
brenda newton

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6 Posts | 340 Comments | Active Since 2004
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Can a Puppy Wear a Flea Collar?
I assume so, because I have seen puppy flea collars for sale at stores. I think the puppy has to be a few months old though before they can wear it.


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Odd Foods That Can Be Frozen?
Peanut butter will not go old and does not change texture when stored in the freezer. I store all nuts in the freezer (walnuts, almonds, cashues, peanuts). Cream cheese freezes well. Extra milk or eggnog I freeze for use later in pancakes or waffles. Feta cheese...


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Homemade Swiffer CarpetFlick Cartridges?
What about attaching duct tape on it somehow? We use that instead of the lint rollers around here.


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Gifts for Elderly Friends
So many of the elderly get cookies or chocolates and candy for gifts. I think that the stationary and pen and stamps is a wonderful idea. A friend of mine loves to send thankyou cards and still corresponds by letters with many people. The internet and computers...


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Gifts for Elderly Friends
I also clean for an elderly man and the last time I was there I had asked him what his favorite meal was. Lamb chops with mint jelly, potatoes and peas, was his answer. So yesterday I bought some lamb chops and the next time I go there to clean I will make...


Picture of rolls of wrapping paper.

Organizing Wrapping Paper
I have a rubbermaid flat see through plastic container with a lid that I bought at Christmas time years ago. There are two little shelves inside it that I place the scotch tape, ribbon and tags. Underneath the shelves there is just enough room and it is long...


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How to Grow Lilies?
The Lily Nook has a lot of lilies and ship them all over the world. They also have a great website that has many pictures of the lilies that they carry and a lot of articles. This is the address of the page with all the articles. It should answer your question...


My Pomeranian Smells Bad?
Make sure that there is nothing outside for her to roll in. Take her out on a leash and stay with her as she does her business then bring her back in. My female cocker also will roll in the poop of other animals but then I just leave her outside all summer...


Keeping Grass From Growing In a Flower Bed

Keeping Grass From Growing in a Flower...
If you have some Roundup then place your hand into a rubber glove then slip your gloved hand into a cloth glove of some sort. Dip into the Roundup and gently run your gloved finger up the blade of grass. No more grass. Keep the cloth and rubber glove well marked...


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Damp Smell in Basement?
Buy a dehumidifier and use it in the basement.


Planting Peonies?
Peonies should be divided in the fall. Although...I do have a perennial sale each spring and divide at least one peony each year, in the spring. I am very careful then, not to break off the flower shoot. Brenda (zone 2b in Manitoba, Canada)


Planting Peonies?
Onie, This is a quote from another site on the net.... Ants are attracted to peonies because of the sweet sap the flower buds secrete. It is a myth that ants are necessary to permit peonies to bloom. A common problem of peonies is the failure to bloom. It may...



Weeding Without Chemicals

Easy Weeding Without Chemicals
fletcher, If you just clip the dandelion to the ground the dandelion root will just keep getting larger and larger and next time it comes up with leaves they will be more mature and larger. Cutting to the ground on a dandelion and then putting a few drops of...


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Where Can I Buy Episcias?
Join the Garden Web and in the garden exchange section ask for some. Also, there is an excellent forum in the Garden Web at this address... that you can ask all sorts of questions about houseplants including where...


Freezing Meat

Freezing Meat
Buy in bulk and then wrap in plastic wrap (cheap stuff works just as well as name brand) to cover ALL of the meat, NO air pockets, then wrap in freezer paper. Label and freeze. If you miss a spot then there will be air on the meat and you will get freezer burn...


Frozen Green Peas

Freezing Peas
Peas once shelled and still raw, just need to be rinsed, dried and put into a freezer bag. Put them into the freezer, raw. Peas do not have to be blanched. I have been doing this for 19 years now and it is much easier and the peas actually taste much fresher...


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Storing Beanie Babies?
What about putting up a little hammock in the corner of your room for all the beanie babies to go into? This is what we did with all the stuffed animals in each of the kids rooms when the kids were still living at home. Brenda (Brandon, Man.)


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Weeds Growing In Cracks In My Driveway?
Buy a bottle of roundup and give them a spray. Simple to do and the weeds are gone.


