
Jo Bodey

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1 Post | 234 Comments | Active Since 2004
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Coffee Stains in Corelle Cups?
I dont know what Corell cups are but for coffee and tea stains in cups I use salt. Just a sprinkle on the damp cup and rub round with a dry or slightly damp cloth. Then wash as normal. Its just the mild abrasive action, like the baking soda tip, that works...


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Black Scuff Marks on Doors and Walls?
Im sure youll get lots of hints re the marks but Id like to add a hint for the future. When redecorating use scrubbable easy clean paint - its slightly more expensive but well worth the money. I have 3 dogs and there are always areas that get dirty or scuffed...


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Cleaning Old Bathroom Tiles?
If the surface glaze is worn off and the actual clay of the tiles is discoloured I dont think theres anything you can do but re-coat the them, You can get paint specifically for tiles and should follow the instructions for application on the container. If the...


photo of a black and white puppy

Choosing a Puppy
Do your homework!! Its obvious from some of the questions on Thrifty Fun that new dog owners, while caring and loving of their pups, have no idea what is normal dog behaviour, how puppies react to being separated from their mothers/introduced to a new environment...


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Removing a Ring That Is Stuck On Your Finger?
Soap or cooking oil will help lubricate the ring and make it slip off easier. If your finger is swollen and the ring is firmly stuck the circulation to the finger can be restricted. If the above measures dont work most hospital emergency departments in Australia...


Save Money on Clothing

Save Money on Clothing
The most effective way to save money on clothing is, except for underwear and shoes, avoid retail outlets and shop in charity shops/thrift stores, also known as op-shops in Australia. (Op is short for opportunity. I dont know why but in this case think it would...


Save Money on Clothing

Save Money on Clothing
If ypu spend some time around the house and garden it is thrifty to designate clothes for this - and keep your good clothes for going out. This doesnt mean you have to dress in old or worn clothes at home but neither do your home clothes have to be colour coordinated...


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Watching Waste and Saving Money
I wholeheartedly agree with Sandy but find it very hard to keep these thoughts in the forefront of my mind. I was going to make it a New Year resolution - but we all know how long they last! So Ive decided to stick up some post it notes on the fridge and round...


Container Garden on Stairs

An Introduction to Container Gardening
Legionaires(sp?) disease microorganisms have been found in potting mix - which if inhaled can lead to a serious atypical pneumonia. Thats why a facemask is advised when using potting mix. The risk is small but better safe than sorry! Regards Jo


Bug Off on ground next to host

Organic Pest Control
Great article - you can only pour so many chemicals onto the earth before it becomes poisoned and degraded. Ellen shows how to work with nature not against it. Regards Jo


Water in a stainless steel sink.

Ellen's Tips for Conserving Water
In summer I use a reverse cycle air conditioner which removes moisture from the air and drips it outside. A bucket underneath gives me water for pot plants/the garden. I do the same with the water escaping from the pressure relief valve of my solar hot water...


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Softening Suede?
Have you had good results with this Trish? I feel it would only affect the surface of the suede. It sounds like the suede has been washed and the entire skin is stiff. I would spend a while just bending and rubbing the back of the item on itself - like you...



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Make Your Own Casserole Sauce Mix
Wow - what a good link! I had just decided that bought jars of sauce were too expensive and I could make my own with a white sauce base and seasonings. This would be much more convenient than making a sauce from scratch each time. Hope it tastes good!!


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Thrift Store Shopping Tips?
Shop at thrift stores regularly - you cant just walk in and find what you want like you can in a retail store so you need to look often. Also have a list of your needs. Its not very thrifty to buy whatever you see that you fancy if you dont really need it so...


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Minor Burn Remedy
I agree with the above poster from Thrifty_Fun who says this is bad practice. Minor burns are just a reddened area - if the burn is bad enough to blister it is not a minor burn. The only thing I would add to the correct recommended first aid treatment above...


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Cleaning Window Tips?
I can recommend the microfibre Sabco window cloths. They work best from dry if you only have a small window but obviously you need to rinse them out if you are doing more than one window. My front windows were filthy after building work and I used the cloths...


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Clothing Ironing Tips?
My ironing tip is - dont! As you gradually replace your clothes get rid of any item that needs ironing and replace with items that dont. Line drying or hanging immediately when removing from dryer also cuts down on creasing and the necessity to iron - leaving...


