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11 Posts | 380 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Peanut Butter Fudge Not Hardening?
Put it back in the pan and cook it longer. It has ALWAYS worked for me.


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Keeping Brownies from Getting Hard on the Edges
Why would you not want the hard edge? Those are the best ones!


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Removing Garlic Smell From Jar Lid?
You might let it sit in fresh kitty litter for a while and then wash in the dish washer, or maybe let it sit out in the sun for several hours.


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Too Many Rooms on the One Breaker?
You probably need to call an electrician and have him make more circuits. I had a whole house (very old house that used a fuse box located on the front porch of all places) on 20 amps once and I had to be very, very careful. Luckily I didnt have a dishwasher...


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Removing Grease From Electric Skillet?
Barkeepers Friend works well also. It might need a little elbow grease to go with it though. Im thinking the Easy Off would be a good choice also.


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Removing Grease From Electric Skillet?
Another point: If youre cleaning the outside of the skillet, its a lot easier if you remove the handles first. Theyre usually attached with just screws.


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Skin Is Darker Under Breasts?
If youve had rashes there before (such as heat rashes), it is probably scarring and nothing to worry about. However, you will probably want to check with your doctor for peace of mind. I have the same thing and even though Ive never mentioned it to my doctor...


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Whitening Dirty Washcloths?
Soak the stained washcloths in Oxyclean overnight, then wash with regular detergent, bleach and more Oxyclean. See if that helps. My step-son went four-wheeling one night and was covered with mud - head to toe. He wore white socks. After the first washing, it...


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Dry Cracked Bleeding Fingertips?
I have this problem also - and a recent yearly check-up shows that I do not have diabetes. There are products from beauty supply places that are similar to Superglue that you brush on like nail polish, but I imagine Superglue is cheaper. The Crisco idea sounds...


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Turn Boxes Inside Out for Shipping
Thats a wonderful idea. Just make sure to not use the priority mail boxes. If the post office suspects that youve used those, they will make you pay the priority rates.


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Correspondence Etiquette?
From WikiAnsers: Outside of the traditional, formal Mr. & Mrs. John Doe, the wifes name is always first when using first names: Jane and John Doe. In social importance, the woman is always first, then males, then children. Cranes Blue Book of Social Stationery...



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Looking for Online Social Groups?
Facebook doesnt have to be like you described. Im on Facebook and I love reading the posts of my friends. I dont chat, play games, nor do I view any of my friends gameplaying. There is a hide button that you can use. I also have limited information on there...


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Disinfecting Old Hats And Shoes
Actually the proliferating bugs are coming from brand new items bought from various department stores. Most of our goods are now made overseas and theyre infested. It doesnt matter if the garment came from Wal-Mart or from Macys or Nordstroms or even Nieman...


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Asking Wedding Guests to Bring Finger Foods?
I went to a wedding this past summer where the bride asked everyone to bring a dish. I thought it was very tacky. I was recently married (2004) and we couldnt afford to feed everyone a dinner so I decided to just have the cake and punch. Try to have the reception...


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Encouraging Neighbors to Decorate for Christmas?
Ive never heard of this two lights for the Lord. Where does it come from? Where I live in the mid-west, I cant imagine wondering why people put up lights or dont put up lights. I enjoy going out one night a year to look at Christmas lights, but its really none...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Encouraging Neighbors to Decorate for Christmas?
I am still not familiar with two lights for the Lord Could someone please explain it? Ive googled it and have come up with no answers.


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Receiving Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
Social Security Disability benefits ends at high school graduation or if still in school - 19 years and 2 months. I have twin step-sons on SSD who graduate this year - that was one of my questions at the Social Security office.


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Continuing Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
It is my understanding that a child must stay in school to receive Social Security Survivor benefits. Please encourage her to do so.


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Blue Cross/Blue Shield Options with Medicare?
I would check with Blue Cross/Blue Shield. If you have Medicare, the supplement is whatever plan you buy - I have Plan F. Plan F is the same no matter what company you buy it through. Check with them to see which plan you have. I dont know how much you pay...


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Favorite Books?
Most anything by James Michener, John Grisham, Richard Paul Evans, Alton Gansky (Christian sci-fi books), The Life of Pi, Walking Across Egypt by Clyde Edgerton, Too Close to the Falls, and After the Falls by Catherine Gildiner, The Study series by Maria V...


