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1 Post | 4 Comments | Active Since 2020
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1970s Weight Watchers Marshmallow Recipe?
Thanks for the link. It's not the one, but I'll give it a try. The one I am looking for was before points and I know it contained Gelatine and Artificial Sweetener and not a lot else.


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1970s Weight Watchers Marshmallow Recipe?
Thanks, I really appreciate your suggestions. Looks like I may need to resort to doing this.


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1970s Weight Watchers Marshmallow Recipe?
Thanks gggd, these links are a great help, exactly what I was looking for (except the last one, which has eggs in it)


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Weight Watcher's Pineapple Sherbet?
Here is a Pineapple Sherbet Recipe I have ' Makes 2 serves 3 teaspoons gelatine - unflavoured 1 cup pineapple pieces - no sugar added 12 teaspoons juice from the pineapple 2 tablespoons lemon juice Pinch of powdered ginger 2 tablespoons boiling water Soak the...


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