
Marge Mayhew

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3 Posts | 149 Comments | Active Since 2004
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Fabric That is Under $2.00 Per Yard?
Yes, I agree that sheets are the cheapest but you are limited on colors and prints or designs. I recently purchased four king-size, flat sheets on clearance at Target for $6.98 each. I plan to make curtains from them. The WalMart stores in my area always have...


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Coffee Stains in Corelle Cups?
Pour a small amount of pure old liquid chlorine bleach (2 to 3 tablespoons) into one cup. Leave it full strength. Swirl it around so the bleach coats the entire inner surface of the cup.......then pour it into the next stained cup and do the same. Let the treated...


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After Washing and Drying Jacket, Lining is Lumpy?
My suggestion requires some tedious work..........but it might help smooth the lining out some, maybe not perfectly but we try to do the best we can with what we have. My idea is to place one hand on the outside of the jacket and the other hand on the inside...


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After Washing and Drying Jacket, Lining is Lumpy?
Cettina from Malta Europe Hello! Yes, I remember the jammed drawer incident! I was so relieved when it worked! I can even take you back further than day you needed help understanding our American method of selling and measuring butter...


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Removing Sweat Stains from a Couch?
Ive cleaned my upholstery for years using good old dry Tide detergent. I put about 3/4 cup dry Tide into a deep mixing bowl. Pour about 2 or 3 cups of very hot water over the Tide. Let it dissolve for several minutes. Take your electric mixer and beat the mixture...


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Pricked by a Bougainvillea?
Until you get to a doctor.........soak it in a solution of epsom salt and warm water. That should draw some of the poison out of it. Do you have a red swollen finger or are there red streaks running away from the initial sore area? If you have red streaks you...


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How To Convert Dry Macaroni Measurements?
I got out my small scale and box of elbow macaroni. According to my scale 8 oz of macaroni is 1 3/4 cups.


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Moving a Washing Machine Down Stairs?
Very carefully! :>) Be sure to wedge some folded cardboard, in several places, between the tub (which can rock from side to side) and the top of the washer so that the tub is stabilized during the move. My repairman told me washers can be damaged if the tub...


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Gifts for Elderly Friends
A gift I think many will use and appreciate is a Grabber or Gripper. I bought one for my mother-in-law and after test driving it with her I went back and bought her another one... plus two for me! Its a gadget about 30 inches long with a handle you squeeze...


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Activity Ideas for Visiting Parents?
I must admit that my first reaction to your comments was to feel defensive and disappointed. I am bothered that you cant just accomodate your mothers needs and sedentary lifestyle for such a short period of time. Your comfort seems much more important to you...


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Substituting Marshmallow Cream for Marshmallows?
I believe about 4 oz of marshmallow creme or a little more than half of a 7 oz jar should be the equivalent of 12 regular marshmallows. Hope this helps. I did a google search for this information. Grandma Margie


Remedies for Dog With Hot Spots?
A number of years ago a Thriftyfun reader submitted a home remedy. A number of readers responded to that post saying they had tried the remedy and that it had worked well. I kept the hint, thinking I might very well need it for our loveable, furry, Australian...



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How can we prevent dishwasher detergent residue?
Put in 1/2 to 1 cup of white vinegar at the beginning of the final rinse cycle. Always works for me!


Island Stove Top Results in Grease Splattering on Carpet?
I Googled grease splatter guard and found numerous folding 3-sided metal splatter guards which can be placed around your skillet. They didnt seem terribly expensive or you might be able to make your own, perhaps from one or two of the large disposable steam...


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Difficulty Removing Nails from Wood?
I would probably use a nail set to drive the nail a little deeper into the wood. Use a little wood putty to fill the hole, let it dry, smooth with a little sandpaper and paint over it! If the wood is stained or varnished instead of painted youd need to find...


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I Left the Cake Mix Open, Can I Still Use It?
I cant think of a single reason why it wouldnt be okay. I have done that myself with no problems. Go for it!


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Grease Stain on Suede?
I would first set the stained bottom on a thick layer of cornstarch. After awhile pick it up and brush off the cornstarch with a stiff little brush perhaps a dry toothbrush. Do this numerous times giving the cornstarch ample opportunity to absorb the grease...


