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3 Posts | 91 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Best Method for Making Payments to Collection Agency?
I vote for money order, because you wont be giving them any of your personal information like checking account number or credit/debit card numbers. A money order doesnt provide proof they received it, but if you are worried about that, you can always send the...


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House Plants that Will Grow in Water?
Bamboo does well this way also. In Dallas where I live, attractively-potted bamboo plants with rocks and water are very easy to find at Home Depot, Lowes, and even grocery stores.


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Cleaning Stove Top Burners?
Ive always used spray oven cleaner foam (the store brand version of Easy Off should be fine). You might need to use a nose mask to deal with the fumes, but it works like nothing else.


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Can Corningware Dish be Repaired?
I wouldnt use glue on anything thats meant to hold food. Youre better off just replacing the dish.


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Decorating Luggage?
Ah, a hot glue gun! I have one of those somewhere. I think Ill give that a try. Thanks, Vaylmer!


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Decorating Luggage?
Can you decoupage a fabric surface? I should have said this is standard nylon soft-sided luggage. The stenciling sounds interesting as well. I just worry that my crafting skills arent up to it! Thank you, Mary and Pamphyila!


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Can Stress Cause a Skin Rash?
Could your rash be hives? Do a Google image search for hives and compare the results to what you have. Hives can be stress-induced. Your story reminds me of something that happened to me a few years ago, and it was stress-induced. I got the worst case of mouth...


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Can You Recall a Sent Email Before It Is Read?
You can do this, but only if you use Gmail. There is a Gmail Labs feature called Undo Send that gives you a few seconds after you hit the send button to cancel sending.


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How can we prevent dishwasher detergent residue?
The cloudiness is likely not from the detergent. Its probably caused by hard water and is either etching (which is permanent) or mineral deposits (which can be removed). Theres a very informative discussion of that stuff here:


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Recommendations for a Good Inexpensive Foundation Makeup?
LOreal True Match is gives excellent moderate coverage that feels light and looks natural. Its about $10-$11 per bottle. It does get in the pores a little, but I just rub my face well every night with my (homemade) olive oil cleanser, and that takes care of...


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Oven Cleaner For Cleaning Tile Floors
Oven cleaner is just about the only thing I havent tried on my mildew-stained grout. Has anyone had any luck with that?


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Can you get whiter skin?
Well, Im a white girl whos been doing battle with a big patch of sun damage on my forehead, so I feel for you. Rather than preach at you about accepting something you dont like and that doesnt sound altogether natural anyway, Ill just share what Ive learned...



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Making Your Own Skin Care Products?
I agree on witch hazel as a toner. Its really not worth paying money for anything more complicated as a toner. For taking my makeup off, I used to use DHC Olive Cleansing Oil. The stuff is amazing and good for all skin types because its pH is identical to that...


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How Do I Keep My Hair Color from Fading?
Im not sure if this is your situation, but it was mine. My hair is naturally auburn, and I finally had enough gray that it was time to start covering. I tried several different shades and brands of auburn, and they all started out garish and fake-looking, only...


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Electric Straightener is Burning My Hair?
CHI 44 Iron Guard is the best. Although its a salon product, Walmart now sells it for $13 a bottle. A small amount of the product works wonders, so its well worth the money.


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Managing Email Advertisements
Great idea! To take it a step further, you could create an e-mail rule that automatically sends advertisements to their own folder and marks them as read, so you dont even have to bothered with them until you need them.


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Will My Auto Insurance Cover This?
Uninsured motorist coverage takes effect when you are in an accident with an uninsured driver. Its not likely to help you in this instance. But it wouldnt hurt to call your insurance company and just confirm that. I hope Ann is right, and all you need is a...


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Child Visitation Advice?
Sheila, I agree that you should not send your daughter to visit a stranger for 3 months, but youve asked for advice from the wrong source. Get thee to a lawyer ASAP. If you dont qualify for legal aid, it will be expensive, but this is your baby, and it sounds...


