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Removing 'White Out' From A Check?
I second Grannygirl and if the bank wont accept that then youll need to talk to whomever issued the check and ask for a reissue but there will most likely be a fee because theyll have to protect themselves with a stop payment via their bank on this original...


When Are You Being Too Frugal?

When Are You Being Too Frugal?
Thanks to everyone for leaving such great comments here and I hope there will be more! Thank you so much! Have responses for a couple of comments: Shotpusher, I didnt necessarily mean working oodles of extra overtime but rather creative ways to earn extra money...


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Making Dumplings in the Oven?
You can use an oven safe pot like this with a lid for easy, moist dumplings.


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Substituting Spaghetti Sauce for Pizza Sauce?
Besides adding oregano and garlic as is already mentioned here be sure its a really thick spaghetti sauce. If its not you can thicken it with tomato paste or prebake the crust at 425 degrees until crust is just becoming golden and then top with sauce and other...


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Getting Fleas Off People?
If the fleas are that bad then you need a professional exterminator immediately and definitely call your doctors office with worries that you might have ingested even one! You dont need to swallow them in order to ingest them! If they are in your nose you could...


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Link: Play Online Games That Donate To Charities
Thank you all who have commented so far! :-) Cajun, your skepticism about assorted charities is healthy but the skepticism for this particular suggestion is unwarranted. Every single free play or click to give charity mentioned here by myself or any other person...


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Keeping Soda from Going Flat?
Yep, squeeze the air out of the bottle before placing the cap back on. This works well for carbonated water too. :-)


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Grey Hair Doesn't Hold Color?
PS - In regards to Lilacs comment, cheap hair color products have absolutely nothing to do with the outcome of hair color. Its the type of color products being used that makes the difference. For example, permanent, semi-permanent, demi-permanent, bleach, etc...


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Grey Hair Doesn't Hold Color?
I was a hairstylist for 35 years and color was my specialty. If youll answer my questions here Ill be happy to give you advice. Just leave the answers in the same comment section that I am writing to you now. 1) Are you having all of your hair colored one color...


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Getting the Yellow Out of Grey Hair?
Use a bluing shampoo and/or conditioner as already recommended. A clarifying shampoo once or twice a week will help greatly to remove chemical buildup too :-) Sometimes medications will yellow hair but a lot of times it can be caused from the environment from...


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Plucking Facial Hair Results in Black Spots?
The only thing I can think of is that these are blackheads. Try washing your face after plucking and then use a toner or really cold water afterwards to close the pores. Here is information on how to remove the blackheads:


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Plucking Facial Hair Results in Black Spots?
Alisha, you can not get Vaniqa without a prescription and if someone tries to sell it to you anyway please run the other direction! That it is a potent cream that can cause serious health issues and especially if you already take any kind of medications (over...



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Eyeglass Lens Have a Milky Discoloration?
When my eyeglasses do this I use Isopropyl Alcohol and a t-shirt type material to clean them. Hope this will work for you, too!


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Buying Canned Cat Food in Bulk?
You could buy grocery store brands that often are much, much less expensive than name brands and at my market, Safeway, most of the time they give a great discount for buying five or ten cans at a time. When you find these great deals ask the store manager...


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Bleach Tablet Stuck in Toilet?
Thinkfast, did you try using the snake I suggested? It will greatly help break that tablet up! You can purchase one at any hardware store or places like Home Depot or even rent one from an equipment rental company. Personally, I would just purchase one and...


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Bleach Tablet Stuck in Toilet?
Whatever you do, do not use anything other than warm (not hot) water to try to dissolve the tablet more quickly! Dont even use something as simple as baking soda or vinegar because anything with chlorine bleach in it can have a dangerous chemical reaction mixed...


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Yellow Stains on Sheets?
I am not sure how to remove the stain other than safe non-chlorine bleach weekly but if DH showered (sloughing with a washcloth as already mentioned) before going to bed each night it would greatly help. If, after a couple of weeks this does not help at all...


