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172 Posts | 883 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Substitute for Washing Soda?
I have found it at Walmart and most grocery stores in my area carry it.


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Removing Sharpie from a Comforter?
CakeDec, can you buy that stain remover in any retail store? I just hate paying postage for anything.


Glass replaced with acrylic.

Chandelier Makeover
That is great! You have my vote!


ravens on birdbath

Use Removable Inserts In Birdbath
Where did you find a bowl to fit it? Good idea if you can find a bowl.


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Ice Proof Car Windows
I think I have read this before on here but I have a question. If you got any of the vinegar on the paint of your car, I would think that it would eat away at the enamel. It is an acid after all. I would be afraid to try it.


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Homemade Heat Pack Gets Wet?
I have made many of these with just rice, not the beans. I guess they do smell some but I dont think they are that bad. What you can do is add some dried lavender or some type of good smelling dried flower. People tell me that really helps.


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Removing Crazy Glue from Hardwood Flooring?
There is a crazy glue remover you can buy in home improvement stores but it might take the finish off your floor as well. Otherwise the only thing that would work would be a razor blade and then you stand the chance of ruining your floor too.


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Use Tin Foil To Make Your Own Sewing Patterns
I have used this method to make patterns when I want to make a cushion, for instance to fit a chair. Never thought about using it for clothing. I never buy a pattern over $1.99. I wait till Hancocks or Joannes have their sale and then buy them up. Many times...


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Stainless Steel Vs. Black Cooktop?
I just dont like a smooth top cookstove that is electric. I prefer the gas ones. I have had two now and one was white and this one I have now is black. I prefer the black but truly dont like either.


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Prevent Mold on Cheese with Vinegar
Great tip...will have to try it.



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Turn Spring Form Pan Bottom Upside Down
If it works, that sounds like a great idea! I will try to remember it the next time I use my springform pan.


Decorating an Ice Arena Ceiling for a Wedding?
Would there be a problem with the lights melting the plastic perhaps? Might be something to consider. I have to agree with redhatterb, I think the tulle would look nice too.


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Finding Free Building Materials?
Have you tried Habitat for Humanity? I could be a possibility.


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Cockroaches and Delivery Boxes?
Absolutely! You should always open those boxes outside if possible or at least in the garage.


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Remedy for Dry Itchy Ankles?
My husband uses Eucerin calming itch relief and works very well for him.


Closeup of trim.

Repairing Shredding Fabric Trim on a Vintage Sofa?
You probably dont want to hear this but when it looks like that, I would say it is time to get it recovered. I would not put any work into it because it looks so thin, it will just split anyway.


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Young Toddler Crying All of the Time?
First of all, get the child to a doctor pronto! If you have to, go to an Urgent Care facility. They have them in just about every city. If she rubs her ears during crying, it is most likely ear infection. Meantime, if you think it could be teething, take a...


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Deadheading a Quickfire Hydrangea?
Yes, just cut off the flowers from last summer and you will be good to go.


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Getting Rid of Japanese Beetles?
I really hate to use Sevin product but it did help go get rid of them when I had them last year. The one thing I can tell you not to do is buy one of those traps. They just attract the beetles!


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Using Coffee Grounds in the Garden?
Use the grounds on any acidic loving plants like Rhododendruns, Azaleas and Hydrangeas to name a few.


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Sending a Fax By Computer?
Does your printer have fax capability? You will need that to send a fax and then you have to have a number from your phone company. I am not sure of the cost but is probably not worth it to only send an occasional fax.


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Trapping Mosquitoes?
They dont seem to be smart enough to fly upwards.



Fennel seeds to help bloating

Fennel Seeds For Gas and Bloating
This was just on Dr. Oz the other day so it must work!


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Do Not Automatically Renew Your Computer Antivirus Software
I agree with muttmom. There are several free programs so why pay for one. Norton is not any better than Avast.


Step by step photos of separating an egg.

An Easy Way To Separate Eggs
I saw that on one of the talk shows also but cant remember which one. She demonstrated it and it did work!


Heirloom tomato with two horn like protrusions.

Devil Tomato (Black Prince) (Hillsboro, OR)
I had one like that this year only it just had one horn. Do you suppose the wife has a devil? lol


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Repairing Table Finish After Spilling Nail Polish Remover?
Really, the only thing you can do is to refinish the whole top. Sand it down good and reapply some polyurethane. Being the klutz that I am, I have now refinished my coffee table 3 times! LOL


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Having Garden Soil Analyzed?
The best and most accurate thing you can do to get your soil tested is to go to the county extension service and they can tell you where to send your soil sample into your state extension service. They might even have kits available at your county extension...


