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24 Posts | 427 Comments | Active Since 2010
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Which Types of Rice Are Safe to Use in Microwave Heat Pads?
Boring old white rice is what is typically used.


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Storage Drawer on Stove Wedged Shut?
Update, I got it open. Thanks for your advice. I tried everything, but what finally worked was to pull out the muffin tins under it (one of them I mashed up pretty badly before I tried this). Oddly enough, they came out like magic and then the glass pan just...


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Removing Denture Adhesive from My Mouth?
I just pull it off manually with my fingers, although mine doesnt particularly stick (maybe that is more specific to having only a small partial). I like Polygrip better than Fixodent, although I use both.


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Disposing of Free Address Labels to Prevent Identity Theft?
These ideas are good, but failing that, you can just recycle the paper. I recycle as much paper as I can.


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Calling 911 on a Land Line Without Home Phone Service?
I dont know that you cant do this, but generally if you dont have phone service you dont have a ring tone, etc....line is very dead.


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Keeping Buttons from Falling Off Leather Coat?
I would use some heavy duty thread, like quilting thread. You can add a touch of a good glue (tacky glue) or something on the last couple of rounds of sewing for extra stability (carefully on the glue).


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Using Self Stick Vinyl Floor Tiles on a Shower Wall?
I dont know, but I used some for grease protection back behind a stove (it sat out far from the wall) once in a house I owned. Sure easy to clean! I would imagine you would need some really heavy duty glue (over and beyond the self stick part) and maybe you...


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Crocheted Pot Scrubber?
Type in free crochet patterns on the internet and see what you come up with. I used to be a member of a site that had free patterns, but I dont remember what it was called.


adding shapes 7

Privacy Window Using Contact Paper
Way cool! I frosted my sliding glass door with frosting paint. It looks rather good, but I would have liked this better. I bought the house and presumed the door was dirty but as it turned out it was damaged (double paned), and also the room where the door...


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Is a Moldy Towel Safe to Use?
Yes, it would not kill you anyway, unless you tried to eat it (and probably not even then). :) Dorinmoz is correct.


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10 Month Old Child Can't Sit Up By Herself?
Probably your child is still within the range of normal, but if things dont change soon, you might need to consult your pediatrician. I will say this, my daughter loved her youngest child to the point he has not developing properly. She held him constantly...


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Inexpensive Decorations for a Fall Themed Wedding?
Leaves and candles seems cheap enough to me. You can buy bouquets of leaves at the dollar store and then just remove the leaves. For the candle holders Id go to thrift stores or garage sales and find cheap vases / glassware to put them in. (They dont have to...



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Thickening Canned Fruit Juice?
Have you tried cooking it with arrowroot? (generally cheaper at a health food store than a grocery store). Arrowroot makes a clear sauce and thickens like cornstarch or flour.


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Getting Rid of Fruit Flies?
You can also use a cup or bottle, put something yummy in it like honey or pieces of fruit (they especially like lemon) (they also like stuff that is rotten, like regular flies) and put Saran Wrap over the top, secure by taping or rubber band to the sides of...


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Antacid Tablets as Calcium Supplement
Yes, but they contain a large amount of aluminum which is implicated in alzheimers. One thing you can do it eat more vegetables (yes, they contain more calcium than most realize) and cut down on protein, which leaches out calcium. I fully believe that most...


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Recipe for Punch Made with Orange Sherbet?
Yes, you can add Sprite or 7 up and you will have delicious punch. I dont know if that is the same recipe you had, but still, it works well, I have used it a lot. I cant put this stuff down!


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Recipe for Punch Made with Orange Sherbet?
Oh, forgot to say, no real recipe. Just use a half gallon of sherbet (any kind is good), with a 2 ltr. of Sprite or 7-Up. If you want to make less use a quart of sherbert and maybe a half of the drink.


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Organizing a Side-by-Side Freezer?
Ikea. Container Store.


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Protect Floors with Dog Diapers
I think the diaper thing is great, if it works for you and the dog is ok and you are less stressed about the problem. I considered it for my two (I inherited them from my sick father, they were not trained and I have never trained a dog in my life and wasnt...


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Other Girls Being Mean?
The other two posters posts are right on. People tend to pick on people who are basically sweet and not very confident about themselves. I know about this, as it has been a problem for me all my life (I am now 58.) Anyway, stop apologizing and get strong. Build...


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Buying Adult Diapers in Bulk?
Here in Texas, I notice a lot of them at thrift stores. Some are pretty cheap prices, others not so much, but in general, still cheaper than the store. I dont use them myself, but I do notice because I am getting older and that day may come. You might also...


