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683 Comments | Active Since 2019
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An old farm machine.

Information On Farm Equipment?
There is NO picture, reload your image.


Two wooden dining chairs.

Information About Chairs?
Other than the stain color being much lighter than my Moms chairs, they look identical to hers. Her table and chairs set is Duncan Phyfe, from the mid 1960s, purchased in Syracuse, NY


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Typewriter Won't Turn On?
First, be SURE the outlet you are plugging into is working. Check it by plugging in something else, like a lamp, to make sure the outlet is good. If it is a ground fault outlet, make sure it hasnt been tripped. If it has been, reset the switch. If the outlet...


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Removing Mice From Our Home?
Stop feeding your two lazy cats so well, and maybe they will get the urge to hunt those pests !!!!!!! Just kidding(NOT). Once mice find a way in AND food available, snap traps are really the only safe and sure solution. Well, poisons work too, but thats not...


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Warming an Area With Heated Stones?
It is VERY DANGEROUS to heat up rocks, bricks and stones, due to the fact that if they are even a little damp, they could explode while heating them up !!!!! Why would you want to use heated rocks, bricks or stones to warm a room?. Is there no other heat source...


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Removing Mice From Our Home?
I tried that years ago and it didnt work at all. Snap traps baited with peanut butter works the best., The real trick is to use just a tiny bit stuffed into the food holding part of the trap, so they really have to work at getting it out. Less is better than...


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Removing Mice From Our Home?
As you have dogs and cats, I would HIGHLY recommend you NOT use poisons. Pets can be very curious, and I would hate for one of yours to snatch up one of the poison-killed mice and eat it.....think dead pet. Oh, and mice chew through aluminum foil and tape.!!!!! Snap...


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Removing Mice From Our Home?
Just so you know, mice actually can chew through aluminum foil and tape, Ive had them do it. I still think the best way is snap traps baited with peanut butter.


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Removing Mice From Our Home?
Cybergrannie, I DID make suggestions on plugging mouse entry points. My parents had a 1952 Lincoln Continental parked in a second garage stall for a couple of years, while Dad decided what and how he was re-doing the interior. My Mom put mesh bags with moth...


My TO-GO Notes

My TO-GO Notes
Rather than use new paper, use the blank sides of any junk mail, the inside of junk mail envelopes (just cut them open), or any other paper with a blank side, such as parts of bills you receive. If you pay attention, you will find all kinds of sources of blank...


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Making A Wedding Centerpiece From Ceramic Tiles?
You could clean them off with rubbing alcohol and put out sharpie markers of different (or just 1) color for guests to sign as keepsakes. Take photos from the wedding, and glue onto tiles, then clear coat to protect. The couple could use them later to cover...


An old sewing machine.

Information About This Sewing Machine?
Ive searched for this sewing machine to no avail. What does the front name plate say below the word Contessa? Also, have you checked over the entire machine...even underneath, or its case, for any more names or numbers. Ive been searching for over an hour, and...



A rusty piece of farm equipment.

What is This Farm Equipment?
It looks like a walk-behind hand cultivator. It is used with it turned over the other way, so the hook-like things dig into the soil as the cultivator is is either push by a person through the soil, or drawn by a horse or mule harnessed to it. It works well...


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Bank Account With Leftover Class Reunion Money?
Since we are heading into Christmas, why not keep the gift giving spirit alive, and pass the money on to another class of alumni. Happy holiday season to all !!!!!!


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Repairing Cord with Outdoor Christmas Ornament?
It probably has a sealed plug at the end of the cord, right? Get a new plug that can be taken apart to fit the wire ends into inside connectors, OR get one of the PUSH IN replacement plugs. Either one will work, but you will have to strip off a bit of the plastic...


An old fashioned sewing machine.

Where Was My Sewing Machine Made?
I couldnt find a history or value for this exact serial numbered machine, but here is a link to a manual for this machine.


A grandfather clock.

Value of Emperor Clock?
Your clock appears to be in great condition. Without the model number, I cant be exact. Tall Grandfather clocks from Emperor Co. like this, go for $400.00 to around $1000.00, depending on type of movement (key wound, chain driven, electric), age, and condition...


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Top Threading A Singer Fashion Mate?
Go to this site to look at and download the manual for your Singer Fashion Mate 258 sewing machine. Go to: Near top of screen, it says support in big letters. There is a box under that.....put in your model number 258, then click red bar...


A molded plastic tub.

