb went off in there!


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Darken Your Bedroom and Keep Out Drafts
Thank you for your comments - Ive tried sleep masks but they slip off during the night or perhaps I take them off in my sleep (same with socks!). I tried blackout drapes but light still creeped in around the edges (problems with placement of the rods and grommet...


A decorative tassel.

Identifying a Tassel?
I attach tassels to skeleton keys that I leave in the keyholes of my lockable china cabinets so if they fall to the floor we can find them and not sweep the keys away by mistake.


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Restoring a Cool Gel Pad?
Update: Many thanks, one and all, for your comments. For clarification, I purchased these cooling pads via the internet, not at a dollar store. They are not at all like the squishy first aid gel kind that can be frozen and applied to black eyes, sprained wrists...


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Restoring a Cool Gel Pad?
The tuck website you shared is for pillows - Im asking about inserts that fit between a pillow and pillowcase. Recently I did purchase some gel pillows which I tried out first at the store - they stay cool to the touch but it is diffricult to find the right...


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Restoring a Cool Gel Pad?
Ive discarded the gel pads and yes I did store them horizontally and never put them into the freezer until I found that they had flattened out over time. I was hoping I could get some more use from them, considering their cost. They were not pierced or damaged...


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Uses for Costco Black Plastic Food Trays?
Thanks to everyone for responding - when I was a girl, we could return glass bottles to beverage companies for sterilizing, refilling and reselling - as an incentive in those days, some bottlers paid for each bottle returned. I wish we could return trays, glass...


A bottle of

Removing Permanent Marker
This product works perfectly and effortlessly! I tried it with q-tips on several spice jar caps that I had permanently marked and needed to change - very impressive! Thanks!


3D Ice Cream Card - finished card

3D Ice Cream Greeting Card
LOVE THIS!!! Thank you!!!


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Finch Has One Eye Closed?
Bird bathing and showering might be the answer! When I was a girl I kept a caged bird. I have found (sadly) that my acquaintances never knew (until I demonstrated) they should wash their bird cages and birds on a regular basis. Provide little birds a bath about...


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Identifying a Recurring Beep in House?
Some years ago, for several days I was repeatedly alerted to the sound of an unfamiliar beeper going off somewhere in our house and mysteriously stopping as I tried to find it. Day by day, I was able to narrow down the whereabouts of the device until I discovered...



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Ice Cubes Melting Together in Bin?
Could it be that your freezer temperature is set a bit too high? You could put a thermometer in the ice bin to determine the temperature and adjust the freezer thermostat accordingly.


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Removing Rotten Potato Smell from a Kitchen Cabinet?
Delicately scented bay leaves (not those sold in small expensive bottles at grocery stores but the ones found in big plastic bottles for low cost at discount stores or sold in plastic bags at farmers markets) - strew the dried leaves about the shelf or shelves...


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Uses for Pickle Juice?
Whenever I make fresh potato salad, I always add a spoon full of sweet pickle juice to it. I also add a small spoon full of sweet pickle juice to my homemade vegetable soups.


End of Peanut Butter Jar Peanut Sauce

End of Peanut Butter Jar Peanut Sauce
Nice! Reminds me of what Jacques Pepin did with an almost-empty mustard bottle. He added oil and vinegar, shook it, and poured it on salad.


Single Senior on a Limited Budget

Single Senior on a Limited Budget
Senior On a Budget JarmySC raises some important issues. Because of the pandemic, self-serve salad bars have been eliminated but to-go salads are available packed in see-through individual containers. At our house these days, we seldom drink milk but we do...


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Buying a New Washer and Dryer?
Betty, I feel your pain (and your daughters!) - if/when my washer and dryer totally give out, Ill probably replace them with a cheapo set and I may not buy an extended warranty because Ive heard of washer/dryer companies going out of business and leaving customers...


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Buying a New Washer and Dryer?
I agree, Lewissan, purchasing a matching pair could result in getting a good machine and a bad one -- better to select machines one by one based on how well they each work rather than going for matched exteriors. I believe you are correct about dryers lasting...


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Buying a New Washer and Dryer?
Thank you for your input, DCA. After I read your link, I searched and found a few more current articles - the bottom line goes: (i) dont expect appliances to last as long as they used to because manufacturers all over the world are all chasing for cheaper materials...


K-Cup Drain Stopper

K-Cup Drain Stopper
The Keurig cup bath tub plug idea is GENIUS! I own a vintage home with an old-fashioned bath tub - the original plug wore out years ago and Ive tried purchasing new plugs at hardware stores but they always leak - not so with a coffee pod cup! I filled an empty...


A bag with diatomaceous earth spilling out.

Diatomaceous Earth to Get Rid of Parasites
Keeping a little open container of plain old baking soda on a counter may also work - certain insects like to eat it but it dries them up.


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Preventing Kidney Stones?
Two ideas Ive heard over the years that may help - (1) avoid drinking sodas and (2) try a roller coaster ride (which supposedly dislodges the stones). Be well soon!


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Add Carnation Instant Breakfast to Coffee
You sound like me! I too am diabetic and never waken ready for breakfast. I drink my coffee with condensed evaporated UNsweetened milk (which to me is better in coffee than cream or regular milk) but with that I have an ice cold glass of SlimFast in the coffee...



PVC pipe encasing birdfeeder post.

Keeping Squirrels (and Raccoons) Out of Your...
Years ago, I delighted in feeding wild birds (only small oily black sunflower seeds, not the millet mixtures they refused to eat). In our heavily wooded urban environment, I mostly attracted chicadees, titmice, finches and flickers. Keeping squirrels out of...


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Unsticking Bowls and Glasses
BOYOHBOYOHBOY!!!! A GIGANTIC THANK YOU to whomever came up with the oil idea-- Late Tuesday night (Sr Discount Night too, without thinking) -I had just returned from Goodwill with a large stack of JUMBO cereal/soup bowls that look brand new. However, the store...


Trees next to sidewalk

Taking Care Of "Street" Trees
8/2/22 - This article about the care of trees is quite timely - for many years, weve been home owners in a quaint, woodsy old Atlanta neighborhood. At 3:30 AM two nights ago after an extremely violent thunder storm, our next door neighbors gigantic magnolia...


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What to do About Armpit Odor?
Some thoughts about B.O. (i) My college biology professor taught that sweat is diluted urine and we all know how urine smells! (ii) My sweat gets more odorous whenever I exert myself to the max (tennis, hiking, etc.) so perhaps your level of activity may be...


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Looking For Information About Salt Crystal Lamps?
I enjoyed the beauty of my salt lamp until one evening when I left it on too long and noticed damage being done to the drywall and paint in my living room; I discarded the lamp and would not have another one. Before I bought mine, I was warned that if the lamp...


Instructor in front of classroom.

The Community College Saver
I grew up in the worst most dysfunctional impoverished immigrant household imaginable, with an abusive father who begged me to quit high school like he did! Did I listen to him? Of course not! Without warning, he commited suicide one week after I graduated...


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Neti Pot Advice?
Years ago, on the advice of our ENT specialist, my husband and I have been using neti pots for decades. At first we mixed distilled water with kosher salt; then we switched to premeasured packets (sold at Costco in big quantities). These packets come with neti...


Dealing With Loud Barking - barking dog

Dealing With Loud Barking
For years, our unneighborly neighbors have had a fence (the only fence on the entire street) plus a slew of outdoor dogs who bark a lot - some even nip at us and anyone else who walks in the street or checks their mail boxes, and their owners (in all seriousness...


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