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Sharing Expenses With Live-in Girlfriend?
I definitely think she should pay something in the way of rent. If you want to be generous, you could make it a lot less than her previous rent, i.e. $400, $500. But if she balks at that, then I think you should think long and hard about this new arrangement...


Cap sleeve dress with polka dot sleeves and bottom.

Business Name for Online Handmade Children's...
Sew Me Cute Sew Very Cute Cute Sew & Sew Sew Very Me Sew(n) Extra Cute A Cute Above The Rest !~ Never Sew Sew Sew Extra Cute Swirls for Curls (no sew in this one) Anyway, I tried :).


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Life Span of Potato Jewelry?
Well, I cant give you an extra length of time as to how long it will last, but it will last a good while, Id say a couple of years at least. I dont really imagine your pets will try to eat it, it becomes as hard as a rock and sometimes blackens and I dont think...



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Refurbishing Vinyl Tile Kitchen Floor?
I have vinyl flooring which has chunks out of it here and there. I plan to remove mine and just paint the floor. I plan to paint it to look like rocks. However, this costs money also. But I did think about cutting out sections of it in damaged areas and just...


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Treating Psoriasis?
My BF is using tea tree oil on his and it feels like it is helping. It is best to dilute it in a carrier oil (canola, olive, etc). Its pretty potent. You can obtain it from Health Food Stores and high end grocery stores like Whole Foods, etc.. I notice Target...


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Selling Gift Cards on eBay?
It would be a bit of trouble (but worth it to avoid trouble), but you can go to each of the gift card stores or shops and get a print-out of what is on the card. Make them a copy and mail with the card and keep a copy (you keep original.) Also keep your receipts...


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Icing Too Runny?
Are you absolutely sure the cupcakes are completely cool before you ice them? If they are warm at all, it will cause the icing to melt.


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Homemade Coffee Filters?
I suppose you could make some out of a porous cloth or something, but theyd get messy looking in a hurry. Anything out of paper would probably not save you any $$. I have a permanent filter. Thats your best bet in my opinion. It is made of copper or stainless...


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Condo Management Company's Responsibility?
I doubt you can sue the management company, since you signed a release saying they arent responsible for damage to units. You might be able to get them on the charge that they were negligent in knowing what was going on with the property for an extended time...


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Disadvantages of Freezing Bananas?
Yes, you can freeze bananas. You cant thaw them out and eat like you would right out of the peel, but they can still be frozen and used inside other dishes (banana bread, for example) or they make delish treats. You can freeze them right in the peel and then...


Dog on carpet.

Effect of Alcohol and Water Carpet Cleaner on Dogs?
I dont know either, but would love to know what kind of a dog this is, also. Mine looks just like it in the head area. She is part Skye Terrier, but I dont know what the other part is and Id love to know.


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Expired Date on Yogurt?
Plain yogurt is more tart tasting than regular yogurt. It is real yogurt, most of the stuff with fruit added is little more than a dessert. Plain yogurt is an acquired taste, really. I doubt the taste had anything to do with the expired part. I dont recommend...


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Freezing Drinks Made with NutriBullet?
You might lose some nutrients but I am sure you would retain most of them, similar to any freezing that is done.


baby in costume

Shark Attack Baby Costume
So cute and what an imagination to construct it by!


A photo of Wava working with food in the kitchen.

A Tribute To My Mom
A lovely tribute to your Mom. Yes, accepting what is can be a greater challenge sometimes than what was. I read the three other posts and all of them are just lovely and thoughtful, also.



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Contacting HSBC Bank?
Customer Service 1-503-245-9280 Lost or Stolen Cards 1-800-283-8373 Technical Support 1-866-904-2147 Mon-Sat 8AM-Midnight ET PIN Self Select 1-866-548-8714 For the Hearing Impaired (TDD) 1-800-655-9392 Outside the U.S.


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Treating Ringworm?
Blow drying is not going to work. I doubt heat would kill it and if it did, youd have to get the blow dryer so close to your skin it would burn it. There are ring worm anti-fungals meds at your local pharmacy (non prescription). Look for one that specifically...


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Remedy for Dog Odor Even After a Bath?
Well, I have a Skye Terrier (2, mother and daughter). Mother smelled bad the other day even after a bath, so I sprayed her with vinegar (I use vinegar in a spray bottle for cleaning and other things). She smelled a bit like vinegar, but Id rather smell that...


