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263 Posts | 650 Comments | Active Since 2003
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A photo of frozen grapes.

Freezing Grapes
I do the same with banana chunks. They taste like ice cream when eaten straight from the freezer. Dont allow them to thaw before eating them. The banana chunks as well as any frozen fruit can be put into milkshakes or smoothies in your blender. Sure makes for...


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Cheap Date Ideas?
We have some friends that go into the city for an occasional free concert in a park. Take a blanket (easier to carry around that a couple of chairs). Take along a rolling cooler filled with drinks, cut veggies, fruit & sandwiches, if you choose. Watch for those...


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Better-Than-Sex Cake
Trudy, Im guessing that you put the whipped topping in the pudding mix before putting it on top of the cake. Right? Or do you put it on top of the pudding?


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Roomba Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Review
My parents have a Roomba and they really love it.


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School Sports Uniform Payment Plans
My friends daughter went out for the basketball team, a few months ago. Upon getting accepted, they were having to scramble for some unexpected cash to pay for the basketball uniform, & just before Christmas, too! The uniform payment plan, was a lifesaver!


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Recipes Using Oranges?
One winter day, when I was a child, my Daddy made Candied Orange Peel. It was good! I still think about that stuff. If you have any other fruits, make a fruit platter for any Christmas or New Years party you might be attending soon. For those wanting to watch...


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Small Gift Ideas for Veterans?
How about going to a Christian bookstore and purchasing some bookmarks. These would be inexpensive & you might get a discount by buying in bulk. These would be truly a God sent gift & such a help in time of need, both for their books, magazines, and for their...


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Christian Name Ideas for Home Childcare?
Hows End of the Rainbow Daycare?


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You Don't Have to Spend $20 for Your Dog's Nails
The same goes for folks that live on or goes to the beach. Years ago, when a friends family invited me on a 2 week Gulf coast beach trip with them. It was the best time! We were on the beach every day, all day long. My bare feet were in the best shape theyd...


Relearning a Frugal Upbringing
This site is truly a God send, for us all. Hoping and praying Susan is feeling better and home soon from the hospital!


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Use Cereal For Crumb Crusts
My sister in law uses Kelloggs Frosted Flakes cereal crumbs on top of her cheesy potato casserole. Shes forever getting asked the recipe for it. Im not sure she tells them about her secret ingredient. To me, the frosted flakes dont make that big of a difference...


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Using the Last of the Peanut Butter?
Adding Karo syrup to peanut butter is really good on hot biscuits or on pancakes.



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Workplace Christmas Gift Ideas?
Myself, Id rather receive a plate of homemade cookies or homemade candy or flavored instant coffee or teas. My husband, from work has received a nice mini flashlight. On another occasion, a mini screwdriver set. Once when helping a pal from church do a home...


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Looking for Recipes to Help Gain Weight?
When making smoothies, can put in Cool Whip for a more creamier texture. This can be added to nutritional beverages such as Boost or Ensure, along with chunks of fresh or frozen fruits in a blender, along with a scoop of your favorite ice cream. My brother...


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Product Review: Ponds Clean Sweep Towelettes
While I like Ponds Facial Towelettes in the cucumber scent. Unless I have a high value coupon, theyre too costly now for my purse. Ive been using White Cloud Aloe Vera Wipes (purple refill package at Walmart. most cost effective for the big package.) They work...


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Switching to a New Pet Food?
Gradual changes are the best. Sudden changes could cause gastrointestional problems, which neither your dog nor you want.


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My Mother is Nagging Me About My Weight?
Hello, Im in the same boat as you and have been for many years. While its hurtful and insensitive to our feelings. Your Mom is trying to help you in the only way she knows how. Ive come to realize this, but it doesnt help with our emotions any. My Mom lives...


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Freezing Thanksgiving Leftovers?
Dont use aluminum pans to freeze your stuffing/dressing in. Itll give off as food poisoning when thawed out. My sister did this one year, upon heating it and eating it, they all had to go to the hospital for treatment.