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Deer Eating My Hosta Leaves?
You may get more leaves but why not spray all your plants with a solution of 1 egg in 4 litres of water. This protein smelling solution makes the deer avoid all plants sprayed with it. Easy to make, cheap to make and you still have your plants.


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Buying Deer and Rabbit Repellents?
Deer do not like the smell of the protein in eggs. I make a mixture that I have used here on my acreage successfully for years. Mix one beated egg into 4 litres of water. Spray on the plants. This is a simple solution to make up and simply spray on the plants...


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Dog Urinates When My Husband Comes Home?
When he comes in does he bend over to pet her immediately? Our cocker used to squat and pee as soon as people came in the door, but they usually would pet her immediately. We were told to totally ignore her when coming into the house and then she wouldnt get...


Hand picking a Strawberry

Growing Strawberries
Skunks love the ripe portions of strawberries, so do birds like cedar waxwings and robins. I spray Desis on my strawberries just before they bloom to kill the little no see ums...little flying bugs that bite the tips of the growing berry causing the end to...


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Homemade Spaghetti Sauce Recipe?
If you look under recipes and then sauces you will find many recipes for what you are looking for. I have posted an excellent recipe for spagetti sauce there.



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How do I get off Mailing Lists?
I also use their envolpe and mail everything back to them inside it. Make them pay the postage for their own junk. It really works. I only get one or so junk mail requests a month now.


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Cooking for One Without Waste?
I just bought a turkey last week when they were on sale and thawed it in the fridge for 4 days. I took 30 minutes yesterday and cut it all apart. I thin sliced the breast meat to use for a quick fry to place in caesar salads and cut off all the legs, thighs...


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Will Lilac Bushes Deter Deer?
No, a lilac bush will not deter the deer. In fact, they will eat it. You will probably never see it bloom and it will remain about the same height it was when you purchased it. I know. Deer are the biggest pests I know of. If you enjoy the deer coming into...


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Poll: What's the most you have payed to fill your tank up with gas?
Weve commonly put over $100 Cdn in at once when we filled up our Dodge half ton truck.


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Starting Dried Bulbs?
When you are starting your canna bulbs now, there is no need to prestart them in soiless mix in the house...unless you want to continually water them and fertilize them. Any potting soil will do. Depending on when you want blooms and how much growth you want...


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Poll: Do you shred credit card offers?
No, I also do not shred the credit card offers. I do the same as Jill. I cross out my name with a large x, write a note saying remove me from your list and stuff everything including the original envelope back into the postage paid envelope that they provided...


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Storing Potato Flakes?
The flakes look good , have no bugs in them and do not have any bad odor to them. Mine are in a bag because I got the flakes at a fundraiser and I am assuming that a restaurant bought a large bag, donated the whole thing and then someone divided it into smaller...


California Bulbs Advice?
Definitely get them into the ground ASAP. They may not bloom as normal this summer but they may also surprise you and give you a great show.


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How Do You Plant and Maintain Rhubarb?
According to Ellens response...the rhubarb will never come up. The hole, yes, should be about 1.5 feet deep but the crown should be planted so that it will only be between 1 and 4 inches below the surface of the soil. I prefer 1 inch. When dividing a rhubarb...


Cocker Spaniel (American)

Breed Information: Cocker Spaniel (American)
Another common ailment is ear infections because of the long floppy ears. Also deafness in the older cockers is a very common thing.


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Poll: Are you planning on having a garage sale this spring?
We have one each spring. I divide all the perennials that need to be divided that particular spring and have a plant garage sale with them. My girlfriend and I have been doing so for 10 years now. We have many repeat customers.


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Homemade Draino?
Why not clean out your drain by taking it apart? You probably have it clogged full of hair. We never use any chemical to try to eat out the clog rather, we just open up the drain and clean it out. Why buy garbage chemicals, like drano, that dont work anyways...



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Uses for Newspaper?
I give them to my daughter and her husband who do not get the paper on a regular basis.


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Buying Condiments
And both mustard and ketchup do not have to go in the fridge! I used to do the same when all the kids were the large containers, refill the small ones and store the large ones in the basement pantry until needed.