Cleaning a Plastic Tub?
Yes, a paste of baking soda and peroxide work well, and so does a paste of baking soda and white vinegar. But the real trick is.... rinse well, squeegee, and then wipe dry, your tub/shower and enclosure when youre done !!!!! Any water left on the tub/shower...


A colorful train with a character riding it.

Identifying An Old Toy?
I found this on Ebay. It is VERY close to the one you have..... Good luck and I hope this helps.


A wooden bed frame.

Information About Bed?
To help you, we need more info. Are there any markings, stamps, tags, numbers...any info stamped on the bed frame? Do you have any idea as to how old it is, or when and where it was purchased? We need more to go on.


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Can You Buy Just A Fitted Sheet?
Of course you can buy just the bottom fitted sheet. Target, Walmart, Pennies, TJ Maxx, and most other stores too....they all should have fitted sheets packaged individually. Just make sure you are buying fitted sheets that will have deep enough corner pockets...


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Packaged Tuna?
As long as the tuna pouches are sealed and say NO REFRIGERATION NEEDED, of course they are okay.


Two dogs outside.

Name for a New Pet Non Profit
I like Cybergrannies name suggestion. It is personal to your dogs, so not likely someone else will have that name. And thank you for helping to feed pets that might otherwise not have any/enough food to eat.



Bare vines growing from a grapevine.

Can I Cut These From My Grapevine?
I believe they are called AIR ROOTS. They really arent needed for the plant to grow and produce grapes. They are more for anchoring to whatever they are trying to climb and grow on. They can be quite ugly, so just cut them off.


Eggs on the back of a leaf

What Type of Eggs Are These?
When I enlarge your photo, its so blurry all I see is dark gray smudge. Could you post a better photo -close up and focused? It would help tremendously in identifying the eggs. Thanks !!!


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Age of Domestic Sewing Machine?
First off everyone, they are looking for the AGE of the treadle machine, NOT the value. The Domestic Sewing Machine Company of Norwalk, Ohio, made a small number of machines till 1869. It then relocated to NY City. In 1871, they made 10,000 machines, and quadrupled...


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Age of Domestic Sewing Machine?
The second listing for the machine NOT in a cabinet is an ELECTRIC not a TREADLE machine. Not a help, sorry.


A dead insect in a glass dish.

What Type Of Fly Is This?
Mike, your photos dont enlarge clearly, so if you could post better ones, it would help. Also, try taking the flies to an ACE or TRUE VALUE hardware store, or even a garden center to see if they know what they are and what to do/use to get rid of the problem...


A dead insect in a glass dish.

What Type Of Fly Is This?
Im not sure if the top photo is a Stone Fly, but I do think the lower photo of the long bug is a Stone Fly. Stone Flys nymphs are an aquatic insect in its larval stage. As they hatch out into winged adults, they swarm and only live a few days. They do not bite...


A raised spot on a dog's skin.

Growth on Dog's Skin?
As a Vet Tech, I urge you to get your dog to your vet ASAP. It could be nothing but a fatty cyst, but it could also be something far worse.... only your vet should make a diagnosis and come up with a treatment plan. Your dog is part of your family and deserves...


A collection of Encyclopedia Britannica.

Value of Encyclopaedia Britannica Books?
The 1768 date is when Britannica company was first started, NOT an issue date for a set of encyclopedias. For your edition, look at the inside front pages for a publishing or edition date. Encyclopedias less that 100 years old, are NOT considered antique, and...


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Duck Sitting On Nest?
I am guessing from your user name, you are in NJ. Try getting ahold of one of the following: NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection 856-785-0730 NJ Division of Fish & Wildlife 609-292-2965 US Resource Conservation 908-735-0733 Natural Resources Conservation 609...


Wound on dog's side.

Treating a Wound on a Dog?
As a Vet Tech, any fast-growing growth or change in your pets skin like this, is reason for concern. It NEEDS to be checked out by your vet. Most likely, Needle Aspiration will be done to see what kind of cells are inside the growth. By taking some cells from...


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Preventing Hairballs?
First off, thoroughly brush your dog every day to rid it of loose and excess hair. Second, your Vet should have a hairball medicine similar to what cat owners use for their cats. Third, you can always grow a pot of greens for your dog, if you dont have access...


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Dog Won't Eat After Losing Puppies?
She could very well have an infection from the C-section. Hope the vet caught it in time !!!!