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Leaving a Not Fully Inoculated Puppy in the Yard?
Well, he is not going to get sick from other dogs or get worms, but on the other hand, rabies is the scariest issue. I personally would not leave him outside until he has the rabies shot.


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Non Food Treat Ideas for Halloween?
Tiny bags of popcorn. Raisins or other dried fruit. Natural fruit leathers (no sugar added.) Sugarless candies. Pre-packaged cut up fruit (though this could get expensive.)


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Finding a Lost Relative? (see if he has a land line telephone). It will also bring up paying sites @ the bottom (several of them) and you can click on those. They wont give you a lot of info for free, but they can give you enough info @ times to be able to find something...


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Getting Rid of Weeds in the Vegetable Garden?
There are also home remedies for killing weeds. Type in home remedies weed killer on the internet and you will find some. Typically the home remedies contain a bit of dishwasher (hand) soap, etc. Also, you can put down black plastic (either trash bags or buy...


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Shelf Life of Loose Tea?
I dont know what the actual shelf life is, but if it goes bad it will likely just not have a good taste anymore and no, it wont poison you. Before you flavor it up with sugar or flavorings, taste it to see if it has a dulled taste. I never keep up with how...


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Using Hamburger Grease Instead of Bacon Fat?
Yes, you can unless you want the bacon smell of the bacon. However, since neither of these are good for you, Id limit the use of these.


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Getting Rid of a Mouse Without Poison?
They have these little traps which are little cages and they dont kill the mouse. They are called Have a Heart (or something to that effect). They are not low cost however, (compared to a trap) but they can kept and used indefinitely. I wish I could name you...


Herbs planted in canning jars.

Canning Jar Herb Garden
I love this! I am going to make a couple and might give some for gifts.


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Long Distance Relationships?
I am a grandmother and I am going to tell it to you like it is. He is dating other people and you should be also. You can care about him, but unless he agrees to be exclusive and one of you moves to the same place, this isnt much of a relationship. I know very...


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Using Vinegar for Cleaning?
The smell goes away in a bit. It is an awesome disinfectant since it kills over 90 percent of germs. And it is a wonder to remove wallpaper.


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Previously Potty Trained Dog Going in House?
Read the archive Retraining a Previously House Trained Puppy (below your post, in Related section). It makes perfectly good sense to me.


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Planning a Wedding on $3000?
Last time I looked Walmart (and other stores like that) carry quality jewelry (gold, sterling, etc). Surprisingly pretty stuff @ good prices. You can settle on a small engagement ring (price wise) and then later on you can buy something fancier after you have...


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Living Advice for $1000 a Month Budget?
Almost impossible. Utilities alone would eat that up. But $800 a month is not a horrible cost for a home, in fact, in a lot of places that would be considered low. If there is any way they could add another couple of hundred a month to the income, it would...


Removing Contact Paper From Windows?
Well, this is a little late for your deadline....but maybe it will be of help. I am currently removing wallpaper in my bathroom with straight vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray it on, give it a couple of minutes and the wallpaper is coming off like a charm. I...


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Food too Salty?
This is an old method....throw in a couple of uncooked potatoes and cook your dish at least 30 or more if you can get by with it. Remove and discard the potatoes. Dont know if it works, never tried it.


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Cleaning a Can Opener?
Vinegar will clean off rust. Soak just that the cutting part in vinegar. You can also use WD-40 to remove the rust (and then clean & dry thorougly). Also, scrubby powder and a scrub pad (the green ones) and then clean and dry thorougly. The best bet is never...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Cleaning a Can Opener?
As a postscript, the rust is not likely to hurt you anyway....dont toss them for a bit of rust. Will probably give you some extra iron. Just my opinion, I have used hand can openers exclusively for years and I am still here.


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Selecting Paperwork to Discard?
Keep credit card statements, utility bills, statements for car insurance, pay stubs, etc. about a year. Review them as you go if possible and then after a year, trash. Keep all documents related to any real estate or businesses you still own (deeds, tax statements...


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Making a Summer Top from Large Shirt?
I found this on google. I dont know how you search anything on here, frankly. It seems when I first joined you could and now, nothing.


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Freezing Vegetables for Stirfry?
Yes, you should blanch most of the veggies that you save for stirfry (squash, broccoli, green beans, etc). Green and red peppers, onions, celery, mushrooms dont have to be blanched, however.


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Fixing Loose Glasses?
The eyeglass place where you bought the glasses should be willing to repair them for free. If you dont want to go that route, you can buy tiny repair kits at most stores, even some dollar stores.


