
Sheilah Link

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6 Posts | 328 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Getting the Yellow Out of Grey Hair?
Silver Fox shampoo works well also. Pantene had one for extremely bleached hair that left beautiful silver highlights.


view of kitchen cabinets and adjoining wall

Paint Color Advice for Kitchen with Oak...
Try a color opposite on the color wheel of the honey-orange. This will be something in the blue family, but you also need a color that will not clash with the olive green. I would suggest get some paint chips, tape them up and look at them for a couple of days...


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Using Baby Yarn to Make Adult Sweaters?
Since this yarn is fine, twist several yarns together to create a heavier yarn more suited to the adult sizes, and create a beautiful blended color.


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Cleaning a Satin Brocade Couch?
It would depend on the what the fabric is made of. I would try a very gentle liquid soap and water dabbed on with a cloth. Try this in a spot that wont be seen. Use as little soap and especially water as possible. There are also upholstery cleaners out there...


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Mixing Dawn and Bleach?
I use a combination of water, a drop or two of Dawn, and just enough bleach to smell for kitchen counter cleaner. I keep this in a spray bottle and use it just like any other counter cleaner.


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Generic Zyrtec is Not as Good
I tried Walgreens generic Zyrtec. Wont do that again. Just didnt help that much so back to Krogers generic Claritin.


How Much Shrinkage Can Occur in 100% Cotton Jeans?
I dont know about the shrinkage, but turn the extra under and tape it in place (secretarys hem) and wash them a few times until they remain one length. Washing them in cold water may keep them from shrinking, and hot water probably will cause them to shrink...


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Curtain Color Advice?
Add pillows of egg shell with brown accents and some bronze colored items. If the browns are dark enough, red will work, but check carefully.


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Couch Color Advice?
Bone white with aqua pillows for accents.


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Bathroom Paint Color Advice?
How about stripes to tie the two rooms together?


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Bedroom Paint Color Advice?
Pale gold for the walls, but you need an accent color--something restful. Greens and blues and other pastels are considered restful, but I am not sure--a golden peach maybe. This is tricky. Thanks for the challenge.


Paint Colour to Match Brown Furniture

Paint Colour to Match Brown Furniture?
Aqua blues from intense for accent to like intensity for background. Also a lighter version of the dark brown for details for trim.



family room

Paint Color for Family Room Adjacent to...
Darker version of the green sage. Also pick up some of the colors in the rug. Treat the two rooms as one. The dark sofa needs something darker. You could also consider a frame of color around the flat screen, dark like the sofa or a band of strips of greens...


Is My Dog a Pure Bred German Shepherd?

Is My Dog a Pure Bred German Shepherd?
White is NOT a standard color for German shepards.


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
I agree--too many colors. Pick up any of the colors already there and go with a lighter or darker version of one of those as: darker gray, darker or lighter blue, darker or lighter cherry red like the floor. A darker color would add some contrast.


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Kitchen Tile Colour Advice?
The creamy yellow would work. With the black and gray, you could go with about any color--reds, oranges, aquas, blues, greens. I would suggest using a tint and a shade or tone of one color. You really need some color to add interest.


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Sheers Color Advice?
I would suggest sheers as near the color of the walls as possible, BUT with a red accent as a ribbon stitched vertically on the sheers. Or white or tan or beige with red and chocolate accents.


bright pink wall with tall windows

Curtain Color Advice?
I like the patterned as long as it has a tint, tone, or shade of the pink. I am not sure about the black rod though. Have you any metal in the room as brass or copper or such. You might extend the rod beyond the width of the doors as the pink is rather overwhelming...


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Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?
Run, do not walk away from this man. There is no good ending for this--ever except for you if you get away unhurt. it will not stop with words.


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Getting Rid of Fleas?
Into a white bowl or dish or even a lid put water mixed with some liquid dish soap and mix, but do not make suds. Fleas are attracted to white. Set this on the floor with a candle or other warm light source. The heat also attracts the fleas. The fleas will...