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Was Our Dog Intentionally Killed?
Im very sorry for the loss of the dog. There are several natural things that could have caused the dogs sudden death. The only hope of finding out is an autopsy, but even they can prove to be inconclusive. They are also quite expensive. Be prepared if you choose...


A collection of encyclopedias.

Value of Britannica Encyclopedias?
Highly unlikely this set is from 1768. 1768 is when Encyclopedia Britannica was first printed. Look at the first few pages to find the actual publishing date of your set -probably mid 1900s. As a complete set in great condition, you would be lucky to get $1...


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Mower Will Not Start?
Any engine that sits unused for long time periods can develop problems. Try draining all the old fuel and lines, change the spark plug, clean or change the air filter, charge or replace the battery, change the engine oil and filter, grease all fittings for...


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Repairing A Sewing Machine Presser Foot Lever?
The simple fix is to tighten the screw that holds the foot to the lifting lever. Very easy.


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Ink On Shoe?
An old toothbrush dipped in some rubbing alcohol and brushing hard, should take out the ink. May have to repeat. Good luck.


Figurines of young girls.

Identifying Figurines?
My grandmother had her own kiln and ceramic molds. She made lots of different items, including angel figurines similar to these. So, Im thinking from the initials on the bottom, that these were made by someone doing ceramics. I searched and found nothing by...


An old piece of farm equipment.

Information About Farm Equipment?
I dont know maker or age, but it appears to have been motorized at some point. The plate on the top front, and the pulley arrangement by the right wheel along with the handle connection to the pulley part, make me think that at some point, a motor was mounted...


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What Should I Do For My Party?
First, congrats on your upcoming 13th birthday!!! Start by asking your folks for any ideas they might have. You could also ask your prospective guests what kind of things they would like to do. You then need to make a plan of how everything will come together...


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Sealing a Gap at Base of Wooden Door?
If only a small area of rot damage, try using a good wood filler that you apply and smooth out with a putty knife. After it has hardened, youll need to do some sanding to smooth the surface. Then apply primer, and when dry, apply at least two coats of paint...


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How to Remove Stains from Marble?
There are special cleaners for marble, and I would recommend one. But if you want, you can mix up a bit of baking soda and water to a thick paste consistency, coat the stained areas and leave for several hours, then rinse with clean water and dry with a cloth...


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An Antique Farm Device Run By a Goat?
There were lots of pieces of equipment made to be powered by goats and other farm animals. A few that come to mined are: butter churns, washing machines, threshing machines, grain grinders, and rope -making winders. The animal would be led onto a raised track...


An old camper covered with a tarp.

Renovating a Camper?
If there is an RV place near you, either sales or just parts, I would start by asking there if they know of anyone around you that does this type of work. You should also do a google search for camper repairs in your area. From your photos, its hard to tell...


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Sunbeam Breadmaker Is Not Kneading?
I know its not the answer to your question, but I prefer to make my bread by hand or use my KitchenAid stand mixer with the dough hooks. There is just something about kneading dough by hand that I find very relaxing and Zen-like. As far as your bread machine...


Value of Collectible Coin?

Value of Collectible Coin?
I dont see the 1960 date over In God or the 1985 date over We Trust, so I dont think this is the original gold plated Double-date 1960-1985 commemorative coin that came in the blue holder. I think it is a plain 1985 issued gold plated coin. The real ones have...


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Value of 1928 Collier Encyclopedia Set?
Unfortunately, unless a set of encyclopedias is at least 100 years old, at which point they are classified as antiques, they arent worth much. Ebay has sets with asking prices of $150 to $200, but that is ASKING price. If you search for SOLD sets, if they even...


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Locked Sewing Machine?
The problem could be as simple as your machine needs a complete cleaning and oiling. Take out the bobbin and inspect the holder for thread and lint build -up. Clean out all dust and lint using an artist paintbrush or even a pipe cleaner. Remove the throat plate...


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Adding Scent to Vacuum Cleaner?
I have a Kenmore Canister vacuum that has a foam filter at the air exhaust area at the back end of the bag. I take it out regularly and wash it with warm soapy water, rinse it well and let dry completely. When I put it back in, I also put a new dryer sheet...


A collection of encyclopedias.

Value of Old Books?
Unless an encyclopedia set is at least 100 years old, they dont go for very much....maybe $1.00 per book in the set. Many libraries wont even take them for their book sales, as most everyone uses the internet to look up information. Check with local thrift...