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Should I Declare Bankruptcy?
Maybe this has already been done but $24,000 doesnt seem like a very large debt, and it seems this family is working hard so there must be a way to budget their money more wisely. Other people have lived on a low income and still paid off debt, controlling...


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Organize Your Day?
Im a bit of a night owl and tend to be brain dead first thing in the morning. Planning my day the night before is much easier for me - I get up with a list ready to follow - very motivating. The alternative is to get up with a vague idea of what I need to do...


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Moldy Leather Luggage?
I would clean it like a leather saddle - a damp cloth and saddle soap to remove the grime and mould then a good quality leather cream or oil to seal and nourish the hide and keep it supple. Any animal feed store will have these items or the US substitutes. Bleach...


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Moldy Leather Luggage?
I would clean it like a leather saddle - a damp cloth and saddle soap to remove the grime and mould then a good quality leather cream or oil to seal and nourish the hide and keep it supple. Any animal feed store will have these items or the US substitutes. Bleach...


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Buying in Bulk
Have we had a thread on keeping track of all this bulk produce?! Having meat languishing at the bottom of the freezer for years until unfit to eat isnt saving anything. The reason I ask is I have just bought a large freezer mainly to save money but also as...


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Reusing Old Silverware
Use a vice to bend the handles into a C shape leaving the ends straight, drill holes with a fine drill bit into the straight ends and attach to a drawer front for interesting fun kitchen drawer pulls. Regards Jo


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Soup Tips - Making Good Soup?
All vegetable soups have to have lots of carrots and onions for me - sweet and lovely! I thicken with split yellow peas or red lentils - they dont need pre soaking if simmered in the soup for at least an hour. They also add the protein component so a vegetable...



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Fabric Storage Tips?
If youre a quilter and use fat quarters cheap plastic storage drawers on wheels are handy. I have some tall thin ones with 5 drawers in each. The drawers are deep back to front and very similar dimensions to a folded fat quarter so I file them upright in the...


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Tips from a Cashier
You must have had a very bad day - either that or you arent cut out to be a cashier and need to change jobs! I can appreciate that you have to put up with some pretty rude people, (my best friend worked in retail and told me some hair raising stories), but...


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Land Clearing Tips?
For large areas pigs are good - fence them over the area you want to clear and they will turn over the soil and root out all the shrubs, bushes and their roots, even for persistent weeds. This may take some time but in the end you will have cleared land and...


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Shred Financial Papers Before Discarding
What a timely tip! I already had a paper shredder on my list for a shopping trip today. I use shredded paper in the chicken pen mixed with grass clippings. It stops the ground becoming muddy in wet weather and quickly breaks down with uneaten food scraps and...


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Need Frugal Kitchen Counter Tops?
I live in Australia so dont know if you have such a thing but we have salvage yards - these are places where you can buy secondhand timber and building supplies. If you could find some cheap second hand good quality wood, (planks, floor boards, etc.), you could...


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Creative Cleaning Tools
Face flannels/washers are very cheap, or can be picked up for cents in a charity shop. They make good absorbent cleaning cloths but my favourite use for them is pinned over the head of my Sabco microfibre pad mop. They spare the pads which are expensive to...


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Storage for Brooms and Mops
My Mum used to always store her brushes upright, balanced on their handle end for this reason. (Leaning on the wall I mean not just balanced - lol!) Regards Jo


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Groomsmen Gifts Ideas?
Why do you need to buy them a gift - they are doing it because they love the couple and the couple have asked them because they love and value their friendship and support. I would just write an individual sincere caring note to each person stating what personal...


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Organizing Medication?
This is not good practice. If the drugs are ceased or changed you will have to find a container to take them to the pharmacy for disposal. Also, and more importantly, the bottle has the expiry date for the drugs - you could end up taking less than effective...


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Keeping Cook Books Propped and Open While Cooking
What a brilliant original idea! Regards Jo


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Drink Lots of Water
A good guideline is, if your urine is orange you are not drinking enough. In normal health urine should be a dilute lemon yellow. Regards Jo


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Cleaning Dishes and Wooden Cutting Boards
I dilute my washing up liquid and none of my dishes or kitchen is covered in a greasy film. I feel the problem may lie in the washing technique rather than the amount of detergent used. I make sure I wash in hot water, (as hot as I can bear), and rub every...