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Financial Advice for Low Income Senior?
Absolutely get rid of the house, she may be able for Social Security Disability, be sure and check that out. On getting a roommate, be very cautious. Im 67 and Im not sure Id want a roommate, Id rather have senior housing. My mother-in-laws income is around...


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Alert Regarding Malware TrojanHorse: DNS Changer
Also, if the US site is down, you can try the Canadian site. It worked earlier this morning when the US site was down.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Social Security and Child Support?
It will be best to check with Social Security. But I think there is a time limit on child support. When I had my ex-husbands Social Security garnished, they didnt want to at first because they said Id waited too long to ask for it. When I suggested that they...



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Supplemental Insurance Company Reviews?
When you say supplemental insurance, I think of Medicare supplemental insurance plans. And they are all the same across the board. For instance, if you have Plan F, then the coverage will be the same whether its with Mutual of Omaha, NewEra, Medico, the company...


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Organizing Medicare/Supplemental Insurance Paperwork?
I have a three file folders each for both my husband and me. One is our Social Security, non-medical Medicare information, another is a medical file for myself and one for my husband. I place all our doctor visits, along with the EOB (explanation of benefits...


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Name Ideas for Cleaning Business?
Are you on the ocean? I like Ocean Breeze Cleaning.


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Selling Used Books?
It is a good idea to go through each one to see if there is money. I used to hide money in my books all the time and would at times even forget about it. As far as selling your books. Check for first editions (especially the older books, those with dust jackets...


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Cheap or Free Computer Software Training?
A good place to get a bit of training is actually some of the temporary job placement agencies. You can request to be tested and let them know that youd like to brush up on your skills. They have programs where you sit down at the computer, take the test and...


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Diabetes Informational Websites?
Your doctors office should be able to direct you to a class or provide you with appropriate information. Dont count on insurance paying for classes though. My husband has diabetes also and his doctor scheduled a $100+ class which we found out afterwards was...


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Hosting a Clothing Party to Promote New Store?
Sometimes its hard to price your own clothing, maybe get some friends over and go by what they would pay for the items. Of if it were me, I would think about what I would want to pay for the clothing item and price it accordingly. Have a donation jar available...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Ideas for Girl's Second Birthday Party?
The previous posters are correct, a two-year-old probably wont remember her second birthday. Invite your friends and family, watch her open the gifts and eat the cake and ice cream and take lots of pictures. If you want to do theme parties, next year will probably...


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Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?
I havent read every single post on here, so I may duplicate some answers. I lived with an abusive husband many many years ago before there was much information about it. People were just beginning to realize the abuse problem among some men. When I began to...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Child Support Payment and Taxes?
It is usually documented in the divorce papers as to who claims the children on their 1040. Each case is different. In my own, the stipulation was that he would claim the child unless he missed a payment. If he missed one payment for the whole year then I was...


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Selecting Coffee?
Now is a really great time of year to buy specialty coffee at discount prices - get the Christmas blends - available at Gordmans, TJ Max, etc.



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Using Gift Cards with Small Amounts Left?
Call the card company or go online and get the exact amount for each card. Attach a sticky note to the card with the amount. When you go to your store - usually grocery, Wal-Mart, whatever, ask to run the card for that exact amount. It will clear out the card...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Medicare Advice?
I would definitely check with an insurance agent. The first year youre getting a supplement, no one can turn you down. After that, one has to go through underwriting and companies do have the option to not insure someone. AARPs underwriting is not as strict...


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Washing Gold Rimmed Crystal Glasses?
I wouldnt try to wash them in the dishwasher. Just wash them by hand in hot soapy water. It wont be hard.


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Reputable Gold and Silver Exchanges?
You might check to see if Dillon Gage accepts gold and jewelry from walkins or those who arent in the business. Their webpage is here: ttp://


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Reputable Gold and Silver Exchanges?
I want to add that I dont believe jewelry stores are the best place to sell gold or jewelry. I tried that in trade once. I had a pearl set in a locket and thought that a little glob of gold I took in would pay for it and give me a little money in return. I...


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Cleaning Ceramic Tile in the Shower?
Ive always used The Works, but last time I cleaned the walls, I used Barkeepers Friend and it worked great! Left no residue after being rinsed off.