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Living Room Wall Paint Color Advice?
What color are the window coverings? Is there a color in them that you could pick up? Since I am not fond of yellows/ golds, I wont recommend them, but a warm coral might work. Also something in the green or blue family, and then repeated in pillows. This would...


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Kitchen Cabinet Paint Color Advice?
Have you considered painting just the cabinet doors? If the cabinet shows around the doors, this could look very new. You do need to stay in the same color family as the counter top and cabinets, but you can go much lighter or do a stripe or a sponge print...


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
I agree with Louise. Also have you consider use of mirrors or reflective covering for the window. Hope this helps.


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Half Bathroom Paint Color Advice?
To make the room look larger, I would suggest a slightly lighter or darker yellow than the fixtures, but paint the ceiling a darker, richer yellow and decorate with mirrors.



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What Color Paint for my Living Room?
Yellow and orange - I would suggest a lighter yellow, or a soft green, but depending on the effect you want, you could even go with a fairly intense blue. What color is the floor/carpet, draperies, etc.? Rugs, pillows, and decorative items will be needed to...


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Curtain Color Ideas?
A deeper or brighter blue might work. What color is the wall where the window is located? I would suggest keeping the curtains in the same color family as the wall, and using white for accents repeated throughout the room - pillows, large pictures, vases, throw...


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Sterilizing Canning Jars in the Oven?
Water boils at 210 degrees F. I bake my jars at 250 for about 10 minutes, but I do boil the lids. I have not had any problems using this method and think it may be better because of the higher temperature.


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Hydrangea Not Blooming?
It took my mophead several years to bloom--about three as I remember. I didnt do anything to it. I am a put it in the ground and let it be. Give it a couple of years from the last planting and unless your soil is very poor, just leave it alone. Hope this helps...


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Getting Rid Of Fleas In My Basement?
Into a white bowl, the flatter and wider the better, put some water and enough soap to make a slight film to top. Put this on the floor and put a light next to it. You must use an old fashion bulb that turns out heat to attract the fleas. They will jump toward...


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Leaving an Abusive Husband?
Call the police and they should be able to refer you to help. It is important that you get out now! Your sons are learning this is how to treat women. You are not trash, worthless - he is and he wants you to be less than him. You have nothing to be ashamed...


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What to Do on a School Holiday?
First, make a list of things you like to do or would like to learn to do, as: swim, learn a new stroke, ride a bike and time yourself over a distance and then try to improve your time, learn to do cartwheels, walk on your hands, etc. Of course, your mother...


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Moving Tips?
Into a new, clean garage can pack all that is need to make the bed including pillows along with a set of towels, soap, etc. for the bathroom. Make the bed the very first thing. Unpacking and organizing is as bad as the packing and this way you can bathe and...


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Children and Long Hair?
I have long, long, baby fine hair (to my waist) and I have found it easiest to let it nearly air dry and then gently brush it with a soft natural bristle brush. This removes tangles and smooths the hair so it does not tangle easily. It is important to keep...


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Pattern for Crocheted Alligator?
I have a pattern for a family of 3 gators and I will try to find it and email it to you. I am not use sure it is crocheted or knitted. If it is crocheted, I will try to get it to you.


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Pattern for Crocheted Alligator?
Found the patterns, but how can I get them to you. It is in Annies Pattern Club, No. 21, newsletter, June-July. 1983. It is a single pattern, but by changing needles and number of strains of yarn, three sizes result, papa, mama, and baby. And it is crochetted...


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Decorating a New Apartment Without Painting?
Throw rugs, art work and drapes can add color, but I would suggest a neutral for the sofa as that can be moved from apartment to apartment. Actually, you can throw a large table cloth or even a length of material over it for color. I use a old linen table cloth...



Car Tires

Uses for Car Tires?
We use them as a base for stacking lumber to be air dried. Also if you have a way to cut them and drill holes in them, sections can be used as planters, esp. for annuals. Cutting steel belted tires can be a problem. I have also seem them made into outdoor mats...


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
With the dark counter tops, a light, bright color might be best. Try a sunny yellow, or pick up a color from the floor, but make it a light, bright version.