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Buying Condiments
Thought someone would reply to the putting ketchup in the pantry instead of the fridge. On the containers of ketchup there never used to be an inscription referring to... refridgerate once opened. There may be now, I do not know. My basement pantry is windowless...


Flowers for Seed Exchange

Take Pictures of Plants for Seed Exchanges
I take pictures of all my perennials for my annual perennial sale each spring. Since one iris leaf looks basically the same as another iris leaf, the picture sells the iris. The customer then knows what the flower will look like later when it blooms in their...


Growing Cinquefoil (Bush)

Growing Cinquefoil (Bush)
Ellen, You have pictured the potentilla that is a perennial, the low growing potentilla sterilis, the barren strawberry. This plant does grow in my garden, has strawberry type leaves and comes back each spring. Mine has little pink strawberry type flowers. The...


closeup of flowers

Growing Clock Vine (Thunbergia)
An annual does NOT have a hardiness of all zones. This plant would die if it was outside all year round. The hardiness refers to the zone the plant can grow in OUTSIDE all year round. Its hardiness is zones 10 - 12 only.


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Recycled Container Flower Pots?
Why not use soup cans? Wash them and then use metal paints to paint with on the cans...just a green and a pink and maybe a white to create flowers on the can. Simple and the only cost would be the metal paint.


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Alternatives to Wine Glasses?
Why not ask the guests to bring a wine glass from home for that evening? The last surprise birthday party that we went to...everyone was asked to bring a mug as a gift and all then chipped in for a coffee maker for him. Does your sister need wine glasses...people...


Light purple flowers.

Growing Chinese Ground Orchid
Hardiness...means the zones where you can grow the perennial year round OUTSIDE in your garden. This plant is only hardy to zone 6. In lower zones 0 - 5 it will not survive the winter outside so then you need to bring the rhizomes inside for the winter to store...


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Removing a Strong Mold Odor?
Make the owner use his insurance to totally redo the trailer. You now have mold everywhere. Not just a mold odor, actual mold. You may have to replace all walls, etc. Contact a restoration company that specializes in this type of problem and then make sure...


Zucchini and Flowers

Growing Zucchini
Zucchini is an annual vegetable. It is not hardy in all zones. Hardiness refers to the zone it can be grown in as a perennial. In fact it cannot take any frost of any kind, any frozen parts of the plant will turn black and die. Plant in warm ground in the spring...


Alternanthera Flower

Growing Alternanthera
The zone you list is incorrect. Zones are to be listed as a guideline to where the plant can be grown OUTSIDE. This plant is a zone 5a (as listed in Daves Garden web site). It is classified as a tender perennial.


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Growing Recommendations for Zone 5b?
I would recommend for you to join a local garden club, visit the local plant nurseries and just observe what your neighbors have planted in their yards. Also, there is a web site called which has regional forums/discussions that could help you...


National Garden Club

How to Start a Garden Club
Your timing to post this is right on! I was asked just last week to help organize a new garden club in our city. Weve had our organizational meeting a few days ago and the first club meeting is planned. Now, advertizing is being done and then in a few weeks...


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Poll: How much credit card debt do you have?
Why in your poll do you not have a $0 balance section? This is what we have. We always pay off the credit card each month...therefore we have no credit card debt. We use the card to buy everything...groceries, clothes, etc. We never pay the credit card company...


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Uses for Used Canning Lids?
Karen, I agree with Luvyabye. I have reused canning lids many, many times. First I carefully look at the lids. If they are bent or are rusty or damaged on the underside or if there is some of the rubber missing they are thrown out. But otherwise, I wash them...


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Sale Items That Have Run Out
If that happens again...Bring your receipt into the store and usually because you just bought it at a higher price in the past few days... they will refund you the difference. You may not even have to bring the item back into the store with you. Let them know...


Christmas Puppies
Sounds like Brenda has wonderful homes picked out already. Thats great! We raised puppies also and sold them at 6-7 weeks of age. They were just fine. Personally I would not want to keep the puppies in my home until they were 3 months of age. Let the new owners...