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Add a Large Dry Towel to Dryer Load
Im curious about this, too. I dont see how adding an extra towel to the dryer removes the water from the load any faster. The towel would soak up some of the water from the clothing, but then the dryer just has to dry the towel, too. So this tip seems to defy...


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Changes to Internet Explorer's Home Page?
Internet Explorer isnt a home page. Its a Web browser. Your home page is a Web site, and if youve never changed it, its probably MSN or something like that. Web sites change their designs periodically, and its nothing to worry about. It doesnt affect your computer...


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Buy Better Quality DVD's Instead Of Blu-Ray
Copying DVDs that dont belong to you is a violation of copyright law.


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Fixing Slippery Wooden Stairs in Apartment?
When you ask the landlord to fix the stairs, you might want to emphasize how youve already fallen down them a couple of times. If hes smart, hell start to worry that you might be injured and sue him, and that will tend to give him more incentive to make repairs...


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Dye Clothing in a Front Loading Washer?
Thank you, kffrmw88! I had been wondering about this, too.



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Recommendations for Full Figured Bras?
Glamorise is good, as is Olga. Both can be had at most any department store and also at online stores like Bare Necessities. Both specialize in full figures. Im frustrated that Glamorise doesnt make a bra in my size -- all theirs start a size up from me, but...


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Reviews of AAA Auto Club?
Ive been a member for about 7 years. AAA delivers on their promise to you to be there when you have car trouble. However, they are only as good as the providers you use, and some of these are better and more prompt than others. Last year, I called them for...


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Remedies For Cold Sores
I have used ice several times. It really does work. I didnt know you were supposed to take the cube off every 10-15 seconds and have been holding it on continuously for 20-30 minutes! (No harm done, just extremely cold skin.) Another good remedy to use for...


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Reviews of Cyber Defender?
You didnt ask for other suggestions, but a 7-year-old computer can be expected to run slow even without any viruses or other problems. Its outdated and probably running a version of Windows thats only partially compatible with todays applications and Web sites...


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Reducing the Cost of Orthodontia?
Nina, Ouch! I feel for you. Bear in mind that you probably dont need to do all three kids at the same time. Most braces nowadays are put on as a very routine part of growing up, rather than to correct a true abnormality in a childs bite. As long as there are...


Real Christmas Trees Are Green

Real Christmas Trees Are Green
Ellen, thank you for putting this together. People need to be reminded that some trees are grown especially to be cut down. Every time I hear the phrase killing trees when someone is talking about using paper, I cringe. As with Christmas trees, the trees used...


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Name for Web Template Business?
I suggest not using a name that incorporates the brand name of a large company like Marriott. Trust me, no matter how small and obscure you might think you are, you will eventually receive a cease-and-desist letter from a very big law firm. All the best for...


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Avoiding Charity Fraud?
I rarely donate to a charity that directly solicits me, and then only to well-known charities like the March of Dimes. The vast majority of my donations go to charities that I have heard about or sought out and then took my time researching. Web sites like...


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Watch PayPal For Fraudulent Charges
Thanks for the tip. I think its important to note that its not Paypal making the charges to peoples accounts, but rather a scammer who obtains Paypal user information through some fraudulent means like phishing. Paypal does need to be more on top of these situations...


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Oil Cleansing Method For Facial Cleanser
Thanks for this wonderful idea. Ive been looking for a substitute for DHC Olive Cleansing Oil, which I love but is expensive.


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My Debit Card Was Stolen and Used Online?
Shopping online isnt the problem. Shopping online with a debit card is what you must never do. Use a credit card, preferably one that offers disposable account numbers (Citibank and Discover do this). With a credit card, the money isnt being stolen directly...


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Inexpensive Ways to Lose Weight?
Whatever method you choose to lose, theres a free podcast you should listen to that will give you motivation and discipline like you never imagined possible: Inside Out Weight Loss. You can subscribe here: Renee is a gifted...



Oatmeal with bananas for hungry teens

Saving Money While Feeding Active Teens
Sterghe, where were you when I had a hungry teenaged boy? He ate so much cheese that I had to resort to buying him his own pack (and this is a big pack from Sams Club) and then declaring the pack everyone else shared off-limits to him. Your system sounds like...