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Hang Family Calendar in the Bathroom
I have a calendar in the bathroom, too. Ive mentioned this to others, who always say, Ive never thought of putting a calendar in there before, what a great idea!! I usually choose one with beautiful scenery for in there. We keep more notes on this one than...


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Home Remedy for Bloating and Burping?
The soft drink, 7up, usually works for my husband. When he doesnt have any of it, he uses Gaviscon successfully.


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Pumpkin Torte
It sounds like a 29 oz. can of pumpkin puree.


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Can You Get Sick from Thrift Store Items?
Ive never gotten sick from anything purchased at a yard sale or thrift store. There are a few things I dont buy used. They are under clothing: bras, panties, underwear. Shoes. Used lipstick/lip gloss, used eye products: mascara, eye liner.


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Dress Kids in the Same Color When in Crowd
So many people dress in red during the holidays, by using another color, youd be able to keep track of your family alot quicker.


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Using Dentures for Dish Detergent
Ive tried the denture tablets in toilet cleaning. I didnt like it. Ive gone back to regular cleanser for cleaning the toilet.



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Refill Snack Fruit Cups
I recently reused my plastic cups that applesauce originally came in as treat cups at my church group, I was co-hostessing. It saved us a few bucks for not having to purchase others. This was exactly what I was saving them for, hoping to have enough by party...


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Keeping a Trailer Warm?
Put up skirting around the base of your trailer, all the way around it, not leaving any spaces, cracks, etc. This made all the difference in the world on our modular home, after moving in, in October, several years ago. Our electric bill was much lower after...


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Freeze Leftover Sauce in an Ice Cube Tray
In case you dont have any ice trays, the same thing can be done on a wax paper lined plate, just place the tomato sauce in 1-2 teaspoon dollops, not touching, all over the plate. Freeze & then take the dollops off the wax paper & place in a ziploc bag identified...


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Product Review: Freschetta Amore Frozen Pizza
Sorry, I messed up on the name, its Freschetta PizzAmore frozen pizza. Its in your grocers freezer & made by the Schwans Company, out of Minnesota, U.S.A.


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How Can I Get Fabric Donations?
A local lady sews for charity. She had heard about a company that carried fabric, that was going out of business. She wrote them about her cause. They were VERY generous with her. Hope youre able to find some, too. Good Luck!!


My Frugal Life: Surviving On Social Security
Polly, go ahead and write more, put them in for contest ideas. Id love to hear more of what you have to say. Were all looking for ideas on how to stretch our money, time, energy. Thanks & May God Bless You!


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Use Boxers As Summer Pajamas
Ive worn boxers with a tank top, for stay at home, lounging wear. Boxers fabric are much cooler than most other shorts, for the hot sweltering summer months.


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Halloween Party Games For Mentally Handicapped Adults?
#1. She could have a clear jar or bowl of different colored M&Ms candies (having already counted the number of each color), have a contest to see if they can guess which color you have the most of. #2. Make a pretend bowling alley, could use decorated 2 liter...


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Websites For Grocery Coupons?
Most all brand name companies have websites, just add a www. in the front of the company name, with adding a .com on the end, with no spaces will bring up millions of websites. For posting them on here, I have to add the http:// youll see on most on here to...


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Walgreen's EasySaver Booklet
This is one of the very few rebates where they dont usually require cutting off the products upc codes to mail in with the rebate. This allows you to be able to give the items as gifts without everyone knowing you got a rebate back for purchasing the item. Excellent...


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Milk Jugs for Fishing Floats
I dont know how they are now, but many years ago when I was a child, most all fishermen used plastic milk jugs, plastic detergent bottles, plastic bleach jugs to make their trot lines (fishing floats) with. Wish I were back there to see! Thanks for the memories...