Finding Teal Blue Mason Jars?
I see them in every antique shop, antique mall, junk store and auctions (particularly in rural areas). Usually $1 each where I live.


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Use Chili Sauce as a Copper Cleanser
Just splash some vinegar on the copper then quickly sprinkle on some salt and give it a quick rub. This is the quickest, cheapest way Ive found to keep my copper bright!


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Sewing Patterns Swap Groups?
I see that Des Moines has a Hobby Lobby store. They always run their ad in the Sunday newspaper. I noticed today that this week all of their McCalls patterns are 99 cents each. In a few weeks they will do the same with their Simplicity patterns. Just plan ahead...


organizing photos

Organizing Photos Using a Shoe Organizer
Thank you, thank you for the best idea I have seen in years. I have boxes and boxes of photos that need to be sorted! I dreaded starting it because I have so little space to spread them out. Now I can start on them and it wont be a problem because they wont...


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Inexpensive or Free Building Materials?
Habitat for Humanity has a location in Orlando, as they do in many, many cities. They have a store called the ReStore. It is located at this address: 2105 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32804 phone number 407-426-7192 They will probably have what you...


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What is this Song? "The Lightning Express"
This is an excellent example of why and how ThriftyFun is the BEST! You cant find better friends and helpers anywhere that are as great as our ThriftyFun contributors! I hope our Canadian friend checks back soon and sees that she has the answer!


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Moving a Stove?
Remember that you will have either a gas line or an electrical cable attached to the rear of your stove. Dont tug too hard and damage either of them. If you use a carpet scrap or rug. Turn it upside down. The canvas or backing side wont slide very well, if...



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Inexpensive Silicone Oven Mitts?
I bought mine at a Big Lots store about a year ago. I believe they were $5 each.


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Tips for First-Time Homeowners?
Congratulations on your BIG step! Thriftyfun will definitely have a lot of good advice for you. You can go back for years and read all the tips. Another good site is They also have a lot of good, easy, frugal ideas for cooking at home. We...


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Old Door Knob Keeps Falling Off?
If its a screw that screws into another metal part you could try poking a small tuft of steel wool (even a little piece pulled off a new steel wool soap pad...SOS pad) into the hole. Maybe even a small twist of aluminum foil might work although Ive never tried...


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Old Door Knob Keeps Falling Off?
I meant to add that you would need to remove the loose screw/screws completely, place whatever filler material you choose to use into the hole.....then screw the screw back into the hole. You may have to experiment to get the correct amount to fill the hole...


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Packing Food for a Family Trip?
If you will google Dayles Growlies you can click on a website that gives a lot of information on cooking in larger quantities.


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Make Up Stains on Furniture?
This is what works well for me. I put about 1/3 cup of Tide laundry detergent (powder) in a deep mixing bowl. Add about 1 to 1 1/2 quarts of VERY hot water. Use your electric mixer to beat it into very stiff foam. Take a clean washcloth (I use


Susan Sanders-Kinzel, the founder of

Susan: ThriftyFun Says Goodbye
It has been almost a year since dear Susan left us. I had exchanged a few emails with her but never had the pleasure of meeting her in person. I sensed such sweet, deep empathy from her; a kindness and gentleness that is rarely seen these days. I felt her absence...


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Reviews of High End Washer/Dryer Sets?
You can go to and read the feedback there on all kinds of products. I usually see what folks have to say about an item before I buy it.


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Set Up a Gift Fund for Expensive Presents
Pamela, I see nothing wrong with your suggestion. Even if I disagreed with you I would not feel entitled to attack you or your suggestion, I would just not make ANY comment. As for the Gift adult children usually do something very similar for my...


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Mini Cheesecakes
These sound yummy! Id like to try them. Is the cream cheese in 3 oz or 8 oz packages? Thanks!


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Cooking Basmati Rice
I prepared Basmati Rice for the first time, earlier this week. It is SOOOOO wonderful! I am kicking myself for all the years I just used the common, tasteless white rice! I COULD have been eating THIS all those years! I bought mine at Wal Mart, Royal brand...


Garden: Devilish Tomato
That is hilarious! Thanks for sharing!