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Keeping a Toilet Seat from Banging When Closed?
A fabric toilet seat top cover, the ones that match bathroom rugs, work wonders. ;-)


Cleaning Flexible Watch Bands
This is so darn clever! It never ceases to amaze me how many great ideas there are here in our community!


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Cleaning Cast Iron Frying Pans or Waffle Irons?
Personally I would stay away from using oven cleaner (for residue health reasons) and just stick with good old fashioned elbow grease and baking soda paste after soaking in boiling water and vinegar. You might have to do it a couple of times. After its clean...


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Disposing of Free Address Labels to Prevent Identity Theft?
There truly is no cause to worry about these labels causing identity theft. Can anyone else steal your moms identity simply knowing only her postal address? No way. There are some great ideas here already for stopping them being sent to her in the first place...


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Johnson & Johnson First Aid Cream?
I am fairly sure that product is no longer manufactured. Neosporin contains the same neccessary ingredients, however, I suggest using the pharmacy brand of Neosporin because its oodles of dollars cheaper and also contains the same ingredients and ingredient...


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Johnson & Johnson First Aid Cream?
Youre so right that J&J Cream was not as greasy as its counterparts, Cricket! Its because the cream had beeswax in it to make it creamier and I did like that about the product a lot :-)


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Reuse Healthy Choice Steamer Baskets
I absolutely love your idea but if the basket has a recycle number stamped on the bottom that is anything other than #2, #4 or #5 it is not safe to reuse for food or beverages (especially in a microwave) because of chemicals that leach from the plastic. :-( If...



Ready Made Salads In Ziploc Bowls
Yep, excellent idea and I use this same idea but with a twist that makes the salads stretch to last a full week just by placing each item in their own container and then build a quick salad, which only takes a minute or two, when its time to eat ;-) Even sliced...


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Dog Is Frightened Of Boyfriend?
If it were your boyfriend who was watching your dog while you were out of town then definitely get rid of the boyfriend! Any human being who would abuse an animal has serious issues! Animals are smart! I have a kitty cat and if my cat doesnt like someone I...


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Copy And Paste Text To Print Information
I applaud you for coming up with a way that works for you! I copy and paste the recipes I want to keep in a Word doc and save them in my recipe folder. I save each one separately because my recipe folder has sub-folders by food type category (such as dessert...


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How Soon Can I Use the Tub After Cleaning?
To be safe I would make sure to rinse well and then clean again with mild soap and water, rinse again and youll be good to go. :-)


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Removing Wrinkles from Area Rug?
In the past Ive placed a cloth towel over the rug and, working section by section, used a clothes iron on low heat over the towel to get rid of the wrinkles ;-)


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Alternative Uses for Shrimp Cocktail Sauce?
Its tasty as a stand alone dip for veggies like celery and jicama too. :-)


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Keeping Soup Noodles from Absorbing Broth?
Thanks for asking, Jan :-) My paternal grampa immigrated here from Greece in 1917. Here is our family recipe :-) I make extra because the sauce and meatballs freeze well :-) Hope you all will try it and let me know what you think :-) Tampourlos Family Greek...


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Keeping Soup Noodles from Absorbing Broth?
Agreed with the previous posts! When I cook spaghetti I keep the sauce and pasta separate until re-heating time. I just cant resist sharing a funny story about cooked pasta because of the wet noodles question. Hope it gives you a laugh :-) When I was in my...


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Using Crockpot Insert in the Oven
This is a great idea but check with your manufacturer what the highest recommended temperature your insert can withstand before doing this!


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Disguising Smoke Detectors?
Please to not cover them at all because it will take that much longer for the smoke to set them off which could jeopardize your life! If they bother you that much maybe you could paint them to match your decor but be sure to not let any of the paint cover or...