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Strained Relationship with Brother?
I agree with Lilac. I have a sister that is very difficult to deal with. I just think it is better that we dont have a relationship because when I am around her it is so stressful. I think she is a bitter person and she has no friends. Who wants to always be...


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Hydrangeas Not Blooming?
It kind of depends what zone you are in and what type of hydrangea you have whether they bloom. Many times if you dont have a hardy hydrangea that blooms on both old and new wood, the blossoms fall off with a frost and then you dont get any flowers. The hydrangeas...


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Zucchini Brownies
I used 1-1/2 cups ground up zucchini. I too thought it did not seem chocolatey enough when I read the recipe but went by what it said and it seemed like enough chocolate to me. I am sure you could add another tablespoon of cocoa and have no negligible difference...


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Zucchini Brownies
I used a 10X10 inch pan. I put the chocolate chips on after it cooled for a bit and baked it in a 350 degree oven.


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Finding Discontinued Wallpaper?
You could try or you could check at Ebay.


Small blue flowers with bright yellow stamen.

Asiatic Dayflowers
Once you have these you cannot get rid of them. They come up everywhere. I pull and pull every year and cannot get rid of them. So beware before you plant, they are very invasive. I didnt plant mine, they came from seed from my neighbors plants.



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Fruit Flies?
Use either wine or red wine vinegar and put a little in a bottle with a narrow top. They will go in and drown.


Leaves of the plant.

What is This Plant? (Chinese Evergreen)
I agree with some. It looks like a Peace Lily.


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Ants in Hummingbird Feeder?
I have made an ant moat from a hairspray cap and wire and where I inserted the wire, I used a caulk to seal the hole. If you can look at one at Wild Birds Unlimited, you can go home and make one. They were like $8 and you can make one much cheaper than that...


Honeybees that built a nest between a window and the storm shutters in the South of France.

Honeybees for the Honeymoon (Southern...
I am so happy you found a home for them instead of killing them. Bees are in shortage everywhere, not just Europe and are so necessary for growing plants.


Reusing Plastic Easter Eggs

Use Plastic Easter Eggs For Snacks
The title on this tip is one that makes you laugh. For a split second I read it to mean you are supposed to eat the plastic eggs!, yummy!


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Getting Rid of Junk Mail
Maybe it would work better to send it back to the sender! hahaha


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Remedy for Trigger Thumb?
I had to have surgery on mine. Doctor never recommended exercises but mine was pretty severe.


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The Versatile Bread Bag
When I had a dog I used them to pick up his do-do. Worked great because you could grab it, turn the bag inside out with the do-do still in hand and it would be encased when you knotted the bag.


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Copying and Pasting Text on the Computer?
This is just as good as Microsoft word. Try OpenOffice 3.3.


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Defining Elderly?
I never felt elderly till I turned 70. I am almost 72. I still have a lot of energy but I have had several things happen in the last year or two that has slowed me down. I stay very active with gardening etc. but I made the mistake of smoking and quit 17 years...


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Source for Shredded Paper?
Our bank has a time where you can come in and shred your paper if you dont have a shredder. I am sure most any company will give you shredded paper.


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Myrrh for Treatment of Toenail Fungus?
Happy, I hope I did not get that wrong. If I did, sorry. Oh well, there are plenty of people with cold sores too! lol


Cottage Grove Sunset

Sunset (Cottage Grove, OR)
This is gorgeous and unusual because we usually see sunset or sunrises. This looks so dreamy.


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Dentures Causing Gum Pain After Tooth Extraction?
I only have uppers but they pulled them all at once and put in a temporary set right away. I dont recall how long I had the temp ones. For a few days I could only drink liquids and very soft foods but after they put the permanent ones in it didnt take long...


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Attach Patches With Staples First
There is a tool that you can repair broken zippers. You can buy it online or I have also seen it in fabric stores, namely, Hancocks. It is called a Flip an Zip and it repairs broken zippers if they are split in the middle or anywhere else. I saw them on Amazon...


Midnight Snow in Hillsboro, OR

Midnight Snow (Hillsboro, OR)
Are you a pro? It looks like I see a name in the lower lefthand of the photo. Nevertheless, it is a gorgeous photo!