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Remedy for Extremely Knotted and Tangled Hair?
DHC, a mail order costemtic company, has a product that may work. I cant remember the name of the product, but I think you can find it easily on their web site. It is a conditioner put on after shampooing and left on. I have baby fine hair below my waist and...


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Remedy for Frizz and Split Ends?
My hair is below my waist, finally. First, there is no cure for split ends; that part must be cut. Prevention is the next step. As others are saying, condition, condition, condition. Allow your hair to air dry rather than using any kind of dryer. Dont wash...


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Getting Rid of Spiders Without Pesticides?
I was told that spiders do not like the odor of hedge apples, the large, pale green, lumpy fruit of the hedge bushes. Just place the hedge apple on a small plate or in a small bowl and set somewhere near where the spiders are. I did try this and it seemed to...


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Storing Shoes?
Yes, it will squish them out of shape if they are on top of one another. I never liked shoulder pads in clothes so I would cut them out and stuff them in the toes of shoes to hold the shape. Also I would let them aid dry 24 hours before putting them away. You...


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Fruit Flies in House Plants?
I have had success with a mix of water, liquid dish soap and vinegar, red wine vinegar seeming the best. In a small jar, such a a spice jar, put a little water and vinegar and just a drop or so of the soap, about an inch or so in the bottom of the jar. Mix...


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Remedy for Ingrown Toenail?
After your bath or shower when the nail is still soft, put a tiny piece of cotton under the ingrown part. Dont use too much the first time. This will hold the nail up as it dries. You must keep doing this until the nail is above the side of the toe. It is surprising...


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Curtain and Bed Linen Colors to Coordinate with Sage Walls?
Have you consider a peach or apricot? If the room is small, match the window coverings to the wall. Sage and gray are cool colors so a warm color will add visual interest and peach and apricot shades will go with both. Perhaps gray and the warm color as pillow...


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Homecoming Float Ideas?
Beat them at their own game. Have a large float sized banner of the classic roadrunner/coyote conflict with the mustang bursting through, sort of like the banner that some teams break through at the beginning of a game. The theme could be something along the...


cover on bottle 2

Oil Bottle Cover
Great idea. Thank you.


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Bathroom Paint Color Advice?
A blue that will go with the bedroom might work. White towels, etc. for contrast or pick up another color from your bedroom, even a green to tie the two rooms together. Hope this helps.


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Choosing Curtains to Go with Mexican Tile Floor?
I would add to the other answers, match the walls to make the apartment look larger. I liked the idea of using sheets - been there, done that. The fewer colors, the the larger the apartment will look. Hope this helps.


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Information on Old Fiddle?
I took my old violin to a repair shop that specialized in stringed instruments and they were very helpful. I am surprised there was nothing on line about the maker. Mine was complicated to research as the name was spelled several ways - Steiner, Stainer - the...


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Living Advice for $1000 a Month Budget?
$1000 a month and $800 mortgage - that leaves $200 to live on. I dont think it can be done. That is only about $50 a week for everything else--food, transportation, utilities, etc. even if they stay health and have no emergencies. Can they sell the house and...


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Getting Rid of Crows?
Crows are intelligent and if one of the flock is hurt at a location, they will leave and never return. You might try a BB gun; that should not hurt them seriously, but give them a sting. Also, if you could net one - throw something over it keep the bird for...


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Selling My Trees?
Does Arkansas have a state conservation department like Indiana? If so, they can help you. I would suggest you prepare a written contract/agreement that all the mess--tops, holes, stumps, branches, etc.--be cleaned up and that you sell them by sealed bid. Loggers...


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Candles or Flashlights for Power Outages?
I keep a L.L. Bean crank flashlight by the bed. Candles and oil lamps I use as stationary lights - not ones to carry around. We plan to invest in a generator later this summer. This is an option you might consider if power outages are frequent and/or long lasting...


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Ants in Hummingbird Feeder?
It is called an ant trap or oil cup and it hangs between the feeder and whatever you have the feeder hanging on. Ant traps are filled with oil and you should be able to find one wherever you find hummer feeders. 10W30 or some such is the best choice as ants...