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Can Changes in Hormones Affect Hair Dye Results?
Did your doctor put you on hormone therapy and/or have you started any other new medications? If thats the case then youll need to use a good clarifying shampoo every time you shampoo to keep the RX chemicals that affect the hair shaft at bay. I was a hairstylist...


Glass replaced with acrylic.

Chandelier Makeover
Excellent frugal makeover! :-)



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Measuring Soft Butter?
Well, things have changed during the past few months so its going to depend on how old the recipe is. It used to be that a stick of butter was always 1/2 cup (or 8 tablespoons) but now a lot of companies are packaging the sticks in 1/4 cup (or 4 tablespoon...


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Making Salt and Pepper Hair White?
If you mean white as in naturally having turned white type of white there is no way to do it. The difference between white or silver is genetically predisposed and theres also no way to hurry up the transition from salt and pepper to white or silver. You could...


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Health Concerns About Food Canned in China?
Theres no way I would ever knowingly eat or drink any food product made in China! There are so many news articles out there about intentional food contamination in that country! Read this information on just one item and think about how little they would care...


A small angel pin made from safety pins.

Safety Pin Angel
Bless you, Carl, for sharing one of your wifes creations and I am so very, very sorry for your loss! I hope you are fairing well and when you do have sad/bad moments just remember to look up in the sky because she and our Creator are there watching out for...


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Reuse Glass Candle Holders As Glasses
Donna, I love your idea! For the concern about wasting water all you have to do is fill the container with almost/not quite boiling water and let sit for just a minute then use an old spoon to start scooping everything out, immediately wipe inside with a towel...


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Reuse Glass Candle Holders As Glasses
Okay, back with an answer from the Johnson & Johnson company. They emailed and asked if I would personally talk to both a medical and then an ingredient/content representative to make sure they understood what I wanted to know. So I did call. ;-) The medical...


A hat made from leftover fleece

Make Hats from Leftover Fleece
Love these! Very clever and I think the model is cute too. ;-)


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Keeping Buttons from Falling Off Leather Coat?
I was going to suggest thin fishing line too. ;-)


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Shelf Life of Tuna Packaged in Pouches?
Looks like the question about stale date is already sufficiently answered ;-) As for the difference between regular tuna and albacore tuna: Albacore is one of a few of sub-species of tuna. Its a light/white meat fish that is less fatty and doesnt have as much...


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Defrosted Carrots Are Watery?
I am worried youre thinking of drying and storing after freezing and if thats the case, please dont! Once you freeze them they need to be used within a couple of days of thawing! And agree wholeheartedly that those soggy carrots can be used in soup and stews...


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Double Wide Mobile Home is Separating?
This sounds like a foundation problem to me (I had a one car garage doing that and it was the foundation causing it) but you really should speak to an expert. There is one really nice man online where you can possibly get a free opinion. Be patient if it takes...


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Making Whipping Topping from Powdered Creamer?
Jsham, glad you had the idea to look for topping and thats a great recipe if youre in a pinch to use as a dessert topping! I am going to try it with my powdered Hazelnut non-dairy creamer! Keep in mind its not whipping cream though, unless it has at least 30...


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Making Whipping Topping from Powdered Creamer?
As far as I know you cant make it from powdered creamer.


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Can I Use Airwick Refills in a Glade Plugin?
The bottles themselves are not interchangeable but you can drain the fluid from the Airwick Plugin bottle into the Glade Plugin bottle. Hard to explain but the security caps around the neck of the bottles can be taken off and put back on. Youll have to experiment...


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Other Uses for Key Rings?
You could hook them together as separate strings in assorted lengths and then make the stings in to wind chimes.


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Gluing a Car Handle Back On?
The best thing to do is to ask what kind of glue to use at auto repair and/or auto body shops. I would call a few and the type of glue mentioned most will be the one. ;-)


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Homemade Saline Solution for Asthma?
I was going to say the same thing as fatboyslimsmom. I too have to use solutions for breathing using a nebulizer and would never dream of taking the chance of a lung infection from a non-sterile product and also what if you accidentally did not mix the exact...