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Ground Cover Instead of Lawn
I couldnt agree more Roy - the amount of water used on lawns in Australia, a very dry country, is phenomenal and tons of fertilizers are just washed away into waterways and breed toxic algal blooms which kill fish and make the waterways unsafe for recreational...


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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Compost
And if you dont produce enough waste for a reasonable sized compost heap just bury all your vegetable scraps, (not meat, fat, fish,etc., which would attract vermin), in shallow trenches in the garden. Earthworms and soil flora will break it all down so your...


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Preventing Cutworms Away from Tomatoes?
I use 1 litre plastic milk cartons with the top and bottom cut off. This leaves a square bottomless container about 6 inches high, 12 of which fit neatly into a seed tray. Plant 2-3 seeds to each and remove the weakest as they grow. Allow the strong one to...


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Protecting Hosta Plants From Slugs?
Slugs like to come out at night when its cool so you can go slug hunting at night with a torch and a pair of gloves and collect them in a bucket for disposal. Or you can lay down thick slabs of wet newspaper in the evening. After their little nightime raids...


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Storing Small Things in Baskets
But whats the point? Decorative items are for decoration - to be seen and enjoyed. If you cant see them why not just get rid of them instead of keeping them for the sake of it or to collect dust? Regards Jo


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How Much Should It Cost To Feed 7 People?
What did it cost your husbands family in groceries before they moved in? What did it cost you, your husband and your son in groceries before they moved in? Subtract one third of your own budget as your husband isnt there at the moment - add on your in laws...


cat on back on bed

Freddie the Freeloader
LOL! My friend has a dog caller Loader - short for free loader. He was picked up on the highway by the Shire ranger who thought he was a great dog and drove him round our small town, in the front seat of his vehicle, until he found him a home rather than put...


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Freshening the Air
If you dont live in a polluted area why not get some real fresh air rather than stale air scented with cinnamon - open a couple of windows! Its free! Regards Jo


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Home Repair Contracts
I agree - a reputable builder will have accounts at builders merchants and shouldnt need the money for at least 30 days. For a very large job staggered interim payments may be acceptable but always arrange to save at least 10% until the job is finished to specifications...


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Dusting With an Air Compressor
Doesnt this just move the dust to somewhere else unless you do it outside? Wouldnt an appropriate vacuum attachment be better? Regards Jo


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How Long Should Dishwashing Gloves Last?
I agree - until they fall apart. Why buy new if they still do the job? Regards Jo


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Homemade Soap
Dont you have to store soap after its made to allow it to become less caustic? Just something I read somewhere......... As an aside - a can of lye is presumably bought. If you have to buy the lye and/or the fat it would be much cheaper to buy household soap...


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Bathtub Crud Buildup?
Try the green pad scourer and scouring powder first - if that doesnt work try fine grade sand paper - BUT only if you have a ceramic bath! Dont use abrasive cleaners on plastic baths or you will damage/dull the surface. Regards Jo


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Organizing Drawers?
Small boxes are my downfall - I cant throw one away! But they do come in handy for drawer organisers and gift wrapping. Im talking about light cardboard boxes averaging about 4 - 6 square/rectangular. In drawers I remove the lids and cut the sides to the right...


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Learn to Make Soup
My favourite soup is made from the bones of the cut price cooked chickens I get from the supermarket just before closing time, (less than half price). I strip all the meat off the bones and freeze it for other meals, (I can get another 8 meals for one person...


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Adding Iron To Trees
I dont know about cotton wood trees but lemon trees may have yellowed leaves when they are short of nitrogen, (they are gross feeders), so although this may be the case for this contributor I dont think this is a hard and fast rule for all plants. Regards Jo


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Flannel Cleans Everything!
I have the same idea but I use cheap queen size flannelette sheets from the charity shop snipped and ripped into squares in a variety of sizes for a variety of jobs. A $4 (Australian) sheet can supply me with 50 cleaning cloths. No need to hem, can be washed...


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Husband Quit Drinking, Now Is Addicted To Sugar?
Dont worry about the diabetes angle - diabetes is the bodies inability to use sugar effectively - sugar doesnt turn you into a diabetic but if he gets too overweight it may increase any innate tendency to diabetes. Cooking home made snacks, cakes and biscuits...