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Tips for Successful Moving Sales?
Dont sit; greet your customers, ask them what they are interested in and let them know you will deal. Point out good deals to them, but dont hover. Putter around straightening stuff. Running a successful sale is hard work. People are looking for deals - $1...


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Remedy for Droopy Eyelids?
There is/was a book called Facercize and it was exercises from the face and they work. For eyelips, hold the skin at the outer edges of the eyes and and try to open your eyes as wide as you can. You should feel a slight pull. Next open your eyes as wide as...


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Spaghetti Sauce Stain on Clothing?
I apply Dawn and a little water and let in soak in, even overnight. Dont rub; that will just work the stain in deeper. Then I wash as usually, but watch the rinse as Dawn makes gobs of suds.


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Buying a Possum Trap?
The brand name is Hav-a-hart or something like that and you can probably order one on line. It is a catch them alive trap and you may have to search under that. Opossums are so ugly I feel sorry for them, but they can be a problem. Good luck.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Ants in Hummingbird Feeder?
It is called an oil cup and hangs between the feeder and the hook. Most stores that have hummer feeders have them. If you live somewhere where it rains, get a one that has a roof over it. My husband made one out of a toilet float by cutting it in half and using...


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Sending Books to Africa?
Good Luck. The school district in Cincy, Ohio where I taught threw away used books by the dumpsterful. These were not tatty old things, but in some cases, nearly new. When I asked if these could be donated, the NO would have blistered paint. Every year the...


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Paint Color Advice for Blue and Brown Family Room?
She already has three colors. A light version of the brown of the recliner might work or the red of the fireplace brick all the walls dont need to be the same color. At first, I leaned toward a pale navy, but that would make the room rather cold looking. She...


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Getting Antiques Appraised?
Visit some antique stores and look at similar items to get an idea of value, but remember that is the dealers price, not what they pay for them. If you have silver items, take them to several jewelers before you sell. The pictures can be tricky. If you know...


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Weeds in Flower Gardens?
Since most thistles spead by both seeds and roots, you need to kill the entire plant and to also cut off the bloom before it can seed. Spray carefully just the thistles with a thistle killer - it take special products designed to kill thistles. Make a shield...


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Trouble Swallowing Pills?
This is a trick my husband uses. First take a big drink of liquid, but do not swallow and then open your lips just enough to get the pill in, and swallow. You will need a mouthful of liquid to do this, but I have found it easier than any other way. Hope this...


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Homemade Hummingbird Nectar?
Hummers love the sweetness, but a different ratio is considered better. I use two to three cups of water to one of sugar. I have read that 1::1 is not good for them, but they will ignore your feeder if they can find somethng sweeter. If you use less sugar, I...


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Homemade Clorox Cleaner?
I mix water, Dawn dish liquid and bleach. Mostly water, not too much Dawn and just enough bleach to smell. Sorry I cant be more exact, but I do adjust the ingredients to the purpose. (b)Editors Note:(/b) Always use caution when cleaning with bleach. It can...


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Removing Furniture Dents from Wool Carpet?
I think you have been misinformed about water and wool. It is agitation when wet that shrinks wool. Same with steam. When wet, tease the carpet up with an old dental pick or some such tool.


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Getting Rid of Ants in the Kitchen?
As soon as you see the first ant, put out a mixure of borax and sugar with enough water to make it liquid. I use an old can lid and put it down where I have seen the first ant. They will flock to the sugar, borax, water mix. Allow them to eat/drink their fill...


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Treating Poison Ivy?
Crush 6 Bayer asprin and disolve into 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol and apply at least 3 times a day. Stops the itch and dries up the blisters. Have used this for years. Note of caution: Store in glass container only. I dont know why, but Bayer seems to work the...


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Getting Rid of Weeds in Horse Pasture?
Cut the weeds. You can use a trimmer if it has a metal blade, or, for more exercise, use a weed whip or a machete (spelling?). Dont try to do it all at once though. With rain and luck, the grass will grow. You dont say how large your field is, but a lawn mower...


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Solar Powered Dog Collar?
You love your dogs, but let them run during the night! This is irresponsible, and dangerous.