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Using an Oven Bag in Crockpot?
The short answer is yes. For further info on how to use them correctly in your crockpot, search Google or read more here: Hope this helps, and have fun cooking.


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Who Makes Wegmans Coffee?
When I checked Wegmans site, this Q&A came up: Who manufactures Wegmans coffee? Wegmans offers an 11.3 ounce canister for $3.99 ($0.35/oz), a tad cheaper than some other retailers. The Folgers brand, around since 1850, was acquired by Proctor & Gamble in 1963...


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Who Makes Wegmans Coffee?
I just got off the phone with Wegmans corporate office (1-800-934-6267) and was told Wegmans Columbian Roast coffee -ground version- is made by : Mother Parkers Tea & Coffee, Ontario, Canada. Check their site for more info: I...


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Who Makes Wegmans Coffee?
Youre welcome Jess !!!! I dont even drink coffee, but I love solving mysteries.


A Universal World Reference Encyclopedia.

Value of World Reference Encyclopedias?
Unless a set is over 100 years old, they are not worth more than $1.00 per book, even in perfect condition. You could try to sell them on Ebay or Craigs list, but dont be surprised if they dont sell. The library I work at wont even accept them for our annual...


An old steamer chest.

How Old Is My Chest?
Atkinson & Long Mfg. Everlasting Lock Company was one of the premier lock making companies. Prior to 1836, trunk locks were made by hand. In 1836, A & L Everlasting trunk locks started being manufactured by machines, and went right up through the late 1920s...


A water heater with a shorted out power supply.

Water Shorted Out Power In House?
If everything is dry around your electric panel, including the floor, open the door on the box and check to see if fuses have blown, or breakers have flipped off. If you know how to do it yourself, replace blown fuses, or flip breaker to fully off position...


threads looping due to a malfunctioning sewing machine.

Sewing Machine Is Looping Threads on Underside?
If this is the underside of the fabric, all those loops mean your upper thread is too loose, due to the machine not threaded right or the top tension is way too loose. Try re-threading the machine as your manual instructs. If that doesnt change the problem...


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
I use Frontline Plus on my cats. Its a once a month treatment that you squeeze out the contents on the back of their neck. It works GREAT against fleas AND ticks. My cats have been flea-free for more than 8 years. If you decide to use Frontline Plus, make sure...


A old painting of a Native American man.

Value of Chief Red Cloud Painting?
Your photo is not lit up bright enough near the signature to be able to try making it out. It does look like other paintings and photos of Chief Red Cloud that Ive seen. My best advice is to get a professional art dealers opinion.


An old swing with ripped canvas.

Swing Canvas Replacement?
If youre handy, you could get some heavy duty fabric and sew on a new cover for just the seat or the back too. You could also drill some holes through the tube frame: front, back, and both ends, and use colored webbing that attaches with screws, and weave a...


A stuffed Winnie the Pooh.

What Year Is This Winnie the Pooh?
Send some nice clear photos of the whole Pooh AND the label on the foot, to Disney. Ask them for the history of that model Pooh Bear. Go to: shopDisney ' toys ' shop-by-category


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Manx Cat Feces?
There can be many reasons for non-solid feces in cats, including: cheap food, parasites, abnormal digestive tract diseases, etc. The best thing to do is have the cats seen by a vet. They will likely want a fecal sample to look for parasites first thing. Then...


A worn knitted baby blanket.

Repairing a Baby Blanket?
If you know anyone who is a good knitter, they may be able to re-knit the holey areas enough to salvage your blanket. It wont look perfect, but it might be okay. As far as the edge, some satin blanket hem tape in a color to match as good as possible, could...


A decorative carved wooden table.

Value of Vintage Wood Table?
Whatever its origins, it is quite beautiful. BUT, I would not want to be the one that has to dust all those little nooks and crannies.!!!!!!!


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Alternatives for Lidless Pans?
Depending on the size of the pan, use pie or cake tins for a more permanent lid. For just a quick fix, cut and form a lid from aluminum foil -with or without a piece of cardboard (think empty cereal box) wrapped in it. Even a glass, china, or stoneware plate...


An older sewing machine.

Value of Janome Sewing Machine?
Whats the model number of your machine, not the serial number????


A small bug on a white wall.

Identifying a Bug?
When I enlarged the photo, it is certainly NOT a flea, but it could be a Flea Beetle or a type of Springtail. Both are very tiny and jump. Neither one bite humans or pets. Flea Beetles are a garden/houseplant pest, that like to chew holes in the plant leaves...