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Type It Out to Remember
When studying, I do something very similar. But rather than typing the info verbatim, I summarize and paraphrase it. (Basically, I act as if I were an editor assigned the task of condensing the book.) I think this is even more effective than typing it verbatim...


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Keep an Eye on Automatic Debit Payments
I dont give any creditor my bank account info -- not unless they give me something in return. My car is financed with Capital One, and they gave me a slightly lower interest rate in exchange for my agreeing to automatic debit payments. But no one else gets...


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Persistent Feminine Itching?
My bet would be a yeast infection, as others have mentioned. Ive been there and got the T-shirt. Theres all kinds of advice on the Web for dealing with yeast, including dietary changes (less sugar and wheat products and adding yogurt), taking acidophilus, and...


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Use PayPal Instead of Credit Cards
Another precaution about Paypal: You dont get the same buyer protections through them that you will get with a credit card. I try never to use Paypal when Im the least bit unsure of a seller. I never spend any more money with Paypal than I figure I can afford...


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Homemade Recipes For Damaged Hair?
Coconut oil is the best deep conditioner ever. For best results, use extra virgin coconut oil (buy at health food store), heat it in the microwave for about 20 seconds. Work it into your hair and then comb it through well. Wear a plastic shower cap for up to...


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Birthday Party Idea - Gifts for an Animal Shelter
What a wonderful idea! Good for everyone involved: Party guests dont have to agonize and spend money on a gift for a human; the shelter gets much-needed donations; and your husband doesnt get stuck with a bunch of stuff he doesnt need!


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Colorful Perennials In Northern Texas?
Im in DFW as well and would like to know more about the mum idea. Is it a good idea to plant the potted mums like Home Depot and other stores sell, or should we grow our own from seeds?


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Remove Smell From HE Washers
I leave my HE washer door open for an hour or so after each use, and no smell. My husband cut off a paint stick at a slight angle, and I use this to prop the door open about 4 inches, so the wide-open door isnt in our way.


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Reviews Of Sleep Number Bed?
My husband and I looked into getting a Sleep Number bed to help with my back pain. He discovered a company called Comfort Aire ( that does the same thing (in fact, they claim the Sleep Number company founder is a former employee...


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Ebay Buying Tips
All you eBay sellers, Id just like to say one thing. Please ship promptly, and please be responsive to buyers. Five years ago, eBay was a fairly friendly place and not much bad happened there. But now we continually hear horror stories of phony feedback, hijacked...


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Reviews Of
I love eBates. Since joining about 3 years ago, Ive received about $250 in rebates. They do make you wait about 3 months after the purchase before collecting your money, but thats one of the ways theyre able to make a profit through their service, so what can...


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Ebay Buying Tips
All you eBay sellers, Id just like to say one thing. Please ship promptly, and please be responsive to buyers. Five years ago, eBay was a fairly friendly place and not much bad happened there. But now we continually hear horror stories of phony feedback, hijacked...


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Choose The Frugal Tips That Fit Your Lifestyle
Amen! I, for one, refuse to be guilted into cutting up my own vegetables. I know Im paying a huge premium for the precut veggies, but I work and study long and hard, and if I didnt buy precut, I wouldnt eat vegetables. And as for my housecleaning service, Im...


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Am I Charging Enough for a Cleaning Job?
Nina, will you please come clean my house in Texas for $40 for 4 hours? Im paying Merry Maids $130 for 2 people to spend about an hour doing a halfway job of it. Seriously, you have to charge more. Youre a businesswoman, and youre barely paying yourself more...


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One Saved Kitty!
Youve got one resourceful son there! Sometimes kids are better than adults at thinking outside the box.


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Litter Box Training a Kitten?
If you havent already, separate her from the mother cat so she doesnt get any reinforcement for outside the box thinking. Thoroughly clean any areas where mother cat has previously made deposits, using an enzyme cleaner designed for pet odors. Next, confine...