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Cats Under a Mobile Home?
No moth balls! The chemical fumes are hazardous to lungs and the chemicals are harmful to the environment and are extremely poisonous and especially so to children and pets! As another poster mentioned, simply find how and where they are getting under there...


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Removing the Yellow Cast from Stored White Clothing?
A question: Does anyone smoke cigarettes or burn incense in your home? The yellowing could simply be the smoke and oils that accumulate from them even when closet doors are closed. In any event, try non-chlorine bleach (safer for your health, environment and...


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Who will take my wire hangers?
Schools and retirement homes might possibly want them to use for crafts.


Pom Chi mix dog.

Buddy (Pomeranian-Chihuahua)
Buddy is a doll and I love his little upturning nose! :-)


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Cleaning a Satin Brocade Couch?
Personally, I would have it cleaned by a professional upholstery cleaner and then have it Scotch Guarded. After its Scotch Guarded youll only need to wipe it gently with gentle soap and water.


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Candle Wax on Wood Burning Stove?
It might just take time to burn off but you could try the same thing that works on carpets and fabric. Iron with a hot clothes iron with paper from a paper bag between the iron and the stove surface and iron it. The bag will soak up a lot of the wax but if...


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Removing Residue Inside Crystal Pepper Shaker?
I have always filled containers about half way with warm water, then add alot of salt and shake, shake, shake. Being that the pepper shaker is most likely small I would say about a teaspoon or so of salt. Oh, be sure to cover the shaker holes while shaking...


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Shopping for Olive Pimento Cheese Spread?
I think Kraft still makes it. If you have a Walmart near you they most likely carry it. I happen to have a really good recipe for it that you can make: Pimento Olive Cheese Spread 10 oz sharp cheddar cheese, grated 8 oz cream cheese, softened 1/2 small yellow...


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Shopping for Olive Pimento Cheese Spread?
EGGZ, youre in luck! I just submitted this recipe here at ThriftyFun :-) Kraft Roka Blue Spread Substitute Ive seen several requests regarding Roka Blue so for those of you lovers looking for this discontinued product youre in luck because I found it and Kraft...


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Reheating a Frozen Pre-cooked Pumpkin Pie?
Definitely can freeze and no need to re-heat just allow to thaw and become room temp :-)


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Removing a Dried Blood Stain on a Bed Quilt?
Another vote for hydrogen peroxide (the 3% solution, not the higher volume hair color solution). Be sure to test in an inconspicuous spot first for color fastness! I use hydrogen peroxide for all sorts of fabric stains!


Paint Colors for Kitchen With Blonde Maple Cabinets

Paint Colors for Kitchen with Blonde Maple Cabinets?
I love the look of your kitchen! Anything cool tone would look awesome! Doesnt have to be as dark as the example here, however, you will be surprised how beautiful and soothing even if in the dark shades it would look with the black and light wood tones! Oh...


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Toilet Paper With Less Lint?
Good old fashioned Scott 1000 Count Tissue (single non fancy ply) and you can often find it on sale if you check around. I just bought two 4 packs a couple of weeks ago at Walgreens for $5.00 total. Ive used and sworn by their TP since I first moved away from...


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Removing Nicotine Stains from Window Frames?
I normally would not recommend this because I have lung damage (Emphysema) from being around and using too many assorted chemicals since I was a child but the foaming Lysol tub and tile spray will definitely work to remove the nicotine. But, please, be sure...


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2 Year Old Toddler Keeps Biting Himself?
Every single child reacts differently to stress and anger. Some lie, some steal, some hurt others, some hurt themselves. The ones who hurt themselves are the most scary :-( When he does bite himself try to figure out what made him want to do this. As others...