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Concrete Burns On Dog's Feet?
At this point its probably too late to stop the burn. That should have been done right after the dog stepped into the concrete. You should first quickly flush the area with lots of water and then pour on vinegar or a vinegar water combination to stop the chemical...


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Name for a Christian Daycare?
HIS Little Lambs The Good Shepherd Daycare


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Dealing with the Challenges of Parental Dementia
Lynda, Reading your post warmed my heart and reminded me that there still are loving, thoughtful people in the world. I love you for putting so much time, effort and thought into making your mothers life as pleasant as possible. It is a great reminder, and...


"Hot Spot" Collar For Dogs

"Hot Spot" Collar For Dogs
About three years ago someone submitted a treatment for healing hot spots on dogs here on thriftyfun. There was considerable favorable response from readers who tried it and said it worked. I copied the recipe just in case I might ever need to use it on my...


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Quickie Salad
This sounds delicious and is just what I was looking for. I am a member of an organization that has a monthly dinner. Many of the folks who attend are diabetic and often grumble (rightly so) that the food served is bad for them. Am I correct in assuming that...


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Test Scales With a Bag of Sugar
Be sure to check the weight that is printed on the bag of sugar. Many brands now appear to be the 5 pound size but are actually 4 pounds.


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Where Can I Find Building Supplies Donations?
I believe there is a Habitat for Humanity Homestore or ReStore in your city. They dont give things for free but they are extremely reasonable. The majority of their inventory is donated material. Youll be amazed at what you can buy and how cheap it is. The...


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Advice For Organizing The Refrigerator?
Sometimes, when I need the space for just a day, Ill put all my jars and know catsup, pickles, relish, mustard, dressings etc., in a camping cooler and dump ice in the cooler. Then I can use my shelf space for my big dessert or casserole that...


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Getting Rid of Rotten Food Smell?
Several years ago we returned home from vacation and found that our refrigerator had died while we were gone! I had the freezer section loaded with fish, chicken and hamburger, all thawed and rotting! The stench nearly knocked me over when I opened the refrigerator...


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Looking For Easy, Plus Size Clothing Patterns?
A few months ago I would have suggested that you go to a WalMart and check out their fabric/sewing department. In the last few months all the WalMart stores in our area have eliminated their fabric department or plan to eliminate it in the very near future...


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Removing Candle Wax From Patio?
Could you use the same technique that is used to remove candle wax from carpet? Place a brown paper bag or some type of absorbent paper over the wax and press it down with a warm/hot electric iron. The wax should melt and be soaked up by the paper. Then maybe...


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Inexpensive Ideas For Wrapping Large Present?
I have used vinyl tablecloths, either fabric backed or just solid vinyl. Solid white would probably be the most attractive with a huge colored bow that would match the wedding colors. Another choice could be fabric....some stores sell the wide {60 )polyester...


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Removing Diesel From Block Paved Driveway?
Diesel fuel is oily. I would try dumping cheap clay cat litter on the spot. Maybe even step on it and sort of grind it into the stain. Put down a pretty thick layer of the litter and leave it for a day or two. It should absorb some of the oil. Sweep it up and...


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Tips For Getting The Perfect Bridal Gown, Cheap!
Please dont assume that alterations are free or even cheap at bridal stores. My experience, at least in our area, is that alterations are an additional charge they tack on, and they have been VERY expensive! They will say Yes, we can alter that to fit, but...


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Building Inexpensive Table and Shelving?
Im not sure if my idea would be appropriate for you, but Ill tell you the solution that immediately came to my mind when I read your request. I would buy a sheet of plywood with the largest dimensions your space allowed, the largest being 4X8 ft or 4X4 ft or...


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Does Splenda Cause Cancer?
I dont know if it will cause cancer but it certainly messes up my digestive system. I didnt notice that my favorite diet soft drink had switched to Splenda as their sweetener. I started having constant problems and had decided Id better see my doctor about...


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Removing Paint from 100% Polyurethane Jacket?
Could you just mark over the silver lines with a black Sharpie permanent marker? Id try just a dot on the end of a silver mark to see if it would possibly cover it up. If it seems like it would work Id carefully just cover the silver lines and not get ink on...