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Door Knob Covers
This might be a dumb question...but why would you cover the door knobs? Wouldnt making a cover for it make it slippery and not as easy to open? How would you then lock the bathroom would cover up the little button in the center. Do you have a picture...


Dog Tearing Up Papers?
Sounds like discipline is in order. Either tie her up or crate her each time you leave the house...or put her outside in a kennel run while you are gone. Our cocker gets tied up each time we leave. She is 14 years old now and knows that her chain goes on for...


Buster (Scottish Terrier) Works at Nursing Home
Hes cute! My daughters inlaws bring their little yorkie in to the long term care section of our local hospital about once a month. The patients love it. When we used to have rabbits our son would put a leash on one of the rabbits and I would drop the two of...


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Plant Markers
When I have about a thousand kinds of perennials in my yard I do NOT have time to do your suggestion #1. Markers do fade and I need to keep track of the names of each of the perennials. I have hundreds of different kinds of irises and daylilies and need to...


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Manatee County Recycling Group
Yahoo has groups all over the country that do the same thing. Just go under yahoo groups and look at freecycle for your area. I joined one here in Manitoba, Canada and have become an active member here, giving and receiving stuff. Its a great idea.


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Cleaning Harvested Carrots for Blanching and Freezing
Use the rinse cycle in a TOP LOAD washing machine not the front load washing machine.


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Mock Canned Pineapple
If you boil it for the 20 minutes you do not have to do the hot water bath, just pour into hot sterilized jars. I had this recipe already. Mine calls for a 48 oz. can of pineapple juice and only 1/2 cup of lemon juice, same amount of sugar (3 cups) and the...


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Mock Canned Pineapple
How to use it... I used the mock pineapple as a substitute for real crushed pineapple in sweet and sour sauces. I think I also used it in carrot cake instead of crushed pineapple. As far as safety...there is no need to hot water bath all the jars IF you have...


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Crumb Pie Topping?
In the Companys Coming muffins and more cookbook the first recipe is an apple struesel muffin. You make the batter and then put a topping on it. Very good and easy to do. This is the topping: 1/4 cup margarine 1/4 cup flour 1/2 c. packed brown sugar Rub together...


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Baby Juice Gellies
Why go to the expense of buying gerber baby juice? Just buy a litre of apple juice or a mixed fruit juice. Make sure the container says juice not fruit blend or fruit combo or fruit punch, etc. Those mixtures have water and sugar as the first ingredients, just...


Front view of costume.

Letter to Grandma Costume
That is cute!!!!


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Rats or Squirrels Chewing on Wires Under the Hood of My Car?
My mom had problems with mice in the car she placed a trap in there each time she came back home. They were enjoying the warm engine. She caught quite a few. Each time she used the vehicle she would pop the hood and remove the trap before driving...


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Tips for Those with Fibromyalgia
Life is a challenge. Im glad to hear that you are able to cope with the fibromyalgia.


Starbuck (Rabbit)

Starbuck (Rabbit)
He is a cute mini lop rabbit!! We used to raise rabbits and I do miss them sometimes. Get yourself a good book on raising rabbits. There is lots of people food that they can have but a number of things that they also shouldnt have. They love to chew. Shrubs...


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Is Vinegar Harmful to Hamsters?
Simple answer to your question...Is she still alive? Urine stains or sediment...I just straped it off the cage with a flat knife and didnt worry about getting it all off, cause the hamster will make the stain there again. I also had the hamster in an old aquarium...


Taliesin in the Bath
My girlfriend always took this time, when her girls were playing in the tub, to read a book. Shed sit on the toilet beside them and the length of their bath varied with how interesting the book was.


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Milk Stains on Foam Mattress?
Sam, If the mattress is a foam mattress have you tried pouring a dish soap on the mattress and taken the mattress to a car wash and used the high pressured washer there to wash the mattress? You would have to get it dried somehow then...or simply buy a new...


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Gift for Couples First Christmas
For my daughter who just recently got married...I did what Rose suggested to do in her posting. Last Christmas she was engaged on Christmas the Christmas sales were just starting and I bought a rubbermaid container and filled it with..... a large set...