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Birds Chirping Before Sunrise?
The male birds are announcing that they are there and still guarding their territory.


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Removing Mothball Odor from Clothing?
Usually just airing them for a few days will take care of the odor. I have heard that using a clothes dryer set to air fluff will speed the process. I usually put mine on hangers and hand them where the air will circulate around them. I suppose you use a fan...


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Buying Dry Yeast?
It is a dried form of cake yeast and can be found in the baking section of most grocery stores with flour and baking powder.


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Kitchen Cabinet Paint Color Advice?
It needs to be a color you like. Actually, you could go with white, but that would be a lot of white. Do you have any color accents? If you like to change the accents--curtains, table cloths, place mats, staying with white or off white or even a light gray...


Treating Blisters on the Inside of Lips?
For me, these were an allergy reaction to food additives and whitening toothpaste. It took a while to develop, but once I changed back to regular toothpaste, they went away. The problem is that if it is an allergy, it may have taken a while to react and it...


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Child Won't Go to School After Being Bullied?
As a retired teacher, I would advise calling the police. I dont know the situation where you are, but where I was taught, there wasnt much teachers were permitted to do. We could write a referral describing the situation, and at the risk of physical harm to...


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Curtain Color Advice?
That is a lot of dark colors. I would suggest white or very light tan curtains with a thin dark brown and black stripe. Pick up the same light color in pillows and rugs. A very accents of a bright color - lime green, hot pink, bright yellow, etc. - would add...


Inexpensive Meal Ideas?
Pasta - overcooked so it contains plenty of water is filling and you can add about anything to it - just spices and oil will work. Peanut butter is another high food value product. Check the mark downs if your local grocery has them, and if not, ask. This is...


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Other Uses for Liquid Dishwasher Soap?
Clean toilets and tubs with it, but keep it off the skin.


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Removing an Oil Stain from Clothing?
Apply a liquid dish soap as Dawn to the spot and allow it to soak in. A little water may speed the process. Then launder the shirt. Do not add additional soap as you will have a mountain of suds. It may take a couple of treatments to remove all the oil, but...


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Christmas Parade Float Ideas for Farm Equipment Company?
First idea that immediately popped into my head was a group of reindeer eating hay and/or grain and the farmer providing it. Maybe Santa shaking hands with the with farmer, too. Perhaps a tractor pulling a feed wagon saying We keep Santa flying. Or Santa saying...


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Tips for Not Overpacking?
First, take only easy to hand wash and quick to dry clothes. Coordinate, coordinate, coordinate - each item should go with several other items. Second, what can you buy there? Toothpaste? Soap? Etc. Buy when you get there. This will save space in packing. Use...


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Cooking Oil Stain on Cotton Dress?
Is it an oil or food stain? Usually, I dampen the spot and apply Dawn or another NON-bleaching dish soap. Work into the stain gently and allow to soak for about 10 minutes, then wash as you normally would. Most dish washing liquids will make gobs of suds so...


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Is Hen Scratch Feed Good for Birds?
I dont see why it wouldnt be. I mix whole and cracked corn with bird feed and the birds pick out what they like. I have noticed that in the winter, most select the black sunflower seeds first, but now they are going after the cracked corn. I have finches, cardinals...


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Buying a New Home After a Bankruptcy?
Are there summer school teaching jobs in your area? I agree with saving the $16000. That is your nest egg for the future. The cats may have to go - hard to face, but realistic. Look for a summer job with your education, you may be able to find something else...


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Remedy for Sagging Eyelids?
There was a book-Facercise - and it was exercises for the face and they work. Open your eyes as wide as you can, and put your fingers on the skin but dont stretch the skin around your eyes and try to close your eyes. If you feel a pull, that is what you want...


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Keeping White Towels White?
I agreed with newsue - sounds like soap scum build up. Use her hot water and vinegar treatment though it may take a couple of passes to get all the soap build up out of the fabric.


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
To play up the counter color, I would suggest a true light yellow. Pick up the blue and yellow in curtains. I saw some beautiful one that were made of quilting material sewn in squares. The light coming through the blue and yellow was so cheerful. You could...