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Cleaning Mold from Teflon Pots?
It seems to me that as long as you scrub them well and wash with soap and hot water a couple of times that they should be fine. If you want to be really, really safe also fill each one as much as possible with water and vinegar, place on the stove and bring...


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Cleaning "Sticky" Plastic Containers?
Please do not use strong cleaning solutions like oven cleaner, goo gone, bleach, etc, etc, etc on plastic food storage containers :-o Plastic is highly absorbent and those harsh chemicals remain even after washing with dish soap and can contaminate the food...


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Makeup Stains on White Face Cloths?
Use non-chlorine bleach for soaking and then a quality detergent. Perhaps you could consider going to the dollar store to purchase a dozen very dark brown or black wash cloths to use only for removing your makeup and then you wont have to worry about stains...



Get Rid of Mice with Exlax
I think the bush is in Australia ;-)



Get Rid of Mice with Exlax
Post By auntbaba (Guest Post) (11/12/2008) Hello, does the Gastric Distress and Results not smell bad inside the cabinets and between the walls?? I would hesitate about this because the Results might be on a plate or bowl. Yuck. I am giggling even more now...



Get Rid of Mice with Exlax
I am giggling at the shear simplicity of this and how you explained how it works ;-) Ill spread the word :-) Thanks!


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Black Stains on Ceiling?
Ive had water damage from a ceiling, too, and it looked blackish :-( The fact that its only on your ceilings is a good indicator that it is indeed from water :-( Water damage is a nasty thing and it causes mold so you need to find the source no matter what...


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Dog Poops in Bed When Visitors Come?
Its because a stranger is sleeping in the bed that belongs to your doggie and daughter. Since that happens to be the only place he/she poops then perhaps someone else could give up a bed for the company to use.


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Disassembling China Glued With Krazy Glue?
I am sorry to tell you that even if you can get them apart youre not going to be able to use them for food anymore. China is porous and the chemicals (including the crazy glue) leach/seep in to them. So sorry for the bad news. :-(


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Cleaning the Floor in a Wet Room?
If the flooring is linoleum then the cause is most likely not dirt but rather moisture from under the linoleum. When moistures comes up from the subfloor/between the subfloor and linoleum it reacts with the linoleum glue and the linoleum glue seeps up and permanently...


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Gino's Steakhouse Green Peppers in Olive Oil?
Could you please share whether the peppers are sweet (such as bell peppers) or hot (such as pepperoncini)? Also, what do you mean by appetizer? Are they simply marinated or are they prepared by baking or frying? Also, there are several Ginos restaurants; some...


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Is It Safe to Use a Le Creuset Pan with a Chip in the Enamel?
Cett, to be on the safe side, because of the enamel and not because of the cast iron, I would just find another use for the pan and invest in a non-coated cast iron pan. There are oodles of experienced advice of how to care for a cast iron pan here in the ThriftyFun...


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Repairing Legs on Couch?
If you mean the holes you screw the legs in to the sofa are oblierated all you have to do is get some heavy duty carpenters glue, turn the sofa upside down, fill the holes about 3/4ths of the way with the glue, put new screwable legs in, allow to dry for a...


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Boiling Pine Sol as Air Freshener?
Take it from a 55 year old who was emergency hospitalized this past April because couldnt breathe and diagnosed with Emphysema after life long use of man made chemicals that its not worth the risk! There are so many natural things you can use to make your home...


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Can I Reuse Cat Litter Containers for Food Storage?
I always say dont reuse food containers for future food or beverage use other than if recycle #2, 4 or 5 but you also need to know that original containers for food are different than for other non-food original contained products. Kitty litter containers are...


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Turn Boxes Inside Out for Shipping
I agree with sterghe. If the box is considered illegal for reuse then there is a reason for it especially when it comes to harmful chemicals which are in bleach, alcohol, paint, etc, etc, etc :-( You cant always readily tell if there actually was a spill or...


