
Kat Schneider

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1 Post | 15 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Room With Fireplace Smells Damp?
I meant to type dehumidifier not Anyway, the dehumidifier hasnt helped. Im starting to wonder if maybe the moisture is geting trapped in the stone hearth under the house? I dunno. Its driving me nuts! We have hardwood floors, no carpet...


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My Laundry Always Stinks!
Any chance your apartment is on a septic tank system? We moved to a house on septic and the first time I ran the washer, the entire house smelled like rotten eggs. Turned out we needed to have the septic tank flushed.


Laundry in basket

Saving Money on Dryer Sheets
I line dry, but find that items like T-shirts and jeans always end up being kinda crunchy. Does anyone know of a good natural product I can use as a fabric softener in the rinse cycle? Im inclined to think white vinegar might work, but havent tried it.


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Sydney, Australia's Earth Hour
I love it!! You go, Sydney! Im a firm believer in the philosophy that change begins on an individual level. 2 years ago, my husband and I made the conscious choice to try to go without air conditioning in the summer. In all honesty, that first summer was hard...


Tootie (Unknown Breed)
Thats no stray...thats my neighbor, Bob. But his wife said you can keep him if you really want him. ;-)


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Advice About Peeing Cat?
First, rule out any underlying medical conditions by having your kitty checked by the vet. If she checks out fine, there might be a very simple problem you can easily remedy. Cats are fussy creatures, and they are purposeful! In other words, shes trying to...


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Buying and Using Essential Oils?
I swear by Corn Huskers Lotion and Bag Balm for cracked skin. Both are fairly inexpensive. You can still find Corn Huskers at most drug stores, and Bag Balm can be found at most feed and seed stores, also mail order through Vermont Country Store and Lehmans...


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Oatmeal Wash Bag
Seems you and I have discovered the same beauty secret, Marie. I had so many problems with my skin when I hit my 30s that I was honestly convinced I would just have to learn to live with it. I mentioned my dilemma to an elderly woman, and she told me to stop...


Organic Produce Delivery

Organic Produce Delivery
We grow, freeze and can our own produce at home, but this is a really good option for folks who arent able to do so. Might also be something my husband and I should look into to supplement our own garden supply. Since we dont do livestock yet, Id be interested...


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Environmentally Friendly Pet Care?
For the most part, animals are already environmentally friendly. WE are the ones who make bad choices where they are concerned. Anyway...heres a few green ideas you might find helpful. 1). Avoid dosing animals with home cures. Garlic, Brewers Yeast, zinc supplements...


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Radiant Cooktop and Copper Pans?
Our house came with a ceramic top stove and I cant WAIT until I can afford to replace it with a good old coil stove. Not only is it a pain in the you know what to do regular cooking on, but I have burned myself SOOOO many times by touching the surface long...


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Asian Ladybug Trap?
Do you put this outside or inside? We recently moved to TN, and I have never in my life seen anything like the lady beetle investation we had this fall and winter! I was vacuming them from walls, ceilings, windows and floors several times a day. Ill try anything...



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Tooth Whitener for Nails?
Im super fussy about my nails when it comes to food preparation, so I keep a good nail brush by my kitchen sink. If I have lemons on hand ( which I usually do) I just use lemon juice and a nail brush to scrub under my nails. If I dont have lemons, plain old...


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Biodegradable Cleaners?
As someone who believes in simple living AND sound ecological choices, I just cant bring myself to shell out alot of money for green products. Very simple, non-chemical cleaners are the only answer for my family. I make my own laundry detergent, dish liquid...


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Repel or Prevent Pest Infestations Without Killing
I personally am not in favor of dosing our animals with home remedies. Im of the opinion that the less we humans do, the better , in most cases. A good flea comb is my weapon of choice when it comes to flea control. Hardwood or linoleum floors and a powerful...


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