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Vitamin E for Stretch Marks
Something to think about....not everyone does get stretch marks. Some people get really bad ones, some like myself didnt get any and I didnt use anything. So, what I am saying is that the Vitamin E may be good for your skin, but who knows whether you would...


Cocker wearing straw hat.

Starlight - Star (Miniature Cocker Spaniel)
How big is she? I did not know that there was a Miniature Cocker Spaniel. How many pounds is she? Is she a cocker spaniel or a King Charles Spaniel or ...? We have a black American Cocker Spaniel and she is wonderful with kids and so well behaved. Sounds like...


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How to Winterize a Dog House?
Get some straw bales and pile them around the house, with just a little opening in the front. Put some old blankets inside first though. Maybe even put some of the straw inside the house. Straw is a great insulator and will keep the kittens warm during the...


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Prices Are More at the End of the Aisles
If the identical item is higher on the end aisle then..if you need it and decide to buy it...when you get to the till and if it rings through at the higher price is free to you...the price on the shelf does not match with what the till says and there...


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Using Key Chains as Christmas Ornaments
When we were in Cuba 2 years ago I also purchased key chains for ornaments for the Christmas tree. Each year I buy something for each of our kids for the tree to remind them of that past year. (And myself, if something special happened) These key chains had...


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Beef and Chicken Stock Tastes Like Vinegar?
I agree that she now has bad food. It has spoiled. The problem is not the hot water bath method, rather the time that she actually had the jars in the hot water bath. My grandmothers and my mom and myself have all processed meat in a hot water bath. You just...


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Saving Money on Mascara?
Only put mascara on when you are leaving the house, expecting company or wanting to look good. On your days off give your face a rest.


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Uses for Paper Sample Books?
Is there a free cycle in your area? It is a group in Yahoo that recycles anything else besides paper, plastic and metal. It is free to join and everything there is offered for free. I have gotten blue jeans for myself and plants for my daughters apartment through...


Decorative Bean Bottle

Decorative Bean Bottle
My son did this in Crafts 1 in 4-H many years ago. They found a fancy bottle and because they did not have the cork they put a piece of burlap over the top and tied it tight with a piece of tan colored string. Using burlap for a lid would enable any bottle...


A binder clip used as a chip clip

Clipping Those Chips
Some of the smaller bags would be okay to use a clothespin. I have used Harleans idea for years. Some of the large bags of chips when folded over need a large binder clip to seal them tight, a clothespin would never work. A clothespin is also too narrow and...


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Unexpected Gift Items
As long as you have room to store all those items and an organized way of keepng track of what you have so when you need an item, you know what you have already and do not go out and purchase another one.


pink and white glad

BC Island Gladiola
A friend of mine said that in Ireland they also plant glads and leave them in the ground all year round. How big has your glad grown to with all its bulblets, already?


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Dressing Up a Bathroom Mirror?
re: mosaic tile and grout If the mirror has a very strong nail and is in a stud in the wall behind it then mosaicing the mirror would be great and would look gorgeous. But...if the mirror is glued onto the wall and is loose at all or is not 100% solid, dont...


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Do I Remove the Fish When Siphoning Tank?
When you say siphon I am assuming that you are planning on cleaning your tank. If so then.. Place some of the aquarium water into an empty washed out and rinsed very well ice cream pail. Be sure that there is NO residue from any soap in the pail. Then catch...


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Better Instant Pudding
I thought you should compare the cost of the milk vs. evaporated milk to make the pudding.... I pay $3.75 Cdn for 4 litres of milk (16 cups) which turns out to be $0.23 per cup. Since you need 2 cups of milk...cost would be $.46 for regular milk per batch of...


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Moving and Leaving The Cockroaches Behind?
When we moved years ago, we had problems, also with a bug, NOT cockroaches. In order not to carry them with us, I washed everything and immediately packed it and took it out of the house NOW. It worked. Food... took cereal out of containers, put into new ziploc...


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Gift Ideas for The Groom?
How about an item for a hobby he has? sexy underwear for him? jewelry...mens bracelet or necklace (engraved, of course)? something special that hes wanted for a long long time? Have fun at your wedding, hope you have a beautiful day!


