
Lee Taylor

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15 Posts | 427 Comments | Active Since 2008
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Treating Fleas with WD-40?
There was just a story on ABC News last night about the increase of deaths in pets due to flea medicines. Pet deaths have increased 47% in just the past year due to flea medications! Be very careful when applying any of the top spot kind where you put liquid...


Treating a dog with fleas.

Do Fleas Jump Off of Pets After Treatment?
No, the fleas dont jump off after the treatment.


Light brown dog with dark muzzle.

What Breed is My Dog?
Oh my is he ever handsome! Whenever I see those choke chains on dogs ( in photos) I have to let you know it is very, very dangerous to leave those on a dog if he is alone. The chains get caught on knobs and furniture and branches and fences and the dog can...


Halloween Costume: Robot

Halloween Costume: Robot
This is brilliant! Bravo!


finished bag

Christmas Party Favor Bags
If you make 45 of these, you are superstar! I am amazed and impressed! Great job! Hope you win.


Three brightly colored bras in a row.

Saving Money on Bras
If you have a Ross or Marshalls store near you, buy bras there. I just bought a $30 bra for $5 at Ross last week. It fits great and they have lots of styles and sizes.


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Suggestions for Banquet Honoring Police Officers, Firefighters, and EMTs?
I would emphasize that they are the heroes of the community. Dont waste any money on mugs or pens or knic-knacks that are police, fire, EMT related....they are bombarded with those things from family, etc. Use your money to give them gift certificates to local...


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Activities for a Person Who is Legally Blind and Living with Dementia?
First of all, I know how hard it is to handle and aging parent with dementia. Im sorry you are going through this. Have you ever done any gardening with her. Plant seeds in cups? Water plants together? Grow some herbs and let her smell them and then make a...


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Activities for an Assisted Living Facility?
I work in a nursing home in the Activity Dept. and some of our most successful activities are stringing beads for necklaces or key chains ( they love working with beads!) Some of them loved working with watercolor paints. I had large pre-printed images and...


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Donate Old Magazines
I work in a nursing home here in FL and we are always grateful for fairly current magazine donations. They come in handy as something to offer our visitors as well as our residents. Sometimes family members enjoy having a magazine to look at during a visit...


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Remedy for Stinky Feet?
Just sprinkle baby powder inside your shoes before you put them on each day. Your feet wont smell ever again.



A close up of a squirrel.

Backyard Visitors
Amen! I marvel at the beauty that surrounds us! Thanks for sharing your pictures.


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Planning a Church Yard Sale?
Arrange your items in groups, like a store. Put all books together, kitchen items together, sports equipment together, etc......and price your things with enough room to haggle and still make enough money. Keep things looking tidy and organized throughout the...


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Remedies for Bad Breath?
Bad breath is often a sign of gum disease.....which can lead to infections in your gums and your teeth fall out. You should visit your dentist for regular check ups. Floss daily and buy a Water Pik to blast away food debris stuck between your teeth. And make...


Forest Fires (San Diego)

Forest Fires (San Diego)
I dont understand how forest fires have anything to do with this photo. This is a spectacular sunset, exhibiting Gods majesty and glory. Thanks for sharing!


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Name Ideas for Hand Crafted Wood Home Decor Business?
Wood is Good Good Wood Why Wooden You


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Adult Child in a Toxic Relationship is Very Demanding of Time?
Brilliant advice from everyone! I was in your shoes once and I finally said, I have given you all the advice I can. Life is filled with choices and you are choosing to put up with this guys behavior. Its up to you to choose to stop. I cant listen to this anymore...


Woman writing a check.

Spending Money to Save Money
You are brilliant and wonderful and kind to share all that wisdom! Thank you for all those suggestions. Sometimes I get so caught up in saving money I forget that its ok to spend too! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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Name Ideas for a Family Insurance Business?
H.I.J.K Using your initials, H and J, then adding I for insurance and K for company.


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Things to Do in Sarasota?
I depends what you liike. There is a lovely shopping area called St. Armands Circle which has been written about in Southern Living Magazine. There is the Ringling School of Art which has a beautiful campus and art museum. There are wonderful restaurants. You...


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Itching and Bumps on My Lips?
Sounds like an allergic reaction to something. I get that when I eat mangoes


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Unique 50th Birthday Gift Ideas?
I think anything handmade shows time and effort and pre-planning. If you needlepoint, find a canvas with hummingbirds and give it to her...finished as a pillow, for her birthday. If you sew, make her a quilt with hummingbirds. Whatever craft you do, make a...