A collection of black threads.

Identifying Small Biting Bugs?
Take any good photos you have and any of the bugs youve collected to a dermatologist. If they cant identify the insect, try an entomologist at a could send the photos in an email, if no college close by you. Your problem could be so many kinds...


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Grasshopper in Winter?
Yes, you could keep it in a terrarium, as long as you can provide whatever it eats. If it was me, I think I would search outdoors for a protected spot under a pile of leaves or bark or even compost, and make a small hole to put the insect in and then loosely...


A collection of black threads.

Identifying Small Biting Bugs?
These new photos look like head or body lice. And the old photo of the web-like structure could be the lice cocoons. If you need to, find a different dermatologist, until this problem is should not have to live with this problem !!!!!! It will...


Restoring an Old Blanket?
Im very sorry you lost your brother. Usually, a blanket that gets so thin you can see light through it, is pretty much impossible to fix. If you can find tulle (a very fine nylon mesh fabric -think ballerinas tutu) wide enough or pieced, you could sew a flat...


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Potty Trained Dog Keeps Peeing In House?
Your dog is reacting to two new circumstances in her life.....a move to a new home, and the introduction of two new puppies. This reaction is quite normal. Human toddlers previously potty trained, sometimes do the same thing when a new baby comes into the family...


A small brown bug on a fingertip.

Tiny Brown Bug?
It looks like a type of Larder Beetle, also called flour or grain beetles, as they tend to get into grain products in the kitchen cabinets. Do a thorough check of any boxes or bags of grain products such as: cereal, flour, rice, dry beans, pasta, cake mix, Bisquick...


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How Can You Know If a Raw Egg Is Safe to Use?
Use the water method to test eggs: fill a bowl with cool water and add any suspect eggs. If they float, its a sign theyre no good. If they sink to the bottom and on their side = good and fresh. If they sink but stand on end = still good but getting older. Have...


A child holding a stuffed toy.

Looking for Hippopotamus Fluffy Toy?
You can check these out to see if they are close to your lost hippo: Good Luck and I hope you find one !!!


Santa putting a present into a stocking.

Brainstorm: What makes the best stocking stuffers?
Depends on who the stocking is for. For my budding artist Granddaughter, she loves a new box of crayons, colored markers, glue sticks. glitter, stick-on rhinestones and letters, construction paper, etc....almost any art supplies make her day. For my Grandson...


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Changing Stitching Pattern?
How to go from zigzag to straight stitch depends on your machine. If its computerized, it should be a matter of selecting from the stitch display. If not computerized, it will be a matter of a dial or lever, or maybe just adjusting stitch width and/or length...


An old electric Singer sewing machine.

Age of Singer Sewing Machine?
It looks like your machine is from May 1925. Check out this chart:


An old trunk with a domed lid.

Information About Old Trunk?
This is a Dome Top Steamer Trunk. For many who travelled, a dome top trunk was preferred over a flat top trunk. The flat tops could be and were stacked upon each other, sometimes crushing or doing other damage to the trunks below. The dome top trunks could...


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Getting Raw Meat Smell Out of Leather Seats?
I had a suede jacket that got put away while still slightly damp, and developed a musty smell. I got the smell out by making a paste of baking soda and white distilled vinegar, and used an old toothbrush to scrub it into the suede. I let it sit for 24 hours...


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Stuck Drawer?
Try removing the drawers above and below the stuck drawer. Then place a mechanics lead light inside above or below the stuck drawer, and leave it on for several hours or even overnight, The heat from the light should dry out the wood enough to un-stick the...


An old agricultural tool.

Identifying an Agricultural Tool?
It looks like an OLD version of a Drain Spade. Check out this: A very neat antique tool !!!!!


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Sofa Sleeper TV Headrest Repair?
Contact LaCrosse Furniture for the best advice on how to repair it, ESPECIALLY if its still under warranty. Lacrosse Furniture


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Keeping Bed Covers Straight?
My husband was a toss & turn sleeper, always rolling away from me and taking the covers with him. I solved the problem two ways. First, I swapped out double bed size top sheet, blanket and bedspread for a queen size in all of them. Then I bought a package of...


A purple stain on a pair of pink jeans.