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Sending Coupons To College Student
How proud you must be!! My nephew in college uses coupons, too, but I never could get his Mom, my sister to use them. Like I always say, money saved at the grocery, etc. with coupons is money that can be used elsewhere!



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Diabetic Pumpkin Pie Recipe?
EZ Pumpkin Dessert 2 small instant butterscotch sugar-free pudding mixes 2 c. skim milk 1 (15 oz.) can of pumpkin 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice 1 (8 oz.) tub of sugarfree Cool Whip Mix pudding & milk till thick. Add pumpkin & spices. Fold in Cool Whip. Layer...


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Making a Dessert To Be Sold at a Charity Function?
Quickie Fudge 1 16 oz. tub of chocolate frosting 1 cup of peanut butter (any variety) Place 1 cup of peanut butter in a microwaveable bowl & nuke for 1 minute. Remove from microwave, set aside. Open tub of frosting, remove foil seal, place tub in microwave...


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Rash On Eyelid?
I recently had a dry patch of skin on both my eyelids. Id recently purchased a tube of gellied baby oil from Avon. I took a tiny bit of this product & applied to both eyelids at bedtime. It worked, no more dry patches! Ive also been paying more attention to...


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How Do I Freeze Apples?
I like to make a thick applesauce. I wash my apples real well, pulling off any leaves, etc. I core my apples, leaving the peeling on them. Cut in quarters. Put in a pan with a dab of butter or a dab of bacon grease. Allow to cook down, adding sugar if needed...


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Making Extra Money While Working Full Time?
Are you good at baking? Does your town have a Farmers Market on specific days? Set up and sell your homemade goodies.


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Pie Crust Using Wheat Flour?
I dont have a recipe for you, but Ive been told not to use all whole wheat flour alone, as your product will be too dry. Its better to mix the flours. Like 3 parts of the whole wheat flour to 1 part regular all purpose flour.


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Tomato Paste In A Tube?
Ive seen it at Albertsons in the produce dept. They had all types of pastes in tubes, not just tomato paste. It was quite costly. I, myself, would open 1 can of tomato paste & make 1 tablespoon dollops of it on a wax paper lined plate & freeze. When completely...


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Musty Smelling Sink Drain?
Homemade Drain Cleaner Pour 1/4 cup baking soda into your drain, add 1 cup white vinegar. Allow this to bubble for 5 minutes. Add 1 cup boiling water, & let stand for 5 minutes longer. Then flush running tap water through for a few minutes. If you have a double...


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Recipes To Use Up Eggs?
Bake items to sell at your local Farmers Market.


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Recipes To Use Up Eggs?
if your area has a local barter board, place a post on it saying youll trade your extra eggs for something someone else has extra of. Trade with them. On our list, recently 2 gals traded, one traded her extra egg cartons for the other gals fresh eggs. Good...


Photo of two bananas and a brown paper bags.

Saving Money on Packed Lunches
I bowl up our own fruit cups of canned fruits, allowing enough space for expansion & freeze them. When making my hubbys lunch every a.m., I just grab out a frozen fruit cup, along with his frozen sandwich, etc. By his lunch time, theyre thawed and ready to...


Heaven Sent
All flowers, birds, animals, etc. in our lives are all Heaven sent. May God richly bless you and yours. Terri


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Agave Nectar as a Sugar Substitute
I know on that Sweets cooking show on the Veria satellite tv station, they use agave nectar for sugar substitute all the time. Also, stevia, too.


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School Supplies For Summer Birthdays
My Grandparents used to do this with use Grandkids. My Mom would tell them what we needed (school clothes, gym shoes, etc.) & my Grandparents would buy it for us. It worked out fine. Maybe we didnt get some things we wanted, but at least my parents werent out...


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Hamburger and Ramen Recipe?
HI, Im not sure this is what youre wanting, but we really like this recipe: ASIAN BEEF & NOODLES (GOOD!!) - 1 1/4 lb. ground beef - 2 pkgs. oriental flavor ramen noodles - 1/4 tsp. ground ginger - 2 cups frozen California blend mix veggies - 2 Tbsp. green onions...