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Combine Kitty Litter For Best Results
I agree! Arm & Hammer litter is the best by far. Ill try your combo method and see what happens. Thanks for the tip!



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Make Your Own Disinfectant Solution
My husband just completed a custodian certification course and was told that bleach, mixed with water, is only potent for 24 hrs. After that it may smell like bleach, but it no longer can be used as a disinfectant. You may want to mix your spray bottle to use...


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Activities for an Alzheimer's Patient?
I also work as an activities assistant in a nursing home, here in FL. I know what you mean about trying to engage the dementia patients. We just did our gardening project yesterday. It went well. We planted sunflowers...which grow quickly and are stunning to...


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Banks With No Minimum Balance?
Go to your local credit union and get away from any large national bank!


Sunset (San Diego)

Scenery: Sunset (San Diego)
A tiny glimpse of what heaven will be like, breathtaking! And the composition with the trees in the corner is great! Thanks for sharing! Hope your dad is doing much better.


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Gift Bags for Seniors
I work in a nursing home and wanted to thank you for all the time and effort you put into your gift bags! I know first hand what a huge thrill it is for the seniors when they receive things like that. They feel loved and remembered! God bless you and your family...


What is This Plant?
My guess is violet too. If it is, sit it in a saucer and fill the saucer with water. it will draw up the water when it is thirsty. It does not like being watered from above, or so Ive been told. :)


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Ideas To Revitalize Garden Club?
I work in a nursing home and I would strongly suggest you contact some in your area. Nursing homes desperately need the services your club can provide. Your club could be in charge of planters that you change each season. You could do small plants for patients...


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Quick and Easy Crochet Patterns?
Look on or www. Both have tons of free patterns!


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Unique 50th Birthday Ideas?
Look up what else is turning fifty this year; do a search for things turning 50. That might give you some creative ideas. Happy birthday!


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Finding Home Repair Help for People on Fixed Low Incomes?
I volunteer for a national charity called Love,INC. We do exactly what you are asking for! Heres a link to the website with locations in each state. Call the one closest to your parents. Theyll be happy to help!


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Reuse Cupcake Liner Container
How smart! I love this idea, and now Im craving a cupcake! :)


Dog Tries to Bury Bones in Carpet or Blankets?
Dont worry about it, hes just doing what comes naturally. Let him have his fun. Its so cute!



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Ideas for Wreath Decorations?
This is a great website for all crafts. Once you get there, search for wreaths and youll find plenty.


Dining table with window to left.

Christmas Window Decorations
It looks just like a magazine! Great job and have fun with your family!


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Getting Help With Utility Bills?
Ive volunteered for a national charity called Love,INC. They have offices in every state. Heres the link. Call one near you and they will be happy to help!


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Urine Smell in My Bathroom?
I clean houses for elderly people and notice that urine gets on the outside of the bowl all around the sides , front and back. Really check the entire toilet. If you dont find anything, there may be urine that seeped into the flooring. As said by others, talk...


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Cleaning Terrazzo Floor?
You are going to have to have it done by a professional, I think. We live in FL and did the same thing. The pros have a diamond grinder to polish the floors and get the glue off. Its costly, but I dont know of any other way.


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Christmas Thank You Note Ideas for My Mailman and Trashmen?
I worked briefly for the post office as a carrier. They can accept gifts $10 or under. Gift cards from your local grocery store are always a good idea. And a handwritten note saying you appreciate their hard work every day and wanted to say thanks, is all that...


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Painting a Bathroom Pink and Brown?
I think bathrooms are the one place in the house you can have fun and not be so formal. Id do brown polka dots! Get a lid to a tub of butter or a salad plate and go wild! Brown dots on a pink wall would be happy and adorable! Everyone would think you are so...


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Painting a Bathroom Pink and Brown?
Hi, its me again. The one who told you to use a butter lid to make the dots. I wouldnt stress about how far apart. And do not try to make it into a uniform pattern of dots, youll drive yourself crazy. Use a piece of chalk to trace the circles first, that way...


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Change Pet's Water Daily
You are absolutely, 100% right!


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Arizona Christmas Charities?
I volunteer for a national charity called Love, INC. They have offices all over the country. Click on this link to find one near you. They will be happy to help.


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Christmas Charities in Washington, DC?
I volunteer for a charity which has branches in every state. Its called Love, INC. Call one near you and they can help or connect you with some group who can.