Get Blue Jean Dye Out of Pink Jeans?
I ALWAYS use a color catcher cloth in EVERY load of wash...just in case. I think your dryer has most likely made the oops a permanent thing. Sorry. Maybe you could dye them purple or blue, and buy another pink pair...and use a color catcher every load !!!!!


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Keeping Bed Covers Straight?
Grommets WILL work, but I would use smaller ones than what you would use on a tarp. Something like smaller eyelets. These can be purchased through JoAnn Fabrics. You could also try sew-in velcro on each layer. Also, if you have a sewing machine that does button...


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Keeping Bed Covers Straight?
likekinds, You could also try the simplest solution....big diaper pins or even those longer pins that hold a pleated skirt close--- think Scottish kilt. Just pin all the layers together.


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How Do You Clean Hazy Antique Bottles?
Ive always had great results with using denture cleaning tablets. Just follow instructions on product box.


A collection of traditional Thanksgiving side dishes.

Brainstorm: Thanksgiving Side Dishes
Some of my favorites are: my Grandmothers Cranberry-Orange Relish, my Great Aunts Sauted Brussels Sprouts with bacon + onion + fresh mushrooms, and my Moms Sage and Sausage Stuffing.


A small Christmas gift in a hand.

Brainstorm: What have been your most memorable Christmas gifts?
I was 15. I had my Appaloosa horse for almost a year, and was using an old, beat up saddle and bridle on him. Christmas morning, as everyone came into the livingroom, there on the piano bench, was the most beautiful, brand new western saddle, blanket pad, and...


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Manual for Breadmaker?
You can get a free user manual for the Oster Bread Machine model 5815 here : and here : and here :


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Looking for a Bread Maker Motor?
Try eBay , as they have PAGES of bread machine replacement parts. Here is the link : Good lick.


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Looking For My Half Sisters?
Try Zaba Search or AnyWho. Enter your sisters first and last names, city (if Known), and state. You might find them, and its free.


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Business Slogan?
I/We leave it spotless So clean itll shine A clean that leaves no dirt left behind Not a dirt speck left


A brown and white dog on a red blanket.

Should I Neuter My Pitbull?
A vet visit is in order ASAP !!! Neutering will usually tame the aggressive tendencies in males, but him biting you may be caused by something else. He needs to have a thorough health check.


My Bratz and Barbies Keep Getting Darker?

My Bratz and Barbies Keep Getting Darker?
Try contacting the doll manufacturers, tell them what youve said here, and see if they have any answers as to why they are changing color, and if there is a way to safely get them back to normal.


An example of the sewing machine's malfunction.

Sewing Machine Sews Incorrectly, Then Stops?
Many sewing problems can be fixed by: re-threading the machine, checking to see if the needle is inserted correctly and not damaged, checking the bobbin to see if wound and inserted correctly, machine and bobbin tension is adjusted correctly, inside of machine...


An old wooden trunk.

Need Help Identifying This Trunk?
If you want some help here, you need to post clearer photos. Take pics of the inside, especially any labels or other markings. Post a close-up of the lock, some nice clear photos of all the outsides (front, back, ends). You also need to give dimensions of the...


A small bug on a white surface.

What Type of Bug Is This?
This is NOT a bedbug, so relax. It appears to be a Sawtoothed Grain Beetle. They do not fly or bite, but they can create a problem in a kitchen or other areas of a house where a source of food is available. The sawtoothed grain beetle is not attracted to light...


An old piece of farming equipment.

What Is This Piece of Farming Equipment?
What you have there is called a Spike Tooth Drag Harrow. The first ones were made to be pulled by horse, mule, or oxen. The later ones were pulled by tractors. That 1/4 circle with all the notches, and the handle, were to adjust the depth that the spike teeth...


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Threading Elastic Through Casing?
I always used a diaper pin or safety pin....depending on size of casing. You pin through one end of elastic, close the pin, then work the pin through the casing, dragging the elastic behind until you reach the other end of the casing. Take out the pin and sew...


A Kenmore sewing machine.

Repair Reverse on Kenmore Sewing Machine?
If you can, flip the machine backwards in the cabinet so you can see up inside the sewing machine. On the inside, locate the reverse mechanism, and give it a couple drops of sewing machine oil. Let it sit for 1/2 hour or so. Then tip machine back flat into...


A bug on a piece of paper.

What Is This Bug?
This looks like a Larder Beetle. They are not dangerous to humans or pets. They eat grain products, leather, feathers, dead skin, etc. They usually get into your house from dry pet food. In the hotel room, they did not infest your clothes like bed bugs might...