Cemetery with fall colored leaves in trees and on the ground

Fall Foliage in Cemetery (Springfield, MO)
mrsmrsjones, I love the veterans cemetery on Glenstone too. It has beautiful trees, and I almost went there that day. But this is the Maple Park Cemetery on Grand at Jefferson. Its very easy to get the two confused when looking at pictures, as they both have...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Making Money from Used Books?
I used to sell a lot of books on eBay, but with the present economy, that hasnt worked so well. However, I do notice that eBay has free listing now, though I dont know for how long. Another option, besides garage sales, is to take your books to a used book...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Choosing Secondary Health Insurance for Seniors?
Find an insurance agent that you like and he can direct you. I think the best choices are with Mutual of Omaha, Medico (Im with them) or the AARP. You will have to join the first year, but do not have to renew the AARP after that. My brother let my 91-year...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Choosing Secondary Health Insurance for Seniors?
Marcia S, you may be eligible for state assistance with your insurance and drug coverage; it would definitely be worth it to check into it. Caraing, you are correct in that an agent is best because cost of coverage does depend on health issues and type of drugs...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Allergic Reaction to Flip Flops?
It could be that youre allergic to something in the rubber. There was a case a few years ago of a girl who bought flip-flops at Wal-Mart and had a severe reaction to the flip-flops. However, it wasnt only her, but the people at the store who were stocking the...


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Troubleshooting Computer Problems When Keyboarding?
I take it that you mean your cursor is jumping around. It is possible that you need a new mouse. When they wear out, the cursor will jump around.


Planning a Large Family Birthday Party for a Two Year Old?
Sometimes your local hospital has community rooms that can be rented very inexpensively - you might check with them. I agree with redhatterb in not planning anything - adults visit and children make their own entertainment. Otherwise what should be an enjoyable...


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Plastic Sacks in WWII?
Check out and which gives a history and timeline of plastic. The plastic sacks could have been nylon (which I wasnt aware was plastic until I read just now) or...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Cleaning a Down Pillow?
Im thinking that a pillow would be too thick to throw in the washing machine and dryer. It will probably have to go to the cleaners. But by the time you pay their cost, it may be cheaper to replace it. Ive washed down comforters and even a feather bed, but...


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Identifying Temporary Internet Files?
Deeli, did you know that in CCleaner, under Options and then Cookies, there is an option to keep CCleaner from deleting certain cookies. So even if you run CCleaner, it will delete all cookies except the ones you opt to keep.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

The Post Office Lost My Package?
Have him go to the post office where it was delivered. It is possible that the envelope was damaged and the contents were separated. Being that it was gold its possible that it was taken by an employee, janitor, etc. But most post offices keep envelopes and...


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Removing Soap Scum from Glass?
Try using The Works from Dollar General - usually a dollar a bottle and is fabulous!


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PUR Water Pitcher Flavored Packs?
You can also use MI0 - just squirt into the water.


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Helping a 6 Month Old Sleep Through the Night?
Five and one-half months is way, way, WAY too early to wean a baby. My son did not sleep all night until he was at least a year old. Every baby has his/her own sleep pattern and 8 p.m. may be too early to put him to bed. Try letting him stay up later and see...


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How Do I Stop Taking Prescription Sleep Medications Safely?
I have even cut the pill into thirds and it still works for me. I take one a couple of times a week also. But 1/3 works almost as well as 1/2.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Using Carbon Paper Instead of Typewriter Ribbon?
I would imagine that you could use the carbon, but if youre typing up something important, it would always considered to be a copy. Have you tried a regular stationery or art store for ribbons or carbon paper?


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Why is Step Parent's Income Included in Calculating SSI Benefits?
It is my understanding that SSI is based on income. Social Security and Social Security Disability are not based on income.


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Cleaning Laptops and Tower Computers
If you think your keyboard is done in because it is too dirty, got stuff in it - try the dishwasher. I washed three keyboards in the dishwasher and was able to reclaim two of them. You just have to make sure that they are good and dry (set aside for a couple...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Cleaning a Paperback Book?
Sometimes you can use a slightly damp cloth on the outside of the paperback to remove dirt and grime. I have used Goo Gone Extreme for glue residue and marker residue. It needs to be tested on an inconspicuous area though as it can take the ink off or mar certain...