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Advice for a Dealing with Fiance's Family?
MAYBE her future in-laws are only excited about the wedding and are only trying to help her recognize her options, not push choices on her. Try not to make a war out of this. Hopefully she will have a long happy marriage and all of you will be somewhat connected...


My Frugal Life: The Best Type Of Car
I am a firm beliver in buying a good used car versus buying a new one. I would definitely have reservations about buying one that was previously wrecked. The folks who fix or repair wrecked vehicles for resale are in that business to make a profit. They are...


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Red Bugs Outside on Air Conditioner and Walls?
I can think of two bugs that fit your description. One is the box elder bug. The other is the Asian lady bug, some people call them Japanese beetles or ladybugs. Do a Google search on each of them. A picture will come up and maybe you can identify them and...


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Making Fleece Gloves Non-slip?
I used to make non-slip socks for my elderly mother and also for my grandchildren. I used the puffy craft paints that come in a small squeeze bottle and are used to paint designs on tee shirts. I used a matching color and put dots or lines or squiggles where...


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Advice For Severely Itchy Skin?
I also have very itchy skin and unfortunately passed it on to my children and grandchildren.. It has a fancy sounding name, which basically tells us own skin is very tough and does not fall off (or shed)and regenerate as often as normal folk. This means we...


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Advice For Severely Itchy Skin?
This is a reply to Donita! Im sorry this response is so slow. We were caught up in the ugly ice storms at the first of the month and had to wait way too long for computer (modem) repair parts to get back online! I really missed Thrifty Fun! You asked what our...


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Mashed Potatoes for 40 People?
I like a website called Dayles Growlies for Groups. Do a search on google for it. It has a wealth of information for cooking in large quantities plus good recipes!


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Raising Neckline on Tank Top Blouse?
If the back is also somewhat low you could possibly just turn the top inside out and sew a new shoulder seam an inch or more down from the original seam. Turn it right side out and see if that helps. If it does, cut off the excess strap and finish the raw edges...


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Dunking Eggs Before Cracking Them?
Fresh eggs will sink to the bottom of a pan of water and lie on their side. Eggs a little older will sink but will stand up on end. If the egg floats to the surface its pretty old. My guess is that the chef was making sure he was using fresh eggs!


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How Do You Use a Convection Oven?
My very first microwave oven was a microwave/convection oven also. I remember I bought it at Montgomery Ward and had it for many years. It was huge and took up so much counter space! When microwaves finally came down in price I sold it at a garage sale (along...


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Happy Thanksgiving
I would like to add my Best Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving all the staff at ThriftyFun and to all the contributors and readers of this wonderful site. I see the familiar names pop up from time to time and it feels like Im seeing an old friend...


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Where to Purchase 130 Volt Incandescent Bulbs?
Sharon, I believe that I have seen such bulbs at Lowes in the past but they are not available, in store, at my local Lowes now. More than likely they could be special ordered there. You might also try an electrical supply store, a hardware store, or even an...


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Where Do ThriftyFun Recipes Come From?
Yes, THANK YOU Robin, for all the great recipes! Please keep them coming! I dont know, and dont care, where they come from. I just know that when I make one you submitted it turns out delicious!


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Why Is Laundry Detergent so Expensive?
After years of experimenting I have concluded that Tide works the best for me, either powdered or liquid! I always have a coupon for it and buy it where its the cheapest in our area, usually Wal Mart (theyre frequently cheaper than Dollar General, on Tide !). DO...


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Looking For Review of Oust Candles?
I havent tried the candles but the cans of spray air freshener do an excellent job. I like them a lot! I especially like the tiny spray can, just a little larger than a tube of lipstick, which I carry in my purse. Its great for those times when a public rest...


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Use Baking Soda To Prevent SOS Pad Rust
Store your wet, used SOS pad on a small piece of aluminum foil. It WILL NOT rust! This may be the all time favorite hint I learned from a Thrifty Fun contributor!


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Help With Constipated Puppy?
There are glycerine suppositories you can use on small children. It is possible they could help a puppy. There is also a glycerine enema called a BaBY LAX. These are very safe, non-drug items. They both just dissolve in the rectum from the body heat and lubricate...


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Too Much Mayonnaise in Macaroni Salad?
If youll just allow it to sit in your refrigerator overnight, covered, you will probably be surprised how much of the mayonnaise is absorbed by the macaroni. Often mine is too dry after being made a day earlier and I have to add some to moisten it to our liking...