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Alabama Christmas Charities?
I have volunteered for a national charity called Love, INC . They have branches all over the country. They/we do everything from household repairs to financial help. Please contact one near you by clicking on this link and then clicking on your state. They...


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Georgia Christmas Charities?
I have volunteered for a national charity called Love, INC. They have branches all over the country. Please click on this link and then click on your state and contact one near you. They will be happy to help you! If...


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Cheap Date Ideas?
I loved to go to farmers markets or to fields where they let you pick your own berries or beans or whatever. Both of those are fun. You could also look for charities to volunteer together. Visit senior citizens, serve food at a homeless shelter, walk dogs at...


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California Christmas Charities?
Heres a link to Love, INC. Its a great charity and they have offices in every state. Contact one near you. Theyll be happy to help!


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Kansas Christmas Charities?
Heres a link to Love, INC. Its a great charity with offices all over the country. Contact one near you. Theyll be happy to help.


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Shopping for Cheap Switch Plates for Decorating?
You should also look on ebay. I found a hardware guy on there who sold the raw wood kitchen knobs and switch plates very cheap!


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Make a Keepsake of Old T-Shirts?
Make pillows out of them. Just stuff the t-shirts with fiberfill and sew up the openings. I think having a pillow they can use daily on the couch or the bed would be great. You should also look on the Thrifty Fun archives. I remember seeing a football jersey...


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Planning a Thanksgiving Without Family?
Big time selfish! You can be with your boyfriend all year long by yourself! And, youll have many, many Thanksgivings alone after shes gone. And youll wish, beg and plead that she was still alive!


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Looking for a Tropical Hibiscus?
We have some growing in our yard that are red. Id be happy to share! Would cuttings survive the mail? ( I tried to upload a pic, but messed up. Sorry.) You can contact me if youd like some cuttings.


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Gift Ideas for Mother's 50th Birthday?
For big birthdays, 50,60,70, etc. Ive always written a list of 50 (60, 70...) things I love about you. I write about trips weve taken, gifts theyve given me, times theyve made me feel special as well as individual qualities about them I admire. These lists...


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Programs to Assist Low Income Families with Home Repairs?
Heres a link to a great charity, Love INC ( In the name of Christ) They have branches all over the country. They handle home repair, car repairs, every sort of problem.


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Ohio Christmas Charities?
Here is a link to a national charity called Love, INC ( In the name of Christ). They have offices in every state. Call one of these offices in Ohio and they will help you, even if its not in Dayton. They take care...


Is This Flower Poisonous to Dogs?
Its Mexican petunia. We have it and have 2 dogs and its never been a problem. Ive never seen my dogs show any interest in eating it, only peeing on it! :)


Creative Sink Storage Ideas

Creative Sink Storage Ideas
What a great idea. Im going to scrounge around in my cabinets and see what I can find to do the same thing! Thanks!


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Help For Ostomy Supplies?
There is a national charity called Love,INC. ( Find a chapter near you and they may know how to help you or know someone who can!


Frog peeking out of center of bromeliad.

Peek-a-Boo Frog In Bromeliad
This is my favorite photo on ThriftyFun EVER!!!!! I love it soooo much! Bravo!!!!


What Breed is My Dog?
My vote is Husky!


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Cleaning Advice for a Self Avowed Pack Rat?
The key is to do a little at a time, and not to get overwhelmed. Set a goal to go through one box a day or one closet a day (or more if you can handle more, but again, keep a simple goal.) Then stick to your plan. You make 3 piles: 1 for trash. 1 for charity...


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Homemade Gift Ideas for Under $10?
If you knit or crochet, washcloths are a great, great gift. You can make 2 from one ball of $3 cotton yarn. You can find free patterns at: and


Scenery: Sunset over Promontory
And to think, this is just a teeny, tiny look at Gods glory! Humbling. Thanks for sharing! I could almost hear music playing with it.


Hanging Out In The Garden
Thats a baby Moses shot if I ever saw one. Wonderful! :)


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Locating a Christmas Charity to Support?
Here is a link to Samaritans Purse. its a fantastic charity run by Franklin Graham, Billy Grahams son. They do Operation Christmas Child every year, gathering up shoe boxes filled by people like you and your coworkers...


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Advice for Choosing a Dog Breed?
Terriers are often referred to as terrors. Its not the easiest breed to deal with, so if you are up for the challenge.


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Wedding Centerpieces Using Live Fish in Lighted Bowls?
Sounds like a lot of stress and effort for something so insignificant. In the scheme of things, the centerpieces are given about 10 seconds of attention. So why put all this fuss into them? Spend your time and energy on more important stuff.


young girl dressed as tooth fairy

Halloween Costume: Tooth Fairy
This is adorable! Great job! Thats the best idea ever, and the fact that you made it, is fantastic! Bravo!