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Choosing Curtain Color?
Green sheers with brown drapes would work, but you really need a touch of something else. It would be tricky, but certain oranges might work as would gold, yellow - something in that family. You dont give the wall color so I am presuming off-white. Window coverings...


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Locating Your Car in a Parking Lot?
Roof rack, radio antenna, or just a balloon on one of the wipers. Need enough string so the balloon is high enough to see. It needs to be loose so it will move as movement attracts the eye.


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Finding the Value of an Antique Violin?
Do a search on the name and the date. It will take some digging, but remember, it is only worth what someone will pay. The 1812 may not be the date, but the date the maker became a master maker and his design was recognized. Also if he was a well known, it...


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Removing Cooking Oil Smell from Clothes?
Dawn dish liquid works and probably most other dish liquids would, but use them very sparingly as they make a lot of suds in a washing machine. I would suggest she use hot water, start the wash cycle to get the soapy water well worked through them, and then...


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Advice for a Dog with Food Allergies?
Dod food, like most prepared human food, is full of additives. Have you tried a more natural diet of raw meat? The allergy could also be something besides food; something that comes in contact with her skin.


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Table Finish Color to Coordinate With Olive Sofa?
Pillows and flower and vases using various shades of green and merlot shading into deep rose or pink will tie it all together. I saw a TV show where they were coating the inside of glass bottles or jars with paint by starting with the darkest color and adding...


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Dressing for a Mother Daughter Tea?
Gloves come off when you eat. Wear your favorite color and coordinate from there. These are regarded as rather formal occasions so go for elegance rather than a fashion statement. See if you can find out what others are wearing, but stay away from contrasting...


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Repelling Mice?
Moth balls scattered about, esp. along wall where mice like to run will discourage them. Mice do not like to venture far from walls. It would be best if you can find where they are coming in and put the moth balls there. Good luck.


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Grease Stain Removal from Clothing?
I have had good luck with Dawn and Dove dish liquid. Dampen the spot, work in a little of the dish liquid. Let it really soak in - and then wash.


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Choosing Wedding Colors?
Either dress your bridesmaids in a rainbow of pastels all the same or similar styles or select a color and dress them in shades of the same spring color. Or use a rainbow of spring flowers and keep everything else simple. Select a color or colors they will...


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Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
Some shade of yellow will brighten up the kitchen. You might also find a tan that might work. What color is the floor? You already have two colors: white and blue which are rather cool so you need a warm color. Light orange might be an answer or even some variation...


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Curtain Color Ideas for Burgundy and Cream Room?
I would suggest cream to match the walls or perhaps cream with a small burgundy print if you want to make the room look larger and not draw attention to the window. Have pillows of the same material to pull the whole look together. These colors sound so lovely...


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15th Birthday Ideas?
I agree with the other posters. Make it more exclusive - just invite a few people or do the water park thing or some such. It is your party and you are the one who should enjoy it. Pizza, a movie and a sleep-over for a few true friends will work. Have fun.


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Wedding Decoration Ideas?
Stay with one shade/tint of chocolate, but vary the turquoise from pale to deep. You could dress your bridesmaids in turquoise from pale to deep with chocolate trim (my wedding was mink and pink - a dress they could use for other occasions, but this from a...


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Fleas in the Carpet?
A white dish with soapy water with a light by it will attract them and they cannot break the surface tension of the soapy water. The adults are attracted by the warmth of an old fashion light bulb and the white of the dish. You will continue to have problems...


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Shopping for Large Stuff Bags?
I dont know your stores, but I do have a cheaper solution. Get some good quality garbage bags and some rubber bands. Put the items into these bags; then insert the hard end of the hose from your vacuum clearer into the top and hold the bag tightly around the...


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Storing Lettuce?
I am presuming you mean head lettuce. To reduce size, cut in half and remove the core; then cut in quarters. Any kind of container will work and this smaller size may be a help to you.


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Feeding Hummingbirds?
I plan to put out a feeder in about two weeks and I am in east central Indiana. Leave the feeder out until at least two weeks after you see the last hummer. Leave them out all day and night, but do keep them clean and DO NOT USE food coloring. Hummers are curious...