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Gnat Traps?
Are you talking about fruit flies? They look like gnats so if that is what you mean, put some red wine vinegar out. Works well to put it in a bottle because they crawl in and cant get out or just use some left over wine. It works every time.


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Kielbasa Recipes?
This is one of my favorites from the Better Homes and Garden Cookbook. Kielbasa and Cabbage 1/3 cup chopped onion (one small) 1 Tbsp. butter or margarine 1 small head green or red cabbage, cut into 12 wedges 3/4 cup apple juice 2 Tbsp. brown sugar 2 Tbsp. red...


Two shelf bookcase with Britannica.

Encyclopedia Britannica Value Inquiry?
This looks to be in good shape but most of the time old encyclopedias do not sell well. They never are as worth as much as you think. I had some from when my mom taught country school in the early 30s and couldnt get rid of them. Best place to look as someone...


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Getting Rid of Foot Fungus?
I just saw on TV on The Doctors show that they used a laser type thing on a guys toenails. I have no idea what the cost would be but it might be worth checking into. I think it is a fairly new procedure so not sure if every doctor would practice it.


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Link: Watch the Eagle Cam (Norfolk, VA)
We have an eagle cam here in northern Iowa also that everyone is watching. The eggs are about to be hatched so if you are interested in observing another, here is the link.


Vegetable Lasagna Rolls

Vegetable Lasagna Rolls
That really does look good! We all need more veggies in our diet!


Stalky green plant with yellow "flowers" on the tips.

What is This Plant?
It certainly looks like chicken foot. It is a tropical plant, I believe. Here is a link to a picture of one.


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Making Pumpkins Grow Faster
I have never heard of that. Wish I had a bigger garden to grow pumpkins, but I will pass that on to my friends who do.


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Cucumbers Bitter?
Here is a link to show the possible resolution. It also lists cukes that dont become bitter.


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Removing Toilet Bowl Stains?
I tried the pumice stone once and it scratched the enamel. Dont know if I would recommend this!


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Keeping Vacuum Cleaner Rollers Cleared
I have used the seam ripper method for years. You have to be very careful and take a little at a time. One time I tried to remove to much at once and sliced my hand open. Not good!


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Removing a Callous on Toe?
I get severe callouses on my big toes because of bunions.. I think I push off with the ball of my feet so get them on the big toe of the first joint. I get them so bad that I have to soak my feet about every 5 days and then I remove them. I lay a sharp cuticle...


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Homemade Brass Polish?
If you want to take built up residue off, catsup works great. Another thing that works very well is a product called Brasso.


A green box of Bag Balm medicated ointment.

Use Bag Balm For Dry Scaly Skin
There are many products that are used on animals that are good for humans too and this is definitely one of them. I remember my dad using it on the milk cows.


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Hot Towels For Ingrown Hair
Wow, love to know this. I know this is probably too much info but I get them on my private parts, not fun! I hope it works for me!


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French Supper Loaf
Robin, what size evaporated milk would a small can be?


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Baked Pork Chops
Amazing what a package of onion soup mix can do! Think I will try this tonight.


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Cleaning Laminate Flooring With a Steam Mop?
I use a steamer on mine and have no problems whatsoever. I just love my steamer!


Cleaning Dust Out of Keyboard?
Frugalsurvie, where do you find a mini vacuum?


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Sugar Cookie Recipe?
It might depend on how thick you make your cookies as to how they turn out (crispy on edges and soft inside). I always like this recipe but I would say they are more crispy than soft. These have to have several hours in the frig to roll out nicely. Otherwise...


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Choosing Between Cable or Dish TV?
I have had both and it is true at times you cant get reception when there is a rainstorm. However, the cable in my area got so high priced that I had to drop it. We have Dish TV and Direct TV here. I chose Dish but I think it is a tossup which to choose.


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Removing Candle Wax from Carpet?
Brown paper bags work in the same way the coffee filters do. However, coffee filters might be more available.


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Buzzing in the Ear?
Yes, Andzie is right. I used to have it and it magically went away. I dont think there is a whole lot you can do about it unless some new things have come along to help it. It is extremely annoying, I can testify to that. Good luck with seeing the doctor. I...


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Garlic Butter and Lemon Orzo
I am sitting here laughing Deeli, because I just knew this was your recipe before even looking! And it does sound oh, so good!