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Off Brand Discount Grocery Stores in Eastern Connecticut?
Here is a listing for all Aldi stores in Connecticut:


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Cleaning Wood Floors?
I have oldstyle wood floors and when I want to clean them really well, I use a bucket full of warm water, a little dish detergent and a couple of squirts of baby oil. Seems to work great!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Planning a Trip to Branson Missouri?
Lamberts is located on Highway CC off Highway 65 just a bit north of Ozark. Be sure and plan for a wait, but it is worth it. And Dicks 5 & 10 is definitely a must. It is a trip to yesteryear. It is downtown, not on the strip. The Landing is not far away. If...


Six colorful ice pops ready for the freezer.

Ice Pops For Hotel Treats
That is a great idea! Ive also found that Gatorade works well. We were on a two-day vacation to our State Fair in almost 100-degree weather. The first day was okay because we were able to jump in the hotel pool. The second day, though, wed already checked out...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Garnishing Disability for Back Rent?
SSI cannot be garnished, but Social Security Disability can be garnished, but only for back child support, taxes, government-type claims. It cant be garnished for normal debts.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Child Support and SSI?
It does not matter whether the children are 19 or 21 or 25, if he owes back child support, he owes back child support. Thats why its called back child support. Someone had to support those children while he wasnt supporting them, and I can bet that the mother...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Child Support and SSI?
One other thing, You mentioned she was on welfare for years, why do you think she was on welfare? If hed been helping to support his children, she probably wouldnt have to be on welfare! Also, if she was on welfare, I would imagine that the State who supported...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

How Do I Get Rid of Ants in the Kitchen?
I have found when it comes to ants, home remedies do not work. Sometimes you just have to go with the chemicals!


photo of mom and son

Treating Restless Leg Syndrome?
Its my understanding that restless leg syndrome does not feel like cramps. It is the constant sensation of having to move your legs, when youre really not able to do so, and it can drive you up the wall!. I have that especially when driving in late evening...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

How Do You Celebrate Birthdays at Work?
I worked for a company who celebrated birthdays in a most fun way. It was our one time to be silly. An enveloped was passed around the office for donations for the gift. No one knew what anyone else contributed (which is nice for those who cannot contribute...


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Gift Ideas for Mother's Birthday?
It is difficult without knowing your mothers age. Does she have any hobbies that you could contribute to? Other possibilities are tickets to a play or movie, a DVD of her favorite movie, or a CD of her favorite group. Books are good as are puzzles. Does she...


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Know What Information Is In Your Background Check
Thank you, Deeli. Ive printed out the instructions to check my and my husbands reports.


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Setting Up a PayPal Account?
We have two paypal accounts, one for myself and one for my husband. We use our debit cards and have for the past several years. We have never had a problem. The account that I use is a small checking account - I dont even have checks for the account. It usually...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

How Do I Dry Clean an Area Rug?
I dont know how big the rug is or what its made of. I know some people will be shocked at what Im about to say, but we had a small area rug that needed cleaning. We paid $50 for the rug on clearance at a furniture store. It originally sold for $250. We have...


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Cleaning TV and Computer Monitor Screens?
Windex has worked really well for all our TVs and monitors.


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Weight Watchers Daily and Weekly Point Totals?
Points allowed are dependent on your current weight. They will vary form person to person.


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Are Walmart Great Value Products As Good as Name Brands?
The only generic brand I consistently do not like is Always Save, but Wal-Mart does not carry that. If you are near an Aldi store, they have great prices on most things and almost all their food is wonderful. I dont particularly care for their mayonnaise and...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Entering Toddlers in Beauty Pageants?
My step-daughter entered her five-year-old daughter in a regional contest. She and three other girls from the region were chosen to go to the state compeition in St. Louis. The regional contest didnt cost anything, the entry fee for the one in St. Louis was...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Finding a Printing Company for Church Cookbook in Lexington, KY?
You could also call the printers in your area and ask if they would donate the printing. They will sometimes do that. You may have to adjust the number of copies that you need.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

What to Do About a Tooth Sensitive to Hot and Cold?
Take a pencil and tap on your tooth. Tap on the surrounding teeth. If any one of them hurt when tapped, you could have an abcess and it would be time for a dental visit. If not, try the toothpaste for sensitive teeth and be very gentle with the tooth, no extra...