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Hand Sanitizer - For Home or Office?
What exactly are you afraid of catching? Our entire environment and skin surface is covered with micro-organisms - the vast majority of which are harmless. It is impossible to sterilise human skin, or surfaces in an open room environment. Carrying your worries...


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Tips for Cleaning Your Car's Interior?
Remove anything that shouldnt be in the car or is removeable such as mats and driving accessories. Then, before you visit the store and buy some expensive purpose made cleaner brush off all the loose dirt and try soapy water with a few large damp rough cloths...


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Emergency Laundry Detergent
It is not necessary to use detergent at all unless you are washing very dirty or soiled clothing. I recycle my clothes washing water so I use plain water in a twin tub washing machine for all my washing. Stained or grubby items get a presoak in nappy, (diaper...


Booger (Miniature Pincher)
His mouth is open - you can just imagine what hes saying - Who me? What hibiscus?! - flashing those big innocent eyes. LOL! Regards Jo


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How to Help My Husband Change His Eating Habits?
Not caring for chicken, fish and salads means he can still have lean steaks and vegetables! I have to agree with jaxi3 - this is an adult we are talking about here who has to take responsibility for his own health - but meanwhile you need some practical tips...


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Problems Posting Feedback?
I have lost posts before by only clicking the preview post button and forgetting the post feedback now button so maybe this is the problem! Regards Jo


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Wedding Etiquette and Setting Up a Budget?
Maybe you need to sit down with both families and decide who is paying for what. You obviously want a special personal wedding as you are doing it yourself so I dont think etiquette comes into it. You and your fiance sit down and make a list of what you want...


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Cleaning Antique Shelf Supports?
Scrub with a fine wire brush to remove the rust and seal before painting, (Rustoleum may do this - Ive not heard of it). Regards Jo


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Saving Money on Hot Chocolate?
I tried the much cheaper Home Brand, (Woolworths, Australia), Instant drinking chocolate but wasnt very keen on it. I didnt want to waste it so I mixed it with my favourite Cadburys Drinking Chocolate and the mix tasted fine, so now I always mix the two - half...


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Coupons in Canada?
If Canada is anything like Australia there are very few coupons, and what there are are for reduced price take away foods or prepackaged/pre prepared items. Basically things that do not even approach frugal. I would have to second a lot of what beanygirl and...


Bulldog Under the Bed

Bonkers (English Bulldog)
Nice dog - but even nicer bed! LOL! Regards Jo


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Heating Advice For A Drafty Farm House?
I have a reverse cycle airconditioner/heater, which is I think what you mean by a motel unit one. They are very efficient/effective and not too expensive to run - cheaper than a small portable heater - but they only heat one room. They come in different sizes...


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Grocery Shopping Tips for Husbands
Dont you think it would be easier to just give your wife a list Donald and send her by herself - this would free up more time for swilling beer with the boys! LOL! Regards Jo


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Help Training a 9 Week Old Pit Bull?
On the play fighting - this is normal and should continue. The pup is learning and the older dog wont hurt it, unless it oversteps the mark, then she may nip it and the pup may yelp. The older dog is teaching the younger dog the equivalent of good manners. They...


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Help Training a 9 Week Old Pit Bull?
On the play fighting - this is normal and should continue. The pup is learning and the older dog wont hurt it, unless it oversteps the mark, then she may nip it and the pup may yelp. The older dog is teaching the younger dog the equivalent of good manners. They...


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Cleaning Mushrooms?
Most store bought mushrooms these days are grown in sterile compost - just wipe over with a barely damp cloth if required. Regards Jo


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Inexpensive Fabric Ideas For Windows?
To retain the lovely arched shape of the windows you could cut out some cardboard in the arch shape, slightly larger than the window, (to fit to the wall surrounding it), with a straight bottom just below the curves of the arch to square off the top of the...


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Decorating a Tan Bedroom With Oak Furniture?
All the colours you have already are very bland and neutral, basically shades of brown or all the same colour! Rusts, beige and pumpkin are also very close to these colours. They are nice and restful but it sounds like you need a bit of zing! Depending on if...