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Value of a Set of Encyclopedia Americanna?
Did you mean 1929 or 1829? The older ones might be worth something but not the ones from 1956. However, I would ask an estimator to know for sure.


Sunset Sail, Bandon, OR

Scenery: Sunset Sail (Bandon, OR)
Wow, that is an amazing photo!


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Son-in-Law Eggs
JimK, it says to use a combo of molasses and lemon juice or orange juice immediately after you can substitute.


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Whole House Interior Paint Color Advice?
Are you renting or buying and do you plan on staying in your home long? The reason I ask is that if you plan to be there awhile, paint what colors you like! Why live with boring cream when you can have some color! One way to do it is to go get a color card...


Freezing Snow Peas?
I put some in the freezer this year but have not eaten them yet. I think I just washed them and blanched them for about a minute, cooled in ice water and bagged.


Closeup picture of hand holding spring type clothespin against a white background

Protecting Fingers when Hammering Nails
Using a finer toothed comb also works. Just insert the nail between the tines of the comb and hammer away.


Mama's Belly Butter
I agree with Lilac, you are either going to get them or you are not.


House Finches landed on purple sage flowers

House Finches on Sage
Very beautiful nature pic!


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Painting Latex Paint Over Oil Paint?
I agree with frugalsunnie that you should prime for sure. Where I differ is that the best primer to use is Zinser 123. Roughing it up first does help also.


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Chocolate Marshmallow Fudge
Somebody posted a recipe on here for easy fudge but I cant remember who. It is so unbelievably simple. I tried it and it is good too. Just melt in microwave a 12 oz. pkg of chocolate chips and add a can of chocolate frosting. Stir well. Add a tsp of vanilla...


View of the corner of bath with painted brown bag wallpaper.

Brown Bag Wallpaper
Hi Sandy, since the bathroom is small, I will show you the clawfoot tub and shower surround but there is not a whole lot more of the bath. You might be interested in seeing the before pic too and I will post it if I can be allowed to post more than one pic...


View of the corner of bath with painted brown bag wallpaper.

Brown Bag Wallpaper
Hi Sandy, the bathroom is small so I only have a picture of the clawfoot tub and shower surround. Just to show you how much it improved, when I bought the house, this is how the bath looked. LOL, quite a change.


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Na'an Bread Recipe
Copasetic, this sounds delicious. I love making breads too. What nationality does Naan come from, can you tell me?


Example of a Christmas E-card.

How to Send a Christmas E-Card
The last time I used them I got a virus warning so have been afraid to use them since.


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Sweet Potato Salad
The orange seasoning was probably paprika.


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Some Lights Out on Pre-lit Tree?
I thought it would save hassle when I bought a pre-lit Christmas tree but it is just the opposite. The top of mine would not light the second year I had it. I would never buy another. And yes, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.


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Removing Rust Stains from Clothing?
I agree with Jsham, Whink is the way to go...a wonderful product.


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No More Grainy Fudge
I have always heard that stirring the sides of the pan makes for grainy fudge too. After I heard this tip, I never had a problem.


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Nut Roll Cookies
Did anyone try the dry yeast? Did it work?


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Nut Roll Cookies
I have never heard of a cookie recipe that takes cake yeast. I dont suppose there is any way of substituting regular yeast?


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Pretzel Chip Cookies
It depends on the size you make these cookies how long you bake them. Time them for 15 minutes on the first batch and adjust from there.


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Pretzel Chip Cookies
Bake them at 350 degrees. Also, I would let the dough set out after refrigerating it for 24 hours. It is not very pliable otherwise. After I shaped the dough into balls, I dipped them in water so the pretzels would adhere better.


white and red elongated mushroom

Elegant Stinkhorn Mushroom
It looks more like a male part to me than a fungus! LOL... I once had one in my garden too and took it to a local nursery so they could identify it. Keep in mind I have no sense of smell so it didnt stink to me. When I showed the fellow, he stepped back and...


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Grandma's Oatmeal Bread
Robin, is that the quick cooking oatmeal or the old fashioned, or does it matter which you use?


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Growing a Lemon Tree for Seed in a Container?
I have a lime tree and I keep it outside in the summer and bring it in in the winter. It is not real fast growing and I have never gotten a lime from it. It also has sharp thorns on it. The leaves get real dark and glossy so it is a pretty plant whether or...


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