In Memory Of Ginger Snap (Cat)
I am crazy in love with G.S. just from this photo! :)


Scenery: Sunset (PA)
Spectacular! And free! Isnt he good?


Closeup of dog's head, while it is lying upside down.

Toki (Black Labrador/Pitbull Mix)
Great pic! Thanks for rescuing her! Just a helpful hint: Be careful of leaving that choke chain on her, especially if she is home alone. It can get caught on something and do serious harm to her. Better to take it off and only use it when you take her for a...


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Surprise 30th Birthday Party?
Heres the website for the Chicago Bears. They have lots of gift ideas, fan memberships, etc.


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Record Album Crafts?
I saw them folded about 1/3 up and then mounted on a wall to hold mail. It looked really cool. You could even fold them and flip them over, hang them upside down to use as a small shelf.


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Cutting Packing Styrofoam?
You can also use an x-acto knife.


crochet bookmark

Autumn Leaves Bookmark
This is beautiful! Ive never seen anything like it! Thank you so much for sharing the pattern! Happy stitching!


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Mixing Paint Colors for Model Building?
Mix black and white for a nice gray and then Id add a little blue for a more authentic look. Have fun!


What Breed is My Dog?
American Bulldog is my vote. Great, sweet, wonderful dogs!


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Crochet Pattern for Child's Poncho?
Another super site is You have to register, but they have tons of free patterns for knitting and crochet. Youll LOVE it!


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Saving Money on Mailing Supplies
You can also order free mailing supplies from They have all different sizes of priority boxes and you can get them in bundles of 10 or 25, and, they deliver them to you for free. No cost at all! Its awesome! And click-n-ship on their website is the...


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Maintain A Positive Attitude
So true! And remember to smile! I find fewer and fewer people smile nowadays. It feels so good to smile and others usually smile back. Thanks for the boost!


Mickjagger (Cat)
Ill be his campaign manager! :)


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Crochet Slipper Pattern?
Try You have to register, but its free and then you have access to tons of patterns. You will LOVE it!


Weeds After The Rain

Scenery: Weeds After The Rain
This is why I love Thrifty Fun!


Goldfinch - male goldfinch

Wildlife: Goldfinch
Dainty indeed! Super shot! I love these birds...thanks for sharing it with us.


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Removing Incontinence Odor?
I dont have any advice. I just want you to know I said a prayer for you. You must be going through such a difficult, stressful time. I am so sorry. You are being a great daughter. I prayed God would give you strength and comfort each day, in a fresh way, to...


Scenery: Gray Steps
Deep. You must be an artist with that kind of eye and message. Hope you pursue this.


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Whitehead Remedy?
I use a face soap called Panoxyl. You can buy it at the drugstore. it was recommended to me by a dermatologist and Ive used it for years. I love it!


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Selling Crocheted Items Online?
Take a look at Click their categories and find crochet items. It should give you a good idea how much people sell.


Looking up at camera.

Mason (Boxer/Lab Mix)
I love Masons story and these pics are fab too! You warm my heart with your dedication and obvious love for him. When I read the part about him even passing his Canine Good Citizen test, I wanted to cheer! Im thrilled for both of you, and proud, and happy! :)


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Reuse Packaging From Deliveries
Good thinking. Tell her she can also order free boxes on the USPS website. They have all different size priority boxes in bundles of 10 or 25, as many bundles as she needs, and they will deliver them to her for free, no cost for the boxes or the...


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Decorating a Baby's Room on a Budget?
Paint is by far the cheapest way to make a room look new and fresh. You can buy cheap old furniture at garage sales or thrift stores, then sand and paint them in happy colors. Remember you can add white to any color to get a lighter shade. So if you have a...


Garden: Flower Pots
It does, good eye! I could see this in a Martha Stewart magazine article.


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Getting Rid of Adult Acne?
I use a bar soap every day called Panoxyl. You can find it at CVS or Walgreens. It was recommended to me by a dermatologist. It dries out the breakouts and then prevents them after its cleared up. I love it! Im 44 and use it.


Neighbor (Hound Dog)
I love this story, this dog and this photo! It is a tiny reminder of tenderness in stormy times. We should always remember to be just like Neighbor! Thank you very much for sharing this with all of us. I hope he becomes a mascot for your organization. God bless...