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This Sites Design Buttons?
Thank you Tressa - I have often wondered this as well!!!! Regards Jo


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Cleaning Smoke Stains Off Oil Paintings?
If this is a valuable painting, or old, I would suggest you seek advice from the people who clean and conserve paintings at your local museum or art gallery. If the painting is valuable only to you, as a start you could use a warm water and mild detergent solution...


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Growing Bean Sprouts?
Is it normal to keep them in the dark? I would have thought a growing plant needs light to synthesise energy. The long thin growth sounds like they need light - like the etiolated appearance of houseplants kept in too dark an area. Try bringing them out into...


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Removing Smell from Vinyl Sofa?
Before buying anything just try washing it with water and detergent! As its a dark colour its probably just very dirty but you cant see it. Vinyl is plastic, impervious to water, so give it a good scrub with a rough cloth and hot soapy water. Try not to let...


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Removing a Bandage
Cooking oil works as well - they use that in hospitals here in Australia. Regards Jo


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Frugal Tips For a Convenience Food Addict?
Could you go to your local health centre and get him some pamphlets on healthy diet and the dangers of a diet high in saturated fat and what he is doing to his body with all this high fat rubbish food. Youre obviously a caring person - maybe try and work on...


Views of garden with straw mulch.

Using Straw For Low Maintenance Garden
Just checking out your tyres Sue. There is an interesting discussion going on at present on the Permaculture Oceania mailing list about tyre use and pollution/leaching of poisons. Some authorities say they are safe, others not. To be certified organic in Australia...


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Diatomaceous Earth For Termites?
If you are in the US Im not sure if you mean the same thing as we get. In Australia termites, also called white ants, are subterranean so diatomaceous earth will probably not work as Ive only ever heard of it being sprinkled on the ground for surface crawling...


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Keeping Mildew From Coming Back?
If condensation is the cause I agree with Tabbycat - mildew forms where there is moisture laden air - usually hitting a cooler surface where it condenses forming the moist conditions in which moulds/mildew grow. Minimize the internal sources of moisture, as...


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Cleaning Celery (Destringing)?
Or you can snap the celery stalks not quite all the way through and pull one side to peel the strings off the back of it. The pull the dangling strings off the other half. I do this first to remove the tough heavy strings and then touch up any bits Ive missed...


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Cough Remedy Using Brandy?
If you are only coughing when you lie down at night, and especially if you are older you should seek medical advice. Regards Jo


Nubbins the Cat
Nubbins may have some Manx cat in her. They can have no tail completely - almost a hollow at the base of the spine, a little stump of a tail, or even a half a tail. Colloquially in the Isle of Man a tailess one is called a rumpy and one like Nubbins a stumpy...


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Sofa Repair Information?
That was my suggestion too - a book from the library on upholstry! You may not need to replace the springs - usually these are sew to strips of hessian or other heavy material which may have come adrift and you may just need to replace the hessian. You will...


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Cut Crystal Bowls Stuck Together?
If the hot water trick on the outer bowl doesnt work you could try putting some fine oil between the inner and outer bowl. Allow some time for it to spread over the surfaces, place the outer one back into the hot water, and then wiggle the inner bowl gently...


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Cleaning Smelly, Musty Suits?
Have you explained your problem to the dry cleaners? They must have come across this problem before and may have a solution. I would be reluctant to pay for cleaning that came back smelly! I like klucretias lateral thinking ideas as well! Regards Jo


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Refurbishing Kitchen Wood Floor?
These are more renovation/restoration ideas than cleaning. Im working on the assumption that you have tried all the cleaning preparations and they havent worked so maybe its the floors surface itself thats damaged. You dont mention the floors finish. Is it...


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Cleaning Wood Floors With Dog Prints?
Id start with the simple things like check the mop - maybe request a new one if the old one is worn or very soiled. Change the mop water very frequently. Use something like ammonia or vinegar to cut through the dirt without leaving a residue. When I want to...


Shadow (Yorkshire Terrier)

Shadow (Yorkshire Terrier)
Oh no! Another human gone to the dogs! Carry on substituting dogs for husbands and you will end up like me - but very happy! LOL! What a sweetie! I was thinking that today as my Jack Russell was up on the computer desk peeping impishly around the screen of...


Megan (Doberman)
I have a JR too meoowmom. He is a delight - can bring a smile to my face just watching him trot down the veranda pretending hes 10 foot tall! I work nights and he sleeps all night on a chair and all day in bed with me - down under the bedclothes at my back...