A small bug on a towel.

What Is This Bug?
This appears to be a weevil. They can be devastating in the pantry/kitchen, as they can infest all grain products, making them unfit for consumption. Check all cabinets VERY thoroughly, for any signs of these insects, and toss if you find any in food products...


A dog looking up at the camera.

Is My Dog a Pitbull?
My brother had a dog that had the same shaped head, that was pitbull and boxer mix.


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Cats Pooping Under Deck?
Thanks for feeding stray cats and helping them survive. As far as them using your under deck area as their litter box, the only way to stop them is to close it off. Staple chicken wire to the perimeter, and use those long u-shaped wires to anchor it into the...


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Cleaning a No Bleach PVC Bathmat?
I would fill the tub just enough to cover the mat, then add about 4 cups of white distilled vinegar. Let soak for an hour, then sprinkle baking soda over the mat. It will foam and bubble for awhile. When it stops, scrub well with a scrub brush. Then rinse, and...


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Cats Pooping Under Deck?
MLynneGo7 - Just make sure no cats are under there as you close off access with the chicken wire.


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Removing Brown Stains in Toilet?
Try about 2 cups of white distilled vinegar. Pour into bowl and let sit for an hour. Then sprinkle in about 1/2 cup of baking soda. It should start to bubble and foam. Let that sit for about 10 minutes, brush the bowl, then flush. If the stains are really bad...


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Cleaning Rubber From Fabric?
Try a waterless hand cleaner like mechanics use: D&L Hand cleaner, Fast Orange, GOJO, Goop, etc. They can be found in the auto department of Walmart, or at Autozone or another automotive supply store. You can scrub in the hand cleaner, then spot clean the couch...


Some black farm equipment on white stairs.

Ideas on This Equipment's Use?
This is a screw style haymow fork. It was used to lift LOOSE hay from a wagon into the haymow in the upper deck of a barn. The info below is from this website: This screw-style...


A living room with sofa an dtwo chairs.

Modern Midcentury Tropical Living Room Advice?
If it was my room, with the dark furniture, dark frames, dark firebox, and dark mantle, I would change the curtains to a pretty aqua or teal color, but not TOO dark a shade. And maybe not solid. If you could find white with some swirls, or other splashes of...


An old steamer trunk.

Steamer Trunk
This dome top steamer trunk is real. Someone covered the inside with carpet, and most likely has hidden any label that might indicate a maker and date of production, on the inside of the lid. This trunk would have had leather strap handles on the ends. It looks...


A small bug on a wooden floor.

What Are These Bugs?
These are NOT Bedbugs. They ARE some type of Beetle, but your photos are too blurry to distinguish what variety. Also, when taking a photo of any kind of insect, you should always put a ruler or a coin, etc., near the insect for size comparison. From your photo...


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Repairing A Cub Cadet Mower?
Ive had the same problem twice with my rider. Is there a drive belt for the blades? My Craftsman riding mower has a long belt that has to engage the blades when you move the blade engage handle. One time the belt broke and I needed a new one. The other time...


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Repairing A Cub Cadet Mower?
Okay, I didnt know that they work differently, as Ive never owned a Cub Cadet. Sorry I didnt help. Good luck


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Repairing A Cub Cadet Mower?
jxknight, you can download owners manual for free here...if interested: or call 1-877-428-2349 for assistance.


A collection of recycled plastic beads.

Beads from Plastic Bottle
The plastic doesnt melt on the iron? A good way to reuse a plastic bottle. I could see cutting the bottle at an angle, and spiral cutting the whole bottle, then coil, twist, bend the strip into all kinds of shapes. Then do the iron to fix the plastic shape...


Bug Found in Bedroom

Bug Found in Bedroom
It appears to be a (very small) hard-shelled beetle. They may just be coming into your house for water, or it may have been too wet outside and it was looking for someplace dry. Same for heat... looking FOR warmth, or TOO hot outside for it. Just vacuum them...


A bug and spider found under a bed.

Bug Found In My Bedroom?
It looks like a beetle. I would guess its nothing to worry about. Unless youre the beetle and theres a spider around....LOL !!!


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17th Birthday Ideas?
If you will have snow, and enough of it, gather friends to have a snow fort or snowman-making contest. You can even color the snow quite cheaply, using water and either food coloring or drink mix (like Kool-Aid), mixed up in some squirt bottles such as ketchup...


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