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Smell From Animal Skin Table?
Good luck. I would say that it was cured/tanned in such a way that this will be a normal smell. Maybe put it into an air conditioned a porch OR take it back NOW while you still can. We have many animal heads and skins in our home and none of them...


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Removing Supports From Fruit Trees?
Your trees are probably working on the root system and using all their energy to do so. I would leave the supports on the tree for a year or two until you know for sure that the trees are firmly established. Give them a deep drink every few weeks this summer...


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Pear Sauce?
Pears are much sweeter than apples. Peel and pare your pears, put in a bowl in the microwave. Add a little lemon juice (to keep the pears from browning) and mix to coat the pears. Cook until soft, put through a blender, then reheat adding enough sugar to sweeten...


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Repel or Prevent Pest Infestations Without Killing
Do you live in the city or in the country? Killing insects is fine. If they are in my home they are fair game. The only insect that I do not usually kill in the house is a spider. They will get deposited outside (even in the dead of winter!!!). Everyone I know...


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Making a Window More Private While Still Letting Light In?
If you go to your paint supplier and ask about a matte finish by Krylon, I think you would be happy with it. You could spray it on and leave it or.... I use it to coat the top of plexiglass before I paint so that the paint will adhere to it. Now, you could...


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Work or Family? What's More Important?
Are you concerned about not being able to find a good babysitter for your child/children? Or are you thinking that your kids wouldnt be able to get to know their cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents? Go for it. 4 hours away isnt that far. You can get...


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Tiger Lily Not Blooming?
Marcella, In the spring as the stem of the lily was close to coming out of the ground, if the lily was stepped on by yourself or an often happens around here as my 2 dogs run through the flowerbeds, the top of the lily will not produce buds. It...


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Freezing Acorn Squash?
Yes, cook, puree, sweeten and serve the squash for supper, then freeze the leftovers in a ziploc bag. Reheat in the microwave later and it is just as tasty as the first time you served it. Since we make our own maple sugar from the maple trees in our yard I...


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Growing Mixed Balloon Flowers?
Balloon flowers get up to 2.5 feet high and can become droopy with the flowers. I use a tomato cage to keep them upright. Push the cages into the ground in the spring before the balloon flower gets growing. Or put them in in the fall when you know for sure...


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Cattleman's Banquet Decorations?
Could you use barbed wire and horseshoes somehow with a fake sunflower in a vase in the center? A friend of mine has a post with a welcome sign on it, sunflowers vining on it. Barbed wire made into a circle and hung on the welcome sign and the horseshoe at...


Star Gazer Lilies

Star Gazer Lilies
Jean, Lilies love FULL sun!!! Definitely get some and try them. They only tolerate shade and will bend toward the light ...but will still bloom in the shade. Notice that Granits said that she moved the pots around in her yard for the best light. Lilies do best...


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Cattleman's Banquet Decorations?
For decorations...could you find an old fence? Cut them off, attach them to a new base and bring them to the hall to put into an area, with some straw bales and other farming/ranching items? Maybe a bale rack? Or put that just outside the hall.


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Pasta Bites for Babies
Whatever happened to cutting up cheese in bite sized pieces and serving them left over spagetti or macaroni to go with it?


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Be Satisfied with Your Purchase
With the carryout meal, phone them ASAP and let them know. Be sure to ask the name of the person you are talking to and write this on your receipt...if you go back later and ask for a refund or have a case the manager is not in and...


Lilies in July
Grammar, Im also from Canada, in Manitoba....we can grow all kinds of colors and kinds of lilies here. Check out the web site... in Neepawa, Manitoba. Barry ships all over the world and Im sure he can ship to you also.


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Uses for Cat Food Cans
Put mouse poison into it and then place it into the attic.


garden path

Beautiful Garden Path
Wood chips are great! We have used them all around our trees in the yard. I spray roundup around the trees first and then put down mulch. No worries about trying to cut the grass around the tree trunk anymore. Plus it looks great! When we mow with the big mower...


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Training an Older Cocker Spaniel?
Will he be okay with a leash on him? We attach a short leash to our cocker spaniels collar at bedtime and leave her attached to it in the kitchen overnight. She does not chew on it so we just put a material leash on her. Also, when we leave home, we tie her...