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Bringing Mayo For Your Lunch?
Remember mayo has to be kept refrigerated, or it will make you sick, unlike other sandwich spreads.


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Eat Your Potatoes, Peelings and All
I hardly ever peel a potato. I put potatoes with skins in when cooking roast, homemade soups, casseroles, etc. We always eat the potatos skins when having baked potatoes. The skins are the most nutritious part of the potato, full of vitamins.


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Product Review: Craigslist
There was an article on the local news, here (in Southern NV) in the past 2 days, involving Craigs List in a land scam deal. A huge mess!!


Beautifully Carved Melons
Are you sure theyre real melons as the watermelon looks identical to one that one of our local casinos uses on their buffet. Its not real, its ceramic, Ive felt of it before. When I inquired about it, they said alot of folks have to touch it to see if its real...


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School Fundraising Ideas?
Chocolate Buffet (all types of chocolate desserts. Charge a certain fee & raise lots of $$ in donations. PLUS (could have a chocolate fountain & fresh fruits to dip, for those who didnt want to load up on all those calories of the other desserts). Good Luck...


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Alternate Liquid for Colonoscopy
Hello Mary, I got mine at Walgreens drug store. Back by the pharmacy, along the back wall, near the bottom shelf. Hope you can find it, too! Terri


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Garage Sale Finds?
Ive not done as well as some of these folks, but I did purchase several pieces of Pyrex & Corningware baking dishes at a storage unit sale for $2.00 per each armload. We all know the prices on those items in stores! At a yard sale, years ago, Id found a bunch...


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Keeping Greeting Cards Handy
I do this too. Stores going out of business have been a good place to buy discounted greeting cards of all types. Also, my church sells greeting cards, individual cards for .25 cents ea. & sometimes bundled cards (set of 10) all sell for .50 cents. All of these...


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Freezing, Frying or Canning Cucumber?
If you have any pickle jars that youve eat the pickles up and still have the liquid, cut up a cucumber up in it, allow 2 days to absorb the pickle juice before serving. We like them this way. Sometimes well slice up several cucumbers & make refrigerator pickles...


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What Can I Grow Under A Cedar Tree?
My parents in Kentucky, have grass growing under their pine trees.


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Grove's Beauty Product Line?
Write Target & see if theyre still carrying this product line or not. If not they might send you a gift card for your troubles. Then write to the company that makes this product & see what other stores in your area sells it or possibly you can buy it from their...


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Lanced Boil Has Not Gone Away?
I used to have boils all the time during my childhood. Til my Dr. suggested my parents start buying Dial antibacterial soap. It sure did the trick for me, just by washing the area prone to boils, with that soap. A couple of years ago, we got a recipe from the...


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Quickie Salad
Hi Margie, Yes, Anyone including diabetics can enjoy this salad, as Im diabetic. I posted this recipe. All the canned fruits are drained & rinsed (except pineapple if in its own juice). Any canned fruit thats in heavy syrup, I rinse it & drain well before adding...


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CPAP Machine Smells Strange?
The company that I got my CPAP machine from said for me to use a small amount of a non-oily shampoo or liquid soap with warm water to rinse my parts with & allow to completely dry before using. Sorry to hear youre having troubles with yours.


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Alternatives to Ridx?
We, too, use baking yeast. We dont use it every month & not as much as the other person said. We just use one packet of a 3 package strip the major brands sell it by in grocery stores, every 2-3 months. Weve never had any problems. This is more cost effective...


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Making Dog Treats Using Cheerios?
My friends baby kept having diahrrea (sp?), so she took her to the Dr. When the Dr. inquired about the babys diet, my friend told him what all she feeds her daughter. The Dr. said to quit feeding her Cheerios cereal, as its known for its laxative effect.