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Medicaid Thinks My Case is Closed?
I think you should contact your Medicaid office again. However, it is possible that even though youre now married, you are still eligible for Medicaid. In Missouri, Medicaid is based on the birth parents income not the step-parent. My husband is on Social Security...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Fixing a Shirt That Shrank?
You might also be able to wash it again, lay it out on a board and stretch it into shape by pinning it to the board while it dries. That way it has no chance to shrink while drying. This is what we used to do with wool sweaters.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Keeping Track of Passwords?
I read a great password idea not long ago. It was also pretty secure. You take a common favorite phrase such as: A stitch in time saves nine, and use the first letter or two of each word, asintsn. Now change some of the letters to numbers; a51nt5n (the s looks...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Is AARP Membership Worth the Investment?
I, too, was a member of AARP for several years and found that it really didnt benefit me. I did use their car insurance through Hartford for several years. The first year I saved about $300, but I noticed that the premiums kept increasing. I never ever had...


Cleaning a Wedding Dress?
If you were able to find a stock photo of the dress, you should be able to find the manufacturing company. You might contact them to see what they say about cleaning it.


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Working With Creditors?
One thing to not do, do not call credit counselors who advertise on tv! They are a scam and will take your money and never pay anything on your debt. I know someone who tried that and we finally got their money back, but remember, it is a scam! If you have...


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Son's 16th Birthday Party Ideas?
I dont think all kids need a car on their 16th birthday, so kudos to you. Im not that familiar with California, is Santa Barara warm all year round? You might just have an outdoor party with his friends and a dj. Kids love parties with dancing, cake decorating...


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Anti-Virus Software With JAWS Screen Reader?
We run Microsoft Security Essentials and have had absolutely no problems. Another good antivirus to run is Panda Cloud. The nice thing about Panda Cloud is that you never have to update it. It runs in cloud - sort of like every time you get on the internet...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Garnishing Disability for Child Support?
Unless the Social Security laws have drastically changed in very recent years, Social Security Disability can be garnished. I am still receiving back child support from garnishing his disability payments for my son who is now 30. And let me say, I did not live...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Removing Dried Urine Around the Toilet Bowl?
I agree with the other posts, if its gotten into the caulking, you might have to replace the caulking. But urine is water soluable and should come off with soap and water. It can actually be sold on the internet. If it doesnt come up, then I dont think its...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Cleaning a Wrought Iron Basket?
I had a half-circle pan holder that had the same problem. I didnt want to destroy the patina, but it needed cleaning. I washed with soap and water and when it was dry, I spray painted it with a clear coat of paint. Now it is clean, wont rust further and still...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Prizes for Games at Family Holiday Gatherings?
Its Christmas, there is no reason that one should be ashamed to accept a gift. I would forgo the $10 prizes at the game, and just give everyone who wins something the same type of prize. Give the $10 gift cards to those you have in mind as a gift from you during...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Back Child Support?
Your state may have a Support Enforcement Unit, normally a division of Family Services. If you do not receive welfare, you may not be aware of them. I used to work for the Welfare Office in our state so I knew about our Support Enforcement Unit. They do try...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Back Child Support?
Just like JustPlainJo, I get back child support and my son just turned 30. When he started receiving Social Security (not sure if it was disability or not) we had his Social Security garnished. He pays $200 a month still and will be paid up in 2012. He was...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Remembering to Rotate Your Mattress
Unfortunately, rotating a pillow-top doesnt seem to work very well.


Travel: Saguaro National Park (Tucson, Arizona)
I love this picture, so much going on with the shadows!


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Where Can I Buy Bottled Wine With My Logo for Wedding Gifts?
You can contact a printing company and they should be able to take orders for labels for the wine bottles. There is a special internet browser that printing comanies use to find companies that print specialty items such as pens, pencils, company imprints on...


Logo for ThriftyFun Tips

Use Layaway For Large Purchases
Ive always felt that layaway was a good idea, but most of the stores only allow 30 days to pay for something. That usually didnt work for me.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Selecting the Perfect Comforter?
I would say good luck in getting a king-size comforter as large as you want. I wish I had a larger one also. You will definitely need to take measurements, and Im not sure you will find one larger than what you have already. has a good selection...


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Thrifty Disney World Vacation?
Try to eat outside the park most of the time or take your own food. Restaurants inside the park are twice as much as those outside the park. A $3.00 McDonalds hamburger outside will be $6 to $6.50 inside the park.


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Computer Monitor is Stuck at 800x600?
I am looking forward to this answer also as I have the same problem on a computer after re-installing Windows 98.