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Keeping Wasps Away from a Pool?
I dont know how you can specificially keep wasps away from a pool, but there are little plastic wasp catchers that you can hang around your patio or close by the pool to attract and catch wasps. They have holes in them and you add fruit or juice to the bottom...


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Finding a User's Manual for Dishwasher?
You can write the manufacturer (call, get on their website, etc) and request one.


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Shelf Life of Refrigerated Eggs?
Eggs can last a good while, even up to about 6 weeks if they are terribly fresh to start with. I wouldnt put that to the test though, 2 to 4 weeks is maximum and thats just my opinion. I buy eggs and dont use them all that much / quickly and they last a good...


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Removing Odors from Leather Purse?
If you paid by paypal, paypal guarantees refunds on some sales. Yours might be one of them. Check with paypal about this matter before you assume you have to keep this. Always check the refund policy of the seller before you buy anything off ebay and ask questions...


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Trouble Swallowing Pills?
This will sound weird. Put the pill in your mouth, take a good size drink of water and lower your chin to your neck and THEN swallow. This actually opens the back of your neck much wider and makes swallowing easier. I used to have trouble swallowing pills for...


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Reuse of Plastic Meat Trays?
I dont re-use plastic meat trays, myself. Nor plastic bags that I put meat in. I think the stress of trying to make sure there is no contamination isnt worth it. But to each his own. :)


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Weeds in a Veggie Garden?
Yes, you can use hay. Mulch helps also. They also help hold the water in around the plants and doesnt cost a whole lot if you get it in a big bag. They also sell this black mesh net stuff that helps (you lay it down like carpet). It isnt hugely expensive either...


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Hot Flash Relief?
Be sure and drink plenty of water. I have found that extra Vitamin E helps (dont overdo it). Black Cohosh is also very effective. Soy is probably the most practical thing in terms of cost and safety and ease of use.


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Treating Ear Mites?
Any health food type store. Central Market, Whole Foods, local places. You can also purchase it online, no doubt.


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Looking for "House Rules" Sayings?
Home Rules: If you sleep on it ... make it up. If you wear it ... hang it up. If you drop it ... pick it up. If you eat out of it ... put it in the sink. If you step in it ... wipe it off. If you open it ... close it. If you empty it ... fill it up. If it rings...


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Spacing Okra Plants?
I believe it is about a foot on any side (to the one in front and back of the plant, and across to plant on each side, if any).


Uses for Aloe Vera Plant?
Use it on your skin for burns or sores. It is also used cosmetically in facial washes, etc. And the juice is drinkable. It makes nice looking potted plants.


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Moisture Between Window Panes?
As far as I know, you wont be able to, you have to replace the window. This is one of the flaws of the double paned windows. Call a window store and ask, to be sure!


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Ants in the Kitchen?
Read the posts below your post (under Related) (archived messages from the past). One person said lemon juice, for example.


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Saving Money on School Clothing?
Not sure where you are but sounds like you are not in America, said with a smile. Here in America, people thrift shop like crazy. Nobody thinks a thing having second-hand clothes and shoes, etc. In fact it is a way to own designer clothes and purses and shoes...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Removing Skunk Smell from Clothing?
Try tomato juice. My Dad used to catch and sell skunks for a living (believe it or not). That was the only thing he used for removing the smell.


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Tomato Leaves Curling and Turning Brown?
Tomato leaves rarely just stay bright green all the time. They will have some leaves that curl up and turn brown. Mine are doing that right now and are producing tomatoes as fast as I can pick them. Hope your plants are still alive, that you did not fear the...


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Good Housekeeper Sewing Machine User Manual?
Type your sewing machine name and model # into the web and you should come up with some places. There are sites that specifically sell sewing machine parts and booklets. You can also try etsy, ebay, amazon, etc.


White vainty with black sink top.

Bathroom Vanity Unit Has Bad Smell?
Just a thought, but are you sure it is the vanity and not a smell coming out of the walls or the water pipes? If you think it might be the pipes, talk with a plumber. If you have something dead inside the walls that could be it, also.


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Ice Pack in Lunch Bag Makes Sandwich Bread Soggy?
Leave off the condiments and tomatoes, lettuce, etc. if you use those. Put them in a separate sandwich bag. The bread is absorbing the moisture from the wet stuff.


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Making a King Size Headboard?
Something with burlap might be interesting. I saw a roll of it on clearance last night at Walmart for $5. (garden section). It had a loose weave. I have no specific ideas for the burlap @ this time, though.