Adult Cat Nursing on a Male Cat?
I agree with Glenns Mom. Theres no reason to try to stop this behavior. Ive had cats who were weaned too early, and they will usually pick out something to nurse on. Normally, its an inanimate object like a fuzzy bed or your fuzzy house slipper. But I think...


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Keep Cats Off Kitchen Counters
But what do you do about when youre asleep or not home? Ive come home from work and found grains of cat litter on my dining table. Wonder how those got there? Cats learn quickly that the rules only apply when a human is within view.


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Allow Jar Candles To Melt When Using Oven
Yes! They sell candle warmers for this very purpose. Theyre the only way to go. I think the candle warmers are the same thing as what used to be called a desktop coffee warmer. Theyve gone down in price, too, and can be had at Bed Bath & Beyond for around $5...


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Low Carb Pasta Recipes?
Have you heard about spaghetti squash? It makes a decent pasta substitute. The shape and texture are very similar to angel hair pasta. The taste is quite a bit different, but not strong.


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Hard Lesson - What Cats and Dogs Can Swallow
Im so glad your cat made it through! I have my own $1500 cat. He has always lived inside, but he swallowed a plastic piece he bit off of a cat toy! So never assume something is safe just because its made for cats.


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Ive used them on and off for 5 years or so, but I dont really like them as a company. Heres my quick and dirty take: Pros: selection is unbeaten - they have lots of stuff you wont find anywhere else Cons: theyre expensive; they will auto-bill your membership...


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Getting Your Cat to Drink More Water
Usually when a cat wont drink water, its because he wants his water in motion rather than just sitting there. (I guess it seems stagnant to them when its still.) There are water bowls you can buy that use an aquarium-type pump to keep the water moving. I use...


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Use Cigarette Papers Instead of Expensive Facial Oil Blotters
Very cool tip! Get used to the oil: Im 41 and have had a hysterectomy, and I still get oiled up by mid-afternoon. Maybe we should both be grateful. But hey, maybe I wont get carded when I buy cigarette papers.


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Registering For Wedding Gifts When You Don't Need Anything?
The charitable donation is a good idea. I think you have to give people *some* outlet for their gift-giving urges in a situation like this. When I got married 3 years ago, my husband and I tried to go the no-gifts-please route; we even eloped and had no celebration...


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Security Tip for Single Woman
That is an extremely good tip! I wish Id heard it when I was single. I bet plenty of well-used work boots can be had in thrift stores.


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Recalculating Recipe Ingredients?
Since 4.5 = 1.5 x 3.0, can you simply multiply all the other quantities times 1.5? You might have to further reduce fractional amounts, but you could probably plug those numbers directly into Google using the convert ___ to ___ command.


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What is Extrusion Technology?
Um... This sounds like a homework question. Youll learn a lot more if you do your own homework. Just a thought.


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Cleaning CDs?
The blog Lifehacker has some good tips on cleaning and repairing CDs. I did a site search there for your issue, and here it is:


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Dry Skin Treatment for Cat?
I give my senior cat 1/2 of a Derma-Form tablet every day. They are easy to break in two and taste like treats. Before Derma-Form, she was scratching constantly, but she hardly ever scratches now.


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Fed Up with Cat Clawing Everything?
Personally, I wouldnt spend money on claw-clipping. At least try putting the cat on the floor, on his stomach, and then have one person sit on the cat (without putting their weight on him!) and hold him firmly in place with their thighs. Then person #2 should...


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Conditioning Curly Hair Before Straightening?
A conditioner is a good idea; go for one with smoothing in the name. But whats even more important when you straighten -- I assume youre using a flatiron -- is a heat protectant. I use Chi 44 Iron Guard and love it.


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Help For Invisible Eyebrows?
My problem is very similar to yours. Im a redhead with invisible eyebrows. I finally discovered EI Solutions Brow Enhance ( It uses a new technology to adjust to the true shade of your brows, and the texture is such that you can use...


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Frizzy Hair That Won't Hold Curls?
Smoochie, you might want to try flatironing. Your hair sounds almost exactly like mine, which is essentially straight but very frizzy and full of cowlicks that nice people politely call natural wave. It slips out of curling irons and will only hold a curling...