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Natural Or Non-Chemical Hair Removal?
Unless the hair is embarassingly thick, dark and on your top lip I would suggest you stop being dictated to by fashion and beauty magazines and leave your body hair alone! If you think about it rationally you will find that the removal of female body hair, like...


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Looking for a Way to Supplement Income
You could ask around your workplace if anyone, or if anyone knows anyone else who has any private typing theyd like you to do. Regards Jo


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Help with Stray Cats?
Lurk by an open window and squirt him with a strong jet from a water pistol. Not harmful but the surprise.shock will deter him from coming back as he will then associate your porch with the surprise. You may need to do it a couple of times. Regards Jo


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Emergency Methods for Someone Who is Choking
I replied to the original post in detail about choking but think people should check if the Heimlich manoeuver is still recommended by the St Johns Ambulance. In Australia it is no longer recommended by them for choking. See previous post. Regards Jo


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Inexpensive Resources For Birth Control?
Cutting back in other areas of expenditure has got to be better than pregnancy - just think how much it costs to have a baby/raise a child! Not very helpful I know but, in the case of a tight budget, contraception is a high priority need rather than a want...


Muppet (Heinz 57) Eats Out
Looks like theres lots of Jack Russell in there. Its funny but ever since Ive had a Jack Russell I think that any dog that looks similar to mine is gorgeous! Regards Jo


puppy and cat

Corky (Rat Terrier)
He looks like a Jack Russell - whats the difference? He is delightful. Regards Jo


A Jack Russell Terrier lying on a colorful blanket.

Meet Cookie! (Jack Russell Terrier)
He is just gorgeous! I have a Jack Russell too - a delight. They are such loving faithful little things. Regards Jo


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Beauty Washcloths
But not cheap enough for me! Whats wrong with soap and water on your hands or on a reusable wash cloth? Perhaps Im blessed with good skin but Ive never found any newfangled skin cleaning aids anything but a marketing ploy to part us from our money. They certainly...


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Clearing the Air with Vinegar
Do you have any references to studies that prove this Jill? Its an interesting and logical sounding idea but a)does it work and b) if it does, does reducing air borne bacteria have any effect on the level of illness in the household? Regards Jo


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Helping Someone Who Is Choking?
The Heimlich manoeuvre is no longer recommended by St Johns Ambulance in Australia and the Australian govt as first aid for choking - I assume because the Heimlich is a difficult manoeuvre for the inexperienced to perform effectively and safely - its not as...


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Emulsion Paint on Cord Carpet?
Emulsion is water soluble so a good scrubbing with lots of soapy water should help - and a cord carpet will probably stand up to it well. Scrub and blot until you remove all the paint without soaking the carpet too much. Try asking at the local DIY store - they...


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Cooking for One?
I agree! Cook for 4, 6 or 8! After you have eaten, and your leftovers have cooled, divide into individual portions, (I use recycled takeaway containers), and freeze for later use - work lunches, when you cant be bothered cooking, unexpected visitors, etc. It...


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Lady Bug Issues?
Im not sure if Im talking about the same insect here - we had what we called ladybirds, (a type of small beetle with red folded wings like a little shell, with black spots), in Britain when I was a child. There is absolutely nothing nasty of harmful about these...


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Agressive Lab?
I agree with asking for vetinerary advice but it seems this dog has lost its place in the hierarchy or pecking order and is trying to reestablish it - above your son. The feeding idea is great and also get your son to growl back at the dog if he growls at him...


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Information About Refill and Recycling Technology?
If there is nothing similar in your area Emmanuel you have the idea for a very good business here! Perhaps if our members could recommend the brand names of refils they use Emmanuel could look up the websites and e mail offering his services to these companies...


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Information About Refill and Recycling Technology?
If there is nothing similar in your area Emmanuel you have the idea for a very good business here! Perhaps if our members could recommend the brand names of refils they use Emmanuel could look up the websites and e mail offering his services to these companies...