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Dyeing Bleach Spots From Black Dress?
Ive had the best results just dabbing the bleached spot with a black Sharpie permanent marker.


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Cardboard Puzzle Piece Missing?
What an ingenious solution!! I am very impressed. Its so good to hear from folks who think outside the box! I try to do that too but Im sure I have never thought of a solution as creative as yours for this problem. Way to go!!


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Fruit Punch Stain in Gray Vehicle Carpet?
Do a search on Thrifty Funs search for Kool Aid Stain in Carpet. The request and answers posted on 03/07/07.....I believe there are 20 great advice on using water, a little detergent, a towel and a steam iron! It must work because there...


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Scalp Itches in the Morning?
Did you start taking any new medications or start using some product about the same time the itching started? The reason I ask is because I started having an allergic reaction to aspirin and also tomato products. My very first clue that I had absentmindedly...


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How To Make Crispy Microwave Pizza Crust?
There are Brown and Crisp Bags for sale on ebay. See what you think of them. Something I have used are the small crisper pieces of cardboard (?) coated with what looks like a metallic finish and then covered with plastic........these were in the individual...


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Two Haircolorings For The Price Of One
Ive been doing this for years. I just use a plastic measuring spoon and measure out equal amounts of each product into a small glass or plastic bowl. I recap the bottles and mix the two ingredients in the bowl well (use a plastic spoon......not metal) and apply...


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Rescuing an Abused Pitbull?
I believe you already KNOW the answer. She needs to be put down. You have a responsibility to protect yourself and others from harm. I applaud your efforts to save her but common sense should surely tell you that in all probability someone is going to be hurt...


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Brush to Clean Smelly Outdoor Trash Can?
I think a cheap regular broom from the dollar store would work the easiest. I have an old, worn nylon bristled broom in my garage that I use for similar cleaning projects. It usually benefits from being in a soapy bleach solution too its a win-win solution...


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Brush to Clean Smelly Outdoor Trash Can?
Its me again! Can you haul it to a do-it-yourself carwash? Im talking about the ones where you get out of your car in the wash bay and spray and rinse the car yourself. You could spray wash the trash can with a lot of force. Ive taken many things through those...


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Dancing in High Heels?
I always wore my new slick-soled high heels on a rough surfaced concrete sidewalk to break them in. I deliberately scraped the sole (not the heel !) on the rough surface until I had scratched the area under the ball of my foot really well.............scrape...


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Keep Camp Pots From Boiling Over
Yes, it works great! I use a long handled wooden spoon. It splits the boil-over thats forming and keeps everything in the pot!


In Memory of BC (Baby Cat)
Dear Susan, I truly understand your loss. Im sure BC was your most loyal friend all those years and was always so happy to see you. You will never forget her. I had my kitty, Little Girl for 19 years. She always knew when I, or one of her other loved ones, was...


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Cart for Hauling Laundry to the Laundromat When Disabled?
How about using an old skateboard? Get someone to drill a hole in one end and tie a cord (or old bathrobe belt etc.) for a handle. Set a basket on the board and pull it into the laundromat. It would take several trips but the skateboard would be small and easy...


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My Tiny Linen Closet?
Im thinking I would want lots of shelves. If the closet is extra deep I would try to find boxes or baskets the same width of your closet and half the you could stack/store items in an open top box/basket which is pushed to the rear of the shelf...


Casualty of Pet Food?
Please dont blame yourself for the death of your puppy. He may have had problems before you got him.....that were not related to the dog food you fed him! I was under the impression (but I could be wrong) that the kidney damage etc was a result of many days...


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Earth Friendly Way to Clean Drains
I believe you also need to follow the vinegar with very hot water. This is what I have always done and never have had a problem.


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Checkbook Didn't Come With a Duplicate Flap?
Save the square of plastic from a package of bacon, wash it well and cut to size. Wash out a milk jug and cut the size you need from the flat side of the milk carton.


Suave Green Apple Shampoo for Urine Odors
Thanks for the tip! I cant wait to try it. I hope no one is losing sleep over how many sponges I might throw into the landfill. For those of you who may be stressing......... I use a sturdy paper towel for that job and just pitch it when Im done!