To Ship or to Shop?
Wonderful article, Kelly! Another thing to remember about online shopping is never click the submit order button until youve Googled for a coupon code for that store. Also, keep in mind the percentage of sales tax your locality charges. In mine, for instance...


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Fixing Bad Credit?
Actually, being added as an authorized user to someone elses card isnt the great plan it used to be. Because of the proliferation of businesses that were recruiting people with good credit and paying them to let strangers piggyback on their credit, the credit...


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Kenmore Oven Beeps "F2"?
I DONT HAVE ANY OTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE KENMORE F7 ISSUE. SORRY! We have a Kenmore oven, and ours did something very similar (F7 error). My husband was able to fix it with a piece of paper. He loves problem-solving, and he found through research that ours...


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Fixing Bad Credit?
There are a few companies that extend credit with no credit check -- Yves Rocher as mentioned, and also Fingerhut. But if youre trying to rebuild bad credit, they wont help you because they dont report your good payment history to the credit bureaus. To rebuild...


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Getting Pet Meds at a Regular Pharmacy
Are veterinarians authorized to write prescriptions for people?


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Lowfat "Grilled Cheese"
I make my grilled cheese the regular way, except I use butter-flavor cooking spray instead of butter. Tastes almost exactly like the real thing.


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Painting Living Room to Compliment Sage Kitchen?
I would go with a deep red -- something in the vermilion or maroon area. Would be a nice foil to the sage.


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Homemade Stationery As A Gift
Great idea! Those like me who arent artistic but are computer savvy can use a computer to make some nice -- but not as special -- custom stationery. Buy some nice paper that is safe to run through your laser printer and use an Internet image search to find...


Raised Stenciling With Spackle

Raised Stenciling With Spackle
Thats beautiful. Thank you for a terrific idea!


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Anti-Spyware Reviews?
AVG is great for antivirus, but Im not sure about it for spyware protection. Ive never relied on it for that. I use both Spybot and Ad-Aware (free version) ( You really need two products for spyware protection...


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Trick or Treat Gifts Instead of Candy
Tons of great ideas! I especially like the school supplies and coupons.


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Product Rating Web Site?
Try, which I use often. You can also join and post your own reviews.


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Cleaning a House with a Long Haired Cat?
Im not sure how you can be expected to keep cat hair out of a furnace filter when you only come every three weeks. If I were you, Id fire that customer! P.S.: Im paying $130 to have part of my single story house cleaned every 2 weeks, and they make *no effort...


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Preventing White Residue At Lipline From Lip Gloss?
I havent had that problem myself, but you might try a neutral lipliner -- one that matches your lip color as closely as possible, so that its not noticeable. Draw just inside your natural lip line and then purse your lips to smudge it just a bit so it looks...


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How To Prevent Lettuce Rotting In The Fridge?
I, too, put a paper towel in the bag with my lettuce. You might also try laying a section of folded newspaper in your veggie drawer to absorb excess moisture.


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Product Review: Almay SmartShade Foundation Makeup
I agree. I was skeptical about it, but it really does match itself to my skin. This is probably the first time Ive ever had a perfect match. It squeezes out of the tube almost white with brownish flecks, but even as you rub it in your fingers, it starts to...


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Finding a Date Online?
The Internet is the way to meet your match. I dont know what we ever did without it. Ive been married 1.5 years to a man I met online 4 years ago. There are a lot of sites, and I wont recommend one because Ive been out of it so long. But do shop around and...


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Finding a Date Online?
The Internet is the way to meet your match. I dont know what we ever did without it. Ive been married 1.5 years to a man I met online 4 years ago. There are a lot of sites, and I wont recommend one because Ive been out of it so long. But do shop around and...


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Building Credit With Credit Cards?
About ten years ago, I swore off borrowing from credit cards. But I still wanted to use them for convenience and points. I created an Excel spreadsheet checkbook register that includes a second set of columns for my credit card expenditures, payments, and balance...


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