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Flattening Milk Jug with a Clothes Iron?
Sorry, Polly. I Just assumed it was to flatten the jugs for trash or recycle bin, cause the question didnt mention crafts. My suggestion would be to first cut top and bottom off of jugs and then cut the body in to two, three or four pieces. To be safe, just...


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Flattening Milk Jug with a Clothes Iron?
I dont remember seeing that tip before. I cant help but wonder, to save time and electricity, why not just smush the container with your hands or foot with the lid off and then place the lid back on to keep the air out so it will remain collapsed.


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House Smells Like Varnish?
WildIrishs ideas are great! I would also try placing small bowls of vinegar around for awhile because vinegar soaks up almost all odors.


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Rat Terrier Started Peeing Inside?
I also agree with all Julie stated here!


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Removing Adhesive Residue from Transdermal Patch?
Skin friendly baby oil, mineral oil, and even vegetable or olive oil and, as already mentioned, use a cotton ball ;-)


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Removing Adhesive Residue from Transdermal Patch?
So glad one of these suggestions was helpful to you :-) As for finding a job, submit that question separately and youll get lots of answers :-) Be sure to mention what your specialty(s) are! My suggestion is lots of networking and persistence ;-) Ive even known...


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Substitute Coffee Filter in a Pinch?
I too have used paper towels in a pinch and they work just fine.


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Considering an Eskimo/Shepherd Mix?
Please consider a dog who needs a home from a shelter instead of seeking a particular breed or mix of breeds :-( There are lots of unwanted mixed breed dogs there that might not have much time left to be adopted before being put to sleep, especially the older...


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Ivory Vs. Zest Bar Soap?
My two cents worth is Carress because it leaves no more soap scum than other brands, smells lovely and moisturizes the skin :-)


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Making Tuna Salad?
I put in some chopped dill pickles (Vlasic Spicy dill is my fave) (be sure to squeeze out the extra juice after chopping unless youre using a lot of tuna or youll have a watery mess), a little dried minced onions and if I have some celery on hand I add some...


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Can You Get Fleas in Your House Without Pets?
You can pick up fleas from even going to the park, the beach or a family, friend or neighbors house or yard. The fleas can be hiding on you/your clothes when you get home.


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Removing Scented Oil Type Odor from House?
I also agree with thoroughly washing down the walls and cleaning the carpets. I have a neighbor who has plugins in every single room of her apartment and I cant even go in there because its so strong I can hardly breathe. Ive even run into her in the corridor...


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Stop Temper Tantrums with Gentle Restraint
Wow! I agree that no one other than a parent has the right to try this method! I also have to say that if it is a child having a simple temper tantrum, and who has no underlying emotional or physical problems, that this advice is kind of kooky and feeds in...


A decoration of a man fallen off the ladder when decorating.

Fallen Ladder Joke Christmas Decoration
Hi Bujubaby :-) Hey, this was submitted under the category of joke and if you notice I stated the source was my neighbor Jordan ;-) The joke is meant for fun and if I wasnt disabled and living on the first floor in an apartment complex and had a second story...


A decoration of a man fallen off the ladder when decorating.

Fallen Ladder Joke Christmas Decoration
Oh my gosh, Kerry! Glad to meet you and you should be quite happy and pleased that youve given so many laughs to so many people! What a hoot! What are the chances of the person who actually originated this would end up here at ThriftyFun! Please share here...


A decoration of a man fallen off the ladder when decorating.

Fallen Ladder Joke Christmas Decoration
Heres an update guys :-) Received an email back from Kerry and its hysterical ;-) Hi Deeli, Thanks for your email. This has been so fun watching it go around on email and on blogs. I have gotten this from a bunch of people who did not realize it was mine. I...


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Creating an Office Fund?
As already mentioned, ask once a year but dont expect everyone to participate because there are those who simply cant because of their personal financial situation. Please make sure no one has resentment for those folk who do not donate because even $1.00 can...


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