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Clothes Come Out Of Washer Covered In Fuzz?
One of two things happened. Either you had too many pieces of clothing in the wash load or your washers lint trap needs cleaning. Youll most likely need to re-wash your load of clothes.


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Frugal Meal Recipe For New Parents
How about making a bowl or tub of either tuna salad, chicken salad or pimento cheese spread & deliver it with a box of crackers, or tortillas, or homemade bread? They could make up sandwiches as they need it & the salad spreads would keep indefinitely in the...


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Saving Money on Celery
All parts of celery, whether it be the top, middle or near the base, can be sliced thinly and used in stir-fry.


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Saving Money on Celery
In the grocery stores in my area, you can buy celery in 2 different styles. One package has the leaves & about 3 to 4 inches cut off, they call this Celery Hearts, which costs about .90 cents higher than the regular package of celery. Buy the cheaper package...


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London Broil
We fix London Broil in the crockpot. Very tender & tasty.


Pink rose, Melody Parfumme..

April Roses
Beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing!! My Papaw used to grow the prettiest roses. Thanks for the memories!


Bird on flowering branch.

Be Patient And Prepared For Photo Opportunities
Congratulations on your winning photo!! He looks like a chickadee thats in our area. Pretty flowering bush, too.


Saving Money on Soda Pop
We only buy soda pop for hubby to take in his lunches. Its cheaper for us buying it that way, other than him buying from the drink machines in the lunchroom at work. We dont buy it for us here at the house. We either drink water or tea, or an occasional powdered...


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Use Your Luggage Carrier For Heavy Items
Ive been utilizing my cooler that has wheels on it, for the same reason. Im able to carry it in the car. Load it & pull it behind me into the house. No making unnecessary trips out to the car.


ThriftyFun's Office Primroses
Gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing!


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Mysterious Bleach Stains on Clothing!
We had a laundry detergent called Wisk tablets, that contained bleach in them. Some folks complained of bleach spots on their clothing. The manufacturer quit making this product, at least hear in the U.S. Hope you figure out whats causing your bleach spots...


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Liquid Paper Pen Stopped Working?
I shake liquid paper pen quite a bit, and try using it in between each shake. This usually gets some out, enough to do what I want it to do. I prefer the new correction tape roller things. Bic makes one but Im not too thrilled with theirs. The brand I like...


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Magnetic Car Sticker Won't Come Off?
Its so important to take those car magnets off occasionally and wash the area where the magnet stuck as well as the back of the magnet. I know these things are great advertising tools for businesses, but Ive been told they also will leave a shape of the magnet...


My Frugal Life: A Love Affair With Used Goods
Glad to see a transformed shopper! I, too, was raised with all new items. On one of my visits home, several years ago, my Mom complimented me on my sweater I was wearing & asked where I got it. I said, honestly, The Salvation Army Thrift Store. My Mom almost...


Video: Rocco (Lion and Dog Mix)
Great April Fool joke. I couldnt view the video. I was wondering


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Uses for Pizza Boxes?
Im thinking of using one for my churchs next bake sale. I make fudge. I was thinking of lining the pizza box with alumininum foil, then lining it with wax paper & pouring my fudge straight from the stovetop pan into the pizza box. Chill & letting the church...


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Chewing Gum to Stay Awake While Driving
I sometimes chew gum, but something else that helps is having either the window rolled down so the air blows on you, or having the a/c on, doing the same thing.


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Game Warden Themed Birthday Party Ideas?
Ive heard of this type of party before. All the party members showed up wearing hunters orange hats, hunting vests & or hunters orange tshirts. You might could get a bakery to do some cupcakes with fancy icing made to look like fishing lures or a cake with...


American Gas Prices 1996-2008
Hubby has dropped his traveling speed to and from work down to 55 m.p.h. Ive been trying to stay at home more & utilizing as many stops on the day I am out, to cut down on unnecessary trips about town. We dont shop online and Ive cut out shopping from catalogs...