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Conquering a Fear of Thunder?
Is there some reason that you fear thunder? Did something bad happen during thunder? I live in the Midwest and grew up with thunder and absolutely love it!


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Depositing Saved Change Without Paying Income Tax Again?
If you put it into savings, you wont pay income tax on the deposit. Its not income. You will need to claim any interest you might make though and pay tax on that. Unless youve got several thousand dollars, I seriously doubt that at todays interest rates, youll...


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Internet Service Worse Since Verizon Purchased Alltel?
Please, do report them. Im with Alltel wireless (cell phone) which was bought by Verizon. We are allowed to grandfather in our accounts and I stayed Alltel because it is cheaper. However, I was told by one of the sales reps that when Verizon needs to drop calls...


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Honeymoon Destination Ideas?
If theyre not going to Hawaii or Bahamas, etc., Eureka Springs, Arkansas, is a wonderful place. It is filled with bed and breakfasts, one with a shower under the stars, the haunted Crescent Hotel, etc. My husband and I spent our honeymoon there and we go back...


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Decorating for an Outdoor Wedding?
A large white tent would be nice, decorated as firefly suggested. A second tent decorated likewise could serve as reception area. Baskets and buckets of fresh plants and flowers would also be nice


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Planning a 25th Wedding Anniversary With Renewal Of Vows?
It can be whatever you want! In the coolest renewal ceremony I attended, the bridesmaids walked down the aisle, then the bride came down with no bouquet. The younger children (nieces, nephews, grandchildren) each bringing one flower came down gave the flower...


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Use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to Remove Paint Transfer
Back when I was with my first husband, I grazed the side of the garage with the door of our car and I heard about it for weeks. One evening when he was not around, I took rubbing compound and rubbed the scratches out and you could not ever tell they had been...


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Home Remedies for Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
You will need the wrist braces as suggested by the first poster which you mostly wear at night while sleeping. There are exercises that you can do such as touching each of your fingers to the thumb and pulling your fingers back toward the top of your wrist...


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Trouble Connecting to the Internet on New Laptop?
I agree with Deeli. You need to set up a connection for your own internet service provider. If youre relying on using others internet service providers via your wireless connection, most people in your neighborhood probably have theirs password protected. I...


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Resolving a Dispute With a Family Member?
This relationship may take some time. You didnt give details of your disagreement or fight, but I wonder what you said to her when you were so totally honest. You said that she refused to apologize, but since you are the one who is hurting, perhaps you could...


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Latex Paint Stain on Jeans?
I believe rubbing alcohol works.


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Help with Homework Assignment Creating Business Names?
We have a company here called Graphic Designs. Or you could go with something like Design-o-Graph or Perfect Designs. Depending on the type of band they could be called The Grungers, The Outbackers, The Stralians, Angels and Stralies, The Rockers.


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Save Water for Storm Outages
If you get your water from a well, you might want to check those bottles of water periodically. When I first married, we were on well water and I found that the water would go bad after a couple of days.


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Reviews of Windstream Cable, Internet, and Phone Service Package?
We have Windstream cable, internet and phone. Our bill is around $89 every month and has been for the past several years. If you add extras such as call waiting, etc., the charges will go up because of that. Im not sure what kind of cable package you will be...


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Caring for Glass Shower Doors?
You might try The Works, available at Dollar General


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Can Scraping Ice on a Windshield Do Damage?
People have been doing it for around 100 years and Ive not heard of any windshields breaking. What you dont want to do is pour boiling hot water on a frozen windsheld.


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Getting Rid of Ants in House Naturally?
I had ants once that I couldnt get rid of, I tried cinnamon, black pepper, just about everything I could think of or read about. The only thing that worked was a can of ant spray. I sprayed the kitchen counters, let it dry, then wiped down everything with soapy...


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Remedies for Acne on My Back?
I dont have anything to back this up, but I know the sun can be a great healer also. I wonder if getting out in the sun might not help clear acne on your back.


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Reuse Lenses From Broken Reading Glasses
Javajano, I know what you mean. I think she might mean


Ocean (Pitbull/Boxer Mix)

Ocean (Pitbull/Boxer Mix)
That is a beautiful picture - so misty looking.


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Why Can't I View E-mail on Both My Laptop and Desktop?
What program are you using to access your e-mail? If youre using Outlook Express and want to access your e-mail on both computers, you will need to go to tools, accounts, properties, advanced and check the box at the bottom that says leave copy of message on...


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