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Getting Diesel Fuel Out of Clothes?
I would recommend Dawn dishwash liquid and hot, hot water. Pumice works like sand paper and the diesel has worked into the fiber of the material. It may take several cycles to remove the diesel and the Dawn itself, so dont use too much Dawn. If you can, stop...


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Curtain Color for Burgundy and Brown Room?
Trim the cream curtains with gold braid. Add some gold colored items as lamps, trim on lamp shades (use some of the gold braid), vases, and such. The use of pillows could also add more color, but stay with lighter shades of the colors already there. This could...


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Remedy for Hair Dry and Damaged from Medications?
Olive oil will work, too. Use only a small amount and apply it to wet hair. The one product I have used - waist length hair at 70! - is an ethic product called, I think, Ultra sheen. It washes out easily, gives a wonder shine, and takes only a small amount...


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Removing Transmission Oil from Clothes?
Dawn dishwasher liquid and hot, hot water. Put clothes into washer and when the water shuts off, add a little Dawn at a time and run the washer until you have a thin layer of soap. Allow the washer to run a bit to work the soapy water through the clothes, stop...


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Organizing Medicare/Supplemental Insurance Paperwork?
I reuse the large envelopes all that stuff comes in. To do that, open those envelopes with a letter opener. Cut off part of the top to make a tab that is taller than the rest, and write on the tab what is in that one. Keep various things in their own envelope...


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Getting Rid of Skunks?
My old stand-by sprinkle some moth balls along the edge. There has to be a reason why the skunk is spraying; that is their only line of defense and they use the spray only as a last resort. They hiss, stamp their feet in warning before they spray as they have...


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Plants That Repel Flies?
Bird feeders and bird baths will attract birds which will eat the flies.


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Making Homemade Biscuits Without Shortening?
I have always used liquid shortening. Use the same measure as for solid shortening.


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Mice Nested in Refrigerator?
The inside will still be sanitary, if it is sealed. As to its being safe, plug it in and see it there are any weird smells or anything questionable and if so, unplug it.


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Using the Food Saver with Jar Sealer Attachment?
No, they can be reused a couple of times as long as they seal.


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Kitchen Paint Color Ideas?
Consider a lighter semi-gloss or glossy paint that is a lighter tint of the floor or the cabinets. You might even like to use a green that is a tint of the counter top color. Have you considered a tin ceiling? It comes in panels and can have the appearance...


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Hemming a Bias Cut Dress?
First the hem must be narrow. I dont know of any way to do it except with the help of a friend to measure from the floor to a certain height all around the skirt and place pins close together to get an even line. This will give you a place to start; cut the...


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Scrap Wood Project Ideas?
1. Wooden clip boards - Rockler, a wood craft supply chain, has the clips. 2. Book ends. 3. Book stands - they look sort of like a chair with slanted seat. 4. Wooden hot pats for hot dishes. 5. If you have a table saw, cut the wood very, very thin for wooden...


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Window Treatment for a Wall of Windows?
Would a folding set of panels work? I am thinking of something like the old dressing screens used for modesty while dressing or undressing. It would be easy to change the fabric on them using some sort of hanging plant on a tall plant stand between sets of...


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Shopping for a Garter Belt for Support Hose?
Check out National on line. They have support hose that have elastic around the top so you will not need anything to hold them up. I dont wear their support hose, but I have been very satisfied with their regular hose. Hope this helps.


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Solution for Limp Blouses?
The blouses may be full of fabric softener or soap residue. Change the kind of soap you are using and wash them in plenty of water and do not add softener. Then run the complete cycle again without soap. Actually, you have need to do this several times to completely...


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Eliminating Mice?
Actually, I have had good luck with moth balls. I sprinkle some in the garage every fall to discourage mice from moving in; moth balls are not 100%, but they do seem to help.


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Avoiding Impulse Shopping
Use cash. Put yourself on an allowance and carry only that much. Also think, if I save this money, later I will have the money to buy that. When I started working, that is what I did. Money not spent was saved - at home - until I had money for a really expensive...


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