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Homemade Wet Look Hair Gel?
See all the archives (Related) below your post for ideas. Flaxseed juice, gelatin, etc.


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Are King Snakes Beneficial in the Yard?
There is no real reason to kill the King Snake unless you think it will bother or frighten any dogs or kids that are around (non-poisonous). They eat rodents and other smaller snakes, which are peskier (in my opinion) than the snake itself.


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Selling Unused Hair and Skin Care Products?
Yep, you can sell them. Ebay, Craigslist, Amazon, etc.


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Homemade Vegetable Wash Recipe?
Use a gallon of distilled (or boiled and cooled) or filtered water. 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 cider vinegar (white is ok also). Let the veggies sit inside the water about 5-10 minutes. (Dont use the whole gallon necessarily, pour into a bowl what...


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Homemade Vegetable Wash Recipe?
I failed to notice you said spray on. I am sure you could also spray this on, rinse and use.


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Checking an Ice Chest as Baggage?
(I doubt it, on account of the 9/11 security requirements we now have in place and the fact that it would be frozen). But maybe it could go in cargo.... Call the airlines and check or look at their website(s) and find their security requirements regarding food...


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Pumpkin and Tomato Soup?
You might be able to obtain it from that newspaper. Contact them.


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Yellow Squash End Rot?
Either too much or not enough water is likely the cause. Look for bugs on the plants, also.


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Using Coffee Grounds Around Roses?
I dont remember exactly what grounds add to soil (my mother also used tea grounds), but it is helpful to plants. If you want to use them around your roses, go for it!


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Introducing a New Puppy to Resident Cats?
Yes. Cats dont gravitate towards dogs. Give it time and they will probably like each other better. They dont have to actually like each other, just not hurt each other! LOL. I am at this moment visiting friends for the first time with my new dogs. My friends...


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Zebra Finch Laid Eggs?
Well, I dont know anything about Zebra Finches specifically, but I do know a few things about birds (do an online search on Zebra Finches to find out specifics). The mother birds usually feeds the babies, you dont worry about that. The daddy bird usually stays...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Freezing Onions?
You can freeze the whole onion but unless you are going to put it in a soup whole or something, Id suggest chopping it up. Its just easier to handle when you defrost it. And you can also get out small amounts as-needed, if you plan on using the onions a little...


Animal Cracker Magnets

Animal Cracker Crafts
Cute, cute idea. Creativity never ceases to amaze. I think I will make some for my nieces!


cream colored terrier

What Breed is My Dog?
My terrier is a Skye Terrier and has the blonde hair.


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Singer Treadle Sewing Machine Stopped Working?
Most of the time when thread bunches up under the fabric it is because of the bobbin is out of whack. There is a tiny little screw on it, which you can take a machine tool (tiny screwdriver) and adjust. I dont know anything about these older machines, you will...


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Asking 12 Year Old Boyfriend to Movies with Family?
This is the perfect way to begin the dating experience. With your family, under their subdivision and watchful eyes. I am 57 years old and this sort of thing was the beginning of my dating experiences. There are different ways to look at it, but I think it...


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Refilling Couch Cushions?
You see a fair amount of it at thrift stores also, if you care to look around for it.


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Planning a Baby Shower?
Well, there arent any rules about how many to invite. Depends on the size of the home or other place where you are having it, how many friends and family they have, how much you plan to spend, etc. A good amount is at least a dozen, besides mother-to-be and...


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Making Laundry Soap?
Patricia is right, you cant replace baking soda for washing soda, it is very different. You can replace the Nels with Zote Soap, however. It comes in large pink and white bars and is the laundry aisle of many grocery stores. It is very good for hand washables...


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Growing Morning Glories in Containers?
Yes, they grow well in containers.


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Chocolate Won't Stay on Bananas?
Add a tiny bit of good oil to it, stirring it in. (Olive, Canola, Sunflower). About a teaspoon or a little more. I just made chocolate covered strawberries with no problem. Make sure the bananas are dry and they need to be firm /ripe bananas (just yellow, not...


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Finding a Copy of 1992 Quicken Software?
Have you tried eBay? You will have to purchase it of course. There is generally a lot of this sort of thing on there.


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Keeping Mice Out of the House?
Sulfur. It has to be re-done after it rains. (Try a farm and ranch feed type store to obtain it.) If you have outdoor pets or small children you might want to refrain from using it. Of course, you need to seal all holes where mice get in.