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Removing Tattoos?
My son has some bad facial scars from an accident and has used a product called Dermablend coverage makeup. It works very well. You can buy it online although I bought his in a retail store in a shopping mall. Check it out online. (Do a google search on Dermablend...


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Cleaning a Freezer After a Power Outage?
My niece had the same problem. She scrubbed with bleach, aired it out, filled it with newspapers, put pans of baking soda, pans of cat litter. What FINALLY worked for her was to place a large container of fresh ground coffee beans on the bottom, close the door...


Video: Happy Birthday Susan
Happy Birthday, Susan! Thank You for creating and maintaining this wonderful website. I read it first thing in the morning as I enjoy my first cup of coffee. I usually refer to it several times a day for recipes and advice on questions I encounter during the...


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Making Crinkle Skirts and Shirts?
When I was a kid, a hundred years ago, the big girls wore gathered skirts they called squaw skirts. I have no idea WHY they were called that. I do remember that after washing and rinsing and still wet, the skirts were squeezed together at the waist and then...


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Hair and Well Water?
Judy, You mentioned using baking powder but then also mentioned baking soda. They are two different products. I figure it was just a slip of your typing fingers...........happens to me too.........but I just wondered which one to use. Thanks!


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Duct Tape on a Polyester Graduation Robe?
Id probably moisten/wet an old white piece of fabric with lighter fluid (the kind you refill cigarette lighters with) and try rubbing the stickly residue off. Try this outdoors, with lots of fresh air, NOT indoors! IF it does come off then either air dry the...


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Another Year Has Passed (A Poem)
Thanks for the chuckle! You wrote a poem thats all to true. Thank You for sharing!


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Cleaner for Coffee Pots?
I have a Bunn coffee maker and VERY hard water. I drain all the water out of the reservoir (Be sure you unplug it while the reservoir is being drained so you dont burn out the heating element! The reservoir must have water, or vinegar, in it when it is turned...


My Frugal Life - We Have It All
As I read your remarks I realize you are a kindred spirit. It would be so nice to have you as my next door neighbor. I hope you are staying safe and warm. My TV news has been showing horrible cold, snowy conditions in Buffalo, NY.


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Poll: Do you use dryer sheets?
Michawnpita, Im relieved to see that Im not the only laundry freak out there. Do you suppose there are more of us? LOL


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White Bread Recipe?
In answer to how many loaves will this make. Typically 12 to 13 cups of flour will make 4 loaves of bread. At least that has been my experience.


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Snakes In a Crawl Space?
I know several people who have done the moth ball thing and have regretted it. The smell is AWFUL and does not go away for months!


American Flag and Eagle Painting

American Flag and Eagle Painting
BEAUTIFUL ! Thanks for sharing!


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Dishwasher Reviews?
I too have been hearing negative remarks about new or newer Maytag products. I really hate to hear that because all my big appliances, with the exception of my Kenmore refrigerator, are Maytags and have been absolutely trouble free for years. My dishwasher...


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Hurry Up Meal
I know all that GREASE and BUTTER and WHOLE MILK and all that BAD food must have caused my fathers death because he ate lots of that every day! He ONLY lived to the age of 101+! Robin, I love your recipes. They taste great!


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Easy Refrigerator Slide Shelves
I use dollar store cat litter pans for my pseudo rolling shelves. The sides are taller than cookie sheets and prevent things from falling off or getting crowded off. I use them in my base cabinets too but they really work GREAT in my refrigerator. I have two...


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Bags that Comforters, Drapes and Tablecloths Come In?
I have a huge amount of toys for my grandchildren (and other little visitors) to play with. Many are the small variety......little cars........little from McDonald happy meals...etc. I semi-sorted the toys according to type and put each group...


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Tell Me About Australia?
Tell us more. And what does CBD mean?


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Where can I buy glass blocks?
You can buy them at Lowes.


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Disguise Valuables As Mayonnaise
I used an empty box that originally had cereal in it........disgusting (to others, not to me) bran buds to be exact! It worked for me. A friend has a stinker of a grandson (in his 20s) who steals some of her prescription meds each visit. I told her to keep...