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What is Flash Freezing?
Freezing something quickly.


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Representing Colors Biblically?
purple...color of grapes...representing the fruit brought back to the Isrealites from the promised land pastures...Psalms 23 blue...water...Jesus walking on water in the lake red...Jesus blood that was spilled for us on the cross, one of the colors...


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Representing Colors Biblically?
kphelps, Wow! Lots of wonderful information. Hope that Cassie can use some of it for the rainbow tea party. I also agree with NOT use new age ideas.


Wedding programs in a basket.

Saving Money on Wedding Programs
Last Saturday, at my daughters wedding we used a nice wicker basket for the cards at the guest table along with an arrangement of gladiolas in the same color as the bridesmaids dresses. Kristin, my daughter, opted for no bulletins at the wedding as the MC later...


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Keeping Pies from Spilling Over
Also, do not fill the pie too full with pie filling. Also, you could add a bit of butter in a few places scattered on top of the pie filling before you put the crust on. Just a few more suggestions.


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Keeping Tote Bags in the Car
What are wee-wee pads?


Flowers at Buchart Gardens

Buchart Gardens
We were there about 15 years ago. Beautiful gardens!


Jeans Quilt

Jeans Quilt
I have made many, many of these quilts over the years. I do not put any backing of flannel or sheeting on mine because then when we have the quilt on the ground outside the grass, sand and twigs will stick onto that material and be hard to remove. I will also...


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Uses for Old Vertical Blinds?
Just a comment to Eletha, Vertical blinds made into plant labels work great for a few years. When labeling for inside plants it works wonderful. Lasts for years and years. Outside plants...unless you push the label right into the ground the sun will deteriate...


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Keeping a Craft Project Handy
I also put a book in the craft bag, some hand lotion, nail polish, nail clippers, suntan lotion and goggles (if I have 30 minutes to waste I will phone the tanning salon and see if they can squeeze me in), etc. If I do have to wait somewhere for my husband...


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Treating Poison Ivy?
CalaGel made by Oak-n-ivy is a wonderful product that we use here. Poison ivy grows throughout the bush in the valley next to us. Someone gets poison ivy each summer on themselves, usually my son. CalaGel is a clear gel. You thinly spread it on the poison ivy...


Up close photo of tuxedo strawberries.

Chocolate Strawberry Tuxedos
Wow...I just googled them and $89.95 for 2 dozen strawberries from ...but they are also on a bed of black velvet cloth! Think Id make them, too!!! Love the idea!


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Cat Box Tips
We have had a cat in the house for the last 14 years. She uses the scoopable non deodorized litter in the box. I have a large 6 high 12 x 17 plastic container for her. I do NOT buy the liners anymore because of the cost and the bother of the liner in the box...


Wedding candles

Saving on Wedding Candles
Just remember those people who are allergic to candles and perfumes.


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Fruit Leather - Tips and Recipes?
When making friut leather, do not use regular sugar to sweeten with. Regular sugar leaves you with a sticky friut leather. Rather, use honey. For example, to 12 kiwi (pureed) add 2 1/2 T. honey. A little lemon juice to the puree will keep the friut leather...


Planting Tender Sprouts

Planting Tender Sprouts
Looks like something my son did when he was that age. He went into the valley next to us and over a few years managed to dig a fairly big hole about 15 feet deep right beside one of the trees. When he was finally done with it, he had to use a homemade ladder...


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Storing Apples?
Do NOT store apples in the same refridgerator as your carrots. The apples give off a gas that will change the flavor of your carrots. I only buy a few apples and keep them on the counter in the basket of fruit in my kitchen.


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House Training a 15 Month Old Dog?
Will he do his business in the house, if he is tied on? Our cocker spaniel will not IF she is tied on, but if we are not home and forgot to tie her up we can expect a present to clean up when we get home. Overnight she will go 14 hours before she asks to get...


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Stash Some Emergency Cash
If you have a preteen or teenager, without a job or access to his own bank account, having a bit of money at home for emergencies (what he considers an emergency, like going into town to a movie with some friends) is a great idea. We live in the country and...


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