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Pricing House Cleaning Jobs?
Thats $6.25/hr, thats ridiculous! I charge $15/hr to clean houses and no one has ever had a problem with it. I would come up with an hourly rate and tell him what it is. If he doesnt want to pay it, find a new client. Hes not worth the trouble and doesnt appreciate...


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Paint Color Advice to Coordinate with Butterscotch Leather Sofa?
If you had a pair of pants that color, what would you wear with it? Just about anything. Same goes for paint. Just think of it like putting an outfit together, and have fun!


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Tiny Red Biting Bugs?
Ive heard bed bugs are a huge problem in NY right now, sounds like you have em. Sorry.


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Caring for an Aging Parent?
I am so very sorry. I ache for you. My dad lives three states away from me and he has Alzheimer. His wife, my stepmother, is 80 and trying to take care of him by herself. The frustration and worry can eat you alive. I very much admire your loyalty and dedication...


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Ideas for Community Service Activities?
Please do an activity for the elderly. They are so lonely. Call your local assisted living places and they will have suggestions. Thank you for wanting to do this. You are showing Gods love in action. The kids will learn and be able to practice their faith...


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Why Did My Basil Plant Die?
You might have over watered. Basil likes to be consistently moist, but not soggy and it might have done better in a shady spot outside. Try again! There is nothing better than fresh herbs!


Scenery: Sunset at Clearwater, Florida
Breathtaking! Isnt Gods glory breathtaking?


Wildlife: Seagull
Looks like a ballerina in mid leap! Such personality!


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Is Advantage Better Than Other Flea and Tick Products?
I like Advantage. I wouldnt use those cheap Hartz flea products, maybe not even Biospot. Ive heard bad reactions can happen. Better go with your vets advice. Some things that are important are worth the cost. You can save money in other areas, but I wouldnt...


Garden: Prizewinning Elephant Garlic
Most impressive! Congrats on winning!!! You can never have enough garlic! :)


Ocean (Mixed Breed)
I love his smile! Tail-wagging wishes for you both!


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How Do I End a One Way Friendship Tactfully?
There is nothing wrong in telling her you dont want to be friends anymore! Why do you care what a self-absorbed, greedy person thinks of you? You dont have to be harsh. Just explain how you feel. You will feel so much better to have her out of your life. Ignoring...


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Bring Tote Bag with Children's Activities
Brilliant idea! I wish more adults were this smart and thoughtful. The way children behave in public has become out of control. Thank you for setting such a great example for others. I am sure everyone nearby is grateful as well. And God bless you and your...


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Maintaining a Friendship With an Overly Dependent Friend?
Everything is a choice. Tell her you have given her all the advice you can about her husband, and from now on you do not want to hear her complain about him. She has to choose to DO something, like get tough with him, or she has to be quiet, put up with it...


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Write Down Blessings To Change Your Mood
I am thankful for ThriftyFun!


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Painting the Bathroom Walls for a Tropical Theme?
A beautiful aqua, like the water in the Bahamas! Cool and soothing. Youll think of water and feel calm and relaxed.


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Can I Request Giftcards in Lieu of Gifts for a Shower?
No, its tacky! Cmon people! Whatever happened to being grateful for getting a gift at all? Now people want to dictate what they should get or want? Please! Lets find our way back to etiquette and decorum.


Blue Heron

Wildlife: Blue Heron (FL)
What a stunning shot or our areas wildlife. I live in Indialantic, and you are right, there is beauty like this all around us!


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Name Ideas for Handmade Invitation Business?
Custom Invitations, Artisan Invitations


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Incorporating Owner and Children's Names into Name for Cleaning Business?
J= Jiffy, W=Wash, S=Shine, Jiffy Wash and Shine or, Wash and Shine Janitorial


Cowboy (Mixed Breed)
I hope you have this picture framed. Its wonderful! As are you and Cowboy! All the best!


buddy the dog

Buddy (Jack Russell Mix)
Buddy sounds like the perfect dog! What a cutie! Thank you for rescuing him and giving him such a great life!


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Can a Pit Bull Have Long hair?
Both my dogs have white feel and white tip tail, but neither have any Pit in them. And no, Pits cannot have long hair. It sounds like a mix of some kind.


What Breed is My Dog?
Boxer for sure and I like the idea of a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Ill go with that too! :)



Scrappy (Aussie/Border Collie Mix)
Oh that face! Hes so soulful. I love him! Thank you for rescuing him and giving him your heart. I agree with you. He was definitely sent to heal your broken heart. God bless you both.


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