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Balancing Work and Family?
The solution that worked for me was this: Until my youngest child went to kindergarten I had a daycare in our home......back then it was called babysitting! My youngest had playmates and we had additional income. When my youngest started school I started driving...


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Burn Marks On Manmade Marble?
I dont own any man made marble but have seen the disgusting burn marks left when some one leaves a lighted cigarette that continues to burn and leaves an ugly scar. What I think Id do would be to buy some very fine sandpaper and try to sand away the burned...


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Sorry Cake
9x13=117 square inches. One half of 117 is 58 1/2 square inches. An 8x8 pan is 64 square inches. I figure this is close enough to half of a 9x13 pan. My guess is that an 8x8 pan will work fine, same time , same temperature. Just keep an eye on it the first...


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Security Alarm on Your Key Chain
It also works when you cant find your car in a big parking lot! My car is the same style and color as a bazillion other cars. If I wander around in Wal Mart or the mall long enough Ive been known to forget where I parked!! If I hit the alarm button I get a...


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Keeping Steel Wool Pads from Rusting
Even easier is the tip I got here on ThriftyFun! Just place the wet, used steel wool pad on a small square of aluminum foil! It will not rust! I LOVE this tip! Thanks again to the person who originally posted it!


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Good Places to Go for a Weekend?
I agree...Branson, Missouri would be a great choice! There are so many fun things to see and do.....lots of variety........even outlet shopping malls, Silver Dollar City (a treat !) pretty scenery, friendly people. Its not terribly far from the states you mentioned...


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Homemade Electric Broom Filter?
Would a drip coffee pot filter work?


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Dishwasher Rinse Recipe?
White vinegar! Some folks put it in their rinse aid dispenser. I usually just interrupt the last rinse cycle (at the beginning of that last cycle) and dump in a few glogs :>) .....maybe 1/2 cup. It makes your glassware sparkle!


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Poll: Have you driven the same car for 10 years or more?
I drove my 76 Ford, 12 passenger Club Wagon for 12 years. We bought it new and it was the favorite transportation for church and school field trips for years and then for hauling the kids to college also. Now we have a 93 Ford, F-350, crew cab pickup with a...


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Yellow Stains on an Old Porcelain Tub?
If you have a water condition called iron bacteria it will react with liquid clorine bleach (clorox) and will stain clothes and fixtures a nice peach to orange color! What I would try is Sno Bol toilet bowl cleaner. Squirt a small amount on the stained area...


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New Paint Cracking and Bubbling?
Dean: Im trying to educate myself here since I have several remodeling projects about to begin. WHY must you use only ceiling paint for ceilings? What is different in the composition of ceiling versus wall paint? Im not trying to be a smart aleck.......just...


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Cooking With Arthritis?
I feel your pain! I found myself choosing not to use favorite cookware in my lower cabinets or even food items in my refrigerator because it hurt too much to bend over to retrieve the item. I finally had a lightbulb moment and made some changes that have helped...


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Closet Smells Like Cat Litter?
If the coffee grounds dont do the trick you will probably have to seal all closet surfaces with some sort of paint. It s possible that the stink has been absorbed by all the surfaces in the closet. It might even require a certain type of paint as Im thinking...


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Ground Beef for Mexican Food
We buy our beef (actually divide one with our son) from a local farmer who is very health conscious. He does not use pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics etc on his animals. We have our ground beef made very lean. I also cook it in water to get that nice...


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Light Icing Recipe for Cakes?
Thank you for the feedback and recipes. Both recipes sound really good and I will try them. Since I dont care if my icing is cream colored instead of snow white I will use real vanilla. I always choose to use REAL products instead of imitation. Real vanilla...


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Highlighting Black Hair?
Would the spray on highlight colors work for you? I see the small spray cans of gold, silver, bronze, auburn, blonde etc. at Sallys beauty supply and also at Walgreens. Im often tempted to shock my kids or grandkids by spraying on a few audacious streaks of...


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Perfume Odors on an Artificial Christmas Tree?
Fresh unused coffee grounds have absorbed and removed some awful odors in deep freezes and refrigerators caused by spoiled meat. If you can tightly bag or box this tree for several days with a can of fresh coffee grounds just might do the trick...


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