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Car Or Truck Stuck In The Snow?
Branches broken off a nearby tree also give traction - but Ive used this when stuck in mud as it NEVER snows where I live in Australia! Regards Jo


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Car Or Truck Stuck In The Snow?
If you feel the tyres begin to spin dont keep revving the engine and digging yourself in deeper. Put the car in reverse gear and gently but steadily try to reverse back up the shallower slope behind the tyres. Regards Jo


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Schnoodle That Bites?
Baxter - all 9 week old puppies like to chew and bite - you should know that with all your little teeth growing and giving you pain. What you shouldnt be doing is snapping at your Mum. If you were mine Baxter I would growl very sharply at you if you snapped...


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Feed Corn for Slippery Sidewalks
Granualr fertilizer on paths is a bad idea. When the thaw comes the fertilizer will be washed into stormwater drains and thence into river systems. The wash off from lawns and gardens is bad enough, causing overload of nutrient in waterways and blooms of poisonous...


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Washing Bathing Suits Without Soap?
Plain water! These items are not dirty per se - they just need the chemicals rinsing out. In fact I do all my washing in plain water except for heavily soiled or stained items, which I pre soak in nappy soaker then wash in plain water. Regards Jo


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Wooden Rat Poison Box
Ive used a similar idea with empty peanut butter jars, any jar with a plastic lid will do. Drill a hole in the lid large enough for the rodent to enter/leave but not large enough for them to remove the bait. Drop in the bait block, screw on the lid and leave...


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Will My Cats Catch The Mice?
Use mechanical traps to either catch the mice alive or dead, depending on their design. Your cats sound too well fed if they are not catching the mice but they should still catch and play with them until dead - just not eat them. Make sure the cats have access...


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Dog Pee Stained Floor Boards?
If you mean by polished sealed with polyurethane varnish then there is nothing that can be done without stripping the sealer off. The floor boards can then be bleached with wood bleach to remove the stains. Regards Jo


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What Material to Wear?
In theory natural fibres, like cotton and linen breathe and are better in hot climates. But in practice Ive found if its hot you will be hot, (I live in Australia and have lived in dry heat and humid heat areas, up to 50C at times). At these tenperatures no...


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Home Remedy To Treat Burns, Scalds, Snake Bites And Spots
As they say on TV - this is dangerous advice, please do not try it at home! If you suspect you have been bitten by a snake please apply a compression bandage and immobilise the limb and seek medical aid as soon as possible. Do not mess around applying home...


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How to Kill a Passionfruit Vine?
Its probably not the passionfruit thats growing - it will be suckers from the rootstock the passionfruit was grafted onto. I would allow the suckers to get a bit bigger and then cut them one by one and paint the cut area - IMMEDIATELY - with neat glyphosate...


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Bleach Stain on Leather Chair?
Bleach doesnt actually stain it actually bleaches out the colour so theres no way to remove it. Disguising it would be your best bet - with the felt tip previously mentioned or shoe polish may work if its brown. As its new I would also contact the manufacturer...


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Repairing a Hole in a Chest of Drawers?
Agree - you will get a much more meaningful reply, (any reply!), if you can tell us what the chest of drawers is made of, the dimensions of the hole - is it a small round hole, a large splintery split type hole or just a dent - and if it is full thickness through...


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Funny Kitten Feeding Habit?
Its the instinctive action to bury the food when theyve had enough - in nature they would return to it when theyre hungry. Buring it hides the smell and makes it harder for scavengers and other cats to find/steal it. Regards Jo


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Decorating a Tanning Salon (Mexican Theme)?
What about a couple of large cacti about 5 tall. Cut some cacti outlines out of thin board with a jigsaw and paint. Attach a stand to the base at the back so they stand up right - and hang a sombrero or two on them. Or attach them to the wall - or just paint...


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Frozen Pipes Keep Bursting?
In Britain, where the main water water pipes into the house are often routed via the unheated roof space burst pipes happened occasionally in winter, (many houses only had heating from open fires in individual rooms). The recommendation then was to lag or insulate...


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Should I Paint My Walls Red and/or Black?
To carry off a black room you really need specific furniture and accessories, (e.g. which reflect light, or gold highlights or white textures), and give an overall designed look to the room otherwise it could just look dark and depressing. Red comes in many...


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Mashed Potato Tips?
Throwing caution and my coronary arteries to the wind(!) a large tablespoon of mayonnaise is nice in potatoes - already mashed with full cream milk and a knob of butter - makes them extra creamy. Here in Australia most mayonnaise has sugar as the main ingredient...


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