Easter Basket

Easter Basket Ideas
In Easter baskets for my nieces (one is a teen, one is a pre-teen & love the same things) I put things like nail polish, Cutex nail polish remover pads (they are pads soaked in nail polish remover, individually wrapped & each pad can do all 10 fingers.), sugar...


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Sneaking Spinach
what I sneak is garlic. I love it, and its so good for you. My husband loves a good friends cooking, & I know she uses alot of garlic, as Ive watched how she prepares some of her dishes. But when I prepare the very same dish, he wont eat it when he realizes...


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'Chocolate Covered' Themed Birthday Party?
Alicia, have a marvelous birthday! March 14th is also my birthday. Your idea of a Chocolate Covered party sounds great! Enjoy! Terri in NV


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Ideas for Sunday School Brunch?
Our church has potlucks twice a month. I usually take a fruit salad of some sorts. One occasion, I took chicken salad along with a package of rolls (they could eat as a sandwich or on their plate with a fork). Everything Ive taken so far has gotten good reviews...


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Calendar Wall Art
Also, decorative calendar pages could be used for gift wrap.


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Calendar Wall Art
Ive received mail when the other person has used old calendar pages to make homemade envelopes. They used a large size envelope as a template & glue to make their own version of envelopes. One would have to use enough glue to ensure it would not open in transit...


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Centerpieces for Luau for Seniors?
Colorful flowery leis attached by clear fishing line can be attached to the walls and ceiling with thumbtacks, etc. How about those colorful tiny umbrellas for drinks, they can be used, too, in decorations or in centerpieces or as party picks. Grass skirts...


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Church Bazaar Money Makers?
Our church accepts items (in working order) small & large appliances, tvs, all types of entertainment items, movies, cameras, books, toys, linens, clothing, furniture, glassware, lingerie, jewelry, wardrobe accessories, shoes, tools, knick knacks, decorative...


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Hosting a 'Nuts and Mints' Reception for 100 People?
They have those kinds of showers back home all the time, in the midwest. After dinner mints or pastel mints are used as well as Planters or Fishers mixed nuts. At my wedding, I chose to have the same lady who made my cake make my mints. She made cream cheese...


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Substitute Canned Tomatoes for Fresh
Weve been buying canned tomatoes for several years. When we find an excellent price on them, we dont just buy a few cans, well buy a case of them. We use canned tomatoes alot, especially in chili, homemade soups, salsa, chili mac, spaghetti salad, etc. We like...


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Free (and Sugar-Free) Giveaway For Preschoolers
Last year, our ladies church group was getting ready to make up toiletry bags for the health nurses to give out to children in need, at our local schools. One of our members notified her dentist of our venture & he sent to our group, several boxes of new toothbrushes...


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Use Baby Wipes For Cleaning Shoes
I, too, use baby wipes for makeup removal, easy touchups for quick cleaning, etc. I purchase the White Cloud Aloe unscented Wipes in the lavender colored plastic resealable refill package, 80 ct. at Walmart for $1.58. Ive used several brands of wipes, before...


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Burning Javalogs
Thanks for sharing. Ive never heard of this product before and have passed on your info. What an excellent way to recycle coffee grounds!


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Can I Soak an Embroidered Pillow Case in White Vinegar?
Sorry, I cant help with the vinegar issue, but may God bless you for your nice gesture for your sick friend.


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Why Does Food Giant No Longer Take Coupons?
Theyre not the only stores that wont accept internet coupons, alot in our area wont. What you need to do is to write the company thats issuing the online coupon, and see if they will send you via snail mail coupons for their products. Tell them the stores in...


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Recipes to Use Up Mushrooms?
If they were mine, Id slice and toss with some olive oil & garlic and saute on medium heat. Sounds yummy to me! This would make a nice snack or good with any meal.


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