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Selling Homemade Items Online?
I have sold on ebay for over 10 years (though not regularly) and etsy (although I have bought more on etsy than I have sold). Etsy and eBay provide you the website. (You can of course, go pay for and make your own website, but my advice is to start on some...


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Selling Homemade Items Online?
A couple of more things. Dont hold me to the fees, etc. for eBay, etsy. I basically sell mostly at Christmas and things change in the meantime :). Also, get to know your automated mailing machine @ the post office. This is a wonderful way to mail things, since...


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Shopping for Small Terra Cotta Pots?
Hobby stores carry small pots. Hobby Lobby, Michaels, etc. You might be able to eventually find some in the thrift stores (I have), but sometimes when you want something very specific you may as well try to buy new as you can waste more time and money (gas...


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Ideas for Using a Dremel Tool?
I personally use mine for making jewelry and wooden crafts. The dremel grinds, sands, drills (holes), cuts, etc. You can carve with it, of sorts. It can be very handy. Some people use it to trim their dogs toenails, not tried that on mine. It is handy for small...


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Traveling to Georgia and South Carolina?
Atlanta: to add to what bettinab answered: Stone Mountain is awesome. You can also see Margaret Mitchells House which is in the approximate same area of World of Coke, etc. There are some gardens there, I cant remember the name. At World of Coke be sure and...


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Making a Recycled CD Notepad?
Dont know about bypassing, but if you need a drill and dont want to pay a lot of money, Hobby Lobby carries a hand drill for craft purposes which is about $5.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Making a Recycled CD Notepad?
Dont know about bypassing, but if you need a drill and dont want to pay a lot of money, Hobby Lobby carries a hand drill for craft purposes which is about $5.


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Cheap or Free Computer Software Training?
You might check your citys recreation centers. They offer classes in numerous things, usually. Check the library also.


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Dog Has Odor Even After Bathing?
Dogs have a natural odor. When you bath them, its back in a day or two. They are not going to smell fresh very long. If you are expecting it /them to smell like a person who is clean, it wont happen. Actually people have a natural odor themselves after a day...


An electric plug in an outlet.

Saving Money on Electricity
I do all of the same things and it does make a significant difference. My utilities have always been a lot lower than most people I know, with no real compromises in my daily living.


Logo for ThriftyFun Questions

Homemade Weight Loss Dog Food Ideas?
My dogs eat regular dog food for the most part, but I sometimes feed them baked potato, which the point of my saying that is they will eat vegetables. Id say less meat, more veggies and other grains... and control her food! You do not have to keep a bowl full...


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Substituting Gelatin for Pectin?
Well, not a food expert, but no, I dont think you can exchange gelatin for pectin. The properties of both are different. Wait to hear from someone else though, with more authority. (smile)


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Inexpensive Backing for a Latch Look Rug?
Consider using burlap. Its fairly inexpensive and it isnt made to be pretty, its made to be sturdy.


Bread in pans after being baked.

Bake Bread With Your Grandchildren
Very sweet story. I love homebaked bread! I hope she will remmember you also. I hope mine will remember me.


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Easy Quilt Pattern for a Beginner?
Yep, Redhatterb is right. Squares are the easiest for a beginner and dont make them too small while you are at it.


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Plastic Lid Storage Dilemma?
Another solution is bagging them. And hanging up the bag inside a cabinet door or ?. Not really easy to access, but it can work.


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Painting Over Mirror Squares?
There are paints made for painting over mirror and glass. Contact your local hobby store or home improvement store for help.


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Making Potato Jewelry?
Peel the potatoes and cut them in the (relative) shapes you want, typically squares or rectangles. (They dry how ever they want, it is not completely controllable). Put toothpicks, wire or something inside them to keep a hole in them. Let them dry about a week...


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Hanging Vinyl Fabric Instead of Wallpaper?
This is from an article I found on the web: I started to look for temporary projects that were quick, and simple and I came across one that I think will be fun and make a big difference: Using fabric as temporary wallpaper. I wanted an accent wall in the bedroom...


Mr. Jingles, a dumbo rat, standing on a person's arm eating cheese

Mr. Jingles (Dumbo Rat)
Just adorable. Cutest pic I have seen in a while. Yes, they make good pets. Ive have known several rats well!


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Painting a Concrete Lawn Ornament?
There are paints for concrete. Go and speak with someone in the paint dept. at your home improvement store. You might even check a hobby store for paint that might work, although it wont come in any quantity of size, probably only good for parts (like eyes...


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